2079-09-02 - Sub-Engineer
2079-09-02 - Sub-Engineer
2079-09-02 - Sub-Engineer
For M.E./M.Sc. Entrance & Engineering Lok Sewa Aayog Preparation Classes 1
PEA Association Pvt. Ltd. Thapathali, Kathmandu Tel: 01-4101038, 9851140360
6. lghfdtL ;]jf lgodfjnL cg';f/ afUdtL c~rnsf s'g–s'g lhNnfx? '3' ju{df kb{5g\ <
A. sf7df08f}F, nlntk'/, eQmk'/, /;'jf / sfe|]knf~rf]s
B. sf7df08f}F, nlntk'/, eQmk'/, g'jfsf]6 / wflbª
C. sf7df08f}F, nlntk'/, eQmk'/, g'jfsf]6 / sfe|]knf~rf]s
D. sf7df08f}F, nlntk'/, eQmk'/, wflbª / sfe|]knf~rf]s
7. tnsf dWo] s'g g]t[Tj z}nL xf]<
A. tfgfzfxL g]t[Tj z}nL B. k|hftflGqs g]t[Tj z}nL
C. :jtGq g]t[Tj z}nL D. dflysf ;a}
8. 'Ecology' Environment ;Fu ;DalGwt ePh:t} Histology s];Fu ;DalGwt 5 <
A. History B. Fossils
C. Hormones D. Tissues
7 10 13 16
9 12 15 18
11 ? 17 20
A. 14 B. 22
C. 12 D. 18
10. A n] Pp6f sfd ;Sg 8 lbg nufpF5 / ToxL sfd ;Sg B n] 12 lbg nufpF5 eg] A / B n] ;Fu} sfd ubf{ slt lbg
nfU5 xf]nf <
A. 24/5 B. 18/5 C. 10 D. 12/5
11. olb ROSE ;+s]lts efiffdf SPTF n]lvG5 eg] LOTUS nfO{ s] n]lvG5 <
12. tn lbOPsf] Matrix df 5f]l8Psf] Alphabet nfO{ k"/f ug{'xf];\ .
Complete the missing alphabet which is given below.
A. B B. T C. N D. U
13. ;'let / ;ldIff sIffdf d]l/6sf] cfwf/df !# cf}F / ( cf}F :yfgdf kb{5g\ pQm sIffdf hDdf #% hgf ljBfyL{ 5g\
eg] pgLx? k5f8Laf6 qmdzM slt cf}F qmddf k5{g\ .
According to the merit. List, Sumit and Samikshya are in 13th and 9th position. Total number
student in that class is 35 Find out their position from the last rank.
A. 23th, 12th B. 14th, 18th
C. 23th, 27th D. 22th, 26th
2 For M.E./M.Sc. Entrance & Engineering Lok Sewa Aayog Preparation Classes
PEA Loksewa, Thapathali, Kathmandu Tel: 01-4101038, 9851140360
14. Assertion A : g]kfndf Gofokflnsf :jtGq 5 .
The judiciary is independent in Nepal.
Reason R : Gofokflnsfn] ;/sf/sf] gLlt lgod / sfo{qmdnfO{ nfu' ug{ ;xof]u ub{5 .
The judiciary helps to implement government policy, plan and program.
A. egfO{ M l7s 5 / sf/0f klg l7s 5, egfO{nfO{ sf/0fn] ;xL JofVof ub{5 .
Assertion (A) is correct & Reason R is also correct R does clearly explain of A.
B. egfO{ l7s 5 / sf/0f klg l7s 5 egfO{nfO{ sf/0fn] ;lx JofVof ub{}g .
Assertion (A) is correct and Reason (R) is also correct, R does not explain A clearly.
C. egfO{ l7s / sf/0f unt 5 . Assertion (A) is incorrect and Reason (R) is correct.
D. egfO{ unt / sf/0f l7s 5 . Assertion (A) is incorrect and reason (R) is also incorrect.
15. tn lbOPsf] Matrix df 5f]l8Psf] Alphabet nfO{ k"/f ug{'xf];\ . Complete the missing alphabet which is
given below.
A R ?
A. P B. S C. D. Q
16. tn plNnlvt k|Zgsf] klxnf] nx/sf lrqx?df s]xL ;dfg ljz]iftf 5g\ . o:t} ljz]iftf ePsf] Pp6f lrq bf];|f]
nx/af6 /f]Hg'xf];\ .
