Cultural Competence
Cultural Competence
Cultural Competence
ike it or not, it is a global economy and team cannot ignore the need to prepare the
borders are disappearing. Your cus- organization for this global economy.
tomers and resources are scattered
across the globe: products await parts from a Ill-prepared
manufacturer in another country, customer Consider this situation: A manager is confident
service is handled elsewhere, some employees that the two-hour cultural awareness ses-
are located in remote locations, your suppli- sion she attended has prepared her for her job,
ers and business partners are from unfamiliar until she starts working in a multicultural set-
countries, you are reporting to someone who up. How does this manager apply the cultural
does not speak your language or speak it the awareness training in meetings, marketing, ne-
way you are accustomed in your business in- gotiations, supervising, and every other touch
teractions, and your company is owned by a point in the business value chain? That was not
company from another country. part of the training.
Everyone in the organization needs to under- Culture influences behavior in all aspects
stand how to interact with subordinates, peers, of workplace interactions. How well you play
supervisors, clients, suppliers, and other key in this global economy is a function of your
constituents from different cultures. Many orga- cultural competency. However, technical and
nizations, both small and large, have outsourced professional competencies sometimes take a
parts of IT, customer service, manufacturing, back seat.
telemarketing, and many other services to sup- Thus, it is a strategic imperative that ev-
pliers around the world for financial reasons and ery management training program address the
availability of specific talent. question: How do you employ the techniques
So, to offer cultural awareness training as and learning content, which work well in your
a separate program is ignoring the presence culture, if you are sitting across the room from
of culture in every fiber of human interaction people raised in other cultures? Take this quiz
in the business world. The talent development and see why:
September 2015 | TD 61
• Is the person in the next office from Ger- place behaviors. National culture supersedes
many, France, or Japan? corporate culture. Culture manifests itself in a
• Are all your team members from your person’s purchasing habits, approach to proj-
country? ects and problems, participation in meetings,
• Have you been in a meeting with some- negotiations, recruiting, management style, and
one who has an accent you could not every other aspect of the job or business.
understand? Here are a few examples to illustrate this
• Do you wonder why a co-worker stands point:
up when you walk to his desk? • Meetings—Some countries use meetings
• Are you confused by the outcome of a ne- to make decisions, while others use them
gotiation with an Asian partner? to celebrate decisions made behind closed
If you answered yes to more than half of doors. Some start with an agenda, yet oth-
these questions, you should understand why ers are offended by one.
it is critical to know how to work with people • Communications—A colleague’s indirect
from other cultures. way of conveying a negative message so
that he does not hurt your feelings is in
Culture touches every part contrast with your “get to the point” style
of the business that he finds rude, not direct.
Making the product and marketing, sell- • Negotiation—In some Asian countries, ne-
ing, and servicing it can happen anywhere in gotiation starts after the contract has been
the world. Making assumptions, judging, and signed. Paper takes a back seat to people.
drawing incorrect conclusions when interact-
ing with people from other cultures can cause A true learning need
project delays, poor business deals, customer A two-hour lecture on cultural gaps will not
defection, and major financial losses. suffice. People need to understand the role cul-
Let’s face it: A country’s culture influences ture plays at work and how they can leverage
the behavior of its people, whether they remain the strengths of each individual to raise effi-
in the country, travel, or migrate to another ciency and productivity. Fixing an accent issue
country. It affects family, social, and work- is a Band-Aid to a deeper and larger wound.
It takes me back to the era of total quality
management, where one division was sad-
dled with the responsibility of launching and
Cultural Mix-Ups managing it. Despite the valiant efforts of this
division, TQM failed to make an impact on
Examples of business scenarios where cul-
customer satisfaction, which should have
ture has direct application:
been the goal of the company and the mantra
• Selling to a global customer—likes, of every employee.
dislikes, offensive communications, Change happened when TQM was re-
decision-making process. invented as change management, was spon-
• Marketing—packaging products, sored by the C-suite, and touched every fiber
branding, advertising, and public of the company. It was no longer a buzzword
relations. with poster boards, trophies, plaques, cups,
• Customer service—greetings, respond- and mugs; it became an integral part of the
ing to questions, accents. organization. When customer satisfaction was
• Supplier selection and management— on the strategic dashboard affecting incentives
IT support outsourcing to countries like and every employee was trained, change hap-
India and China, miscommunications pened. Change was the theme of training. As
causes delays in deliverables. a certified change management specialist, I
speak from my experience.
