The Challenges of LNG Materials Selection
The Challenges of LNG Materials Selection
The Challenges of LNG Materials Selection
Benjamin S. Fultz
Chief, Materials Engineering Technology
Bechtel Fellow
Bechtel Oil, Gas & Chemical
Houston, Texas, USA
This paper provides an overview for the selection of the materials of construction (MOC) for
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) liquefaction plants. Some of the challenges are Inlet Gas
processing to include acid gas removal, dehydration and mercury removal; refrigeration and
liquefaction, and for utility units such as storage tanks, flare and vent stack, boil of gas
compressors (BOG) and other equipment. Necessarily being located on the coastline also
dictates consideration for marine/offshore structures and equipment (Jetty, Loading Arms,
Flares, etc.). Consideration is also given to the overall corrosion control of the plant, along with
special considerations to avoid brittle fracture in low temperature applications. The selection of
optimum materials of construction plays an important role in major projects because it affects
not only the initial capital investment, but also operational costs and profits.
For the purpose of this paper, The Optimized Cascade® Process will form the basis for
discussion even though the points discussed are applicable to several other liquefaction
processes. See Figure below.
For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply:
Corrosion Resistant Alloy (CRA) highly alloyed metals, the majority being Type 304/304L SS
and 316/316L SS.
Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) is defined as the minimum metal temperature that
can be expected due to exposure to the lowest possible operating temperature of the process
fluid or environment. It may also consider auto refrigeration temperatures during
depressurization event.
Low Temperature Carbon Steel (LTCS) is defined as carbon steel that has been impact-tested
at a temperature colder than -20°F (-29°C) according to the mandatory requirements of the
ASME/ASTM material standard, such as A333, A334, A350, A352, A420. No special alloying is
employed to improve low temperature impacts. The term of LTCS is not used for plate material,
and in this document is used only for piping systems.
The first step in the selection of material of construction (MOC) is to understand the plant
processes and the environmental conditions to which the plant will be subjected. The process
information can be obtained from Process Flow Diagrams (PFD) and Heat and Material Balance
spread sheets provided by the Process Engineering Discipline. The environmental exposure
conditions can be obtained from the basis of design document. Once this information is
collected, a material selection philosophy is developed and discussed with the owner. When
the philosophy is agreed to, the next step is to create Material Selection Diagrams (MSD).
Once issued, these drawings are used by the other engineering disciplines to assure the
selected materials are property utilized. Material Selection Diagrams (MSDs) provide a
summary of the process loop conditions and the selected materials of construction. Material
selection is based on:
• Maximum normal operations pressure, temperature, pH, velocity, dew point, phase,
and process fluid composition including contaminants.
The following material degradation corrosion mechanisms are applicable for LNG Plants,
depending on the gas source. Coal seam gas is generally clean with the possibility of some
Wet CO2 environments are typical in gas treatment systems. CO2 forms carbonic acid when
exposed to liquid water and is extremely corrosive to CS, especially at high pressure (high CO2
partial pressure). Even with normally dry streams there is a possibility of periodic corrosion due
to condensation of water. Where Heat & Material Balances Sheets indicate significant CO2
concentration and liquid water, CS may not be acceptable without increasing the corrosion
allowance, application of pH neutralizers, corrosion inhibitors, dehydrators (glycol, methanol),
SS cladding, or a combination of these mitigating tactics.
Wet hydrogen sulfide (H2S) service as defined by NACE MR0175/ ISO 15156, occurs when a
gas stream H2S partial pressure exceeds 0.3 kPa. The presence of high or low pH can greatly
increase the severity/corrosiveness of sour environments. In some cases, both CO2 and H2S
may be present. Small amounts of H2S may actually reduce the corrosion rate in services with
high CO2 levels. The NACE guidelines or owner experience should be consulted.
Both lean amine and rich amine pose corrosive issues. Environmentally assisted cracking
(EAC) and general corrosion and are the potential degradation mechanisms. Proprietary amine
solvents are used to remove acid gas (CO2) from the incoming process feed stream. These
amine solvents charged with the acid gases are corrosive. Factors that influence corrosiveness
include the type of amine, solution strength, acid gas composition, acid gas loading,
temperature, velocity, organic acids and the presence of heat-stable salts (HSAS). Oxygen
contamination of the amine during storage and processing can lead to the formation of organic
acids such as formic, acetic, etc. An enhanced corrosion allowance (3 millimetre as a minimum
for CS) and velocity restrictions have been employed to mitigate general corrosion of CS due to
amines. Normally the liquid velocity is limited to less than 2 meters per second for CS in lean
amine service. 300 series SS with a 0.4 mm (1/64 in) Corrosion Allowance (CA) may be
employed for piping in rich amine service. The fluid velocity limit for 300 series SS is 4 meters
per second. Copper containing alloys should never be used in the amine treating or
regeneration units.
