Lost Jewels Eire CoC
Lost Jewels Eire CoC
Lost Jewels Eire CoC
Adventure Summary
Like all pulp serials, The Lost Jewels of Eire begins in the
middle of the action. The investigators are fleeing the secret
tunnels of Predjama Castle, a 13th century castle built in-
side an enormous cave mouth. They have a legendary sword
in their hands – and an enraged crime boss on their heels.
“Here is the tomb of the traitor STEFAN DREZNIEK, con- Once perched on the cage, the investigator has to either
demned here for calling upon the devil to send messages to wrench the cage door open or pick the medieval padlock
the heathens and betray our good knight Erazem. Let the key that holds its door shut (the bars are too close together to
around his neck remind him that he is denied entrance to allow most people to reach through and grab the key, al-
Heaven.” though a Hard Siz roll will do it). Picking the old lock is
fairly easy (+2 to skill), but doing it with one hand (-3) and
A History roll recalls the story Stefan Drezniek. He was a in the dark (-3 unless someone accurately points a flash-
man who betrayed Erazem while the castle was under siege, light beam right on the lock) makes it tricky. Wrenching
giving the location of Erazen’s toilet to the Habsburg attack- the door open requires a Hard Str roll because of the lack
ers, who promptly fired a cannon at it when they saw the of leverage. Investigators can think of other solutions, like
room lit by a candle, killing Erazem. shooting the padlock.
Once the gem is gained, the investigator must leap back to Equipment: Rast & Gasser Revolver (1D10 damage, base
range 15, uses per round 1(3), 6 shots, malfunction 100).
the narrow bridge (which requires a Hard Dex or Jump roll
unless the PC gets help from his friends somehow). Personality: Anze is a rage-filled bully, with zero tolerance
If recovered, the rare, 5-carat alexandrite gem can be sold for foreign fools.
for over $100,000 on the black market, or turned over to a
large museum for a lesser reward ($500) but a positive repu-
The investigators recognize the woman as TANJA BO-
tation among the curators.
HDANA, the local history professor who contacted them
with the information that led them to the map. Further-
Escape! And Trouble Again...
more, Tanja is Aleksandra Pavlovi’s former history profes-
Bursting into the light of the sun, the investigators find
sor and Willy Van der Woodson’s middle school tutor.
themselves surrounded by three of Amadej Anze’s gun-
wielding thugs. A Renault automobile idles nearby. A par-
Anze’s men want to hold the investigators in place and wait
ticularly brutish thug holds an elderly woman captive.
for Anze. When Anze appears, he angrily scolds them for
leading him through the dangerous caves and endangering
his men’s lives. In exchange for the investigators’ lives, Anze news got back to the princess that the investigators stood
demands the Sword of Erazem as payment. up (or embarrassed, or killed...) Amadej Anze, she was
thrilled to personally thank them and invite them to her
Talking their way out of a gangster shakedown is difficult. husband’s going away party.
A good Fast Talk attempt, plus giving him the sword (or
potentially the Alexandrite Gem, which the crime boss will Upon landing in Vienna, the investigators are approached
appreciate more), lets the investigators depart without inju- by Berg, a handsome, finely-attired manservant. He has
ry. Otherwise, a skirmish is sure to break out. Once combat arranged a Rolls Royce to take them to the elegant Hotel
erupts, the investigators can battle it out with the thugs, run Beethoven, where they will receive a free, three night stay.
for cover in the dim woods, or try to steal Anze’s Renault If asked more about their invitation, Leonhard simply tells
and escape. Once the fight turns against Anze, he’ll try to them that they have earned the attention of the Princess of
make a fast getaway. His life is not worth an old sword. Romania, and that they should be delighted.
Keeper’s Note: If the investigators already dispatched Amadej The party is set for the next day, Saturday, September 18th
Anze in the caves, they can more easily talk their way out of at 6pm in the Musikverein. The party’s purpose is to cel-
this encounter. The thugs knew to wait for their boss in this ebrate Archduke Anton leaving Austria to join the Luft-
area, but not exactly why. If they can convince the thugs that waffe. He wants to impress both his wife as well as the local
Anze is dead or not around, Keepers might give a bonus die to elite of Vienna by demonstrating that he’s making a grand
skill attempts like Fast Talk, Charm, or Intimidate. sacrifice for his country. However, a Know roll recalls a
rumor hat the prince actually got drafted after several at-
The Golden Hall, Vienna tempts to avoid service!
