Part 2 Evid
Part 2 Evid
Part 2 Evid
improbability of the fact in issue [Sec. 4, Rule Positive and Negative Evidence
128] Positive evidence Witness affirms that a certain
state of facts did exist or that a certain event
Multiple Admissibility happened.
Where the evidence is relevant and competent Negative evidence Witness states he/she did not
for two or more purposes, such evidence see or does not know of the occurrence of a
should be admitted for any or all the purposes fact
for which it is offered, provided it satisfies all
the requisites of law for its admissibility
therefor Competent and Credible Evidence
c. Must be made in the course of the 3. Matters ought to be known to judges because
proceedings in the same case. of their judicial functions [Sec. 2, Rule 129]
[Sec. 4, Rule 129]
***Judicial notice is not judicial knowledge. The
Note: The admission, to be judicial, must be mere personal knowledge of the judge is not
made in the course of the proceedings in the the judicial knowledge of the court, and he is
same case. Thus, an admission made in not authorized to make his individual
another judicial proceeding will not be deemed knowledge of a fact, not generally or
a judicial admission in the case where the professionally known, the basis of his action
admission is not made. Instead, it will be
considered an extrajudicial admission for D. Object (Real) Evidence (Rule 130, A)
purposes of the other proceeding where such 1. Requisites
admission is offered [Riano 87, 2016 Ed.] 2. ***Exclusionary Rules
made with the assistance of a competent and the information or charge was filed for an
independent counsel, (c) express, and (d) in offense penalized by a fine only. It may be
writing.” stated as a corollary
that neither can a warrantless arrest be made
2. Statutory exclusionary rules for such an offense.
✓ Any communication obtained by a person,
not being authorized by all the parties to any ****
private communication, by tapping any EXAM QUESTIONS:
wire/cable or using any other At the trial of Ace for violation of the
device/arrangement to secretly Dangerous Drugs Act, the prosecution offers
overhear/intercept/record such information
in evidence a photocopy of the marked
by using any device, shall not be admissible
P100.00 bills used in the “buy-bust” operation.
in evidence in any hearing or investigation
Ace objects to the introduction of the
[Secs. 1 and 4, R.A. 4200 (Wire-Tapping
Act)] photocopy on the ground that the Original
Document Rule prohibits the introduction of
3. Exclusions under the Rules on Evidence secondary evidence in lieu of the original
• Original document rule (previously best evidence
• Hearsay evidence rule a. Is the photocopy real (object) evidence
• Offer of compromise in civil cases or documentary evidence? A: The
photocopy of the marked bills is real (object)
4. Exclusions under Court issuances evidence and not documentary evidence,
because the marked bills are real evidence
✓ Rule on Electronic Evidence, e.g. compliance
with authentication requirements for
a. Is the photocopy real (object) evidence
electronic evidence
✓ Rule on Examination of a Child Witness, e.g.
or documentary evidence? A: The
sexual abuse shield rule photocopy of the marked bills is real (object)
✓ Judicial Affidavit Rule evidence and not documentary evidence,
because the marked bills are real evidence
Possible exam question:
At the Public Attorney's Office station in What is the effect if the chain of custody has been
Taguig where you are assigned, your work broken?
requires you to act as public defender at the
local Regional Trial Court and to handle cases “Non-compliance by the apprehending/buy-bust
involving indigents. Still in another case, this team with Sec 21, of RA No. 9165 is not fatal as
time for illegal possession of dangerous drugs, long as there is justifiable ground therefor, and as
the prosecution has rested but you saw from long as the integrity and the evidentiary value of
the confiscated/seized items, are properly
the records that the illegal substance allegedly
preserved by the apprehending officer/team. Its
involved has not been identified by any of the
non-compliance will not render an accused's
prosecution witnesses nor has it been the arrest illegal or the items
subject of any stipulation. seized/confiscated from him inadmissible. What
is of utmost importance is
A: I will first file a motion for leave to file the preservation of thé integrity and the
demurrer to evidence within five (5) days from evidentiary value of the seized
the time the prosecution rested its case. If the items, as the same would be utilized in the
same is granted, then I will file a demurrer to determination of the guilt or innocence of the
evidence within ten (10) days from notice on accused.
the ground of insufficiency of evidence of the
prosecution (Sec. 23, Rule 119).
