Howrey Seekingtherightbalance
Howrey Seekingtherightbalance
Howrey Seekingtherightbalance
A number of recent cases confirm that disparities remain in how European and US
courts tackle conflicts between the competition and intellectual property laws.
Companies need to be aware of the impact competition rules can have on the value of
their IP, say Isabel Davies, Bruno Lebrun and Andreas Stargard of Howrey
September 2005 1
The main European regulation dealing with the competi- In IMS (IMS Health GmbH v NDC Health GmbH, 2004),
tion aspects of IP licensing is the 2004 Regulation on technol- the ECJ attempted to clarify these circumstances. IMS pro-
ogy transfer agreements, whose implementation is detailed by vides data on regional sales of pharmaceutical products in
Guidelines that may the national courts and competition agen- Germany. It had developed a brick structure that became stan-
cies, which have become the natural enforcers of EC antitrust dard for presenting sales. In its preliminary ruling, the ECJ
rules since May 1 2004. That means that the Commission is decided that, in this case, the refusal to grant a licence on the
unlikely to be involved in disputes relating to technology copyright of this structure, indispensable for providing phar-
transfer agreements – companies have to assess on their own maceutical sales data, could constitute an abuse of a dominant
the compliance of their agreements with antitrust rules. position if the following conditions are fulfilled:
The new Regulation applies to all technology licence agree- “The undertaking which requested the license intends to
ments concluded between two parties. These are defined as offer, on the market for the supply of the data in question,
patent licensing, know-how licensing, software-copyright new products or services not offered by the copyright
licensing or mixed licensing agreements (also including copy- owner and for which there is a potential consumer
right in software and designs). demand;
The scope of the new Regulation is defined through a The refusal is not justified by objective considerations;
market share threshold. Agreements between competitors The refusal is such as to reserve to the copyright owner the
with a market share of less than 20% and between non-com- market for the supply of data on sales of pharmaceutical
petitors with less than a 30% market share benefit from the products in the Member States concerned by eliminating all
exception in Article 81(3), as long as the agreement does not competition on the market.”
contain one of the so-called hard-core restrictions.
Agreements between parties with market shares in excess of This judgment clarifies when a refusal to license can
the thresholds of the Block Exemption will not be per se ille- become an abuse and when a licence can be imposed on the IP
gal, as they are subject to individual assessment. “[T]here is owner. But this may prove difficult in practice. For example,
no presumption of illegality of agreements that fall outside the undertaking requesting the licence must “intend” to offer
the scope of the Block Exemption provided that they do not a “new” product. It may be difficult to define what constitutes
contain hardcore restrictions of competition”. However, they the novelty of a product or the extent to which that “new”
must be carefully assessed to determine whether they could product competes with the existing product of the IP owners.
restrict competition. The mere fact that the undertaking requesting the licence must
An agreement is prohibited when it provides hardcore so “intend” may be controversial. The request for a licence
restraints, such as price-fixing, limitation of output, or allo- may be based on one product, which the undertaking may not
cation of markets. Others are blacklisted, such as restric- be able to produce, and still use the licence for producing
tions on the licensee to use its own technology. Both parties another product that could not be “new”. There is still a lot of
must carry out their own research and development, room for interpretation.
whether or not in the field covered by the licence. Price The Court of First Instance may use the appeal of the
restrictions and restrictions on passive sales are also prohib- Microsoft decision to clarify how to apply the IMS test. On
ited (the licensee must be able to respond to unsolicited March 24 2004, the Commission fined Microsoft €497 mil-
orders from customers in another exclusive territory or cus- lion for abusing a dominant position. The main issues are
tomer group; this restriction was authorized for five years access of the interoperability information necessary to com-
under the previous regulation). pete with Microsoft on the workgroup server market and
If some terms breach Article 81, the agreement is not void Microsoft’s automatic inclusion of its Windows Media Player
(unlike hardcore restrictions), but the restrictions will fall into PC operating systems. Only the first issue questions more
away. They include the non-challenge clauses and the exclu- specifically the relationship between IP and antitrust, as rec-
sive grant-back or assignment to the licensor of severable ognized by the Commission in its decision: “it cannot be
improvements or new applications of the licensed technology. excluded that ordering Microsoft to disclose such specifica-
Non-exclusive grant-back is not prohibited, and payment of tions and allow such use of them by the third parties restricts
grant-back compensation is irrelevant. The new Regulation the exercise of Microsoft’s intellectual property right.”
authorizes non-compete obligations whereby the licensee is The Commission emphasized that the refusal to grant a
prevented from using competing third-party technologies. licence cannot generally constitute an abuse of a dominant
position, but may do so in “exceptional circumstances”. It
Article 82 EC noted that Microsoft was “the de facto standard operating
Article 82 prohibits the abuse of a dominant position in the system product for client PCs”, and was dominant for work-
EU. IP ownership does not automatically confer a dominant group server operating systems. The two markets are closely
position, but it is possible for an IP right to result in or con- linked due to interoperability requirements. In refusing to pro-
tribute to a dominant position. vide full interoperability information, in particular to Sun
The tension between competition and IP laws becomes evi- Microsystems, Microsoft encumbered others to interoperate
dent in cases where the Commission seeks to impose compul- with Windows, restricting competition in the workgroup serv-
sory licences after the holder’s withdrawal of or refusal to er operating systems market.
