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MAJELIS ILMU & DZIKIR AR-RAUDHAH SURAKARTA). This research aims to explain
(1) how is the social role of habib in social community (Majelis Ilmu dan Dzikir Ar-Raudhah
Surakarta); (2) how is the habib strategy to building and guarantee the loyalty of pilgrims for
always attend recitation at (Majelis Ilmu dan Dzikir Ar-Raudhah Surakarta). This research is
a qualitative using case study approach. The technique of data collection is obtained with
interview, observation and video documentation. The technique of retrieving informants used
purposive sampling. While the technique of data validity test is obtained with triangulation of
sources and perseverance (constancy) of observation. Analysis data technique with qualitative
analysis, that is: data collection, data reduction, data display, and verification (taking
conlucion). Based on the research conducted, obtained the following results: (1) the social role
of habib figures in the social community is categorized into three roles, namely: social role as
cultural broker,social role of da'wah (transfer of religious knowledge) and social role as
counselor; (2) the strategy of the habib in building and ensuring the loyalty of the pilgrims to
always attend the study in the Majelis Ilmu dan Dzikir Ar-Raudhah Surakarta namely: (a)
through indoctrination; (b) use the title (status) of habib; (c) pack an interesting and
applicative of lecture; (d) giving various treats and doorprizes to the pilgrims; (e) as well as
through the establishment of a system of keulamaan and kinship among the habaib.