Whatever the outcome of the Predjama Castle escape, the
investigators can escape the Kingdom of Yugoslavia on the The party is a glamorous affair. Over a hundred well-to-do
next flight out. Whatever the their next destination, the and influential men and women circulate in the hall, chat-
flight stops in Vienna before continuing on. tering about recent events, the glory of the Nazi party, and
the month’s personal scandals. Several of the most talented
Minutes before they take off, the investigators are ap- members of the Austrian symphony are playing live mu-
proached by a harried courier who hands them a telegram sic (Mozart, Beethoven, and Strauss, of course); expensive
(see Handout B). The telegram contains a royal invitation champagne, caviar, and hors d’oeuvres are in constant cir-
from the ARCHDUKE ANTON OF AUSTRIA, inviting culation.
them to attend his going-away part in Vienna at the Golden
Hall in the Musikverein, one of the world’s most famous Even with an invitation, the investigators are not allowed
concert halls. The telegram instructs them to look for a into the event unless they are well-dressed and look the
man named LEONHARD BERG upon landing in Vienna. part (and arms are strictly prohibited unless the investi-
gators either smuggle them in or are dressed in a proper
A Know roll recalls that the archduke’s wife, PRINCESS Austrian or German military outfit). The hall guards are
ILEANA OF ROMANIA, has long despised Amadej Anze courteous but strict, and if the investigators show up un-
and his family, as her father always believed that the Anzes derdressed, look to assist them finding proper attire. After
poisoned several of his relatives over the years. When the all, the guards do not want to be the ones to blame if Prin-
cess Ileana’s guests cannot show up!
While they await the princess’ call, the Keeper should ask
each player what they’re doing during the party. There’s
ample time to indulge in various food and drink, so-
cializing with politicians and wealthy individuals, flirt-
Attendees of the Golden Hall
Wondering why the ruby was so valuable to the man, the Roisin is a sharply-dressed woman in her early thirties.
Princess Ileana allows the investigators to examine her Unlike many of the other professors here, her attire is well-
necklace. Elaborate silver prongs hold the large, blood red tended and modern. She is enthusiastic to meet anyone
gemstone in place. interested in her work, as she rarely gets attention other
than from her students. Even if the investigators are curt
• If asked about the necklace, the princess explains that and business-like, she’ll be helpful.
her father, King Ferdinand of Romania, gave it to her on
her 16th birthday. “My great-grandmother had it, but it If asked about the name “Gormghiolla Daigh,” Roisin
had been stolen and lost for many years. It was recov- grows excited and flips through several of her old tomes to
ered before my birthday.” show mentions of the name. The name, she explains, be-
• An Appraise roll values the 20-carat ruby at a hundred longs to a secret cabal of master thieves and sometimes cat
thousand dollars or more, making it easily one of the burglars:
most valuable rubies in existence.
• A Spot Hidden roll identifies a small inscription on “All of the greatest heists – Josephine’s emeralds in 1810, the
the back of the ruby, mostly covered by the casing. Mona Lisa of Pearls in 1913, half the times the French Blue
The gemstone can be pried out to better see it (or an diamond vanished, all said to be performed by the masters
Appraise roll will do it properly). The tiny inscrip- of Gormghiolla Daigh.
tion spells out the strange Gaelic name “Gormghiolla
Daigh” (Gurm-yu-la Dai). The princess attests she has “But their greatest theft was said to be the Diamond Star of
never given any thought to that name before, thinking the Grand Master of the Order of St. Patrick, part of the so-
that perhaps it was the jeweler who made her necklace. called ‘Irish Crown Jewels’ that disappeared without a trace
in July of 1907. What made the star’s theft special, however,
Keeper’s Note: In the unlikely event Cotrus actually escaped is that it was supposedly unstealable. When the star was
with the ruby necklace, the princess will explain that – in the created in the late 18th century, it was blessed in a secret
event her precious valuables were stolen – she had photos ceremony, with the words ‘Quis Separabit’ engraved on the
taken of her jewelry. With the photos, the investigators will be back. The blessing was said to make the jewels impossible to
able to get the same information above. steal, and several attempted thefts were miraculously foiled
over the years.
A History roll reveals that “Gormghiolla Daigh” is an an-
tiquated, but meaningless, Gaelic proper name. Any deeper “In 1906, a letter was found on a dead body in the coastal
information is unknown to the investigators, or any of the village of Doolin, in County Clare Ireland. It was reported in
princess’ attendants. the local newspaper. The letter mentioned both Gormghiolla
Daigh and the Diamond Star. Furthermore, it alluded to a
The Keeper should allow the investigators to use contacts, story no one had ever heard – that whoever stole the unsteal-
social skills, Library Use, or other appropriate means able star would, in turn, become an uncatchable ‘ur-thief.’
to find out more about this inscription. Eventually, they Steal the star, and you’d then never get caught stealing any-
should be led to a junior professor named ROISIN BAUER thing from anywhere or anyone. You can imagine why it was
(“Ro-sheen”), a Gaelic historian who lectures at the Univer- quite a prize for Gormghiolla Daigh!
