Pathakoti 2017
Pathakoti 2017
Pathakoti 2017
Review Article
Article history: Recent developments in nanoscience and nanotechnology intend novel and innovative
Received 23 February 2017 applications in the food sector, which is rather recent compared with their use in
Accepted 23 February 2017 biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. Nanostructured materials are having appli-
Available online xxx cations in various sectors of the food science comprising nanosensors, new packaging
materials, and encapsulated food components. Nanostructured systems in food include
Keywords: polymeric nanoparticles, liposomes, nanoemulsions, and microemulsions. These materials
food packaging enhance solubility, improve bioavailability, facilitate controlled release, and protect
food science bioactive components during manufacture and storage. This review highlights the appli-
nanocomposites cations of nanostructured materials for their antimicrobial activity and possible mecha-
nanoencapsulation nism of action against bacteria, including reactive oxygen species, membrane damage, and
nanostructures release of metal ions. In addition, an overview of nanostructured materials, and their
current applications and future perspectives in food science are also presented.
Copyright © 2017, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan. Published by Elsevier Taiwan
LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
* Corresponding author. Department of Biology, Jackson State University, P.O. Box 18540, Jackson, Mississippi 39217, USA.
E-mail address: (H.-M. Hwang).
1021-9498/Copyright © 2017, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
Please cite this article in press as: Pathakoti K, et al., Nanostructures: Current uses and future applications in food science, Journal of
Food and Drug Analysis (2017),
2 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e9
nanostructured materials has been limited to materials that The top-down approach is to break bulk materials using
show entirely new physical and chemical properties, and milling to reduce the size to nanoscale. It involves mechanical
therefore differ considerably from macroscaled materials grinding of bulk materials and subsequent stabilization of the
with the same chemical structure [1]. Nanostructure materials resulting nanosized particles by the addition of colloidal pro-
are basically seen in the form of layered (lamellar) films, tecting agents. However, the major problem with the top-
atomic clusters, and wire structures. Additionally, nano- down method is the slow production rate, which makes it
structured material properties are completely dependent on unsuitable for mass production [15,16]. The other disadvan-
the size and nature of their microstructure. The building tages include surface defects (i.e., imperfections), contami-
blocks of the nanostructured materials are basically NPs, nations, and introduction of internal stress. This process also
which are of the simplest form; nanocomposites are made of involves material wastage and is limited by the resolution of
more complicated elementary structures. the tools employed.
Applications of nanotechnology in food science are going The bottom-up approach is fundamentally different from
to impact the vital aspects of food and related industries from the top-down approach, involving the building of nano-
food safety to the molecular synthesis of new food products materials from individual atoms that have the ability to self-
and ingredients [2]. The unique properties of these nano- assemble in a natural and self-regulating manner [17]. The
structures and nanomaterials including physical, chemical, bottom-up approach has a better chance of producing nano-
and biological properties are considerably different from their structures with less defects, more homogenous chemical
bulk counterparts alter the understanding of biological and composition, and better short- and long-range ordering.
physical occurrence in food systems. Several recent reports
and reviews have identified potential applications of nano-
technology for the food sector to improve food safety, to 3. Various processes for the structuring of
enhance packaging and lead to improved processing and food materials
nutrition [3e10].
Increasing the shelf life of the food (preservation), food The specific processes of NP preparation through the top-
safety, coloring, flavoring, and nutritional additives, and using down approach are dry milling, high-pressure homogeniza-
the antimicrobial ingredients for food packaging are some of tion or micofluidization, and ultrasound emulsification [18].
