Vagão Forrageiro 3170

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Trailer Type Parts Manual
Table of Contents
Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... 2
Using This Service Parts Listing ............................................................................................ 3
Front End and Drive Shaft Parts ............................................................................................ 4
Chains and Tighteners (A Model Serial Numbers) .................................................................. 6
Chains and Tighteners (B &C Model Serial Numbers) ............................................................. 7
Rear Drive Parts .................................................................................................................. 8
Drive Shield, Bucket Guard and Grease Line Parts .............................................................. 10
Upper Auger Parts ............................................................................................................. 12
Lower Auger Parts - Roughage Option ............................................................................... 13
Lower Auger Parts - Grain Option ...................................................................................... 14
Reel Parts - Roughage Option (A & B Model Serial Numbers) ............................................... 15
Reel Parts - Roughage Option (C and After Model Serial Numbers) ....................................... 16
Reel Parts - Grain Option .................................................................................................... 17
Undercarriage Parts - Single Axle ....................................................................................... 18
Undercarriage Parts - Tandem Axle ..................................................................................... 20
4 Auger Discharge Parts (A Model Serial Numbers) ............................................................. 22
4 Auger Discharge Parts (B & C Model Serial Numbers) ....................................................... 24
HAY MAXX Parts ............................................................................................................... 26
Door Parts ......................................................................................................................... 27
Slide Tray Parts (A Model Serial Numbers) .......................................................................... 28
Slide Tray Parts (Adjustable) (B & C Model Serial Numbers) ................................................. 29
Light Kit Parts .................................................................................................................... 30
Repair Liner Parts .............................................................................................................. 31
PTO Driveline-540 RPM-6 Spline-1-3/8” Yoke - Splined Shaft ................................................ 32
PTO Driveline-3150 & 3160-1000 RPM-21 Spline-1-3/8” Yoke - Splined Shaft ........................ 33
PTO Driveline-3150 & 3160-1000 RPM-20 Spline-1-3/4” Yoke - Splined Shaft ........................ 34
PTO Driveline-3170 Only-1000 RPM-21 Spline-1-3/8” Yoke - Splined Shaft ............................ 35
PTO Driveline-3150 Only-540 RPM-6 Spline-1-3/8” Yoke - Square Shaft ............................... 36
PTO Driveline-3150 & 3160-1000 RPM-21 Spline-1-3/8” Yoke - Square Shaft ........................ 37
PTO Driveline-3150 & 3160-1000 RPM-20 Spline-1-3/4” Yoke - Square Shaft ........................ 38
PTO Driveline-3170 Only-1000 RPM-20 Spline-1-3/4” Yoke - Splined Shaft ............................ 39
PTO Driveline-1000 RPM-6 Spline-1-3/8” Yoke ..................................................................... 40
Decals ............................................................................................................................... 41
Hardware Part Number Listing ............................................................................................ 42
Part Number Index .............................................................................................................. 44

Catalog Part Number 006061 Unit Serial Number _____________

Operator Instruction Manual for this unit: 006047

© Copyright Kuhn Farm Machinery, Inc. Vernon, NY 13476 – USA
3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Assy ................................................ Assembly
A/R .............................................. As Required
B ............................................................... Bolt
Brg ...................................................... Bearing
BSN ............................... Before Serial Number
Btm ...................................................... Bottom
C-Bolt ......................................... Carriage Bolt
Cttr ......................................................... Cotter
CV ....................................... Constant Velocity
Deg ...................................................... Degree
Dia .................................................... Diameter
ea ........................................................... Each
eq or Equiv ...................................... Equivalent
Fln ....................................... Flanged Lock Nut
Fw ................................................ Flat Washer
Ga ......................................................... Gauge
Gr or Grd ................................................ Grade
Hd ........................................................... Head
Hfw ..................................... Heavy Flat Washer
Hyd ................................................... Hydraulic
ID ............................................ Inside Diameter
Ill or Illus ......................................... Illustration
Ind ...................................................... Indicator
Jn ....................................................... Jam Nut
Kw ...................................................... Keyway
LH ..................................................... Left Hand
Ln ..................................................... Lock Nut
Lw ............................................... Lock Washer
Mtg Hrd .............................. Mounting Hardware
NC .......................................... National Coarse
NF ............................................... National Fine
NLA .................................. No Longer Available
NPT ................................ National Pipe Thread
OD ....................................... Outside Diameter
Pc(s) .................................................. Piece(s)
PD ........................................... Pitch Diameter
PTO ................................ Power Takeoff (shaft)
Qty ..................................................... Quantity
RH ................................................. Right Hand
SN ............................................ Serial Number
SHCS ....................... Socket Head Cap Screw
Spk, or Spkt or Sprkt .......................... Sprocket
Sq ........................................................ Square
SS ........................................... Stainless Steel
SSB .................................. Stainless Steel Bolt
St ........................................................ Straight
Std ..................................................... Standard
STS ................................... Self Tapping Screw
UASN ...................... Used After Serial Number
UBSN ................... Used Before Serial Number
W ............................................................. With
W/O .................................................. With Out

2 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Using This Service Parts Listing
The serial number may consist of a number, or a
This listing uses a number indentation system to number with a letter prefix. When referring to serial
specify the parts of an assembly. Any number which number breaks in the text of this manual, a serial
is indented to the right, indicates that it is a compo- number with a prefix will have been manufactured
nent of the item to the upper left. Example: after a serial number without a prefix (A001 made
after 0123). Likewise, a higher prefix letter would
Part no Qty Description indicate manufacture after a lower prefix letter (B001
102-AAA # Assembly A made after A123). Therefore, if the text refers to
102-BBB # Sub-Assembly B units manufactured after serial number B123, this
(Component of A) would include “B” series numbers greater than 123,
140-xxx # Sub-Component of B and all numbers with a higher letter prefix.
140-xxx # Sub-Component of B
102-CCC # Sub-Assembly C If you cannot find the part you need, be as descriptive
(Component of A) as possible when placing an order:
Sprockets: give the bore size, number of teeth,
Using this system, the subassemblies and their and size of keyway.
components are included if an Assembly is ordered. Roller chain: give the size of chain (stamped on
Similarly, the components of a subassemblies are the side of each link) and number
included if a subassembly is ordered. of links.
Shafting: give the diameter, length, and quantity
The quantity (Qty) associated with an assembly, and size of keyways.
represents the number of times an assembly could be
shown in the drawing. The subassembly quantity Hardware is generally not included with parts. If you
however, is the number of times a subassembly is need any hardware, check the size, the length, and
used to build one assembly. Similarly, the component the grade (Fig. B), then check the hardware list in this
quantity refers to the number of times a given compo- manual for the part numbers.
nent is found in one subassembly. All hex head bolts are grade 5, and nuts are
grade B unless otherwise stated.
located near the front left hand corner (Fig. A). The The hardware listing also includes listings for zerks,
model number, serial number and part number should cotter pins, set screws, and roller chain links.
be known when asking service personnel for parts.
The illustrations in this manual are meant to be
used only as a guide for identifying parts and
locating their relative positions.

Serial Number Location

3150, 3160 and 3170 Fig. B
Fig. A

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Front End and Drive Shaft Parts

3 24 25
2 0274


22 12 12
5 10
6 10 13 17
19 10 4 9 15
9 28 16
7 14

4 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Front End and Drive Shaft Parts
1 70103752 1 Reel Bearing Assy 3 1/2"; Mtg Hrd: 3/4" 2" Bolt, Lw, Nut (4 ea)
2 70135949 1 Bearing Sleeve
3 70170865 1 Zerk; 1/8" NPT 90°
4 70170053 2 Bearing; 2 1/2" Roller; Mtg Hrd: 5/8" x 2" Bolt, Fw, Lw, Nut (4 ea)
5 70136076 1 Shield; PTO Cover; Mtg Hrd: 3/8" X 1" Bolt, Fw, Lw, N (3 ea)
(inc. decals: 170-490 & 173-041)
6 70133920 1 PTO Driveline Shield (1/8" x 9" x 16") Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 3/4" Bolt & FLN (4 ea)
7 70172986 3 Shear Bolt; 1/4" x 2" Grade 5 (3150/3160 with 1000 RPM only)
70172987 3 Shear Bolt; 5/16" x 2" Grade 5 (3150 with 540 RPM and 3170 only)
8 70170069 3 Lock Nut; 1/4" (grade 5) (3150/3160 with 1000 RPM only)
70170028 3 Flange Lock Nut; 5/16" (grade 5) (3150 with 540 RPM and 3170 only)
9 70174795 2 Pipe Plug; 2" PVC
10 70172288 4 Bearing; 1 1/2" Eccentric Lock (5 req'd for 3170)
11 70140012 1 Input Shaft; 1 1/2" x 120 13/16" (3150 only)
70140011 1 Input Shaft; 1 1/2" x 150 13/16" (3160 only)
70140535 1 Input Shaft; 1 1/2" x 180 13/16" (3170 only)
12 70134602 2 Sprocket, 60B-18, 1 1/2" Bore
13 70173065 2 Key; SQ 3/8" x 1 1/2"
14 70173284 1 Chain, Roller 60-2-18 Pitch W/Connector link
15 70140009 1 Input Shaft; 2" x 55 1/4"
16 70171387 1 External Snap Ring
17 70172998 1 Lip Seal; 2" I.D. C/R19760
18 70135936 1 Seal Retain Plate
19 70134900 1 Hose Hanger (weld on)
20 70102439 1 Swing Arm Assembly, Inner
21 70102437 1 Swing Arm Assembly, Outer; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 1 1/2" Bolt, Ln (includes “T” Bolt)
22 70136454 1 Belt, Rubber 1/4" x 3 1/2" x 2"
23 70140831 1 Reel Position Indicator (GRAIN PACKAGE ONLY)
Mtg. Hrd: 3/8"x 2 1/2" Bolt, Nut (1 ea.)
70144860 1 Reel Position Indicator (ROUGHAGE PACKAGE ONLY)
Mtg. Hrd: 3/8"x 2 1/2" Bolt, Nut (1 ea.)
24 70140847 2 Reel Indicator Seal
25 70170302 1 3/8" Heavy Flat Washer
26 70135883 1 Bearing Bracket
27 70133983 1 Gusset

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Chains and Tighteners (A Model Serial Numbers)


1 70173014 1 Roller Chain; 120-1-71Pitch, w/ Connector Link and Half Link
2 70170800 4 Clinch Pin, 3/16” x 1 1/2”
3 70170845 2 Machine Chain; #4 x 17 links
4 70172751 3 Spring, Extension 8 1/4” LG x 1 1/2” OD
5 70102331 2 Chain Tightener Arm
6 70134155 3 Tightener Block 3” OD x 2 1/2”; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 3" Bolt, Fw, Lw, Nut
7 70171045 1 Machine Chain; #4 x 22 links
8 70134086 1 Tightener Block 3” OD x 3”; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 4" Bolt, Fw, Lw, Nut
9 70173013 1 Roller Chain; 100-1-91 Pitch, w/ Connector Link and Half Link
10 70103717 1 Chain Tightener Arm
11 70170518 1 Machine Chain; #4 x 30 links
12 70101819 1 Chain Tightener Arm
13 70172005 1 Spring, Extension 6” LG x 7/8” OD
14 70173012 1 Roller Chain; 80-1-96 Pitch, w/ Connector Link (1000 RPM)
70172864 1 Roller Chain; 80-1-82 Pitch, w/ Connector Link (540 RPM)
15 70173015 1 Roller Chain; 140-1-108 Pitch, w/ Connector Link

6 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Chains and Tighteners (B &C Model Serial Numbers)


1 70173014 1 Roller Chain; 120-1-71Pitch, w/ Connector Link and Half Link

(3150, 3160, 3170 Grain, 3170 Roughage - Series B)
70176400 1 Roller Chain; 120-1-70 Pitch, w/ Connector Link
(3170 Roughage - Series C and after)
2 70173013 1 Roller Chain; 100-1-91 Pitch, w/ Connector Link and Half Link
3 70173012 1 Roller Chain; 80-1-96 Pitch, w/ Connector Link (1000 RPM)
70172864 1 Roller Chain; 80-1-82 Pitch, w/ Connector Link (540 RPM)
4 70173015 1 Roller Chain; 140-1-108 Pitch, w/ Connector Link
5 70134155 4 Tightener Block 3” OD x 2 1/2”; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 3" Bolt, Fw, Lw, Nut
6 70104284 2 Chain Tightener
7 70104290 2 Chain Tightener
8 70172751 4 Spring, Extension 8 1/4” LG x 1 1/2” OD
9 70173857 4 Eye Bolt; 3/8" x 6"
10 70174309 4 Lock Collar, 1" I.D. x 5/8" Thick

