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2020 PDF
2020 PDF
Methanol is a future energy carrier because of its high volume- (ECR) [9e11]. For multienzymatic conversion, the
specific energy density and a significant intermediate for many inactivation of enzyme is the main reason restricting its
bulk chemicals. Electrochemical reduction is a promising application. For the chemical, thermal, and photo-
method to fabricate methanol (CH3OH) from carbon dioxide catalytic conversions, only under harsh conditions or
(CO2) where electrocatalyst, reactor configuration, and elec- using active reagents, the initial reduction barrier of
trode play an essential role. In this review, seven types of CO2 can be overcome.
electrocatalysts, that is, metal alloys, metal oxides, metal
chalcogenides and carbides, metal–organic complexes, Recently, ECR has been extensively studied owing to
metal–free pyridine and metal–organic framework–based the mild reaction conditions required. CO2 ECR has
electrocatalysts, as well as the effect of reactor configuration obvious advantages in many aspects: (1) the reaction
and electrode were comprehensively summarized. Finally, process is flexible and controllable, (2) the electrolyte
challenges and perspectives on developing electrocatalysts can be recycled which will greatly reduce the con-
were highlighted. sumption of chemicals and the production of waste
liquids, (3) the reaction energy can be provided from
tide, wind, and solar power, and (4) the process of ECR
Energy Engineering, Division of Energy Science, Luleå University of
is green and clean without demand on the external hy-
Technology, 97187, Luleå, Sweden drogenation source, being convenient for large-scale
CAS Key Laboratory of Green Process and Engineering, Beijing Key applications [9,12].
Laboratory of Ionic Liquids Clean Process, State Key Laboratory of
Multiphase Complex Systems, Institute of Process Engineering, Chi- It was reported that various target products can be ob-
nese Academy of Sciences, 100190, Beijing, PR China
Zhengzhou Institute of Emerging Industrial Technology, 450000,
tained from CO2 by ECR, for instance, CO, HCOOH,
Zhengzhou, PR China CH4, CH3OH, C2H4, and so on. [13e16] Among them,
Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy, Dalian, 116023, PR the conversion of CO2 into CH3OH is of great impor-
China tance because CH3OH processes a high energy density
and is a significant precursor for manufacturing the bulk
Corresponding authors: Liu, Yanrong (Yanrong.liu@ltu.se); Ji,
Xiaoyan (xiaoyan.ji@ltu.se)
chemicals such as plastics and silicone [17,18].
brief discussion of the reactor configuration/electrode alloys can adjust the binding ability of active in-
effect to avoid the repetition of the published reviews. termediates and thus are promising to enhance the re-
action selectivity and kinetics. A aerogel electrocatalyst
Electrocatalysts for CO2 ECR to CH3OH with high porosity was synthesized by Lu et al. [23]
ECR of CO2 to CH3OH can be performed under the When [BMIM][BF4] and H2O with a molar ratio of 1:3
ambient conditions through sixeelectron pathways, in were selected as electrolytes, the Faradaic efficiency
which the formation of CH3OH undergoes CO [20] or (FE) and current density of CH3OH can be up to 80%
HCOO [21] as intermediates (Figure 1). Thermody- and 31.8 mA/cm2, respectively, over the Pd83Cu17
namically, the CO2 reduction potential is 20 mV positive aerogel which attributed to the valence states, ratios,
than that of HER [12], and thus the competition be- and strong interaction of Pd and Cu. Zhang et al. [24]
tween CO2 reduction and HER results in low CH3OH investigated this process using electrocatalyst of Cu/
selectivity. In addition, CH3OH formation requires 6e, tetrahexahedral Pd nanocrystals (Cu/THH Pd NCs),
being kinetically slow [10]. Electrocatalyst plays a sig- indicating that the alcohol selectivity can be controlled
nificant role to enhance CH3OH selectivity and sup- by the monolayers (MLs) of Cu in the electrocatalyst,
press HER. and 0.8 ML Cu shows the highest CH3OH selectivity
compared with 1 ML Cu and 1.2 ML Cu. A Zn/Ag foam
Canfield and Frese [22] firstly reported CH3OH as a electrocatalyst was prepared by Low et al. [25] The
direct product on III-V semiconductor electrode. Since active sites in this electrocatalyst are the strained sub-
then, metal alloys, inorganic, and organicemetal com- micron Zn dendrites, resulting in a FE of 10.5% for
pounds, as well as the pyridine-based electrocatalysts producing CH3OH.
