Ain Shams Engineering Journal: Dina M. Ors, Ahmed M. Ebid, Hisham A. Mahdi
Ain Shams Engineering Journal: Dina M. Ors, Ahmed M. Ebid, Hisham A. Mahdi
Ain Shams Engineering Journal: Dina M. Ors, Ahmed M. Ebid, Hisham A. Mahdi
Evaluating the lateral subgrade reaction of soil using horizontal pile load
test results
Dina M. Ors, Ahmed M. Ebid ⇑, Hisham A. Mahdi
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Future University, Egypt
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The aim of this research is to present a correlation between the measured coefficient of variation of lat-
Received 20 October 2021 eral subgrade reaction with depth (f) and both recommended values in codes and the elastic modulus of
Revised 26 January 2022 soil. In order to achieve that aim, four 3D FEM models were developed to simulate four full-scale, non-
Accepted 3 February 2022
working pile load tests constructed in different soil profile sites. The soil properties in the models (includ-
Available online 23 February 2022
ing the elastic modulus) were calibrated using experimental measurements. Besides that, both experi-
mental and recommended values of (f) were estimated. Comparing these values showed that the
experimental values are about (6 to 12) times the recommended ones for granular soils and increase
Laterally loaded piles
Pile load test
to about 30 times for intact rock. Finally, a non-linear regression was used to develop the correlation for-
Lateral subgrade reaction mula. The results showed perfect logarithmic relation between (Es) & experimental values of (f).
Nonlinear FEM modeling Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams Uni-
versity. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
1. Introduction capacity and the pile is classified as long or flexible pile. Most inter-
national design codes present closed form formulas to estimate the
Deep foundations have been widely used to support heavy ultimate lateral load for both types of piles in uniform soil profile.
structures especially in challenging zones with surface layers of They classified piles based on relative stiffness between pile and
weak soils. In most practical cases, piles are subjected to both ver- surrounding soil mass using a term called ‘‘Elastic length of pile”.
tical and lateral loading induced from different cases of loading. Most famous used formulas are ‘‘Hetenyi, 1946” for flexible piles,
Due to the complicated behavior of piled foundation under lateral ‘‘Duncan, 1995” for semi-rigid piles and ‘‘Barber, 1953” for rigid
loads especially in layered soil profiles, most design codes recom- piles [1].
mended field loading tests on non-working piles in project location
to validate the pile design before construction, besides field loading 2. Background
tests on working piles during construction.
Laterally loaded pile fail either by structural failure within pile Walsh 2005 investigated the lateral load response of the single
or by geotechnical failure in the surrounding soil mass, besides the pile in clay soil and compared this responses with the same pile
serviceability failure due to excessive lateral displacement. If the but in a group of fifteen piles acts as a group to resist the lateral
structural capacity of the pile is larger than the geotechnical one, load. Then, the tested single pile was modeled using LPILE Plus
the failure will occur in soil mass and controlled by its properties software and the group of piles was modeled using the GROUP
and the pile is classified as short or rigid pile. On the other hand, software to validate the finite element model against the experi-
if the geotechnical capacity is larger than the structural one, the mental results. Researchers validated the developed models
failure will occur within the pile and controlled by its flexural against experimentally tested piles concluding that the single pile
lateral resistance is larger than the average of the maximum load
carried by a single pile in the pile group. Also, the pile group in
⇑ Corresponding author.
sand resisted much higher loads than did the pile group in clay.
E-mail address: (A.M. Ebid).
However, the used software models the laterally loaded piles as
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University.
line element and the soil as non-linear springs which neglect the
effect of concrete cracking and inaccuracy simulates the soil-pile
interaction [2].
Pender M. 2008, investigated the effect of the distribution of the
Production and hosting by Elsevier
soil profile modulus of elasticity on the pile head lateral stiffness.
