Jarricot Dermatome Pain Test Validation As A Diagnostic

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Psychology Research, ISSN 2159-5542

October 2014, Vol. 4, No. 10, 770-778


Jarricot Dermatome Pain Test Validation as a Diagnostic

Test of Organic Stress*

Rodríguez-Nogueira Óscar González-Caminal Griselda

Fundació Universitària del Bages (FUB); Fundació Universitària del Bages (FUB),
Institut de Neuropsiquiatria i Adiccions Barcelona, Spain
(INAD), Barcelona, Spain

Morera-Balaguer Jaume Rodríguez-Ferreira Jose

Cardenal Herrera University (CEU), Semente Psychology Center,
Alicante, Spain Lugo, Spain

Objective: To validate the Jarricot dermatome pain test as a diagnostic test for an organic state of stress. Methods:
Validity and reliability study of a test re-test for Jarricot dermatome pain test. Sample of 32 participants by
volunteers. Two physiotherapists performed the reflex test measurement of Jarricot dermalgias. A psychologist
administered the Hamilton anxiety test. Cohen kappa was used to calculate concordance and intraclass correlation
coefficient to calculate reliability. Spearman coefficient was used to correlate the number of positive dermalgias
with Hamilton anxiety. Results: The interobsevadores agreement was: pancreas 0.87, jejunum 0.87, descendant
colon 0.93, bile duct 0.90, ascendant colon 0.84, heart 0.75, liver 0.75, stomach 0.75, gallbladder 0.78, duodenum
0.74, and ileum 0.51. The intraobserver agreement was: heart 0.87, liver 0.81, pancreas 1, jejunum 0.87, descendant
colon 0.86, gallbladder 0.92, ascendant colon 0.92, stomach 0.75, ileum 0.76, bile duct 0.74, and duodenum 0.61.
Interobserver ICC (the intraclass coefficient correlation) was 0.98 and ICC intraobservador was 0.99. The
Spearman coefficient was 0.7. Conclusion: The test of Jarricot dermalgias reflex is valid and reliable, having a
strong and significant correlation between the number of positive dermalgias test score and Hamilton anxiety.
Although the correlation is strong and significant, it would be advisable to perform studies using probabilistic
sample to confirm this evidence.

Keywords: dermalgia, somatization, stress, Hamilton test, physiotherapy

According to the Spanish Ministry of Health, mental disorders were the most frequent cause of disease
burden in Europe in 2008. Thus, depression is currently the fourth leading cause of morbidity and it is expected

Acknowledgments: Institut de Neuropsiquiatria i Adiccions (INAD).
Rodríguez-Nogueira Óscar, Ph.D. candidate, Physiotherapy Department, Fundació Universitària del Bages (FUB); Institut de
Neuropsiquiatria i Adiccions (INAD).
González-Caminal Griselda, Ph.D. candidate, Physiotherapy Department, Fundació Universitària del Bages (FUB).
Morera-Balaguer Jaume, Ph.D., Physiotherapy Department, Cardenal Herrera University (CEU).
Rodríguez-Ferreira Jose, psychologist, Semente Psychology Center.


