DC Motor Worksheet
DC Motor Worksheet
DC Motor Worksheet
C. shunt wound
16.30. In a shunt motor, if you reverse both field current and armature
A. stop
B. change direction
C. continue to run in the same direction
17.To change the direction of a 3-phase induction motor you would
A. swap two of the stator connections
B. swap all of the input connections
27. In case the back e.m.f. and the speed of a D.C. motor are doubled, the torque
developed by the motor will
(a) remain unchanged
(b) reduce to one-fourth value
(c) increase four folds
(d) be doubled
29. Which motor has the poorest speed control?
32. Which D.C. motor is generally preferred for cranes and hoists?
34. the difference between the synchronous speed and the actual speed of an induction motor is known
A. Regulation
B. back lash
C. slip
D. lag
C. dc series motor
D. ac series motor
36. The D.C. series motor should always be started with load because