patent-US2629213-Crankshaft Grinding Device

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Feb. 24, 1953 E. A.

FUGLE 2,629,213
Filed. June 3, 1950 4. Sheets-Sheet, l.

Azz 1.


Feb. 24, 1953 E. A. FUGE 2,629,213
Filed June 3, 1950 4. Sheets-Sheet 2




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Feb. 24, 1953 E. A., FUGLE 2,629,213
Filed June 3, 1950 4 Sheets-Sheet 3

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Feb. 24, 1953 E. A. FUGLE 2,629,213
Filed June 3, 1950 4. Sheets-Sheet 4



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Patented Feb. 24, 1953 2,629,213


Elmer A. Fuglie, Winona, Minn., assignor to
Winona Too Manufacturing Company, a part
Application June 3, 1950, Serial No. 165,941
6 Claims. (CI. 51-241)
My invention relates to improvements in a with the bearing surface be made from beneath
crankshaft grinding device. In general it is re the crankshaft since this provides an accessible
lated to a device which is adapted for mounting means for making adjustment without remove
On or in an engine block or other. Similar support ing the device either from the bearing or from
for grinding the bearings of a crankshaft which 5 its mountings on the engine,
is supported for rotation beneath the engine As the particular bearing which is being
block or support. More particularly the inven ground may be unevenly worn or grooved, means
tion is concerned with a device which is Sup are provided for adjustably moving the grinding
ported for vertical reciprocating movement and wheel in a vertical direction relative to the bear
in which several adjustments can be made for 0. ing to thereby grind the bearing to a cylindrical
properly grinding the bearing surfaces of a ro Surface. This adjustment is made by means
tating shaft, such as a crankshaft, without hav which is operably connected through the head
ing to remove the device from its mountings. On to the grinding wheel and which may be reached
the engine block or other support. from the upper surface of the engine block.
The present invention is primarily intended 5 Since the bearings of different crankshafts
for use in repair shops as distinguished frona may vary somewhat in width, and to avoid the
machines which are used in factories for per necessity of having to maintain a large number
forming the original grinding of the bearings. of grinding wheels of differing diameters, in the
... As the crankshafts and bearings of each par present invention a grinding wheel of relatively
-ticular type of engine may vary somewhat in 20 Small diameter is used and means are provided
diameter and width, it is impractical for a repair for laterally moving the wheel between the op
shop to be equipped with special grinding tools posite walls of the bearing but without changing
for each individual type of engine. It is in its vertical position relative to the bearing. This
portant, therefore, that a grinding tool which adjustment is made by eccentrically rotating the
is intended for general use, such as in an auto 25 wheel through the arc of a circle and with the
motive repair shop, be sufficiently adjustable so lower grinding surface of the wheel always being
that it can be satisfactorily used on the crank held in the same horizontal plane. Like the
shafts of virtually any type of engine. adjustment mentioned above, this lateral ad
In the present invention the grinding device justment is also made from a point above the
is supported by a head mechanism which is 30 engine block.
passed through an opening in the engine block Frequently the bearing will have a tapered Sur
and then Suitably clamped about the bearing to face which cannot be satisfactorily removed by
be ground, with the grinding wheel, positioned either of the adjustments mentioned heretofore.
above the bearing so as to rotate about an axis To remove the tapered, surface, means are pro
which is transverse to the axis of the bearing. 35 vided for adjusting the position of the guiding
An elongated shaft or guide rod is pivotally con means so as to slightly tilt the entire mechanism
nected to the head member to permit the head including the grinding wheel so that in effect
member to oscillate With the bearing as the Only a portion of the grinding wheel contacts the
crankshaft is rotated. The guide rod in turn bearing Surface.
extends between a set of guide rollers Which are 40 To drive or rotate the grinding wheel, an elec
supported on the top of the engine block so that tric motor is provided which is pivotally sup
as the crankshaft is rotated, the head member ported above the engine block and connected to
and guide rod will reciprocate vertically, with the the wheel by a flexible drive shaft. By pivotally
guide rod being guided by the rollers. In order Supporting the motor and using a flexible drive
that the head assembly be adapted for clamping 45
on any one of a number of different sized bear shaft, the motor is enabled to flexibly rock on its
ings, it is provided with an extended arm that mounting without interfering with the recipro
adjustably supports a clamping means that is Cating movement of the mechanism nor the sev
adapted to surround a portion of the bearing. eral adjustments heretofore mentioned.
