Desperate Housewives S1E2
Desperate Housewives S1E2
Desperate Housewives S1E2
Luckily for her, she found one. [Narration] What Carlos couldn't see
[Gabrielle] Damn it. Come on, come on, come [Narration] The peaceful facade of Wisteria
on! Hurry up! Let's go! Come on, come on! Lane had recently been shattered
[John] Where are the rest of my clothes? First by my suicide and then by the discovery of
a note among my belongings that suggested a
[Gabrielle] I'll find them. Just get out.
suspicious reason for my desperate act. My
[John] Where? friends gathered to discuss its implications.
[Susan] Shouldn't you be making brownies for [Carlos] Hey, you've been acting like a
your nerdy friends? nightmare for a month. What's wrong? I can't fix
it unless you tell me.
[Julie] I can't find the measuring cup. Have you
seen it? [Gabrielle] It's not exciting anymore, Carlos.
[Carlos] Dinner with Tanaka ran long. I'm sorry. [Mike] What's wrong?
[Gabrielle] You know, Carlos, I didn't marry you [Susan] I didn't realize anybody was going to
so I could have dinner by myself six times a week. be out here. I just sort of rolled out of bed.
You know how bored I was today? I came this
[Mike] I'm sure you look fine. Oh, Bongo, stop.
close to actually cleaning the house.
Sorry, uh he scares easy.
[Carlos] Don't be that way. I got you a gift.
[Susan] No, it-- it's fine. I-I get it.
[Gabrielle] Nope. No, no, no, no. You're not
[Mike] I didn't mean to disturb you. I'll see you
going to buy your way out of this one.
[Carlos] It's a good gift.
[Susan] Do you want to have dinner with me?
[Gabrielle] Is that white gold?
[Mike] Just the two of us?
[Carlos] Yeah. Put it on and then make love to
[Susan] Well and Julie. It's a thing we do when
somebody new moves into the neighborhood, we
[Gabrielle] I'm not in the mood. But we could invite them over for a home-cooked meal. Sort of
stay up and talk. a tradition.
[Carlos] When a man buys a woman expensive [Mike] I thought you said you were a lousy cook.
jewelry, there are many things he may want in
[Susan] Well, I order takeout.
return for future reference, conversation ain't one
of them. - Hey, that was a joke. [Mike] Oh, you invite’em over for home cooking
and give’em takeout.
[Gabrielle] Yeah, right.
[Susan] Yeah, it's -- it's -- it's sort of a new measuring cup.
tradition. I'm working out the kinks.
We can just scrape off the burnt part, and it'll
[Mike] I'll tell you what -- how about I cook and look good as new.
you guys come over to my place?
[Edie] That's not my cup. Mine was plastic.
[Susan] Great.
[Huber] Well, how did it get in here?
[Mike] Friday night at 6:00?
[Edie] I don't know. Who cares? Now, would
[Susan] I'll be there. you put that down and start looking for jewelry?
[Mike] All right. [Narration] Dr. Albert Goldfein was the most
accomplished marriage counselor in the city. He
[Susan] Come on Bye, Bongo. Julie! Mike
had dealt with problems ranging from substance
Delfino just invited us to dinner friday night.
abuse - to infidelity - to domestic violence.
[Julie] He did? Cool.
Yes, Dr. Goldfein thought he had seen it all,
[Susan] But only I'm going, because you're and then he met the Van de Kamps.
going to come down with something semi-serious
[Bree] Hi. I'm Bree, and this is my husband Rex
that requires bed rest and fluids.
and I brought you some homemade potpourri.
[Narration] Julie was glad Susan was
[Rex] The answer is yes. You're about to make
rekindling her love life. Of course, she was
a fortune off of us.
unaware of her mother's recent track record with
fire. [Lynette] Guys, I'm very -- Sit in your seats. I
am not going to tell you again! Buckle up! I mean
[Edie] It's all gone -- everything my ex-husband
it, so help me, I will -- Crap!
worked for all those years. Gone.
