QA On Budget Control Act of 2011 (Aug 1 2011)

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Q&A on Budget Control Act of 2011

(Courtesy of House Republican Leadership) Q: Where are the immediate cuts in this bill and how much savings does it guarantee in the budgets that the 112th Congress can control? A: The Budget Control Act makes a down payment on serious spending reforms with cuts and caps totaling $917 billion over the next ten years. The bill cuts the FY2012 budget deficit by $21 billion and holds spending below FY2010 levels until FY2016. These are just the first steps in the right direction and House Republicans are optimistic that the Joint Select Committee outlined in the bill will report a credible plan that the Congress will vote on to achieve at least $1.2 trillion more in deficit reduction in November of this year. Q: Why should Americans expect this deficit reduction commission to prove effective where others have been fruitless? A: House Republicans will not raise the debt limit by any amount without first cutting a larger amount of wasteful Washington spending. We will not give the president a blank check. If Democrats want our help to pay the bills they have racked up after their historic spending binge, Democrat appointees to the Joint Select Committee will be forced to work with us to find $1.5 trillion in savings later this year, in addition to the $917 billion in spending cuts that we will pass in the House on Monday. Only then can the president request another increase in the debt ceiling in an amount that will take him past the date on the calendar that he is focused on Election Day. In the event that this Joint Committee does not achieve its deficit reduction target, then across-the-board spending cuts, subject to certain exemptions, would result that would equal the difference between $1.2 trillion and the deficit reduction enacted as a result of the Joint Committee. Q: Wont the Joint Select Committee called for in this plan just take the path of least resistance and recommend tax increases as part of the 2 nd step requiring $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction? A: Only President Obama and Washington Democrats have advocated attaching job-killing tax increases to an increase in the debt limit. The Joint Select Committees reported legislation will be judged against the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) current law baseline, which already projects that revenues will increase by $3.5 trillion over the next decade due to across-the-board tax rate increases coming in 2013. Additionally, due to the way CBO measures deficit reduction, any reduction of these taxes would increase the deficitthe opposite of the Committees assigned task. For this reason, the de facto mission of the Committee will be to cut spending in order to achieve the deficit reduction directed. In the unlikely event the Joint Select Committee were to propose tax increases, House Republicans will defeat them on the floor, and the automatic across-the-board sequestration of $1.2 trillion would be implemented. House Republicans will not allow Washington Democrats to use a spending-driven debt crisis to increase job-destroying taxes, especially when our employment situation is the worst since the Great Depression. Q: How can anyone be confident that the sequestrations in this new deal will be adhered to? The history of such promises to control future budgets is not one of fiscal restraint. A: When it comes to spending, Washington has kicked the can down the road too many times. That is why the legislation we pass in the House this week in addition to real, ten-year spending caps and across-the-board

cuts if they are violated requires both the House and Senate to vote on a balanced budget amendment that will enshrine fiscal responsibility in the Constitution. We find ourselves at the end of the road with no more room to kick the can. The warnings from the ratings agencies such as Moodys and S&P should be a wakeup call to members of both parties that blind faith in the fiscal credibility of the United States cannot go on indefinitely. The threat against our credit rating should be enough to hold Congress accountable to the need to actually change the course of our fiscal affairs, which this bill is designed to do. Bottom line: this bill changes the spending culture in Washington and puts in place actions that will ensure the federal government lives within its means. House Republicans will not allow any legislative maneuver to circumvent the spending controls in this bill. Q: Why are Republicans willing to support cuts to national defense if the sequestration is enforced? A: The discretionary caps put in place by this bill are designed to change the trajectory of federal spending in the next decade. That means that hard choices will have to be made to prioritize the spending of taxpayer money. House Republicans remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that troops in the field have the equipment they need to perform their jobs safely and effectively and that any cuts to slim down the DoD bureaucracy will not put that at risk. The sequestration spending cuts that would be triggered in this bill, if the Joint Select Committee does not report sufficient deficit reduction legislation, would be severe for all programs so it is important that this group reach a bipartisan and balanced approach to reduce the deficit that does not jeopardize our national defense. Q: Wouldnt it have been better to take the Grand Bargain that included some changes to Medicare and Social Security? This plan just addresses discretionary spending; at least that compromise would have the potential to bend the debt curve down by addressing entitlements. A: Unfortunately, President Obama ensured that we could not enact the ultimate solution to our nations debt crisis. The president was never committed to real spending cuts and fundamentally reforming the drivers of our debt. Its also clear now that he was unyielding in his insistence on tax increases for any deala deal was never really even close, particularly as the president moved the goal post last week to try to raise more revenues on the backs of Americas families and job creators. The American people have no interest in policies that will destroy jobs and exacerbate our debt crisis, leaving our children and grandchildren to pay the price, and House Republicans wont support job-killing tax hikes. This plan, which advances the cause of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, is the only real way to begin the process of putting our fiscal house back in order and making the federal government live within its means. Q: Why would House Republicans give the president the authority to raise the debt limit by requesting it and then vetoing a disapproval resolution from the Congress? Isnt that the same thing as outsourcing Congress constitutional responsibility to control federal spending through a purely political maneuver? A: This framework retains Congress authority to reject the Presidents request to borrow more money. The House demonstrated last month that we would not blindly add to the countrys crushing debt burden when the clean debt limit increase (H.R. 1954) failed by a vote of 97-318. But the problem is not the debt limit; the problem is the debt. Thats why the Budget Control Act of 2011 goes further and implements real cuts and spending caps totaling $917 billion over the next ten years. Then the plan takes the additional steps of requiring a Joint Select Committee to report bipartisan legislation cutting an additional $1.5 trillion, which would get an up-or-down vote in both chambers. And finally, our plan also advances the cause of the Balanced Budget Amendment by requiring the House and Senate to vote on the measure before the end of the year; if an amendment is passed by Congress, the president would be authorized to request the full $1.5 trillion in additional borrowing authority to take him through next years election. Q: What do you say to fiscal conservatives who are not happy with this plan?