What are the requirements for DNA testing order?
No, DNA samples taken from the party does not similar petition may be filed either in the Court of
violate the right of the accused Appeals or the Supreme Court,
against self-incrimination since it a only or with any member of said courts, which may
applicable in case of testimonial conduct a hearing thereon or
compulsion remand the petition to the court of origin and
issue the appropriate orders.
What are the possible remedies in case of refusal
to comply for
DNA testing? A similar petition may be filed either in:
Enter a default judgment at the request of the
appropriate party, or if a trial is 1) The Court of Appeals; or courts.
held, allow the disclosure of the fact of the refusal 2) The Supreme Court, or with any member of said
unless good cause is shown for
not disclosing the fact of refusal.
What are the courses of action of the court in case
When to avail a post-conviction DNA Testing? of favorable
What are the DNA Testing?
Post-conviction DNA testing may be available, 1) Reverse or modify the judgment of conviction;
without need of prior court order, and
to the prosecution or any person convicted by 2) Order the release of the convict, unless
final and executory judgment continued detention is justified for a
provided that the following are present: lawful cause.
a. a genuine question is raised as to the court without great loss of time and the fact
authenticity of the original, or sought to be established is only the general
b. in the circumstances, it is unjust or result of the whole (Section 7, Rule 130); and
inequitable to admit the duplicate in lieu
of the original.
(4) when the original document is a public
Restating the rule: If the subject of inquiry is record (Section 8, Rule 130).
the contents of a document there can be no
evidence of the contents other than the (5) When the original is not closely related to
original of the document. Thus, goes the a controlling issue.
Section 3.
When is the original presented? When the Rule 130)
subject of inquiry is the content/s of the The parol evidence rule forbids or prohibits
document. This means the cause of action or any attempt to vary, contradict, or modify the
defense is based on what are contained in the terms of a written agreement by the use of
document i.e. the terms and conditions, the testimonial/oral evidence.
entries, data or information written on the
document. This means the plaintiff is either
enforcing a right based on, or created, by a Exceptions: (IMTIS)
document or a party is seeking non-liability by
A. That there is an intrinsic ambiguity
virtue of the contents of a document.
The instrument/document itself is clear and
certain on its face Examples: (i) the donee is
What is secondary evidence? (LANPuC) described as “My uncle Tom” but the donor
Secondary evidence refers to any evidence to has several uncles named Tom (ii) the thing
prove the contents of a document other than sold is “my house and lot in Baguio City” but
the original. It maybe oral or written. the vendor has three houses and lots in
Under the rules, there are four instances Baguio City; (iii) the money shall be for the
where secondary evidence may be presented. tuition fee of my son “who is enrolled in UC”
These are: but it is the daughter who is enrolled in UC
while the son is enrolled in UB; (iv) the subject
(1) When the original has been lost, of the sale is the vendor’s “ two storey house
destroyed, or cannot be produced in court in Bakakeng” but what he has in Bakakeng is
without bad faith on the part of the offeror a grocery store and it is his house in Aurora
(Section 5, Rule 130); Hill which is two storeys.
(2) when the original is in the adverse party's B. That there was mistake or imperfection; 1.
custody or control. (Section 6, Rule 130); Imperfection includes situations of inaccurate
descriptions. There is mistake when a person
(3) when the original consists of numerous did or omitted because of an erroneous belief
accounts or other documents which cannot be or interpretation of a law or assessment of a
produced in fact, or due to ignorance, forgetfulness,
unconsciousness, or misplaced confidence.
The mistake must be of a fact and is mutual to
both the parties. Examples include situations
where: (a) both were in error as to the property or other modes of written expression,
sold and described in the deed of sale i.e. described or however represented, by which a
another property as the one involved and not right is established or an
that described in the document; (b) two obligation extinguished, or by which a fact may
persons were supposed to be witnesses but be proved and affirmed, which is received,
were named instead as parties; and (c) the recorded,
writing was incomplete when it mentioned only transmitted, stored processed, retrieved or
some but not all the terms agreed upon produced electronically. It includes digitally
signed documents and
any print-out or output, readable by sight or
C. That the written agreement failed to other means, which accurately reflects the
express the true intent and agreement of the electronic data message
parties; The deed maybe ambiguous or vague or electronic document. For purposes of these
either through ignorance, lack of skill or Rules, the term “electronic document” may be
negligence of the party/person who drafted the used
deed, or through the use of imprecise words. interchangeably with electronic data message
It may be cured through the remedy of
reformation of instrument. Examples include:
(1) the deed turned out to be a sale when the Rule 8 carries a long paragraph describing
intention was as a security; or (2) the deed certain electronically stored business data as
was a sale and not a special power of attorney. exceptions to the hearsay rule.
