May 2022 MRCS Part A Recalls - 1
May 2022 MRCS Part A Recalls - 1
May 2022 MRCS Part A Recalls - 1
May 2022 Team Recalls
Together we Can Together we did it Together we will Continue, with the Grace of God
4. H/o stoma correction 3 months back, swelling at that site, now come with sudden
abdominal pain, vomiting - incisional hernia
7. 7. Mid tarsal #, managed, came after 10yrs, with new onset of pain - Primary OA/2nd
10. Smoker 1 peripheral lung lesion with 2 other ground glass opacity - Squamous cell Ca /
adenocarcinoma/ small cell ca
13. 1 qs regarding post dislocation hip movement lost - knee flexion lost: sciatic nerve injury
14. scenario of pregnant pt ,3rd trimester(fhx father recent MI at 65), tightness of chest,neck
veins were distended - may b massive pul embolism
15. Plan Elective inguinal herniotomy under LA, temp 35 - 250 ml warm iv fluid/start ot with
forced intraoperative air warming/intaperitoneal warm fluid/ op under GA
16. Female painless swelling visible on standing immediately goes away on lying, positive
cough impulse, no thrill - I choose Saphena varix, many say F. Hernia
17. Qs about burn fluid calculation (2 forearm + Ant surface of BL thigh ; 70/80kg)
18. Qs about CPP measurement (BP 125/75, ICP 30, JVP 10)
20. Pt e MM in situ, complete excion e 2 mm/1cm (cant remember) margin clearance, what
to do next? - I choose discharge e self education
21. 20 y female e 3 cm breast lump, FNAC benign, what inv to do - US 3 month review/core
biopsy/excision bio/discharge
23. Athlete, knee twisting injury, immediate swelling, came after few months, ant drawer test
positive > Ant cruciate lig injury (Fawzia)
24. type of amyloidosis in cardiac biopsy- AL amyloid, AA amyloid, beta microglobulin. Ans
is AL amyloid
25. elective surgery with hypothermia what to do and the wasn't choice to postpone and last
choice was critical incident report / inf 250 ml warm saline
26. ureter blood supply all except ( renal , gonadal , uterine , ileolumbar superior vesical )
28. parathesia & tingling sensation of palmar and dorsal surfaces of little and ring finger all
choices are ulnar but which branch ( dorsal branch of UN/ superficial branch of UN/UN
injury palmar / injury at wrist , injury at upper forearm )
29. painful ulcer above lateral mallelolus absent pedal pulse diabetic h… what risk factor (
atherosclerosis , diabetic , vasculitis , venous, HTN)
30. 80 years alcoholic 7 units per week , history of few times previous confusion & patient is
taking thiazides diuretics for HTN , preop Na 130 … post op confused which one more
risk for confusion ( age , previous confusion , sodium , alcohol, HTN)
34. ROOT value for lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh and passes lat / on/ medial pf
psoas muscle
35. origin of tympanic Cavity ( 1st pharyngeal pouch, 2nd pharyngeal cleft, tonsillar cleft)
36. asymmetrical smile which branch of facial nerve affected ( zygomatic , marginal
mandibular , buccal , mental nerve…..)
37. 23 years female with breast lump which imaging give you DEFINITIVE diagnosis ( us ,
mamo , MRI )
38. Cancer cervix mets to internal iliac nodes which 2 other groups draining ( ext iliac and
inguinal , ext iliac and sacral , inguinal and aortic , sacral and aortic ….)
39. Burn calculation fluid 2 FRONT thighs, 2 forearms , 80 kgs, adult patient
40. Post op patient NPO paralytic ileus which fluids gives him sufficient sodium ( 2 D5
+NS0.18 , 2D5+1NS0.9 , 3L HARTMAN …..)
43. ERCP is done in patient with benign CBD stricture , after 12 hours of procedure, fever
and abdominal pain( stone , cholangitis , pancreatitis,duodenum rupture …..)
44. Pancreatitis for 5 days CT show non enhancment of part of body and tail and huge
collection behind the pancrease, contrast perfusion was restricted( psuedocyst ,
necrosis,mass, abscess)
45. Trauma to knee, now lower limb pulse less and no sensation. Nature of injury?
- Patellar dislocation
- Supracondylar fracture femur
- fracture tibial candles
- fracture shaft femur
48. What structure is in relation to both first and second parts of duodenum?
- Ureter
- Gonadal artery
- Right kidney
49. Fluid collection in knee joint & pain . No trauma, no fever . Wbc value is normal. What is
the diagnostic investigation?
