ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Abstract: The initial nursing assessment is the initial step of the nursing process. It involves the systematic and continuous collecti on,
analyzing and organizing the data. Documentation and communication of the data collected, critical thinking skills are applied during
the nursing process. This provides decision making and a framework to develop a plan of care for the patient incorporating evidence-
based practice study was conducted to assess the knowledge and practice of the staff nurses towards nursing initial assessment in a
selected hospital at Mangaluru. The sample consists of 170 staff nurses. The data was obtained by using a Questionnaire and a checklist
method. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, mean %, median, frequencies, and
inferential statistics such as χ2 for finding the association between the knowledge score, practice, and demographic variable. The study
revealed that 69.47 % of staff nurses had good knowledge of initial assessment whereas 28.8 % of staff nurses had average knowledge
and 1.78 % of staff had poor knowledge. The study also revealed that 76.55 staff nurses are having good nursing initial assessment
practice and 23.5 % are having average nursing initial assessment practice.
A study was done regarding the assessing nurses‟ Assess: Assess means evaluate or estimate the nature,
knowledge of glass cow coma scale in emergency and ability, or quality of7. In this study it refers to the knowledge
outpatient department. This study was conducted in the of staff nurses regarding nursing initial assessment in
emergency and outpatient department of tertiary medical selected hospital at Mangaluru.
Centre. 135 questionnaires were distributed, and all were
returned culminating in a 100% respond rate. This study Knowledge: Knowledge is acquaintance with facts, truths,
found that only 2.96% of nurses have good knowledge in or principles, as from study or investigation; general
Volume 9 Issue 5, May 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20518111615 DOI: 10.21275/SR20518111615 1318
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
erudition.7 In this study it refers to the score obtained by the literature it gives a theoretical base for research and helps to
staff nurses regarding nursing initial assessment in selected determine the nature of the study. The main purpose of
hospital Mangaluru. literature review is to convey to the readers about the work
already done and the knowledge and ideas that have been
Practice: Practice is habitual or customary performance; already been established on a particular topic of research.7
operation7. In this study it refers to do or perform nursing
assessment by staff nurses working in a selected hospital at The investigator conducted and extensive review of research
Mangaluru. and non-research literature through reports, thesis, journals,
textbooks, training guides, manuals, electronic database
Staff Nurses: Staff nurses are a qualified nurse ranking (pubmed, CINHAL etc) and educational material.
immediately below a sister. 7In this study it refers to a
person educated and trained in nursing which includes The chapter deals with the review of literature which is the
GNM staff and graduate nursing staff. essential step in the development of research project. It
helps to develop insight into the area of investigation and
Nursing assessment: In this study it refers to a structured directs the researcher to develop a plan.
physical examination allows the nurse to obtain a complete
assessment of the patient .Observation / inspection , A descriptive study was conducted among staff nurses
palpation , percussion , auscultation are the techniques used regarding knowledge, attitude and practices regarding pain
to gather information . assessment among patients with cancer in Uganda Cancer
Institute. Total 67 nurses were selected to participate in the
Assumptions study, and they all fully completed the study, yielding a
The study is based on the following assumptions response rate of 100%. The majority of subjects were aged
1) Staff nurses have some knowledge and skills regarding between 20-40 years (67.2%) with a mean age of 26 and
initial nursing assessment of the patients standard deviation (SD) compared to men (38.8%), and the
2) Knowledge and practice on nursing initial assessment of least had either 1-2 years or more than 20 years of
patient is measurable experiences (19.4%). Regarding duty shifts most nurses
3) Accurate knowledge and practice of staff nurses preferred day shifts (34.3%) while the least worked evening
regarding initial nursing assessment will help them only shifts (19.4%). Majority of nurses reported that they
identify patients conditions and have proper diagnosis had received formal training on pain assessment (89.6%)5.
Tool 2: Self-rated rating scale: The data will be presented in figures and tables:
Practice was categorized into admission and initial Section 1: Baseline characteristics.
assessment practices. The items had responses as always, Section 2: The knowledge regarding nursing initial
sometimes and never. Always was allotted with the marks 3, assessment among staff nurses. Section 3: The practice
sometimes was allotted as 2 and never was allotted as 1. The regarding nursing initial assessment among staff nurses.
maximum score was 45 and the minimum score was 15. Section 4: Correlation between knowledge and practice
Volume 9 Issue 5, May 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20518111615 DOI: 10.21275/SR20518111615 1324
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
regarding nursing initial assessment among staff nurses. assessment with selected demographic variables.
