Lean Canvas - 23.8.22
Lean Canvas - 23.8.22
Lean Canvas - 23.8.22
Business Model
Blue Ocean Strategy
Blue Ocean Strategy is a potent method for questioning Value Propositions
and business models and exploring new Customer Segments
The Business Model Canvas complements Blue Ocean and helps us understand
how changing one part of a business model impacts other components
Blue Ocean Strategy is about creating completely new industries through
fundamental differentiation as opposed to competing in existing industries by
tweaking established models
Rather than outdoing competitors in terms of traditional performance metrics,
it advocate creating new, uncontested market space through value innovation
Increasing value for customers by creating new benefits & services, while
simultaneously reducing costs by eliminating less valuable features or services
Notice how this approach rejects the traditionally accepted trade‐off between
differentiation and lower cost
In addition to value innovation, it propose exploring non‐customer groups to
create Blue Oceans and tap untouched markets
Blue Ocean Strategy
Blending Kim and Mauborgne’s Value innovation concept and Four Actions
Framework with the Business Model Canvas creates a powerful new tool
In the Business Model Canvas the right-hand side represents value creation and
the left-hand side represents costs. This fits well with Kim and Mauborgne’s
value innovation logic of increasing value and reducing costs
If we add to or eliminate parts of First goal is to lower costs by It systematically analyze a business
Value Proposition, Channels, or reducing or eliminating less valuable model innovation in its entirety. Ask
Customer Relationship Building features or services. Second goal is Four Actions Framework questions
Blocks, this will have immediate to enhance or create high-value about each business model Building
implications for Resources, features or services that do not Block and immediately recognize
Activities, Partnerships, & Costs significantly increase the cost base implications for other parts of
business model
Lean Startup Method
First step is to enter BUILD phase with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), version
with a minimum amount of effort & least amount of development time
MVP is product that is bare minimum needed
to test your most important hypotheses
Entering MEASURE phase biggest challenge is
determining whether product development
efforts are leading to real progress through LEARN BUILD
innovation accounting method, a quantitative
approach. It also allows to create learning
milestones, a way of assessing progress
accurately & objectively PROD
Finally and most importantly, there’s pivot
Lean startup method builds capital‐efficient MEAS
companies as it allows to recognize that it’s URE
time to pivot original strategy (or preserve)
creating less waste of time & money Build-Measure-Learn Feedback Loop
Minimize TOTAL Time through the Loop
MVP: Concierge and Wizard of Oz
To understand how Concierge MVP works meet Manuel Rosso, Founder & CEO of an
Austin, Texas based startup called Food on the Table (FotT)
FotT creates weekly meal plans and grocery lists that are based on food you and your
family enjoy, then hooks into your local grocery stores to find best deals on ingredients
Concierge MVP simplifies the product by replacing automated components with
humans and puts you directly in touch with your early customers
FotT: is a mobile app that provides easy‐to‐cook recipes, sale items and grocery lists for weeknight diners
Founded Date: 2009; Food on the Table was acquired by Food Network on Apr 20, 2014
FotT raised a total of $2.2M in funding over 1 round in August 28, 2009
Each customer they brought made it easier to get next one, because FotT could focus on same
grocery store, getting to know its products and the kinds of people who shopped there. Each new
customer got concierge treatment: personal in‐home visits, the works but after few more
customers overhead of serving one‐to‐one started to increase.
Manuel & his team start to invest in automation. Each iteration of MVP allowed them to save a little
more time & serve few more customers: delivering the shopping lists via email than home visit,
starting to parse lists of what was on sale automatically via software instead of by hand, even taking
credit card payments online than cheque.
Soon they built a substantial service offering in Austin area and nationwide. But, their product
development team was always focused on scaling something that was working rather than trying
to invent something that might work in future.
Implications in small business: it is routine to see CEO, founder, president, & owner serving
customers directly, one at a time. In a concierge MVP, this personalized service is not the product
but the learning activity designed to test the leap‐of‐faith assumptions in the firm’s growth model.
Common outcome of concierge MVP is to invalidate firm’s proposed growth model, making it clear
that a different approach is needed. This can happen even if initial MVP is profitable for firm.
Without a formal growth model, many firms get trapped of being satisfied with small profitable
business when a pivot (change in course or strategy) might lead to more significant growth. The only
way to know is to have tested the growth model systematically with real customers.
Lean Canvas
Lean Canvas lays out a clear process for defining & adjusting business model based
on customer development. It provides a formal framework to help you choose &
steer your business
Created by Ash Maurya, & inspired by Alex Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas
• If you’re going to survive as a founder, you have
to find intersection of demand (for your product),
ability (for you to make it), & desire (for you to
care about it)
• That trifecta is often overlooked, withering under
harsh light of data & a flood of customer feedback
• Bud Caddell has an amazingly simple diagram of
how people should choose what to work on:
Bud’s diagram shows three overlapping rings: what you like to
do, what you’re good at, and what you can be paid to do. For
each intersection between rings, suggests course of action:
• If you want to do something and are good at it, but can’t be
paid to do it, learn to monetize.
• If you’re good at something and can be paid to do it, but don’t
like doing it, learn to say no.
• If you like to do something and can be paid to do it, but aren’t
very good at it, learn to do it well.
When you’re trying to decide if you’ve got a real business
opportunity, Ash says you should consider the following:
1. Problem: Have you identified real problems people
know they have?
2. Customer segments: Do you know your target
markets? Do you know how to target messages to
them as distinct groups?
3. Unique value proposition: Have you found a clear,
distinctive, memorable way to explain why you’re
better or different?
4. Solution: Can you solve the problems in the right
5. Channels: How will you get your product or service to your
customers, and their money back to you?
6. Revenue streams: Where will the money come from? Will
it be onetime or recurring? The result of a direct
transaction (e.g., buying a meal) or something indirect
(magazine subscriptions)?
7. Cost structure: What are the direct, variable, and indirect
costs you’ll have to pay for when you run the business?
8. Metrics: Do you know what numbers to track to
understand if you’re making progress?
9. Unfair advantage: What is the “force multiplier” that will
make your efforts have greater impact than your
In the early stages of a startup, you’ll be dealing with a lot of data. You’re
awash in the tides of opinion, and buffeted by whatever feedback you’ve
heard most recently.
Never forget that you’re trying to answer three fundamental questions:
Pick an idea or project you’re working on now, or something you’ve been thinking about. Spend 20
minutes on the canvas and see what it looks like. Fill in the boxes based on the numbered order, but
feel free to skip boxes that you can’t fill out. We’ll wait.
How did you do? Can you see what areas of your idea or business are the riskiest? Are you excited
about tackling those areas of risk now that you see them described in the canvas? Share your Lean
Canvas with someone else (an investor, mentor, or colleague) and use it as a discussion starter