6 English Idioms
6 English Idioms
6 English Idioms
thought I’d focus on six very simple, yet great English idioms that can be incorporated into your
speech no matter what your level of English is.
IT’S ABOUT TIME When something finally - It’s about time the
happens that should have Richardson’s got a divorce.
happened a long time ago you They’ve been unhappy in their
can use the expression “it’s marriage for years! (they’ve
about time”. You can also use finally gotten a divorce)
it to express that it is nearly, - Don’t you think it’s about
or almost time to do time we buy a new car? Ours is
something. falling apart! (it’s nearly time
to buy a new car)
A BITE TO EAT When you want to get “a bite to - The play’s going to be long, so
eat” it means that you want to maybe we should grab a bite to
get something to eat, usually eat before it starts. (we should get
something that is quick or some food quickly)
convenient. - We’ve been on the road for four
hours now! Can we stop to get a
bite to eat? (can we stop and eat
some food?)
- We’ve been working on this
CALL IT A DAY If you’re finished with your project for six hours and still
work and are ready to go home haven’t finished it! I think we
you can use the expression “call should call it a day. (we should
it a day”. quit working on the project and
go home)
A CLOSE CALL When a dangerous situation - I managed to swerve the car just
almost happened you can call it in time to miss hitting the dog.
“a close call”. You can also call However, it was a really close
an election or competition “a call. (I almost hit the dog)
close call” when more than one - Today’s F1 race is a close call
person has a good chance of between Britain’s Jenson Button,
winning. Brazil’s Rubens Barrichello, and
Australia’s Mark Webber. Who
will win it is anyone’s guess!
(they all have a good chance of