the important applications of nanotechnology in the food in- Milling is a conventional method, where mechanical energy is
dustry [5,11]. Nanotechnology has major advantages in its applied to physically break down materials to coarse particles
usage for packaging in comparison with the conventional (size reduction to nanoscale). For example, dry milling tech-
ways using polymers, which may include merits such as nology can be used to obtain wheat flour of fine size that has a
enhanced barrier, and mechanical and heat-resistant prop- high water-binding capacity [19] and also to enhance the
erties, along with biodegradability [12]. In addition to antioxidant activity in green tea powder [20]. Homogenizers
enhanced antimicrobial effects, nanomaterials can be used have been used conventionally for reducing the size of fat
for detection of food spoilage through nanosensors [13]. globules to augment the stability of emulsions [21]. A liquid
Although nanotechnology has a great potential to fabricate product is subjected to very high stress causing the formation
innovative products and processes in the food sector, there of extremely fine emulsion droplets in high-pressure ho-
are many challenges to overcome in food science and tech- mogenization. High-pressure homogenizers are proficient in
nology. The major challenges are to produce edible delivery producing finer milk emulsions than conventional homoge-
systems using economic processing operations with effective nizers [22]. Micofluidization is a form of homogenization in
formulation for human consumption and safety [14]. In this which auxiliary chambers are used for size reduction and
context, nanostructures are produced from food-grade in- emulsion formation, thereby it enhances texture and mouth
gredients using simple and economic approaches (such as the feel [18]. It has effectively been used in the production of salad
layer-by-layer technique). dressing, creams, yoghurts, syrups, chocolate and malted
This review updates current applications of nanotech- drinks, flavor oil emulsions, fillings, and icings [23]. More
nology to the food industry, presenting the use of different recently, reported during the time period 2011e2016, ultra-
nanostructures and related manufacturing technologies sound emulsification is used to prepare oil and water nano-
used to build functional food systems. Moreover, this article emulsions using high-intensity ultrasound waves that can
focuses on applications particularly toward current and change the characteristics of treated matter through intensive
emerging technologies that may be used for food formula- shear forces, pressure, and temperature due to cavitation
tions, processing, and storage. This review also highlights [24e26].
the applications for antimicrobial activity and their possible
mechanism of action against bacteria, including reactive
oxygen species (ROS), membrane damage, and release of 4. Nanostructured materials in food
metal ions.
Some food products contain the ingredients that are nano-
sized and different from synthetically manufactured nano-
2. Methods used in nanofabrication materials. Many food proteins are of globular structures
between 10 nm and 100 nm in size, and others include
Top-down and bottom-up are the two approaches to the the majority of polysaccharides and lipids, which are
synthesis of nanomaterials and fabrication of nanostructures. linear polymers of <1 nm in thickness (one-dimensional
Please cite this article in press as: Pathakoti K, et al., Nanostructures: Current uses and future applications in food science, Journal of
Food and Drug Analysis (2017),
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e9 3
nanostructures). Milk and milk products, such as milk pro- against growth of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms
teins and casein, are also natural nanostructures. [33]. Lipid-based nanoencapsulation can potentially improve
The most significant synthetic nanostructured systems in the solubility, stability, and bioavailability of foods, thus pre-
food are polymeric NPs, liposomes, nanoemulsions, and venting unwanted interactions with other food components.
microemulsions. These materials enhance solubility, improve Nanoliposomes are some of the most promising lipid-based
bioavailability, facilitate controlled release, and protect carriers for antioxidants. Nanoliposomes also help in
bioactive components during manufacture and storage [27]. controlled and specific delivery of nutraceuticals, nutrients,
An overview of nanostructures in food and their applications enzymes, vitamins, antimicrobials, and additives [32]. Lipo-
in food science are illustrated in Figure 1. somes have a smaller size and a larger interfacial surface area
for contact with biological tissues, and thereby provide greater
4.1. Biopolymeric nanostructured particles (proteins) bioavailability of encapsulated compounds [27,34,35].
Please cite this article in press as: Pathakoti K, et al., Nanostructures: Current uses and future applications in food science, Journal of
Food and Drug Analysis (2017),
4 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e9
incorporation of nanostructured substances and materials in conditions. It mainly refers to the packaging systems that
foodstuff and must also be declared as such. Some of the respond to changes in the environment. They act by releasing
direct applications include fragrances, coloring agents, anti- desirable molecules such as antimicrobial or antioxidant
oxidants, preservatives, and biologically active components agents, or act as gas scavengers. These interactions result in
(vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, polyphenols, etc.). Indirect use improved food stability, and some of these packaging systems
comprises the use of nanostructured materials in packaging include the antimicrobials, oxygen scavengers, and enzyme
technology [13] and sensors, or the use of proficiently nano- immobilization systems. Another application in active pack-
structured catalyzers for the hydration of fats [46,47]. There- aging is the controlled-release packaging, where nano-
fore, greater parts of applications of nanostructured materials composites can also be used as delivery systems, thereby
are included in this category. However, it should be noted that helping the migration of functional additives, such as min-
indirect use of nanostructures come into contact with the erals, probiotics, and vitamins, into food [65]. Silver NPs are
foodstuff [1,48], as they are directly incorporated into matrix used in packaging materials to preserve food for longer pe-
to benefit food production such as catalyzed hydration of fats riods by killing microorganisms in 6 minutes [18,66]. Nylon
with low trans-fatty acid contents. nanocomposites providing barriers to oxygen and carbon di-
oxide flow have also been used in food packaging to maintain
5.1. Nanosensors freshness and block out smells in food. A typical example is
multilayer polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles for beer
Nanodevices or nanosensors in conjunction with polymers and alcoholic beverages [66,67].