D. The validity of the agreement is put in issue; Section 1. Audio, video and similar evidence.
One or both parties assert that the agreement – Audio, photographic and video evidence of
or document is null and void or unenforceable events, acts or transactions shall be
for lack of the essential elements of a valid admissible provided is shall be shown,
contract presented or displayed to the court and shall
be identified, explained or authenticated by
E. In case of subsequent agreements- the the person who made the recording or by
terms and conditions being testified on were some other person competent to testify on the
agreed upon after the execution of the accuracy thereof.
document 1. As in the case of novation of the
document, in whole or in part; 2. Parties are Section 2. Ephemeral electronic
free to change or modify or abandon their communication. – Ephemeral electronic
written agreement in which case it is the latter communications shall be proven by the
which should given force and effect. testimony of a person who was a party to the
same or has personal knowledge thereof. In
the absence or unavailability of such
Possible exam question: witnesses, other competent evidence may be
Electronic Evidence admitted.
the Rules on Electronic Evidence, the (a) When there is a genuine question raised as
admissibility of audio, photographic and to the authenticity of the original; or
video evidence of events, acts or (b) In the circumstances it would be unjust or
inequitable to admit the copy in lieu of
transactions rests on
the original
• Their being identified by the person
who made the recording;
• Their being shown, presented or
displayed in court;
• Their being explained or authenticated ****
by some other person competent to EXAM QUESTIONS:
testify on the accuracy thereof Q: May a private document be offered, and
admitted in evidence both as documentary
evidence and as object evidence? Explain
What is considered as the Original of an (2005 Bar)
Electronic Document?(2001 Bar)
v. The Heirs of Escolastico Saves, et al. receipt of the sum of money from the private
enumerated the requirements so that complainant to prove the amount of damage.
evidence, not previously offered, can be Accused objected to the offer of the photocopy
admitted, namely: on the sole ground that it is a mere
(1) the evidence must have been duly identified
reproduction of the original in violation of the
by testimony duly recorded
original document rule. The court overruled
(2) the evidence must have been incorporated
in the records of the case. the accused’s objection and admitted in
evidence the photocopy of the
acknowledgment receipt. Did the court err in
admitting the photocopy? Explain briefly. (5
Is the printout of a photograph from your
mobile phone showing a fly in the soup
you ordered admissible evidence in an action Yes. The court erred in admitting the
for damages against the restaurant photocopy.
owner? Explain briefly.
Photocopies of acknowledgment receipts
which were used to prove that the accused
Yes, it is admissible as evidence received the amount are not sufficient to
sustain conviction for Estafa in the absence of
Under the rules on electronic evidence, any proof to corroborate the nonexistence of
the original documents.
Audio, video and similar evidence. –
Here, the prosecution did not even bother to
Audio, photographic and video evidence present any corroborating evidence to explain
of events, acts or transactions shall be the reason for the absence of the original
admissible provided is shall be shown, documents presented before the court. Thus,
presented or displayed to the court and they carry no evidentiary weight.