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Rear Drive Parts

8 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Rear Drive Parts
1 70135697 5 Seal Washer, Plastic; 4” ID x 5-1/4” OD
2 70135985 2 Seal Housing; 7” Dia, Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 1-1/2" Bolt, Lw, Nut (2 ea)
3 70170445 2 Bearing; 3 1/2”; Mtg Hrd: 3/4" x 3" Bolt, Lw, Nut (4 ea) (FB22456E)
4 70136003 1 Sprocket; 120-B-24, 3 1/2” splined bore
(3150, 3160, 3170 Grain, 3170 Roughage - Series B)
70144851 1 Sprocket; 120-B-21, 3 1/2" splined bore
(3170 Roughage - Series C and after)
5 70136002 1 Sprocket; 100-B-52, 3 1/2” splined bore
6 70136067 1 Thrust Shim; 4 3/4” Dia x 10 Ga. (as req'd)
70136068 3 Thrust Shim; 4 1/4” Dia x 16 Ga. (as req'd)
7 70171607 2 Snap Ring, External; 3 1/2”
8 70136005 1 Sprocket; 140-B-12, 3 1/2” splined bore
9 70170008 3 Bearing; 2"; Mtg Hrd:Outer counter shaft 5/8" x 2" B, Lw, N (4 ea) Inner
counter shaft 5/8" x 2" B, Lw, N (4ea) Input bearing 5/8" x 2 1/4" B, Lw, N (4ea)
10 70136001 1 Sprocket; 100-B-15, 2" bore
11 70140942 1 Counter Shaft; 2" Dia. x 13 1/8”
12 70171695 2 Key, SQ 1/2” x 4 7/16”
13 70170142 1 Snap Ring, External; 2"
14 70136000 1 Sprocket; 80-B-18, 2" bore (1000 RPM)
70135996 1 Sprocket; 80-B-20, 2" bore (540 RPM)
15 70134471 1 Sprocket; 80-B-63, 2" bore (1000 RPM)
70135997 1 Sprocket; 80-B-38, 2" bore (540 RPM)
16 70172289 1 Snap Ring, External; 5"
17 70135994 3 Thrust Shim; 6 1/4” Dia x 10 Ga.
18 70134447 1 Sprocket; 140-B-82; 5" splined bore
19 70136004 1 Sprocket; 120-B-45; 3 1/2” splined bore
20 70102323 1 Bearing Assembly; Mtg Hrd: 3/4" x 2-1/4" Bolt, Lw, Nut (4 ea)
21 70135946 1 Bearing Sleeve; 6" OD x 5" ID x 3.69" Long
22 70135992 2 Seal, Plastic, 5” ID x 6 1/4” OD x 1/8” THK
23 70135993 2 Seal, Plastic, 4” ID x 5 1/4” OD x 1/4” THK
24 70171919 1 Drain Plug, 1-1/4” PVC
25 70172884 1 Washer, 1/2” Nylon
26 70170149 1 Oil Plug; 1/2” x 1” bolt
27 70171643 1 Key, SQ 1/2” x 1 1/4”

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Drive Shield, Bucket Guard and Grease Line Parts





0695 9
3 7

1 10

10 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Drive Shield, Bucket Guard and Grease Line Parts
1 70103719 1 Safety Shield; Rear Drive; Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 1” Bolt Fw, Lw, Nut (6 ea)
2 70171935** 28' Shield Gasket; 3/8" x 3/4" Closed Cell Foam
3 70173533 2 Gas Lift Support; Mtg Hrd: 3/8" x 1 1/2" Bolt Lw (2 ea) 3/8" Nut (4 ea)
4 70173027 5 Lift and Turn Latch
5 70170865AB 1* Grease Zerk 1/8" NPT
6 70172024AB 1* Coupling
7 70172822AB 2* Compression Fitting
8 70181036**B * Copper Grease Line Tubing
36" Required for upper auger bearing
16" Required for lower auger bearing
48" Required for rear reel bearing
50" Required for input shaft bearing
30" Required for inner countershaft bearing
42" Required for outer countershaft bearing
70180630**A * Nylon Grease Line Tubing
36" Required for upper auger bearing
16" Required for lower auger bearing
48" Required for rear reel bearing
50" Required for input shaft bearing
30" Required for inner countershaft bearing
42" Required for outer countershaft bearing
9 70172823*** 1* Adapter Fitting; 1/4” SAE x 1/8” NPTF
10 70170244AB 1* Flat Washer 3/8"
11 70104283 1 Rear Bearing Mount
70103718A 1 Rear Bearing Mount; Mtg Hrd: Top: 1/2" x 1" Bolt, Lw, Nut (2 ea)
Bottom: 1/4" x 1-1/4" Bolt, Fw, Lw, Nut (4 ea)
12 70175387 1 Operator's Manual Storage Container (Mounts to right front pedestal)
13 70142959 1 Cover Plate
14 70140822A 1 RH Side Extension, Mtg Hrd: 3/8" x 1-1/4" Bolt, 8Ga Fw, Lw, Nut (4ea) (3150 Grain
Option Only)
70140758A 1 RH Side Extension, Mtg Hrd: 3/8" x 1-1/4" Bolt, 8Ga Fw, Lw, Nut (4ea) (3160 Grain
Option Only)
70140816A 1 RH Side Extension, Mtg Hrd: 3/8" x 1-1/4" Bolt, 8Ga Fw, Lw, Nut (4ea) (3170 Grain
Option Only)

* Quantity required to complete 1 grease line assy

** Sold by the linear foot.
*** Not required on all installations.

Parts used with "A" model serial numbers.
Parts used with "B" model serial numbers.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Upper Auger Parts


1 70103741 1 Upper Auger Assembly (3150)
70103725 1 Upper Auger Assembly (3160)
70103743 1 Upper Auger Assembly (3170)
2 70102312 1 Front Plug Assembly, 2 1/2" (weld on) (3150/3160)
70103542 1 Front Plug Assembly, 2 1/2" (weld on) (3170)
3 70102315 1 Rear Plug Assembly; Mtg Hrd: 7/8" x 3 1/2" bolt, LW, Nut (4 ea) (3150/3160)
70104501 1 Rear Plug Assembly; Mtg Hrd: 1" x 3 1/2" bolt, LW, Nut (4 ea) (3170)
4 70140804 6 Flighting, RH; 22"P x 22" OD x 6 5/8" ID x 1/2" THK x 22" LG (3150)
70140804 7 Flighting, RH; 22"P x 22" OD x 6 5/8" ID x 1/2" THK x 22" LG (3160)
70140857 10 Flighting, RH; 20"P x 24" OD x 8.65" ID x 1/2" THK x 20" LG (3170)
5 70140805 1 Flighting, LH; 22"P x 22" OD x 6 5/8" ID x 1/2" THK x 11" LG (3150/3160)
70140858 1 Flighting, LH; 24"P x 24" OD x 8.65" ID x 1/2" THK x 12" LG (3170)
6 70135971 4 Flighting Brace, 1/2" x 2" x 7"
7 70136921* 50 Backer Plate (3150)
70136921* 60 Backer Plate (3160)
70136921* 88 Backer Plate (3170)
8 70174558* 50 Knife, Sickle Section; Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 1 1/4" Bolt, Lw & Nut (2 ea) (3150)
70174558* 60 Knife, Sickle Section; Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 1 1/4" Bolt, Lw & Nut (2 ea) (3160)
70174558* 88 Knife, Sickle Section; Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 1 1/4" Bolt, Lw & Nut (2 ea) (3170)

*: Used on Roughage and Hay Maxx Options only. Quantities may vary slightly.

12 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Lower Auger Parts - Roughage Option


1 70104086 1 Lower Auger Assembly (3150)
70104087 1 Lower Auger Assembly (3160)
70104088 1 Lower Auger Assembly (3170)
2 70102312 1 Front Plug Assembly, 2 1/2" (weld on) (3150/3160)
70103542 1 Front Plug Assembly, 2 1/2" (weld on) (3170)
3 70102313 1 Rear Plug Assembly, 3 1/2"; Mtg Hrd: 1" x 3 1/2" bolt, LW, Nut (4 ea) (3150/3160)
70104502 1 Rear Plug Assembly, 4"; Mtg Hrd: 1" x 3 1/2" bolt, LW, Nut (4 ea) (3170)
4 70142190 1 Flighting, RH; 24"P x 24"OD x 6 5/8" ID x 3/4" THK (3150/3160)
70142193 1 Flighting, RH; 24"P x 24"OD x 8 5/8" ID x 3/4" THK (3170)
5 70142189 1 Flighting, LH; 24"P x 24" OD x 6 5/8" ID x 3/4" THK (3150/3160)
70142192 1 Flighting, LH; 24"P x 24" OD x 8 5/8" ID x 3/4" THK (3170)
6 70142188 5 Flighting, LH; 24"P x 24"OD x 6 5/8" ID x 5/8" THK (Actual qty: 4-1/4) (3150)
70142188 6 Flighting, LH; 24"P x 24"OD x 6 5/8" ID x 5/8" THK (Actual qty: 5-1/2) (3160)
70142191 7 Flighting, LH; 24"P x 24"OD x 8 5/8" ID x 5/8" THK (3170)
7 70135976 2 Auger Paddle (3150/3160)
70140522 2 Auger Paddle (3170)
8 70135972 8 Flighting Brace, 1/2” x 2 1/2" x 8" (3150/3160)
70140538 8 Flighting Brace, 1/2” x 2 1/2" x 7" (3170)
9 70175781 18 LH Lower Auger Knife (weld-on) (qty may vary) (3150)
70175781 22 LH Lower Auger Knife (weld-on) (qty may vary) (3160)
70175781 27 LH Lower Auger Knife (weld-on) (qty may vary) (3170)
10 70174064* 3 Scallop Knife, RH; (Used on Item 4) (qty may vary)
70174065* 16 Scallop Knife, LH; (Used on Items 5 & 6) (qty may vary) (3150)
70174065* 20 Scallop Knife, LH; (Used on Items 5 & 6) (qty may vary) (3160)
70174065* 24 Scallop Knife, LH; (Used on Items 5 & 6) (qty may vary) (3170)
11 70174093* 38 Screw, sochd, 1/2" x 1-1/2"; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" lock Jam nut (qty may vary) (3150)
70174093* 46 Screw, sochd, 1/2" x 1-1/2"; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" lock Jam nut (qty may vary) (3160)
70174093* 54 Screw, sochd, 1/2" x 1-1/2"; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" lock Jam nut (qty may vary) (3170)

*: Used with Roughage Maxx option only.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Lower Auger Parts - Grain Option


1 70103740 1 Lower Auger Assembly (3150)
70103720 1 Lower Auger Assembly (3160)
70103742 1 Lower Auger Assembly (3170)
2 70102312 1 Front Plug Assembly, 2 1/2" (weld on) (3150/3160)
70103542 1 Front Plug Assembly, 2 1/2" (weld on) (3170)
3 70102313 1 Rear Plug Assembly, 3 1/2"; Mtg Hrd: 1" x 3 1/2" bolt, LW, Nut (4 ea) (3150/3160)
70104502 1 Rear Plug Assembly, 4"; Mtg Hrd: 1" x 3 1/2" bolt, LW, Nut (4 ea) (3170)
4 70140782 1 Flighting, RH; 24"P x 24"OD x 6 5/8" ID x 3/4" THK (3150/3160)
70140853 1 Flighting, RH; 24"P x 24"OD x 8 5/8" ID x 3/4" THK (3170)
5 70140779 1 Flighting, LH; 24"P x 24" OD x 6 5/8" ID x 3/4" THK (3150/3160)
70140854 1 Flighting, LH; 24"P x 24" OD x 8 5/8" ID x 3/4" THK (3170)
6 70140777 4 Flighting, LH; 24"P x 24"OD x 6 5/8" ID x 5/8" THK (3150)
70140777 5 Flighting, LH; 24"P x 24"OD x 6 5/8" ID x 5/8" THK (3160)
70140855 7 Flighting, LH; 24"P x 24"OD x 8 5/8" ID x 5/8" THK (3170)
7 70135976 2 Auger Paddle, 5/8" x 6-3/4" x 11-1/2" (3150/3160)
70140522 2 Auger Paddle, 5/8" x 4-1/16" x 11-1/16" (3170)
8 70135972 8 Flighting Brace, 1/2” x 2 1/2" x 8" (3150/3160)
70140538 8 Flighting Brace, 1/2” x 2 1/2" x 7" (3170)
9 70134352* 20 Lower Auger Knife; Mtg Hrd: 3/8" x 1-1/4" Bolt, Lw, nut (1ea) (Qty May Vary) (3150)
70134352* 25 Lower Auger Knife; Mtg Hrd: 3/8" x 1-1/4" Bolt, Lw, nut (1ea) (Qty May Vary) (3160)
70134352* 29 Lower Auger Knife; Mtg Hrd: 3/8" x 1-1/4" Bolt, Lw, nut (1ea) (Qty May Vary) (3170)

* Used with Hay Maxx option only.