have gained a lot of interests attributed to their
remarkable selectivity. Recently, metal-free compounds Metal oxides
were rapidly developed as they can avoid metal utiliza- Metal oxide electrocatalysts have the merits of high
tion and improve catalytic activity, as well as the high selectivity and high energy efficiency. Cuprous oxide/
selectivity of MOF electrocatalysts. The recent devel- polypyrrole particles with octahedral and icosahedra
opment on CO2 ECR to CH3OH is summarized in structure (Cu2O(OL-MH)/Ppy) can achieve a ultrahigh
Table 1 and discussed in the following sections with CH3OH activity and selectivity with FE of 93 1.2%
different types of electrocatalysts. In addition, NHE, and 1.61 0.02 mmol/(cm2$s) formation rate at 0.85 V
RHE, and SHE are represent normal hydrogen elec- [26]. The N atoms in the Ppy shell worked as the CO2
trode, reversible hydrogen electrode, and standard active sites, leading to high stability. Albo and Irabien
hydrogen electrode, respectively. [18] loaded the electrocatalyst of Cu2O on the gas
diffusion electrode and achieved a FE of 42.3% for
Metal alloys CH3OH formation, founding that Cuþ can significantly
Poor selectivity and activity of metals limit their prac- affect the selectivity and activity toward CH3OH.
tical applications for CO2 ECR to CH3OH [9]. Metal Moreover, nano Cu2O has a higher stability and
Figure 1
Table 1
Electrocatalyst Electrolyte Potential (V) Formation rates Current density Faradaic Ref.
(mmol/(m2$s) (mA/cm2) efficiency (%)
Pd83Cu17 aerogel [Bmim][BF4]:H2O (1:3) −2.1 (vs. Ag/Ag+) 43.9 31.8 80 [23]
Cu0.8 ML/THH Pd NCs 0.1 M NaHCO3 −0.46 (vs. RHE) – – 19.5 [24]
PD-Zn/Ag foam 0.1 M KHCO3 −1.38 (vs. RHE) 4.9 −2.7 10.5 [25]
Cu2O(OL-MH)/Ppy 0.5 M KHCO3 −0.85 (vs. RHE) – – 93 ± 1.2 [26]
Pd/SnO2 0.1 M NaHCO3 −0.24 (vs. RHE) – – 54.8 ± 2 [27]
Cu/Cu2O KHCO3 −2.0 (vs. SHE) 46 7.8 47.5 [28]
Cu2O 0.5 M KHCO3 −0.70 (vs. RHE) 73.1 10 42.3 [18]
Cu2O-MWCNTs 0.5 M NaHCO3 −0.11 (vs. RHE) 49.3 7.5 38 [29]
Cu2O/ZnO 10 mM 2-mPy+0.5 M KHCO3 −0.26 (vs. Ag/AgCl) 2.91 1 25.6 [30]
CuO/Cu2O 0.1 M KHCO3 −0.5 (vs. RHE) – – 24 [31]
Ag–Co3O4 –CeO2-LGC 0.1 M KHCO3 −0.85 (vs. RHE) 51.8 12.8 23.4 [32]
