Final Khan2020 Article ANovelNaturalLanguageProcessin

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Cognitive Computation (2020) 12:748–765

A Novel Natural Language Processing (NLP)–Based Machine

Translation Model for English to Pakistan Sign Language Translation
Nabeel Sabir Khan 1 & Adnan Abid 1 & Kamran Abid 2

Received: 31 May 2019 / Accepted: 14 May 2020 / Published online: 31 May 2020
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

Background/Introduction The deaf community in the world uses a gesture-based language, generally known as sign
language. Every country has a different sign language; for instance, USA has American Sign Language (ASL) and
UK has British Sign Language (BSL). The deaf community in Pakistan uses Pakistan Sign Language (PSL), which like
other natural languages, has a vocabulary, sentence structure, and word order. Majority of the hearing community is not
aware of PSL due to which there exists a huge communication gap between the two groups. Similarly, deaf persons are
unable to read text written in English and Urdu. Hence, the provision of an effective translation model can support the
cognitive capability of the deaf community to interpret natural language materials available on the Internet and in other
useful resources.
Methods This research involves exploiting natural language processing (NLP) techniques to support the deaf community by
proposing a novel machine translation model that translates English sentences into equivalent Pakistan Sign Language (PSL).
Though a large number of machine translation systems have been successfully implemented for natural to natural language
translations, natural to sign language machine translation is a relatively new area of research. State-of-the-art works in natural to
sign language translation are mostly domain specific and suffer from low accuracy scores. Major reasons are specialised language
structures for sign languages, and lack of annotated corpora to facilitate development of more generalisable machine translation
systems. To this end, a grammar-based machine translation model is proposed to translate sentences written in English language
into equivalent PSL sentences. To the best of our knowledge, this is a first effort to translate any natural language to PSL using
core NLP techniques. The proposed approach involves a structured process to investigate the linguistic structure of PSL and
formulate the grammatical structure of PSL sentences. These rules are then formalised into a context-free grammar, which, in
turn, can be efficiently implemented as a parsing module for translation and validation of target PSL sentences. The whole
concept is implemented as a software system, comprising the NLP pipeline and an external service to render the avatar-based
video of translated words, in order to compensate the cognitive hearing deficit of deaf people.
Results and Conclusion The accuracy of the proposed translation model has been evaluated manually and automatically.
Quantitative results reveal a very promising Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) score of 0.78. Subjective evaluations
demonstrate that the system can compensate for the cognitive hearing deficit of end users through the system output expressed as
a readily interpretable avatar. Comparative analysis shows that our proposed system works well for simple sentences but
struggles to translate compound and compound complex sentences correctly, which warrants future ongoing research.

Keywords Machine translation . Natural language processing . Deaf people communication . Pakistan Sign Language .
Cognition . Rule-based translation


Technology has always been used as a tool to facilitate people

* Adnan Abid with special needs [1]. Over 5% of the world’s population
comprises of hearing-impaired people, which is a total of
466 million, while it is estimated that in 2050 this number will
University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan be increased to 900 million people. Deaf people use a unique
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan language of gestures to communicate among themselves,
Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765 749

which is called sign language. A gesture is a body language text into PSL gestures will be a key step towards the integra-
that comprises of hand shapes, location, movements, and tion of Pakistan’s deaf community into society, as the transla-
some non-manual features. The non-manual features mostly tion system may be used in developing several useful appli-
include facial expressions that may include lifting eye-brows, cations including the translation of study material, news arti-
smile, eye blinks, and mouth and tongue movements [2]. The cles, cell phone messages, and other useful information re-
sentence structures of sign languages are different from those sources available in English into equivalent PSL.
of written languages; therefore, the deaf community is unable To the best of our knowledge, this is the first machine
to read and understand the text written in natural languages. translation model which translates English language sentences
This challenges the cognitive abilities of the deaf community into equivalent PSL sentences. To this end, we provide the
to benefit from any written material. following: (i) a systematic approach to design and develop
Global sign language does not exist and every country has such system which involves people from the deaf community
its own sign language [3]. In addition, a variety of regional and PSL experts; (ii) a dataset has been generated with the
sign languages exist within a country. The developed coun- help of deaf subject and PSL language experts; (iii) based on
tries have been working to create inclusive communities by rigorous analysis of the dataset, a grammar has been defined to
developing new and improving existing assistive technologies translate and verify PSL sentences; (iv) a translation model
for their people with disabilities, including the deaf commu- has been proposed and a software system has been developed
nity. A significant amount of research has been performed on using this translation model that takes English language sen-
the development of communication tools and strategies for tence as input and converts it into equivalent PSL sentence
American Sign Language (ASL), British Sign Language using the defined grammar; (v) subjective and automatic eval-
(BSL), and many other languages. However, it is important uation of the proposed translation system has been carried out
to consider that majority of the deaf population lives in the using appropriate evaluation measures, and by involving both
developing countries. A number of developing countries have deaf subjects and sign language experts.
also recently begun focusing on improving assistive technol- The rest of the article has been presented in the following
ogy for their deaf populations. Some excellent research work manner. “Related Works” provides relevant literature review.
has been published that focuses on Arabic Sign Language “Translation Process” discusses high-level details of the pro-
(ArSL), Indian Sign Language (ISL), and several other sign posed translation process. The analysis of collected data has
languages. But, no significant work on standardisation and been presented in “Tense-Based Analysis”, while “Machine
translation of Pakistan Sign Language (PSL) has been Translation” discusses the details of the established grammar
accomplished. rules for the translation system. Implementation details of a
In order to improve the cognitive abilities of the deaf com- system that translates English language sentences into equiv-
munity of Pakistan, this work aims to propose a machine alent PSL sentences using the defined grammar have been
translation model that translates natural language text into discussed in “Machine Translation System Implementation”.
Pakistan Sign Language. The following main challenges have The evaluation of the effectiveness and correctness of the
been identified in this regard: developed translation system has been presented in
“Evaluation and Results”. Lastly, conclusion and future direc-
& Absence of a substantial sentence level corpus that may tions have been presented in “Conclusion and Future
help in translating several types of English sentences into Directions”.
& Lack of availability of linguistic information for PSL
& No written grammar rules of PSL Related Works