Section 5: Association of knowledge on nursing initial
assessment with selected demographic variables. Section I: Baseline characteristics
Section 6: Association of practice on nursing initial The section deals with the description of baseline
assessment with selected demographic variables. characteristics of subjects and is explained in frequency and
percentage using table 1.
This chapter has dealt with the research approach and design, Table 1: Frequency and percentage distribution of subjects
variables, setting, population, sample and sample size, according to their baseline characteristics, n=170
sampling technique, data collection instruments and S. No Variable (f) (%) Mean±SD
development of the tool, reliability of the tool, testing of the Age in years
tool, description of the final tool, pilot study, data collection 20-25 111 65.29 25.07±3.1
process and plan for data analysis. 1 26-30 50 29.41
31-35 7 4.11
>35 2 1.17
5. Results Gender
2 a) Male 8 4.7
This chapter presents the data collected from 170 staff nurses b) Female 162 95.29
regarding their knowledge and practices of nursing initial Educational qualification
assessment in a selected hospital Mangaluru. The collected a) GNM 40 23.52
data is tabulated in the master sheet and analyzed and 3 b) BSc nursing 115 67.64
interpreted in the light of the objectives and hypotheses of c) PBBSc nursing 14 8.23
the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. d) MSc nursing 1 0.5
Place of work
Objectives of the Study a) General ward 138 81.17
1) To assess the knowledge of the staff nurses towards b) High density unit 3 1.76
nursing initial assessment. c) Private ward 29 17.05
2) To assess the practice of staff nurses towards nursing Year of clinical experience
initial assessment. a) Less than 1 year 58 34.11
3) To find the correlation between knowledge and practice 5 b) 2-5 years 99 58.23
c) 6-10 years 11 6.47
of staff nurses towards nursing initial assessment.
d) Above 11 years 2 1.17
4) To find the association between the knowledge with
selected demographic variables
The data presented in Table 1 reveals the following findings:
5) To find the association between the practice with selected
demographic variables.
All hypothesis is tested at 0.05 level of significance
H0: There is no significant relationship between the
knowledge and practice of staff nurses regarding nursing
initial assessment.
H1: There will be significant relationship between the
knowledge and practice of staff nurses regarding nursing
initial assessment.
H2: There will be significant association of knowledge of
staff nurses regarding nursing initial assessment with
selected demographic variables.
H3: There will be significant association of practice of staff
nurses regarding nursing initial assessment with selected
demographic variables. Figure 2: Bar Diagram Representing Distribution of
Subjects According to Age
Organization of findings
The analysis and interpretation of data are organized and
presented under the following headings Most of the staff nurses 111(46%) are in the age group 20-25
Section 1: Baseline characteristics. years and very few (1.17%) are of the age group 30 years
Section 2: Knowledge regarding nursing initial assessment above.
among staff nurses. Section 3: Practice regarding nursing
initial assessment among staff nurses.
Section 4: Correlation between knowledge and practice
regarding nursing initial assessment among staff nurses.
Section 5: Association of knowledge on nursing initial
assessment with selected demographic variables.
Section 6: Association of practice on nursing initial
This chapter presents major findings of the study discussed Section 4: Correlation between knowledge and practice
with reference and in relation to similar studies conducted by towards nursing initial assessment among staff nurses
other researchers. The aim of the study was on knowledge In the present study shows There were variables that is
and practice of staff nurses towards nursing initial knowledge and practice r value is 0.173 and p value is 0.024
assessment in selected hospital Mangalore. Quality which is significant at 0.05 level of significant there is a
assessment tool was conducted to collect data and the weak correlation between knowledge and practice of staff
obtained data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential nurses regarding nursing initial assessment. Compared to a
statistics. study related to study motives and career choices of dental
students, this study found that more students had become
Objectives of the Study familiar with the concept of through community courses and
1) To assess the knowledge of the staff nurses towards had more knowledge in this field. Since the community
nursing initial assessment in a selected hospital at dentistry department provides the issue related in the form of
Mangaluru. theoretical classes and workshops in the Isfahan Dental
2) To assess the practice of staff nurses towards nursing School, the higher knowledge of students in Isfahan
initial assessment in a selected hospital at Mangaluru. compared to other colleges is justifiable. It seems that
3) To find the correlation between knowledge and practice students more familiar with the use of evidenced based
of staff nurses towards nursing initial assessment in a practice in their educational curriculum can be effective in
selected hospital at Mangaluru. enhancing knowledge, attitude, and evidence-based
4) To find the association between the knowledge with practices. The results of the present study showed a
selected demographic variables significant correlation between the four assessed domains
5) To find the association between the practice with selected that seem perfectly logical because an increase in a person's
demographic variables. knowledge of evidenced based practice will be accompanied
by increased levels of his skill and practice.