Cu/TiO2-NG 0.2 M KI −0.20 (vs. RHE) 0.21 0.061 19.5 [33]
Cu2O/ZnO 0.5 M KHCO3 −0.68 (vs. RHE) 31.7 10.64 17.7 [34]
Cu/TiO2 0.5 M NaHCO3 −2.0 (vs. RHE) 103.7 120 5 [35]
Cu1$63Se (1/3) 30% [Bmim][PF6] −2.1 (vs. Ag/Ag+) 556.3 41.5 77.6 [36]
/MeCN/H2O (5%)
Mo–Bi BMC 0.5 M [Bmim][BF4]/MeCN −0.7 (vs. SHE) 148.8 12.1 71.2 [37]
Fe2P2S6 0.5 M KHCO3 −0.2 (vs. RHE) – – 65.2 [38]
FeS2/NiS 0.5 M KHCO3 −0.6 (vs. RHE) 34.3 3.1 64 [39]
Pt@adenine-rGO 0.1 M KNO3 −0.3 (vs. Ag/AgCl) 7.3 0.5 85 [40]
CoPc-CNT 0.1 M KHCO3 −0.94 (vs. RHE) 80.6 10.6 44 [41]
Pt@histamine-rGO 0.1 M KNO3 −0.3 (vs. Ag/AgCl) – – 37 [42]
Cu/Bi-MOF 0.5 M KHCO3 −0.21 (vs. RHE) 29.7 20 8.6 [43]
Pd/PANI-CuPANI 0.5 M H2SO4 −0.9 (vs. RHE) – – 10 [44]
[Cu3(m6-C9H3O6)2]n 0.5 M KHCO3 −0.28 (vs. RHE) 5.62 10 5.6 [45]
Pd/PANI 0.5 M H2SO4 −0.9 (vs. RHE) – – 5.4 [46]
CuZnDTA 0.5 M KHCO3 −0.63 (vs. RHE) 3.4 10 3.4 [45]
Co(CO3)0$5(OH)$0.11H2O 0.1 M NaHCO3 −0.34 (vs. RHE) 9.2 0.59 97 [47]
[Fe(PP3)(MeCN)2](BF4)2 MeCN + diethylamine (10 v%) −1.25 (vs. NHE) 71 6 68.5 [48]
BP 0.1 M KHCO3 −0.5 (vs. RHE) – – 92 [49]
BBD 1 M NH3 aqueous solution −0.64 (vs. RHE) – – 24.3 [50]
Pyridine (Py) 10 mM Py+0.5 M KCl – – – 39 [51]
2-pyridinethiol@Pt–Au 0.1 M KNO3 −0.2 (vs. Ag/AgCl) – – 39 [52]
[PYD]@Cu –Pt 0.5 M KCl −0.04 (vs. RHE) 140.6 22 37 [53]
[PYD]@Pd 0.5 M KCl −0.04 (vs. RHE) 314.4 ~52 35 [54]
Pyridoxine (PN) 10 mM PN+0.1 M KCl −0.55 (vs. 3 M Ag/AgCl) – – 5 [55]
selectivity compared with Cu for CH3OH production attributed to the built up of PdeOeSn interfaces. For
[28]. Malik et al. [29] synthesized a Cu-based electro- CH3OH production on AgeCo3O4eCeO2, low graphi-
catalyst with Cu2O incorporated in multi-walled carbon tized carbon, 23.4% FE and 7.5 mA/cm2 current density
nanotubes (MWCNTs), showing an optimum FE of were obtained, due to the multi active sites of AgeOe
38%. The combination of Cu2O and MWCNTs is benefit Ce [32]. These results indicate that introducing oxida-
for improving stability of catalyst. Daiyan et al. [31] tion states in metallic electrocatalysts can enhance the
prepared a CuO/Cu2O electrocatalyst on Cu foam (3D selectivity and activity of CO2 ECR to CH3OH.