This research chooses English as a natural language, as it is Machine translation has been an important subject in comput-
linguistically well-studied language as compared with any er science for almost sixty years. During most of this time,
other scripted natural languages. It is important to mention however, machine translation for natural to sign languages has
here that Urdu, Pakistan’s national language, has not been been largely overlooked. It is only within the last decade that
used as the source language because it does not have adequate there is a renewed interest in the automated translation for sign
linguistic resources in the current state-of-the-art to properly languages. It is linked to both progresses in linguistic studies
process the Urdu sentences, while another important reason is in sign language [4, 5] and an increase in computing re-
that the end product of the proposed translation system pipe- sources. Machine translation from natural to sign languages
line is sign language avatar which plays PSL gestures for the is pertinent for seamless integration of the deaf community
words in translated sentence in given sequence. Thus, it does into society [6]. Several such domain specific translation sys-
not affect whether the intermediate translated output is in Urdu tems have been developed for different languages including
or in English language. Such translation of natural language American Sign Language [7–10], British Sign Language [11],
750 Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765

Spanish Sign Language [12, 13], South African Sign corpus comprising of PSL gestures, and sentences of English
Language [14], Italian Sign Language [15], and German language and their equivalent PSL sentences. Lastly, it inte-
Sign Language [16]. grates the proposed translation model and compiled corpus
Direct translation system has been used in TESSA system into an information system that translates English sentences
to translate English Text into BSL gestures [17], while most of into PSL gestures, and evaluates the results.
the translation systems are based on rule-based or grammar-
based translation; for instance, ZARDOZ [18], ASL
Workbench [19], and ViSiCAST [20] are few systems for
Translation Process
English-based sign languages. Similarly, there exists a
grammar-based translation system for South African sign lan-
The proposed machine translation model is based on a sys-
guage [14], and for Spanish sign language [21]. Another var-
tematic and step by step process. Figure 1 shows high-level
iant of machine translation systems is statistical machine
steps involved in the process for materialising this translation
translation [22]. But, not many sign language translation sys-
activity. The approach starts with data collection of natural
tems have been developed using statistical machine transla-
language sentences, which in this case is English language.
tion models, as they build upon sequence of words in large
English has been selected because it is linguistically well-in-
data sets, which are not available for most of the sign lan-
vestigated, and presents a pool of NLP resources for various
guages. Translation systems for ASL and BSL have been de-
forms of natural language analysis, while data collection in-
signed and are getting mature. However, in recent years tools
volves gathering a complete variety of English language
and technologies have also been developed for the translation
sentences which are then translated into PSL by involving
of specific European and Asian sign languages, for instance,
different deaf people, interpreters, and PSL experts. A thor-
Greek Sign Language [23], Spanish Sign Language [13],
ough study of the collected data is carried out to determine the
Arabic Sign Language [24], Vietnamese Sign Language
similarities and variations between the English and PSL lan-
[25], Indian Sign Language [26], Bangla Sign Language
guage structures. It is evident from the translated data that the
[27], and Thai Sign Language [28].
English and PSL sentence structure is different. The PSL
Creation of Pakistan Sign Language resources and technol-
grammar rules are eventually developed and formalised using
ogies is in its infancy [2]. The work begins in early 2000 [29,
context-free grammar. Finally, the effectiveness of the pro-
30] with a study that attempted to collect data for words and
posed grammar is evaluated by translating a different set of
phrases in PSL. Following that, however, no significant effort
English sentences into PSL with the help of an automated
has been made to automate the translation of natural language
translation process. The details of all these steps have been
into PSL. Some recent efforts have been made to layout an
presented in the following sections and subsections.
architectural platform to convert natural language text into
PSL, and vice versa [2, 31]. But , this initiative only illustrates
the key components of such a structure and does not entail any Data Collection of Source Language
Another orthogonal research direction is of recognising For any machine translation model to work, it is necessary to
sign language gestures and converting them into text. In this have a clear understanding of the syntactic and semantic struc-
regard, a significant amount of research work has been done tures of both source and target languages. The data collection
on American Sign Language [9, 10]. Some fundamental work process for this research has been driven by the taxonomy of
in this direction has also been done about PSL [32] [33]. English language sentences as shown in Fig. 2, which shows
Similarly, another relevant yet different dimension of this re- that the sentences are precisely categorised in terms of
search is to create a standard corpus for sign language trans-
lation and gesture recognition purposes. Some basic collec-
tions for PSL gestures exist, but there is not corpus to facilitate
natural to sign language translation for PSL [5].
To the best of our knowledge, the translation model pro-
posed in this research is the first detailed and technically rich
instance of machine translation from natural language to the
Pakistan Sign Language. It is pertinent to mention here that
rule-based translation approaches are the most suitable
starting points for developing the machine translation systems
in the absence of any sizeable translation corpus. Therefore,
this research proposes a rule-based translation model for trans-
lating natural language into PSL. It also compiles first parallel Fig. 1 Translation and evaluation
Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765 751

