Medical Devices Equipment
Medical Devices Equipment
Medical Devices Equipment
(Incorporating the Medical Devices
Management Standard)
1.0 Introduction 3
4.0 Purpose 5
5.0 Scope 6
8.3 CEO 7
14.0 References 11
15.0 Appendices 14
Appendix I Common Categories of medical device 14
Appendix II Statutory Requirements 16
Appendix III HSE Medical Devices & Equipment Standard 22
Appendix IV Members of the Working Group 27
Appendix V Groups who contributed to the consultation process 29
Medical Devices/Equipment Management Policy. Document reference no. OQR030. Revision no. 01.
Approval date 03.11.09
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An increasing number of medical devices are being used to support the delivery of care
in both Hospital and Primary Care settings. The availability of such devices assists
greatly in the ability of healthcare organizations to effectively monitor, treat and support
the care of service users in the management of their medical conditions. It also allows
for the management of care in a community setting and facilitates self care for patients
in many instances.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recognized the importance of having in place
appropriate policies that address all elements related to medical devices which are
supported by a system of compliance monitoring. The Commission on Patient Safety and
Quality Assurance stressed the importance of adopting standards and guidelines as a key
element of effective governance. In the UK it has been identified that 400 people die or
are seriously injured in adverse events involving medical devices each year. Whilst
comparable figures are not available in Ireland, as part of the HSE’s approach to clinical
governance it is critical to ensure that there are systems in place to confirm that medical
devices are managed in a way which complies with the requirements of regulation and
best practice.
Various professions within the health services have direct contact with medical
devices/equipment, such as the Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Medical
Physicists, Lab Scientist, Nurse, Biomedical/Clinical Engineering, Pharmacist, Doctor etc.;
each having varying degrees of responsibility in the care of medical devices/equipment.
It is acknowledged that various professions deal directly with the day to day use and
quality assurance of their particular equipment such as Lab scientists performing quality
assurance for Lab equipment, Occupational Therapists prescribing equipment, Medical
Physics performing quality assurance for ionisation equipment, Physiotherapists
prescribing physiotherapy equipment, nurses and doctors performing user checks etc.
With respect to the management of medical devices/equipment it is acknowledged that
this is the core function of the Biomedical/Clinical Engineering profession.
This policy has been developed by the HSE to ensure compliance with requirements of
legislation and guidance from the European Union (EU), the Health Information and
Quality Authority (HIQA) the Irish Medicines Board, the Health and Safety Authority
(HSA), the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) and the Electro-Technical
Council of Ireland (ETCI), including the Technical Committee 10 (TC10) of ETCI in
matters related to the management of medical devices / equipment.
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It is the policy of this organisation (HSE) to ensure that a formal system to manage
medical devices is established in the HSE. The HSE is committed to ensuring that
uniform policy, standards and procedural guidance are implemented to support the
development of a system which assures a designated coordinated approach for the
management of Medical Devices / Equipment throughout the organisation. This is
essential to ensure patient safety through clinical and social care governance, risk
management and quality assurance of Medical Devices/Equipment and in achieving Value
For Money (VFM) by way of effective use of resources.
The overall objective of this policy is to provide an organisation wide framework for the
management of Medical Devices/Equipment and that the highest standards of device
safety, risk management and financial efficiency are realised in the management of the
device. The policy aims to minimize related hazards, to ensure that employees are
properly trained and competent in the use of Medical Devices/Equipment, that devices
are maintained in a safe and reliable condition, are quality assured and subjected to
asset management that is inclusive of device history and tracking.
The policy promotes the use of a standards based approach which will instill a safer,
more efficient, and high quality management of all medical devices/equipment. Good
management will involve all aspects of the lifecycle of medical devices/equipment to
Case of Need
Case of Need Approval
Commissioning and Installation
User Training
Capital Development Projects and Minor Capital
Gifts and Donations
Alert Management
Infection Prevention and Control
Decontamination and Cleaning
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The policy and management standard should be read in conjunction with the following:
There are also national and international statutory requirements which must be adhered
to regarding Medical Devices and Equipment (see Appendix II). The policy must also be
implemented with regard to the Health Act 2004 in that implementation must be “within
the limits of resources available”.