14 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Reel Parts - Roughage Option (A & B Model Serial Numbers)

6 1 3




1 70105620 1 Reel Weldment (3150)
70105620 1 Reel Weldment (3160)
70105622 1 Reel Weldment (3170)
2 70102317 1 Rear Plug Assembly; 5" splined; Mtg Hrd: 1" x 3 1/2" bolt, LW, Nut (4 ea) (3150/3160)
70103538 1 Rear Plug Assembly; 5" splined; Mtg Hrd: 1" x 3 1/2" bolt, LW, Nut (5 ea) (3170)
3 70135982 1 Thrust Ring (Welded)
4 70102318 1 Front Plug Assembly 3 1/2" (weld on) (3150/3160)
70103537 1 Front Plug Assembly 3 1/2" (weld on) (3170)
5 70171920 10 Spring; Reel Cross Pipe Compression, 16” LG x 2 3/8" OD (3150/3160)
70174672 10 Spring; Reel Cross Pipe Compression, 16” LG x 2 5/8" OD (3170)
6 70102340 3 Cross Tube 151 1/2" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" bolt, LN (2 ea) (3150)
70102319 3 Cross Tube 181 1/2" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" bolt, LN (2 ea) (3160)
70103535 3 Cross Tube 211 1/2" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" bolt, LN (2 ea) (3170)
7 70135968 10 Retaining Sleeve
8 70102339 2 Cross Tube Wiper Assembly 164" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" bolt, Lw, Nut (3150)
70102321 2 Cross Tube Wiper Assembly 194" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" bolt, Lw, Nut (3160)
70103536 2 Cross Tube Wiper Assembly 224" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" bolt, Lw, Nut (3170)
9 70135959 2 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 29 3/4";
Mtg Hrd: 1/4"x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (5ea) (3150/3160)
70140534 2 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 35"; Mtg Hrd: 1/4"x 1" bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (6ea) (3170)
10 70135958 2 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 37 3/4";
Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (6 ea) (3150/3160)
70140534 2 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 35"; Mtg Hrd: 1/4"x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (6ea) (3170)
11 70136065 2 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 89 1/2";
Mtg Hrd:1/4" x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (14 ea) (3150)
70135960 2 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 119 1/2";
Mtg Hrd:1/4" x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (19 ea) (3160)
70140533 2 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 73-1/2";
Mtg Hrd: 1/4"x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (12ea) (3170)

Kuhn North America Inc. 15

1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Reel Parts - Roughage Option (C and After Model Serial Numbers)



8 10



1 70104785 1 Reel Weldment (3150)
70104784 1 Reel Weldment (3160)
70103534 1 Reel Weldment (3170)
2 70102317 1 Rear Plug Assembly; 5" splined; Mtg Hrd: 1" x 3 1/2" bolt, LW, Nut (4 ea) (3150/3160)
70103538 1 Rear Plug Assembly; 5" splined; Mtg Hrd: 1" x 3 1/2" bolt, LW, Nut (4 ea) (3170)
3 70135982 1 Thrust Ring
4 70102318 1 Front Plug Assembly 3 1/2" (weld on) (3150/3160)
70103537 1 Front Plug Assembly 3 1/2" (weld on) (3170)
5 70171920 8 Spring; Reel Cross Pipe Compression, 16” LG x 2 3/8" OD (3150/3160)
70174672 8 Spring; Reel Cross Pipe Compression, 16” LG x 2 5/8" OD (3170)
6 70102340 2 Cross Tube 151 1/2" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" bolt, Ln (2 ea) (3150)
70102319 2 Cross Tube 181 1/2" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" bolt, Ln (2 ea) (3160)
70103535 2 Cross Tube 211 1/2" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" bolt, Ln (2 ea) (3170)
7 70135968 8 Retaining Sleeve
8 70102339 2 Cross Tube Wiper Assembly 164" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" bolt, Ln (3150)
70102321 2 Cross Tube Wiper Assembly 194" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" bolt, Ln 3160)
70103536 2 Cross Tube Wiper Assembly 224" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" bolt, Ln (3170)
9 70135959 2 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 29 3/4";
Mtg Hrd: 1/4"x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (5ea) (3150/3160)
70140534 2 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 35"; Mtg Hrd: 1/4"x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (6ea) (3170)
10 70135958 2 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 37 3/4";
Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (6 ea) (3150/3160)
70140534 2 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 35"; Mtg Hrd: 1/4"x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (6ea) (3170)
11 70136065 2 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 89 1/2";
Mtg Hrd:1/4" x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (14 ea) (3150)
70135960 2 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 119 1/2";
Mtg Hrd:1/4" x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (19 ea) (3160)
70140533 2 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 73-1/2";
Mtg Hrd: 1/4"x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (12ea) (3170)

16 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Reel Parts - Grain Option

7 1 4



1 70105620 1 Reel Weldment (3150)
70105620 1 Reel Weldment (3160)
70105622 1 Reel Weldment (3170)
2 70102317 1 Rear Plug Assembly; 5" splined; Mtg Hrd: 1" x 3 1/2" bolt, LW, Nut (4 ea) (3150/3160)
70103538 1 Rear Plug Assembly; 5" splined; Mtg Hrd: 1" x 3 1/2" bolt, LW, Nut (5 ea) (3170)
3 70135982 1 Thrust Ring
4 70102318 1 Front Plug Assembly 3 1/2" (weld on) (3150/3160)
70103537 1 Front Plug Assembly 3 1/2" (weld on) (3170)
5 70171920 10 Spring; Reel Cross Pipe Compression, 16” LG x 2 3/8" OD (3150/3160)
70174672 10 Spring; Reel Cross Pipe Compression, 16” LG x 2 5/8" OD (3170)
6 70103744 2 Cross Tube, 164" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" Bolt, LN(2 ea) (3150)
70103724 2 Cross Tube, 194" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" Bolt, LN(2 ea) (3160)
70103745 2 Cross Tube, 224" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" Bolt, LN(2 ea) (3170)
7 70135968 10 Retaining Sleeve
8 70102339 3 Cross Tube Wiper Assembly, 164" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" Bolt,LN(3150)
70102321 3 Cross Tube Wiper Assembly, 194" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" Bolt, LN(3160)
70103536 3 Cross Tube Wiper Assembly, 224" Long; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 6 1/2" Bolt, LN(3170)
9 70135959 3 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 29 3/4";
Mtg Hrd: 1/4"x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (5ea) (3150/3160)
70140534 3 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 35"; Mtg Hrd: 1/4"x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (6ea) (3170)
10 70135958 3 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 37 3/4";
Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (6 ea) (3150/3160)
70140534 3 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 35"; Mtg Hrd: 1/4"x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (6ea) (3170)
11 70136065 3 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 89 1/2";
Mtg Hrd:1/4" x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (14 ea) (3150)
70135960 3 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 119 1/2";
Mtg Hrd:1/4" x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (19 ea) (3160)
70140533 3 Plastic Wiper Blade 2 1/2" x 73-1/2";
Mtg Hrd: 1/4"x 1" Bolt, HD Fw, Lw, Nut (12ea) (3170)

Kuhn North America Inc. 17

1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Undercarriage Parts - Single Axle

18 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Undercarriage Parts - Single Axle
1 70104000 1 Undercarriage Weldment (3150 only)
70103996 1 Undercarriage Weldment (3160 only)
70103997 1 Undercarriage Weldment (3170 only)
2 70102307 1 Clevis Hitch Assembly; Mtg Hrd: 3/4” x 2" Bolt (grade 8), LN (grade 8)
3 70174676 1 Jack, 10,000 lb (3170 only, includes crank assy& pull pin)
4 70171610 1 Jack, Sidewind 7000 lb (3150 & 3160)
5 70171612 1 Crank Assembly (3150 & 3160)
70174840 1 Crank Assembly (3170 only)
6 70171613 1 Pull Pin (3150 & 3160)
70174838 1 Pull Pin (3170 only)
7 70171615 1 Mount Tube (3150 & 3160)
70174839 1 Mount Tube (3170 only)
8 70135918 2 Axle Spindle; 4 1/2" x 22 1/4" Mtg Hrd: 5/8" x 6-1/2" B, Ln
9 70172999 2 Wheel Hub Assy.; 10 bolt (includes 70170023 zerk)
10 70173031 1 Bearing Race; HM218210
11 70173032 1 Bearing Race; HM212011
12 70174784 10 Wheel Stud; 3/4" NF
13 70170920 10 Lug Nut; 3/4" NF
14 70173006 2 Grease Seal; Transcom # 44605SA
15 70173001 2 Bearing Cone; HM218248
16 70173002 2 Bearing Cone; HM212049
17 70173003 2 Spindle Nut
18 70173004 2 Lock Washer
19 70173005 2 Spindle Nut
20 70173007 2 Hub Cap; (includes gasket) Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 3/4" Bolt (6 ea)
21 70102325 4 Load Cell Mount; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 1 1/2" Bolt, Lw, Nut (2 ea) Fw (4ea)
22 70173034* 4 Load Cell (Digi-Star)
70175256* 4 Load Cell (Weigh-tronix)
70137132 8 Shock pad (2 required for each Load Cell)
70135961 4 Dummy Load Cell (For Units Without Scales)
23 70173019 4 Retaining Bolt; 5/8" x 7 1/2" B, Fw (2ea) Ln (1ea)
24 70103711 4 Check Arm; Mtg Hrd: running gear: Bolt; 7/8" x 3 1/2" B, Ln (grade 5),
Mixer: 7/8" x 3 1/2" B, Ln, Fw (2 ea)
25 70140939 4 Plate; Spacer Disk
26 70175331 2 Wheel and Tire Assy 46 x 18, (neg 2” offset) (Aircraft)
27 70175334 1 Wheel Rim (inner); Mtg. Hrd: 1/2” x 1 1/4” B, LN (32EA)
28 70175333 1 Wheel Rim (outer)
29 70175332 1 Tire, 46” X 18” Aircraft 30 ply
30 70175335 1 Inner Tube 46 x 18 - 20 (not shown)
31 70175336 1 Flap, 46 x 18 (not shown)
32 70172312 2 Wheel Rim; 10 bolt (optional, 3150 only) not shown
33 70175269 2 Tire; 425-65R x 22.5" (optional) not shown
70172313 2 Tire; 445-65R x 22.5 (optional) not shown
34 70174577 2 Inner Tube 18" x 22.5" (optional, 3150 only) not shown
35 70140848 1 Clevis Thrust Washer (Nylon)

* All (4) load cells should be Weigh-tronix or Digi-Star of the same MV rating to properly function and will work with either the Digi-Star
or Weigh-tronix indicator.

Kuhn North America Inc. 19

1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Undercarriage Parts - Tandem Axle


6 5



28 24

7 9


25 8
15 19
16 21
17 32
26 14 18

20 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Undercarriage Parts - Tandem Axle
1 70103998 1 Undercarriage Weldment with Bogies(3160 only)
70103999 1 Undercarriage Weldment with Bogies (3170 only)
2 70102307 1 Clevis Hitch Assembly; Mtg Hrd: 3/4” x 2" Bolt (grade 8), LN (grade 8)
3 70174676 1 Jack, 10,000 lb (3170 only, includes crank assy, mount tube & pull pin)
4 70171610 1 Jack, sidewind 7000 lb (3160)
5 70171612 1 Crank Assembly (3160)
70174840 1 Crank Assembly (3170 only)
6 70171613 1 Pull Pin (3160)
70174838 1 Pull Pin (3170 only)
7 70171615 1 Mount Tube (3160)
70174839 1 Mount Tube (3170 only)
8 70103754 1 Tie Rod Assembly Mtg Hrd:3/4" Nut, Jam Nut, (70170236) Cotter Pin(1 ea) & Fw (2)
9 70102049 1 LH Bogie Assembly
70102048 1 RH Bogie Assembly
10 70102065 1 LH Bogie Weldment
70102066 1 RH Bogie Weldment
70170865 1 Grease Zerk
11 70134824 2 Spindle; 3 3/8" x 17 3/4"
12 70172362 2 Grease Seal C/R33772
13 70172360 2 Inside Bearing Cone Timken #33275 or Equiv.
14 70172396 2 10- Bolt Hub
15 70172361 1 Inside Bearing Race Timken #33462 or Equiv.
16 70174784 10 Wheel Stud; 3/4" NF, .78 diameter shank
17 70170920 10 Wheel Nut; 3/4" NF
18 70170922 1 Outside Bearing Race Timken 453A or Equiv.
19 70170921 2 Outside Bearing Cone Timken 460 or Equiv.
20 70170928 4 Spindle Washer
21 70170927 2 Castle Nut; 1 1/4" UNF
22 70170056 2 Cotter Pin; 1/4" x 2"
23 70170926 2 Dust Cap
24 70134843 1 Bushing, Bogie Pivot
25 70140848 1 Clevis Thrust Washer (Nylon)
26 70105003 4 Wheel/ Tire Assembly
70176629 4 Wheel; 13.5" x 22.5" 10 Hole (optional)
70174577 4 Inner Tube; 18" x 22.5" (optional) not shown
70175269 4 Tire; 425-65R x 22.5" (optional)