To provide further accurate, adjustment, aver 50 An object of the invention is to provide a
nier adjustment is provided which adjusts the crankshaft grinding device which is adapted to
tension on a roller element that contacts the fully and properly grind the bearings of a crank
bearing surface. It is an important feature of shaft while the same is rotatably mounted in an
the present invention that the adjustment be engine block.
tween the head member and its associated parts 55 Another object is to provide in a device of the
3 4
class described, means for adequately adjusting through a slot 3 is a U-shaped member 32.
the device to bearings of differing diameters. Within the hollow open center portion of men
Another object is to provide in a device of the ber 32 a plate 34 is pivotally supported by means
class described means for moving the grinding of a pair of pointed screws 36. The plate 34
wheel in two different planes with respect to the s
in turn supports a plurality of guide rollers 38
bearing while the grinding operation is in proceSS whose peripheries are grooved to receive the
to thereby form a true cylindrical bearing Sur bevelled edges of a sliding guide rod 40.
face over a relatively wide area. At its lower extremity the guide rod 40 is
Another object is to provide means for ad pivotally connected to a head member indicated
justably tilting the grinding wheel relative to a O by the general reference numeral 42 by means
bearing so as to bring only a portion of the wheel of a pivotal connecting member indicated gen
into contact With the bearing. erally at 44. As best seen in Fig. 5, the pivotal
A further object is to provide in a device of the mounting connection 44 consists of roller bear
class described, a head mechanism which is ing assemblies 46, 48 which are Supported by
adapted to be adjustably clamped to a bearing 5 the rod 4 and between the rod 40 and the
surface, together with means for adjustably posi head member 42 by a threaded bolt 50. It
tioning a grinding device carried by the-head, and might here be stated that the pivotal connecting
means for supporting the head for both oscilla member 4 is intended to permit OScillatory move
tory and reciprocatory movement so that grind ment of the head member 42 relative to the
ing of a crank bearing of a crankshaft may be guide rod 49, so that as the head member 42
suitably performed without removing the crank rotates with the crankshaft 6, a vertical move
shaft from its normal mountings in an engine. inent will be transited to the guide rod 40
Other and further objects may become ap to enable the latter to Vertically move between
parent from the following description and claims the guide rollers. 38.
and in the appended drawings in Which: Referring now to FigS. 3-9, and particularly
Fig. 1 is a plan view of an engine block show to Fig. 5, the head assembly indicated by general
ing the present invention mounted in place reference numeral 42 consists of a cylindrical
thereon with a portion extending through to a casing 52 which Supports in its interior aro
CrankShaft; tatable member in the form of an elongated
Fig. 2 is a sectional view taken on line 2-2 30 tubular bearing member 54 which has an ec
of Fig. 1 looking in the direction of the arrows; centrically disposed vertically extending interior
Fig. 3 is an enlarged side elevation. Of a por bore 56. A coil. Spring 58 extends, between a
tion of the structure shown in Fig. 2; shoulder portion 6 of the member 54 and a
Fig. 4 is a plan view of the structure shown shoulder portion 62 of the casing 52, and biases
in Fig. 3; 35 member 54 upwardly relative to the casing 52,
Fig. 5 is a vertical cross-section taken online for a purpose to be described in detail herein
5-5 of Fig. 4 looking in the direction of the after.
arrows; Extending vertically through the eccentrically
Fig. 6 is a vertical cross-section taken on line disposed bore. 56 of member 54 and journalled
6-6 of Fig. 4 looking in the direction of the 40 in bearing members 64, 66 is a vertically dis
arroWS; posed drive Shaft. 68 which at its lower end
Fig. 7 is a vertical section taken on line 7-7 is connected to a Surface finishing member
of Fig. 4; disclosed as a cylindrical abrasive, grinding wheel
Fig. 8 is a plan view taken on line 8-3 of 70. At its upper end the shaft 68 is journalled
Fig. 7; and, 45 in a bearing member 72 and is connected to
Fig. 9 is a view of a part of the structure a flexible drive shaft 4 which extends through
shown in Fig. 3 as seen from the left hand a ferrule 76. The flexible drive shaft, 4 is shown
Side thereof. in Fig. 1 as eXtending from an electric motor
Referring now to the several views of the 78 which is pivotally supported at 79 on a
drawing, the invention will be described in detail. 50 bracket 80, which in turn is secured on the head
Referring first to Figs. 1 and 2, reference num Of the engine block (). The fiexible drive Shaft
era o indicates an engine block from Which 4 is normally encased in an armored... cable,
the head portion has been removed. A series of not ShoWn.
