CFD Modeling of Heat Transfer in Turbulent Pipe Flows
CFD Modeling of Heat Transfer in Turbulent Pipe Flows
CFD Modeling of Heat Transfer in Turbulent Pipe Flows
Pipe Flows
S. S. Thakre and J. B. Joshi
Dept. of Chemical Technology, University of Mumbai, Matunga, Mumbai}400019, India
Twel®e ®ersions of low Reynolds number k- e and two low Reynolds number Reynolds
stress turbulence models for heat transfer were analyzed comparati®ely. Predictions of
the mean axial temperature, the radial and axial turbulent heat fluxes, and the effect of
Prandtl number on Nusselt number were compared with the experimental data. The
model by Lai and So from the k- e group and Lai and So from the Reynolds stress
group had the best o®erall predicti®e ability for heat transfer in turbulent pipe flow. The
Lai and So model was attributed to its success in the predictions of flow parameters
such as mean axial ®elocity, turbulent kinetic energy, eddy diffusi®ity, and the o®erall
energy dissipation rate. The k- e models performed relati®ely better than the Reynolds
stress models for predicting the mean axial temperature and the Nusselt number. This
qualitati®e and quantitati®e study found the need for more sophisticated near-wall exper-
imental measurements and the accuracy of the dissipation (of turbulent energy) and the
pressure-scrambling models.
In the recent years, low Reynolds number modeling has in an eddy-diffusivity model, in which the eddy diffusivity for
been widely used for the flow predictions in the turbulent momentum is evaluated by either a mixing length model or
shear flows. The low Reynolds number modeling approach the k-e model, and the eddy diffusivity for heat is evaluated
incorporates either a wall-damping effect or a direct effect of using Prt . The experimental evidence suggests that Prt is a
molecular viscosity, or both, on the empirical constants and number very near unity, and its departure from unity is not
functions in the turbulence transport equations. A fairly com- great except for very low Prandtl number fluids. However,
plete review of the low Reynolds number k-e modeling of the experimental studies show that the value of Prt increases
turbulent shear flows has been given by Patel et al. Ž1985. steeply and far exceeds unity as the wall is approached.
and Hrenya et al. Ž1995.. The models reviewed by Patel et al. There is apparently a possibility of analyzing the behavior
Ž1985. and Hrenya et al. Ž1995. were focused on the flow of this parameter by using the near-wall turbulent heat-flux
patterns. Since the heat-transfer process depends entirely on models. In one such attempt, Lai and So Ž1990b. have shown
flow pattern, the model that gives good flow predictions can that Prt is approximately constant for most of the pipe; how-
be expected to give good heat transfer predictions as well. ever, it increases steeply and far exceeds unity as the wall is
However, this statement is in the form of a question. There approached. Therefore, any heat-transfer model that as-
are few possible reasons for this limitation: Ž1. there have sumes a constant Prt needs very careful analysis, even for
been rare attempts to extend the flow knowledge from low simple flows like turbulent pipe flow. However, it must be
Reynolds number models to heat transfer; Ž2. the limitation pointed out that so far no suitable near-wall second moment
as regards the accuracy of modeling the energy-dissipation closure for scalar flux transport has been developed. This is
equation Žwhich directly affects the flow quantities and due, in part, to a lack of detailed near-wall scalar flux mea-
thereby heat transfer .; and Ž3. the difficulty of the turbulent surements and partially to the unavailability of an asymptoti-
Prandtl number Ž Prt . concept. The Prt concept is widely used cally correct near-wall Reynolds stress model. Hence, com-
prehensive work is still needed for the estimation of Prt , us-
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to J. B. Joshi. ing turbulent heat-flux models.