sity of Vienna. If the investigators reach a dead-end in their
search, the helpful and attentive footman Leonhard Berg “And the following year, the Irish Crown Jewels vanished and
points them to Roisin (“an in-the-know old girlfriend of were never recovered.”
mine... quite the expert on Gaelic minutiae... and other de-
She goes on to tell that the elders of Gormghiolla Daigh ab-
ducted young children and train them to be elite thieves. JONAS STEINER
“Reconassiance, sleight of hand, athletic burglary, the STR 60 DEX 50 INT 50
stealth arts from the Orient... all taught to them before they CON 55 APP 50 POW 45
can grow a beard... or so the legend goes.” SIZ 50 EDU 40 HP 10
Roisin also says that the rumored headquarters of Gor- Damage bonus: none
mghiolla Daigh is the old Doonagore Castle, located on Build: 0 Move: 8
the western coast of Ireland, not too far from the village of
Fighting (Brawl w/ screwdriver) 60%, damage 1D3+1
Doolin. “But all that’s left of that castle is just the tower, so
Dodge: 25%
it’s doubtful they are creeping around there anymore.”
Skills: History 35%, Listen 50%, Stealth 40%.
Finally, Roisin explains that while the existence of the Gor-
mghiolla Daigh has never been confirmed by authorities, Personality: Jonas is known at the university for being
she has seen enough reference to it over the years to believe grumpy, complaining about his lack of wealth, and hold-
that it does exist in some form. ing long grudges. He only seems to like stray cats.
Shortly after revealing what she knows about Gormghio- Equipment: Screwdriver; janitor keys; Ludo’s calling card.
lla Daigh, Roisin offhandedly mentions to the investigators
that they are the second ones to ask her about the secret so-
ciety in recent days. She describes a handsome Italian man If the investigators do nothing (or don’t notice), Jonas van-
who visited her office just days ago. “In fact,” she adds, “he ishes shortly after the name Gormghiolla Daigh is men-
sent me a gift that arrived this morning” – and points to an tioned. He quickly moves down the hall to an empty office
expensive bottle of Tuscan wine on her shelf. If asked more and uses the phone to call Ludo’s messaging service.
about this man, she only knows his name was LUDO, and
that he claimed to be researching a new novel about a man • If surprised or chased, Jonas throws a few punches and
on the run from underworld criminals. then tries to escape through the halls, using his keys
and familiarity with the university to his advantage.
Keeper’s Note: Roisin’s previous guest is Ludo Bocchi, a senior • If Jonas is apprehended – and believes there is no way
member of OVRA, the Italian secret police. Working with the to get away – he comes clean, and explains that an Ital-
German Gestapo, Ludo is also searching for the headquar- ian man paid him a month’s salary to watch Roisin.
ters of the master thieves of Gormghiolla Daigh in the hopes • If intimidated or interrogated, he’ll reluctantly admit
that he can steal back the Irish Crown Jewels, therefore giving that he was specifically asked to listen for mentions of
them a unstoppable aid in stealing secrets of their own. Gormghiolla Daigh or Doonagore Castle.
• If Jonas’ university job is threatened, he will beg to re-
(If the PCs investigate the gift wine, they find that it is au- tain it, genuinely promising to never contact the Ital-
thentic and ordinary... Ludo never poisons ladies!) ians again. If reported and fired from his job, however,
Jonas will hold a grudge against the investigators and
Roisin, and look for a way to get revenge on them later
The Janitor, The Spy
(which definitely includes contacting Ludo and warn-
When Ludo departed the university, he paid a janitor to
ing him that they are on his trail).
keep an eye on Roisin Bauer, nervous that she might lead
• If searched, the only interesting belonging on Jonas’
others to Gormghiolla Daigh and Doonagore Castle. As the
person is a calling card labeled “Perchloroethylene and
investigators are conversing with Roisin, a Spot Hidden or
Supplies” (Handout C). A Science roll recalls that
Listen roll notices a suspicious shadow stationed particu-
perchloroethylene is a chemical used in dry cleaning.
larly close to her door, visible through its reeded glass pane.
• If Ludo’s 4-digit, Berlin-based messaging service num-
Closer examination looks like the figure is clearly eaves-
ber is called, a short-tempered German woman named
dropping on the conversation.
ILSA picks up. She uses the cover of a laundry service
in Berlin. In reality, the number contacts the German
The skulker is JONAS STEINER, the lonely janitor assigned
Gestapo secret police, but only the best contacts or in-
to the Department of History. Ludo paid him handsomely
vestigative skills will be able to confirm this fact. If the
to keep an eye on Roisin, and phone him immediately if
investigators somehow break through the Gestapo’s
anyone else came and asked about Gormghiolla Daigh.
cover, they’ll learn that the Ludo and half a dozen Ge-
stapo armed officers have set off for Doonagore Castle.
