Transcultural CAQ Brasil

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Received: 24 July 2020    Revised: 17 November 2020    Accepted: 29 January 2021

DOI: 10.1002/nop2.794


Transcultural adaptation of the children's anxiety questionnaire

in Brazil

Josiane Ramos Garcia Rodrigues1 | Marla Andréia Garcia de Avila1  |

Milena Temer Jamas1 | Fernanda Paula Cerantôla Siqueira2 | Loiane Garcia Daniel3 |
Stefan Nilsson4

Nursing Department, Botucatu Medical
School -­UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil Abstract
Nursing Department, Marilia Medical Aim: To describe the transcultural adaptation process of the Children's Anxiety
School -­FAMEMA, Marília, Brazil
Questionnaire (CAQ) for the Brazilian culture.
School of Architecture, Arts and
Communication –­UNESP, Bauru, Brazil
Design: This is a methodological study of cross-­cultural adaptation.
Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Methods: Study conducted in Brazil and Sweden involved the following steps: prepa-
and University of Gothenburg Centre for ration, translation, synthesis of translations, back-­translation and review, and harmo-
Person-­Centred Care, Sahlgrenska Academy,
University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, nization of the translations by a committee of 13 healthcare professionals using the
Sweden content validity index (CVI). Cognitive debriefing, using children between 4–­10 years
Correspondence old, was completed by 15 children to determine if the images corresponded with
Stefan Nilsson, University of Gothenburg, their meanings and 17 children to determine if they could understand the Global
Institute of Health and Care Sciences,
and University of Gothenburg Centre for CAQ after listening.
Person-­Centred Care, Sahlgrenska Academy, Results: Convergences and discrepancies between the original instrument in Swedish,
Gothenburg, Sweden.
Email: the English version and the Brazilian translation were compared. The process of cul-
turally adapting the CAQ to Brazilian Portuguese was validated, as demonstrated by
Funding information
This research did not receive any specific a satisfactory S-­CVI (0.94) among professionals and an agreement of 95% and above
grant from funding agencies in the public, by children.
commercial or not-­for-­profit sectors.


anxiety, children, emotional distress, paediatrics, questionnaire

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N Children who are hospitalized for surgeries or who undergo
invasive procedures such as cancer treatment experience various
Paediatric patients require an extra level of care in the healthcare emotions that are often not taken into consideration by healthcare
process. Their care involves more patience, flexibility and restraint on professionals. In general, negative feelings such as fear and anx-
emotions, which are ever changing, as compared to adults. Further, iety, experienced in response to a threat, can be considered de-
they need to be made to feel safe and receive age-­appropriate infor- fence reactions. Anxiety is an emotion related to risk assessment
mation to minimize anxiety and fear, which can impede the delivery that is evoked in situations where the danger is uncertain, either
of quality health care and have harmful psychological effects in the because the context is novel or because the danger stimulus was
long term (Lerwick, 2016). present in the past (Graeff, 2007). In the hospital setting, when

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Nursing Open published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Nursing Open. 2021;00:1–8.  |     1

