Tivoli NetView

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that NetView for z/OS provides centralized management for both TCP/IP and SNA networks from a single point of control. It offers tools to manage complex, multi-vendor networks and aims to improve network efficiency, increase system availability, and reduce operator intervention.

Some of the main features and capabilities of NetView for z/OS mentioned are strengthened TCP/IP management, automated message handling, enhanced enterprise integration with Tivoli products, and improved customer time to value through enhanced ease of use.

Some advantages of using NetView for z/OS mentioned are that it can improve network efficiency and increase system availability, extend centralized management for mainframe TCP/IP and SNA environments, reduce need for operator intervention on system messages, and manage larger networks with fewer resources.

Tivoli NetView for z/OS provides the key capabilities and advanced functions to help you maintain the

highest degree of availability of your zSeries networks. It offers an extensive set of tools for managing and maintaining complex, multi-vendor, multiplatform networks and systems from a single point of control. NetView for z/OS brings advanced automation, support for both TCP/IP and SNA networks, and a set of UI's to meet every user's need. It also provides management functions that work in cooperation with other products. Features and capabilities of NetView for z/OS v5.2: Networking and Automation

Strengthened TCP/IP management capabilities with support for IPv6, automated response to intrusions, more in-depth IP connection management, and support for network address translation, to name just a few Automated message attribute handling - including the ability to intercept and modify or suppress original WTO, and WTORs -- extends NetView for z/OS message automation to facilitate and simplify operator interactions

Enhanced Enterprise Integration

A wide range of NetView for z/OS data is available in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, correlated with performance data from OMEGAMON for Mainframe Networks (see figure below). The NetView Web application is significantly expanded. In addition to broad ease-of-use enhancements, major new functions include o Management of TCP/IP availability and performance data from a single console through extensive integration and interoperability with OMEGAMON for Mainframe Networks, allowing customers to easily manage their IP environment o The ability to easily create base trouble tickets for Problem Management / Service Desk providers, including IBM Tivoli Information Management for z/OS and others

Customer Time to Value and Ease of Use

Extensive enhancements in the NetView for z/OS Style Sheet capabilities help customers more easily manage the complete NetView platform. Included are enhancements that help to quickly identify and manage parameter values, tower settings, and other configuration information that are in effect, and to ease the migration to the latest release Migration of command definitions, including customer-defined commands, is greatly simplified.

NetView for z/OS is designed to

Improve network efficiency and increase system availability Extend centralized management for mainframe TCP/IP and SNA networ environments Reduce or eliminate the need for operator intervention on system messages Manages larger networks, more resources and more systems with fewer resources and personnel, even from a single console

Features Advantages Interoperability with Consolidated TCP/IP OMEGAMON XE for workbench to manage Mainframe Networks both TCP/IP V3.1 and Tivoli availability and Enterprise Portal performance from a (TEP) single user interface TCP/IP packet trace Integrated, advanced and formatting, IP management tools intrusion detection, and TCP/IP connection management Enhanced operations / Improves and message management simplifies operator support interactions

Benefits Improved problem resolution time and ease of use

Reduced time to identify and solve problems, particularly when your network security may be threatened Gives operations staff more control in automating and managing day-to-day operations

Sysplex monitoring

Eases management of complex system configurations and interactions Common Base Event Provides support for support strategic industrystandard event

Maximizes operations effectiveness Standardized information facilitates automation and enable products to more easily work together

NetView Functions
The following table contains some of the NetView(R) functions with information on how they benefit you and where more information can be found. Table 11. Benefits of Individual NetView Functions
NetView Function Benefit to You Where Documented in NetView Library

Application programming

Tailor or supplement NetView to satisfy unique requirements or operating procedures. Command procedures can be written in PL/I, C, assembler, REXX, or NetView CLIST languages. Installation exits can be written in PL/I, C, or assembler.