Table 1. Numerical Values for the Constants Cm , Ce 1 , Ce 2 , s k , and se for the Low Reynolds Number k - e Models
S. No Researchers Model Cm Ce 1 Ce 2 sk se
1. Jones and Launder Ž1972. JL 0.09 1.45 2.0 1.0 1.3
2. Launder and Sharma Ž1974. LS 0.09 1.44 1.92 1.0 1.3
3. Lam and Bremhorst Ž1981. LB 0.09 1.44 1.92 1.0 1.3
4. Chein Ž1982. CH 0.09 1.35 1.8 1.0 1.3
5. Nagano and Tagawa Ž1988. NT 0.09 1.45 1.9 1.4 1.3
6. Shih and Mansour Ž1990. SM 0.09 1.45 2.0 1.3 1.3
7. Lai and So Ž1990a,b. LSO 0.09 1.35 1.8 1.0 1.3
8. Myong and Kasagi Ž1990. MK 0.09 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.3
9. So et al. Ž1991. SZS 0.096 1.5 1.83 0.75 1.45
10. Yang and Shih Ž1993. YS 0.09 1.44 1.92 1.0 1.3
11. Fan et al. Ž1993. FLB 0.09 1.4 1.8 1.0 1.3
12. Cho and Goldstein Ž1994. CG 0.09 1.44 1.92 1.0 1.3
Heat-Balance Equations. The following thermal-energy We consider heat transfer in a pipe with constant heat flux
equation defines the heat-transfer problem: through the wall. The convective term on the lefthand side of
Table 3. Summary of the D and E Terms, and Wall Boundary Conditions for k and e for the Low Reynolds Number k - e
Wall Boundary
Model D E Conditions
JL 2 n Ž d'k rdr . 2 2 nn T Ž d 2 urdr 2 . 2 kse s0
LS 2 n Ž d'k rdr . 2 2 nn T Ž d 2 urdr 2 . 2 kse s0
LB 0 0 k s 0; e s n d 2 krdr 2
CH 2 n kry 2 Žy2 nery 2 . exp Žy0.5 yq . kse s0
k k2
NT 0 0 s0 e s y 2
y y
SM 2 n Ž d'k rdr . 2 nn T Ž d 2 urdr 2 . 2 k s 0; e s n d 2 krdr 2
LSO 0 2 n C2 f 2 Ž erk .Ž d'k rdr . 2 k s 0; e s 2 n Ž d'k rdr . 2
qexp wyŽ R Tr64. 2 x
ž9 2
C y2
= erk Ž e y2 n Ž d'k rdr ..
yŽ1r2 k .Ž e y2 n kry 2 . 2 .
MK 0 0 k s 0; e s n d 2 krdr 22
2 n C2 f 2 Ž erk .Ž d'krdr . 2 k s 0; e s n
Ž e y2 n Ž d'krdr . 2 .
qŽ3r2 k .Ž e y2 n kry 2 . 2 x
YS 0 nn TrŽ d 2 urdr 2 . 2 k s 0; e s n d 2 krdr 2
FLB 0 0 k s 0; s0
CG 0 Se k s 0; s0
Se s1.44Ž1y fm .wŽ2 nn T Ž d 2 urdr 2 . 2 q2 n Ž d'k rdr . 2 Ž erk ..x
qmaxw0.83Ž e 2rk .Ž lrC1 y y1.Ž lrC1 y . 2 ,0.0x
1 d k dwX 2 2 d k The model constants used in the preceding closures are given
r n qC s ®X 2
ž q C s wX 2 ®X 2ywX 2
/ Ž . in Table 4. The expressions for the damping functions em-
r dr e dr r dr e
ployed in these models are given in Table 5.
Heat-Balance Equations. Lai and So Ž1990b. solved the full
4 k 2 k dwX 2 turbulent heat-flux closures along with the mean axial tem-
q C wX 2 ®X 2ywX 2
2 s Ž . q C s ®X 2
r e r e dr perature equation:
2 du
y Ž a q b y a U f w, 1 . uX ®X 1 T 1 d T
3 dr a
r r ž / r
r dr
Ž r®X T X . s u x . Ž 13.
e 2 2n 2
yC1Ž 1y f w , 1 . ž wX 2y k q 2 ®X 2ywX 2 y e Ž 1y f w , 1 .