62 TD | September 2015
Culture is like a thread that runs across train managers in your organization to work
the organization with a latent impact on busi- with a multicultural workforce, management
ness outcomes. Organizations don’t recognize team, supplier base, and customers. Deliver a
it. But if they do, they deal with it by offering comprehensive program that identifies chal-
as-needed cross-cultural training—perhaps lenges and opportunities present in global
a two-hour or half-day on-site or virtual relationships that affect productivity.
workshop, if there is money in the budget.
The training program is offered to those Five-step guide
employees who are traveling abroad or work- Here is a step-by-step guide to integrate
ing directly with international counterparts. cross-cultural expertise in management
Pain is felt when a company is acquired by a training. Of course, this guide should be cus-
company from another country. Acquisition tomized to each organization, based on its
by itself can cause confusion between two particular circumstances and needs.
corporate cultures, and it can be totally dis- Step 1: Global assessment. Identify the de-
orienting when the two are from two diverse mographics (country) of your customers,
national cultures. So, management training suppliers, and employees. Most companies
must integrate culture. probably have some of this information in
a database. Then, gather input on:
A strategic imperative • issues employees are facing in cross-
The time has come for cultural awareness cultural interactions
to become a strategic imperative, cascading • damage done by these issues to business
through the organization to create better un- outcomes
derstanding. The talent development function • how they handle these issues now.
should adopt the principles in all its train-
ing efforts, starting with the bank teller who
greets a customer from another country to the
person facing the intimidating prospect of ne-
gotiating a contract with a room full of people CULTURAL AWARENESS MUST BECOME
from different countries. A STRATEGIC IMPERATIVE, CASCADING
Sometimes people walk away with the mis-
taken conclusion that the negotiation failed
because the terms were unacceptable. It is in- BETTER UNDERSTANDING.
conceivable to them that perhaps the reason
was a cultural mistake—they were addressing
their comments to a manager when his boss
was present, making the boss lose face.
I am not suggesting training be given on each
country. But exposure to behaviors triggered
by culture, along with the theory behind gaps
in communication, will sensitize people. For ex-
ample, why are some countries more process
driven while some cling to relationships? Why
can’t some countries start a project without
knowing the people working with them? Why
are others comfortable interacting with a team
of unfamiliar people, focusing on the project at
hand? What are some broad guidelines in work-
ing with people of different cultures?
For optimum efficiency and productivity,
September 2015 | TD 63
Step 2: Program development. Build a list of tion of clients and suppliers, expectations,
cross-cultural gaps by country, damage to decisions, and loyalty)
business, and current handling of gaps. Then • communication (verbal and written com-
work with country experts in your company or munication, and conflict resolution/
outside consultants to: negotiation)
• Understand the reason for the gaps— • recruiting and retaining (motivating
understand the country. employees).
• Determine tools and techniques to close Step 4: Integrate modules. Determine which
the gaps (dos and don’ts). of the modules from Step 3 are applicable in
• Implement case studies, teamwork, and your management training programs and ap-
role plays. ply the modules as appropriate. For instance,
Step 3: Create modules. Prioritize issues by training on supplier management could in-
extent of damage to business outcomes. Sort clude modules on cultural gaps in work ethic,
it by cultural differences in values, behaviors, business values, motivation, conflict reso-
and communications, such as: lution, negotiation, and communication in
• business values (work ethic and business general.
culture) Step 5: Delivery and follow-up. Ensure that
• manager-subordinate relationship (de- trainers facilitate integrated training—content
cision making, delegation, evaluations, should address the theory behind culture,
recognition, taking initiative, sharing application in the workplace, and country
ideas) differences. Some tips:
• client and supplier relationships (percep- • Bring in a country expert for Q&A.
• Schedule follow-up webinars in three
months to reinforce learning and address
• Measure success and revise programs
Cultural Training Integration accordingly.
64 TD | September 2015
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