are used to monitor food pathogens and chemicals during Active packaging includes usage of metal and metal oxide
storage and transit processes in smart packaging [49,50]. NPs as antimicrobial agents in the form of nanocomposites for
Additionally, smart packaging ensures integrity of the food food packaging. Titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, copper, copper
package and authenticity of the food product. Furthermore, oxide, and silver-based nanofillers are used due to their anti-
these devices may also track the history of time, temperature, microbial properties [11]. TiO2- and SiO2-based nanofillers are
and expiration date. Several recent reports indicated that used for applications in self-cleaning surfaces [11]. Among
nanosensors are able to detect toxins and food pathogens in them silver NPs are the most common NPs, which are effec-
the packaging [43,51,52]. Nanosensors for food analysis, fla- tive against a wide variety of microorganisms [13,68]. Adhe-
vors, drinking water, and clinical diagnostics have also been sion to cell surface, disruption of cell membrane, DNA
developed [53], and NPs can also be incorporated as nano- damage, and release of silver ions are the mechanisms of
structured transducers of biosensor devices [54]. silver antimicrobial agent [11,69,70]. The antibacterial activity
A low-cost nanobioluminescent spray [55] was developed, of metal nanostructures is mostly dependent on various fac-
which reacts with microbes making the food to produce a vi- tors such as large surface area, size, shape, particle internal-
sual glow, thereby indicating microbial contamination. ization, and chemical functionalization [71]. Our earlier
Nanocantilevers are used for pathogen detection, and recently studies and reports from others demonstrated that these
a rapid biosensor (i.e., micromechanical oscillators) was nanostructures can penetrate into outer and inner bacterial
developed for the detection of bacterial growth of Escherichia membranes [70,72e74]. Three major mechanisms of bacterial
coli [56]. The basis of the detection scheme is the change in toxicity of metal-containing nanomaterials (Figure 2) that are
resonance frequency as a function of the increasing mass on a widely accepted in literature include metal ions uptake
cantilever array, which can detect E. coli within 1 hour, which
is considerably faster than any conventional plating method
that needs at least 24 hours. Cantilevers can also be used to
detect other changes such as temperature, superficial tension,
and mass. Using a series of cantilevers with different molec-
ular recognition elements together in an array mounted on a
single chip can be used to detect multiple toxins and micro-
organisms [57,58]. Molecular imprinted polymers and nano-
materials, being developed for food quality control, are able to
recognize a large number of small molecules, large proteins,
and macromolecules. Recently, an imprinted coreeshell NPs
with a silica core has been developed for the detection of tert-
butylhydroquinone in foodstuff [59]. Additional nanosensors
developed based on the molecular imprinted polymer tech-
nology include those used for the detection of trypsin, glucose,
catechol, and ascorbic acid [60e64].
Please cite this article in press as: Pathakoti K, et al., Nanostructures: Current uses and future applications in food science, Journal of
Food and Drug Analysis (2017),
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e9 5
causing depletion of intracellular ATP [75], generation of ROS fatty acids, proteins, peptides, and lipids as well as carbohy-
causing oxidative damage to cells [76,77], and bacterial drates are incorporated into a nanodelivery system [97]. This
membrane damage [78]. ROS include free radicals such as increases the functionality and stability of these foods, as they
superoxide anion (O2), hydroxyl radical (OH), as well as are not used in their pure form. Lipid based nano-
nonradical molecules such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and encapsulation can potentially improve the solubility, stability,
singlet oxygen (1O2) [77]. and bioavailability of foods, thus preventing unwanted in-
Titanium dioxide has a broad range of applications, for teractions with other food components. Nanoliposomes and
example, as a UV blocker, pigment, photocatalyst, and anti- nanocochleates are some of the most promising lipid-based
microbial agent [79]. Moreover, TiO2 NPs are effective against carriers for antioxidants. Nanoliposomes also help in
food spoilage-related bacteria [80,81], and they are also used in controlled and specific delivery of nutraceuticals, nutrients,
food packaging [11,79]. Besides TiO2, it was reported that a enzymes, vitamins, antimicrobials, and additives [32]. Nano-
plastic wrap containing ZnO NPs can be used to keep packaging cochleates have the ability to stabilize micronutrients and can
surfaces hygienic under indoor lighting conditions [5]. Oxygen enhance the nutritional value of processed foods. Nano-
scavenger films were developed by adding TiO2 NPs into encapsulated probiotics can be selectively delivered to certain
different polymers [82] under UV illumination, but one major parts of the gastrointestinal tract, where they have the capa-
drawback of TiO2 NPs is due to its photocatalytic mechanisms, bility to modulate immune responses [98].In the current
i.e., becoming active mainly under UV light because of the large market, Tip-Top Up bread in Western Australia is fortified
bandgap [83]. The major toxicity mechanism of TiO2 nano- with omega-3 fatty acids, which makes it one of the best ex-
materials is the production of ROS under visible and UV light amples of the above-mentioned application. HydraCel, a nat-
(photocatalytic activity) causing lipid peroxidation, which ural mineral product (5 nm in size) can be used to improve the
leads to oxidative stress and cell death [74,84e86]. absorption of water and other nutrients in the body by
Graphene nanoplate-based nanocomposites are reported decreasing the surface tension of drinking water [99]. Other
for their heat resistance and barrier properties, which have an nanoencapsulated products include a-lactalbumin (a hydro-
improved food-packaging application [87]. Carbon nanotubes lyzed milk protein) as a carrier of nutrients [100], casein mi-
and nanofibers are used due to their electrical and mechanical celles for delivery of sensitive food products [101], dextrins for
properties, but their applications in food packaging are limited bioactive products, and hydrophobically modified starch to
because of the cost factor and difficulty in processing disper- encapsulate curcumin [102].