/ Ž .
k 3 r 3 The heat-flux terms ®X T and uX T X were expressed by the fol-
lowing equations:
e wX 2
y f w, 1 s0 Ž 10 .
k 3®X 2 1 d a yn k d®X T X
ž 1q
2k / r dr žžr nq
q2C su
® / dr /
1 d k duX ®X 1 d k d®X 2 2 k X2
®X T X a y n ®X T X T
r n q2C s ® X2 X X
C su w y nqž / y®X 2
r dr ž e / dr
r dr
rC s u ®
e dr
r e r 3 r2 r
T e 'k
1 k dwX 2 wX 2 du yuX ®X y Ž 1y f w, u . C1 u ®X T XyC1 u , w ®X T X
y Cs u ® q2 X X
y Ž 1y a q a f w, 1 . ® U X2 x k Ry r
r e dr r dr
e 1 e
y f w, u ®X T Xy f w , u 1q ž / ®X T Xs 0 Ž 14 .
du e X X k Pr k
y bu y g k
Ž . dr yC Ž1y f 1 w,1. u®
1 d a yn k duX T X
r nq qC su ®X 2
y f w, 1 uX ®Xy2 f w , 1
s0 Ž 11 . r dr žž 2 e / dr /
d®X T X T T
ž 1q
2k / q
1 d
r dr
rC su uX ®X
ež dr
yuX ®X
yuX 2
x /
1 d k de du
r n qCe ®X 2 yCe 1 Ž 1q s f w , 2 . uX ®X du e du
r dr že dr / dr y®X T X
y Ž 1y f w, u . C1 u uX T XqC2 u , w ®X T X
k dr
ee 7 ee 1 eU2 f w, u 1 e
yCe 2 fe q fw , 2 ž Ce 2 y2 / y s 0. Ž 12 . y ž 1q / uX T Xs 0. Ž 15 .
k 9 k 2 k 2 Pr k
Table 5. Summary of the Damping Functions and Wall Boundary Conditions for Turbulent Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rate
for the Low Reynolds Number Reynolds Stress Models
Wall Boundary
Model fm f s1 f s2 f Ž s. f w1 fw 2 fe Conditions
RT e
} } } }
PEL exp wŽy3.4.r
Ž1q R Tr50 .2 x
ž 1q
10 / 1yŽ1y
Ž1.4rCe 2 .. exp wy
Ž R Tr36. 2 x
LSO 1yexp Ž0.0115 y 4 . } } } exp wyŽ R Tr exp wyŽ R Tr 1yŽ2r9. exp wy e s 2 n Ž d'k rdr . 2
150. 2 x 64. 2 x Ž R Tr6. 2 x
qsy k , ®X T XsuX T Xs 0 at rsR
1 d k du 2 dr
r n qC s fm
ž ® / y2 Ž 1y a . q
ž Ža qb .
r dr e dr 3
de duX 2 d®X 2 dwX 2
s s s s 0, uX ®Xs 0 at r s0
2 du e 2 dr dr dr dr
X X X2
q /
fs u ® yC1 u q e Ž C1 y1 . s 0 Ž 17.
3 dr k 3 T duX T X
s s0 ®X T Xs 0 at r s 0, Ž 22.
r dr
1 d k d® du
r n qC s fm
ž ®X 2 / q2uX ®X b
r dr e dr dr The energy-balance analysis over a control volume between x
and x q dx and the fully developed condition gives
2 du e du
y Ž a qg . uX ®X yC1 ®X 2q2C3uX ®X f Ž s.
T 2q
3 dr k dr
s . Ž 23.
X2 X2
x r Cp ub R
k ® yw
y2 ž n qC s fm wX 2
e /Ž r
. Ž 18 .
To obtain the solution for the governing equations, first the
dependent and independent variables are normalized in the
1 d k dwX 2 2 du following manner: u by ut , uXi uXj by ut2 , e by ut3rR, ŽTw yT .
r n qC s fm
ž wX 2 / y Ž a q b . uX ®X by T U , uXiT X by ut T U , and r by R. The expression for normal-
r dr e dr 3 dr
ized heat-transfer coefficient ŽNusselt number. was obtained
in the following form:
e 2
yC1 wX 2q e Ž C1 y1 .
k 3
2 ReU Pr
Nuqs . Ž 24 .
k X2 Ž® ywX 2 . Tq
y2 ž n qC s fm w / s0 Ž 19 .
e r
This equation was used for the numerical predictions of Nus-
selt numbers from both the k-e and Reynolds-stress models.
