Payments and Settlements.
Payments and Settlements.
Payments and Settlements.
Buison, Jennyvee Nobles, Mary Mae Amihan, Jefferson
02 -NPSA 04
-2022 Payments and Settlements
❑ Payment systems are essential to the effective
functioning of financial systems worldwide. It is this key
role played by payment and settlement system (PSS) in
the smooth functioning of an economy in general and its
financial and monetary system in particular that gives the
central bank (CB) a strong incentive for ensuring that an
effective, reliable and secure payment and settlement
system is in place.
Roles of the BSP The BSP performs the
following role in the payments and settlements
1. Operator of the real time gross settlement system
known as PhilPaSS
Republic Act No. 11127, or the National Payment
Systems Act (NPSA), provides a comprehensive legal and
regulatory framework which supports the twin objectives
of maintaining a payment system that is necessary to
control systemic risk and providing an environment
conducive to the sustainable growth of the economy.
The Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMIs)
were established as a result of the joint efforts of the Bank for
International Settlements (BIS) - Technical Staff of the Committee
on Payment and Settlement System (CPSS) and the International
Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) to strengthen
core financial infrastructures and markets.
Principle 2: Governance
Principle 6: Margin
A CCP should cover its credit exposures to its participants for all products
through an effective margin system that is risk-based and regularly reviewed.
An FMI should effectively measure, monitor, and manage its liquidity risk. An
FMI should maintain sufficient liquid resources in all relevant currencies to effect
same-day and, where appropriate, intraday and multiday settlement of payment
obligations with a high degree of confidence under a wide range of potential stress
scenarios that should include, but not be limited to, the default of the participant
and its affiliates that would generate the largest aggregate liquidity obligation for
the FMI in extreme but plausible market conditions.
Principle 8: Settlement finality
A CSD should have appropriate rules and procedures to help ensure the
integrity of securities issues and minimize and manage the risks associated with the
safekeeping and transfer of securities. A CSD should maintain securities in an
immobilized or dematerialized form for their transfer by book entry.
An FMI should have effective and clearly defined rules and procedures to
manage a participant default. These rules and procedures should be designed to
ensure that the FMI can take timely action to contain losses and liquidity pressures
and continue to meet its obligations.
Principle 14: Segregation and portability
A CCP should have rules and procedures that enable the segregation and
portability of positions of a participant’s customers and the collateral provided to
the CCP with respect to those positions.
An FMI should identify, monitor, and manage its general business risk and
hold sufficient liquid net assets funded by equity to cover potential general
business losses so that it can continue operations and services as a going concern if
those losses materialize. Further, liquid net assets should at all times be sufficient
to ensure a recovery or orderly wind-down of critical operations and services.
An FMI should safeguard its own and its participants’ assets and minimize the
risk of loss on and delay in access to these assets. An FMI’s investments should be
in instruments with minimal credit, market, and liquidity risks.
Principle 17: Operational risk
➢ Under the NRPS, BSP mandated the formation of an
(PSMB) with the creation of (PPMI) to separate the
governance from clearing operations. The Philippine
Payments Management, Inc. (PPMI) formulate, issue, and
enforce the National Retail Payment System (NRPS)
governance framework, in close coordination with the
➢ An Automated Clearing Hous (ACH) is a multilateral
legally binding agreement that manage the clearing and
participation rules for a particular payment stream.
➢ PPMI oversees the creation of automated clearing houses
(ACHs) between its members, while the CSOs execute the
clearing and settlement rules of the ACHs. The settlement is
done via the country’s real-time gross settlement system –
the Philippine Payments and Settlements System (PhilPaSS).
I. What is PhilPaSS?
D. Other BSP Internal System that interface with CAS such as cFAS,
eRediscounting System, Treasury Accounting System, Electronic Cash
Withdrawal System, Foreign Loan Application Registration System, etc.
- It is a policy and regulatory framework that aims to
provide policy direction in carrying out retail payment
activities through BSP supervised financial institutions
(BSFIs) by defining high-level policies, principles, and
standards, which when adopted, would lead to the
establishment of a safe, efficient and reliable retail
payment system.
The Philippine EFT System and Operations Network (PESONet), the first
ACH under the NRPS, was launched on 08 November 2017.
It is a batch electronic fund transfer (EFT) credit payment scheme, which
can be considered an electronic alternative to the paper-based check
The Philippine Clearing House Corporation (PCHC) is the designated
clearing switch operator for PESONet for a two-year transitory period
beginning from the time of PESONet’s launch.
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