Special EducationProgram in Malaysia
Special EducationProgram in Malaysia
Special EducationProgram in Malaysia
1. Special schools
2. Segregation approaches
3. Integrated program
4. Inclusive education program
5. Inclusive approaches
What is Special Education Program
• Special education or Special Needs Education is form of education planned for the
students with Special Needs in a way that addresses the students with Individual
Differences and Needs based on learning disabilities, behavioral, physical and
mental abnormalities
• Visual Impairment
• Hearing Impairment
Akta OKU, 2002 menjelaskan:
• Learning Disabilities
• Semua murid berkeperluan khas diajar oleh guru terlatih
• Gifted khas
• Akta menjelaskan penyamaan peluang tanpa diskriminasi &
• OKU mempunyai hak seperti orang lain
• Hapus pandangan negatif terhadap OKU
• Pengiktirafan
List of School - SEN in Malaysia
• Setapak Blindness Special Education Secondary School (SMPK)
• GENIUS Kurnia
• Sekolah Pendidikan Khas Pertuturan KIU (Pusat Pertuturan Kiu / Cued Speech Centre)
• Hils Learning
• Headstart Academy
Segregation approaches
• The terms ‘pupils with special needs’ and ‘special education programme’ introduced in the
Education Act 1996 (1998, 341) are defined as follows: ‘Pupils with special needs’ means
pupils with visual impairment or hearing impairment or with learning disabilities ‘Special
education programme’ means
1. A programme which is provided in special schools for pupils with visual impairment or
hearing impairment
2. An integrated programme in general schools for pupils with visual impairment or
hearing impairment or with learning disabilities
Example Schools – Integrated Program
• Therapy
o Animal Therapy corner which is built at the end corner of the special
education class is proven leaves positive impacts on the students
through the therapeutic relationship established between the animals
bred (chickens, rabbits and quails) and the students
• Activities
o MC Hammer Centre (carpentry activities)
o Master of ‘Cangkul’ Centre (planting and landscape activities)
o Launderette Centre (laundry and self-managerial activities)
o Cut and Trim Station (hair care activities)
o Garden Spa Station (facial treatment, manicure and pedicure
o Art Attack Station (handicraft activities)
o Style and Design Station (sewing and designing activities)
Example Schools – Integrated Program
• cafeteria for cooking and serving training, well set up kitchen to learn
house keeping skills, gardening area, arts and crafts centre
“Inclusive Education Programme” means an educational
programme for a pupil with special educational needs which is for everybody
attended by a pupil with special educational needs together
with other pupils in the same class in a government school or Inclusion
government-aided school
Persons with Disability Act (Equal Opportunist, Protection of Rights and Full Participation, 1995)
• Preventive and promotional rehabilitation of persons with disability, unemployment and establishment
of homes for persons with severe disability
• Inclusive education was introduced in the Malaysian Education Act 1996 (1998) together
with provisions for children with learning difficulties
• Inclusive education program is documented in the Act (1998, 342), which states:
1. For government and government-aided schools, pupils with special needs who are
educable are eligible to attend the special education programme except for the following
o physically handicapped pupils with the mental ability to learn like normal pupils
o pupils with multiple disabilities or with profound physical handicap or severe mental
2. A pupil with special needs is educable if he is able to manage himself without help and is
confirmed by a panel consisting of a medical practitioner, an officer from the MOE and an
officer from the Welfare Department of the MWFCD, as capable of undergoing the national
educational programme.
Principles of inclusive Education
• Antaranya adalah mereka yang tergolong dalam kategori masalah fizikal (cacat anggota)
• masalah emosi dan tingkah laku (Autisma dan ADHD)
• masalah pembelajaran khusus Disleksia (Dyslexia)
• masalah penguasaan kemahiran 3M iaitu membaca, menulis dan mengira
• School
• Teachers
• Peers/Mainstream students
• Parents
• Attitude of a teacher in the mainstream - they have attitudes and assumptions that these special
needs students are difficult to educate
• Labelling by peers
• Social discrimination
The benefits of inclusion for student with SEN and SEN inclusion setting
• Play the role of a special “buddy” for the children with SEN – during lunch, class activies etc
• Learn a good deal about tolerance, individual difference and human exceptionality
• Learn about human service professional such as special education, therapy , vocational and
• Offers the opportunity to learn to communicate effectively with a wide range of individual
• Bringing closer responds between students, teacher, parents, community and neihgbouhood
• Thus, it will improve social development and academic outcomes for all learners
Thank you