sions [88]. Nanoclays with montmorillonite NPs in different
starch-based materials (biodegradable polymers) were devel-
oped to improve barrier and mechanical properties [89]. Most 6. Toxicological aspects
commonly used nanoclay material montmorillonite (also
known as bentonite) is used to achieve the gas barrier prop- In contrast to the beneficial applications as antimicrobials and
erties, and it can restrict permeation of gases when incorpo- antioxidants, overproduction of ROS by nanostructures is
rated into a polymer. It is also widely available and is relatively expected to cause a cell-damaging effect. Overall, literature
inexpensive. Some of the biodegradable nanocomposites in reports on the toxicity of nanostructures used in food science
starch clay have been reported for several applications are very limited. The common properties shared by nano-
including food packaging [90e94]. structures and NPs, such as nanoscale, large surface area, and
high reactivity, may pose a health threat to humans and other
5.3. Encapsulated food components and edible organisms. Nanostructures in the food sector may not create a
supplements direct effect on human health; however, their nanoscale
property may cause some unavoidable side effects. Mecha-
The potential applications of nanotechnology in functional nisms of toxicity induced by nanomaterials or NPs have been
food, and design of nutritional supplements and nutraceut- studied intensively [77,103,104]. Nanotoxicity is principally
icals containing nanosized ingredients and additives such as mediated through the overproduction of ROS, resulting in the
vitamins, antimicrobials, antioxidants, and preservatives are induction of oxidative stress and thereby resulting in cells
currently available for enhanced taste, absorption, and failing to maintain normal physiological redox-regulated
bioavailability [95]. To avoid accumulation of cholesterol, functions. Thus, nanotoxicity can lead to DNA damage, un-
some of the nutraceuticals incorporated in the carriers consist regulated cell signaling, change in cell motility, cytotoxicity,
of lycopene, beta-carotenes, and phytosterols [96]. A green tea apoptosis, and cancer initiation [77]. As described previously
product containing nanoselenium has many health benefits [77], the critical determinants of nanotoxicity include size,
resulting from better uptake of selenium. Nanoencapsulation shape, particle surface, surface positive charges, surface-
is the process of packing materials at nanoscale with the help containing groups, particle dissolution, metal ion release
of nanocapsules, and it provides final product functionality from nanometals and nanometal oxides, UV light activation,
that includes controlled release of the core. Thus, encapsu- aggregation, mode of interaction with cells, inflammation,
lated forms of ingredients have several advantages, which and pH of the medium. As such, it is apparent that the severity
include a longer shelf life, enhanced stability, consecutive of toxicity of nanomaterials should be in the following order:
delivery of multiple active ingredients, and pH-triggered NPs > nanotubes (nanowires) > nanostructures. Thus, the in-
controlled release. Functional ingredients such as vitamins, formation concerning the nanotoxicity caused by NPs can
antioxidants, probiotics, carotenoids, preservatives, omega provide some useful reference for the nanostructure-induced
Please cite this article in press as: Pathakoti K, et al., Nanostructures: Current uses and future applications in food science, Journal of
Food and Drug Analysis (2017),
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Food and Drug Analysis (2017),
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Please cite this article in press as: Pathakoti K, et al., Nanostructures: Current uses and future applications in food science, Journal of
Food and Drug Analysis (2017),