Major Findings of the study Section 1: Baseline
characteristics Section 5: Association of knowledge on nursing initial
The study shows that age in years [65.29%] were with age assessment with selected demographic variables.
group 20-25, Gender [95.29%] were females, educational In the present study shows that there is no association
qualification [67.64%] were P.B.BSc, place of work between knowledge on nursing initial assessment with
[81.17%] were from general ward and year of clinical selected demographic variables of the staff nurses. Thus, null
experience [58.23%] were 2-5 years. hypothesis is accepted, and research hypothesis is rejected.
The aim of the study was to determine nurse‟s knowledge
Volume 9 Issue 5, May 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20518111615 DOI: 10.21275/SR20518111615 1328
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
and practice on the initial management of acute poisoning setting and larger population.
among adult casualties seen at automated external
defibrillator, knowledge and practice on the initial 8. Limitations of the Study
Management of Poisoning. The mean general knowledge
score for nurses according to their professional The present study was limited to a relatively small sample
qualifications, trainings on courses related to emergency care size that limited the generalization of the result.
and automated external defibrillator experience was The study is confined to knowledge and practice among
measured. Those nurses with higher qualifications had higher the staff nurses regarding initial assessment form.
mean scores than the ones with lower professional
qualifications. Further, those who had done courses or
trainings related to emergency care like basic life support,
9. Recommendations and Suggestions
advanced cardiac life support, advanced trauma life support,
nursing and certified clinical nurse scored higher than those A similar study can be replicated on larger samples for
who had not done these courses. making broader generalization.
A similar study can be carried out in different settings.
A descriptive study can be conducted on initial assessment
7. Conclusion and other methods of assessment.
The main purpose of the study was to assess the knowledge
and practice among the staff nurses regarding initial 10. Summary
assessment form. This chapter deals with the conclusion
based with conclusions based on findings of the study. The This chapter was dealt with various nursing implications of
conclusions drawn were the study the limitations which the investigator experienced
in the study the experience of investigators during the study
Implications to Nursing helped to give suggestions and recommendations for further
The investigator has drawn the following implications from studies. Obtaining a concise and effective health history and
the study which was of vital concern for nursing practice physical exam takes practice. It is not enough to simply ask
nursing administration nursing education and questions and perform a physical exam. As the patient‟s
recommendations for nursing research. nurse, you must critically analyze all of the data you have
obtained, synthesize the data into relevant problem focuses,
Nursing Education and identify a plan of care for your patient based upon this
The health care delivery system at present puts more synthesis. As the plan of care is being carried out,
emphasis on knowledge and practice regarding the initial reassessments must occur on a periodic basis. The frequency
assessment of client through holistic approach based on of reassessments is unique to each patient based upon their
mutual respect and cooperation the nurses should be well diagnosis. The ability of the nurse to efficiently and
educated regarding initial assessment. So that the nurses will effectively obtain the health history and physical exam will
improve their knowledge and practice and skills. ensure that appropriate plan of care will be enacted for all
Nursing Pratice
Nurses play a vital and major role in the health care delivery Objectives
system. Nurses have great responsibilities for the assessing 1) To assess the knowledge of the staff nurses towards
the client so the initial assessment of the client should be nursing initial assessment in a selected hospital at
done it can be used to provide holistic care and health Mangaluru.
promotion of the clients in the hospital. 2) To assess the practice of staff nurses towards nursing
initial assessment in a selected hospital at Mangaluru.