70175331 4 Wheel and Tire; 16x18-20; Aircraft (optional) not shown

70175333 4 Rim (Outer) (optional) not shown
70175334 4 Rim (Inner) (optional) not shown
70175332 4 Tire (optional) not shown
70175335 4 Tube (optional) not shown
70175336 4 Flap (optional) not shown

27 70102325 4 Load Cell Mount; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 1-1/2" Bolt, Lw, Nut (2ea) Fw (4 ea)
28 70173034* 4 Load Cell (Digi-Star)
70175256* 4 Load Cell (Weigh-Tronix)
70137132 8 Shock pad (2 required for each Load Cell)
70135961 4 Dummy Load Cell (For Units Without Scales)
29 70173019 4 Retaining Bolt; 5/8" x 7-1/2"; Fw (2 ea), Ln(1 ea)
30 70103989 4 Check Arm; Mtg Hrd: running gear: Bolt; 7/8" x 3 1/2" B, Ln
Mixer: 7/8" x 3 1/2" B, Ln, Fw (2 ea)
31 70140939 4 Plate; Spacer Disk
32 70176936 2 Gasket

* All (4) load cells should be Weigh-tronix or Digi-Star of the same MV rating to properly function and will work with either the Digi-Star
or Weigh-Tronix indicator.
Kuhn North America Inc. 21
1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
4 Auger Discharge Parts (A Model Serial Numbers)

22 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
4 Auger Discharge Parts (A Model Serial Numbers)
70103644 1 Complete Chute Assembly, 3’
70103855 1 Complete Chute Assembly, 2’
1 70102346 1 Chute Weldment, 3’
70103854 1 Chute Weldment, 2’
2 70101231 4 Chain Tightener Arm
3 70171265 A/R Shim; .017" Thick (1-2 each for auger adjustment)
4 70101227 4 Auger Bearing Assy; Mtg Hrd: 1-3/8" x 1" Bolt, Lw, Nut (3 ea) 70170865 Zerk; (1 ea)
5 70171259 1 Bushing; Bronze, 1-3/8" I.D.
6 70171260 1 Bushing; Bronze 1-3/8" I.D. Flanged
7 70171782 1 Double Hose Clamp; Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 3/4" Bolt, Lw & Nut
8 70132701 1 Sprocket; 50-B-18, 1-3/8" Bore; Mtg Hrd: 70171414 Roll Pin; 5/16" x 2-1/2" (1 ea)
9 70171932 3 Roller Chain; 50-1-56 Pitch, W/Connector Link
10 70171330 2 Hydraulic Hose; 1/2" x 168" OAL
11 70134390 3 Sprocket; 50-2R-18, 1-3/8" Bore; Mtg Hrd: 70171414 Roll Pin; 5/16" x 2-1/2" (1 ea)
12 70171178 1 Roller Chain; 50-1-48 Pitch, W/Connector Link
13 70134394 1 Motor Drive Shield; Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 3/4" Bolt, Lw & Nut (2 ea)
14 70170262 1 Bolt; 5/16" x 3/4" Hex Head
15 70170118 1 Washer; 5/16" Lock
16 70170302 1 Washer; 3/8" Heavy
17 70171576 1 Machine Washer
18 70134389 1 Sprocket; 50-B-18, 1" Bore
19 70134395 4 Tightener Block, 2" Dia x 2 1/2" Lg; Mtg Hrd: 5/8" LW & Jam Nut
20 70170110 4 Spring, Extension 3 15/16" Lg x 15/16" OD
21 70102347 1 Tipoff Assembly; Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 3/4" Bolt, Lw & Nut (4 ea)
22 70171346 2 Magnet; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" Truss Head Bolt, Lw, Fw & Nut (8 ea)
23 70140001 1 Tipoff Pivot Rod 7/8" Dia x 51" Lg; Mtg Hrd: 70170115 Cotter Pin 3/16" x 2" (2 ea)
24 70141608 1 Chain; 5/0 Coil x 27 Link Mtg Hrd: 3/8" x 1" Bolt, FW, ln (1 ea)
5/16" x 1" Truss Head Bolt, FW, LW, Nut (1 ea)
25 70133943 2 Plastic Chute Liner-Center, 3’; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" Truss Head Bolt, Lw, Nut (2 ea)
70140938 2 Plastic Chute Liner-Center, 2’; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" Truss Head Bolt, Lw, Nut (2 ea)
26 70133942 2 Plastic Chute Liner-Side, 3’; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" Truss Head Bolt, Lw, Nut (2 ea)
70140937 2 Plastic Chute Liner-Side, 2’; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" Truss Head Bolt, Lw, Nut (2 ea)
27 70140897 3 Liner Hold-Down, 3’, Mtg Hrd: 5/16 x 1.5 Carriage Bolt, LW, FW, Nut (2 ea)
70140933 3 Liner Hold-Down, 2’, Mtg Hrd: 5/16 x 1.5 Carriage Bolt, LW, FW, Nut (2 ea)
28 70101736 4 Auger Assy, 3’
70103756 4 Auger Assy, 2’
29 70171186 4 Plastic Cap Plug; #16
30 70103918 1 Chute Restraint Chain Assy;Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 1" Truss Head Bolt, Fw, Lw, N 3/8" Fw, Ln
31 70133952 1 Chute Cylinder Linkage Bar; Mtg Hrd: 70170074 Hairpin Clip (1 ea)
32 70170122 5 Spacer Washer; 1" Sae Flat
33 70173021 1 Bolt, 1” x 3 1/2” Hex Head
34 70170122 2 Spacer Washer; 1” SAE Flat
35 70174927 1 Nut, 1” Hex Jam
36 70174928 1 Nut, 1” Hex Lock
37 70170235 2 Reducer Bushing; 1/2" to 3/8"
38 70171151 1 Line Check Valve; 1/2"
39 70171136 2 Street Elbow; 1/2" x 90°
40 70171668 2 Straight Thread Swivel Adapter
41 70171666 1 Hydraulic Motor; 12 (Seal Kit #70171257) Mtg Hrd: 3/8" x 7/8" Bolt, Lw (4ea)
42 70171883 1 Key, Sq 1/4" x 1"
43 70170859 2 Service Tee; 1/2"
44 70173220 1 Hydraulic Cylinder; 2" x 18" (Seal Kit #70170075) 70173274 Pin, 70172275 Hairpin
45 70171030 2 Swivel Adapter; 3/8" x 90 Degree
46 70171427 1 Hyd Hose; 1/4" x 82" Overall Length
47 70171462 1 Hyd Hose; 1/4" x 76" Overall Length
48 70136142 2 Seal Retainer Plate; Mtg Hrd: existing on door extension
49 70136143 2 Chute Seal; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" Bolt, Lw (2ea)
50 70175536 2 Pioneer Quick Coupler

Kuhn North America Inc. 23

1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
4 Auger Discharge Parts (B & C Model Serial Numbers)

24 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
4 Auger Discharge Parts (B &C Model Serial Numbers)
70104394 1 Complete Chute Assembly, 3’
70104395 1 Complete Chute Assembly, 2’
1 70102346 1 Chute Weldment, 3’
70103854 1 Chute Weldment, 2’
2 70101231 4 Chain Tightener Arm
3 70171265 A/R Shim; .017" Thick (1-2 each for auger adjustment)
4 70101227 4 Auger Bearing Assy; Mtg Hrd: 1-3/8" x 1" Bolt, Lw, Nut (3 ea)70170865 Zerk; (1 ea)
5 70171259 1 Bushing; Bronze, 1-3/8" I.D.
6 70171260 1 Bushing; Bronze 1-3/8" I.D. Flanged
7 70171561 2 Double Hose Clamp; Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 3/4" Bolt, Lw & Nut
8 70132701 1 Sprocket; 50-B-18, 1-3/8" Bore; Mtg Hrd: 70171414 Roll Pin; 5/16" x 2-1/2" (1 ea)
9 70171932 3 Roller Chain; 50-1-56 Pitch, W/Connector Link
10 70134390 3 Sprocket; 50-2R-18, 1-3/8" Bore; Mtg Hrd: 70171414 Roll Pin; 5/16" x 2-1/2" (1 ea)
11 70171178 1 Roller Chain; 50-1-48 Pitch, W/Connector Link
12 70134394 1 Motor Drive Shield; Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 3/4" Bolt, Lw & Nut (2 ea)
13 70170262 1 Bolt; 5/16" x 3/4" Hex Head
14 70170118 1 Washer; 5/16" Lock
15 70170302 1 Washer; 3/8" Heavy
16 70171576 1 Machine Washer
17 70134389 1 Sprocket; 50-B-18, 1" Bore
18 70134395 4 Tightener Block, 2" Dia x 2 1/2" Lg; Mtg Hrd: 5/8" LW & Jam Nut
19 70170110 4 Spring, Extension 3 15/16" Lg x 15/16" OD
20 70102347 1 Tipoff Assembly; Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 3/4" Bolt, Lw & Nut (4 ea)
21 70171346 2 Magnet; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" Truss Head Bolt, Lw, Fw & Nut (8 ea)
22 70140001 1 Tipoff Pivot Rod 7/8" Dia x 51" Lg; Mtg Hrd: 70170115 Cotter Pin 3/16" x 2" (2 ea)
23 70141608 1 Chain; 5/0 Coil x 27 Link Mtg Hrd: 3/8" x 1" Bolt, FW, ln ( 1 ea)
5/16" x 1" Truss Head Bolt, FW, LW, Nut (1 ea)
24 70133943 2 Plastic Chute Liner-Center, 3’; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" Truss Head Bolt, Lw, Nut (2 ea)
70140938 2 Plastic Chute Liner-Center, 2’; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" Truss Head Bolt, Lw, Nut (2 ea)
25 70133942 2 Plastic Chute Liner-Side, 3’; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" Truss Head Bolt, Lw, Nut (2 ea)
70140937 2 Plastic Chute Liner-Side, 2’; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" Truss Head Bolt, Lw, Nut (2 ea)
26 70140897 3 Liner Hold-Down, 3’, Mtg Hrd: 5/16 x 1.5 Carriage Bolt, LW, FW, Nut (2 ea)
70140933 3 Liner Hold-Down, 2’, Mtg Hrd: 5/16 x 1.5 Carriage Bolt, LW, FW, Nut (2 ea)
27 70101736 4 Auger Assy, 3’
70103756 4 Auger Assy, 2’
28 70171186 4 Plastic Cap Plug; #16
29 70103918 1 Chute Restraint Chain Assy;Mtg Hrd: 5/16" x 1" Truss Head Bolt, Fw, Lw, N 3/8" Fw, Ln
30 70133952 1 Chute Cylinder Linkage Bar; Mtg Hrd: 70170074 Hairpin Clip (1 ea)
31 70170122 5 Spacer Washer; 1" Sae Flat
32 70173021 1 Bolt, 1” x 3 1/2” Hex Head
33 70170122 2 Spacer Washer; 1” SAE Flat
34 70174927 1 Nut, 1” Hex Jam
35 70174928 1 Nut, 1” Hex Lock
36 70171666 1 Hydraulic Motor; 12 (Seal Kit #70171257) Mtg Hrd: 3/8" x 7/8" Bolt, Lw (4ea)
37 70171883 1 Key, Sq 1/4" x 1"
38 70175685 1 Hydraulic Cylinder, 2" x 18"
39 70136142 2 Seal Retainer Plate; Mtg Hrd: existing on door extension
40 70136143 2 Chute Seal; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" Bolt, Lw (2ea)
41 70175699 2 Straight Adapter, 10 OM x 08 JM
42 70175700 1 Straight Adapter, 08 OM x 08 JM
43 70175702 4 Adapter 90 Deg., 08 JFS x 08 JM
44 70175709 2 Adapter Tee, 08 JFS x 08 JM x 08 JM
45 70175711 1 Check Valve, 10 OM x 10 OF
46 70175916 1 Hydraulic Hose, 3/8" x 102" 100 R7
47 70175917 1 Hydraulic Hose, 3/8" x 82" 100 R7
48 70175918 2 Hydraulic Hose, 1/2" x 168" 100R7
49 70143415 1 Straight Adapter (Restricted), 08 OM x 08 JM .060" Dia.
50 70175687 2 Pioneer Quick Coupler

Kuhn North America Inc. 25

1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
HAY MAXX Parts 13
9 18 11
16 12 17