The purpose of this document is to set out the HSE’s Policy in relation to the
management of medical devices/equipment within its services and within agencies
funded by the HSE and to ensure that medical devices/equipment are managed in a way
which complies with the requirements of regulation and best practice.
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This policy applies to all HSE services and services funded by the HSE. It also applies to
companies who are contracted by the HSE to provide services in relation to any aspect of
the management of medical devices.
This refers to any instrument, apparatus, appliance, software, material or other article,
whether used alone or in combination, together with any accessories, including the
software intended by its manufacturer to be used specifically for diagnostic and/or
therapeutic purposes and necessary for its proper application, intended by the
manufacturer to be used for human beings for the purpose of:
— Diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease,
— Diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury or
— Investigation, replacement or modification of the anatomy or of a physiological
- Control of conception
and which does not achieve its principal intended action in or on the human body by
pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, but which may be assisted in its
function by such means.
(EU definition)
This definition includes devices intended to administer a medicinal product, such as a
syringe driver, or which incorporate a substance defined as a medicinal product, such as
a drug-eluting stent.
A list of some of the products covered by the definition of medical device and prepared
by the Irish Medicines Board is attached (See Appendix I).
To clearly define and designate the roles and responsibilities for the
management of Medical Devices/Equipment within the HSE.
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To ensure that the HSE complies with all relevant legislative Standards,
Recommendations and Vigilance Systems of the Competent Authority i.e.
the Irish Medicines Board
The HSE Board will receive and consider the Reports of the Risk Committee and
will hold responsibility for Medical Devices/Equipment Management.
The Risk Committee oversees all risks within the HSE and will incorporate any
issues relating to medical devices/equipment management in its reports to the
8.3 CEO
National Directors are responsible for ensuring that throughout their directorate
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Seek evidence through audit of compliance with this policy and
standard and any relevant legislation and regulation.
These persons will be responsible for ensuring that there are systems and
processes in place for the local management of Medical Devices / Equipment
within their area of responsibility. This will include supporting the establishment
and operation of a sub-regional Medical Devices/Equipment Management
All employees have a responsibility with regard to incident reporting and should
follow the Incident Reporting Policy and Procedure in respect of incidents
involving medical devices.
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Under Health and Safety regulations employees must also take reasonable care
for their own health and safety and also of other people who may be affected by
their acts or omissions.
The MDEMC will liaise with the appropriate organisational support services and
specialist committees required to deliver on their objectives. The MDEMC will
arrange for appropriate training: clinical training, appropriate clinical use of
devices and consumables and facilitate “Train the Trainer” programmes with
areas such as Technical Services.
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To provide guidance to managers and employees with regard to the
implementation of best practice guidance
Detailed procedural guidance to support the successful implementation of this policy and
compliance with the standard has been developed.
In order to establish the effectiveness of this policy services will be required to conduct
an assessment of their system in relation to compliance with the HSE’s Medical Device/
Equipment Management Standard (see Appendix II) and to put in place improvement
plans where required.
Services will also be required to agree, implement and monitor relevant performance
indicators at an operational and national level, and that these will be the subject of
monitoring by the relevant Directorate. When monitoring has identified
underperformance quality improvement plans (QIPs) will be developed and systems put
in place to ensure variances are addressed.
Good record keeping is essential for the safe management of all Medical
Devices/Equipment. A standardised computerised medical device/equipment
management system should be in place throughout the organisation to capture all
aspects pertaining to the device history throughout the management cycle and must be
capable of providing a complete audit trail.