Nursing Administration 3) To find the correlation between knowledge and practice
Today there is increase in demand for quality care policies of staff nurses towards nursing initial assessment in a
and its execution of quality nursing care based on research selected hospital at Mangaluru.
findings they can take initiatives in conducting health 4) To find the association between the knowledge with
education regarding different coping strategies and the selected demographic variables
various relaxation techniques in the wards and clinics. 5) To find the association between the practice with selected
demographic variables.
Administration can recommend for availability of structured
set up in hospital to enhance the relaxation techniques Hypotheses
emotional support counseling section etc. H0: There will be no significant relationship between the
knowledge and practice of staff nurses towards nursing
Nursing Research initial assessment.
The finding of this study can be disseminated to clinical H1: There will be significant relationship between the
nursing student nurses through websites, literature, journals knowledge and practice of staff nurses towards nursing
etc. Emphasis should be laid on research in the area of non- initial assessment.
pharmacological measures of pain management, reducing H2: There will be significant association of knowledge of
stress and promote sleep and improve psychological physical staff nurses towards nursing initial assessment with selected
and social wellbeing the generalization of the study result demographic variables.
can be made by further replication of the study in various H3: There will be significant association of practice of staff
Volume 9 Issue 5, May 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20518111615 DOI: 10.21275/SR20518111615 1329
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
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demographic variables. study. The present study was a new learning experience for
the investigator. The constant directions, Encouragement,
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Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20518111615 DOI: 10.21275/SR20518111615 1330
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
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The Administrator
Father Muller Charitable Institution Mangalore-575002
Subject: Request for permission to conduct research study Respected Rev Father,
I have selected the below mentioned topic for my dissertation to be submitted in Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences,
Bangalore, Karnataka, as a requirement for the award of Bachelor of science in degree in nursing. Topic: “A descriptive
study on knowledge and practice of staff nurses towards nursing initial assessment in selected hospital at Mangaluru”.
I am interested in conducting this study in general ward, private ward, high density units of your esteemed Institutions. I
assured that this study will not cause any inconvenience to the normal routine of the wards purpose.
Kindly permit me to conduct the study and do the needful. Thanking you
Annexure 2
Letter granting ethical clearance
I Ms. Loycee Lolita Mascarenhas and group from III year B.Sc (N) students of Father Muller college of nursing have selected
the following topic for our dissertation to be submitted to Rajiv Gandhi university in the partial fulfilment for the requirement
for award of bachelor of science in nursing.
We humbly request you to go through the items and give your suggestions and opinions to develop the content validity of the
tool. Kindly suggest modification, additions and deletions, if any in the remark column.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Annexure 5
Letter of acceptance form for tool validation
Name of the Institute:
Topic: a descriptive study on knowledge and pracitice and pracitice of staff nurses towards nursing initial assessment
in selected hospital at mangaluru.
Annexure 6
Content validation certificate
I hereby certify that I have validated the tool of Ms. Loycee Lolita Mascarenhas and group, III year B.Sc (N)
students, Father Muller College of Nursing who is undertaking the following study
Place: Date:
Instruction: Review the items in the tool and give your valuable suggestions regarding accuracy, relevance and
appropriateness of the content. Kindly place the tick mark the appropriate column. If there are any suggestions
or comments please mention in the remark column.
Tool 2: Questionnaire
Question no Agree Disagree remark
Annexure 8
List of validators
3) Sr. Deepa
Associate prof & HOD of nursing foundation Father muller college of nursing
Annexure 9
Subject Information Sheet and Informed Consent Form
Title of the Study: A descriptive study on knowledge and practice of staff nurses towards nursing initial assessment in
selected hospital at Mangalore.
Names of Researchers/Investigators:
Ms. Litty Thomas Ms. Littymol John Ms. Lolita Dsouza
Ms. Loycee Lolita Mascarenhas Ms. Maria Jyothi Mascarenhas
Name of Organization:
Father Muller College of Nursing, Kankanady, Mangalore
We, Ms. Litty Thomas, Ms. Littymol John, Ms. Lolita Dsouza, Ms. Loycee Lolita Mascarenhas, Ms. Maria Jyothi
Mascarenhas the third year students of Father Muller College of Nursing are conducting a study on knowledge and practice
of staff nurses towards nursing initial assessment in selected hospital at Mangalore inviting you to participate in our research.