shall be identified, explained or
authenticated by the person who made
the recording or by some other person
Klaus was drinking in front of his rented
competent to testify on the accuracy
apartment when he suddenly heard a gunshot
thereof. which came from inside the apartment owned
by Luther. Klaus then saw Igor, a neighbor,
provided it can be shown, presented or going down the stairs and leaving the scene
displayed to the court and shall be identified holding a gun. Klaus also witnessed Luther fall
explained or authenticated by the person who from the stairs with blood oozing from his
made the recording or by some other person chest. Vanya, Luther’s daughter, also rushed
competent to testify on the accuracy thereof to Luther when he fell. During Igor’s trial for
otherwise it is inadmissible in evidence. Murder, Vanya testified and presented a flash
drive containing the closed-circuit television
(CCTV) footages of the scene. Said footages
showed a man appearing to be Igor, armed
with PAGE 15 a gun, proceeding up the stairs
and entering Luther’s apartment. In the video,
In a case for Estafa, the prosecution offered
the same man was seen hastily leaving the
the photocopy of the acknowledgment receipt
premises. Vanya further testified that she was
signed by the accused showing personal
3. Those who have been convicted of falsification 2. In criminal case for a crime committed by
of a document, perjury, or false testimony, from oneagainst the other or the latter’s direct
being witnesses descendants or ascendants.
to a will (Art 821 of the Civil Code); 3. Consent is given by the party-spouse; or
4. Testimony was made outside of marriage.
4. The accused sought to be discharged as a state
witness has not at anytime been convicted of any
offense involving Duration General rule: During their marriage
[Sec. 23 Rule 130] Exception: Where the
marital and domestic relations are so strained
that there is no more harmony to be preserved
nor peace and tranquility which may be
disturbed, the reason based upon such
1. Disqualification by reason of marriage harmony and tranquility fails. In such a case,
(Marital Disqualification OR Spousal Immunity) identity of interests disappears, and the
consequent danger of perjury based on that
identity is non-existent [Alvarez v. Ramirez,
Section 23. Disqualification by reason of
G.R. No. 143439 (2005)]
marriage. - During their marriage, the
husband or the wife cannot testify against the
other without the consent of the affected spouse,
except in a civil case by one against the other, or
1. A blanket disqualification of a spouse from
in a criminal case for a crime committed by one
against the other or the latter's direct descendants testifying for or against the other.
or ascendants
2. Effective only during the existence of the
3. Can be invoked only if one of the spouse s
1. During their marriage i. The marriage must is a party to the action.
be valid and existing at the time of the offer of
the testimony 4. The married witness would not be allowed
to take the witness stand at all. Even if the
2. The husband or the wife cannot testify testimony is, against the objecting spouse,
against the other i. The “other” spouse must the spouse-witness cannot testify.
be a party to the action, either as a plaintiff or
defendant ii. Note: 2019 Revision removed the Problem:
words “for or”
tried to save belongings and was caught b. May the testimony of Dr. Carlos, Walter’s
inside when the house collapsed. As she was psychiatrist, be allowed over Walter’s
running away from the burning house, Nenita objection?
was surprised to see her husband also
running away from the scene. Dr. Carlos, Problem:
Walter’s psychiatrist who lived near the
burned house and whom Walter medically On March 12, 2008, Mabini was charged with
consulted after the fire, also saw Walter in the Murder for fatally stabbing Emilio. To prove the
vicinity some minutes before the fire. qualifying
circumstance of evident premeditation, the
Coincidentally, Fr. Platino, the parish priest
prosecution introduced on December 11, 2009
who regularly hears Walter’s confession and
a text message,
who heard it after the fire, also encountered which Mabini's estranged wife Gregoria had
him not too far away from the burned house. sent to Emilio on the eve of his death, reading:
Walter was charged with arson and at his trial, "Honey, pa2tayin u
the prosecution moved to introduce the ni Mabini. Mtgaln nyang plano i2. Mg ingat u
testimonies of Nenita, the doctor and the bka ma tsugi k." (2010 BAR EXAMS)
priest-confessor, who all saw Walter at the
vicinity of the fire at about the time of the fire. A subpoena ad testificandum was served on
(2013 BAR EXAMS) Gregoria. For her to be presented for the
purpose of identifying her cellphone and the
a. May the testimony of Nenita be allowed text message. Mabini objected to her
over the objection of Walter? Presentation on the ground of marital privilege
The only question to be determined in this B. Communication between Atty and Client
case is whether the accused is guilty of murder
or simple homicide. The crime was committed (b) An attorney or person reasonably believed by