Carbon or low-alloy steels are subject to environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) when in
contact with hot amine solutions above approximately 4% by weight. This type of caustic
cracking is also commonly referred to as caustic embrittlement. It manifests itself as a branched
network of fine, predominantly intergranular cracks. For all CS equipment and piping in amine
service, PWHT will be performed at 691°C ±14°C (1275°F ± 25°F) after welding or forming
operations to mitigate caustic cracking.
Caustic soda is sometimes used in water treatment systems. In many applications, CS is the
material of choice for equipment and piping in caustic service. The corrosion rate of steel at
ambient temperature is generally less than 0.05 millimeters per year when exposed to caustic
concentrations below 50% weight. At higher temperature, corrosion rates can increase. At
concentrations above 50% caustic is very corrosive to CS, even at ambient temperature. Nickel
alloys may be used where higher temperatures and caustic concentrations promote corrosion
greater than 0.1 millimeter.
Crevice corrosion is a concern when local high caustic concentrations are produced as a result
of heating and/or solution evaporation. For this reason, care in design of heat transfer
equipment (avoiding crevices) is advisable. Threaded connections are a common source of
external leakage, and should not be used in caustic service.
Caustic cracking of highly stressed (e.g., as-welded or as-bent) CS is not anticipated when
exposed to caustic solutions up to 50% weight, at temperatures below 46°C (115°F). In the 46
to 82°C (115 to 180°F) temperature range, cracking is a function of the caustic concentration.
Above 82°C (180°F), cracking is highly likely for all concentrations above about 4% wt.
Various contaminants in caustic solutions, including oxygen and chlorides, have been shown to
increase the cracking tendency.
300 series SS are not generally recommended for caustic service because they offer little
advantage over CS. Their corrosion resistance is only marginally better, and they are also
subject to caustic cracking above approximately 110°C (230°F). Nickel base alloys offer the
best resistance to SCC in caustic solutions. NACE SP0403 offers guidance in determining the
need for PWHT or Nickel Alloys in caustic environments.
Chlorides in aqueous solutions can be aggressive under certain conditions. For example, in
carbon steels a pH neutral solution at ambient temperature is not particularly aggressive;
however, corrosion can be severe in an acidic solution with a pH ≤ 4.5. Introduction of chlorides
into the process system is mitigated by use of demineralized water for absorber tower washing
and solvent make-up. In chloride containing solutions, the 300 series SS are susceptible to
pitting and under deposit corrosion. However, the most significant threat is from chloride
induced-stress corrosion cracking (Cl-SCC) when the operating temperature is above the
threshold temperature for SCC.
To reduce the potential for pitting and Cl-SCC, the following precautions are recommended for
300 series SS.
• 304L/316L series SS materials (e.g., plates, piping, forgings, fittings, etc.) are typically
specified to be supplied in the solution annealed condition in order to minimize residual
stresses that can contribute to CI-SCC.
• Bulk 300 series SS piping components are generally externally coated and provided with
end caps/plugs as an added precaution against pitting during transport and storage.
During transport, piping will be shipped and stored inside in a closed dry environment
wherever possible. Deck mounted equipment, pipe and components should be avoided
for ocean shipment.
Water Corrosion
Corrosion rates of carbon steel piping are assessed using the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI)
and other published corrosion production tools. In low corrosive waters where the flow is
stagnant, a 1.5 mm corrosion allowance is adequate but 3 mm is called out for conservatism in
CS piping and equipment. For higher corrosive waters, corrosion assessment will consider
temperature, oxygen concentration, halide concentration, and other pertinent factors.
Underground piping may be non-metallics. Corrosion of underground water piping will be
mitigated by use of HDPE. Demineralized water is corrosive to CS. Above ground piping will
be fabricated from 304L SS (or 316L SS), no corrosion allowance will be added.