2 14
6 17 8
12 17

1 3





1 70102484 1 Upper HAY MAXX; (3150 only) Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 1 3/4" B, Ln (6 ea),Fw (10ea.)
70103523 1 Upper HAY MAXX; (3160 & 3170) Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 1 3/4" B,Ln (7 ea), Fw (12 ea.)
2 70103526 1 Lower HAY MAXX; (3150 only)
70103522 1 Lower HAY MAXX; (3160 & 3170)
Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 1-1/4" Bolt,Fw, Ln (2 ea.) 1/2" x 1-1/2" Bolt, Ln(3 ea), Fw (4 ea.)
3 70134771 6 Pivot Bushing (3150 only)
70134771 7 Pivot Bushing (3160 & 3170)
4 70102479 1 Haypan Backstop; Mtg Hrd: 3/4" Fw, 3/16" x 2" Cotter Pin
5 70104246B 1 Bucket Guard; Mtg Hrd: Left Side 1/2" x 1 1/4" bolt, Fw, Lw, N (1 ea)
70103524 1 Bucket Guard; Mtg Hrd: Left Side 1/2" x 1 1/4" bolt, Fw, Lw, N (1 ea)
Right Side 3/8" x 1 1/4" bolt, Lw, N (2 ea)
6 70104247B 2 Bucket Guard; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 4" B, Fw, Ln (1ea.) 3/8" x 1 1/4" B, Lw, N (2 ea)
70103524 2 Bucket Guard; Mtg Hrd: 1/2" x 4" B, Fw, Ln (1ea.) 3/8" x 1 1/4" B, Lw, N (2 ea)
70103521 1 Bucket Guard (3170 only)
7 70175726* 1 Hydraulic Cylinder; 2" Dia. x 10" (seal kit 170-075); 173-274 Pin, 170-074 Hairpin
70173273 1 Hydraulic Cylinder; 2" Dia. x 10" (seal kit 170-075); 173-274 Pin, 172-275 Hairpin
8 70171030* 1 90 Deg. Swivel Adapter; 3/8"
9 70171723* 1 90 Deg. Swivel Restrictor; 3/8"
10 70175906* 1 Hydraulic Hose; 1/4" x 162"
70170471 1 Hydraulic Hose; 1/4" x 170"
11 70175907* 1 Hydraulic Hose; 1/4" x 170"
70170468 1 Hydraulic Hose; 1/4" x 162"
12 70170235* 2 Reducer Fitting; 1/2" To 3/8"
13 70170122 A/R Spacer Washer; 1" SAE Flat (6-9 required)
70172442 1 Electric Switching Valve (Optional) Mounted On Tractor
14 70175687* 2 Pioneer Quick Coupler
70175536* 2 Pioneer Quick Coupler
15 70174558 50 Knife, Mtg Hrd: 5/16 x 1-1/4" Bolt, Lw, N (2ea)
16 70143499* 1 Straight Adapter, 08 OM x 06 JM.04
17 70175675* 3 Straight Adapter, 08 OM x 06 JM
18 70175673* 2 90 Deg. Adapter, 90, 06 JFS x 06 JM
*When ordering hydraulic hoses and fittings, please specify pipe thread, O-Ring or JIC.
Parts used with "A" model serial numbers and units with short side option
Parts used with tall side option

26 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Door Parts

When ordering hydraulic hoses and fittings, please specify pipe thread or O-Ring/JIC.
Pipe thread and O-Ring/JIC fittings are not interchangeable.


1 70102295 1 Door Assembly
2 70136254 1 Door Linkage; Mtg Hrd: 70170074 Hairpin (Qty 1) 70170122 Fw (Qty 4)
3 70140017 1 Cylinder Pivot Plate; Mtg Hrd: 5/8" x 2 1/4" Bolt, Ln (2 ea)
4 70136963 2 Door Linkage Spacer, 3/8" Thk
5 70136965 2 Door Linkage Spacer, 5/16" Thk
6 70102525 1 Door Linkage Arm Assy.; Mtg Hrd: 70170073 Pin (Qty 1), 70170074 Hairpin (Qty 1)
7 70140813 1 Door Gauge; Mtg Hrd: 3/8" x 7/8" Bolt (1 ea)
8 70102387 1 Flow Control Plate; Mtg Hrd: Top 5/16" x 1 1/4" B, Lw, N, (2 ea)
Bottom 5/16" x 1" B, Lw, N (2 ea) (optional, holes must be drilled in shell if
customer installed)
9 70103728 1 Door Frame Extension; Mtg Hrd: Bottom 5/16" x 1" PHB, Fw, Lw, N, (3 ea)
Side 5/16" x 1" B, Fw, Lw, N, (6ea)
10 70174842 1 Decal - Door Gauge

O-Ring Fitting Hydraulic Parts

11 70175726 1 Cylinder; 2" Dia. x 10" (1/2" ports)
12 70175675 2 Straight Adapter; 08 OM x 06 JM
13 70175673 2 Adapter, 90, 06 JFS x 06 JM
14 70175907 1 Hydraulic Hose; 1/4" x 170", 100R7 06 JFS x 06 JFS
15 70175906 1 Hydraulic Hose; 1/4" x 162", 100R7 06 JFS x 06 JFS
16 70175675 2 Straight Adapter; 08 OM x 06 JM
17 70175687 2 Pioneer Quick Coupler

Pipe Thread Fitting Hydraulics Parts

11 70173273 1 Cylinder; 2" Dia. x 10" (3/8" Ports)
(70170075 seal kit , 70173274 Pin, 70172275 Hairpin)
13 70171030 2 Swivel Adapter; 3/8" x 3/8" x 90°
14 70170471 1 Hydraulic Hose; 1/4" x 170"
15 70170468 1 Hydraulic Hose; 1/4" x 162"
16 70170235 2 Reducer Fitting; 1/2" x 3/8" NPT
17 70175536 2 Pioneer Quick Coupler
Kuhn North America Inc. 27
1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Slide Tray Parts (A Model Serial Numbers)

*When ordering hydraulic hoses and fittings, please specify pipe thread or O-Ring/JIC.


1 70103751 1 Slide Tray Assembly
2 70171346 2 Discharge Magnet; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" truss head bolt, Fw, Lw, N, (8 ea)
3 70140014 1 Skid Plate; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" PHB, Lw, N, (4 ea)
4 70140003 1 Pivot Rod 7/8" Dia x 47" Lg; Mtg Hrd 70170115 Cotter Key (Qty 2)
5 70173270 1 Hydraulic Cylinder; 2" dia. x 8" (seal kit 70170075); 70173274 Pin, 70172275 Hairpin)
6 70171030 2 Swivel Adapter; 3/8" x 90°
7 70170471 1 Hydraulic Hose; 1/4" x 170" OAL
8 70170235 2 Reducer Fitting; 1/2" x 3/8" NPT
9 70181040* 5.4' Extension Belting; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 1" truss head bolt, Fw, Nut (9 ea)
10 70170468 1 Hydraulic Hose; 1/4" x 162" OAL
11 70175536 2 Pioneer Quick Coupler

* Sold by the linear foot.

28 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Slide Tray Parts (Adjustable) (B & C Model Serial Numbers)



6 4


6 15
7 9 1

13 3

*When ordering hydraulic hoses and fittings, please specify pipe thread or O-Ring/JIC.


1 70104328 1 Slide Tray Adjuster Pivot; Mtg Hrd: (1) 1/2" x 1 1/2" Carriage Bolt, (2) 1/2" x 2"
Carriage Bolt, (1) 1/2" x 2" Hex Head, Fw (3ea) , Ln (4ea)
2 70142887 1 Pivot Rod, 1" x 46 1/2"
3 70171346 2 Discharge Magnet; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" truss head bolt, Fw, Lw, N, (8 ea)
4 70104250 1 Slide Tray Assembly
5 70175673 2 90 Deg. Adapter; 06 JFS x 06 JM
6 70175675 4 Straight Adapter; 08 OM x 06 JM
7 70175687 2 Quick Coupler
8 70140014 1 Skid Plate; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 3/4" PHB, Lw, N, (4 ea)
9 70170074 1 Hair Pin Clip
10 70170115 2 Cotter Pin
11 70175686 1 Hydraulic Cylinder; 2" x 8" Stroke (seal kit 70170075); 70173274 Pin
12 70175907 1 Hydraulic Hose; 1/4" x 170"
13 70175906 1 Hydraulic Hose; 1/4" x 162"
14 70181040* 5.4' Extension Belting; Mtg Hrd: 1/4" x 1" truss head bolt, Fw, Nut (9 ea)
15 70170122 3 Flat Washer, 1"

* Sold by the linear foot.

Kuhn North America Inc. 29

1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Light Kit Parts

7 Left Side



RED SAE J560 1


5 3 2 3
1 7 4
6 5


5 2 – NOT USED




7 Right Side 4


174-675 1 Light Kit
1 172-110 1 7 Pin Connector
2 174-775 1 Main Harness
3 176-848 4 Light, LH Harness
4 177-480 1 Light, RH Harness
5 174-674 2 Light, Red
6 174-673 2 Light, Amber
7 174-725 4 Grommet

30 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Repair Liner Parts
Stainless Hot Rolled
Steel Steel
1 70136030 70136751 3 Reel Liner (3150 only)
70136038 70136752 3 Reel Liner (3160 only)
70140530 70140529 4 Reel Liner (3170 only)
2 70136031 70136753 3 Auger Liner (3150 only)
70136039 70136754 3 Auger Liner (3160 only)
70140532 70140531 4 Auger Liner (3170 only)
3 70136036 70136755 1 Reel End Liner (front)
4 70136037 70136756 1 Reel End Liner (rear)
5 70136035 70136757 2 Auger End Liner
6 70136033 70136758 1 Upper Door Liner
7 70136032 70136759 1 Door Opening Liner
8 70136034 70136760 2 Upper Reel End Liner

Kuhn North America Inc. 31

1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
PTO Driveline-540 RPM-6 Spline-1-3/8” Yoke - Splined Shaft

Order these components if the PTO halves are joined with splined shafts.


1 70175598 1 Driveline Complete
2 70175649 1 Joint and Shaft Half with Guard
3 70171542 1 Yoke Assembly
4 70171544 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit
5 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
6 70174683 1 Yoke and Shaft
7 70173320 1 Outer Guard
8 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
9 70171550 1 Safety Decal
10 70174690 1 Joint and Shaft Half with Guard
11 70172847 1 Inner Guard
12 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
13 70173426 1 Yoke Tube and Slip Sleeve
14 70171799 1 Safety Decal
15 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
16 70172924 1 Ball Shear Clutch
70172987 1 Shear Bolt; 5/16"-18 x 2.00"LG (grade5)
70170137 1 Lock Nut; 5/16"-18 (grade 5)
17 70171544 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit

32 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
PTO Driveline-3150 & 3160-1000 RPM-21 Spline-1-3/8” Yoke - Splined Shaft

Order these components if the PTO halves are joined with splined shafts.


1 70175597 1 Driveline Complete

2 70174689 1 Joint and Shaft Half with Guard
3 70171543 1 Yoke Assembly
4 70171544 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit
5 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
6 70174683 1 Yoke and Shaft
7 70173320 1 Outer Guard
8 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
9 70171550 1 Safety Decal
10 70175647 1 Joint and Tube Half with Guard
11 70172847 1 Inner Guard
12 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
13 70173426 1 Yoke Tube and Slip Sleeve
14 70171799 1 Safety Decal
15 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
16 70172925 1 Ball Shear Clutch
70172986 1 Shear Bolt;1/4"-20 x 2" (grade5)
70170069 1 Lock Nut;1/4"-20 x 2" (grade 5)
17 70171544 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit

Kuhn North America Inc. 33

1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
PTO Driveline-3150 & 3160-1000 RPM-20 Spline-1-3/4” Yoke - Splined Shaft

Order these components if the PTO halves are joined with splined shafts.


1 70175599 1 Driveline Complete
2 70175650 1 Joint and Shaft Half with Guard
3 70172447 1 Yoke Assembly
4 70172496 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit
5 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
6 70174684 1 Yoke and Shaft
7 70173321 1 Outer Guard
8 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
9 70171550 1 Safety Decal
10 70175648 1 Joint and Tube Half with Guard
11 70172994 1 Inner Guard
12 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
13 70173435 1 Yoke Tube and Slip Sleeve
14 70171799 1 Safety Decal
15 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
16 70172925 1 Ball Shear Clutch
70172986 1 Shear Bolt; 1/4"-20 x 2"LG (grade5)
70170069 1 Lock Nut; 1/4"-20 x 2" (grade 5)
17 70171544 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit

34 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
PTO Driveline-3170 Only-1000 RPM-21 Spline-1-3/8” Yoke - Splined Shaft

Order these components if the PTO halves are joined with splined shafts.