cylindrical openings 2 extend through the block Referring now to FigS. 4, 6, and 8, the los
and form chambers through which piston con 55 tatable member. 54 at its upper end carries...a,
"necting rods, not shown, pass and are joined at Semi-circular geared. Surface. 82. Which, as seen
their lower ends to bearing surfaces 4 of a in . Fig. 6, is quite extensive. in a vertical di
conventional crankshaft 6. The bearings A- at rection. The gear teeth of surface 82 mesh. With
their opposite lateral Sides have Wall portions a Small pinion gear 84 that is journalled in a
indicated at 8 and 8a, which constitute the O bearing 86, and is connected to a flexible shaft
-lateral extremities of each. Of the bearing Sur 88. As shown in Fig. 1, shaft 83 extends up
faces. The engine block has the usual Water Wardly adjacent the guide rod 4) and its Outer
jacket indicated at 20 in Fig. 2, and the block d is connected to a manually rotatable knob
also is provided With a Series of bolt holes 24 9.
by means of Which the head portion, not shown, Referring now to Fig. 4 in conjunction with
is Secured to the engine block 9. Fig. 7, is Shown a tubular member 92 which
The present invention constitutes a device has a threaded interior that Surrounds a threaded
which is adapted to be mounted on top of shaft 94 that is journalled in a bearing member
the engine block and consists of a flat plate 96. The member 92, as shown in Fig. 8, has
26 which rests on the upper surface of the 70 an arcuate upper eXtremity 98 which extends
engine block and is Secured in place by hold into a grooved portion 100 of the bearing
down members 27 acted on by bolts 28 which member 52 above the geared surface 82. The
paSS through and are secured in the apertures threaded shaft 94 is connected to a flexible
24. Adjustably secured for lateral movement shaft 62, which, as shown in Fig. 1, extends
or plate 26 by means of a bolt 30 which paSSes 5 upwardly through the opening 2 in the engine
block and at its outer end is connected to a through its arcuate portion 98 that extends into
manually adjustable knob 04. the horizontal groove Ois capable of depressing
Referring now to Fig. 3 in conjunction with member 54 against the resilience of spring 58 so
Figs. 2 and 4, an arm 06 extends from the lower as to move the member 54 downwardly within the
portion of the head member 42 and at its upper casing 52 to thereby vertically move the grinding
end is secured to the casing portion 52. Arm 06 Wheel 7 in the direction of the bearing Surface
has an inner curved surface O which carries an 4. Since member 54 is held in its depressed po
abutment member 98 that is provided with arms sition against the resilience of spring 58, rotation
which extend on either side of the arm 6 and of the knob. 3 in the opposite direction will
are adapted to engage the inner surface of the O cause a release of pressure against the spring 58
side walls 8 and 8d, of the bearing 4, as is best to thereby permit member 55 to move upwardly
seen in Fig. 9. The abutment member 8 is de Within casing 52.
tachably held on arm 6 by a bolt 09. At its Second, as Shown in Fig. 9, the grinding wheel
lower end arm 06 carries a bearing support 4 is of a width which is substantially less than
which is adjustably connected to arm 06 by a 5 the face of the bearing between the opposite walls
bolt 2 that fits within an elongated slot . i8 and 80. In order to grind the bearing sur
On its upper surface the Support 4 carries a face between the walls 8, 8a, the hand knob 90
bearing fif, whose position may be adjusted by is rotated, which through the fiexible cable 88 and
a set screw 6 so as to bring the bearing 3 into the pinion gear 88 causes rotation of member 54
contact with the crank pin bearing 4. An arm. 20 about its central axis. Since the driven shaft 68
f2O is pivotally connected to the support 14 by is eccentrically mounted within member 54, ro
means of a pin 22, and the arm 29 at its Outer tation of member 54 causes the driven shaft, and
end carries a roller member 24 which is adapted the grinding wheel is) to be arcuately or eccen
to engage the surface of bearing on a side Op trically rotated. Because the geared surface 82
posite from arm 6. An angularly shaped spring i: extends arcuately about one-half of the outer sur
member 26 which is provided with a slotted face of member 54, member 53 may be rotated
opening 27 extends between the under surface of through an arc of 180° to thereby cause the grind
the support 4 and a lug member 28 on arm ing Wheel to be moved laterally through a slight
20 that slidably fits within the opening 2. arc between the opposite walls 8 and 80 of the
The angular spring 26 is made adjustable. With bearing 4. It Will be noted that the geared sur
respect to arm 29 by a large thumb screw 30 face 82 is substantial in its vertical dimension and,
which is adapted to engage the under Surface of therefore, the pinion gear 84 will engage this
the support (4. geared Surface even though member 54 be raised
The operation of the device will now be ex or lowered by means of the knob (4 and its as
plained in detail. With the head of the engine, Sociated parts.