to become the second in 2020. WHO (the World Health Organization) estimates that up to 20% of the
population will suffer from any psychological disorder in 2020. Likewise, those illnesses derived from any
psychosocial risk occupy the fifth place within the causes with more incidence in the workplace and they rank
in the first place regarded to the average of duration of the process and have a direct cost of between 6% and
14% above the average of other medical diseases; to that one should add the indirect costs derived from long
periods of sick leave (Barsky, Orav, & Bates, 2005). In the year 2000, ILO (the International Labour
Organization) estimated that both the direct and indirect costs within the European Union related to mental
health were 4% of the GDP (Liimatainen & Gabriel, 2000).
The link between the alterations of the musculo-skeletal system and mental disorders is a revised
constant in the last decades and there is evidence of their interrelationship (Araña, 2008; Kieffer, 2013;
Benavides, Delclos, Benach, & Serra, 2006). Corruble and Guelfi (2000) found out that 75% of the participants
of his study diagnosed with depression showed muscular pains. Katja, Jakobi, Hoyer, Low, Höfler, and
Wittchen (2010) concluded that there was a strong relationship between pain, anxiety and depression in a study
carried out in Germany with a sample of 4,181 patients in the primary health. In Spain, the first study to
determine the prevalence of the somatization syndrome was conducted by the team of Lobo, Garcia, Campos,
Marcos, and Pérez (1996) and it was calculated to be 9.4%, being back pain the most common symptomatology.
Physical distress is thought to be one of the reasons that causes corporal symptomatology in patients with
mental disorders (Jarcho & Mayer, 2007; Posserud, Agerforz, Ekman, Bjornsson, Abrahamsson, & Simren,
2004; Raison & Miller, 2003; Kubzansky & Koenen, 2007; McEwen, 1998; Bhatia & Tandon, 2005). This
distress controlls the visceral activity and causes an increase of the sympathetic tone in the gastrointestinal
system and the heart through the autonomous nervous system (Bhatia & Tandon, 2005; Roy-Byrne, Davidson,
& Kessler, 2008).
The current study takes the theoretical basis of reflex dermalgias according to Jarricot. These are defined
as the cutaneous somatization in the nervous system of the corresponding visceras. Their studies are supported
by the concept of dermatomes based on previous studies of Head and Dejerine (Lee, McPhee, & Stringer, 2008;
Gallardo, 2008). Experimental and clinical findings seem to prove that visceral and cutaneous vasomotor
responses are parallel (Rome, 2009; Thieme & Turk, 2006; Korr, 2000). Thus, under conditions of emotional
stress, the nervous information will subdue both vasomotor tissues and cutaneous sudomotor innervated by that
segment to a bombing of major efferents (Korr, 2008), reflecting the hypertonia in the dermis. The result will
be a teno-cellulose myalgic reflex in the skin which will be easily evident in the emergency zones of the
sensory nerve in the corresponding dermatome.
A reflex dermalgia is assessed by the technique of the skin rolling, which is aimed to assess the
mobility between subcutaneous planes. This is done by the dynamic displacement of a skin-fold between
the thumb and the forefinger. This will give evidence to the two elements by which the dermalgia is
(1) A sign: progressive infiltration of the subcutaneous elements: reflex cellulitis;
(2) A symptom: pain caused by palpation which was painless before.
This reflex dermalgia lies in a given dermatome within a constant area, and it coincides with the
vascular-nervous bundle piercing emergency point (Ricard, 2009; Jarricot, 1973). This study has only taken
into account those dermalgias related to metameric projections of both the digestive organs and the heart (see
Figure 1), taking into account the available evidence which links the diseases of these organs with states of


stress (Jarcho & Mayer, 2007; Posserud, Agerforz, Ekman, Bjornsson, Abrahamsson, & Simren, 2004; Raison
& Miller, 2003; Kubzansky & Koenen, 2007; McEwen, 1998; Bhatia & Tandon, 2005).
There is always an exact overlap between the peak of pain and the area of maximum reflex cellulite. The
pain caused by the skin rolling technique, which is delicate and painless in normal tissues, surprises by its
intensity in the tissues of cellulite. This is, according to Jarricot, due to its sympatalgyc nature (Korr, 2000;
Richard, 2009; Jarricot, 1973).
In a society where both psychological and psychosocial stress are a constant, the progress towards an early
diagnosis of physical distress is something fundamental which will help both improving the symptoms and
preventing further problems arising.
More and more patients attend on physiotherapy rooms suffering from somatic symptoms derivate from
distress, being 75% of these consultations related to exclusively somatic symptoms (García, Campos, & Marcos
1996). Despite the number of patients which attend these consultations, there is no awareness of any diagnostic
test in physiotherapy which allows to differentiate if the etiology is the result of poor adaptation to the source of
stress or if it is a musculoskeletal problem. Thus, the validation of this test allows us to establish an appropriate
and quick diagnosis to prevent the symptomatology to establish and contribute to become chronic and this way
closing a vicious circle from which it will be hard to get out (Agüera, Failde, Cervilla, Díaz-Fernández, & Mico,



Gallblader Pancr

Bile ducts



Figure 1. Reflex dermalgias according to Dr. Henri Jarricot.


The objective is: To validate the reflex dermalgias test of Jarricot (TDRJ) taken as a test associated to the
somatization in the dermis of the organic stress.

Materials and Methods

The materials and methods are: Study of the validity and reliability of the TDRJ through the test re-test
system. Correlation between the numbers of positive dermalgias with the results of the anxiety test by

Field of study is: health professionals and administrative personal from the psychiatry and geriatric units
of the Centre Forum Hospital del Mar. Study sample is a nonrandom sample of 32 workers whose participation
was voluntary. Inclusion criteria is being older than 18, not having any toxic habit and not having taken any
kind of psychotropic drugs in the last month. Exclusion criteria is the diagnosis of organic disease in the
gastrointestinal system (stomach ulcer, gallstones, liver diseases, duodenal ulcer, irritable colon) or presence of
Panic Attacks in the last three days. A significance level of 5% was set and 90% of power in order to establish a
correlation between the number of dermalgias and the Hamilton test. It was established that the significance of
the correlation would be considered as unilateral and that 0.5 would be the minimum correlation which would
be accepted.
Ethical principles were respected during the investigation: the Declaration of Helsinki, WHO
recommendations, approval of the study by the Ethics Committee Clinical Research of the International
University of Catalonia, and signature of the appropriate informed consent.