MIC is a form of corrosion caused by living bacterial. It is often associated with the presence of
tubercles or slimy biofilms. MIC Corrosion is usually observed as localized pitting, sometimes
under deposits or as tubercles that shield the organisms. In CS, damage is often characterized
by cup-shaped pits within pits and in austenitic stainless steel as subsurface cavities. Critical
Factors to be considered with MIC include:
• Temperature
• Oxygen Concentration
• Nutrients including inorganic substances (e.g. sulphur, ammonia, H2S) and organic
substances (e.g. hydrocarbons, organic acids). In addition, all organisms require a
source of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous for growth.
MIC has been found in heat exchangers, in the bottom of water storage tanks, piping with
stagnant or low flow, and in piping in contact with some soils. Using well or ground water is
especially susceptible to MIC contamination. Appropriate material selection, coating, chemical
treatment (chlorine, bromine, ozone, ultraviolet light, or proprietary compounds) should be
considered to minimize MIC. Bleach (NaOCl) is an effective biocide but must be used in the
correct concentration (2 mg/l) to preclude damage to the MOC. A project hydrotest water
quality specification should be issued for use during fabrication and construction, especially
during hydrostatic tightness testing of equipment and piping. One of the most important steps is
removal of water from equipment and equipment immediately after the hydrotest followed by
proper drying, preservation and capping. Using dry, oil free compressed air with a dew point of
-40°C (-40°F) has been proven to be effective. Systems that are not designated or intended for
water containment should be kept clean and dry. MIC has been found in hydrotested equipment
that has not been properly dried and in equipment but has been left outside and unprotected.
Liquid Metal Embrittlement
Liquid metal embrittlement (LME) results in the brittle failure of a normally ductile metal alloy
in the presence of tensile stress (either applied or residual) and a specific liquid metal.
Temperature, stress, and liquid metal wetting are the principal factors that influence LME in a
specific alloy/liquid metal couple. Removal of any one of these factors eliminates the risk of
LME. Secondary factors promoting LME are alloy composition and grain size.
The major concern for LME in an LNG Plant arises from exposure of aluminum alloys in the
cold box to accumulated mercury from the feed gas. The amount of mercury and its location
in the cryogenic exchangers is often unknown, and not easily estimated. As long as the cold
temperature remains below the freezing point of Mercury, -38.8°C (-37.9°F), no LME
problems exist. However, at some point the cold exchangers will be shut down, and reach
ambient temperatures, where mercury melts, exists as a stable liquid, and LME of aluminum
alloys can result.
Mercury Removal Beds are employed to eliminate mercury in gas streams entering the
aluminum exchangers and the cold boxes.
Another source of liquid metal embrittlement occurs when zinc contaminated components are
welded to stainless steel. Cracking has been known to occur when galvanized or zinc coated
supports are welded to stainless steel pipe.
The minimum design metal temperature (MDMT) is defined during design in order to allow
material selection for resisting brittle fracture. This is purely a mechanical design requirement
(no corrosion concern). The following criteria are used to establish the MDMT:
• MDMT may be based on consideration of the lowest expected operating temperature,
the lowest ambient temperature, depressurizing condition, cooling/heating medium
failure, preliminary equipment design condition, piping specification limits, or an
operational upset, or any other source of low temperature. Transient conditions, such
as auto-refrigeration may govern, particularly if the unit restart procedure does not
permit warm-up prior to pressurization.
• MDMT may be established as the minimum exemption temperature allowed by the
applicable engineering code.
• If the material of construction is impact tested, the MDMT can be taken to be the
impact test temperature associated with satisfactory impact energy values.
• MOC’s will be chosen to meet code requirements for brittle fracture mitigation.
Corrosion mitigation can be divided into areas - inside the pressure boundary exposed to
process conditions and exterior exposed to weather. Exterior exposed to the environment
corrosion issues are generally mitigated with protective coatings and cathodic protection.
Cathodic protection is also commonly used to protect the interior of tanks.
Structural steel can be protected by either a three coat paint system such as inorganic zinc
primer, epoxy intermediate coat plus aliphatic polyurethane topcoat or hot tip galvanizing.
Galvanizing offers several constructability advantages such as minimal damage during handling
and being a more forgiving work process. Several alternate coating systems also warrant
consideration such as inorganic zinc or zinc rich epoxy plus a topcoat of either polyaspartic or
Inorganic zinc coatings are not typically used under insulation, as zinc coatings exposed to
water, at temperatures above 66°C (151°F) become passivated, which can result in the
coating become a cathode to the steel, resulting in the preferential corrosion of the steel
substrate. Where insulation is required, the inorganic zinc coating should be covered with an
additional epoxy coating.