not shown, removed, the plate 26 is suitably Third, the bearing 4 may be worn in such a
mounted on the head of the engine block 9 and manner that its diameter tapers slightly from one
the head assembly 42 together with all of its parts of the Walls 3, 8a to the other. To make the
is passed downwardly through the opening 2 in bearing a true cylinder it may be necessary to tilt
the engine block. The arm 95 and the Sup 40 the grinding wheel it. To accomplish this, the
porting assembly are then suitably adjusted about head assembly 42 and the guide rod 4) and the
the lower portion of the bearing. This is ac guide plate 34 must be tilted. This is accom
complished with the spring 26 removed and the plished by loosening bolt 3 in slot 3 and slightly
support 4 brought into contact with the lower moving the U-shaped member 32. Since the
surface of the bearing whereafter bolt 2 is 45 abutment 88 engages the inner sides of walls a,
tightened into place. If need be, the support f4 8a, plate 3A Will rotate on the pointed screws 36
is adjusted by means of a series of scale markings and give a tilted position to the whole assembly
on the lower extremity of the arm and indicated including the abrasive wheel 7 so that only a
in Fig. 3 by reference numeral E32. Then arm part of its lower surface will engage the bearing
20 is brought into contact with bearing f4 so 50 A.
that the roller 24 engages the Outer Surface of When the grinding operation is ready to start,
the bearing. Thereafter the Spring 28 is motor 78 is Started and through the flexible cable
mounted in place with the slotted opening 27 4 the grinding wheel 7 is driven. To grind the
fitting over lug 28 and a suitable tension is bearing 4 in a true cylinder, it is necessary to
placed on the spring by means of the thumb 55 Slowly rotate the crankshaft 8, and this is ac
screw 3). This arrangement provides a triangu complished by means, not shown, which may be
lar bearing surface on three sides of bearing 4 either through the normal starting motor or by
formed by roller 24, bearing 8 and the abut Some other motive power which slowly rotates the
ment - 08 carried by arm S. The purpose of crankshaft. Thus the grinding operation takes
these adjustments is to accommodate the device 60 place while the crankshaft f8 is rotating and the
to bearings of differing diameters and at the same adjustinent of the grinding wheel is accom
time, to firmly anchor the head assembly 42 with piished in the manner previously described.
respect to bearing 4. Moreover, the arrange insofar as the claiaping arm 3S and its asso
ment provides for adjustment from a point be ciated parts are concerned, adjustments are made
neath the crankshaft, so that if further adjust- . before the grinding or finishing operation com
ment is made during the grinding operation, this mences. It is essential that the abutment mem
may be accomplished without having to remove ber (3 be of the proper size since the outer ends
the device from the engine block. of its arms should engage the walls 8, 8a. For
The position of the grinding wheel is ad this purpose interchangeable abutment members
justed with respect to the bearing in three differ O are necessary. During the grinding operation the
ent ways. First, the wheel 70 is moved verti diameter of the bearing 4 will be slightly di
cally with respect to the bearing 4 by rotation minished but Spring 26 will compensate for this
of the knob. 4. Which through the flexible cable condition by continuously urging roller 24
92 and the threaded member 94 brings about against the bearing. If, however, further adjust.
vertical movement of member 92. Member 92 5 ment is necessary, the same may be made from
7 8
beneath the crankshaft without removing the taper on the crankpin when the guide support is
structure from the engine block, moved relative to the engine block.