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• HSE Procurement
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• HSE Incident Management Policy and Procedure
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• HSE Infection Control Policies
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15.0 Appendices
Adjustable beds
Lifting poles
Patient hoists
Pressure relief equipment
Stoma care equipment
Bathing equipment
Communication aids
External prostheses and orthoses
Hearing aids
Prescribable footwear
Standing frames
Urine drainage systems
Walking aids
Wheelchairs and special support seating
Bone Cements
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Statutory Requirements:
European directives are passed into legislation by the co-decision procedure of the EU
council and the EU parliament. Directives are applicable in Members states and are
implemented in National Law. The relevant directives that apply to the Medical Devices
EC Implementing Legislation
• Reclassification of breast implants:
- Directive 2003/12/EC - OJ L028/ 4.02.2003
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Medical Exposure Directive 97/43/EURATOM
Council Directive of 30 June 1997 on health protection of individuals against the dangers
of ionizing radiation in relation to medical exposure, and repealing Directive
(OJ L-180 of 09/07/97 page 22)
WEEE Directive
Council Directive 2002/96/EC[4] on waste electrical and electronic equipment as
amended by Council Directive 2003/108/
European Community Directives are transposed into Irish law by Statutory Instrument
under the European Communities Act 1972. The following are the relevant Irish
Legislation for Medical Devices
S.I. No. 554 of 2003 European Communities (Medical Devices) (Tissues of Animal Origin)
Regulations, 2003
The relevant Statutory Instruments that apply to the Medical Exposures of Patients are:
Amendment SI 303 (2007) SI 478 /2002, European Communities (Medical Ionising Radiation
Protection) Regulations 2002
SI 125/ 2000, Radiological Protection Act, 1991 (Ionising Radiation) Order, 2000
Environmental Statutory Instruments
SI 340 Waste Management (Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment) Regulations 2005:
SI 290 Waste Management (Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
Regulations 2005:
S.I. No. 375 of 2008 Waste Management (Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations 2008
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S.I. No. 268 of 2008 Waste Management (Batteries and Accumulators)
Regulations 2008
They have been carefully drafted through a process of consultation with various
interested parties during which intermediate drafts were circulated and comments were
taken up in the documents. Therefore, they reflect positions taken in particular by
representatives of Competent Authorities and Commission Services, Notified Bodies,
industry and other interested parties in the medical devices sector.
The guidelines are not legally binding. It is recognised that under given circumstances,
for example, as a result of scientific developments, an alternative approach may be
possible or appropriate to comply with the legal requirements.
Due to the participation of the aforementioned interested parties and of experts from
Competent Authorities, it is anticipated that the guidelines will be followed within the
Member States and, therefore, ensure uniform application of relevant Directive
provisions. Guidelines are subject of a regular updating process.
MEDDEV’s are available at:
The relevant European Commission DG for the medical exposure directive is Directorate-General for
Energy and Transport. Since 1976 the Radiation Protection unit has been responsible for publishing
information covering a wide range of issues relating to ionizing radiation and radiation protection and
are available on the net at :
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Examples of IMB guidance published in 2008 is illustrated below, full details on web site
The following are the primary guidance documents issued by the IMB with respect to
Medical Devices / Equipment Management:-
Guidelines for Safe and Effective Management and Use of Point of Care Testing
Compliance with harmonised standards, of which the reference numbers have been
published in the Official Journal and which have been transposed into national standards,
provides presumption of conformity to the corresponding essential requirements of the
EC directives. Compliance with harmonised standards remains voluntary, and
manufacturers are free to choose any other technical solution that provides compliance
with the essential requirements. In a number of cases compliance with harmonised
standards also increases the options for conformity assessment procedures.
Where the Commission or the Member States consider that harmonised standards
present shortcomings with respect to the essential requirements, the publication of the
reference in the Official Journal can, in conformity with the procedures laid down in the
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directives, be withdrawn by the Commission. In such cases, the harmonised standard
will cease to provide a presumption of conformity.
The essential objective of a conformity assessment procedure is to enable the public
authorities to ensure that products placed on the market conform to the requirements
expressed in the provisions of the directives, in particular with regard to the health and
safety of users and consumers.
CE-marking is the only marking which indicates that products conform to the relevant
EC directives. The CE-marking affixed to products also provides a witness that the
natural or legal person having affixed or been responsible for the affixing of the CE-
marking has verified that the product conforms to all relevant EC directives which
require the CE-marking applying to it, and has been the subject of the appropriate
conformity evaluation procedures.
NSAI aims to inspire consumer confidence and protect industry interests through setting
standards and issuing certification in the quality and safety of goods and services. The
NSAI benchmarks these standards against international best practice and is therefore a
key facilitator of fair trade both in Ireland and in global markets. More information, such
as the NSAI mission statement and its policies with regard to privacy, quality, and
customers is available in strategy and policies on the NSAI website
The NSAI provides knowledge-based services and technical support to the government,
consumers and industry, through:
As well as domestic activities, the NSAI also represents Ireland in European and
international standards bodies, whose aim is to harmonise standards and remove
technical barriers to trade.