Fig. 2 English language taxonomy

structure, meaning, and tenses, whereby the tenses refer to an

event’s time and are divided into present, past, and future.
Each tense type has four additional variations which are in- Fig. 3 PSL sentence generation
definite, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous, while the
structure refers to various degrees of complexity when com- been involved in performing gestures for English language
posing a sentence. In terms of structure, there are four sub- sentences into PSL.
categories, namely simple, compound, complex, and com- Each source language sentence is translated into PSL by
pound-complex. Finally, in terms of meanings they are involving minimum three deaf subjects. This helps in captur-
categorised into declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and ing different possible variations of word order used by the deaf
imperative sentences. community in the formation of equivalent PSL sentences for
This sentence type–based taxonomy is used to produce a provided English sentences. The gestures corresponding to
rich and detailed representative dataset of English sentences. sentences are recorded for future reference and analysis.
In addition to the tense, structure, and meaning variations, Table 1 presents the translation of some sample sentences of
many widely used parts of speech, including adverbs, pro- English to their equivalent PSL versions along with their word
nouns, adjectives, articles, negations, and multiple variants order. To the best of our knowledge, this translated dataset is
of interrogative sentences, are also included in the dataset. the first sentence level PSL data repository containing a wide
This leads to the creation of a source dataset consisting of variety of sentences.
about 300 English sentences covering all the various compo-
nents and dimensions of the English language taxonomy
shown in Fig. 2. Analysis of translated PSL dataset

The identification of the differences in English language

Translation of Dataset in PSL sentences and PSL sentences requires a detailed analysis of
the collected data. Therefore, the translation results are thor-
This step involves a process for translating collected English oughly analysed based on several linguistic heads, including
language sentences into PSL sentences with the help of sign word order of subject, object, and verb; tense; and sentence
language interpreters and deaf subjects. The process is shown type based on structure, meaning, and other variations. The
in Fig. 3, where different deaf subjects and interpreters have detailed analysis is presented in the following subsections.
752 Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765

Table 1 Sample translation of

English to PSL Category of sentence English sentence and structure PSL sentence and structure

Present indefinite S+V+O S+O+V

Ali goes to school Ali school go
Present continuous S + HV + V(ing) + O S + O + V + now
Ali is going to school Ali school go now.
Present perfect S + (has/ have) + 3rd V+ O S + O + V(Ist form) + fullAli school go full.
Ali has gone to school
Future indefinite S + Neg + V S + V + Neg
Ali will go to school Ali school go after
Past indefinite S + adj + O S + O + adj
This is a correct algorithm. This algorithm correct.
WH-interrogative Wh + S + V S + V + Wh
Why Ali is going? Ali going why?
Aux interrogative Aux + S + V + O S + O + V + Aux
Do you want money? You money want Yes-No?

Sentence structure constituents. This can be observed from the sentences shown
in Table 1.
Most of the English language sentences use subject, verb, and Adjectives and Adverbs: The sample sentences in Table 1
object (S+V+O) word order in sentence formation, whereas show that in PSL, the adjectives are always placed after the
the data which has been obtained from the deaf subjects shows noun in the sentence, whereas the position of adverb remains
that the deaf use different subject, verb, and object permuta- the same as it was in the source language sentence.
tions. An example PSL sentence, with different subject, verb, Negations in PSL: In all types of PSL sentence negation is
and object variations, has been presented in Table 2. The represented by adding the word “not” at the end of the
frequency of each permutation of subject, verb, and object is sentence.
computed to figure out which variant is most frequently used Lemmatised Form of Words: Pakistan sign language
by the deaf community. The results reveal that more than 80% sentences are formed using only the lemmatised words. PSL
of the sentences collected from the deaf community followed does not use linking verbs and suffixes.
the (S+O+V) word order. Therefore, (S+O+V) is considered Time Words: Words like tomorrow, yesterday, or soon are
to be the default word order for PSL sentences. used in English to indicate the time of an event. If any of the
time words exist in the English sentence, it must be placed at
Grammatical Differences Between English and PSL It is perti- the beginning of the sentence in PSL.
nent to discuss the grammatical differences between English Interrogative: Sentences having questions in them are
and PSL. The data shown in Table 1 helps us in identifying the called interrogative sentences. They are further divided into
differences between the sentence structures of English and two subcategories:
PSL in many different ways, which is discussed below:
Removal of Articles and Propositions: Written languages 1. Wh question, if the source sentence is an interrogative
like English use articles and prepositions in their written then it’s wh-question part is moved to the end of the sen-
scripts, while the gesture-based languages do not include such tence, except if it starts with “when”, and in that case, the
word “time” is placed at the end of the sentence.
2. Auxiliary question: if the source sentence is an interroga-
Table 2 PSL word order tive, then its auxiliary question part is replaced by “yes
permutations Sentence Word order no” and is moved to the end of the sentence.
Like badminton she. V+O+S
She badminton like. S+O+V
Part of Speech (POS) Tagging
She badminton like. S+O+V
Penn Treebank contains part of speech tags, and there are
about 48 different POS tags available in Penn treebank. The
Badminton like she. O+V+S
analysis of translated PSL sentences reveals that in PSL sen-
Badminton she like. O+S+V
tence formation only employs basic forms of POS tags unlike
Like she badminton. V+S+O
richer POS tags used for English sentences. Figure 4 shows
Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765 753

Fig. 4 POS Tags for English and

corresponding PSL sentence

POS tags for an example English sentence along with simple been collected from deaf subjects and validated by sign lan-
POS tags of mapped PSL sentence. It can be observed from guage experts and interpreters. This section provides a de-
the figure that “is” that is tagged as VBZ has been eliminated; tailed overview of these various types of tenses while
similarly, “chasing” is assigned VBG tag which has been sim- highlighting differences for each tense between English and
plified as verb’s root form in corresponding PSL sentence. PSL sentences.
Table 3 shows the mapping of Penn Treebank POS tags for
English onto POS tags used in PSL. Simple Present and Simple Past Tense