grant a licence. The Commission found the refusal was part of a general con-
In Magill (RTE and ITP v Commission, 1995), the ECJ first duct pattern whereby Microsoft exploited a range of privi-
held that a refusal to grant a licence is not an abuse, even if the leged connections between its dominant PC operating systems
licence-holder is in a dominant position. However, it also stat- and its workgroup server operating system. It concluded that
ed that, in “exceptional circumstances”, the exercise of an the refusal to disclose interoperability information limited
exclusive right by the owner could involve abusive conduct. technical development on the market and was harming con-
The scope of these exceptional circumstances remains contro- sumers; it required Microsoft to disclose interface documenta-
versial. tion and to conclude licences on fair and reasonable terms.
2 September 2005
Microsoft appealed the decision to the CFI, which will have observed that not the end-consumers but the traders benefit
to consider the Commission’s position in light of the test in from parallel trade, because the product price is defined by the
IMS. In particular, the Court will have to decide whether inter- state. While he stressed that this was “highly specific” to the
operability is necessary to issue a “new product” as defined in pharmaceutical industry, the Syfait arguments can be extend-
IMS. ed to other sectors.
Briefly after IMS, the ECJ missed an opportunity to clarify On June 15 2005, the Commission fined AstraZeneca €60
the year-old question regarding the conditions under which the million for breaching Article 82 by misusing the patent system
refusal by a dominant company to supply in full wholesalers’ and the procedures for marketing pharmaceuticals to delay the
orders to control parallel trade is illegal. In Syfait v market entry for generic competitors to its drug Losec. It is the
GlaxoSmithKline, a wholesaler in Greece complained before first time the Commission has decided that the abusive use of
the Greek competition authority against GlaxoSmithKline’s patent and regulatory procedures could constitute a breach of
refusal fully to supply its orders. Unfortunately, the ECJ Article 82. AstraZeneca abused its dominant position because
declined jurisdiction, because the Greek national competition it made misrepresentations to national patent offices to obtain
authority is not a “court” and therefore not entitled to request undue additional five-year extensions of its Losec patent,
a preliminary ruling. thereby delaying the entry of competing generics, and because
Advocate General Jacobs opined that a pharmaceutical it requested national medicine agencies to withdraw authori-
manufacturer does not per se abuse its dominant position by zation for Losec capsules, and instead to authorize the new
refusing to supply in full wholesalers’ orders, even if aimed at tablet form.
limiting exports. Jacobs noted that all European countries
influence the price of pharmaceutical products in their territo- The US situation
ry, creating opportunities for parallel trade. By attempting to Federal Circuit law governs all antitrust claims as long as they
prevent parallel imports, pharmaceutical companies are trying are related to the patent. The Circuit deems itself to be in the
to avoid the consequence of an EU-wide application of the low best position to impose and maintain uniformity of the patent
prices imposed upon them in some member states. In Jacobs’ laws. Pleading an antitrust case generally requires a fairly low
view, unlimited parallel trade in the pharmaceutical industry standard: the facts must “at least outline or adumbrate” a vio-
would eventually harm this industry where research and devel- lation, otherwise the plaintiff “will get nowhere merely by
opment are crucial. dressing them up in the language of antitrust” (Rutman Wine
Wholesalers in the pharmaceutical industry are obliged to v E&J Gallo, 9th Circuit 1987).
ensure appropriate and continuous supplies to cover the needs Until recently, one had to allege all requisite elements of a
of member states’ patients. This obligation casts doubt on the substantive antitrust claim (such as antitrust injury or market
reasonableness and proportionality of requiring manufactur- power), but this has potentially changed with the Federal
ers to supply wholesalers in low-price member states when Circuit’s recent Illinois Tool Works v Independent Ink opin-
they intend to export the products to high-price states. Jacobs ion, holding that proof of market power in a patent tying case
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© 2005 HOWREY
September 2005 3
is no longer required. The most common antitrust claims in IP- merase chain reaction and thermal cycler instrument tech-
related cases remain the tying of IP-protected goods to other nology, purportedly violating plaintiffs’ patents. MJR coun-
goods; fraud in the procurement of the IP right (Walker- terclaimed that the plaintiffs licensed and enforced their
Process actions); the patent misuse defence (the illicit and anti- patents anti-competitively, alleging a horizontal hub-and-
competitive enlargement of the patent’s scope); challenges to spoke conspiracy.