At this point, the investigators likely
realize that the Italian secret police –
and perhaps the German Gestapo – are
hunting for the Irish Crown Jewels. Their
only lead is the old Gormghiolla Daigh
headquarters, Doonagore Castle.
A Spot Hidden roll finds a silver cufflink under a wood
The Assault on Doonagore
chair near the wall of the cottage (see Handout E). The cuf- After learning that Doonagore was one of the secret meeting
flink is engraved with a mountain-like symbol and the word places of Gormghiolla Daigh, Ludo Bocchi and his Gestapo
“Kurazos.” The cufflink was dropped by HORST WINKLER, allies surrounded and stormed the castle under the cover of
the Gestapo Oberleutnant and also a secret member of the darkness. The members of Gormghiolla Daigh were surprised
Kurazos cult. If the Search roll is made with a Hard success, and outmatched. Most of them were quickly gunned down, but
the investigators also find a pearl diadem hidden in a bird’s three of them fled into a secret room at the top of the tower.
nest on top of a high rafter. This is the long-lost diadem of
Queen Catherine Howard, and one of Gormghiolla Daigh’s The Gestapo forced their way into the tower and captured Mi-
earliest thefts. It was smuggled from the tower and hidden cheál Finn, Gormghiolla Daigh’s “master of the tower.” They
tortured him for the information as to where he kept the Irish
by Winkler. For more details on the Kurazos infiltration of
Crown Jewels. Under duress, Micheál revealed that the treasure
the Gestapo, see the section, Extending the Adventure. was kept on the mysterious, rocky island of Spéirling, located in
an eternal fog bank just off the coast of the Doonagore, buried
Doonagore’s Walls within an ancient amber tree, and also rumored to be the very
The 10’ walls of Doonagore can be scaled with a Climb roll. tree that once held the legendary Merlin.
The southern wall, however, has partially collapsed – an
Easy Climb roll allows easy entry into the courtyard. Not trusting Finn, Ludo took him captive and ordered a boat
brought in from the nearby village. He plans to recover the jew-
An open doorway south of the tower also allows entry. The els, execute Finn, and then dump his body into the ocean.
old oak door that once protected this entry has been recent-
Concerned about attracting attention from the nearby village,
ly forced open; the door lay splintered just inside the walls.
Ludo ordered the rest of his forces to guard the tower, scare
Two Gestapo guards will be stationed at this entrance at all away any locals, and kill anyone who looked like they were in-
times. terfering.
Doonagore’s Courtyard If the investigators manage to capture and interrogate any Ge-
Three dead bodies lie inside the walls of Doonagore. They stapo guards, all they will know is that they are on a secret mis-
are young men, dressed in black, expensive wool sweaters. sion to recover some sort of treasure, that Ludo is in charge
Two of the men’s hands are tied behind their backs; they (who they don’t especially like), and that he left with one of the
have been shot from behind. The third has handcuffs on, locals to go to the island located a couple miles offshore.
but he seems to have slipped free of one of the cuffs. This
one was shot from the front.
Gormghiolla Daigh’s Secret Meeting Place
The hidden, semi-circular chamber at the top of the tower Catriona
is one of Gormghiolla Daigh’s secret meeting places. The STR 40 DEX 75 INT 60
room is surrounded by shelves of dusty books, most of CON 60 APP 50 POW 60
which have been violently pulled down on to the floor. A SIZ 35 EDU 55 HP 9
polished hexagonal table is the centerpiece of the room. Ly-
Damage bonus: -1
ing on the table is the murdered corpse of a woman – an-
Build: -1 Move: 9
other black-clad member of Gormghiolla Daigh.
Fighting (Brawl) 40%, damage 1D4-1 (dagger)
A single, barred window in this room overlooks the fog- Dodge: 60%
enshrouded Atlantic Ocean to the west.
Skills: Fast Talk 50%, History 50%, Library Use 30%,
Searching the room reveals a set of bloody pliers and re- Locksmith 70%, Occult 30%, Sleight of Hand 80%,
cently removed fingernails left on a grisly newspaper dated Spot Hidden 70%, Stealth 80%.
from a few days ago. The books mostly feature architectural
plans of some of the world’s most well-known banks, muse- Personality: Stubborn and strong-willed, Catriona always
has to have the last word. But once she makes friends with
ums, and palaces.
folks, she’s loyal to a fault.