2090-4479/Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
D.M. Ors, A.M. Ebid and H.A. Mahdi Ain Shams Engineering Journal 13 (2022) 101734
L Pile length
Abbreviations list: M External moment at pile head
c Cohesion strength of soil T Elastic length of pile
D Pile diameter Dmax Maximum lateral displacement of pile
Ec Elastic modulus of concrete a Friction angle between soil and pile
Es Elastic modulus of soil ecr Cracking strain of concrete
Est Elastic modulus of steel et Tensile strain of concrete
Ec I g Un-cracked flexural stiffness of pile est Strain of reinforcing steel
f The coefficient of variation of lateral subgrade reaction ey Yield strain of reinforcing steel
with depth g Ratio between concrete strain and the concrete cracking
f ctm Maximum tensile strength of concrete strain
f st Stress in reinforcing steel mc Poison’s ratio of concrete
fy Yield stress of reinforcing steel ms Poison’s ratio of soil
H Horizontal load at pile head U Internal friction angle of soil
Ie The effective moment of inertia of the pile Ws Dilation angle of soil
Ig The gross moment of inertia of the pile
The researcher calculated the pile initial lateral resistance three On the other hand, Ebid 2015, presented a simplified approach
times varying the distribution of the soil modulus through pile to consider cracking effect on the behavior of laterally loaded con-
depth as constant, linear and parabolic distribution. The results crete piles, he carried out a parametric study using a simplified lin-
proved that the modeling of soil with constant modulus requires ear and nonlinear FEM model for laterally loaded piles, and he
more advanced tests than the Standard Penetration Test and it suggested to use effective flexure stiffness (EsIe) of about 75% of
was recommended to use the work of Ashford et al 2001 who used the gross stiffness (EsIg) to account for the effect of concrete crack-
the shear wave velocity profile to get an improved indication of soil ing. Although he considered a nonlinear behavior for concrete pile
geotechnical properties including the soil stiffness through the to account for cracking effect, but the used linear springs to simu-
profile. However, he used a closed form equations of beam on elas- late soil mass which reduces the accuracy of his conclusions [1].
tic support which neglected the non-linear behavior of soil and the Aljanabi et al. 2020, tested a set of driven short piles under the
crack effect of concrete [3]. effect of the lateral load in clayey soil. The researchers investigated
Comodromos et al. 2009; developed a finite element model for a the effect of various parameters such as the degree of saturation,
group of piles in the aim to determination of their bearing capacity. effective unit weight, pile diameter and the embedded length.
The researchers used FLAC-3D software to simulate the lateral load The researchers found that the piles lateral bearing capacity
response of the proposed group of piles. It was found that the increased with the increase of the pile diameter and more affected
model is sensitive against the mesh size and the model overesti- by the pile embedded length. But the increase of the soil degree of
mates the bending stiffness of the simulated piles which recom- saturation decreases the pile lateral capacity. However, they
mends the need for a 3D nonlinear detailed model allowing for depended only on tiny scale laboratory tests without considering
cracking to get the accurate response when compared with the the size effect on soil properties especially the angle of internal
experimental results. Although the researchers developed a friction [7].
sophisticated elasto-plastic 3D FEM model with nonlinear soil- Keawsawasvong et al. 2020, employed a 3D finite element
pile interface elements and considered the concrete cracking effect, model taking the interface into consideration with no tension con-
But they only compared the model results with the field test dition to investigate the effect of various parameters on the lateral
results and didn’t present any comparisons with design code or response of the single pile in the undrained clay soil subjected to
earlier studies, besides that their proposed model is too compli- combined horizontal loading and moment. These parameters
cated to be used in practice [4]. included the pile length and overburden stress factors. The model
El Wakil and Nazir 2013, studied the behavior of laterally was capable to predict that the lateral capacity of the modeled
loaded barrettes in sandy layer using 28 small scale experimental piles and the overburden stress factor significantly affect the fail-
tests. They investigated the effect of different parameters on the ure mechanism in case of undrained clay as the overburden pres-
lateral displacement of pile head such as the aspect ratio of bar- sure increases; the elliptical rotated failure envelope expands its
rette section, the relative density of surrounding sand direction size. However, the authors needed experimental tests to support
and eccentricity of lateral load. The research indicated that both their conclusions which were based on the results of the finite ele-
relative density of sand and effective flexural stiffness of barrette ment model only [8].
(presented by cross section and loading direction) are the main fac- Shirgir et al. 2021, presented an analytical model for a pile in
tors affected the lateral displacement. However, the measured uniform and non-uniform soil profile under dynamic lateral loads.
results were greatly affected by scale factor, hence, they recom- For the uniform soil profile both of soil density and shear wave
mended a full scale experimental program [5]. velocity were constant with depth, on other hand, they had a para-
Farag 2014, presented a probabilistic approach based on (3D FEM- bolic distribution with depth in the non-uniform soil profile. The
Monte Carlo Simulation) technique to assess the reliability of later- developed analytical model was verified using two FEM models,
ally loaded pile in bi-layered soil profile in liquefaction condition. the first was simplified model where the soil was simulated as
He considered both pile and soil layers parameters as inputs with spring-dashpot element, while the second one was a full 3D model
assumed statistical characteristics based on engineering judgment, using solid elements for both soil mass and pile. The results of the
while the outputs were the drift and the bending moment in pile. It three models are close, however these results need to be verified
was concluded that pile diameter is the most effective variable [6]. experimentally [9].