[Police] Licenses, registration, ma'am. Ma'am,
[Huber] Well, don't worry about clothing. I
you know why I pulled you over?
already started a collection from people in the
neighborhood. [Lynette] I have a theory.
[Edie] What? I don't want to wear other [Police] The kids are jumping up and down.
people's old crap. They should be sitting, wearing their seat belts.
[Huber] Edie, you can be homeless, or you can [Lynette] I don't let them -- they don't even
be ungracious. You really can't afford to be both. listen to me. It's very frustrating.
[Edie] That reminds me -- my insurance check [Police] Well, you have to find a way to control
still hasn't come yet. Can I stay with you for a few them. After all, that's your job.
more weeks?
[Narration] Though he'd been a policeman for
[Huber] Of course. What kind of Christian six years, Officer Hayes had never found himself
would I be if I denied shelter to a friend in need? in a truly dangerous situation.
Oh, look, here's something we can salvage. Your
Then again, he had never before told a woman Lately you've been the only thing keeping me
how to raise her children. going. It's just we can't do it at my house anymore.
[Lynette] Are you saying I'm a bad mother? [John] So, then, where do you want to do it?
Ma'am, you need to get back in your car, please.
[Gabrielle] Well, what time does your mom get
I have no help. My husband's always away on
back from soccer practice?
[John] Mrs. Solis.
[Police] I'm going to have to ask you to step
back now. [Gabrielle] Better hurry. We don't have a lot of
[Lynette] My babysitter joined the witness
relocation program. I haven't slept through the [Bree] And so there's just the four of us. My
night in six years, and for you to stand there and older son Andrew is 16, Danielle is 15, and –
judge me
[Man] I don't need to see pictures.vBree,
[Police] I'm not going to give you a ticket. I'm you've spent most of the hour engaging in small
just going to let you off with a warning. talk.
-Buckle up. [Man] Yes. Rex has been very vocal about his
issues. Don't you want to discuss your feelings
[John] Mrs. Solis.
about your marriage?
[Gabrielle] Hello, Jonathan.
[Bree] Doc, um
[John] Well, this is my room. Sorry about the
[Rex] This is the thing you got to know about
Bree -- she doesn't like to talk about her feelings.
[Gabrielle] Ah, don't worry about it. To be honest, it's hard to know if s has any. Does
she feel anger, rage, ecstasy?
[John] You just missed my mom. On Friday,
she coaches my little sister's soccer team. Who knows? She's always pleasant, and I
can't tell you how annoying that is. Whatever she
[Gabrielle] Oh, yes. I heard that. Um, John, we
feels, it's so far below the surface, no one can see
need to talk about what happened the other day.
it. I feel like she's using all these
[John] Mr. Solis isn't starting to catch on, is he?
[Man] Bree-
[Gabrielle] No, no, he doesn't have a clue, god
[Bree] What? Uh, I'm sorry.
love him. It's just that when you come over to
garden, you might actually have to garden. [Man] Would you like to respond to what Rex
just said? Is there some truth there? Do you use
[John] Great. You're breaking up with me in my
housework as a way to disengage emotionally?
own bedroom.
[Bree] Of course not.
[Gabrielle] No, no, no. I'm not dumping you.
[John] Ah. This is great. I've got tons of [Mike] No, Susan's just throwing me one of her
homework tonight. It's so easy to concentrate traditional welcome-to-the-neighborhood dinners,
after sex. only I'm cooking and having it at my house.
[Gabrielle] I'm glad I could help. Education is [Eide] Ha ha. Traditional, huh? I didn't get one.
very important.
[Susan] Oh, it's sort of a new tradition.
[John] Oh, I got something for you. I was going
[Mike] Well, it won't be anything fancy. Just a
to give it to you next time I mowed your lawn, but
little home cooking.
since you're here
[Edie] That sounds so good.
[Gabrielle] Oh, it's a rose.
[Narration] Susan suddenly had an awful
[John] It's not just any rose. Look at all the
feeling in the pit of her stomach.
petals. There's no floss. It's perfect.