Automated operation for networks (AON) Provides drop-in automation for TCP/IP, VTAM(R), and SNA using NetView AON automation policy

IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Application Programmer's Guide IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Automated Operations Network Customization Guide IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Programming: Assembler IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Programming: PL/I and C IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Programming: REXX and the NetView Command List Language IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Programming: Pipes IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Automated Operations Network User's Guide IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Automated Operations Network Customization Guide


Perform repetitive or routine tasks

IBM Tivoli NetView for

Table 11. Benefits of Individual NetView Functions

NetView Function Benefit to You Where Documented in NetView Library

automation Browse facility CNMSTYLE migration tool


without operator action View logs, data sets, and files on either a local or remote NetView

z/OS Automation Guide IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS User's Guide

Converts previous releases of CNME1034 command list and DSIPARM initialization members to IBM Tivoli NetView for CNMSTYLE format. This tool also z/OS Installation: Migration Guide converts your DSICMD definitions to CNMCMD format. Creates a report that provides information on CNMSTYLE and its included members. The report includes the following: Listing of the %INCLUDE structure of CNMSTYLE Using the CNMSTYLE Report Grouping of statements by Generator NetView function Grouping of multiple occurrences of statements for quick analysis Listing of enabled towers Provides basic command support for the NetView product; lets you issue VTAM, MVS, and NetView commands from the NetView command line. IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS User's Guide

CNMSTYLE report generator

Command facility

Common event infrastructure interface

Maps NetView messages and alerts to a Common Base Event XML format and forwards them to a IBM Tivoli NetView for server application running under z/OS Installation: Configuring WebSphere Application Server. Additional Components NetView can also receive Common Base Events from the server application for automation. Collects dynamic virtual IP address (DVIPA) data for display in the IBM Tivoli NetView for NetView Web application and the z/OS Installation: Configuring NetView for z/OS Tivoli Enterprise Additional Components Portal Agent Manages distributed and S/390(R) events from a single interface on a single console. Exploits event correlation and automation capability of the Tivoli Enterprise Console(R).

DVIPA support

Event/Automation service (E/AS)

IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Installation: Configuring Additional Components IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS User's Guide

Event correlation engine

Maps NetView messages and alerts IBM Tivoli NetView for to events that consist of name and z/OS Installation: Configuring

Table 11. Benefits of Individual NetView Functions

NetView Function Benefit to You Where Documented in NetView Library

value pairs. These events are made Additional Components available to correlation automation. Extended multiple console support (EMCS) consoles Graphic monitor facility host subsystem (GMFHS) Provides a consistent MVS(TM) operation interface, an alternative to IBM Tivoli NetView for the subsystem interface (SSI) z/OS Automation Guide Interfaces with RODM for the various components of NetView (SNA topology manager, NetView IBM Tivoli NetView for management console, MultiSystem z/OS Installation: Configuring Manager, and NetView resource Graphical Components manager) to manage the resources in your environment Collects and stores data about failed resources in networks

Hardware monitor

Help facility 1 Help desk facility


IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Installation: Configuring Additional Components IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS User's Guide

Provides online help for messages and commands

IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS User's Guide

Provides online help for diagnosing IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS User's problems Guide Defines automated responses to the following: Scans Attacks Traffic regulation for TCP connections and UDP IBM Tivoli NetView for receive queues z/OS Installation: Configuring Using notification and inform Additional Components policies, you can send an e-mail to a security administrator, issue a message, generate an alert or Tivoli Enterprise Console event, issue commands, or generate a report in response to an intrusion. Provides an integrated, centralized network management facility that enables you to manage your nonSNA network resources from a single workstation

Intrusion detection services

MultiSystem Manager

IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Installation: Configuring Graphical Components IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS MultiSystem Manager User's Guide

NetView 3270 management console

Provides access to the NetView IBM Tivoli NetView for console, freeing you from the need z/OS Installation: Configuring for a 3270 emulator session Graphical Components

Table 11. Benefits of Individual NetView Functions

NetView Function Benefit to You Where Documented in NetView Library

NetView management console

Displays topology and status information about network and system resources in a graphical format, from any Java-enabled platform

IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Installation: Configuring Graphical Components

NetView Resource Manager

Enables you to graphically monitor and manage NetView task resource utilization and status using the IBM Tivoli NetView for NetView management console. You z/OS Installation: Configuring can monitor all NetView programs in Graphical Components your enterprise using one NetView management console. Enables you to manage both TCP/IP availability and performance data from a single user interface. IBM Tivoli NetView for NetView provides TCP/IP availability z/OS Installation: Configuring data and OMEGAMON(R) XE for Additional Components Mainframe Networks provides TCP/IP performance data. Enables you to connect to the NetView program from a Web browser IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Installation: Configuring Additional Components

NetView for z/OS Tivoli Enterprise Portal Agent

NetView Web application Program-toProgram Interface (PPI)