Test of Reflex Dermalgias by Jarricot
This test consists of 11 items that assess somatization in the dermis of a state of hyper tonicity of
the sympathetic autonomous system. This should be assessed with the patient in the supine position and
using the technique of. The dermalgia will be positive when finding pain and infiltration of subcutaneous
The following dermatomes were tested: D5 (heart), D8 (liver), D9 (right gallbladder, biliary tract below
the stomach and pancreas center left), D10 (colon ascending to the right and duodenum, jejunum and ileum left
and center), and D11 and D12 (descending colon to the left).
Hamilton Anxiety Test
We used the Spanish version of the Hamilton test which was made and validated by Carrobles, Costa,
Del Ser, and Bartolomé (1986). It is a hetero applied scale of 14 items, 13 of them related to signs and anxiety
symptoms and the last one which evaluates the patient behavior during his visit. Each item is marked from 0
to 4 points each, assessing both their intensity and frequency. There are two partial scores corresponding to
psychic anxiety (items 1-6, 14) and somatic anxiety (items 7-13). The final score corresponds to the sum of
the two partial with a range from 0 to 56 points. This can be divided into two scores which correspond to


The evaluation was carried out at the Forum Center Hospital del Mar during the participants’ working
time. Two researchers performed three measurements of the TDRJ with a 30-minute interval between the
different measurements. The dossiers of data compilation were randomly numbered in order to maintain the
anonymity of participants and blind the researchers. It contained four sheets of assessment, three for the TDRJ
and one for the Hamilton test. The Hamilton test was applied between the first and the second measurement of
the TDRJ.
To follow the same method, the order in which the dermalgias were measured was from ascending to
descending starting with the left side of the patient: heart, liver, pancreas, stomach, jejunum, ileum, the
descending colon, gallbladder, paths bile, duodenum, and ascending colon.

Data Analysis
Interobserver agreement was analyzed in each of the items of the TDRJ through Cohen’s Kappa.
Reliability was measured by ICC (the intraclass coefficient correlation). The Spearman correlation coefficient
was used to evaluate the relationship between the number of dermalgias assessed by the investigator 1 and the
Hamilton test score. The analysis of the obtained data was carried out by the statistic program SPSS 18.

Description of the Population Being Studied
The subjects were 32 workers at the Forum Center Hospital del Mar, 68.75% (n = 22) women and 31.25%
(n = 10) men. The average age of the population was slightly higher in women (39.14) compared to men (36.20),
while the standard deviation did not make many differences: (11.74) in women and (11.06) in men (see Table 1).

Table 1
Population Study Description
Women Men Total
Mean Age 39.14 (11.74) 36.20 (11.06) 38.22 (11.44)
Age range 22-59 22-54 22-59
Clinical assistant 11 3 14
Nurses 8 3 11
Administrative 0 2 2
Doctor 1 2 3
Supervisor 1 0 1
Social worker 1 0 1
Total 22 10 32

Results of Interobserver and Intraobserver Agreement

The interobservers agreement was very good in five dermalgias (pancreas 0.87, jejunum 0.87, down colon
0.93, biliary tract 0.90, and ascending colon 0.84), it was also good in another five (heart, liver, and stomach
0.75, gallbladder 0.78, and duodenum 0.74) and it was moderate in one of them (ileum 0.51) (see Table 2).
The intraobserver agreement was very good in seven of them (heart 0.87, liver 0.81, pancreas 1, jejunum
0.87, descending colon 0.86, gallbladder 0.92, ascending colon 0.92), good in three (stomach 0.75, ileum 0.76,
and bile 0.74) and it was moderated in one (duodenum 0.61) (see Table 2).


Table 2
Cohen’s Kappa Index for 11 Dermalgias Interobserver and Intraobserver
Interobserver Intraobserver
Kappa index Degree agreement Kappa index Degree agreement
D5 - Heart 0.75 Good 0.87 Very good
D8 - Liver 0.75 Good 0.81 Very good
D9 - Pancreas 0.87 Very good 1.00 Very good
D9 - Stomach 0.75 Good 0.75 Good
D9 - gallbladder 0.78 Good 0.92 Very good
D9 - bile ducts 0.90 Very good 0.74 Good
D10 - Jejunum 0.87 Very good 0.87 Very good
D10 - Duodenum 0.74 Good 0.61 Moderate
D10 - ascending Colon 0.84 Very good 0.92 Very good
D10 - Ileum 0.51 Moderate 0.76 Good
D11 and 12 - Descending colon 0.93 Very good 0.86 Very good

Interobserver and Intraobserver Results ICC

The reliability of the interobserver and intraobserver results was measured by using the intraclass
correlation coefficient being the results 0.98 and 0.99 respectively (see Tables 3 and 4).
The value of the Spearman correlation coefficient between the number of positive reflex dermalgias and
the Hamilton score test was 0.7 (p-value < 0.05).
Table 5 shows the average of positive reflex dermalgias and the Hamilton score test stratified by sex. We
can observe how women score higher both in one test and the other.