the client to be licensed to engage in the practice
with evident premeditation and therefore
of law cannot, without the consent of the client,
constituted murder and can be sustained only
be examined as to any communication made by
by taking into consideration Exhibit L, a letter
the client to him or her, or his or her advice given
written to the accused by his wife and seized thereon in the course of, or with a view to,
by the police in searching his effects on the professional employment, nor can an attorney's
day of his arrest. The letter shows that the secretary, stenographer, or clerk, or other persons
letter writer (the wife) feared that the accused assisting the attorney be examined without the
contemplated resorting to physical violence in consent of the client and his or her employer,
dealing with the deceased. Is the letter concerning any fact the knowledge of which has
admissible? been acquired in such capacity, except in the
following cases:
(i) Furtherance of crime or fraud. If the services
The letter is admissible. Where privileged
or advice of the lawyer were sought or obtained to
communication from one spouse to another enable or aid anyone to commit or plan to commit
comes into the hands of a third party, whether what the client knew or reasonably should have
legally or not, without collusion or voluntary known to be a crime or fraud;
disclosure on the part of either of the spouses,
the privilege is thereby extinguished and the (ii) Claimants through same deceased
communication, if otherwise competent, client. As to a communication relevant to an issue
becomes admissible. between parties who claim through the same
deceased client regardless of whether the claims
are by testate or intestate or by inter
vivos transaction;
Persons bound by confidentiality
psychiatrist to testify that in her opinion, the Is the physician’s testimony admissible? The
victim was a homicidal maniac. testimony is admissible. The same is not
information necessary for the proper treatment
The testimony is: of the patient. The matters stated are nothing
Inadmissible if the psychiatrist claims the but causal information of the witnesses which
psychotherapist privilige are not included in the privilege.
Problem: Problem:
obtained in the course of her examination practice medicine or psychotherapy) may not
interview and treatment of the petitioner. All disclose any advice given to the patient or any
the facts and conditions are merely treatment or other information acquired in
hypothetical. The physician’s testimony is attending such patient. Question: Does this
INADMISSIBLE. The information is privilege apply to information acquired by the
confidential and it would blacken the physician after the death of the patient,
reputation of the patient information referred to as post mortem or
autopsical information? NO. A corpse cannot
be a patient. Facts disclosed by an autopsy or
Problem: post-mortem examination cannot be held to
have been acquired by the examining
Dodo was knocked unconscious in a fist fight physician in confidence. Hence, the
with Dindo. He was rushed to the emergency information is not privileged and the physician
room of the Medical City where he was may testify thereon
examined and treated by Dr. Datu. As he was
being examined, a plastic sachet appearing to
contain shabu fell from Dodo’s jacket which
was on a chair beside him. Dodo was thus D. Priest -Penitent
arrested by the same policemen who assisted
him to the hospital. At Dodo’s trial, the public (d) A minister, priest or person reasonably believed
to be so cannot without the consent of the affected
prosecutor called Dr. Datu to the witness
person, be examined as to any communication or
stand. When the public prosecutor asked Dr.
confession made to or any advice given by him or
Datu as to what he saw in the emergency her, in his or her professional character, in the
room, Dodo’s counsel objected claiming course of discipline enjoined by the church to which
doctor-patient rule. Rule on the objection. the minister or priest belongs.
to him or her in official confidence, when the court cannot apply between stepmothers and
finds that the public interest would suffer by the stepchildren because the rule applies only to
disclosure. direct ascendants and descendants,
The communication shall remain privileged, even
in the hands of a third person who may have
obtained the information, provided that the original
parties to the communication took reasonable
precaution to protect its confidentiality
A parent cannot be compelled to testify
against his or her child or other direct
descendants. • A child may not be compelled
3. Testimonial Privilige to testify against his or her parents or other
direct ascendants.
A. Parental and Filial Privilege Rule
2. It is to work injustice
Applicability The rule is applied to both civil
and criminal cases [Herrera] The privilege
1. When it was confirmed or ratified by the co-
A confession is a voluntary acknowledgement
by a person of his guilt of the offense charged
2. When the extra-judicial confession is
or of any offense included therein, may be
judicially confirmed.
given in evidence against him. (Section 33,
Rule 130).