children experience severe anxiety, treatment may be delayed as carried out between September 2019–­June 2020 at two public insti-
procedures take longer time to complete, also lowering satisfac- tutions in Brazil and Sweden.
tion (Lerwick, 2016). The following steps were performed according to the literature
A systematic review of qualitative studies that included patients (Wild et al., 2005): (1) preparation; (2) translation, (3) synthesis of
diagnosed with cancer at or below the age of 18 and reported their translations, (4) back-­translation and review, (5) harmonization of the
perspectives of communicating with clinicians during the treatment translations by the expert committee, (6) cognitive debriefing to test
of childhood cancers showed that it is important to give voice to the images of the instrument (Phase 1) and their comprehension and
children. The findings suggest that even if their choices cannot be interpretation (Phase 2) by the target population and 7) preparation
honoured, it is important for children to feel “heard” and valued in of the final report.
forming the final decision (Lin et al., 2020). The CAQ is an instrument created in Sweden, available in English
Children should be made aware of the need for hospitalization and and Swedish, to assess anxiety in children between the ages of five
the required procedures to reduce negative feelings such as fear and and eight. The authors aimed to develop a questionnaire that would
anxiety. One helpful technique is play therapy, which is used mainly be easy to administer, had concrete psychometric properties and
during invasive procedures, to alleviate fear and anxiety (Costa & could assess self-­reported anxiety in young children. It is based on
Morais, 2017). Playing with the child is a simple strategy that boosts the State-­Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, 1970). The CAQ is
the healthcare professional's confidence, comforts the child and facil- a unidimensional scale, and children give their responses based on
itates the provision of trauma-­free treatment (Falke et al., 2018). the four facial expressions, one at a time, and then choose between
While participation in decision-­making regarding their treat- three steps (i.e. a little, some and a lot). The faces of Happy/Content
ment can increase children's self-­e steem and adherence to treat- and Calm/Relaxed are measured as 3 (a little) −2 (some) −1 (a lot), and
ment, in reality, such opportunities are limited. Thus, creative the faces of Tense/Nervous and Worried/Afraid are measured as 1
communication techniques for use with children can be valuable (a little) −2 (some) −3 (a lot). This instrument's range is 4 to 12 points,
in clinical practice. In this context, the literature contains descrip- with 4 points signifying no anxiety and 12 points signifying the high-
tions of various strategies and instruments, such as an interac- est level of anxiety (Nilsson et al., 2012, 2019).
tive computer-­based assessment and communication tool (Virkki In Step 1, the original Swedish instrument's primary author was
et al., 2015). involved throughout the translation and adaptation process.
Self-­reports cannot be replaced by assessments by healthcare In Step 2, the English instrument was translated by a Brazilian
professionals, since such assessments are likely to measure medi- bilingual freelance translator fluent in the original version's language
cal phenomena that do not reflect the subjective experience of and who was not informed about the objectives of the CAQ. The
the child (Nilsson et  al.,  2015). There are various scales appropri- second translation was performed by a Brazilian nursing professor
ate for children that allow them to report feelings and symptoms, with a PhD, experienced in validating subjects related to health.
such as the Children's Fear Scale (McMurtry et al., 2011) to assess She was fully informed about the objectives of the instrument. Two
fear, the Visual Analog Anxiety Scale (Bringuier et al., 2009) and the translations (T1 and T2) were obtained and used in Step 2.
Children's Anxiety Questionnaire (CAQ) (Nilsson et al., 2012, 2019) In Step 3, both translations were analysed by the researcher,
to determine the presence of anxiety. her supervisor and another professor, both with PhD degrees. They
From a literature review, we identified the absence of appropri- identified the most appropriate terms for the questionnaire and in-
ate instruments for Brazilian hospital nurses to assess self-­reported tegrated them into one version. This process led to the synthesis of
anxiety among young children. The CAQ stands out for valuing neg- the translations (T1-­2).
ative and positive feelings, which makes it useful for the formulation In Step 4, the synthesis was then back-­translated into the original
of positive coping strategies. Furthermore, the instrument makes language of the questionnaire by two other Brazilian independent
use of images (Nilsson et al., 2019). Thus, there is a need for an in- and bilingual translators, both of whom had no information about
strument that can be used for the evaluation of anxiety in Brazilian the objectives of the questionnaire. Two back-­translations, RT1 and
children in a manner that takes the features of this population into RT2, were reviewed, and no discrepancies were found between the
consideration. original instrument and the Brazilian version.
Accordingly, the objective of this study is to describe the process In Step 5, the version of the questionnaire obtained in previous
of cross-­cultural adaptation of the CAQ, which facilitates an under- stages (T1-­2) was evaluated by a committee of judges. The com-
standing of both positive and negative feelings in young children, for mittee was established after searching the Lattes Platform (http://
use in Brazil., a virtual curriculum system in Brazil, using the fol-
lowing criteria: (a) knowledge in the area of paediatrics and oncol-
ogy, (b) good command of the English language and (c) experience in
2 |  M E TH O DS the processes of cultural adaptation and validation of psychometric
instruments. Through the search, we identified 61 healthcare pro-
This methodological study of the cross-­cultural adaptation of the fessionals who were subsequently requested to perform the evalu-
CAQ to be used with the Brazilian Portuguese population was ations electronically. We considered the following equivalences: (1)