1 70174681 1 Driveline Complete
2 70174689 1 Joint and Shaft Half with Guard
3 70171543 1 Yoke Assembly
4 70171544 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit
5 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
6 70174683 1 Yoke and Shaft
7 70173320 1 Outer Guard
8 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
9 70171550 1 Safety Decal
10 70174690 1 Joint and Tube Half with Guard
11 70172847 1 Inner Guard
12 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
13 70173426 1 Yoke Tube and Slip Sleeve
14 70171799 1 Safety Decal
15 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
16 70172924 1 Ball Shear Clutch
70172987 1 Shear Bolt; 5/16" x 2" (grade5)
70170028 1 Lock Nut; 5/16" (grade 5)
17 70171544 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit

Kuhn North America Inc. 35

1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
PTO Driveline-3150 Only-540 RPM-6 Spline-1-3/8” Yoke - Square Shaft

Order these components if the PTO halves are joined with square shafts.


1 70173309 1 Driveline Complete
2 70173316 1 Joint and Shaft Half with Guard
3 70171542 1 Yoke Assembly
4 70171544 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit
5 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
6 70173318 1 Yoke and Shaft
7 70173320 1 Outer Guard
8 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
9 70171550 1 Safety Decal
10 70172989 1 Joint and Tube Half with Guard
11 70172847 1 Inner Guard
12 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
13 70172845 1 Yoke Tube and Slip Sleeve
14 70171799 1 Safety Decal
15 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
16 70172924 1 Ball Shear Clutch
70172987 1 Shear Bolt; 5/16" x 2" (grade 5)
70170028 1 Lock Nut; 5/16" (grade 5)
17 70171544 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit

36 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
PTO Driveline-3150 & 3160-1000 RPM-21 Spline-1-3/8” Yoke - Square Shaft

Order these components if the PTO halves are joined with square shafts.


1 70173308 1 Driveline Complete
2 70173315 1 Joint and Shaft Half with Guard
3 70171543 1 Yoke Assembly
4 70171544 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit
5 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
6 70173318 1 Yoke and Shaft
7 70173320 1 Outer Guard
8 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
9 70171550 1 Safety Decal
10 70172990 1 Joint and Tube Half with Guard
11 70172847 1 Inner Guard
12 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
13 70172845 1 Yoke Tube and Slip Sleeve
14 70171799 1 Safety Decal
15 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
16 70172925 1 Ball Shear Clutch
70172986 1 Shear Bolt; 1/4" x 2" (grade5)
70170069 1 Lock Nut; 1/4" (grade 5)
17 70171544 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit

Kuhn North America Inc. 37

1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
PTO Driveline-3150 & 3160-1000 RPM-20 Spline-1-3/4” Yoke - Square Shaft

Order these components if the PTO halves are joined with square shafts.


1 70173312 1 Driveline Complete
2 70173317 1 Joint and Shaft Half with Guard
3 70172447 1 Yoke Assembly
4 70172496 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit
5 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
6 70173319 1 Yoke and Shaft
7 70173321 1 Outer Guard
8 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
9 70171550 1 Safety Decal
10 70172907 1 Joint and Tube Half with Guard
11 70172994 1 Inner Guard
12 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
13 70172993 1 Yoke Tube and Slip Sleeve
14 70171799 1 Safety Decal
15 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
16 70172925 1 Ball Shear Clutch
70172986 1 Shear Bolt; 1/4" x 2" (grade5)
70170069 1 Lock Nut; 1/4" (grade 5)
17 70171544 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit

38 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
PTO Driveline-3170 Only-1000 RPM-20 Spline-1-3/4” Yoke - Splined Shaft

Order these components if the PTO halves are joined with splined shafts.


1 70174682 1 Driveline Complete
2 70174695 1 Joint and Shaft Half with Guard
3 70172447 1 Yoke Assembly
4 70172496 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit
5 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
6 70174684 1 Yoke and Shaft
7 70173321 1 Outer Guard
8 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
9 70171550 1 Safety Decal
10 70174696 1 Joint and Tube Half with Guard
11 70172994 1 Inner Guard
12 70170220 1 Nylon Repair Kit
13 70173435 1 Yoke Tube and Slip Sleeve
14 70171799 1 Safety Decal
15 70170776 1 Cross and Bearing Kit
16 70172924 1 Ball Shear Clutch
70172987 1 Shear Bolt; 5/16"-18 x 2.00"LG (grade5)
70170028 1 Lock Nut; 5/16"-18 (grade 5)
17 70171544 1 Safety Slide Lock Repair Kit

Kuhn North America Inc. 39

1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
PTO Driveline-1000 RPM-6 Spline-1-3/8” Yoke


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 13 14 15
6 16 4


1 70177704 1 PTO, Assy
2 70175694 1 Joint and Shaft Half Assy w/ Guard
3 70175647 1 Joint and Shaft Halt Assy w/ Guard
4 70171544 2 SS, Auto-Lock Repair Kit
5 70171542 1 SAFETY Slide Lock Assy
6 70170776 2 35R Cross and Bearing Kit
7 70174683 1 Yoke and Shaft (1.31- 20 Spline)
8 70170220 2 Guard Repair Kit
9 70171550 1 SAFETY SIGN
10 70173320 1 Outer Guard
11 70172847 1 Inner Guard
12 70171799 1 Safety Sign
13 70173426 1 Yoke, Tube and Slip Sleeve
14 70172925 1 Ball Shear Assy.
15 70170069 1 Locknut, 1/4- 20
16 70172986 1 Bolt, 1/4-20 x 2.00 LG., Gr. 5

40 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
The following decals are listed below for your convenience.
Use the operator’s manual for decal location, part number and ordering.
Unit Decals:
70175877 1 Complete Set 3150 B Model S/N 70175799* 17' Stripe For 3150 B Model S/N
70175878 1 Complete Set 3160 B Model S/N 22' Stripe For 3160 B Model S/N
70175879 1 Complete Set 3170 B Model S/N 27' Stripe For 3170 B Model S/N
70170490 1 IMPORTANT - Reduce Engine . . . 70177363 1 KUHN KNIGHT Wave Logo (Left)
70170849 3 WARNING - Stay Clear Of . . . 70177364 1 KUHN KNIGHT Wave Logo (Right)
70170893 1 SMV Symbol 70175800 2 Decal, Kuhn Knight, 15" x 22"
70171712 1 NOTICE - Retighten Set . . . 70177500 1 HAY MAXX System
70174842 1 Door Gauge 70177393 1 “3150” For 3150 B Model S/N
70171820 4 DANGER - Rotating Auger . . . 70177394 1 “3160” For 3160 B Model S/N
70171911 1 NOTICE - Operating Precautions 70177395 1 "3170" For 3170 B Model S/N
70171913 1 WARNING - Do Not Operate . . . 70174686 3 Red Reflector
70171914 2 WARNING - Stay Clear Of . . . 70174687 3 Amber Reflector 3150/3160
70171915 1 DANGER - Shield Missing . . . 70174687 5 Amber Reflector 3170
70171947 4 DANGER - Do Not Hand Load . . . 70175847 1 Feedlot Series B Model S/N
70171948 1 BEWARE - If Mixer . . . 70177536 2 Commercial Reel B Model S/N
70171949 1 “Patent No. . . .” 70177506 2 Roughage Maxx
70172292 1 Mixer Full Line 70175485 3 Red/Orange Fluorescent Strip
70172786 1 DANGER - Rotating . . . 70175851 2 Commercial Reel Stripe B Model S/N
70172820 1 WARNING - Lifting . . .
70172883 1 Oil Level Plug
70173040 1 CAUTION PTO Operation. . .
70173041 1 Shear Bolt Information. . .
70173078 2 DANGER Shield Missing. . .

* Sold by the linear foot.

Power Chute and Slide tray Decals:

70171914 2 WARNING - Stay Clear of Chute...
70174687 1 Amber Reflector
70174686 1 Red Reflector

PTO Driveline Decals:

70171550 1 DANGER - Rotating Driveline
70171799 1 DANGER - Shield Missing
70171599 1 Do Not Exceed 540 RPM (540 RPM units only)
70171609 1 Do Not Exceed 1000 RPM (1000 RPM units only)

70177243 Sandstone Silver - Aerosol Can 70177243 Grey Aerosol Can 70177259 Black Aerosol Can
70177242 Sandstone Silver - Quart Can 70177242 Grey Quart Can 70177258 Black Quart Can
70177241 Sandstone Silver - Gallon Can 70177257 Black Gallon Can

Optional Kits

Safety Chain For Towed Equipment

70172041 1 30,000#, (3150 only)
70173077 1 40,000#, (3160 & 3170)

This chain is designed to retain the connection between the towing and towed machines in the event of
separation of the primary attaching system. It should be used whenever the unit is transported on the highway.