Ludo’s Boat
Ludo and the Gestapo agents moored their motorboat on
the eastern shore of the island. If he knows that the inves-
tigators think to light a pyre on shore to help them keep
their bearings, were on his trail, he assigns a Gestapo agent, LUDO Bocchi
armed with a submachine gun, to guard the boat. STR 80 DEX 65 INT 60
CON 75 APP 55 POW 60
The Henges and the Amber Tree SIZ 70 EDU 40 HP 29
The centerpiece of this mysterious island is a long-dead, an-
cient oak tree. The entire tree has turned to amber; at twi- Damage bonus: +1D4
Build: 0 Move: 8
light, the effect is that the oak glows and looks ethereal.
The tree is sacred to Gormghiolla Daigh. Fighting (Brawl) 80%, damage 1D3+1D4+1
Guns 70%, damage 1D8, uses per round 1 (3), 8 shots
Trapped in the trunk of the tree is what appears to be the Dodge: 35%
corpse of a hunched and wizened figure. The man looks de-
cayed and ancient as time itself, and while the amber of the Skills: Charm 60%, Firearms 65%, Intimidation 70%,
tree has preserved most of him, his bearded visage is gaunt Jump 40%, Listen 50%, Occult 60%, Persuade 50%,
and horrifying, even through the thick translucence of the Spot Hidden 70%, Stealth 60%, Throw 35%.
amber. Anyone observing this figure up close must make a
Sanity Check (1/D4)! How this petrified man got trapped Equipment: Brass knuckles; Beretta pistol; flare gun.
inside the amber of the tree is beyond explanation.
Personality: The loyal bloodhound of OVRA, the Italian
secret police, Ludo Bocchi enjoys his position. The only
A Spot Hidden roll spots that the clawed hand of the man time he doesn’t think about his job is when he can impress
holds the Diamond Star of the Grand Master of the Or-
der of St. Patrick, the prized mainstay of the Irish Crown
Jewels. Freeing the star from the tree looks to be impossible
without chopping into the tree.
STR 70 DEX 70 INT 60
The Confrontation with Ludo
CON 60 APP 50 POW 50
Ludo Bocchi’s plan is to recover the Diamond Star from the
SIZ 60 EDU 30 HP 12
isle and then make his escape via German U-boat which is
located not too far from the coast. Damage bonus: +1D4
Build: 0 Move: 9
If the investigators were able to get to the island quickly and
stealthily, they’ll see Ludo and six Gestapo agents surround- Fighting (Brawl) 80%, damage 2D4+2 (knife)
ing the tree. Ludo talks angrily towards Micheál Finn, who Dodge: 35%
is on his knees, bloody and bound, but defiant and unwill-
ing to talk. Ludo curses at the man and gestures wildly to- Skills: Boating 80%, Climb 60%, Firearms 65%, Intimi-
wards the tree. If the investigators can sneak within earshot, dation 40%, Jump 40%, Listen 40%, Stealth 70%, Swim
they will hear Ludo beginning to lose his temper: 90%, Throw 40%.
If the investigators are patient, they will also hear one of When the agents return, Ludo gives Micheál Finn one
the Gestapo agents remind Ludo (in German) that there is more chance to reveal to him how to retrieve the jewels.
a German U-boat off the shore to the west, and that all he When Micheál Finn refuses, spitting on the Italian officer,
has to do is signal them and the U-boat will “annihilate the Ludo executes him and then orders the Gestapo agents to
island with all the wrath of German firepower.” chop into the tree to recover the Diamond Star! Chopping
through the amber will take some time, and hopefully, the
Eventually, Ludo gets frustrated and orders two of his men investigators have intervened before this point...!
to return to the boat to retrieve a hatchet from the toolkit
so he can chop into the tree and recover the Diamond Star. If the investigators arrived more than two hours after Ludo,
This may be an good opportunity for the PCs to ambush the the investigators find Ludo and the agents in the middle of
agents and disguise themselves in their uniforms! chopping the tree down, each taking turn with a hatchet.
Micheál Finn’s executed body is thrown behind one of the
Micheál FINN
henge structures.
STR 55 DEX 80 INT 60
CON 60 APP 55 POW 60
If the investigators were not stealthy in their island ap-
SIZ 50 EDU 55 HP 2 / 11
proach, Ludo will be waiting for the investigators at the tree.
He will have two armed agents with him, one back at the Damage bonus: none
boat, and three more hidden behind the henges. If Micheál Build: 0 Move: 9
Finn is still alive, he’ll have him tied up and nearby, ready to
use him as a hostage in the event the investigators somehow Fighting (Brawl) 60%, damage 1D3
get the upper hand. Dodge: 60%
It will be all-but-impossible to dissuade Ludo from trying Skills: Cthulhu Mythos 5%, Fast Talk 50%, History
to retrieve the Diamond Star from inside the Amber Tree. 50%, Library Use 60%, Locksmith 91%, Occult 30%,
He is getting paid handsomely by the Germans to retrieve Sleight of Hand 94%, Spot Hidden 70%, Stealth 92%.
this artifact, his men are fanatics, and he believes that the
Personality: For a high-ranking leader of Gormghiolla
U-boat offshore guarantees his success. He will not consider Daigh, Micheál is surprisingly quiet and shy. This makes
surrendering until all hope looks lost. his quick-witted jokes all the more surprising.