Since the crankshaft. f6 is in continuous rota 3. A device for grinding the crank pins of a
tion during the grinding operation, the head as crankshaft, while positioned in an engine block,
sembly 42 must oscillate with the bearing 4 and comprising a member engageable. With a crankpin
this is accomplished... through the pivotal con and having a bearing for a grinding wheel shaft
nection, .44 with the guide rod. 40. The flexible extending perpendicularly to the crankshaft and
shaft 4 will also reciprocate With the head a S On the side thereof toward the engine cylinder,
sembly 42 and this will in part a rocking nove a grinding wheel shaft mounted in the bearing
ment to motor 78. On itS. pivotal Connection 9 O and carrying a cylindrical grinding Wheel. With
with the bracket. 80. The other flexible shafts its flat end face tangent to the crank pin, driving
88 and O2 may, if desired, be loosely tied to the means extending into the cylinder and connected
armored cable, not shown, that. Surrounds with the grinding wheel shaft, a guide rod ex
shaft. 4. tending into the engine cylinder and pivotally
The advantages of the present, invention re connected at its lower end to Said member to
side in providing a device which may be quickly reciprocate as the crankshaft is rotated, guide
and easily mounted on a suitable Support and means forming a sliding connection. With the up
which is adjustable in several respects. So as to per part of the guide rod, a guide block carried
accommodate it to different types. Of Work Sur on the upper surface of the engine block having
faces, and wherein these adjustmentS. may be arms extending on either lateral side of the
readily made while the grinding operation is in guide means, pivotal meanS. joining the arms of
progress, or without removing the device from itS the guide block and the guide means, and means
mounting. forming an adjustable. Connection between the
My invention is defined in the terms of the guide block and the engine block for adjusting
appended claim.S. 25 the position of the guide block in a longitudinal
I claim: direction. With respect to the engine block to
1. A device for grinding the crank pins of a permit tilting of the grinding Wheel relative to a
crankshaft, while positioned in an engine block, crankpin to remove a taper on the pin.
comprising a driven shaft supporting a cylin 4. In a device for grinding the crank pins of a
drical grinding wheel. With its flat end face tail 30 Crankshaft while positioned in an engine, includi
gent. to a crank pin and on the side thereof ing a member engageable With a crank pin and
toward the engine cylindei?, a bearing member having a bearing for a grinding Wheel Shaft ex
having an eccentrically disposed bore forming a tending perpendicularly to the crankshaft and
Support for the shaft, a casing engaging the outer on the side thereof toward the engine cylinder, a
Surface of the bearing member, Clainping. Eileans grinding Wheel shaft mounted in the bearing
carried by the casing and engaging the Craiak pin and carrying a cylindrical grinding wheel with
on a side opposite the grinding Wheei Whereby its fat end face tangent to the crank pin, a guide
the casing and its aSSociated partS recipi'ocate rod extending into the engine cylinder and
with the crankpin when the crankshaft is ro pivotally connected at its lower end to said mem
tated, a guide rod extending into the cylinder and 40 her to reciprocate as the crankshaft is rotated,
pivotally connected to the casing, guide imeans at least One guide roller engaging opposite lateral
supported on the engine block and engaging the sides of the upper end of the guide rod, a block
guide rod and arranged to permit Sliding of the forming a support for the guide rollers, a U
guide rod longitudinally of the cylinder, a first shaped member carried on the upper surface of
manually operable means journallied in the Casing the engine block and partially, surrounding the
and connected with the bearing Ienger for Support for the guide rollers, pivotal means join
rotating the Saine about its central axis to ar ing opposed portions of the U-shaped member
cuately move the grinding Wheel in a plaine parai With the Sides of Said Support, and an adjustable
lel with the axis of the Crank pin, and a Second connection between said U-shaped member and
manually operable means journalled in the cas 50 the engine block operable to permit sliding move
ing and connected With the bearing inenber to ment of the U-shaped member in a longitudinal
move. Said member in a plaine perpendicular With direction. With respect to the engine.block.