1 d k du ® du e
r n qC s fm
ž ®X 2 / y b1 q Ž C1 q f Ž s . . uX ®X
r dr e dr dr k Method of Solution
The solution procedure consisted of two steps: the first step
k uX ®X du
q ž n qC s fm wX 2 yC3/ Žu X2
y®X 2 . dr f Ž s. s0 Ž 20 . was to solve the momentum equations to obtain the mean
e r2 axial velocity, the normal stresses, the Reynolds stresses, the
turbulent kinetic energy Ž k ., and the turbulent kinetic energy
1 d k de e du e2 dissipation rate Ž e .. Since the momentum and heat-flux
r n qCe fm
ž ®2 / yCe 1 uX ®X yCe 2 fe equations present a set of coupled equations, the flow infor-
r dr e dr k dr k
mation obtained from step one was used in step two: to ob-
2 2 tain the mean temperature and turbulent heat-flux distribu-
e d'k k X2
qCe 2 fe n q2 n
k ž / dr e
fm ®
ž / dr 2
s 0. Ž 21 . tions. Thus, the solution for the coupled momentum]heat
model necessitates the solution of four ordinary differential
equations for k-e models and nine for the Reynolds-stress
Heat-Balance Equations. Prud’homme and Elghobashi models. The governing equations for both, the k-e models as
Ž1986. proposed an algebraic-stress model for the heat trans- well as Reynolds-stress closures, are ordinary differential
port. In the present work, however, the algebraic-stress model equations, and therefore can be solved by any iteration
was replaced with the turbulent heat-flux model of Lai and scheme for split boundary-value problems. The dependent
So Ž1990b. given by Eqs. 13]15. variables were normalized by ut and ut rR Ž u by ut , k by ut2 ,
and e by ut3rR ., while the r coordinate was normalized by R
so that the integration was carried out from symmetry line to
Boundary conditions the wall. Thus formulated, Res ut Rrn s Ž ut r2 u 0 . R D be-
Since the flow is axisymmetric, only the boundary condi- came the only input parameter to the fully developed flow
tions at the wall and the symmetry line are required to be calculations, where R D s u 0 2 Rrn , and u 0 is the mean axial
D P =Vol.flow rate
eexpt s . Ž 25 .
Volume of the pipe
expts fu
. Ž 26.
predicteds e turbulentq e mean,
q q
Ž 27.
means n
ž / Ž 28.
uXi uXi
eturbulent s n . Ž 29.
xj xj
Figure 3. Comparison of the mean axial temperature
predictions of k - e models with the experi-
mental data of Kader (1981) for Prandtl num- The comparison between the experimental and the pre-
ber s170. dicted dissipation rates is presented in Table 6. It can be
seen that the LSO, CG, and FLB models predict the energy
dissipation rate within 4%. The difference is large for the
ment with the experimental data, while the CH model under- other models.
predicted. Once again, the results obtained were similar to From the foregoing discussion it is clear that the LSO
Figure 2b. From Figures 3c and 3d, the LSO and CG models model is the best if we consider the predictive ability for all
Figure 8. Comparison of the mean axial temperature Figure 9. Comparison of the mean axial temperature
predictions of Reynolds stress models with predictions of Reynolds stress models with
the experimental data of Kader (1981) for the experimental data of Kader (1981) for
Prandtl number s 95. Prandtl number s170.
the experimental data both near the wall and toward the cen-
ter. Near the wall, the predictions were higher, while a sub-
stantial decrease was observed toward the center. The accu-
rate prediction of ®X T X near the wall region from LSO is re-
flected in the mean temperature predictions as seen from
Figures 7, 8, and 9. It can be seen that the good prediction of
this quantity Žobtained by LSO. compares well with the mean
axial temperature.
Similar to the k-e model, the success of the LSO model
under the RSM category can also be explained on the basis
of its ability to predict the flow parameters such as mean
axial velocity Ž u., turbulent kinetic energy Ž k ., and the radial
Figure 11. Comparison of the turbulent radial heat flux rms fluctuating velocity. The results are shown in Figures 12,
predictions with the experimental data of 13, and 14, respectively. It can be seen that the predictions of
Hishida et al. (1986). the LSO model are very close to the experimental data.
Figure 12. Comparison of the mean axial velocity pre- Figure 14. Comparison of the rms radial velocity com-
dictions of the Reynolds stress models with ponent predicted by Reynolds stress models
the experimental data of Durst et al. (1995) with the experimental data of Durst et al.
for Reynolds number s7442. (1995) for Reynolds number s7442.