D.M. Ors, A.M. Ebid and H.A. Mahdi Ain Shams Engineering Journal 13 (2022) 101734
Mahdi et al 2022, presented three (AI) models to predict both large diameter piles by drawing a virtual pile load-settlement
maximum drift and bending moment in a free head flexible pile curve and determine the allowable load using the allowable settle-
embedded in multi-layered soil profile. The utilized (AI) techniques ment. Each piles had a different embedded length that led to the
were (ANN), (GP) and (EPR). Although (ANN) model showed the difference in the pile depth/diameter ratio (L/D). Table 1 summa-
most accurate predictions, but (EPR) was the most practical model. rizes the piles geometry configurations and details of reinforce-
The research indicated that the both flexural stiffness of pile and ment. All tested piles were cast using same concrete grade
lateral subgrade reaction of top layer govern the behavior of the (C28/35) corresponding to cube characteristic compressive
pile [10]. strength 35 MPa. The steel of grade (ST50/60) was used for rein-
forcement cages including both main and transverse reinforce-
3. Objective ment. Steel bars diameters were 16 mm for stirrups and 32 mm
for main reinforcement. Tested piles were board through different
The previous literature review showed the need to more accu- soil profiles with different pile depth that ranged from 16 m to
rate estimation for the lateral subgrade reaction of soil considering 22 m. Borehole adjacent to each pile were investigated and shown
the nonlinear behavior of the soil and the cracking effect of con- in Fig. 9-c, Fig. 10-c, Fig. 11-c & Fig. 12-c.
crete using simple and practical formula. Hence, the aim of this Incremental Lateral load was applied at each pile head till 200%
research is to study the behavior of laterally loaded piles in of the design working load that is equivalent to 170 tons. Load set-
multi-layered soil profile using 3D FEM models where the soil pro- up is shown in Fig. 2. The lateral displacement at the pile head and
prieties are calibrated to match the experimental behavior of full in the same level of the applied lateral load was measured at all
scale pile load tests. The actual values of coefficient of variation load increments till the end of test. Fig. 9-b, Fig. 10-c, Fig. 11-c &
of lateral subgrade reaction with depth (f) were extracted from Fig. 12-c illustrate the measured load–displacement response of
the field tests and correlated to the calibrated elastic modulus of all tested piles. The experimental behavior approved that the
soil. Finally, the recommended values for (f) in design codes ware design load was safe and economic regarding the pile diameter,
evaluated in the light of the measured ones. Fig. 1 presents flow- embedded length, and reinforcement in the proposed soil profiles.
chart for the used methodology.
5. Modeling strategy
4. Reference experimental investigation
ABAQUS software is general finite element program that can be
Four non-working board piles from Cairo Monorail Project in used in a wide range of analyses extend to a nonlinear complex
Egypt were considered in this study. These tests were carried out analysis type involving contact, plasticity, and large deformations
between July 2020 and January 2021. All of them have the same as in the models simulated through this study. This section shows
longitudinal and transverse reinforcement ratio were constructed the sequence of the model construction to accurately simulate the
at different locations where the soil profile varies. The piles were lateral response of the reinforced concrete piles and the geotechni-
designed considering the variation of soil profile as per Navfac cal behavior of the surrounding soil layers. The proposed rein-
DM-7.02 [11] which is a well kwon design manual from naval facil- forced concrete pile was modeled by half cylinder and the
ities engineering command, although it was issued in 1986 but it surrounding soil mass was modeled as half cuboids. Fig. 3 shows
still one of the main references in most international design codes that the model was simulated as the positive X-Y axes in plane
such as Uniform building Code (UBC), International Building Code and the negative Y-axis as the vertical direction. The modeled half
(IBC), American Association of State Highway and Transportation soil mass had dimensions of 15 m 25 m in plane and
Officials (AASHTO) and many others. It is recommended to design (Lpile + 20D) for the width, length, and depth respectively. These
dimensions of the soil mass were chosen to eliminate the effect
of the minimal FEM dimensions when compared with the real
cases and to guarantee the pile stability against the model size
effects. Fine mesh size was used near in pile part and soil mass
zones surrounding the piles as shown in Fig. 3. Model setup steps
are listed in Table 2.