This type of tense is used to represent basic facts, e.g. “I am

Tense-Based Analysis tired” and “He was sick”. Table 4 shows the translation of
simple present and simple past tense sentences covering pos-
Tenses refer to the time of an event. In the English language, itive, negative, and interrogative variants.
tenses are primarily categorised into present, past, and future. Following interesting observations are evident from
All these three primary categories further include variants Table 4. S+O+V sentence structure has been observed both
namely indefinite, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous in present and past tense sentences of PSL. It can also be
as shown in Fig. 2. The two other basic types of tenses are observed that helping verbs, articles, and propositions have
simple present and simple past, which makes it a total of 14 been removed during the translation into PSL sentences for
different categories of English sentences w.r.t. tenses. The both tenses. Another important observation is that in case of
dataset contains at least ten sentences of each mentioned cat- simple past tense, the word “was” has been added at the be-
egory of tenses along with their PSL translations which has ginning of the translated sentence to represent past tense.
Similarly, the negation in PSL is shown by adding the word
“not” at the end of the sentence for both tenses, while for the
Table 3 PSL tags auxiliary-interrogative sentences “yes-no” is added at the end
corresponding to pen Penn tags PSL tags
of the translated sentence.
Present, Past, and Future Indefinite Tense
The analysis for the present, past, and future indefinite tenses
reveals the following observations. In English, the present
VB VERB / AUX indefinite affirmative sentences add a suffix “s” or “es” to
the base form of the verb when the subject is singular, while
for a plural subject only base form of the verb is used as shown
in the examples: “Ali plays a piano”; “They sing the national
song”. Similarly, for present indefinite negative sentences
“does not” or “do not” is used along with the base form of
the verb, e.g. “Ali does not play a piano” and “They do not
sing the national song”, while in the case of present indefinite
interrogative sentences either “does” or “do” comes at the
TO beginning of the sentence along with the base form of the
RP verb, e.g. “Does Ali play a piano?” and “Do they sing the
national song?”.
754 Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765

Table 4 Sample PSL translation

of simple present and past tense Category of sentence English sentence PSL sentence

Simple present affirmative He is a boy. He boy.

Simple present negative He is not clever. He clever not.
Simple present interrogative Is he clever? He clever Yes-No?
Simple past affirmative He was the man of words. Was he words man?
Simple past negative He was not the man of words. Was he words man not?
Simple past Was he the man of words? Was he words man Yes-No?

The translated sentences show that regardless of a singular represent future tense in English sentences have been elimi-
or plural subject, PSL uses only the root form of the verb. For nated in the translated PSL sentences. It is quite interesting to
articles, prepositions, negation, and interrogation, the same note that in PSL, the sentences belonging to past and future
rules hold which have been drawn in simple present and past tenses follow the same grammatical structure that has been
tense cases earlier; also the words “does” or “do” also get observed in the present tense, while additional words like
eliminated in the translated PSL sentences. “was” and “after” are added for past and future tenses,
In English the past indefinite affirmative sentences consist respectively.
of simple-past form of the verb as shown in the examples: “Ali
played a piano”; “They sang the national song”. While for past Present, Past, and Future Continuous Tense
indefinite negative sentences, “did not” is used along with the
base form of verb, e.g. “Ali did not play a piano” and “They The present continuous tense formation rules in English in-
did not sing the national song”. Similarly, in the case of past volve the usage of helping verbs like “is”, “am”, “be”, and
indefinite interrogative sentences, “did” comes at the begin- “are” along with applying the suffix “ing” to the verb. This is
ning of the sentence along with a base form of the verb, e.g. also known as present participle form of the verb. The data of
“Did Ali play a piano?” and “Did they sing the national different variants of continuous tense has been presented in
song?”. Table 6, and it shows that for continuous tense the word
The translation of these different variants of past indefinite “now” is included at the end of the PSL sentences, while
sentences into PSL reveals one commonality; i.e. the word helping verbs along with articles and propositions are omitted
“was” has been added at the start of the sentences, while the from the translated PSL sentence. Likewise, the present parti-
simple-past form of the verb changes to its base form, whereas ciple form of the verb is converted back to the simple-present
no change has been observed for negative and interrogative form of the verb. Lastly, the words “was” and “after” are used
sentences. Lastly, the word “did” also gets eliminated from the for past and future tenses, respectively.
translated sentences. The translation for different variants of
the present, past, and future indefinite sentences has been pre- Present, Past, and Future Perfect Tense
sented in Table 5. It can be observed that the word “after” is
added at the end of each sentence to reflect that the task per- Perfect tense sentences are considered the next category. In
formed by the subject may complete later w.r.t time. English language the sentences belonging to this group use
Furthermore, the words “will” and “shall” which are used to “has” or “have” for the present, “had” for past, and “will have”

Table 5 PSL Translation of

simple present, past, and future Category of sentence English sentence PSL sentence
indefinite tense
Present indefinite affirmative He goes to school. He school go.
Present indefinite negative He does not go to school. He school go not.
Present indefinite interrogative Does he go to school? He school go Yes-No?
Past indefinite affirmative He went to school. Was he school go.
Past indefinite negative He did not go to school. Was he school go not.
Past indefinite interrogative Did he go to school? Was he school go Yes-No?
Future indefinite affirmative He will go to school. He school go after.
Future indefinite negative He will not go to school. He school go after not.
Future indefinite interrogative Will he go to school? He school go after Yes-No?
Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765 755