semantic: an evaluation based on grammar and vocabulary, (2) idi- We expected different responses from the children, with scores
omatic: expressions that can lose their meaning in another language lower or higher than Agatha's and we also hoped that some children
and can be substituted, (3) conceptual: the evaluation of words with would identify with the character. If all children had similar scores
different conceptual meanings in different cultures and (4) cultural: between themselves and between Agatha's feelings and her own
items that must correspond to those experienced in our cultural con- feelings, it would be a negative indication of their understanding of
text. For the equivalence of each item, the experts had to select an the CAQ (Figure 1).
option: “equivalent” (4 points), “needs minor revision to be equiva- In Step 7, the final version of the CAQ was developed.
lent” (3 points), “needs major revision to be equivalent” (2 points) and
“not equivalent” (1 point). We used the content validity index (CVI)
to measure the proportion or percentage of the judges' agreement. 2.1 | Ethical considerations
This method allows the analysis of individual items using the item-­
level CVI (I-­C VI), as well as the global instrument S-­C VI (Scale-­Level This study was approved by the research ethics committee of the
Content Validity Index) (Polit & Beck, 2006). The calculation of this institution. All parents provided written informed consent, and they
item-­level content validity index (I-­C VI) was carried out by dividing signed for the children after being assured of the confidentiality of
the number of responses that were considered adequate (3 and 4) their information. All participation was voluntary; participants could
by the total number of responses, and the scale's content validity (S-­ withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason.
CVI) was the mean of the I-­C VI. Items with scores of 1 or 2 were then
reviewed or eliminated. Final I-­C VI and S-­C VI scores ranged from
0–­1. The item was equivalent if the I-­C VI and S-­C VI were greater 3 | R E S U LT S
than or equal to 0.80 (Polit & Beck, 2006). This step resulted in the
pre-­test version used in Step 6. The two versions of translations, T1 and T2, obtained in Step 2,
In Step 6, the pre-­test version of the instrument was presented showed differences with regard to “some” and “relaxed,” which
to the target audience in two phases. We included children between one translator considered “reasonable” and “relaxed” and the other
4–­10 years old who were selected using convenience sampling. The “medium” and “quiet.” In Step 2, all terms that differed in T1 and T2
children, invited by their parents, agreed to participate in the study were duly analysed, and after consensus, the summary (T1-­2) was
conducted at the paediatric oncology and haematology units of prepared using the terms considered most common in Brazil. In Step
two public and teaching hospitals in São Paulo. We excluded chil- 3, the back-­translations (RT1 and RT2) obtained from T1-­2 revealed
dren diagnosed with neurological diseases and those who could not few differences from the original instrument.
communicate verbally. Data were collected in a private room by the Step 5 consisted of sending the instrument electronically to the
researcher with experience in paediatric oncology care. In phase 1, 61 selected healthcare professionals identified through the Lattes
children evaluated the instrument to determine if the images used Platform. The members of the committee of judges were those 13
in the questionnaire corresponded with their meanings. They were healthcare professionals who responded within the stipulated 30-­
given two response options: “I agree” and “I do not agree.” We con- day period. Of the 13 committee members, there were nine women
sidered a 90% agreement rate (Polit & Beck, 2006). (all nurses) and four men (two doctors, a dentist and a physiother-
In phase 2, considering the development of the original CAQ, we apist). The mean time after graduation of the judges was 14 (±7.7)
adapted to our context and developed Agatha's story to understand years; three of the healthcare professionals had a PhD, two had a
if the children had different feelings about Agatha's story and them- post-­doctoral degree, seven had a master's degree, and one of them
selves. Children evaluated the instrument to determine the Global had specialised in latu sensu. The judges worked in different areas:
CAQ after listening to a researcher telling Agatha`s story (i.e. how five in paediatric oncology, four in instrument validation, two in pae-
do you think Agatha is feeling?) and assessing the child's own emo- diatric general and two in patient education.
tions (i.e. how are you feeling today?). This story is about a child who The committee deliberated regarding the term “Medium,” the
has a disease and, accompanied by her mother, is expected to take suggested revision for which was “More or less,” and the term
medication at the hospital. The researcher did not mention that the “Little,” which was translated as “A little.” The changes made are de-
disease was cancer. scribed in Table 1.