mergers under § 7 of the Clayton Act, due to the parties’ The court bifurcated the trial, hearing infringement issues
unique IP assets; discriminatory licensing or pricing under the first and antitrust claims second. A month before the jury’s
Robinson-Patman Act; the foreclosure of a competitor’s use of $19.8 million infringement verdict and the court’s subse-
IP assets in furtherance of a Sherman Act § 1 boycott or car- quent denial of MJR’s antitrust claims, however, the defen-
tel, or their use in aid of monopolization illegal under § 2; and dant went into bankruptcy. The court held that MJR not
sham patent litigation. only lacked cognizable antitrust injury and thus standing,
but also that plaintiffs’ licensing program did not constitute
The right balance horizontal price fixing and did not extend the lawful scope
Eight years ago, Joel Klein, former assistant attorney gener- of the patent grant. The evidence failed to show a fixed mar-
al at the DOJ Antitrust Division, observed in front of the ket price, instead indicating a wide range of retail prices for
AIPLA that, “the intersection of antitrust law and intellec- the cylinders.
tual property has become a major agenda item for the Applera shows that price-fixing claims based on IP licens-
Antitrust Division.” Today, this often invoked intersection ing must be based on more than mere 1) evidence of improp-
has grown from a rural four-way stop to a major highway’s er motive, 2) imposition of a licensing fee covering only the
cloverleaf interchange: the courts no longer hear only the patented technology, 3) multiple licensing, which is not a per
notorious Walker-Process or patent-misuse defences in se antitrust violation, or 4) most-favoured-nations (or -licens-
patent infringement actions, so habitually charged “in ee) clauses. The latter are especially benign when they provide
almost every major patent case” that they have “become an licensees with lower royalty rates, as the licensor may engage
absolute plague” (Burlington Industries v Dayco Corp, in subsequent negotiations leading to lower licence fees, as the
Federal Circuit 1988). opinion observes. It also re-emphasizes US patent owners’
The courts, together with the agencies, have taken affir- broader antitrust immunities compared to non-patentees’ con-
mative steps to improve previously undeveloped areas. Both duct, and shows the mixed results with which infringement
businesses and IP practitioners benefit from the added guid- defendants try to extend the reach of Sherman § 1 as it relates
ance. For instance, according to the DOJ, “by far most cross- to agreements by patentees.
licences and pools are, on balance, procompetitive,” and the
agencies’ joint Collaboration Guidelines delineate a way for Recommended strategies
competitors to engage in pro-competitive joint-venture R&D Companies need to be aware of the antitrust angle when
efforts, allowing companies to estimate the attendant acquiring, enforcing or licensing IP rights.
antitrust risks more precisely. They prohibit all price or out- In the EU, on the one hand, a decision like Microsoft indi-
put fixing, bid rigging, or division of markets among JV part- cates that the Commission may take a strong stance against IP
ners. All other conduct falls under either the rules laid out in rights owners (which could be confirmed by the decision in
the Horizontal Merger Guidelines or is analyzed under the AstraZeneca). On the other hand, the new Guidelines on tech-
classic antitrust Rule of Reason. The agencies believe that nology transfer indicate that the Commission is very much
pro-competitive efficiency gains arise from the type of col- aware of the need to maintain a balance between the reward
laboration that combines different capabilities or resources, of innovation and the good functioning of the market through
and favour sunset provisions that ensure effective competi- competition: IP rights “promote dynamic competition by
tion thereafter. If an IP “cross-license is between firms that encouraging undertakings to invest in developing new and
are competitors, whether in producing goods or services, improved products and processors. So does competition by
licensing intellectual property, or in R&D, our antitrust putting pressure on undertakings to innovate. Therefore, both
antennae go out”. ... are necessary to promote innovation and ensure a competi-
tive exploitation thereof.”
Recent developments Businesses involved in technology licensing need to take
Recent US developments are, most notably, the Federal particular account of the new Regulation on transfer of
Circuit’s radical approach in Illinois Tool Works to the technologies when negotiating new licences and should
question whether patent ownership automatically creates review their existing arrangements for compliance.
market power for purposes of an antitrust tying claim. The Companies also need to consider the effects of parallel
Supreme Court has now granted certiorari, and the FTC and imports, including whether price differentials between mem-
DOJ recently decided to file an amicus brief urging reversal ber states are justified, and to which extent they motivate
of the decision, seeking to retain the status quo of the clas- parallel imports.
sic rule that every element of an antitrust offence – includ- In both the US and the EU, it is recognized that competition
ing market power in the tying product market – must be and IP laws are complementary (both are centred on the inno-
proven and cannot be presumed, be it by a careless plaintiff vation process and the expansion of economic activity). The
or the stroke of a Federal Circuit judge’s pen in a landmark US imposes fewer limitations on the commercialization of IP
ruling. rights than the EU, and there is a noticeable tension between
Less well-known and not as far-reaching is Applera the competition and IP regimes in the area of compulsory
Corp/Roche Molecular v MJ Research, a 2004 Federal licensing. Changes to competition and IP laws are occurring
District Court decision. It is a fitting example of the modern on both sides of the Atlantic to enhance and strengthen coher-
antitrust-IP interplay at work in a civil business dispute. The ence between the two regimes and there is a growing conver-
court granted summary judgment for the patentee-plaintiffs. gence between EU and US competition policy towards licens-
The subject matter was complex, relating to DNA poly- ing agreements.
4 September 2005