Table 6 PSL translation of

simple present, past, and future Category of sentence English sentence PSL sentence
continuous tense
Present continuous affirmative He is going to school. He school go now.
Present continuous negative He is not going to school. He school go now not.
Present continuous interrogative Is he going to school? He school go now Yes-No?
Past continuous affirmative He was going to school. Was he school go now.
Past continuous negative He was not going to school. Was he school go now not.
Past continuous interrogative Was he going to school? Was he school go now Yes-No?
Future continuous affirmative He will be going to school. He school go now after.
Future continuous negative He will not be going to school. He school go after not.
Future continuous interrogative Will he be going to school? He school go after Yes-No?

or “shall have” for future tenses, whereas these sentences use Machine translation of natural language to sign language is
past-participle forms of the verbs. Some sample translated relatively a new area of research which is gaining importance
sentences for different variants of perfect tense have been in recent years. For any kind of translation, the essential re-
presented in Table 7. It can be observed from the translated quirement is to preserve the meaning of source language
sentences that for all tenses the word “full” has been added at sentences after converting it into the target language.
the end of the sentence in PSL, whereas the use of “was” and Machine translation is mainly classified into semantic, statis-
“after” for past and futures tenses remains consistent as pre- tical, and neural translation models [8, 33].
vious observations.
Statistical and Neural Machine Translation Models These
Present, Past, and Future Perfect Continuous Tense techniques need a bilingual dictionary consisting of sentences
and their translations. Specific statistical methods manipulat-
In perfect continuous tenses, the phrases “has been”, “have ing the sequence of words are applied to the bilingual corpus
been”, “had been”, “will have been”, or “shall have been” during sentence translation [34, 35]. These models generate
are used along present form of the verb. The examples of quick and accurate translations, but at the same time, the trans-
translation of perfect continuous tense have been presented lation accuracy is heavily depended on the availability of such
in Table 8. It can be observed that even in these sentences, a significant corpus that covers all the grammatical categories
the PSL sentences use the basic S+O+V structure, while the of source and target language. These approaches cannot be
translated sentences follow the same rule that have been ob- applied to our system because, to the best of our knowledge,
served in the continuous and the perfect tense categories, i.e. no such corpus is available for PSL. As a matter of fact, no
the addition of “full” and “now” in the sentences. such corpora exist for almost any other sign language as well

Machine Translation Semantic Translation Models These models are based on rules
or grammars to translate from one language to another.
Machine translation (MT) is also known as computerised Following are different types of semantic translation models.
translation. During the machine translation process, automat-
ed software techniques are used to translate the text written in Direct Translation Models Word to word substitution is ap-
one natural language such as English to another, such as Urdu. plied in this kind of translation; no grammatical and semantic

Table 7 PSL translation of

simple present, past, and future Category of sentence English sentence PSL sentence
perfect tense
Present perfect negative He has not gone to school. He school go full not.
Present perfect interrogative Has he gone to school? He school go full Yes-No.?
Past perfect affirmative He had gone to school. Was he school go full.
Past perfect negative He had not gone to school. Was he school go full not.
Past perfect interrogative Had he gone to school? Was he school go full Yes-No?
Future perfect affirmative He will have gone to school. He school go full after.
756 Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765

Table 8 PSL translation of simple present past and future perfect continuous tense

Category of sentence English sentence PSL sentence

Present perfect continuous affirmative He has been going to school. He school go full now.
Present perfect continuous negative He has not been going to school. He school go full now not.
Present perfect continuous interrogative Has he been going to school? He school go full now Yes-No.?
Past perfect continuous affirmative He had been going to school. Was he school go full now?
Past perfect continuous negative He had not been going to school. Was he school go full now not?
Past perfect continuous interrogative Had he been going to school? Was he school go full now Yes-No?
Future perfect continuous affirmative He will have been going to school. He school go full after now.
Future perfect continuous negative He will have not been going to school. He school go full after now not.
Future perfect continuous interrogative Will he have been going to school? He school go full after now Yes-No?

understanding of target language is considered. It is quite a Need for Grammar and Its Formalism Grammar comprises of
visible form of this fact that such type of translations only building blocks of any language’s sentence structure. Every
consider the source language. It has been learned from the spoken language has a grammatical structure for its sentence
literature survey that sign languages are natural languages formation. The differences and similarities between English
with their sentence structure, grammar, and semantic rules. and PSL sentences have been identified during the analysis of
Therefore, this direct translation approach of word by word the sentence level corpus. Based on this analysis, generalised
substitution shall not be able to preserve the semantics of the rules have been formulated which are helpful in proposing an
source sentence being translated. appropriate grammar-based translation model. To this end,
instead of implementing the rules using basic if-else state-
Rule-Based Translation Models A rule-based translation sys- ments, a much better idea is to use any formal notation to
tem requires a collection of rules, and a software system to express these rules that can be quickly processed using some
process those rules. An important requirement in a rule-based algorithmic process. In this research work, context-free gram-
machine translation model is the existence of grammar for mar (CFG) has been used as a formal notation to express these
both languages so that all specific sentence categories of the translation rules. The main advantages of using grammar for-
source language can be translated into the target language malism are as follows: (a) it is extendable, and new rules can
keeping the syntax intact. Different sign languages like easily be added as and when required; (b) rules can be mod-
ASL, BSL, and ArSL are well studied, and their grammatical ified and fixed if they required amendments; (c) state-of-the-
structures are well defined. Due to this reason, there exist a art natural language parsing techniques can be applied easily.
few rule-based MT systems for these languages [37, 38].
However, PSL is not linguistically well investigated and no
rules are available in the literature for the formation of PSL Grammar Generations
sentences. The main challenge for English to PSL machine
translation using a rule-based approach is the generation of Grammar is a structure of a language, also referred to as rules
PSL grammar. An in-depth analysis has been performed to of a language. Better familiarity with the grammar of a lan-
determine the differences between the source and target lan- guage results in clear and understandable communication in a
guage as discussed in the previous section. Furthermore, the given language. Thus, the understanding of grammar in-
transformation rules for translating English sentences into creases the effectiveness of communication. Context-free
PSL have been identified. grammar has been used to represent the rules for PSL.
It is pertinent to highlight again that English is chosen as a A context-free grammar (CFG) is a notation for describing
source natural language in this research mainly because not languages. It is a set of recursive rewriting rules or productions
only the grammar of English is well documented but various used to generate a string of a language. Formally, a CFG
computational tools are also available for the pre-processing consists of four tuple information G = {V, ∑, R, S} and each
of the source language sentences, including POS tagging and component of the tuple is defined as follows:
dependency illustrations of these POS. Furthermore, to trans-
late English text to equivalent PSL sentence, there is a strong 1. V is a finite set; each element v ε V is called a non-
need for PSL grammar which can be used to transform an terminal or variable. Each variable represents a different
English language sentence into equivalent PSL sentence. type of phrase or clause in the sentence.
Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765 757