F I G U R E 1   Agatha's story

TA B L E 1   Comparison of the original

Original version Summary (T1-­2) Specialist committee Children
version, summary and the changes made
Happy/Content Feliz/Alegre Feliz/Alegre Feliz/Alegre to the CAQ after evaluation by the
Calm/Relaxed Calmo/Tranquilo Calmo/Tranquilo Calmo/Tranquilo committee of judges

Tense/Nervous Tenso/Nervoso Tenso/Nervoso Tenso/Nervoso

Worried/Afraid Preocupado/Medo Preocupado/Medo Preocupado/Medo
A little Pouco Um pouco Um pouco
Some Médio Mais ou menos Mais ou menos
A lot Muito Muito Muito

The semantic I-­C VI was 1.0, and the idiomatic, conceptual and interpret their own emotions as well as Agatha´s emotions in the
cultural equivalences were 0.92 each. The S-­C VI was 0.94 (Table 2). story. During this step, the instrument was tested on a small group of
During the first phase of Step 6, a sample of seven children partic- children in order to evaluate alternative wording and verify the com-
ipated, including five girls, with an average age of six years. Children prehension, interpretation and cultural relevance of the translation.
evaluated the instrument as to whether the images corresponded Figures 4 and 5 show that 36.4% (N = 4) of boys and 33.3% (N = 2)
to the feelings described in them. The response options were “I of girls reported lower CAQ scores about Agatha's story than the
agree” and “I do not agree,” and the results were as follows: “Happy/ scores of the children themselves; 18.2% of boys (N = 2) and 50%
Joyful” (100%), “Calm/Tranquil” (85.7%), “Tense/Nervous” (42.8%), (N = 3) of girls reported the same scores in both, and 45.5% (N = 5)
“Worried/Fearful” (57.1%) and “A little, More or less, A lot” (100%). of boys and 16.7% (N = 1) of girls reported higher scores regarding
This way, images that received an agreement rate below 90% were Agatha's story.
revised. In the second round of the first phase, the instrument was During the first phase of Step 7, all the stages to present the
presented to 15 children (seven from the previous test and eight new Brazilian CAQ were analysed.
children) with a mean age of 5.9 years, 10 of whom were females.
The results were as follows: “Happy/Joyful” (100%), “Calm/Tranquil”
(93.3%), “Tense/Nervous” (93.3%), “Worried/Fearful” (93.3%) and 4 | D I S CU S S I O N
“More or less,” “A lot” (100%) (Figure 2).
The instrument was titled Children's Anxiety Questionnaire-­ This study demonstrates the process of translation and cultural ad-
Brazilian Version.” (Figure 3). aptation of the CAQ in Brazil, aimed at developing an instrument that
In the second phase of Step 6, the instrument was presented to can be incorporated into paediatric nursing to help children voice
17 children with a mean age of 7.4 years, 11 of whom were boys. their emotions. Traditionally, the introduction of instruments cre-
As shown in Figures 4 and 5, boys and girls could use the CAQ to ated in other cultures or languages was limited to simple translations

TA B L E 2   Semantic, idiomatic,
Equivalence Cultural Conceptual Semantic Idiomatic
conceptual and cultural equivalence
Judge 1e2 3e4 1e2 3e4 1e2 3e4 1e2 3e4

1 x x x x
2 x x x x
3 x x x x
4 x x x x
5 x x x x
6 x x x x
7 x x x x
8 x x x x
9 x x x x
10 x x x x
11 x x x x
12 x x x x
13 x x x x
I-­C VI 0.92 0.92 1 0.92