The U-boat will take two actions after surfacing. First, it will If the Keeper wants to play up the supernatural aspect of
begin to fire away with its deck gun at any exposed targets the finale, there are several ways to do so:
on the island. This barrage is mostly for dramatic effect and
to keep the investigators’ heads down so that Ludo can fin- • Anyone who cuts into the tree begins to awaken the
ish his mission to recover the Irish Crown Jewels. Due to entombed figure. At some dramatic moment (and
the submarine’s range, and the fact that its powerful deck preferably to one of the Gestapo agents...), the wizened
gun will atomize any soft targets, it is highly suggested that figure’s eyes slowly open... and then his withered hand
it only hits exposed PCs on an extreme hit (roll under 8%), reaches out and grapples the tree’s attacker (treat it as
and even then for an indirect 1d10 damage. ST 120, DX 60). The figure then relentlessly pulls the
victim into the amber of the tree, which seems to soft-
Second, the U-boat dispatches three, elite Italian frogmen en enough to allow the victim to pass through. Even-
to swim to shore to help Ludo. The frogmen will stealth- tually, the victim suffers a horrific, suffocating death
ily make their way through the choppy waters, sneak on to inside the amber of the tree, entwined with his killer.
the island, and then attempt to ambush the investigators. Witnessing this causes a Sanity Check (1/1d6)!
Spotting the black-clad frogmen in the rough waters is ex- • If any members of Gormghiolla Daigh are alive at the
ceptionally difficult. It takes the frogmen a few minutes to finale of the adventure (like Micheál Finn or Catriona),
get to the island. If the investigators have already dispatched they will approach the tree and say a few Gaelic words.
Ludo and his goons, they’ll look for a clever angle to am- The figure inside the tree then awakens, slowly pushes
bush the investigators when they least expect it, perhaps his hand through the amber, and then hands them the
once they go to investigate the amber tree or if they try to Diamond Star. This also forces a Sanity Check (0/1).
leave the island by boat. • Similarly, if an investigator approaches the tree and
speaks the Gaelic words on the book page that refer-
The Diamond Star and the Amber Tree ences the Isle of Spéirling (Handout D), the entombed
The Diamond Star of the Grand Master of the Order of St. figure will hand over the Diamond Star.
Patrick is embedded inside the translucent amber of the
mysterious Amber Tree, clutched in the hand of the wiz- Conclusion
ened old figure. A History or Occult roll recalls many Whether by force or with cunning, the investigators should
be able to stop Ludo, retrieve the Star, and escape the island.
If Micheál Finn is still alive, he will politely thank the inves- Kurazos Cultists
tigators for his rescue. He is distraught that his friends and STR 60 DEX 60 INT 50
trainees have been killed, though will be relieved to hear Ca- CON 60 APP 45 POW 60
triona is alive. If he is asked more about Gormghiolla Daigh, SIZ 50 EDU 50 HP 12
he will simply say that they have many other hiding places
in the isles, and not to worry too much about the fate of the Damage bonus: none
Build: 0 Move: 9
Fighting (Knife) 60%, damage 1D4+2
At first, Micheál Finn insists on retrieving the Diamond Guns 70%, damage 1D8, uses per round 1 (3), 8 shots
Star so that he can hide it again somewhere else. However, if Dodge: 30%
the investigators argue that they should keep it, or return it,
he’ll find the thought amusing and consider it. “To tell you Skills: Intimidate 50%, Listen 40%, Occult 35%, Spot
the truth, we didn’t use the Diamond Star of St. Patrick very Hidden 40%.
much... you see, it made our jobs too easy. And where’s the
fun in that?” Equipment: Most carry revolvers, but one will show up
with an old flamethrower (2D6 + burn, base range 25, 20
shots, Malf 93%).
Keeping the Star for themselves, of course, makes the in-
vestigators a target for the others who know about its exis-
tence, such as Axis treasure hunters, the Korazos Cult, and
perhaps others from Gormghiolla Daigh. In a true one-shot abandoned cottage.
adventure, it may be best if Catriona pickpockets the Star
and vanishes into the darkness while the credits roll. In an extended adventure, Winkler has contacted his Kura-
zos allies in the nearby town of Doolin shortly after the
For surviving the adventure, surviving investigators receive a Gestapo ambushes Gormghiolla Daigh. When the PCs
1D4 SAN reward, or 1D6 if they saved they defeated the fas- burst on to the scene, Winkler flees Doonagore on his mo-
cists and saved the Diamond Star. Keepers may also confer torcycle to meet up with the cult. From there, he takes a
various reputations, contacts, or patrons for befriending some motorboat to the Isle of Spéirling with three armed cultists.