If you do not understand some of the words and concepts, we will explain them as we go and you may ask questions now or
later. You can talk to anyone whom you feel comfortable about the research and you can take time to reflect on whether you
want to participate.
By doing this study we will come to know the knowledge and practice of the staff nurses regarding the initial assessment.
Selection of Participants:
Staff nurses will be selected as the participants for this study.
Voluntary Participation:
Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary .it is your choice whether to participate or not. You are free to
discontinue the study at any time and for any reason. You can ask any doubts related to the study at any time to the
This study will include demographic proforma, to elicit the personal information about the subjects.
Structured knowledge questionnaire and checklist is used to assess the knowledge and practice of the staff nurses regarding
nursing initial assessment.
Ethical clearance will be obtained from father muller college institutional ethics committee.
Written permission will be obtained from Chief Nursing officer and administrator of Father Muller Medical College
Written information sheets will be produced before the subjects and all queries regarding the study will be explained before
obtaining the consent from them.
The study does not involve any actual/ potential risks to you. Privacy and confidentiality of the study participants will be
ensured. The result of the study may be published for scientific purpose or to scientific groups and confidentially will be
The study helps to improve the knowledge and practice of staff nurses regarding initial nursing assessment.
During the study the participants will not be entitled to any compensation or reimbursements.
Privacy and confidentiality of the study participants will be ensured. The result of the study may be published for scientific
purpose or to scientific groups. However, you will not be identified and confidentially will be maintained.
Whom to Contact
Volume 9 Issue 5, May 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20518111615 DOI: 10.21275/SR20518111615 1337
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
This research project is reviewed and approved by Father Muller Charitable Institutions Ethics Committee, Kankanady,
Mangalore. This is a committee whose task it is to make sure that research participants are protected from harm.
Informed Consent
I have read and understood the information/ it has been read to me and explained in an understandable language about the
research project: A Descriptive study on knowledge and practice of staff nurses towards nursing initial assessment in a
selected hospital at Mangalore. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about it and any questions that I have asked have
been answered to my satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to participate as a participant in this research.
Code of Participant
Signature of Participant
I have accurately read out the information sheet to the potential participant, and to the best of my ability made sure that the
participant understands the procedures to be done:
I confirm that the participant was given an opportunity to ask questions about the study, and all the questions asked by the
participant have been answered correctly and to the best of my ability. I confirm that the individual has not been coerced into
giving consent, and the consent has been given freely and voluntarily.
Annexure 10
Good: 15-20
Average: 10-14
Poor: 0-9
Blue print of the rating scale on practice of nurses on nursing initial assessment
S no Areas Items Frequency
1 Admission Procedure practices 1-5 5 25%
2 Basic procedures practices 6-15 15 75%
Total 1-20 20 100%
Maximum score: 45
Minimum score:15
Annexure 11
Baseline proforma
Instructions: This section seeks information about you and your family. Kindly read the following questions and give
appropriate information
1) Age in years.-------------
2) Gender
a. Male ( )
b. Female ( )
3) Educational Qualification.
a. GNM. ( )
b. BSc nursing ( )
c. P.B.BSc Nursing( )
d. MSc Nursing ( )
e. Additional qualification if any specify
4) Place of work
a) General ward( )
b) High density unit( )
c)Private ward ( )
5) Years of clinic experience
a) Less than 1year ( )
b) 2-5years ( )
c) 6-10 years ( )
d) Above 11 years ( )
Annexure 12
Structured knowledge questionnaire on nursing initial assessment Subject code :
Instructions: Please fill your response to all the items given below by placing a () mark against the appropriate answer.
2) Which of the following is not typically a part of the initial nursing assessment?
a) Collection of the data
b) Sorting of data
c) Documentation of data
d) Formulating a medical diagnosis
19) Which of the following is the main consideration in the psychosocial nursing assessment?
a) Health and emotional needs
b) Religious belief
c) Assisting in the formulation of a medical diagnosis
d) Financial background of the patient
Annexure 13
Self-rated rating scale on practice of staff nurses on nursing initial assessment Subject code
Instructions: Please read every question carefully and place √ mark against the practice that your following in the
Annexure 14
Statistical formula used for the study