3. In case of interlocking confessions i.e.,
confessions made by two or more accused
It is different from an admission. Confessions
independently of each other and without
are admissible against the confessant. They
collusion which are identical in their essential
are evidence of a high order because no
details. Interlocking confessions. Thus, the
person in his right senses would admit his guilt
identical confessions of 3 accused are
or participation in the commission of a crime,
admissible against X who was mentioned by
knowing that it would subject him to
all 3 as the master mind. It may also gauge the
punishment. He must be prompted by truth. To
credibility of the testimony of another accused
convict, the confession must be corroborated
and of witnesses. Thus, each confession is
by evidence of corpus delicti (body of the
evidence against all confessants.
crime) pursuant to Section 3 of Rule 133.
Requisites for the admissibility of
FORMS OF CONFESSIONS extrajudicial confession: These requisites
apply to a person the extrajudicial confession
1.Judicial Confession of a person arrested, detained or is under
2.Extrajudicial Confession custodial investigation.
Effect of extrajudicial confession of guilt 1. Shall be in writing;
Exception: A person in private meeting, fully RULE: An affidavit is merely hearsay evidence
and voluntarily confessing to the commission if the maker did not take the witness stand.
of his crime need not comply with the
Q: When is a statement
constitutional requirements in a custodial
not considered as Hearsay?
A statement is not hearsay if the declarant testifies
at the trial or hearing and is subject to cross-Â-
examination concerning the statement and the
statement is
(a) inconsistent with the declarant's testimony, and
was given under oath subject to the penalty of
Section 37. Hearsay. - Hearsay is a statement
perjury at a trial. hearing, or other proceeding, or in
other than one made by the declarant while
a deposition:
testifying at a trial or hearing, offered to prove the
truth of the facts asserted therein. A statement is
(b) consistent with the declarant's testimony and is
(1) an oral or written assertion or (2) a non-verbal
offered to rebut an express or implied charge
conduct of a person, if it is intended by him or her
against the declarant of recent fabrication or
as an assertion. Hearsay evidence is inadmissible
improper influence or motive: or
except as otherwise provided in these Rules.
(c) one of identification of a person made after
perceiving him or her
15.Independently relevant statements (2003, of such deceased person or against such person
2009, 2011) of unsound mind, where a party or assignor of a
party or a person in whose behalf a case is
prosecuted testifies on a matter of fact occurring
before the death of the deceased person or before
the person became of unsound mind, any
This is a non-hearsay out of court statement.
statement of the deceased or the person of
They are relevant because the statement itself unsound mind, may be received in evidence if the
is either the very fact in issue or a statement was made upon the personal knowledge
circumstantial evidence of a fact in issue. of the deceased or the person of unsound mind at
Note. If the purpose is merely to establish the a time when the matter had been recently
fact that the statement or the tenor of such perceived by him or her and while his or her
statement was made, the testimony is not recollection was clear. Such statement however, is
hearsay inadmissible if made under circumstances
indicating its lack of trustworthiness.
Dying declaration
Section 40. Declaration against interest. - The
Requisites for admissibility: declaration made by a person deceased or unable
1. Consciousness by the declarant of his to testify against the interest of the declarant, if the
impending death; fact asserted in the declaration was at the time it
2. Communication by the declarant of the was made so far contrary to the declarant's own
cause and surrounding circumstances of interest that a reasonable person in his or
his looming death her position would not have made the declaration
3. Competence of the declarant to testify; unless he or she believed it to be true, may be
received in evidence against himself or herself or
his or her successors in interest and against third
4. Declaration is offered in any case relative
persons. A statement tending to expose the
to declarant’s death as the subject of
declarant to criminal liability and offered to
inquiry exculpate the accused is not admissible unless
corroborating circumstances clearly indicate the
Q Dying trustworthiness of the statement.
The declaration of a dying person, made
under the consciousness of Section 41. Act or declaration about pedigree. -
an impending death, may be received in any The act or declaration of a person deceased or
case wherein his or her unable to testify, in respect to the pedigree of
another person related to him or her by birth[,]
death is the subject of inquiry, as evidence of
adoption, or marriage or, in the absence thereof,
the cause and
with whose family he or she was so intimately
surrounding circumstances of such death.