heterostructure) and the formed Cuþ/Cu2þ on the Cu
foam electrode enhanced the activity of electrocatalyst. Metal chalcogenides and carbides
Several reports indicate that Cu2O/ZnO electrocatalyst Metal chalcogenides and carbides were found being
provides good selectivity and activity [30,34,56]. The remarkable electrocatalysts for CO2 ECR. Different
nitrogen-doped electrocatalyst of Cu/TiO2-NG [33] and compositions of [BMIM][PF6]/CH3CN/H2O were
Cu-supported TiO2 nanotubes [35] showed excellent developed as electrolytes to conduct CO2 ECR with a
performances to produce CH3OH, due to TiO2 can series copper electrocatalysts [36]. The results showed
enhance the CO2 capture, reaction stability, and elec- that the catalyst size and structure can significantly
trocatalyst surface area. Zhang et al. [27] prepared a 2D affect the reaction. Among the prepared electro-
hierarchical Pd/SnO2 with an outstanding selectivity of catalysts, Cu1$63Se (1/3) nanocatalyst displayed the
54.8 2% for CH3OH. The high selectivity was highest current density and FE with values of 41.5 mA/
cm2 and 77.6%, respectively, followed by Cu2Se, Cu2S, synergy of B and P in the boron phosphide nano-
CuSe, CuS, Cu2O, CuO, and Cu. Sun et al. [37] re- particles promoted the binding and activating of CO2,
ported a MoeBi bimetallic chalcogenide (MoeBi BMC) resulting in an outstanding FE (92.0%) for CH3OH
electrocatalyst, which can produce CH3OH with a at 0.5 V. Owing to the high durability and wide po-
maximum FE of 71.2% due to the remarkable interac- tential window, N/B codoped [59] and B-doped dia-
tion of Mo and Bi. A 2D nano structure electrocatalyst of mond [50] were used for CO2 ECR, which could realize
Fe2P2S6 with a CH3OH FE of 65.2% was investigated by the CH3OH formation with FEs of <20 and 24.3%,
Ji et al. [38] This research indicates that the Fe atom is respectively. The investigation of metal-free electro-
the active site for CH3OH production. The FeS2/NiS catalysts proposed a new idea for designing cheaper
prepared by the traditional hydrothermal method electrocatalyst.
performed high FE of 64% at 0.6 V, due to that the
formed active sites between FeS2 and NiS can signifi- Pyridine electrocatalysts
cantly restrain HER and facilitate CO2 ECR [39]. In 1994, Seshadri et al. [60] found pyridine (Py) is an
Sebastián et al. [57] investigated CO2 ECR over PtRu/C effective homogeneous electrocatalyst for ECR of CO2
and Ru/C electrocatalysts, showing that CH3OH can be to CH3OH with FE of 30%. Since then, several publi-
effectively produced on PtRu/C compared with Ru/C. cations over the Py-based electrocatalysts were reported
The studies of metal chalcogenides and carbides shed a [61e66]. Recently, Cole et al. [51] investigated the
new insight into designing of low-cost catalysts. substituent effects in the Py-based electrocatalysts and
found that the performance of CO2 ECR generally
Metal–organic complexes increased with increasing basicity and LUMO energy of
Metaleorganic complexes have been performed for pyridinium, and also the steric effects played an
ECR of CO2 because of their unique coordinative important role in catalytic behavior. In addition, pH can
structures and active center [58]. Typically, CH3OH is greatly affect CH3OH formation [30]. The aqueous
the only target product by combining the Pt@Adenine- solutions of pyridoxine [55] and 6.7-dimethyl-4-
rGO electrocatalyst and the glass carbon electrode with hydroxy-2-mercaptopteridine [67e69] containing pyri-
a FE and current density of 85% and 0.5 mA/cm2, dinyl were also developed with good selectivity for
respectively [40]. In addition, this kind of electro- CH3OH. However, it is difficult to separate and recycle
catalyst has a higher FE than that of Pt@histamine-rGO Py from electrolytes, and thus immobilizing homoge-
(37%) [42]. Pd/polyaniline (PANI) displayed high neous Py on heterogeneous supports has been proposed.
overpotential for HER, improving the selectivity of Based on this, Yang et al. [53] [54] performed CO2
CH3OH [46]. When Cu/PANI mixed with Pd/PANI reduction over the organically doped palladium and alloy
(molar ratio 1:1), FE increased from 5.4 to 10%, attrib- electrocatalysts with Py derivatives ([PYD]@Pd and
uting to the synergistic effects between metals and [PYD]@CuePt), showing high stability and reusability.