A: House Republicans passed bipartisan legislation that would solve our nations debt problems once and for all, the Cut, Cap and Balance Act. True to form, Senator Reid and his Democrat Senate colleagues killed it in the Senate. In order to avoid a default, which could exact extraordinary damage on our economy, House Republicans will pass a measure that will ensure that: 1) we will cut spending more than any increase in the debt ceiling, 2) taxes are not increased on Americas job creators and families during these difficult economic times, and 3) both the House and Senate are required to vote on a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution. The Balanced Budget Amendment requirement in this legislation represents the best opportunity to ensure fiscal responsibility by the government. While far from perfect, the hard reality is that fiscal conservatives control only of 1/3 of our government, but this bill will make sure that the president doesnt receive a blank check to continue his spending binge and that the old ways of Washington of blindly increasing the debt limit without spending cuts are over. Q: The Treasury Department has shifted the date for the day of reckoning twice already, isnt August 2nd equally as specious as the previous dates? And why not call their bluff? A: We have heard a lot of heated rhetoric and shifting positions from the Administration, but House Republicans, putting the nations fiscal health before politics, will again demonstrate leadership by putting legislation on the presidents desk to continue the process of getting the country off the road to fiscal destruction. Prolonging this problem, regardless of its veracity, serves no ones intereststhe American people are frustrated and concerned about Washingtons ability to do the right thing for the country. Nobody can predict the future with perfect certainty so we are taking another step to reduce the uncertainty in the economy and bring an end to the Democrats job-destroying spending binge. Putting the country on a fiscally sustainable path is more important than testing the patience of the bond market, and we are not confident that the downside risk of holding out is worth the economic costs. The potential for higher structural interest rates makes the possibility of a better deal after August 2nd look less appealing, not to mention that whether on August 2nd or some other day in the month, the federal government would reach a point when it is unable to fulfill all of its obligations. Q: How much influence did threats from the ratings agencies warning of a downgrade of U.S. debt have on this bill? A: What the ratings agencies warned against was not resolving the unsustainable fiscal position of the federal government, and we will only do this by negotiating a deal that cuts the excessive level of government spending, brings real, enforceable reforms to federal budget and spending processes, and forces the federal government to live within its meansputting us on a path to paying down the nations debt. House Republicans remain focused on solving our fiscal problems and not further burdening American families with job-destroying tax increases. This plan is a critical first step in helping Americans who are in desperate need of a job. Q: Is the GOP acknowledging the Administrations position that the debt limit absolutely must be raised? Why not force the president to decide who gets paid and where the cuts come from? A: If we had done nothing, the Treasury Department would have been forced to use incoming tax revenues (approximately $200 billion per month) to pay obligations as they come due. With approximately $300 billion in expenses coming due each month, there was no way to ensure that the Administration would appropriately prioritize payment of the federal governments bills. We knew there would not be a sovereign default by the United States government, but we could not countenance that the presidents irresponsible lack of a Plan B would mean seniors miss a Social Security check or soldiers in the field are not paid on time. Regardless of how the president would prioritize spending, there would come a point when the federal government could not meet some of its obligations, and House Republicans could not allow that to happen. Q: Why did the House not pass legislation prioritizing which creditors get paid if the debt limit were not raised?

