Pharmacology Assignment
Pharmacology Assignment
Pharmacology Assignment
De a ollguig
(a) CompetitiA chtageist
Comptitiue Otagisu te atagenis
that otrudurally imila ageviusts.
Mey aHa able t nd te ho dome reepto
agonist moleules and blsck t
fhe recoptou e klockod Qnd
Cannot activotd. s autoagoists hu
a te Copto u t he actual ubunic
octisttyTheakore, t y a e wable t o produC
HOspemA2. fer oxompll, - blsckexsand
avtu-- colinaos ae COmupottue 0taagnisa
y lp inga he Lo DRC
Lgiat drniaGenus binding
sible, amd depomds ha relatiu
agorust - antagevust. +ahen
mcantratien aanis oueRCeme the hikt
e DRC a dnist
(b)Jherapedic Lndex
Jhtapeutic Indar he gap tueen a
) Drua Depondounco
whe a
partulu duA e r pusoralsukadtien
rathe hau e r medical needs, Ben t .
Drug Dependenca duch duuRa
ftn enu fhal a LAd moad
rt Poas Metabslim
whon o dug is administered erally K
thY&ug a aatrotstinal tract,
Ound aptur abserotien Rrst ass te tha
ve hTough th pertal in, woa
Juthr Mtabalied. Twprecad dacaasRs tha
bioauai i ha erally administred amd
3kos a tha istpad mtab0libm'
demei baca thw nly a mau
rion a dug aailable te tha
ustumatie irculatie in Orm aue
Mast drugs ha body O absorbad in
heir iomidso korms Tu Mon - elatrolyt
on- Pdlo erm oduugs motlu lipid
solubla amd can CTAs cel membramz
eaail mly doma
absorbsd thi iemiasd eluctalyte e
Honce,dpaciau ceu mambrame romAperars
ae orddod ovdy AOma
Cb) dberptien drug is alhiotud y:
etrnt vaaCulaity abaerking_isae
ne meuemQnt the drua
admimstratiom te
drua is admimistored
cèrauatiem Unleasha
iutransenousl,ha vasuulauüty e
uaca impertant on tha
absorption a drua. BLood cireulatien
ta a
halps remeML
the drug rom
amo maictatns
Comcntration gradkent acugssthe bimg
UaC. Unoeasid blogd lou vasCulasity
ral aber ptuoM too
(e) ay drups houe Cetoun degre03
d a kd.
dide w nd but to
wnanoida ble pharmacsdynamic eR hai
aat Berapiutic ds Amsst
al drugs houo Aeme th aida
ct Ome degrea2. tsweue, reduudion
dosag elp allauiat add ids
plas ma uels
Bisavailabily kusun
rractiom o adminustored dmua
actualy Asar laole o xiachd a
daton@ie cirCuatiem Tha twe dhran
prepaxations tho SOma may
may mt hause
a bao.ptiom in tha oody a vaits
reas0ms Omly when h a t w e ompls
auies the OMa ct m plamaLsels
hen the drugsmolacuuls id
amd t h r mom - elactrlu T
mon-pola orm e er
o m te e i-pid cel
MOwbTaML rroLgk pla dikuaiem
RsuseSA, r th tramapert elactrslut,
apacial Ceu mambrama tramAPorter s
A patialL gnist an Agevil at actwade
the acopter producea wbmaimal
ek but antagemmes he action a
u agorast To padial agonusta, the Lvtrinsuc
actitty aLuray ut aintty
Xacoptor t u Caw b 29La
lo tha Hha ull agmust Hemce a padial
aggnist Ca nomanam
aso hae qual xaceptev
u agovut
4cowpComp etMLe avtagovit has e ubinc
atogeut Q agat wim nas
ov ecoptrt, mular
hgh a
thot aM agmistt but 6duCOS almgat
tpreueNs ha
agovut m Tacung te he recaptor
and hus prenels Bubsequut
bponsa nCo does mst prduea a
3Dleranuot gollouiM
a ) Tekeranc DepemdenCo
Jokonramco CCuO whe Drug dapemdenCy
A pouos phyaital Teps
respone te duubstaauding a drug amd
suac as drugs or Me sdy peuences
acohe, lssens untiewcthdraual a
he ond btuea ha ptoms CCCu
alse appo h a
elete drug mcantrati
t h e drua oat he
Ate actuem
decreoed maube due tel
enhamcament drug
Indicatie Comtraudicatueu
Indicotuem qiue reasons|| Cevutva udicaeu i a
to C Cediaun Cemdition that Jeaes as
treatment Masem sttake a
prous03 gsad horapeutic| ctain medical tromont
eects due Te ho hat at
oud ha patient
Eg Lnducotions o
ydrethvrapy axe | o Colon udrotharapy_
abdominal outevisv ae aoolmina huia,
acute kcalimpatiomn abdmtnad g
a t u r t etoc ote
n d AE Colen ydretha-
-YaRY has beA houu
te onektial
ea Lyamido a
uremnidado jnhibi te pOLsem wuch binds te
uad te treat iuenxa ar atlelrie &.
4t a iral enzym a techrema oidase,
wwich cleonues dscking in tha electrev iromapot
pTaRiYs, and actusity chon 4t pauei tha
nhi btor druq ATP prsductie.
preueTu Apread
tha rw