Kuhn North America Inc. 41

1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Hardware Part Number Listing
All fasteners are NC thread, Grade 5 unless otherwise specified.
HEX HEAD BOLTS 1/2 x 1-3/4 .............................. 171-774 3/4 x 7 UNF ............................. 173-747
Size ......................................... Part No 1/2 x 2 ..................................... 171-802 3/4 x 7-1/2 .............................. 175-004
1/4 x 1/2 .................................. 173-279 1/2 x 2-1/4 .............................. 172-387 3/4 x 8 ..................................... 173-509
1/4 x 3/4 .................................. 170-803 1/2 x 2-1/2 .............................. 170-885 7/8 x 2-1/4 .............................. 172-892
1/4 x 7/8 .................................. 171-094 1/2 x 2-1/2 (Full thread) ........... 171-099 7/8 X 2-1/2 .............................. 175-633
1/4 x 1 ..................................... 170-310 1/2 x 2-3/4 .............................. 172-007 7/8 x 3 ..................................... 172-002
1/4 x 1-1/2 .............................. 170-068 1/2 x 3 ..................................... 170-168 7/8 x 3-1/2 .............................. 173-020
1/4 x 2 ..................................... 172-986 1/2 x 3-1/2 .............................. 170-167 7/8 x 4 ..................................... 173-299
1/4 x 2 (Grade 8) ..................... 175-073 1/2 x 3-1/2 (Grade 8) ............... 172-950 7/8 x 4-1/2 .............................. 175-953
1/4 x 2-3/4 .............................. 171-203 1/2 x 4 ..................................... 173-111 7/8 x 4 UNF ............................. 171-092
1/4 x 3 ..................................... 171-403 1/2 x 4 (Full thread) ................. 171-509 7/8 x 6-1/2 .............................. 173-774
1/4 x 3-1/2 .............................. 173-640 1/2 x 4-1/2 .............................. 175-920 7/8 x 7 ..................................... 173-749
1/4 x 4 ..................................... 173-505 1/2 x 4-1/2 (Grade 8) ............... 171-573 7/8 x 7 UNF ............................. 174-097
5/16 x 5/8 ................................ 170-532 1/2 x 5 ..................................... 171-412 7/8 x 8 ..................................... 173-750
5/16 x 3/4 ................................ 170-262 1/2 x 6 ..................................... 173-506 7/8 x 8 UNF ............................. 173-515
5/16 x 3/4 (Stainless steel) ...... 174-787 1/2 x 6 (Grade 8) ..................... 174-944 1 x 3-1/2 ................................. 173-021
5/16 x 7/8 ................................ 170-256 1/2 x 6-1/2 .............................. 173-711 1 x 4 ....................................... 175-119
5/16 x 1 ................................... 170-027 1/2 x 7 ..................................... 174-328 1 x 4 (Grade 8) ....................... 175-248
5/16 x 1-1/4 (Full thread) ......... 170-188 1/2 x 7-1/2 .............................. 175-107 1 x 7 UNF ................................ 173-516
5/16 x 1-1/2 ............................. 170-372 1/2 x 8-1/2 .............................. 170-504 1 x 8 ....................................... 174-723
5/16 x 1-3/4 ............................. 170-263 1/2 x 11 ................................... 170-506 1 x 8 (grade 8) UNF ................. 173-713
5/16 x 2 ................................... 172-987 9/16 x 1 ................................... 173-699 1-1/4 x 4-1/2 (grade 8) ............ 175-003
5/16 x 2-1/2 ............................. 170-369 9/16 x 1-1/4 ............................. 173-700 M8 x 16MM (Grade 8.8) ........... 174-610
5/16 x 3 ................................... 170-295 9/16 x 1-1/2 ............................. 173-701 M8 x 20MM (Grade 8.8) ........... 175-193
5/16 x 3-1/4 ............................. 171-639 9/16 x 2 ................................... 172-219 M8 x 25MM (Grade 8.8) ........... 174-900
5/16 x 3-1/2 ............................. 173-748 5/8 x 1 ..................................... 171-087 M10 x 22MM (Grade 8.8) ......... 175-016
5/16 x 4 ................................... 170-293 5/8 x 1-1/4 .............................. 171-366 M10 x 25MM (Grade 8.8) ......... 173-344
5/16 x 4-1/2 ............................. 170-294 5/8 x 1-1/2 .............................. 170-153 M12 x 25MM (Grade 8.8) ......... 171-566
5/16 x 5 (Grade 8) ................... 172-983 5/8 x 1-3/4 (Full thread) ........... 170-030 M12 x 35MM (Grade 8.8) ......... 175-020
5/16 x 5-1/2 (Grade 8) ............. 172-952 5/8 x 2 ..................................... 170-009 M12 x 40MM (Grade 12.9) ....... 175-190
3/8 x 3/4 .................................. 170-439 5/8 x 2 (Full thread) ................. 171-772 M12 x 45MM (Grade 10.9) ....... 174-911
3/8 x 3/4 (Stainless steel) ........ 174-788 5/8 x 2-1/4 .............................. 173-009 M14 x 30MM (Grade 8.8) ......... 173-518
3/8 x 7/8 .................................. 170-268 5/8 x 2-1/2 .............................. 172-381 M16 x 40MM (Grade 8.8) ......... 175-631
3/8 x 1 ..................................... 170-054 5/8 x 2-1/2 (Full thread) ........... 170-129 M16 x 44MM (Grade 8.8) ......... 175-634
3/8 x 1-1/4 .............................. 170-005 5/8 x 2-3/4 .............................. 172-356 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW
3/8 x 1-1/4 (Stainless steel) ..... 174-917 5/8 x 3 ..................................... 170-258 3/8 x 7/8 .................................. 172-044
3/8 x 1-1/2 .............................. 170-368 5/8 x 3-1/2 .............................. 170-038 1/2 x 2 ..................................... 175-232
3/8 x 1-3/4 .............................. 172-383 5/8 x 4 ..................................... 170-371 1/2 x 2-1/2 .............................. 175-921
3/8 x 2 ..................................... 170-245 5/8 x 4-1/2 .............................. 170-067 SELF TAPPING SCREW
3/8 x 2-1/4 .............................. 170-320 5/8 x 5 ..................................... 170-065 1/4 x 3/4 .................................. 174-874
3/8 x 2-1/2 .............................. 170-257 5/8 x 5-1/2 .............................. 172-421 CARRIAGE BOLTS
3/8 x 2-1/2 (Full thread) ........... 170-128 5/8 x 6 ..................................... 170-381 1/4 x 1-1/4 (Grade 2) ............... 170-311
3/8 x 2-1/2 (Lag) ..................... 171-775 5/8 x 6-1/2 .............................. 173-777 1/4 x 1-1/2 (Grade 2) ............... 170-355
3/8 x 3 ..................................... 170-380 5/8 x 7-1/2 .............................. 173-019 1/4 x 2 (Grade 2) ..................... 170-299
3/8 x 3-1/2 .............................. 170-292 5/8 x 9-1/2 .............................. 171-039 1/4 x 2-1/2 (Grade 2) ............... 171-394
3/8 x 4 ..................................... 170-877 3/4 x 1-1/2 .............................. 173-507 1/4 x 2-3/4 (Grade 2) ............... 170-508
3/8 x 4-1/4 (Black oxide) ......... 171-813 3/4 x 2 ..................................... 171-768 1/4 x 3 ..................................... 170-509
3/8 x 4-1/2 .............................. 170-519 3/4 x 2 (Full thread) ................. 170-058 5/16 x 1 (Grade 2) ................... 170-370
3/8 x 5 ..................................... 170-493 3/4 x 2 (Grade 8) ..................... 171-877 5/16 x 1-1/4 ............................. 175-715
3/8 x 5-1/2 .............................. 174-196 3/4 x 2-1/4 .............................. 171-275 5/16 x 1-1/2 (Grade 2) ............. 170-296
3/8 x 5-1/2 (Full thread) ........... 170-593 3/4 x 2-1/2 .............................. 170-374 5/16 x 2-1/2 (Grade 2) ............. 171-395
3/8 x 6 ..................................... 174-304 3/4 x 2-1/2 (Grade 8) ............... 175-055 5/16 x 5-1/2 (Grade 2) ............. 170-494
3/8 x 6-1/2 .............................. 171-291 3/4 x 3 ..................................... 170-014 3/8 x 1 ..................................... 176-170
3/8 x 7 ..................................... 172-587 3/4 x 3 UNF ............................. 173-776 3/8 x 1 Short Neck ................... 175-970
7/16 x 3/4 ................................ 170-265 3/4 x 3-1/2 .............................. 170-195 3/8 x 3-1/2 (Grade 2) ............... 171-283
7/16 x 1 ................................... 170-032 3/4 x 3-1/2 (Grade 8) ............... 171-899 3/8 x 4-1/2 (Grade 2) ............... 170-191
7/16 x 1-1/4 ............................. 170-354 3/4 x 4 ..................................... 170-419 3/8 x 5 (Grade 2) ..................... 170-495
7/16 x 1-1/4 (Grade 8) ............. 174-216 3/4 x 4 (Grade 8) UNF ............. 173-579 3/8 x 6-1/2 (Grade 2) ............... 171-174
7/16 x 1-1/2 ............................. 170-059 3/4 x 4-1/2 .............................. 170-846 3/8 x 8 (Grade 2) ..................... 170-297
7/16 x 2 ................................... 170-356 3/4 x 4-1/2 (Grade 8) ............... 173-039 3/8 x 13 (Grade 2) ................... 170-298
7/16 x 2-1/2 ............................. 170-379 3/4 x 4-1/2 (Grade 8) UNF ....... 173-588 3/8 x 13-1/2 (Grade 2) ............. 170-300
7/16 x 3 ................................... 170-270 3/4 x 5 ..................................... 173-508 1/2 x 1-1/2 (Grade 5) ............... 174-918
7/16 x 5-1/2 ............................. 170-377 3/4 x 5 UNF ............................. 173-510 1/2 x 3 ..................................... 176-169
7/16 x 6 ................................... 170-378 3/4 x 5-1/2 (Grade 8) UNF ....... 173-514 1/2 x 6-1/2 (Grade 2) ............... 171-098
1/2 x 3/4 .................................. 171-252 3/4 x 6 ..................................... 171-116 1/2 x 9 (Grade 2) ..................... 171-255
1/2 x 1 ..................................... 170-149 3/4 x 6 UNF ............................. 173-511 5/8 x 2 ..................................... 175-110
1/2 x 1-1/4 .............................. 170-373 3/4 x 6 (Grade 8) ..................... 173-231 5/8 x 2-1/2 (Grade 5) ............... 174-790
1/2 x 1-1/2 .............................. 170-002 3/4 x 6 1/2 ............................... 176-148
1/2 x 1-1/2 (Grade 8) ............... 172-951 3/4 x 7 ..................................... 173-745

42 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Hardware Part Number Listing
5/8 x 2 ..................................... 174-767 #6-32 ...................................... 174-188 1/8 NPT ................................... 170-865
3/4 x 2-1/2 .............................. 174-948 #10-32 .................................... 174-073 1/8 NPT-45 Deg ....................... 170-864
TRUSS HEAD BOLTS 1/4 .......................................... 170-069 1/8 NPT-65 Deg ....................... 170-215
#6-32 x 3/4 .............................. 172-416 5/16 flange lock ....................... 170-028 1/8 NPT-90 Deg ....................... 170-866
#6-32 x 1 ................................ 173-079 3/8 .......................................... 170-047 3/16 drive in ............................ 174-124
#8-32 x 1-1/2 .......................... 171-210 3/8 flange lock ......................... 176-246 1/4-28 ..................................... 170-023
#8 x 3/4 ................................... 174-192 7/16 ........................................ 170-239 1/4-28 - 45 Deg ....................... 170-148
#10-32 x 3/4 ............................ 171-604 1/2 .......................................... 170-042 1/4-28 - 90 Deg ....................... 170-049
#10-32 x 1 .............................. 172-882 1/2 UNF ................................... 170-566 1/4 NPT ................................... 170-277
1/4 x 3/4 .................................. 170-193 1/2 (Grade 8) .......................... 171-671 1/4 NPT - 45 Deg ..................... 174-130
1/4 x 1 ..................................... 170-194 9/16 ........................................ 172-220 COTTER PINS
5/16 x 1 ................................... 170-117 5/8 .......................................... 170-031 1/16 x 1/2 ................................ 170-992
3/8" x 1" .................................. 176-700 3/4 .......................................... 170-185 3/32 x 3/4 ................................ 170-364
3/4 (Grade 8) .......................... 171-900 1/8 x 1 ..................................... 170-045
SET SCREWS (Socket Head)(Cup 3/4 (Grade 8) UNF ................... 173-578 1/8 x 1-1/4 .............................. 170-033
Point) 7/8 .......................................... 173-069 1/8 x 1-1/2 .............................. 170-382
1/4 x 1/4 .................................. 170-247 7/8 UNF ................................... 171-093 5/32 x 1 ................................... 170-421
1/4 x 5/8 .................................. 172-985 1 ............................................. 174-928 5/32 x 1-1/2 ............................. 170-236
5/16 x 1/4 ................................ 170-993 1 UNF ...................................... 170-527 5/32 x 3 ................................... 170-135
5/16 x 5/16 .............................. 170-248 M45 x 1.5MM ........................... 175-199 3/16 x 1-1/4 ............................. 170-991
5/16 x 5/16 UNF ...................... 170-825 M50 x 1.5MM ........................... 175-197 3/16 x 2 ................................... 170-115
5/16 x 3/8 UNF ........................ 173-367 JAM NUTS 1/4 x 1-1/2 .............................. 170-521
5/16 x 1/2 ................................ 170-254 1/4UNF .................................... 171-386 1/4 x 2 ..................................... 170-056
5/16 x 5/8 UNF ........................ 170-456 5/16 ........................................ 173-521 1/4 x 2-1/2 .............................. 173-961
5/16 x 1 (Sq hd) ...................... 173-610 3/8 .......................................... 170-022 ROLLER CHAIN
5/16 x 1-1/2 ............................. 172-917 7/16 ........................................ 170-046 CONNECTOR LINKS
3/8 x 1/4 .................................. 170-856 1/2 .......................................... 170-036 #50 ......................................... 170-088
3/8 x 3/8 .................................. 170-151 1/2 Lock .................................. 174-063 #50-2R .................................... 170-094
3/8 x 1/2 .................................. 170-857 5/8 .......................................... 170-037 #60 ......................................... 170-089
3/8 x 1/2 UNF .......................... 171-469 3/4 .......................................... 170-035 #60-2R .................................... 170-095
3/8 x 3/4 .................................. 174-190 1 ............................................. 174-927 #60H ....................................... 171-102
3/8 x 3/4 (Sq hd) ..................... 170-290 FLAT WASHERS #80 ......................................... 170-090
3/8 x 1 ..................................... 170-021 #10 ......................................... 171-525 #80H ....................................... 170-821
3/8 x 1 (Sq hd) ........................ 173-609 1/4 .......................................... 170-301 #80-2R .................................... 176-134
3/8 x 1 (Sq hd) (Dog pt) ........... 171-551 1/4 Heavy ............................... 171-083 #100 ....................................... 170-091
7/16 x 7/16 .............................. 170-288 1/4 Fender .............................. 173-672 #100H ..................................... 171-969
7/16 x 1 (Sq hd) ...................... 170-147 5/16 ........................................ 170-127 #120 ....................................... 170-092
1/2 x 5/8 .................................. 170-249 5/16 Fender ............................. 173-811 #140 ....................................... 170-093
1/2 x 1 ..................................... 170-438 3/8 .......................................... 170-244 #140H ..................................... 173-552
1/2 x 1-1/4 (half dog point) ...... 171-085 3/8 Heavy ............................... 170-302 #160 ....................................... 170-888
5/8 x 5/8 .................................. 170-250 3/8 Aluminum ........................... 173-900 OFFSET LINKS
3/4 x 3/4 (Sq hd) (Dog pt) ........ 170-251 3/8 Belleville ............................ 171-393 #50 ......................................... 170-096
HEX NUTS 7/16 ........................................ 170-138 #50-2R .................................... 170-102
#6-32 ...................................... 172-418 1/2 .......................................... 170-040 #60 ......................................... 170-097
#10-32 .................................... 171-606 1/2 (Grade 8) .......................... 172-984 #60-2R .................................... 170-103
#8-NC ..................................... 174-193 9/16 ........................................ 173-693 #60H ....................................... 171-103
1/4 .......................................... 170-125 5/8 .......................................... 170-066 #80 ......................................... 170-098
5/16 ........................................ 170-119 5/8 (Grade 8) .......................... 173-581 #80H ....................................... 170-820
3/8 .......................................... 170-007 3/4 .......................................... 170-015 #80-2R .................................... 176-135
7/16 ........................................ 170-062 7/8 .......................................... 173-298 #100 ....................................... 170-099
7/16 (Grade 8) UNF ................. 174-217 7/8 Heavy ............................... 170-131 #100H ..................................... 172-145
1/2 .......................................... 170-004 1 ............................................. 170-122 #120 ....................................... 170-100
9/16 ........................................ 173-702 1-1/4 ....................................... 170-928 #140 ....................................... 170-101
5/8 .......................................... 170-011 LOCK WASHERS #140H ..................................... 173-553
3/4 .......................................... 170-017 #6 ........................................... 172-417 #160 ....................................... 170-887
3/4 UNF ................................... 170-159 #10 ......................................... 171-605 ROLLER LINKS
3/4 (Grade 8) UNF ................... 173-520 #8 ........................................... 174-194 50 ........................................... 171-415
7/8 .......................................... 171-776 1/4 .......................................... 170-124 #60 ......................................... 171-416
1 ............................................. 173-022 5/16 ........................................ 170-118 #80 ......................................... 171-417
1 UNF ...................................... 173-714 3/8 .......................................... 170-006 #80H ....................................... 170-795
1 (Grade 8) ............................. 175-247 7/16 ........................................ 170-061 #100 ....................................... 171-418
1 (Grade 8) UNF ...................... 173-519 1/2 .......................................... 170-003 #100H ..................................... 172-146
1-1/8 UNF ................................ 174-095 9/16 ........................................ 173-692 #120 ....................................... 171-419
1-1/4 UNF ................................ 170-130 5/8 .......................................... 170-010 #140 ....................................... 171-420
1-1/4 (Grade 8) ....................... 175-006 3/4 .......................................... 170-016 #160 ....................................... 171-421
M8 x 1.25MM ........................... 172-949 3/4 External Tooth .................... 174-793
M30 x 1.5MM ........................... 174-902 7/8 .......................................... 172-003
M50 x 1.5MM ........................... 175-200 1 ............................................. 171-021
1-1/4 ....................................... 175-005