[Edie] I've been having nothing but fast food
[Gabrielle] Oh, John.
[John] Just like you.
[Narration] As if she was watching an accident
[Narration] The truth hit her like a thunderbolt. in slow motion. She knew it would happen, but
was powerless to stop it.
[John] I spent days looking for just the right one.
I finally found it. [Susan] Edie, would you like to join us for
[Narration] For John, this was no longer a
meaningless little affair. Gabrielle could now [Edie] Oh, that's so sweet. No, I don't want to
clearly see he was falling in love with her. intrude. Three's a crowd.
[Gabrielle] It's just beautiful. I, I got to go. [Mike] No, it's not like that. I mean, Susan's
bringing Julie.
[John] Goodbye.
[Susan] Yeah, it's not like that. The more, the
[Susan] Hey you. So what are we having?
[Mike] Uh, well, I talked to Julie, and -- thanks.
[Edie] Well, this will be fun.
And she suggested rib eye steaks. She said
that's your favorite. [Mike] All right. Tomorrow night. We'll eat at
[Susan] Oh, yeah, I love my steak.
[Edie] Great. Oh, and, Susan - Yeah. This will
[Edie] Hi, Mike. Susan.
make up for the dinner that you never threw me.
[Mike] Hey, I'm sorry about your house. How
[Susan] Right. Ha ha.
you holding up?
[Mike] Should I have told her we were having
[Edie] All right, I guess. Oh, is somebody
steak? She's not, like, a vegetarian or something,
having a party?
is she?
[Susan] Oh, no, no. No, Edie's definitely a knew that. Smart lady. Of course, she's in a home
carnivore. now, and her mind has just turned to mush.
[Lynette] Here's, um Here's what I pulled for [Lynette] Well, like I said, I should go back and
Edie. I should warn you that most of the clothes get dinner ready.
in there aren't that stylish.
[Huber] Oh, right, right. Goodbye.
[Huber] Oh, don't worry about it. Edie's a
[Lynette] Goodbye.
beggar now, which means she can't be a chooser.
Of course, we don't have to add salt to the wound. [Huber] Susan, have you been able to find old
clothes for Edie? She has nothing to wear.
[Lynette] Listen, I was just getting dinner ready.
[Susan] I thought that was the look she was
[Huber] Say no more. I'll get out of your hair.
going for.
[Lynette] No, no.
[Huber] Oh, Susan. Edie may be trash, but
[Huber] By the way, was that you I saw getting she's still a human being.
pulled over by a policeman?
[Susan] Zach? Is your dad home? I need to talk
[Lynette] Yeah, the boys were acting up in the to him. - Hey, Paul.
car, and I couldn't get them to sit down.
[Paul] Hey.
[Huber] Young boys can be so willful.
[Susan] Hope I'm not interrupting.
[Lynette] I try everything. I scream, I threaten, I
[Paul] Actually, I was getting ready to go
reason, I beg. Nothing works. I don't know if it's
because they're too young and they don't
understand, or if they're just getting some [Susan] I just wanted to come by and say hello,
perverse joy out of testing me. you know, see how you guys a doing.
[Huber] My mother used to have the worst time [Paul] We're trying to move on. It's been pretty
with me in the car, so one time when I was acting tough.
up, she stopped and left me on the side of the
[Susan] Yeah, I could only imagine. I mean, not
road, and she drove off.
knowing why Mary Alice
[Lynette] You're kidding.
[Paul] Why what?
[Huber] Oh, she came back immediately, but I
[Susan] Why she did it. Oh, here, let me help
never misbehaved in the car again. You should
try that.
[Paul] I've got it, I've got it.
[Lynette] Mrs. Huber, I could never leave my
kids by the side of the road. [Susan] I'm sorry if I upset you.
It's not enough to want the truth. You must know [Gabrielle] I can't believe she wormed her way
where to look for it. And the truth is elusive, in. How did you let her do that?
because it knows where to hide.
[Susan] I don't know. I was going to take her out
[Huber]Hello, Julie. I talked to your mom about at the knees, but it all happened so fast.
donating some clothes for Edie.