17. ;d"xdf gldNg] km/s lrq 5fGg'xf];\ Choose the figure which is different from the rest.
18. Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Brick, House, Bridge
For M.E./M.Sc. Entrance & Engineering Lok Sewa Aayog Preparation Classes 3
PEA Association Pvt. Ltd. Thapathali, Kathmandu Tel: 01-4101038, 9851140360
19. tn lbOPsf] Matrix k"/f ug{'xf];\ . Complete the matrix in the given below.
20. tn lbOPsf] lrqnfO{ hf]8\bf A, B, C / D dWo] s'g rflxF lrq aG5 5fGg'xf];\ . Find out which of the figure A,
B, C and D can be formed from the pieces given in figure X.
21. lbOPsf] lrqdf 5'6]sf] ;+Vofx? kQf nufpg'xf];\ . Find the missing number in the given figure.
A. 25 B. 15 C. 10 D. 20
22. A man sells on article at a profit of 20%. If he had bought it at 20% less and sold for Rs.5 less,
he would have gained 25%. Find the cost price of the article.
A. 10 B. 15 C. 25 D. 20
23. A, B / C sf] cf};t tf}n 45 kg 5 . olb A / B sf] cf};t tf}n 40 kg 5 . B / C sf] 43 kg 5 eg] B sf] tf}n
slt xf]nf < The average weight of A, B and C is 45 kg. If the average weight of A and B be 40 kg
and that of B and C be 43 kg. Then the weight of B is.
A. 7 kg B. 20 kg C. 26 kg D. 31 kg
24. A 120m long train takes 10 second to cross a man standing on a platform the speed of the train is.
A. 10 m/sec B. 12 sec C. 15sec D. 20 m/sec
25. The ratio between the ages of A and B is 2 : 5. After 8 years, their ages will be in the ratio 1 : 2.
What is the difference between their present ages?
A. 20 years B. 22 years C. 24 years D. 25 years
4 For M.E./M.Sc. Entrance & Engineering Lok Sewa Aayog Preparation Classes
PEA Loksewa, Thapathali, Kathmandu Tel: 01-4101038, 9851140360
Part - II
Job Based – Knowledge [25 × 2 = 50 Marks]
26. If n observations are taken, the accidental errors are proportional to
A. n B. n2 C. n D. n
27. Which one is the simplest survey?
A. chain survey B. compass survey
C. plane table survey D. leveling
28. Which one of the following does not show good cleavage?
A. calcite B. mica C. felspar D. silica
29. A good quantity stone must absorb water less than
A. 2.5% B. 5% C. 10% D. 20%
30. A member which is subjected to reversible tensile or compressible stress may fail at a stress
lower than the ultimate stress of the material. The property of metal, is called
A. plasticity of the metal B. elasticity of the metal
C. fatigue of the metal D. workability of the metal
31. The safe value of stress below which the material will not fail when subjected to reversal of
stress is known as.
A. endurance limit B. fatigue stress C. tolerance limit D. elastic limit
32. The discharge through a cipolleti weir is given by
2 2 3 3
A. 3 Cd 2gH3/2 B. 3 CdL 2gH3/2 C. 2 CdL 2gH
D. 2 Cd 2gH3/2
For M.E./M.Sc. Entrance & Engineering Lok Sewa Aayog Preparation Classes 5
PEA Association Pvt. Ltd. Thapathali, Kathmandu Tel: 01-4101038, 9851140360
40. As per Buston's formula, fire demand for in liters per minute for a population of p in thousands,
is given by.
A. 5663 p B. 3182 p C. 4640 p D. none of the above
41. Water demand for public use as compared to total demand, kept in design of water works for a
city, is
A. 5% B. 10% C. 20% D. 25%
42. For irrigation purpose the PH value of water should be
A. between 3 and 6 B. between 6 and 8.5
C. between 8.5 and11 D. more than 11
43. The consumptive use of water of a crop
A. is measured in terms of depth of water on the irrigated area
B. is measure by volume of water per unit area
C. is partly supplied by precipitation
D. all of the above
44. If V is the speed of the vehicle in kmph and R is the radius of the curve, the equilibrium super
elevation is given by.
V2 V2 V2
A. R B. gR C. 127R D. none of the above
Best of Luck…
6 For M.E./M.Sc. Entrance & Engineering Lok Sewa Aayog Preparation Classes