the axis of the Crank pin. 5. A device for grinding the crank pins of a
2. A device for grinding the crank pins of a crankshaft while positioned in an engine block,
crankshaft. While positioned in an engine block, 55 compirising a driven Shaft Supporting a cylindrical
comprising a member engageable With a crankpin grinding. Wheel With its fiat end face tangent to
and having a bearing for a grinding Wheel shaft a crank pin and on a side thereof toward the
extending perpendicularly to the Crankshaft and engine cylinder, a cylindrical bearing having an
on the side thereof toward the engine cylinder, eccentrically disposed bore forming a support for
a grinding wheel shaft mounted in the bearing 60 the shaft, Said bearing having a geared surface
and carrying a cylindrical grinding Wheel. With about a portion of its periphery adjacent the up
its flat end face tangent to the Crank pin, driving per extrenity thereof, said bearing having a
means extending into the cylinder and Connected groove formed therein on one end of the geared
with the grinding Wheel shaft, guiding means Surface, a Casing engaging a portion of the outer
extending into the cylinder and pivotally con 65 Surface of the bearing, a spring between the bear
nected to said member to reciprocate With Said ing and the casing & End biasisig the bearing up
member when the crankshaft is rotated, a guide Wardly Within the casing, means carried by the
support mounted on the upper Surface of the casing and engaging the crankpin on a side there
engine block, connecting means adjustably join of Opposite the grinding wheel, a pinion gear
ing the guide support to the engine block per O journalled in the casing and engaging the geared
mitting longitudinal movement of the guide Surface on the bearing for eccentrically moving
support relative to the engine block, and pivotal the grinding wheel with respect to the crank pin,
means connecting the guide means to the guide a feed Screw journalled in the casing and oper
support to effect tilting movement of the grinding atively engaging the groove in the bearing to
wheel with respect to the Crank pin to remove a 5 Vertically move the bearing with respect to the
casing, and manually Operable means connected ing is in reciprocatory movement, a first manually
to each of said gears and extending upwardly operable means connected to the rotatable mem
through the engine cylinder for controlling the ber for vertically moving the same relative to the
movement of the bearing with respect to the Casing, and a Second manually operable means
Casing. 5 connected to the rotatable member for axially
6. A device for grinding a portion of a crank rotating the Same relative to the casing to there
shaft while the latter is rotated in an engine by laterally move the grinding wheel relative to
block, comprising a grinding wheel, a driven shaft the Crankshaft.
connected to said grinding Wheel and extending ELMER. A. FUGLIE.
upwardly therefrom, a rotatable member contain 0.
ing an eccentrically disposed, bearing Surface REFERENCES CITED
which Supports Said shaft at One side of the ro The following references are of record in the
tative axis of the member, a casing engaging the file of this patent:
outer surface of Said rotatable member, an arm
depending from the lower extremity of the casing, 15 UNITED STATES PATENTS
clamping means carried by Said arm and engaging Number Name Date
the lower surface of the crankshaft, an adjustable 1,181,999 Drake -------------- May 9, 1916
connection between the arm and the clamping 1,269,506 Preston ----------- June 11, 1918
means for adjusting said clamping means relative 1,408,578 Garner ------------ Mar. 7, 1922
to said arm in Such a manner as to adjust the 20 1,480,512 Critchfield ---------- Jan. 8, 1924
position of the grinding wheel relative to the 1967,744 Craft ------------- July 24, 1934
upper surface of the crankshaft and to hold the 2,130,003 Fuglie ----------- Sept. 13, 1938
casing in rigid relationship with the crankshaft 2,235,417 Brazil ------------ Mar. 18, 1941
in such a manner that the casing reciprocates 2,238,646 Indge -------------- Apr. 15, 1941
with the crankshaft when the latter is rotated, a 2,247,344 Fuglie ------------ June 24, 1941
guide rod extending above the casing, pivotal con 2,272,974 Indige -------------- Feb. 10, 1942
necting means joining the casing and the guide 2,298,005 Fuglie -------------- Oct. 6, 1942
rod to provide oscillatory movement of the cas 2,391406 Fuglie ------------- Dec. 25, 1945
ing relative to the guide rod, guide rollers engag 2,531,161. Rutherford -------- Nov. 21, 1950
ing said guide rod for guiding the same in vertical 30 FOREIGN PATENTS
reciprocating movement, Said guide means being
adapted for mounting on the engine block, a Number Country Date
motor carried by the engine block, a flexible con 254,259 Germany ---------- Nov. 28, 1912
nection extending between Said motor and Said 374,579 Great Britain ------ Feb. 29, 1932
driven shaft for driving the same While the cas 640,733 France ------------- Apr. 3, 1928

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