[Gabrielle] Well, you know what you need to do.
[Julie] She's at Mrs. Van de Kamp's, but I'll see You need to get there early, spend a little time
if she left some stuff upstairs. with Mike before the little barracuda gets there.
[Huber] I-I was, um, just admiring your new [Susan] That's a good idea. Edie will get there
measuring cup. at 5:45, which means her breasts will arrive at
5:30, so I should shoot for 5:00.
[Julie] Yeah, we lost ours.
[Gabrielle] That a girl. I'm just going to take
[Huber] Really?
these upstairs.
[Julie] So I couldn't find the clothes. I'm sorry.
[Susan] I'm going to keep my one little bag and
[Huber] That's okay. If you want me to keep go home. That is a beautiful rose. Where did you
looking No, you've done more than enough, truly. get it?
[Man] Bree, Rex just called. He won't be able to [Gabrielle] Oh, John gave it to me.
meet you here today. Apparently, there was an
[Susan] John? Your gardener? He gave you a
emergency at the hospital.
[Bree] Oh. Well, I wish he had called me.
[Gabrielle] Yes. I am having some new bushes
[Man] He suggested perhaps you'd like to meet planted outside, and he gave me that as a color
with me by yourself. You've been very quiet in our palette.
joint sessions.
[Susan] Sure is beautiful, isn't it?
[Bree] What? Oh -- oh, no, thank you. I-I have
[Gabrielle] Yes, it is.
some things that I-I need to do today.
[Man] I'm sure Freud would not approve of this.
[Man] You -- you sure? Uh, yeah.
[Bree] Oh, who cares what he thinks? I took
[Bree] I'm sure. Dr. Goldfein, there is something
psychology in college. We learned all about
you can do for me.
Freud. A miserable human being. mommy doesn't think it's funny! Oh, excuse me.
[Man] What makes you say that? I'm sorry. I'm looking for my boys. Three boys
with red hair. Have you seen them?
[Bree] Well, think about it -- he grew up in the
late 1800s. There were no appliances back then. [Woman] Yeah. I also saw you drive away and
His mother had to do everything by hand. leave them.
Just backbreaking work from sun up to [Lynette] I know. I was just trying to scare them
sundown, not to mention the countless other into behaving. Did you see where they went?
sacrifices she probably had to make to take care
[Woman] Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're in my
of her family.
kitchen. Listen, uh, it seems to me that you have
And what does he do? He grows up and some anger management issues.
becomes famous peddling a theory that the
[Lynette] I have four kids under the age of 6. I
problems of most adults can be traced back to
absolutely have anger management issues.
something awful their mother has done.
[Woman] Yeah, well, I think you need to talk to
She must have felt so betrayed. He saw how
somebody, because abandoning your children is
hard she worked. He saw what she did for him.
Did he even ever think to say, "thank you"? I [Lynette] Hey, I-I didn't abandon them. I came
doubt it. There you go. back.
[Man] Just so you know, many of Freud's [Woman] I'm just saying it's not normal.
theories have been discredited.
[Lynette] Well, my kids aren't normal, and now I
[Bree] Good. don't have time for this, lady, so -- boys, get out
[Lynette] Boys, I am not going to tell you again -
- sit. I mean it. I am serious. You boys are going [Woman] No, I don't think they should go
to be in so much trouble if you don't sit back in anywhere until you calm down.
those seats.
[Lynette] Get in the car.
[Narration] For the first time, Lynette could see
[Boys] She's got cookies.
this was not the innocent play of children. She
was being challenged. So she decided it was [Lynette] Well, bring them. We're leaving.
time to get creative.
[Woman] Oh, no, no. Stay put.
[Lynette] Out. Can't behave, you heard me, you
[Lynette] I don't think so. Aah! –
cannot ride. You, out.
[Woman] Listen, lady, you and I are going to
[Children] Where's mom going? - I don't know.
have a little talk.
