ICSE-Class-10-History-and-Civics Notes
ICSE-Class-10-History-and-Civics Notes
ICSE-Class-10-History-and-Civics Notes
• Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan and Award of Marks (20 Marks)
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (or any other).
Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 10 marks
• Present a book review of any one of the following
works: Dadabai Naoroji’s ‘Poverty and un-British External Examiner 10 marks
rule in India’, Gandhi’s ‘The Story of my The total marks obtained out of 20 are to be sent to the
Experiments with Truth’, Nehru’s ‘Discovery of Council by the Head of the School.
India’, Bhagat Singh’s ‘Why I am an Atheist’,
Vijayalakshmi Pandit’s ‘The Scope of Happiness: The Head of the school will be responsible for the
A Personal Memoir’, Abdul Kalam’s ‘Wings of online entry of marks on the Council’s CAREERS
Fire’. portal by the due date.
• Discuss the relevance of any one of the following
films to understand the history of 20th Century
Europe: The Book Thief, Schindler’s List, Escape
to Victory, The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, Life is
Beautiful, The Sound of Music, Gandhi (Richard
Attenborough), Sardar (Ketan Mehta), Netaji
Subhas Chandra Bose - The Forgotten Hero
(Shyam Benegal).
• Highlight the work and achievements of any one
Nobel Laureate - Malala Yousafzai or Kailash
• Make a PowerPoint presentation on India’s
Independence and Partition.
• Make a presentation on the influence of Gandhian
principles on Martin Luther King / Nelson
• Prepare a report on the contributions of any one of
the following agencies of the United Nations –
The assignments/project work is to be evaluated by the
subject teacher and by an External Examiner. (The
External Examiner may be a teacher nominated by the
Head of the School, who could be from the faculty,
but not teaching the subject in the section/class. For
example, a teacher of History of Class VIII may be
deputed to be an External Examiner for Class X,
History projects.)
The Internal Examiner and the External Examiner will
assess the assignments independently.
Grade Preparation/ Information Concepts Thinking Skills Presentation Marks
I ▪ Follows instructions ▪ A good deal of relevant ▪ Good understanding of ▪ Different ▪ Matter presented is 4
with understanding. matter. historical concepts - interpretations of clear and is in coherent
▪ Masters research ▪ Uses wide range of sequence/ evidence. form (sub-headings,
techniques easily. sources. reconstruction- causes ▪ Can draw Inferences/ sections, chapters etc.)
▪ Reference work is and consequences- deductions/ ▪ Work is neat and tidy
orderly. continuity and change conclusions. and not over elaborate.
▪ Empathy.
II ▪ Follows instructions but ▪ Selects matter relevant ▪ Understanding of ▪ Limited / Single ▪ Matter is presented in 3
needs a little help in to context. concepts is adequate. interpretation of coherent form but not
research techniques. ▪ Limited use of evidence with some organized into sections
▪ Reference notes quite references/ sources. examples. etc.
orderly. ▪ Some inferences/ ▪ Presentation neat and
conclusions are drawn. tidy but not elaborate.
III ▪ Follows instructions but ▪ Relevant matter but ▪ Displays limited use of ▪ Few examples /single ▪ Work is presented in an 2
needs constant guidance. limited reference work. concepts. example to support orderly way, but not
▪ Reference notes at ▪ Matter is sketchy. reasoning. organized into sections.
times disorderly. ▪ Over use of ‘cosmetics’
to hide lack of
▪ Work is quite neatly
IV ▪ Struggles with research ▪ Hardly any reference ▪ Minimal competency in ▪ Finds it difficult to ▪ Matter presented in a 1
methods and needs material. concepts. make conclusions/ confused way at times
constant guidance. ▪ Use of irrelevant ▪ A few of the required deductions/ inferences. (no sub-headings,
▪ Reference notes copied matter. concepts. ▪ No examples to support chapters, etc.)
without reference to ▪ Matter is sketchy. reasoning. ▪ Tendency to copy from
keywords. reference books.
▪ Use of “cosmetics” to
hide lack of substance.
▪ Untidy work.
V ▪ Cannot follow ▪ No reference ▪ Unable to demonstrate ▪ Unable to make ▪ Matter presented in an 0
instructions. work/copied from other concepts. inferences/ deductions incoherent/
▪ Works ‘blindly’ textbooks/ sketchy or come to any disorganized way.
without reference to matter. conclusions. ▪ Copied from textbooks
keywords. “blindly”.
▪ Use of “cosmetics” to
hide lack of substance.
▪ Untidy work.