Enables user programs to send or receive data buffers from other user IBM Tivoli NetView for programs; also allows system and z/OS Application Programmer's application programs to send alerts Guide to the hardware monitor Interact with remote SNA systems without the overhead of crossdomain logons. (The receiver can be an unattended system.) Provides a central location for storing, retrieving, and managing operational resource information RMTCMD in the IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Command Reference Volume 1

Remote operations

Resource Object Data Manager (RODM)

IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Installation: Configuring Graphical Components IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Resource Object Data Manager and GMFHS Programmer's Guide

Save and restore function

Saves timers, global variables, programmable network access IBM Tivoli NetView for (PNA) registrations, and focal point z/OS Installation: Configuring information to VSAM and then Additional Components restores this data when the NetView program is restarted Collects and stores data about SNA IBM Tivoli NetView for resources in subarea, APPN(R), and z/OS Installation: Configuring

Session monitor

Table 11. Benefits of Individual NetView Functions

NetView Function Benefit to You Where Documented in NetView Library

mixed networks. SNA topology manager

Additional Components

Obtains the status and topology IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS SNA information for SNA subarea and Topology Manager Implementation SNA APPN resources dynamically, Guide for graphical display using NMC Collects status information about SNA resources in the network IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Installation: Configuring Additional Components

Status monitor

Subsystem interface (SSI)

Enables MVS operators to send commands to NetView and NetView operators to receive output from IBM Tivoli NetView for commands sent to MVS through the z/OS Installation: Configuring SSI; also enables you to monitor Additional Components MVS operations, because unsolicited messages are sent to NetView through the SSI Enables you to display sysplex configuration data, including MVS IDs and TCP/IP stack information, using either the NetView management console or the NetView Web application

Sysplex IP stack manager

IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS Installation: Configuring Graphical Components

TCP/IP connection management

Collects static and real-time TCP/IP connection data and IP packet trace data to be displayed by the NetView IBM Tivoli NetView for Web application. Performance data z/OS Installation: Configuring provided by IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON Additional Components XE for Mainframe Networks can also be collected for display. IBM Tivoli NetView for Supports operations and procedures z/OS Installation: Configuring that issue commands through TSO. Additional Components Enables UNIX commands to be IBM Tivoli NetView for entered from the NetView command z/OS Installation: Configuring line and returns output to the Additional Components NetView console.

TSO command server

UNIX(R) command server

Notes: 1. No additional steps are required before using this function.


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Automatic NetView Tasks

Table 13 lists the automatic NetView(R) tasks and how they are started. Table 13. Automatic NetView Tasks Task Description AUTDVIPA AUTOAMI AUTOAON AUTONA AUTONRM AUTOVBV AUTOVTAC AUTOVTDB AUTO1 AUTO2 BRIGOPER DBAUTO1 DBAUTO2 DSIIPCHK DSILCOPR DSIMCAOP DSINVGR DSIWEB DUIFCSGW DUIFEAUT DUIFPOLI FLBTOPO Autotask for DVIPA Management Autotask for Application Management Instrumentation Autotask to read policy definitions and initialize AON Autotask for NetView for z/OS Tivoli Enterprise Portal Agent Autotask for NetView Resource Manager Autotask to serve Visual BLDVIEWS clients over a TCP/IP connection Autotask for VTAM(R) ACB monitor Autotask for VTAM ACB monitor Autotask for NetView initialization Autotask for NetView initialization Autotask for NetView Bridge Autotask for NetView VSAM DB automation Autotask for NetView VSAM DB automation Autotask used to perform security checks for DSTs and OPTs that accept connections from TCP/IP Autotask for focal point autodial Autotask for MVS(TM) command processing function Autotask for NetView generic receiver Autotask for Web server interface functions Autotask for common operations services (COS) gateway functions for NMC. Autotask for GMFHS Autotask for GMFHS to process NMCSTATUS policy definitions Autotask to provide SNA topology manager support for subarea and APPN(R) resources.

NetView Samples Set Up to Start by Default? N N Y N N N N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y N

Table 13. Automatic NetView Tasks Task Description REMOPER Notes: Autotask for NetView Bridge

NetView Samples Set Up to Start by Default? N

1. For AON autotasks associated with the AON tower, see the DSIOPF %INCLUDE member EZLOPF. 2. For AON autotasks associated with the AON.SNA subtower, see the DSIOPF %INCLUDE member FKVOPF. 3. For AON autotasks associated with the AON.TCP subtower, see the DSIOPF %INCLUDE member FKXOPF. 4. For MSM autotasks associated with the MSM tower, see the DSIOPF %INCLUDE member FLCSOPF.

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