2. ∑ is a finite set of terminals, disjoint from V, which makes of POS tags, PSL tree formation using appropriate
up the actual contents of the sentence. The set of terminals grammar productions, and PSL sentence generation, as
is the alphabet of the language defined by the grammar G. illustrated in Fig. 4.
3. R is a finite relation from V to (V U ∑)* where the aster- English sentence is an input to the translation module,
isk represents the Kleene Star operation. The members of and an equivalent sentence in PSL is the output. The
R are called the (rewrite) rules or productions of the whole process is shown in Fig. 5. In the first stage, each
grammar. word in the sentence is tagged into POS using Stanford
4. S is the start variable (or start symbol), used to represent parser and Penn treebank [39, 40]. The output is in string
the whole sentence (or program). It must be an element of format and is converted into a parse tree using the tree
V. generation algorithm. In the next step, a dependency tool
is used to identify the relationship between different
An excerpt from the CFG productions which are applied on words that constitute the sentence [41]. This dependency
an English sentence to produce an equivalent PSL tree has information is added in the parse tree and results in the
been presented in Table 9. The part of CFG presented in construction of the annotated parse tree. As mentioned in
Table 9 only handles affirmative sentences in the present, past, the analysis section, deaf people have very little knowl-
and future indefinite tenses of English language, along with edge of English grammar. Furthermore, it is extracted
different productions of subject, noun, verb, and adjectives. from the dataset that they use very few and fundamental
POS tags that are used in the grammar generated for PSL.
Therefore, as the next step mapping of Penn treebank tags
Machine Translation System Implementation into PSL tags is defined using the mappings shown in
Table 3, where the annotated parse tree nodes are
This section presents the implementation details of renamed using PSL POS tags. The next step in the trans-
English to PSL translation system using a grammar gen- lation pipeline is to classify the sentence based on tense
erated in the previous section. The system comprises of and meaning so that the appropriate rule from PSL gram-
two main components: a pre-processing component and mar can be selected to translate the given source sentence.
a translator, whereby the preprocessing component pro- In order to generate PSL tree, the English parse tree is
cesses the input English language sentence by converted into its equivalent PSL tree after applying the
performing POS tagging and dependency analysis, and CFG production.
finally identifies the sentence type, whereas the second During the transformation of English parse tree into PSL
component uses the grammar proposed in the previous tree, specific tree nodes of the English language are deleted,
section to convert the input sentence into equivalent some new nodes are added, and due to the differences in the
PSL sentence. This component involves the renaming word order of both the language the position of some nodes is

Table 9 Excerpt from grammar productions of PSL

Sentence type Pakistan Sign Language grammar productions


Simple past affirmative <SIMPLE-PAST-AFFIRMATIVE> ::=<"was"><SUBJ><VP> | <"was"><ADVP><","><SUBJ><VP>
Past indefinite <PAST-INDEFINITE-AFFIRMATIVE> ::=<"was"><SUBJ><VP> | <"was"><PP><","><SUBJ><VP> |
affirmative <"was"><NP><","><SUBJ><VP> | <"was"><ADVP><","><SUBJ><VP>
Future indefinite <FUTURE-INDEFINITE-AFFIRMATIVE> ::=<SUBJ><VP><"after">
Subject productions <SUBJ> ::=<NOUN> | <ADJ><NOUN> | <PP><NP> | <NOUN1><NOUN2> | <NP1><NP2> |
Noun phrase <NP> ::=<NOUN> | <ADJ><NOUN> | <PP><NP> | <NOUN1><NOUN2> | <NP1><NP2> | <NOUN2> |
Verb phrase <VP> ::=<ADVP><VERB> | <OBJ><VERB> | <PP><VP> | <VERB> | <PP><VERB> | <ADJP> |
Adjective <ADJP> ::= <ADJ> | <SBAR> | <FW> | <PP><ADV><ADJ> | <PP><ADV><VERB> | <ADJ1><ADJ2>
758 Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765

Fig. 6 NLP string to tree generation

various dependencies, the textual output is transformed into a

dependency graph, and later on this information is added in
the parse tree which is generated in the previous step. This
parse tree with dependency information is known as the an-
notated parse tree. The whole process of adding dependencies
and generation of the annotated parse tree has been presented
in Fig. 8.
Fig. 5 Steps in translation process
Sentence Classification
altered in the destination tree. The details of all these steps
have been presented in the following sections and subsections. It is essential to choose the appropriate PSL grammar rule to
translate the English sentence to PSL sentence correctly. Before
POS Tagging selecting a proper grammar rule, the type of English language
sentence needs to be identified. As analysis revealed that PSL
In order to identify the linguistic properties of each individual
textual unit, tagging is applied to English sentences. In this
work, Stanford POS Tagger is used for tagging purpose [39].
The English sentences are given as input to the POS tagger,
and along with tokenising the sentence, the tagger categorises
individual tokens based on POS information such as articles,
adverbs, verbs, noun, pronouns, and adjective. The tagger
uses the Penn treebank tag set for tagging purpose [40]. For
further processing, the string output of the tagger is trans-
formed into a tree-like structure using the proposed string to
tree conversion algorithm shown in Fig. 6. An example sen-
tence, its POS tagging, and tree construction using the pro-
posed algorithm have been illustrated in Fig. 7.