- Arthroscopic
- Aspiration and microscopic examination
50. No wrist movements and loss of sensation lateral part of forearm. Site of injury?
- Radial nerve
- Ulnar nerve
- Musculocutaneous nerve
51. Calculation of glomerular filtration pressure. Hydrostatic & oncotic pressure for
bowman’s capsule etc. given.
56. Choice of treatment 10×3 cm , over shin , exposing bone - flap, primary stsg, delayed stsg
57. Choice of treatment- flap injury over tibia- excise flap and stsg , only stsg,
59. Loss of strong grip after injury in the axilla like cant hold suitcase handle .- post cord /
median/ ulnar/ radial
60. Reciprocal of absolute risk reduction - number need to treat / relative risk
61- family doctor.doesnt follow instruction of hospital doctor in giving medicine - medical audit /
inform medical council /incident report/review prescription
62- structure lies medial to phrenic while entering thorax from neck on rt side - trachea/ br trunk /
subclav art/ br vein / right atrium
64- structure injury in level 5 neck dissection on post triangle supraclavicular area will produce -
arm weakness / winging / tongue deviation / (CN11 injury)
65- anterior feature of heart - formed by mainly left ventricle/ ant coronary art is visible / right
branches of coronary artery visible
66- Femoral artery site - between ASIS and public tubercle/ between ASIS and public
67- flaccid muscles lower limbs, areflexia- site of lesion? upper motor/ lower motor/
69- Humeral shaft fracture with thyroid Ca - ? Follicular/ Medullary/ papillary/ undifferentiated
73- Potential space? Sinus tarsi is formed - sinus between- calcaneus and cuboid/ talus and
calcaneus/ calcaneus and navicular
74- 10 month old child passing blood, crying- intussuception/ Meckel's/ Juvenile polyp/ anal
75- Senior doctor have his opinion regarding managing a patient. Level of evidence? - l/ll/lll/lV/V
77- Patient complains discomfort to loud noises after accident. Injury to which nerve? -
81- GCS score- opens eyes to pain, localised to pain and can speak words but
incomprehensible(GCS was 9)
82- which ionotrope stimulates mainly alpha receptor with some agonism of beta receptor ,also
used in rx of septic shock ? Noradrenaline
88- Cause of sweating after parotid surgery while eating- reinnervation by auriculotemporal
89- Sudden onset pain in heel while playing, unable to walk- Achilles rupture (Simmonds test)
90- swollen knee, no history of trauma definite way to diagnose- Joint fluid aspiration/ xray/
91- hot water burn in a young child,entire forearm or upper limb, patient have vesicles:
occlusive dressing, leave it open
93.Past h/o of dysuria and urethral discharge 1 year back. Now presenting increased frequency
and poor urinary flow: urethral stricture
97- Multiple fracture patient has lost more blood,first substance released in response to
hypotension- renin/angiotensinogen/angiotensin 2
102- Pt with SOB and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure>20 mmHg- Heart failure
103- Pt undergone aortic valve replacement develops HR of 40/min: Chose Left ventricular
failure, other options: Heart block/ Cardiac taponande
104- Child with swollen tonsil, meeting in midline, membrane covering the tonsil bleeds on
attempted removal and has fever- Chose diphtheria, options- Acute tonsillitis/Quinsy, diphtheria
105- postsplenectomy what is not seen- choose Low WBC count, other option basophilia/target
cell/ papenheimer body/heinz body
106- Mediastinal widening where is the site of injury: Choose descending aorta
107- Pelvic fracture with high riding prostate: Membranous urethral rupture
108- immunoblast seen in pt with fever and lymphadenopathy: (choose Non hodgkins
lymphoma,) /hodgkins lymphoma
109- Peripheral ca lung in smoker with 2 ground glass opacity: Adenocarcinoma/ SCC/ Small
cell carcinoma
110- Head injury, wife reports loss of consciousness for 15 sec, GCS-15/15 - Admission and
observe/ Urgent Ct/ discharge with instructions
119- Parietal lobe mass with homonymous hemianopia: optic radiation, optic tract
120- Calf pain without pulse: stenosis at popliteal artery/ superficial femoral artery/ external iliac
124- Dryness of eyes Following le forte fracture : Pterygopalatine ganglion/ ciliary ganglion/
submandibular gangilion
125- Veteran Nurse with allergic reaction with gloves: Type IV hypersensitivity reaction
145.A patient presented with obvious ecchymosis on her body also some evidence of abnormal
healing.which vitamin is deficient for this
A.vit A
B.Vit B
C.Vit C
D.Vit K
E.Vit 12
Majority choose vit c,may be ans is vit K