Table 1
Piles geometry and Reinforcement.
D.M. Ors, A.M. Ebid and H.A. Mahdi Ain Shams Engineering Journal 13 (2022) 101734
Table 2
Model setup steps.
bola in the meridional plane, and it uses the smooth deviatoric sec- crack concrete model, brittle crack concrete model, and concrete
tion proposed by Menétrey and Willam. Abaqus Mohr-Coulomb damaged plasticity (CDP) model. The concrete damaged plasticity
model is shown in Fig. 5 [13]. (CDP) model was selected to model the plastic behavior of concrete
The soil plasticity behavior was defined using the Mohr- in the present study as this technique is capable of representing
Coulomb yield criterion in terms of the soil friction angle (U), dila- the complete inelastic behavior of concrete in both compression
tion angle (W) and cohesion (C). [13] Table 3 summarizes the final and tension [15]. CDP model requires definition of the uniaxial ten-
geotechnical input values for each soil layer after calibration sile and compressive behavior as well as a set of five parameters to
against the experimental test results. completely describe the plastic behavior of concrete. The plasticity
parameters are the flow potential eccentricity, the ratio of initial
5.1.2. Concrete biaxial compressive yield stress to initial uniaxial compressive
For the simulation of the reinforced concrete piles, built-in first- yield stress, and the dilation angle in degrees. These parameters
order reduced integration 8-node brick element C3D8R was used were set as the default values recommended by ABAQUS as 0.1,
to represent the concrete in the finite element model. The concrete 1.16, 0.66, 0, and 30° respectively [13 16].
material model was defined as elastic behavior followed by the Eq. (2) represents the nonlinear uniaxial compressive behavior
plastic part as shown in Fig. 6. Elastic behavior of concrete was of the unconfined concrete provided by the EN-1992. As the mod-
modeled as linear and isotropic in terms of Elastic modulus (Ec) eled piles had the same compressive strength; the constants in Eq.
and concrete Poisson’s ratio (mc) of 0.20. Elastic modulus of con- (2) were the same in all models as follows; concrete strain at peak
crete could be estimated according to EN-1992 using Eq. (1) where stress (ec1 ) equals to 2.15‰ and the equation constant (k) of 2.112.
fcm is the cylinder characteristic concrete strength. In this research,
(Ec) values were selected between 30 and 35 GPa to fit the exper-
kg g2
imental test results [14]. rc ¼ f cm : ð2Þ
1 þ ðk 2Þg
Ec ¼ 22ð0:1f cm Þ ð1Þ
Where; g ¼ ec =ec1 , ec1 ðstrainatpeakstressÞ ¼ 0:7ðf cm Þ0:31 and
The plastic portion of the concrete material model can be sim- k ¼ 1:05Ecm :jec1 j=f cm
ulated in ABAQUS software using one of the three crack models
for conventional reinforced concrete elements which are; smeared
Fig. 4. Pyramidal surface in principal stress space and cross-section in the equi- Fig. 5. Menétrey and Willam flow potential in the deviatoric stress plane [13].
pressure plane [19].
D.M. Ors, A.M. Ebid and H.A. Mahdi Ain Shams Engineering Journal 13 (2022) 101734
Table 3
Model Input Geotechnical Properties of Soil layers.
The coefficient of friction between soil layers and concrete pile increased gradually in each step increment till failure occurs in soil
was calculated according to the geotechnical properties of each soil or concrete pile which depends on the pile diameter and length as
layer in terms of the soil angle of friction developed at soil-pile well as the surrounding soil properties.
interface (a) that is equivalent to two thirds the soil internal angle
of friction (U). The defined coefficient of friction in all modeled pile
5.5. Validation of the finite element model
in this study is calculated from Eq. (6) [19]. Table 3 summarizes the
coefficient of friction used between pile and each soil layer.