PANI [44]. Albo et al. [45] investigated the ECR per- PteAu self-assembled monolayer electrode with intro-
formance using different Cu-based metaleorganic ducing 2-pyridinethiol (2-pyridinethiol@PteAu)
porous electrocatalysts, including [Cu3(m6-C9H3O6)2]n displayed an outstanding performance with FE of 39%
[Cu3(m3-C5H4N5)2]n [Cu(m-C2H2N2S2)]n, and at 0.2 V [52]. Generally, 6 molecules of 2-pyridinethiol
[Cu0$6Zn0.4 (m-C2H2N2S2)]n. Among them [Cu3(m6- and 6e participated in the reaction to form CH3OH on
C9H3O6)2]n and [Cu0$6Zn0.4(m-C2H2N2S2)]n showed the surfaces of Pt and Au, exhibiting the possibility to
stable electrocatalytic performances. A molecular elec- realize the developing low-cost Py-based
trocatalyst was developed by dispersing cobalt phtha- electrocatalysts.
locyanine (CoPc) on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) [41].
The result illustrated that the CH3OH FE (44%) and MOF electrocatalyst
current density (10.6 mA/cm2) were significantly MOF is a promising electrocatalyst for CO2 ECR due to
increased compared with the CoPc electrocatalyst. The high surface area and unique structure. However, the
additional CNTs enhanced the activity of CoPc and the drawbacks of low conductivity and low thermal and
electron transfer velocity. chemical stability in aqueous solution make the chal-
lenges for MOF application [70]. Albo et al. [43]
Metal-free electrocatalysts designed and synthesized a high reaction stability
Ultrahigh FE has been obtained over the metal-based (>5 h) and large surface area (1197e1559 m2/g)
electrocatalysts, for example, Co(CO3)0$5(OH)$ Cu(II)eBi(III)-basedeMOF electrocatalyst for CO2
0.11H2O afforded a FE of 97% [47], while 68.5% for ECR to CH3OH , founding that the selectivity of
[Fe(PP3) (MeCN)2](BF4)2 [48]. However, the rela- CH3OH can be adjusted by CueBi loading. Owing to
tively costly price and release of metal ions during the the synergic effect of CueBi (12%)-based MOF, 8.6%
processes make it necessary to develop metal-free al- FE and current density (20 mA/cm2) were achieved for
ternatives. Recently, Mou et al. [49] found that the CH3OH formation.
Reactor configuration/electrode effect membrane material, and large surface area electrode
Beyond the electrocatalyst, reactor configuration and (e.g. gas diffusion electrode, single-atom membrane,
electrode also play an important role in CO2 ECR to and bioconductive membrane electrodes). To under-
CH3OH. A mathematical model with a 20.2% deviation stand CO2 ECR steps, the rate determining factors and
compared with the experimental result for CO2 ECR to complete pathways, as well as theoretical calculations
CH3OH in a microfluidic flow cell was developed by need to be further developed.
Kotb et al. [71] The result indicates that the CO2 mass
transfer to the cathode is the main factor in the effect of Conflict of interest statement
reaction rate, increasing electrolyte flowrate and using Nothing declared.
more conductive membranes will enhance the CO2 ECR
to CH3OH. Vennekötter et al. [72] developed a gas Acknowledgments
diffusion electrode into a designed zero-gap assembly This work is financially supported by Carl Tryggers Stiftelse foundation
membrane reactor cell. It was found that the designed (No. 18:175). F.L. and X.J. thank the financial support from the Swedish
Energy Agency (No. P47500-1). X.J. also thanks the financial support from
electrode and the cell can eliminate ohmic loss and the K. C. Wang Education Foundation (No. GJTD-2018-04). X.Z. thanks
enhance the reaction efficiently. In addition, the pH the financial supports from the National Natural Science Foundation of
deviation between two reactor cells and the interface China (No. 21838010) and the DNL Cooperation Fund, CAS (No. DNL
between the cathode and membrane also need to be
considered to improve the CO2 ECR. Yang et al. [73] References
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