For protection against atmospheric corrosion, the same three coat painting system specified for
structural steel is sometimes specified for equipment/piping that operates at a temperature of
120°C (250°F) or less and is not insulated. Some projects select a two coat system which
consist a coat of zinc rich epoxy plus a polyurethane topcoat. Heat resistant topcoats such as
silicone acrylic or heat cure silicones are used for higher operating temperatures up to the
melting point of zinc. Thermal Spay Aluminum (TSA) is an acceptable material for cyclic
services with extreme temperature swings. 300 series SS may receive a single coat of epoxy for
transportation purposes unless export packaging is specified.
Good practice is to procure bulk carbon steel piping with an inorganic zinc primer. The primer
can then be topcoated in the field with most high performance coating systems where the
operating temperature is below the melting point of zinc (400°C (750°F)).
Insulated equipment and piping, where the process temperature is between 0°C (32°F) and
150°C (302°F), should be coated to provide protection against corrosion under insulation (CUI).
When temperature exceeds 150°C (302°F), no protection is required, as there is no corrosion
due to absence of condensed water. Some owners have alternate temperature limits or require
all surfaces to be coated regardless of temperature. TSA coatings are preferred by many
clients; however, liquid applied coatings such as novolac and epoxy phenolic are also used at
temperatures up to 200°C (400°F). When selecting a coating system for stainless steel,
assurance that the coating will not promote stress corrosion cracking is a requirement.
For Cold Insulation, when cellular glass with vapor stops, sealants, and vapor barrier are
specified, the insulation system is inherently impervious to water, and will eliminate corrosion
concerns. Other sealed insulation systems such as preinsulated PIR systems with sealed vapor
barriers offer the same degree of protection.
CP for marine Jetty and Construction Dock generally has a 25 year design life. For stationary
marine structures, sacrificial systems are preferred. Water storage tanks that have internal
lining will also have CP designs with a 25 year design life. Impressed current systems are
generally specified for interior water tanks. Assurance that the tank coating system is
compatible with the impressed cathodic protection system is a must. Improper selection can
lead to accelerated lining failures.
Chemical Treatment
Where it is necessary to control internal corrosion of piping and equipment, the use of chemical
treatments (e.g. including corrosion inhibitors, biocides, and oxygen scavengers) may be
warranted. Chemicals are typically injected continuously at controlled concentrations to maintain
corrosion within acceptable limits. The efficiency of a corrosion inhibitor increases with
increases in its concentration. The 90% efficiency is typical for inhibitors when properly applied.
The type of product and recommended dosing should follow the manufacturer’s
recommendation backed by laboratory tests. These material should also be field tested prior to
making a final decision on usage. Where high flow rates are required, use of CRA’s may prove
to be more economical.
Inlet Separation
Inlet facilities are designed to receive three phase flow (vapor + hydrocarbon liquid + aqueous
liquid) from the feed pipeline via dedicated slug catcher. Hydrate inhibition of the subsea
production system is achieved through the continuous injection of water scavenger originating
Feed gases temperature may vary with the feed gas but many are in the range of 15°C (59°F)
to 25°C (77°F) with a pipeline MDMT of -29°C (-20°F) and an operating pressure of 50 to 75
bar gauge with formation water expected. As an example, if the beach valve temperature is
18°C and the pressure is 67 bar gauge, condensation can be expected because the dew point
is 110 °C (230°F) in normal operating condition. As discussed earlier, small quantities of H2S
does not contribute to, and may reduce general corrosion.
The inlet separation unit stands to be one of the three front-end units that could experience the
highest corrosion rates in the LNG plant. Even though the steady state feed gas temperature
may be above the water dew point, lower temperature excursions from external influences such
as high winds can contribute to heat loss in the system that could promote periodic
condensation of water from the feed gas stream. In this case it would be assumed that the
equilibrium CO2 concentration would follow the Henry’s Law correlation. As CS is the primary
material of construction, corrosion allowances may be increased from 1.5 mm to 3 mm and in
some cases 6 mm for piping & 6 mm for equipment as a precaution.