A: House Republicans believe that Treasury already has the authority to prioritize payments of the governments bills. This includes things like Social Security payments to seniors, Medicare payments to doctors, and salary payments to troops in the field, all in addition to the interest and principal owed to our bondholdersif the Treasury had enough in current tax revenue to make these payments. This bill ensures that the federal government will meet all of its commitments in the immediate term while we make substantial cuts in the coming years and put the federal government on a path to finally live within its means. The unfortunate truth is that even if there were statutory priorities, it would still only be a matter of time until an obligation of the federal government went unpaid. Q: Have Republicans ceded that no reforms to mandatory spending are necessary and why did Republicans not take earlier versions of a deal with the president that included Social Security and Medicare changes? A: House Republicans entered negotiations with the Administration in good faith and with the intention of addressing our fiscal problems. Our position was straightforward and fair: the cuts should be greater than the debt ceiling increase and we would not raise taxes on Americas job creators in a weak economy. Unfortunately, the presidents focus on reelection and insistence on increasing taxes in a struggling economy forced us to abandon talks with the White House and seek a bipartisan agreement with our colleagues in Congress. We decided that with millions unemployed and anemic economic growth, true leadership and doing what was best for the country was more important than political disputes with the White House thats more concerned about reelection than the American people. We maintain that reducing spending and reforming the federal budget process is critical for the economic health of our country, and we believe the best mechanism to do that is this plan, which cuts spending now and creates a path to accomplish even more spending and deficit reduction in the near future. The plan establishes a joint committee to explore reforms to mandatory programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, which left unchanged will result in diminished benefits for current seniors and will not be around for future generations. Lastly, the plan requires a vote in both Houses of Congress on a Balanced Budget Amendment to ensure fiscal discipline for generations to come. Q: Why wont Republicans admit that the long-term budget imbalance needs to be resolved through both spending cuts and revenue increases? A: No serious person will argue that Washington taxes too little; the problem is it spends too much. That is why House Republicans have insisted on attacking this problem from the spending side. We have always acknowledged that some revenue could be raised by eliminating loopholes in the tax code but that should be offset by lowering the tax rates for everyone to make our economy more competitive. A net tax increase is detrimental to our economic recovery and does nothing to help the 14 million Americans who are out of a job. Q: What would the impact of not raising the debt limit be on American families? A: The market volatility that could result from not getting federal spending under control or not passing this plan could lead to significant costs for all Americans. If investors lose confidence in the full faith and credit of the United States and its ability to make difficult choices on spending, the interest rates on Treasuries could rise as capital is invested outside the U.S. Because Treasuries are a benchmark borrowing rate for nearly the entire economy, consumers could see all borrowing costs go up, which means loans for things such as college tuition or cars become more expensive. Individuals in the market to buy a house could see mortgage interest rates rise prohibitively. Entrepreneurs seeking to start a small business might find loans for their new business unaffordable. Home prices and retirement savings account values could decline, hurting the economic security of middle income families and leading to lower spending and investment, which would exacerbate our jobs crisis. Additionally, if the value of the dollar declines as its legitimacy in the international financial system is questioned, all Americans will see their purchasing power decrease as the prices of food and gas increase

even more than they already have this year. All of these increased costs could add up to hundreds of dollars per month that family budgets cannot withstand in this weak economic recovery. Q: Wasnt it Republicans refusal to consider revenue increases that have created the potential for market volatility? Why did House Republicans not compromise earlier and minimize the economic uncertainty caused by waiting until the last minute? A: The one thing that is sure to drive interest rates up and portend an economic catastrophe in the future is raising the debt limit and continuing the tax-borrow-spend policies that Democrats advocate. Not changing the trajectory of our debt and spending would surely be a catalyst for future economic painthis was the path laid out by the presidents FY2012 budget, the road to ruin. Conversely, House Republicans presented an alternative vision for Americas economic future in our FY2012 budget, one that deals with entitlement spending and tax reform, putting the country on a path to prosperity. The House passed a credible way out of this debt ceiling crisis weeks ago: Cut, Cap, and Balance. It is in that framework that we crafted a bipartisan plan with Senate leadership to avert pushing the economy back into recession; that is the legislation that we plan to vote on today. Q: What would be the impact of not passing this bill? A: The economic uncertainty created by not passing this bill could lead to an increase in interest rates that would increase interest costs on the federal debt. Some industry estimates have projected a 60 basis point rise in Treasuries, which could add $100 billion a year in debt servicethats an additional $1,300 per year for a family of four to support the federal governments borrowing. Taking it a step further, such uncertainty could result in a structural rise in interest rates on such things as small business loans, credit cards, mortgage rates, car loans, or student loansthis could lead to hundreds of dollars in additional borrowing costs. In short, all Americans could see their budgets stretched unnecessarily in this time of economic weakness. Q: Why do House Republicans want a two step increase in the debt limit? Why not just pass a one-time, larger debt limit increase so the country does not have to go through this again in six months? A: There is nothing unprecedented in raising the ceiling for a short period of time in order to allow for additional spending and budget reforms; in fact, since 1972, debt limit increases have averaged just over 7 months. The sad truth is that the size of the debt increase that President Obama demanded and Senator Reid proposed$2.7 trillionwould have been the largest increase in history, which is why House Republicans support the additional deficit reduction that the Joint Select Committee would be required to reportor a Balanced Budget Amendment going to the statesas a precondition to allowing the president to raise the debt limit again under the Budget Control Act.

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