associated as to be likely to have accurate
information concerning his or her pedigree, may be
How to assail? 1. Prove that the declarant, received in evidence where it occurred before the
prior to the admitted declaration, made a controversy, and the relationship between the two
statement inconsistent with his supposedly [(2)] persons is shown by evidence other than such
dying declaration. act or declaration. The word "pedigree" includes
relationship, family genealogy, birth, marriage,
Section 39. Statement of decedent or person of death, the dates when and the places where these
unsound mind. - In an action against an executor facts occurred, and the names of the relatives. It
or administrator or other representative of a embraces also facts
deceased person, or against a person of unsound
mind, upon a claim or demand against the estate
for truth is bad. 13. The moral character of the character of the spouses, such as
victim may be proved “ if it tends to establish psychological incapacity; e) Action for
in any reasonable degree the probability or damages for breach of promise to marry
improbability of the offense charged.” The where the bad character of plaintiff maybe
Prosecution may immediately introduce used as a defense; f) As a defense in actions
evidence of the good moral character of the for Alienation of Affection; g) In actions
victim if: (i). If it is an element of the offense involving custody of children; h) Opposition to
charged, such as good reputation in case of the appointment of a guardian, or
seduction, or in libel and oral defamation; (ii) It administrator of the property of another; 16. As
proves the probability of the offense charged for witnesses, a witness enjoys the
as in sex crimes such that the victim could not presumption of good moral character hence it
have given consent due to her good moral is not necessary to introduce character
character. 14. The accused may prove the bad evidence. However, evidence of character is
moral character of the victim in the following necessary in order to rehabilitate the character
cases: (a) In assault or homicide cases where of the witness if the latter's character had been
he sets self-defense, or in cases of the impugned by the adverse party. The bad
Battered Wife Syndrome defense, the moral character of a witness, his tendency to
accused may prove the victim is of a violent lie or his improper motives may be shown by
character, quarrelsome, trouble seeker or the adverse party. 17. As for third parties,
pugnacious. This is to prove it was the victim evidence of character is inadmissible being
who was the aggressor. Likewise, to show the irrelevant as they are neither parties nor
state of mind of the accused in that bad witnesses. 18. However if relevant in that the
character of the victim produced a reasonable evidence may affect the issues of the case,
belief of imminent danger on the mind of the then evidence of character may be admitted.
accused and a justifiable conviction that a Thus, in an action for legal separation based
prompt action was necessary. (b) In sex on adultery by the wife with a man, evidence
crimes involving unchaste acts of the accused, that the man is a person of good moral
where the willingness of the woman is character may be introduced to prove that the
material, her character as to her chastity is man could not have entered into the
admissible to show whether or not she adulterous relationship.
consented to the man’s acts. (c) In murder and
in other heinous crimes, evidence of the bad
moral character of the victim is irrelevant 15.
In civil cases, evidence of the character of the
parties is not admissible unless the issue
G. Burden of Proof and Presumptions (Rule
involved is character i.e. character is of
particular importance in the case, or that the
good or bad moral character of a party will H. Presentation of Evidence (Rule 132)
affect the outcome of the case. Examples
include: a) Action for damages for injury to 1. Examination of Witnesses
plaintiff’s reputation as in libel cases; b) a) Rights and Obligations of a Witness
Actions which impute moral turpitude such as b) Leading and Misleading Questions
the employment of deceit, misrepresentation c) Impeachment of Witnesses
or fraud; c) Actions for damages due to 2. Authentication and Proof of Documents
a) Meaning of Authentication
seduction; d) Legal separation or annulment of
b) Classes of Documents
marriage based on reasons grounded on the
c) Authentication of a Private Writing
I. Judicial Affidavit Rule (A.M. No. 12-8-8- J. Weight and Sufficiency of Evidence (Rule
SC) 133)
****SECTION 1. Audio, video and
similar evidence. – Audio,
photographic and video evidence of
events, acts or transactions shall be
admissible provided is shall be shown,
presented or displayed to the court and
shall be identified, explained or
authenticated by the person who made
the recording or by some other person
competent to testify on the accuracy
SEC. 2. Ephemeral electronic
communication. – Ephemeral
electronic communications shall be
proven by the testimony of a person
who was a party to the same or has
personal knowledge thereof. In the
absence or unavailability of such
witnesses, other competent evidence
may be admitted.
A recording of the telephone
conversation or ephemeral electronic
communication shall be covered by the
immediately preceding section.
If the foregoing communications are
recorded or embodied in an electronic
document, then the provisions of Rule
5 shall apply.