Depending on the feed gas composition, the Acid Gas Removal System and the Solvent
Regenerator acid gas dissolved in the amine solvent may require alloy upgrades, increased
corrosion allowances, and process controls to minimize corrosion. As discussed, feed gas to
the acid gas removal unit (AGRU) generally contains CO2 and may contain traces of H2S. The
CO2 and H2S must be removed to avoid freezing problems in the downstream liquefaction
system. The removal of CO2 and H2S is accomplished by absorption of the gas by the re-
circulating amine solvent system. The solvent selected is based on the ability to remove CO2 to
less than 100 parts per million/volume.
For lean amine (prior to exposure to acid gas) service, all CS welds in piping and vessels should
be post weld heat treated (PWHT) to avoid EAC. PWHT relieves stresses caused during
welding, minimizing the potential for EAC. The lean amine circuit is fabricated from CS with 3
mm corrosion allowance (CA), and in some cases a larger CA may be specified. In CS piping,
the fluid velocity is limited 1.8 meters/second to reduce flow assisted corrosion.
Piping in rich amine streams are generally specified as 304/304L SS, which is a conservative
measure recognized in the petro-chemical industry. While a 4 meters/second velocity limit is
considered in the design, the use of 304L SS allows for upsets/perturbations. In this unit, CO2 is
reduced down to 50 parts per million/volume maximum. See the figure below which is a
schematic of a typical AGRU unit.
Treated gas from the AGRU is chilled against high pressure Propane refrigerant in the Propane
Feed Chiller to condense out excess hydrocarbons and water. Downstream filters and
coalescers are designed to remove liquids or solids.
After this step, feed gas enters the Molecular Sieve Dehydrators which are on adsorption cycle.
Water vapor is removed from the feed gas and is retained within the molecular sieve during the
whole adsorption cycle.
Molecular Sieve Dehydrators are regenerated by back flowing clean, dry effluent gas from the
Regeneration Gas Heater. The hot regeneration gas passes up through the molecular sieve bed
currently off-line in the regeneration mode. The adsorbed water is stripped off of the bed
together with some CO2 and heavy hydrocarbons, restoring the adsorption capacity of sieves.
Corrosion in the regeneration gas outlet system is not typical in these units.
The bone-dry gas from the dehydrators passes through the Dryer After-Filter prior to entering
the Mercury Removal Beds, which contain a suitable mercury absorbent designed to reduce the
mercury content of the gas. Mercury is removed down to a very low gas stream concentration
in the 0.01 µg/Nm3 before flowing to the refrigeration and liquefaction units.
Feed gas should be dry and free of impurities before being sent to the cryogenic section.
Continuous monitoring is provided to indicate moisture and CO2 content in the gas stream.
Since no CO2 or water is present, CS with minimal corrosion allowance is used for downstream
equipment and piping.
Propane Refrigeration
Propane refrigeration chills the feed gas prior to liquefaction in the ethylene and methane
refrigeration units.
No internal corrosion mechanisms are expected for the propane system. In this non-corrosive
unit, the minimum corrosion allowance is 1.5 mm for CS. Both ASME Section VIII and B31.3
have guidelines for selection of material based on thickness and temperature. Materials for
piping and pressure vessels follow guidelines of ASME codes. Generally use of CS piping is
restricted to -29°C (-20 °F) whereas LTCS is selected for temperatures below -29°C (-20 °F).
For field welding, standard practice should be to purchase all welding consumables for CS with
Charpy V-notch impact testing at -46°C (-51°F), thereby mitigating fracture toughness concerns.
There is also less likelihood of mixing impact tested with non-impact tested consumables.
Brittle fracture is the prevalent concern in this unit, especially in the propane circuits. Propane
will boil at -45.6°C (-50°F) upon depressurization to atmospheric pressure. While CS piping
(e.g. A106-B/API 5L) at thicknesses less than about 1 inch is satisfactory at -29°C (-20 °F), re-
pressurizing is a concern when the metal is still at these lower temperatures. For most projects,
all propane piping in liquid, liquid + vapor service within the process loops (not storage) is
fabricated from Low-Temperature carbon steel (LTCS). For temperatures colder than -45.6°C (-
50°F), 304L SS should be been chosen because of improved ductile-brittle transition at low
Ethylene Refrigeration
Ethylene refrigeration cools and condenses the feed gas from the methane compressor
discharge. No corrosion mechanisms are believed to be active in this unit. The most critical factor
for MOC will be low temperatures during an upset condition. Brittle fracture has been mitigated
by the use of aluminium, 304L SS, and impact tested CS where required.