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The Electro-Technical Council of Ireland Limited (ETCI) is a voluntary body of twenty-
three organisations representative of all aspects of electro-technology in the Republic of
Ireland. Formally constituted in 1972, the Council is the national body responsible for the
harmonisation of standards in the electrotechnical field in collaboration with the National
Standards Authority of Ireland
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1.0 Introduction
This document sets out a framework for implementation of an integrated medical devices
and equipment management system within the HSE. Robust standards for the
management of medical devices and equipment are required to ensure
• High quality safe care for service users
• Safety of employees
• Improved performance and effectiveness
• Less likelihood of unexpected events
• Better decision making at all levels
• Better resource planning and utilisation
• Compliance with legislation
• Assurance to Risk and Audit Committees and thereby assurance to the HSE
Board and all stakeholders.
What follows in this document is a framework for an integrated medical devices and
equipment management system, comprising a statement of overall standard together
with supporting criteria. HSE guidance in relation to the criteria is available to support
the achievement of the standard Reference. Each criterion reflects the elements of a
higher level management model describing a ‘system of internal control’ for a healthcare
organisation. This standard is aligned to the HSE’s Quality and Risk Management
Standard and the NHO and PCCC’s Integrated Quality, Safety and Risk Framework.
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The model (see above) sits within an overarching Governance approach and
influences, and is influenced by, the Organisational Culture. The model specifies a
generic approach to providing assurances to stakeholders that a healthcare organisation
is meeting its various objectives and providing the right ‘outcomes’. In this case the
objective (or ‘standard’) is to ensure implementation of an integrated medical devices
and equipment management system within the HSE. Various criteria, including outcomes
criteria, have been devised in line with the elements of the model as follows:
• The organisation (or department, etc.) should have the necessary Capability
(leadership, knowledgeable and skilled staff, adequate financial and physical
resources, etc.) to ensure the entire system works effectively.
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A self assessment tool will accompany this Standard. All Service Areas are required to
conduct a self assessment against this standard on an annual basis. The outcome of this
self assessment will determine the areas requiring improvement. These areas will be the
focus of quality improvement plan development, the implementation of such plans will
be the subject of monitoring and review.
There are 26 criteria incorporated within this standard divided in line with the internal
control model above as described on page 13 of this document.
In order to comply with the standard, it is necessary to comply with each of the criteria.
3.2 Accountability
2 Individual responsibility for Medical Devices and Equipment management is clearly
defined and there are clear lines of accountability for medical devices and equipment
leading up to the most senior manager or director.
5. All Medical Devices and Equipment are selected and acquired in accordance with
the HSE’S Procurement Policy
6. All Medical Device and Equipment developments, modifications and trials are
conducted in accordance with relevant legislation and guidance.
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7. Delivery and pre-use checks are carried out on all newly delivered Medical
8. All newly delivered Medical Devices and Equipment are properly stored after
10. Medical Devices/Equipment designated for single use are not reused under any
11. All necessary information required to properly manage HSE Service’s range of
Medical Devices/Equipment is recorded on a suitable system.
13. All Medical devices/Equipment returned for servicing and repair are properly
15. All loaned Medical Devices/Equipment are collected when no longer needed.
16. All adverse incidents involving Medical Devices and Equipment are managed in
accordance with the requirements of the HSE’s Incident and Serious Incident
Management Policies and the Irish Medicines Board
17. A complete record of guidance issued by the Irish Medicines Board is maintained;
warning notices are distributed to the appropriate people in the organisation; and
recommendations contained in the notices are implemented.
18. The risk management process contained within the HSE’s Quality and Risk
Standard is applied to the management of Medical Devices and Equipment risk.
3.4 Capability
20. Employees are made aware of and, where necessary, trained in incident
management (reporting and investigation) for the management of adverse
19. All Medical
incidents DevicesMedical
involving and Equipment prescribing
Devices and decisions are made by employees
with appropriate professional qualifications and suitable experience, backed by
21. All professional users and technical supervisors are trained in the safe operation of
appropriate administrative and technical support.