Table 3
Interobserver ICC Results
Observer 1 6.31 + 3.30 0.98 [0.95, 0.99]
Observer 2 6.66 + 3.36

Table 4
Intraobserver ICC Results
Observer 1 6.31 + 3.30 0.99 [0.98, 0.99]
Observer 1 bis 6.56 + 3.13

Table 5
Dermalgias Average Test Score and Hamilton Test Score Separated by Gender
Gender Average dermalgias Average Hamilton
Women 8 15.73
Men 2.6 5.30
Total 6.31 12.47

Discussion and Conclusion

In the present study, we have been able to confirm that the TDRJ is a valid and reliable test which
maintains a strong and positive correlation with the anxiety text of Hamilton.


Out of the 11 items which make up the test, only the ileum dermalgia interobserver and Intra duodenum
were found to have moderate kappa index. We believe that it would be worthy to point out that the extension of
these dermalgias is small and also that they are located in a very sensitive area near the navel. Being this added
to the pain provoked by the positive dermalgia could make you incur in false positives when the time between
rating (30 minutes) is scarce, not leaving the necessary tissue rest needed between them. Under normal
conditions each dermalgia is tested only once, so that there is no hypersensitivity reached by a previous review,
and this increases more the reliability of the test. One important point to highlight is that in the other nine items
the degree of agreement was very satisfactory.
The time lapse between assessments was established in 30 minutes by agreement and that is the time
provided for the administration of the test of Hamilton. Thus participants could finish the first review, take the
test and continue to do the second assessment without having to wait. Due to the fact that participants were
working, it was convenient to expedite all the procedures so they could return to their jobs as soon as possible.
The Spearman coefficient to obtain the correlation between the TDRJ and the test of Hamilton was 0.7. It
was observed that the greater the number of positive dermalgias, the higher the results in the test of Hamilton.
This correlation was one of the goals of this study, which depended on the first validation of the TDRJ.
Stress is a state of adaptation to situations that we interpret as threatening. If this stress is frequent or
permanently kept, it can produce physical discomfort or diseases. The current crisis seems to be a huge
breeding ground for the growth of this type of pathologies. The present study was decided to be performed at
the Forum Center Hospital del Mar and at the time of the data collection, the hospital’s management was
negotiating the implementation of a redundancy of 194 workers with the works councils. The staff was living a
climate of special tension as reflected in most of the participants, so we thought it was the suitable population
for this study.
Table 5 shows the average dermalgias and the score of the Hamilton test by sex. Knowing that scoring <
17 in the Hamilton test, we obtain a mild anxiety (Hamilton, 1959) and our study population is a sub-clinical
population in which no one had a diagnosis of anxiety or taking psychotropic drugs, a score average of 15.73 in
women can be categorized as a state of high stress, just what is TDRJ measure, in women whose average is 8,
so it could indicate the presence of stress. In men, an average of 5.30 in the test of Hamilton is not significant,
nor is the average of 2.6 dermalgias, indicating absence of stress. These facts are consistent with the literature
that women suffer a higher prevalence in generalized anxiety disorders and pains of psychosomatic origin
(Domes, Schulze, & Bottger, 2010; Ros, Comas, & García, 2010).
The use of some updated references has to do with the lack of physiotherapy research, as this is a young
science that is beginning to build its evidence. This leads us to base our research on principles and relationships
of anatomy and physiology discovered and studied in the 70s, which we think it is necessary to start our route
towards the scientific evidence itself.
The present study is favorable when saying that the TDRJ is valid and reliable for assessing stress, there is
being a strong correlation between the TDRJ and the Hamilton test of anxiety. Through this viscero-cutaneous
reflex, we obtain information about the state of stress of a person being able to clarify the origin of his/her
symptomatology. The application of this test involves the use of an easy-to-use tool and low costs in the
physiotherapy rooms, avoiding periods of expensive and ineffective rehabilitation that can lead to the
chronicity of the symptomatology. We have not found in the literature studies with objectives similar to ours,
so we recommend its implementation in order to have more evidence in this field.


The results of this study can be applied to the daily clinical practice, in Professional Physiotherapy,
psychology or medicine. It opens a door to interdisciplinary team, which is highly necessary between theose
three branches in the health service. We live in a time when there is more and more relation between the
psychological variables and physical problems, and it is essential that physiotherapists have instruments for
measurement rapid, inexpensive, valid and reliable measurement, allowing us to determine the psychological
characteristics of the patient that will serve us to guide our treatment or to refer the relevant professional.

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