Once the temperature drops below -46°C (-51°F) only 304L SS is used as this material has
excellent cryogenic properties, and is exempt from impact testing down to -196°C (-320°F).
Both ASME Section VIII and B31.3 require Charpy V-notch impact testing in weld deposit when
minimum design temperature drops below -104°C (-155°F). Standard practice is to buy
304/304L SS dual certified with maximum carbon content of 0.03%, minimizing the potential for
external Intergranular SCC. SS weld consumables are purchased with Charpy V-notch impact
testing at -196°C (-320°F).
Aluminum is used for exchangers and piping. 9% nickel steel or 304L SS are used for ethylene
storage drums.
Heavies Removal
The purpose of this Unit is to remove higher molecular weight hydrocarbons from the LNG
product stream. Heavier end components (C6+) are stripped out preventing hydrocarbon
freezing in the downstream liquefaction equipment.
Normally there are no significant internal corrosion mechanisms unless there is a potential of
boil over of rich amine. The most critical factor for MOC will be the MDMT by upset condition.
The flare and blow down system includes three flare systems (wet, dry, marine) and an Acid
Gas Thermal Oxidizer.
Wet gas flare stack is designed to handle hydrocarbon streams that may be saturated with
water vapor and/or contain free liquid hydrocarbons and water. The MOC are CS due to a
MDMT of -29°C (-20°F) for stack.
Dry gas flare stack is designed to handle cryogenic hydrocarbons, both vapor and liquid. This
flare stack is referred to as the Dry Gas Flare. The MOC is 304L SS due to a MDMT of -196°C
(-320°F) for stack.
Marine flare is designed to handle LNG vapors from the LNG storage tank in the event of a
failure of the Boil-Off Gas Compressors. The MOC is 304L SS due to a MDMT of -196°C (-
320°F) for stack.
Acid Gas Thermal Oxidizer is designed to handle Acid Gas streams that are vented from all Gas
Train processes. The 304L SS cladding is impervious to wet CO2 corrosion.
Refrigerant Storage
The MOC for this circuit is typically 304L SS due to cryogenic temperature. No internal
corrosion is anticipated.
Condensate Storage
LNG storage tanks are fabricated from concrete and 9% nickel steel plates. Ancillary
equipment is fabricated from parts is 304L SS or 316L SS. No corrosion is anticipated.
Firewater System
Firewater is stored in Fire Water Tanks. Fire water is pumped from the fire water tank through a
ring-main distribution system to hydrants, monitors, hoses and foam systems. A fire water line
from the main loop to LNG and Condensate Loading Jetty will be provided for fire protection of
the Jetty. The MOC for the firewater piping system will be as follows:
• Aboveground Pipe: CS
• Underground Pipe: Listed High Density Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE)
Severe corrosion is not expected. However, in order to mitigate plugging of fire water monitors,
use of corrosion resistant alloys, or other corrosion mitigation strategies (e.g. lined pipe) may be
considered. Firewater storage tanks are generally lined and catholically protected, depending
on the fire code.
Water System
Treated potable/service water is supplied by the treatment plant. Many plants in remote
locations rely on desalinated water which is low in protective calcium salts but high in chlorides.
Plastic or stainless steel are acceptable MOC for potable water cleanliness. Stainless steel may
be an issue in desalinated water with high chloride and high ambient temperatures. Insulation
has been used to reduce the sun load in some instances. In the US galvanized pipe has been
used but in some countries such as Australia, there is a general restriction against the use of
galvanizing. Linings and materials used fin contact with potable water are required to be
certified for use in potable water by the governing organization. CS with a CA is acceptable for
service water piping MOC. 304L SS may be considered for demineralized water due to
corrosiveness concerns.
Gaseous nitrogen is supplied to the plant by a Nitrogen Generator Package or a liquid nitrogen
storage tank. Nitrogen is used as blanket gas for storage tanks; purge gas for the cold systems,
loading arm swivel joint purges, compressor gas seals and buffer, and as purge gas required for
repair and maintenance services and for other general purposes. Nitrogen used to blanket the
amine storage tanks should not contain oxygen for the reasons noted earlier, i.e., the formation
of organic acids. Internal corrosion is not anticipated.