Based on the experimentally monitored lateral load–displace-
Coeff :offriction ¼ tanðaÞ ð6Þ ment behavior, the developed finite element model is validated
in terms of load–displacement response, failure mode, expected
stresses and strains at failure. The load–displacement behavior of
5.2.3. Interface between concrete and reinforcement bars both FEM and the experimentally monitored behavior are compa-
The reinforcement truss elements were embedded in host con- rable. As the lateral displacement corresponding to the maximum
tinuum solid elements as shown in Fig. 3. Embedding means that applied load in the experimental tests was captured with error ran-
the translational degrees of freedom at the nodes of the embedded ged from (1.09 % to 9.75%) as shown in Table 4. The developed
element are eliminated and become constrained to the corre- modeling approach proved the design parameters and insured
sponding interpolated values in the host continuum element. the reliability of the developed FEM which has been successfully
utilized for assessing the safety and lateral capacity of pile.
5.3. Boundary conditions To investigate the failure criteria of the proposed set of the rein-
forced concrete piles, the previously developed and validated finite
The model of the laterally loaded piles is set by using the com- element model was submitted till failure. The FEM was capable to
mon pattern for the finite element models in geotechnical engi- capture the failure mode and the load/displacement at failure was
neering as the transitional degrees of freedom (ux, uy, uz) were concluded. Modes of failure are presented in terms of maximum
all constrained for all the nodes at the bottom plane of the modeled stresses and strains carried by the concrete pile and the main rein-
soil mass. Also, horizontal displacements were restrained for all forcement as well as the surrounding soil. All results at failure are
the vertical side planes. All rotational and transitional degrees of shown in Figs. 9, 10, 11 and 12 on the deformed shape of each ele-
freedom were permitted for the top plane as it was treated as ment at failure. All piles showed plastic strains that increased grad-
the free surface in the model where the load will be applied. Con- ually till the maximum tensile strength of concrete (280 MPa)
sidering finite element model symmetry about X-Y plane; a sym- which is clear in all failure modes, then the stresses were released
metry boundary condition in ABAQUS (Z-SYMM) was used to
reduce the analysis time. This symmetry boundary condition
restrains the transitional degree of freedom (uz) and the rotational Table 4
degree of freedom (uRX, uRY). Comparison between experimental and the FEM.
D.M. Ors, A.M. Ebid and H.A. Mahdi Ain Shams Engineering Journal 13 (2022) 101734
and transferred to the steel reinforcement which showed maxi- the maximum tensile strength of 50000 t/m2 at failure. As
mum strains at the zone of maximum curvature. Main reinforce- expected, the soil mass was affected by the lateral loading at the
ment yielded in tension as stresses in all modeled piled exceeded most upper layers only which experienced high stresses and
D.M. Ors, A.M. Ebid and H.A. Mahdi Ain Shams Engineering Journal 13 (2022) 101734
strains as shown in Figs. 9, 10, 11 and 12. The maximum principal soils and (9C) for cohesive soils, accordingly, the depth of soil lay-
stresses at failure were about 100 t/m2 for sand layers, 150 t/m2 for ers that showed plastic behavior was about 2.5 m in sand, 2.0 m in
crushed stone and 300 t/m2 for intact limestone. As per Barber, crushed stone and 1.0 m in intact limestone. These calculated
1953, the ultimate lateral soil capacity is (3 c h Kp) for granular depths matches the showed results in Figs. 9, 10, 11 and 12.
D.M. Ors, A.M. Ebid and H.A. Mahdi Ain Shams Engineering Journal 13 (2022) 101734
6. Discussion lateral displacement and elastic length of a free head long pile
Previous analysis shows that the four tested piles failed due to
2:4H:T 3 þ 1:55M:T 2
structural failure and accordingly, they are long or flexible piles. Dmax ¼ ð7Þ
Navfac DM-7.02 recommended Eq. (7), 8 to calculate the maximum Ec :Ig
D.M. Ors, A.M. Ebid and H.A. Mahdi Ain Shams Engineering Journal 13 (2022) 101734
5 Ec :I g
(C28/35), the pile flexural stiffness (Ec :Ig ) is 2.4E + 6 (t.m2). The elastic
T¼ ð8Þ length of pile for each test could be calculated using Eq.7 using hori-
zontal load (H) of 170 ton, external moment (M) of (1.75 m 170
Where M, H, T, and f are the external moment, horizontal load, elas- ton) and hence the (f) values using Eq. (8) as shown in Table 5.
tic length of pile and the coefficient of variation of lateral subgrade Comparing the recommended values of (f) from Fig. 13 with the
reaction with depth respectively. For 2 m diameter pile with concrete experimental values as showed in Table 5 indicates that experi-
D.M. Ors, A.M. Ebid and H.A. Mahdi Ain Shams Engineering Journal 13 (2022) 101734
Table 5
Comparison between experimental and design (f) values.
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