Dependency Analysis

The next step in the translation is to add dependency informa-

tion into the tree constructed in the previous step. Stanford’s
typed dependencies tool gives information about the depen-
dencies between different parts of speech involved in the
construction of the sentence [40]. After the identification of Fig. 7 POS tagging and tree generation
Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765 759

Fig. 9 Sentence type identification

Fig. 8 Adding dependencies and generation of annotated parse tree

PSL Tree Generation

PSL tree generation is an essential step in the translation pipe-

only uses simple sentence structure because deaf subjects lack line. In this step, the tree transformations are applied to the
grammatical knowledge, and due to limited vocabulary set, it is annotated tree generated in earlier stages using the defined
difficult for them to remember and understand complex sen- PSL grammar. After the identification of sentence type, ap-
tence structures. As the sentences are classified based on tenses, propriate production from PSL grammar is chosen. As it is
and there are 14 different categories w.r.t. tenses available in determined in the analysis part, there are mainly three opera-
English. So, in order to identify a specific tense type, the system tions that need to be performed on the tree nodes in order to
determines POS tags assigned to verbs using Penn Treebank. In convert the English tree to PSL tree. These operations are:
the example sentence, the verb part contains two tags “VBZ”
and “VVG”. The first tag VBZ indicates present tense, whereas & Deletion of some nodes.
the second tag VVG implies the tense form to be continuous. & Addition of new nodes.
By combining these two tag categories, the tense is recognised & Alter node position in the tree.
to be present continuous. Tense identification algorithm has
been presented in Fig. 9. Consider an example sentence “My dog is chasing a black
cat” to understand the translation process of an English sen-
Renaming POS Tagging It has already been discussed in the tence to PSL sentence. An annotated tree and the final PSL
analysis section that Penn POS tagger uses a richer set of tags tree have been presented in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively.
to annotate English sentences, whereas the corresponding PSL Different intermediate recursive steps of adding a node,
sentences are tagged using a simpler tag subset. Therefore, the deleting node, or altering node are applied on the source tree.
POS tags applied by Stanford parser are replaced by relevant The details of each step corresponding to the above example
simplified tags for PSL. of present continuous tense are shown in Table 10 along with
760 Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765

appropriate rules of PSL grammar that have been applied, and only the proof of concept application, the proposed system
also the functions applied on the source tree. only plays the gestures of words that are already present in
the gesture data bank, while for the other words it uses finger
spellings. However, the system can be seamlessly enriched by
PSL Sentence Generation
extending the databank with more GIF images representing
more words.
The PSL tree shown in Fig. 11 is traversed using leave order
traversal, and PSL sentence is generated as the outcome of the
translation activity. The pseudo-code for this traversal is given
in Fig. 12. Evaluation and Results

Due to the absence of conventions for writing PSL sentences

Translation System Prototype
in English, it is challenging to evaluate the accuracy of the
proposed translation model for translating English sentences
In order to make this system useful for the deaf community, it
into equivalent PSL sentences. It is essential that the transla-
is imperative to show the translated sentence in gesture-based
tion outcome of the proposed system must be acceptable as
representation. Before this research PSL, gestures have only
well as understandable to the deaf community. To assess the
been stored and exposed as one video or a GIF image for a
accuracy of our proposed grammar-based machine translation
word or phrase. To this end, the proposed system relies on the
system, automatic and manual evaluations have been
idea of a rich databank for sign language. Therefore, a sign
databank has been created for more than 100 words that com-
prises of multiple representations of a word, including video
gesture and GIF images. Thus, the translation system is inte- Evaluation Mechanism
grated with the databank in a way that once the PSL sentence
has been generated, the corresponding video or GIF image Automatic Evaluation In this kind of evaluation, the output
representation of each word is rendered from the databank in generated by the translation system is compared with the gold
an appropriate order. Thus, the system shows the video ges- standard data comprising of the correct translations of all
tures of all words in the PSL sentence in the correct order. This sentences given as input to the translation system. The trans-
results into a real-time translation system that not only trans- lation accuracy can be determined based on the similarity
lates input natural language sentence into PSL but also pre- between the output generated by the system and the data
sents the translated sentence as an avatar, as shown in Fig. 13. stored against a particular sentence in the gold standard corpus
The purpose of showing the translated text in the form of [42]. As discussed earlier, PSL does not have any written
avatar makes the translation model useable for the deaf com- standard available [2] so generating an evaluation corpus cov-
munity, and helps improving the cognitive abilities of the deaf ering all categories of PSL sentences corresponding to their
subjects towards understanding the written text. English equivalent version is a tough job which requires a lot
The integration of these two components builds a proof-of- of human effort and time. To the best of our knowledge, the
concept system that implements a complete translation pipe- corpus compiled in this research is the first sentence level
line that translates input English language sentence into PSL corpus generated for PSL sentences corresponding to various
gestures, thus aids the deaf community to improve their cog- linguistic categories of English sentences discussed in the data
nitive understanding in learning English language. As it is collection phase of this article.