Kuhn North America Inc. 43

1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Part Number Index
172-110 ...30 70103855 ...23 70136031 ...31 70142190 ...13
174-673 ...30 70103918 ...23, 25 70136032 ...31 70142191 ...13
174-674 ...30 70103989 ...21 70136033 ...31 70142192 ...13
174-675 ...30 70103996 ...19 70136034 ...31 70142193 ...13
174-725 ...30 70103997 ...19 70136035 ...31 70142887 ...29
174-775 ...30 70103998 ...21 70136036 ...31 70142959 ...11
176-848 ...30 70103999 ...21 70136037 ...31 70143415 ...25
177-480 ...30 70104000 ...19 70136038 ...31 70143499 ...26
70101227 ...23, 25 70104086 ...13 70136039 ...31 70144851 ...9
70101231 ...23, 25 70104087 ...13 70136065 ...15, 16, 17 70144860 ...5
70101736 ...23, 25 70104088 ...13 70136067 ...9 70170008 ...9
70101819 ...6 70104246 ...26 70136068 ...9 70170028 ...5, 35, 36, 39
70102048 ...21 70104247 ...26 70136076 ...5 70170053 ...5
70102049 ...21 70104250 ...29 70136142 ...23, 25 70170056 ...21
70102065 ...21 70104283 ...11 70136143 ...23, 25 70170069 ...5, 33, 34, 37, 38, 40
70102066 ...21 70104284 ...7 70136254 ...27 70170073 ...27
70102295 ...27 70104290 ...7 70136454 ...5 70170074 ...23, 25, 27, 29
70102307 ...19, 21 70104328 ...29 70136751 ...31 70170075 ...23, 27, 28, 29
70102312 ...12, 13, 14 70104394 ...25 70136752 ...31 70170110 ...23, 25
70102313 ...13, 14 70104395 ...25 70136753 ...31 70170115 ...25, 29
70102315 ...12 70104501 ...12 70136754 ...31 70170118 ...23, 25
70102317 ...15, 16, 17 70104502 ...13, 14 70136755 ...31 70170122 ...23, 25, 26, 27, 29
70102318 ...15, 16, 17 70104784 ...16 70136756 ...31 70170137 ...32
70102319 ...15, 16 70104785 ...16 70136757 ...31 70170142 ...9
70102320 ...15, 17 70105003 ...21 70136758 ...31 70170149 ...9
70102321 ...15, 16, 17 70132701 ...23, 25 70136759 ...31 70170220
70102323 ...9 70133920 ...5 70136760 ...31 ...32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
70102325 ...19, 21 70133942 ...23, 25 70136921 ...12 70170235 ...23, 26, 27, 28
70102331 ...6 70133943 ...23, 25 70136963 ...27 70170236 ...21
70102336 ...15, 17 70133952 ...23, 25 70136965 ...27 70170244 ...11
70102339 ...15, 16, 17 70133983 ...5 70137132 ...19, 21 70170262 ...23, 25
70102340 ...15, 16 70134086 ...6 70140001 ...23, 25 70170302 ...5, 23, 25
70102346 ...23, 25 70134155 ...6, 7 70140003 ...28 70170445 ...9
70102347 ...23, 25 70134352 ...14 70140009 ...5 70170468 ...26, 27, 28
70102387 ...27 70134389 ...23, 25 70140011 ...5 70170471 ...26, 27, 28
70102437 ...5 70134390 ...23, 25 70140012 ...5 70170490 ...41
70102439 ...5 70134394 ...23, 25 70140014 ...28, 29 70170518 ...6
70102479 ...26 70134395 ...23, 25 70140017 ...27 70170776
70102484 ...26 70134447 ...9 70140522 ...13, 14 ...32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
70102525 ...27 70134471 ...9 70140529 ...31 70170800 ...6
70103521 ...26 70134602 ...5 70140530 ...31 70170845 ...6
70103522 ...26 70134771 ...26 70140531 ...31 70170849 ...41
70103523 ...26 70134824 ...21 70140532 ...31 70170859 ...23
70103524 ...26 70134843 ...21 70140533 ...15, 16, 17 70170865 ...5, 11, 21, 23, 25
70103526 ...26 70134900 ...5 70140534 ...15, 16, 17 70170893 ...41
70103534 ...16 70135697 ...9 70140535 ...5 70170920 ...19, 21
70103535 ...15, 16 70135883 ...5 70140538 ...13, 14 70170921 ...21
70103536 ...15, 16, 17 70135918 ...19 70140758 ...11 70170922 ...21
70103537 ...15, 16, 17 70135936 ...5 70140777 ...14 70170926 ...21
70103538 ...15, 16, 17 70135946 ...9 70140779 ...14 70170927 ...21
70103540 ...12 70135949 ...5 70140782 ...14 70170928 ...21
70103542 ...12, 13, 14 70135958 ...15, 16, 17 70140804 ...12 70171030 ...23, 26, 27, 28
70103644 ...23 70135959 ...15, 16, 17 70140805 ...12 70171045 ...6
70103711 ...19 70135960 ...15, 16, 17 70140813 ...27 70171136 ...23
70103717 ...6 70135961 ...19, 21 70140816 ...11 70171151 ...23
70103718 ...11 70135968 ...15, 16, 17 70140822 ...11 70171178 ...23, 25
70103719 ...11 70135971 ...12 70140831 ...5 70171186 ...23, 25
70103720 ...14 70135972 ...13, 14 70140847 ...5 70171257 ...23, 25
70103724 ...17 70135976 ...13, 14 70140848 ...19, 21 70171259 ...23, 25
70103725 ...12 70135982 ...15, 16, 17 70140853 ...14 70171260 ...23, 25
70103728 ...27 70135985 ...9 70140854 ...14 70171265 ...23, 25
70103740 ...14 70135992 ...9 70140855 ...14 70171330 ...23
70103741 ...12 70135993 ...9 70140857 ...12 70171346 ...23, 25, 28, 29
70103742 ...14 70135994 ...9 70140858 ...12 70171387 ...5
70103743 ...12 70135996 ...9 70140897 ...23, 25 70171414 ...23, 25
70103744 ...17 70135997 ...9 70140933 ...23, 25 70171427 ...23
70103745 ...17 70136000 ...9 70140937 ...23, 25 70171462 ...23
70103751 ...28 70136001 ...9 70140938 ...23, 25 70171542 ...32, 36, 40
70103752 ...5 70136002 ...9 70140939 ...19, 21 70171543 ...33, 35, 37
70103753 ...15, 17 70136003 ...9 70140942 ...9 70171544
70103754 ...21 70136004 ...9 70141608 ...23, 25 ...32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
70103756 ...23, 25 70136005 ...9 70142188 ...13 70171550
70103854 ...23, 25 70136030 ...31 70142189 ...13 ...32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41

44 © 2010 Kuhn North America, Inc.

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3150/3160/3170 T 006061 R110210
Part Number Index
70171561 ...25 70173005 ...19 70175336 ...19, 21
70171576 ...23, 25 70173006 ...19 70175387 ...11
70171599 ...41 70173007 ...19 70175485 ...41
70171607 ...9 70173012 ...6, 7 70175536 ...23, 26, 27, 28
70171609 ...41 70173013 ...6, 7 70175597 ...33
70171610 ...19, 21 70173014 ...6, 7 70175598 ...32
70171612 ...19, 21 70173015 ...6, 7 70175599 ...34
70171613 ...19, 21 70173019 ...19, 21 70175647 ...33, 40
70171615 ...19, 21 70173021 ...23, 25 70175648 ...34
70171643 ...9 70173027 ...11 70175649 ...32
70171666 ...23, 25 70173031 ...19 70175650 ...34
70171668 ...23 70173032 ...19 70175673 ...26, 27, 29
70171695 ...9 70173034 ...19, 21 70175675 ...26, 27, 29
70171712 ...41 70173040 ...41 70175685 ...25
70171723 ...26 70173041 ...41 70175686 ...29
70171782 ...23 70173065 ...5 70175687 ...25, 26, 27, 29
70171799 70173077 ...41 70175694 ...40
...32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 70173078 ...41 70175699 ...25
70171820 ...41 70173220 ...23 70175700 ...25
70171883 ...23, 25 70173270 ...28 70175702 ...25
70171911 ...41 70173273 ...26, 27 70175709 ...25
70171913 ...41 70173274 ...23, 27, 28, 29 70175711 ...25
70171914 ...41 70173284 ...5 70175726 ...26, 27
70171915 ...41 70173308 ...37 70175781 ...13
70171919 ...9 70173309 ...36 70175782 ...41
70171920 ...15, 16, 17 70173312 ...38 70175826 ...41
70171932 ...23, 25 70173315 ...37 70175827 ...41
70171935 ...11 70173316 ...36 70175828 ...41
70171947 ...41 70173317 ...38 70175844 ...41
70171948 ...41 70173318 ...36, 37 70175847 ...41
70171949 ...41 70173319 ...38 70175851 ...41
70172005 ...6 70173320 70175877 ...41
70172024 ...11 ...32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 40 70175878 ...41
70172041 ...41 70173321 ...34, 38, 39 70175879 ...41
70172275 ...23, 27, 28 70173426 ...32, 33, 35, 40 70175906 ...26, 27, 29
70172288 ...5 70173435 ...34, 39 70175907 ...26, 27, 29
70172289 ...9 70173533 ...11 70175916 ...25
70172292 ...41 70173857 ...7 70175917 ...25
70172312 ...19 70174064 ...13 70175918 ...25
70172313 ...19 70174065 ...13 70176400 ...7
70172360 ...21 70174093 ...13 70176629 ...21
70172361 ...21 70174309 ...7 70176936 ...21
70172362 ...21 70174556 ...41 70177241 ...41
70172396 ...21 70174558 ...12, 26 70177242 ...41
70172442 ...26 70174577 ...19, 21 70177243 ...41
70172447 ...34, 38, 39 70174672 ...15, 16, 17 70177257 ...41
70172496 ...34, 38, 39 70174676 ...19, 21 70177258 ...41
70172751 ...6, 7 70174681 ...35 70177259 ...41
70172786 ...41 70174682 ...39 70177363 ...41
70172820 ...41 70174683 ...32, 33, 35, 40 70177364 ...41
70172822 ...11 70174684 ...34, 39 70177704 ...40
70172823 ...11 70174686 ...41 70180630 ...11
70172845 ...36, 37 70174687 ...41 70181036 ...11
70172847 ...32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 40 70174689 ...33, 35 70181040 ...28, 29
70172864 ...6, 7 70174690 ...32, 35
70172883 ...41 70174695 ...39
70172884 ...9 70174696 ...39
70172907 ...38 70174784 ...19, 21
70172924 ...32, 35, 36, 39 70174795 ...5
70172925 ...33, 34, 37, 38, 40 70174838 ...19, 21
70172986 ...5, 33, 34, 37, 38, 40 70174839 ...19, 21
70172987 ...5, 32, 35, 36, 39 70174840 ...19, 21
70172989 ...36 70174842 ...27, 41
70172990 ...37 70174927 ...23, 25
70172993 ...38 70174928 ...23, 25
70172994 ...34, 38, 39 70175256 ...19, 21
70172998 ...5 70175269 ...19, 21
70172999 ...19 70175331 ...19, 21
70173001 ...19 70175332 ...19, 21
70173002 ...19 70175333 ...19, 21
70173003 ...19 70175334 ...19, 21
70173004 ...19 70175335 ...19, 21

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1501 West 7th Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520
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