Hydrogen Risk Management WP PDF 103136 en Master
Hydrogen Risk Management WP PDF 103136 en Master
Hydrogen Risk Management WP PDF 103136 en Master
Hydrogen is often touted as the fuel of the future. But with a new energy source comes
a new set of risks and a fresh need for good risk management. From production processes,
compressor facilities and pipelines through to storage and distribution – safety processes
must be re-evaluated across a plant when hydrogen comes into play.
• High flammability: one of the major threats of hydrogen is an • Permeation: Hydrogen molecules are tiny and can easily penetrate
explosion as it requires very low energy to ignite (0.02mJ). Hydro- materials. Appropriate selection, handling and upkeep of all materials
gen can auto-ignite just through the friction presented between the that come into contact with the hydrogen is crucial.
gas and a leak surface, with a static shock that can be felt (1mJ).
Hydrogen also has a very wide flammability range (4%-75%
volume in air), as compared to other fuels. At the optimal combustion
condition (29% hydrogen-to-air volume ratio), the energy required to • Gas pockets: Hydrogen has a lower density than air – and even
ignite hydrogen is lower than that of other common fuels. Equipment than hydrocarbons like methane. A very light gas (57 times lighter
used must thus be suitable for use in Ex areas. than gasoline vapour and 14 times lighter than air), it can be dispersed
quickly, potentially before gas detectors can even detect the leak.
When leaks occur, gas clouds can form on interior ceilings. Gas de-
tection technology therefore needs to be installed at the top of a
• Invisible flame: hydrogen flames are very pale or, in daylight, even building.
invisible to the naked eye. They emit a specific type of ultraviolet
radiation. Therefore, dedicated flame detectors are required to
reliably warn of fires.
• CO alarms: In some applications, carbon monoxide (CO) also
needs to be monitored. These carbon monoxide (CO) sensors are
also sensitive to hydrogen, so false alarms may occur – therefore,
• Odourless: Hydrogen cannot be detected by smell. Natural gas hydrogen-compensated CO sensors are needed.
and propane are also odourless gases, however a sulfurous odorant
is added so that people can detect them. There are currently no
known odorants light enough to move together with hydrogen at the
same dispersal rate. Odorants can also contaminate fuel cells.
Hierarchy of controls
Elimination Physically remove the hazard
Hydrogen brings a special set of questions to the table Professional safety consultancy
New technologies, such as hydrogen, require a holistic view of safety. When it comes to professional analysis, risk assessment and solution
For that, it is important to ask the right questions: building, Dräger relies on years of expertise and state-of-the-art
technologies to help ensure company safety across
• What associated processes can be expected with new equipment?
• What risks result for workers? • First, plant and process analysis and risk assessment help to
• How are employees best protected? support customers in identifying potential areas where safety can be
• Are existing safety measures the right ones for new technologies? enhanced.
• Following this, customised solutions can be developed in order to
Quick case study: protect the health of employees and to help companies effectively
A bus company that uses diesel fuel has recently had its equipment manage emergencies.
professionally retrofitted with gas detection systems. The buses, including
tank systems, are repaired in a workshop. Diesel fuel can escape, for which
an IR-transmitter for Nonan has been installed. At some point, the company
is converted and several hydrogen-powered buses are brought into
use. The staff assume they are safe because the modern gas detection
system is in place and they believe that the same equipment can be used
to detect hydrogen leaks. However, hydrogen is much lighter than air and
therefore rises very quickly, while the alkanes that evaporate from diesel
are measured near the ground. In addition, hydrogen cannot be detected
with the same sensors as the vapours from diesel fuel, so they are, in fact,
obsolete for the detection of hydrogen leaks. Varied gas properties lead to
many different and specific risks – and new risks require different safety
precautions. Employees need to be made aware of the changing safety Dräger can provide solutions across a plant, however different models
challenges and the correct application of protective measures. of evaluation are applied depending on which part of a facility is being
analysed. An initial analysis involves workshops where all relevant
departments are in attendance. The protection goals and criteria for
risk evaluation are jointly defined. This is followed by hazard identifica-
tion which involves making a detailed onsite inspection to identify risks.
The next steps are risk analysis and evaluation, which involve assessing
the likelihood of occurrence and determining the severity of damage –
categorised as low, medium or high. Protective measures and fields
of action are then determined in order to effectively reduce medium
or high risks, taking into consideration the company’s existing safety
A duty to employees Further measures can then be defined with the company, including
A company must protect its workers in accordance with legal require- necessary investments, planning of responsibilities, operational emergency
ments. And it is also in the company’s economic interest to protect faci- management, educational training, or the implementation of further
lities to the largest extent possible. This is why regular, professional-level technologies and tailored additional steps. A full report of the findings
risk assessments are necessary, taking into account the current state of is delivered to the company so that they have access to complete
technologies, science and any redevelopment taking place on a plant. documentation of the relevant evaluated scenarios and any risks attached.