B.A.S.E. Designs
B.A.S.E. Designs
B.A.S.E. Designs
Exchanging philosophy
is employed at every
level, to enable design
VISION and management
leaders to collaborate
and contribute their
The practice endeavors to
MISSION employ technologies that
individual expertise.
sustain rather than pollute,
A concept that that are durable rather than
incorporates a high replaceable, and that add
level of standardized value over time rather than
design will facilitate falling prey to short term
change. economies.
“Ours is a numerate profession. We don’t have to be
mathematicians but mathematics is central to much The
profession is firmly rooted in the sciences of physics and
chemistry. It has foundations in the visual arts; it is close to
architecture. Above all, it is founded on logical thinking.
—John A. Hill, 2000 President
• Detailed Structural Design
• Formwork drawings
• Reinforcement drawings
• Bar bending schedules Services Offered-
• Steel Design & PEB drawings
• RCC Structure
• As-Built drawings • Pre-fabricated Structure
• GFC drawings & documents • Tensile Structure
• Façade Structure
• Site coordination
Foundation Drawings-Isolated Footings
Foundation Drawings-Raft Foundation
Foundation Drawings-Raft Foundation
Foundation Drawings-Isolated, Combined & Eccentric Footings
Foundation Drawings-Isolated, Combined & Eccentric Footings
Foundation Drawings- Pile Foundation
Foundation Drawings- Pile Foundation
Foundation Drawings-Pile Foundation
Foundation Drawings- Pile Foundation (Pile Caps)
Column Drawings
Column Drawings
Column Drawings
Column Drawings
Column Drawings
Plinth Beam Drawings
Plinth Beam Drawings
Plinth Beam Drawings
Plinth Beam Drawings
Floor Beam Drawings
Floor Beam Drawings
Floor Beam Drawings
Floor Beam Drawings
Floor Beam Drawings
Slab Drawings
Slab Drawings
Slab Drawings
Slab Drawings
Slab Drawings
Underground Water Tank Designs
Underground Water Tank Designs
Swimming Pool Drawings
Swimming Pool Drawings
Staircase Drawings
Staircase Drawings
Staircase Drawings
Staircase Drawings
Staircase Drawings
Staircase Drawings
Society Entrance Gate Drawings
Society Entrance Gate Drawings
PEB Steel Structure, Trusses & Connection Detail Drawings
PEB Steel Structure, Trusses & Connection Detail Drawings
PEB Steel Structure, Trusses & Connection Detail Drawings
PEB Steel Structure, Trusses & Connection Detail Drawings
PEB Steel Structure, Trusses & Connection Detail Drawings
PEB Steel Structure, Trusses & Connection Detail Drawings
PEB Steel Structure, Trusses & Connection Detail Drawings
PEB Steel Structure, Trusses & Connection Detail Drawings
PEB Steel Structure, Trusses & Connection Detail Drawings
PEB Steel Structure, Trusses & Connection Detail Drawings
Mezzanine Floor & MS Staircase Drawings
Mezzanine Floor & MS Staircase Drawings
Mezzanine Floor & MS Staircase Drawings
Mezzanine Floor & MS Staircase Drawings
Mezzanine Floor & MS Staircase Drawings
Mezzanine Floor & MS Staircase Drawings
PEB Steel Structure, Trusses & Connection Detail Drawings
Design & Analysis Report Samples
Design & Analysis Report Samples
Design & Analysis Report Samples
There is one element If everyone is moving
that is worth its weight forward together, then
in gold and that is success takes care of
loyalty. It will cover a itself
multitude of weaknesses
The price of reliability is Individual commitment to
the pursuit of the a group effort — that is
utmost simplicity. It is a what makes a team work,
price which the very rich a company work, a society
may find hard to pay. work, a civilization work
THANKS itsbasedesigns@gmail.com
+91 9897-35-1994