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Medical Devices and Equipment.
22. All end-users (employees and service users) are where relevant given appropriate
training in the safe and effective use of Medical Devices and Equipment.
3.5 Outcomes
23. There is demonstrable improvement in key performance indicators relating to
Medical Device and Equipment Management
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Name Address
Marie Kehoe Quality and Risk Dept, Room 76
Area GM, Q&R HSE South Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital
Lead for Quality Function, Western Road, Cork
HSE Office of Quality and Risk Office
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The Working Group would like to thank the following individuals/groups who participated
in the consultation process.
Location Name
1 Abbott Laboratories
2 Bio Medical/Clinical Engineering Department, Waterford Seamus Guiry
Regional Hospital
3 Engineers Ireland (EI)) Dr Michael Walsh
4 Cavan Monaghan Hospital Group
5 Clinical Engineering Professional Vocational Group (CEPVG)
6 Clinical Engineering, Rotunda Hospital, Dublin
7 Clinical Indemnity Scheme (CIS) Dr. Ailis Quinlan
8 Community OT Dept, Barrack Street, Sligo Bernie Convey
9 Community Rehabilitation Services Longford/Westmeath Elizabeth Moore
10 Dental Office, Ballymun Healthcare Facility, Dublin Anne M O’Neill
11 Dept Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University Hospital Prof. W. van der
Galway Putten
12 Dept of Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering, AMNCH, Dr Barry McMahon
Tallaght, Dublin
13 Dietician Manager, Portiuncula Hospital, Ballinasloe, Co Galway Maeve Doherty
14 DON, St Camillus Hospital, Shelbourne Road, Limerick Majella Cussen
15 DON, St Josephs Hospital Ardee Eileen Dullaghan
16 Dublin Hospitals Group Risk Management Liam Duffy
17 Dublin Mid Leinster Occupational Therapists Managers Dublin, Mary O’Kelly
Wicklow, Kildare
18 Engineering Manger, Children’s University Hospital, Temple Shane Kelly
Street, Dublin
19 Fresenius Kabi Ltd. Olive Nolan
20 General Hospital, High road, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal Paddy McGowan
21 Health Protection Surveillance Centre Shelia Donlon
22 HSE MA, Clinical Engineering Dept, Tullamore, Co. Offaly Liam Hackett
23 Health Information Quality Authority (HIQA) Jon Billings
Eric Koornneef
24 Infection Prevention and Control Nurse, Beacon Hospital, Dublin Lenora Leonard
25 Irish Medication Safety Network (IMSN) Ciaran Meegan
26 Irish Medical and Surgical Trade Association (IMSTA) Justin Carty
27 Irish Medicines Board (IMB) Ann O’Connor
Andrea Hanson
28 Local Health Manager, North Dublin Pat Dunne/Mary
29 Markievicz House, Sligo Muireann Toibin
30 Markievicz House, Sligo, Community Medicine Paula Gilvarry
31 Mid Western Regional Hospital, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary Frank Keane
32 Naas General Hospital, Co. Kildare Peter Grainger
33 Occupational Therapist Manager, Donegal Community Services Anne Flannery
34 Occupational Therapy Department, Portiuncula Hospital, Eileen Davis
Ballinasloe, Co Galway
35 Our Lady’s Hospital, Navan & Louth County Hosp, Dundalk Aileen Maguire
36 Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda Mairead Twohig
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37 Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda – Clinical Engineering Patrick Healy
38 PCCC Physiotherapy, Acorn Unit, Cherry orchard Hospital Rosemary Fenton
39 Risk Management, HSE Dublin Mid Leinster Annette Macken
40 Roscommon PCCC Fiona Garvey
41 Senior Clinical Engineer, Enable Ireland Disability Services John Tiernan
42 Senior Manager, Environmental Health, Population Health Ciara Norton
43 St Josephs Hospital, Trim, Co. Meath Karl Brogan
44 St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin Margaret Boland
45 St Vincents Hospital, Dungarvan Co Waterford Paula French
46 St. James Hospital Neil O Hare
Fran Hegarty
Sharon Glynn
Miriam Kenny
Betty Murphy
Gail Melanophy
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