Pictorial support can facilitate children's emotional expression. It

is important to emphasize that children also want to be heard and
be included in discussions about their care and in smaller decisions
(Nilsson et al., 2015).
In this study, children contributed by proposing changes to the
images. This step—­application to the target audience—­is extremely
important. Clear images can facilitate use by children who cannot
yet read and write. It is important to emphasize that the pre-­test
relied on the experiences of each child, taking into account their age
and emotions at the time of participation in the study.
Following the process of the original CAQ (Nilsson et al., 2019),
we adapted a girl's story to verify if the children understood the
CAQ. Children tested the instrument by talking about Agatha's story
and their own emotions. Different patterns of response were found,
indicating that there was an understanding of the CAQ. However, al-
though our sample is selected by convenient sampling and has more
boys, the data suggest that girls tend to identify more with Agatha,
and boys reported higher scores when asked about Agatha's feelings.
As boys in our culture are usually created to be “stronger” than girls,
it is possible that some boys had answered the questionnaire about
their perception with lower scores after hearing Agatha's story.
Although increasing numbers of instruments for use in paediat-
ric care are being developed and validated, nurses' lack of knowl-
edge regarding the use of scales for evaluation remains an obstacle
(Santos et al., 2017). Subjective situations, such as pain and anxiety
in younger children, may be underestimated or devalued by health
professionals when they do not use adequate tools for clinical
In this sense, the present study holds relevance in paediatric
F I G U R E 2   First and second round of Children's Anxiety
practice because it is concerned with a complex and multidimen-
Questionnaire to the target audience. Botucatu, SP, Brazil, 2020
sional phenomenon—­
present among children, especially
when sick and hospitalized (Gomes et al., 2016). Thus, it is oppor-
of the original; however, in this case, a basic translation would have tune to propose that healthcare professionals be trained to ensure
differed too greatly from the original based on the translators’ in- adequate assessment of anxiety, appropriate recording and better
dividual perceptions. Thus, the method adopted in this study was results regarding its management.
geared towards performing the best possible translation by means It is also believed that the development of instruments by nurses
of constant verification of equivalences (Schardosim et al., 2014). working in paediatric care settings will enable the performance and
Moreover, providing instruments adequately adapted to the culture qualification of the clinical evaluation as well as documentation of
of each country allows the collected data to be reliable and preserves their activities (Marques et al., 2014). In this way, nurses can achieve
the questionnaire's validity and reliability after the entire adaptation consensus in the assessment of anxiety and measure it by develop-
process (Echevarría-­Guanilo et al., 2017). mental stage.
A qualified group collaborated for the validation of the instru- Finally, after the completion of all stages of cultural adapta-
ment and evaluation of equivalences, resulting in the replacement tion, the process of validating the CAQ will be initiated in the
of the word “Medium” with “More or less,” which is more commonly preoperative and chemotherapy stages to establish its psycho-
used in Brazil. This change brought the scale closer to the culture metric properties and for subsequent use in new research (Souza
of the target country without losing its essence. The expertise of et al., 2017).
different judges resulted in important changes (Epstein et al., 2015). This study has implications for nursing practice, providing a
It is important to note that the Brazilian CAQ makes it possible user-­friendly tool that can facilitate humanized care, improve com-
for children to verbalize both positive and negative feelings. Over munication with children and corroborate the paediatric care plan.
the treatment course, children can experience several physical Identifying anxiety in children is essential for healthcare teams
symptoms, and their ability to express their distress is dependent concerning guiding care strategies and planning. In addition, the
on various factors, such as age, maturity, diagnosis, cognitive sta- tool can help monitor changes in behaviour during treatment or
tus, psychological status, language ability and cultural background. follow-­up.

F I G U R E 3   Children's Anxiety
Questionnaire-­Brazilian Version

F I G U R E 4   Scores of Boys' Anxiety

Questionnaire after Agatha's charge/story
and scores of children themselves

The next step will be to evaluate the psychometric properties of children between 4–­10 years old in the pre-­t est version of the
this instrument in a children with cancer diagnosis in a preoperative instrument. In addition, Wild et al., 2005, recommends assess-
stage. In addition, due to the pandemic COVID-­19, we used the CAQ ing the level of comprehensibility and cognitive equivalence
to assess the prevalence of anxiety among Brazilian children and its of the translation for a group of five to eight respondents. We
associated factors during social distancing due to COVID-­19 (Garcia applied this sample and did the pre-­t est in two different ways,
de Avila et al., 2020). considering that the target is young children. Also, we have
Concerning this work, some limitations must be noted in Step presented only one story of a girl, and if we had offered both
6. The purpose was to evaluate if CAQ assesses anxiety in chil- stories, for a boy and a girl, we may have obtained different
dren between the ages of 4 and 8 years. However, we included results.

F I G U R E 5   Scores of Girls' Anxiety

Questionnaire after Agatha's charge/story
and scores of children themselves

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How to cite this article: Rodrigues JRG, deAvila MAG, Jamas
MT, Siqueira FPC, Daniel LG, Nilsson S. Transcultural
Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2006). The content validity index: Are you sure
you know what's being reported? Critique and recomendationas. adaptation of the children's anxiety questionnaire in Brazil.
Research in Nursing & Health, 29, 489–­497. Nurs Open. 2021;00:1–­8.
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