of the influential folk in the adventure. They plan on ambushing the Gestapo the moment they re-
cover the Diamond Star. Just in case, one brings along a
Extending the Adventure light flamethrowe to melt the amber of the tree to better
Ludo Bocchi and the Gestapo do not realize that they’ve recover the Star!
been infiltrated by the Kurazos Cult, who is also determined
to claim the Diamond Star of the Irish Crown Jewels, which The Keeper can use the Kurazos cultists as an added com-
they believe will allow them to steal even more sinister arti- plication during the finale, turning the final encounter into
facts in the possession of European governments. a threeway battle.
The Diamond Star of the Order of St. Patrick has a powerful Special thanks to thispersondoesnotexist.com for photo reference for
blessing on it. The artifact confers a permanent bonus die to the various characters in this adventure. If you enjoyed this ad-
Stealth skill — but only when the bearer is actively trying to venture, or ran it for a group, all the author asks is that you give
steal something of great value or actively escaping from authori- a shout out and let me know how it went. Send a note to @Sag-
eThalcos on Twitter or dispatch a telegram to thalcos@hotmail.com
Handout A - Monk’s manuscript that shows the Predjama caves. The PCs start the
adventure with this in their possession.
Handout E - Kurazos
cufflink found in the
abandoned cottage at
3 30
6 1 60 15
45 22
9 50 2510 35 17
20 104
35 167
30 156
35 177 6 3
66 13
40 209
English 50 2510 20 104
65 32 13
.41 Revolver 45 22 9 1D10 15 1(3) 8 100 +1D4
32 6
A charismatic daredevil Fantastic driver’s reflexes
Always overcomplicates his plans Chummy
Has a recognizable square jaw Impulsive
Soft spot for farmers - never turns down jobs to help dust crops Always needs about two hours more sleep every night
Hates unpolished shoes
Your old man always told you that you were flawed because you wanted too much.
He told you to be content living in Idaho. He told you to be happy being a cropduster
mechanic. But you knew all that wasn’t enough, so you pestered the pilots until they
taught you how to fly. You saved all your money to buy a brand-new Piper. You
wrote letter after letter to Piper begging for a job to be a test pilot. Unfortunately,
your “interview” went horribly wrong when the test plane’s propeller flew off and
you ended up crash-landing through seven new planes on the ground. Crap. Needing
cash fast, you signed up for a quick pilot gig in Shanghai, and then another one in
Duke Duckworth 30 27
60 12 60 30
12 55 11
Private detective 35 27 25
33 Male 70 14 55 11 50 10
Detroit, MI 27 30
Detroit, MI 55 11 60 12 9
25 55
25 125
55 27
11 30 156
25 125 50 2510
21 104
Photography 25 125 50 2510 70 35
20 104
40 208
25 125 25 125
45 9
English 50 2510
55 27 11
Colt.38 Revolver 50 25 10 1D10 15 1(3) 6 100 -
45 9
Tough detective - known for being involved with a starlet’s murder Good boxer (great footwork)
Not a lot of new cases means he’s struggling Whistles when he’s alone
Lauren St. James - murdered starlet he loved Thinks he’s the unluckiest man alive - might be
Has good contacts with Detroit and Los Angeles area journalists Always dresses for warm weather
Carries glasses to look smart (but doesn’t need them)
When you overheard that one of the cops on the Lauren St. James case
was crooked, you swore you’d find the truth behind her murder. But then her
Hollywood boyfriend got into a scuffle with you, and you knocked him flat right
inside her apartment. Unfortunately, that little incident got the case against him
thrown out, and the press blamed you for never finding her kil er. You had to
get out of town, so you hopped a plane to Shanghai where a previous client,
Wil y Van der Woodson, said he had a job for you. That job was a bust, but
the kid swore he’d make it up to you in Belgrade. He wasnt kidding.
Solange “Patience” Paquet 30 25
60 12 70 35
14 50 10
French agent 32 30 25
25 Female 65 13 60 12 50 10
Rome, Italy 25 30
Toulouse, France 50 10 60 12 9
22 50
15 73
70 35
14 40 208
25 125
Food Connoisseur 20 104 50 2510 55 2711
45 279
20 104 40 8
40 208
45 279 35 7
English 40 208
German 40 208
25 4
French 50 2510
70 35 47
Mauser .32 Pistol 50 25 10 1D8 15 1(3) 8 99 -
Fine dagger 70 35 14 1d4+2+db - - - -
35 7
Bloodthirsty in fights
Resourceful junior agent in French intelligence; does not tolerate fools Always on alert
Distinctive purple-gray eyes
Expensive purse
Nice ladies hat $500
Suitcase full of clothes for all occasions
Nice Swiss watch
Leather shoes
Deuxième Bureau, French intelligence, suspects that the gangster, Amadej Anze
was hired to assassinate the Yugoslavian king, which would plunge the kingdom
into civil war. You were assigned to Anze to find out the truth. You had infiltrated
his inner circle when several Americans arrived and purchased an old medieval
manuscript from him. You thought nothing of it, but apparently the manuscript
contained information about a priceless sword. Unfortunately, minutes later, your
cover was blown when one of his men overheard you calling Paris. Anze went
into a rage and dragged you with him to Predjama Castle to kil the Americans.