[Lynette] Mommy's a genius. Mommy will be
[Boys] Leave my mommy alone!
right..Boys? Boys? Porter! Preston! Parker! If
you're hiding, you've got to stop now, 'cause [Lynette] Let go of me! What's the matter with
you? Run, boys, run! never know what freaks them out, huh?
[Woman]You get back here! [Narr] In the distance, susan thought she heard
a bell ring.
[Lynette] Boys, you're going to need to put on
your – [Eide] Ooh, is it a strange noise, huh? What is it?
A weird smell?
[Woman] Get back or I'm going to call social
services! [Narr] Round one had started.
[Edie] Hey, Susan. Don't worry. Mike and I have [Edie] Go on. Unh-unh.
got everything under control.
[Mike] Down. I'm sorry. So, um, who's the guy
[Mike] Bongo. I don't know why he barks at you. that lives across from Mrs. Huber again?
[Edie] Well, I wouldn't take it personally. Dogs [Susan] Mm. That's Mr. Mullen, and just so you
are very sensitive. What's up, Bongo, huh? You know, if he invites you in, you have to meet all of
his pets. [Mike] Bongo, get down.
[Mike] That's okay. I love animals. [Edie] Wait, wait. Let -- let me show you
something. Bongo.
[Susan] He's a taxidermist.
[Mike] He loves that gravy.
[Mike] Thanks for the warning.
[Edie] While you were in there tossing the salad,
[Edie] Isn't Mr. Mullen's brother your divorce
I taught him something. Up.
[Narr] Susan was furious with Edie for using a
[Susan] Uh, yes. Yes, he was.
dog to ingratiate herself with its owner. She was
[Eide] Can I say something? In my heart, I still also furious with Mike for not seeing through this
believe that you and Carl are going to get back blatant maneuver. But mostly –
[Susan] You know what? I'm going to go get the
[Mike] Really? desserts.
[Edie] Oh, yeah, I-I've never seen two people [Narr] She was furious with herself for not
more in love. I mean, she's never going to find having thought of it first.
that kind of chemistry with another man. Never.
[Mike] I can barely get him to sit.
[Narr] It was everything Susan could do to keep
[Edie] You are a good dog. You're the best dog
a smile on her face. Round two was under way,
ever. Yes, you are. Ha ha.
and she was already taking a beating.
[Mike] I've never seen him walk on two legs.
[Julie] You know what, Mrs. Britt?
[Edie] Well, he knows who to come to, doesn't
[Narr] What Edie hadn't counted on
he? He knows who to come to.
[Julie] Do you know who I always liked?
[Susan] Here's your dessert.
[Narr] Was Susan had someone else in her
[Edie] Thank you. Mmm. My, this looks yummy.
[Mike] Oh, look at that. Looks like Bongo's finally
[Julie] Mr. Authwell -- your fourth husband.
warming up to Susan.
[Edie] Oh, he was my second husband. I've only
[Susan] Yeah, we just got off on the wrong foot.
been married twice.
We're best buddies now. Oh, what a good boy.
[Julie] Twice? You weren't married to the guy
[Susan] Bongo, are you okay?
with all the tattoos that they took away in
handcuffs? [Edie] What's wrong with him?
[Susan] No, Julie, she wasn't married to Javier. [Mike] I don't know. I've never heard him make
That was just one of her special friends. I think that sound. Hey, you okay, pal?
we should change the subject. You know, unless
[Julie] Mom.
you want to keep talking about it.
[Mike] Hey, you all right? You okay? Come on. [Mike] Actually, he was my wife's dog, and, uh
one of the last things she said to me in the
Call the vet. The number's on the fridge. Tell him
hospital before she died was to be sure I looked
I'll be right there.
after him, and, um, I promised her I would.
[Edie] Okay, don't you worry about a thing. I'll
[Narr] And just like that,Susan could suddenly
stay here and get everything cleaned up. Thanks,
see something she'd never seen before.
[Mike] He, uh, meant so much to her.
[Susan] Is there anything I can do?
[Narr] Mike Delfino was still in love with his late
[Mike] No.