Fig. 10 The annotated tree

Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765 761

Fig. 11 Final PSL tree

Manual or User-Based Evaluation In such techniques, human was challenging to evaluate all 2000 sentences manually.
experts are involved for evaluations. The accuracy of the trans- Therefore, a subset comprising of nearly 500 sentences in-
lation output is evaluated based on the responses gathered by volving all types of sentences are manually assessed by two
these experts who rated the output on different scales based on deaf persons and two bilingual experts of PSL and English.
the syntactic and semantic understanding of the generated out- The evaluation results are divided into two groups valid and
put produced by the automatic machine translation system. invalid. Sentences that preserve the syntactic and semantic
structure of source language after translation are classified as
Testing Corpus Generation According to English taxonomy, valid sentences, whereas the ones which are not able to pre-
the sentences are categorised on the bases of tense, meaning, serve the meaning of source language sentence were listed as
and structure. From contextual inquiry, it was observed that invalid. Out of 500 sentences, 476 sentences listed as valid by
there are fourteen different types of sentences on the basis of both the evaluators, which makes the overall accuracy of the
tenses, three with respect to meanings, and four based on translation system about 95%. The 24 invalid sentences be-
structural variants. The testing corpus developed in this re- long to complex and complex compound categories. The con-
search consists of a total of 2000 sentences covering all types sistency of evaluations among different evaluators was very
of English sentences, as shown in Table 11. high with Kappa statistic of about 0.96.
Apart from different categories of sentences, we also tested
Results of Experiments the general applicability of our system on the story of a
“thirsty crow”, which is a famous story in early school educa-
Manual Evaluation In the first stage, experts assessed the sys- tion. We enriched the databank to incorporate the GIF images
tem output manually to determine the system’s accuracy. It for all the words included in this story. The deaf students were

Table 10 Derivation using PSL grammar

Sentence type English grammar production PSL production Action

Present continuous affirmative Present Continuous Affirmative Present Continuous Affirmative Add a child node in the tree having value “now’
VP ➔ AUX VP ➔ VP Remove Aux node from parent VP
OBJ ➔ DT ADJ NOUN OBJ ➔ ADJ NOUN Remove DT child Node
762 Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765

the results of various other machine translation systems quite

easily and without involving humans. In this work translation
error rate (TER), word error rate (WER), and the bilingual
evaluation understudy (BLEU) metrics are used to evaluate
the performance of proposed machine translation system [43].
For this research work, the precision and BLEU score corre-
sponding to reference, and candidate sentences are calculated
using a 4-gram matching variant of BLEU [44]. The BLEU
score ranges from 0 to 1. The exact match between reference
and candidate sentence is represented by the value 1, while 0
shows no match. The word error rate is another performance
measure used in machine translation systems. It is based on
Levenshtein distance [4]. Once the translation is done, the
TER is used to determine the extent of reordering of the can-
didate sentence in order to closely match the corresponding
reference sentence [45].
Fig. 12 PSL sentence generation The translated results of the system are evaluated based
on reference sentences generated by bilingual human ex-
perts. The reference sentences cover all linguistic variants
able to understand the whole story, and they were elated to of English taxonomy discussed earlier in the data collec-
share that they had not experienced any such system before. tion section. The result of 0.78, 0.10, and 0.15 was ob-
Most of them stated that such system will help improving their tained using the BLEU, WER, and TER metrics, respec-
cognitive abilities towards understanding written natural lan- tively. As during the grammar generation process, the
guage text. variations in PSL sentence structures were restricted by
Results of Automatic Evaluation: Automatic evaluation is choosing the most frequent word order as a standard rule;
much less time consuming as compared with manual assess- therefore, the rate of WER and TER is minimised, and
ment. The latter evaluation technique is costly as it needs similarly, the precision and the BLUE score is increased.
human subject involvement for verification. Another advan- Most of the incorrect sentences belonged to the complex
tage of automatic evaluation is that it can be used to compare and compound-complex categories.

Fig. 13 Avatar generation system

Cogn Comput (2020) 12:748–765 763

Table 11 Testing corpus for evaluation

Type of sentence Number of sentences

Simple present and past (positive, negative and interrogative) 250

Present indefinite, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous (positive, negative, Aux and WH) 500
Past indefinite, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous (positive, negative, Aux and WH) 500
Future indefinite, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous (positive, negative, Aux and WH) 500
Simple, compound, complex, and compound complex 250
Total sentences 2000

Conclusion and Future Directions representation of a gesture that can be read by machine
and can further be converted into sign language gestures.
This research presents a grammar-based machine translation This will help to extend our system so that it can convert
model for translating English language sentences into equiv- the translated PSL sentence into an animated avatar that
alent PSL sentences. PSL is used by the deaf community of expresses word by word gestures of the translated sen-
Pakistan, which has a different sentence structure, word order, tence. Lastly, there is a need to extend the translation
and lexicon than English or Urdu. The contribution of this system to incorporate the pointing of pronouns in sign
work is threefold. (1) A sentence level corpus is developed, space [29, 30] by enriching sentence meta-information to
which consists of 2000 sentences covering all English lan- ensure more accurate translation.
guage sentence variations. Every English language sentence
in this corpus is manually translated by involving native Compliance with Ethical Standards
signers into PSL. This database has been made freely available
for researchers. (2) The grammatical structure of PSL is for- Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
mally transcribed. To this end, a systematic approach has been
adopted involving data collection, analysis, and grammar
Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies with human
rules generation, to define the grammar for PSL using CFG participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
representation, which helps to textually represent PSL
sentences. (3) A rule-based machine translation model is pro-
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pFad v4 Proxy