You gave Anze the slip and are now deep underground.
Wil y Van Der Woodson 25 35
50 10 60 30
12 70 14
Adventure capitalist 30 30 37
25 Female 60 12 60 12 75 15
New Haven, CT 27 32
Boston, MA 55 11 65 13 8
23 70
20 104 55 27
50 2510
36 18
7 35 7 30 156
25 125
30 156
80 4016
Arabic 30 156
Latin 30 156
30 6
20 10
4 English 75 15
25 12 5
S&W .38 revolver 36 18 7 1D10 15 1(3) 6 100 -
35 7
Broad-smiled, bright, and incredibly wealthy Good mechanical intuition
Has a big, almost-fake smile all the time Overconfident
Loves his mom, writes to her almost every day Compulsive spender
Has a bitter rival - Richard Maskhaven Buys overly nice gifts for friends - can be embarrassing
Calls guns “bean shooters” (thinks it’s cool)
OK, so Shanghai was a complete bust. You should have known better when
Richard Maskhaven left that letter on his seat at the restaurant. You thought
you’d beat him to the priceless jade Cong Cylinder and one-up him for good.
But the whole thing was another one of his tricks. There was no cylinder, and
you almost died of yellow fever escaping through the sewers. But when you
got a phone call from your old tutor Tanja that she had a suspicion where
you could find the legendary Sword of Erazem, you knew you had to take a
quick stop past Predjama Castle.
Aleksandra Pavlović 27 25
55 11 70 35
14 50 10
Tour guide 35 25 37
23 Female 70 14 50 10 65 13
Postojna, Yugoslavia 25 27
Zagreb, Yugoslavia 50 10 55 11 9
24 50
20 104 50 2510
30 156
22 114
55 11
30 156 40 8
32 17
65 13 35 7
35 7
English 50 2510
Serbo-Croatian 65 37
13 25 125
25 12 5
35 7
Energetic Yugoslavian tour guide Curious and impulsive
Notable for her never-ending supply of fresh optimism Good with dogs, even mean stray ones
Loves camping and “roughing it”
Your history professor, Tanja Bohdana, asked you to meet up with these
Americans to give them a private tour of Predjama Castle. It was a good
way to make some money, and you’ve done it a hundred times. But you were
shocked when halfway through the tour, one of them whipped out an ancient
monk’s manuscript, pushed up a secret passage, and found the legendary
Sword of Erazem. Before you had a chance to react, gunshots rang out and
gangsters were racing after you. These Americans are going to owe you BIG
TIME after this is over.
Tang Yingxia 30 37
60 12 60 30
12 75 15
Bartender 35 30 22
29 Female 70 17 60 12 45 9
Unclear 22 27
Shanghai, China 45 9 55 11 9
23 75
65 13
Fighting (Sword) 85 42
17 55 11
Bartending 20 104
30 156
20 104 65 13
20 104 30 156
English 45 9
22 5
Mandarin 45 9 10 2
65 32 13
Fine jian sword 85 42 17 1D8+1 - 1 - - -
30 6
Amazing grasp of tactics
A struggling bartender yanked into adventure Loves classical music
Easily gets motion sickness
Nervous around military (father was kil ed in the civil war) For some reason, she heals slowly
Won’t let innocent people getting hurt
None - she has no family Hears phantom voices - secretly afraid she might be going insane
Pearl necklace (mother’s) $10
Small photo of her father
You met your new friends in a bar in Shanghai, serving up way too many
blood orange dragons to see how drunk they could get. Then the Xiochu
gangsters arrived, shot up the place, and the next thing you knew you were
being dragged into the sewers by these so-called friends. Lost in the dark,
you stumbled upon the lost shrine of Wu Qi. When you touched his ancient
sword, you felt something - someone? - flicker into the fire of your soul. Your
friends blamed the orange dragons and you would too - if it weren’t for the
deep, ancient-accented voice that keep you up at night. . .
Jonny Talon
Duke Duckworth
Bad news detective
Aleksandra Pavlović
High-energy Tour Guide
Tang Yingxia
Spirited bartender