Ozone Depletion

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Atmosphere, Climate & Environment

Information Programme, aric

Manchester Metropolitan University
Chester Street, Manchester M1 5GD
Tel: 0161 247 1590
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E-Mail: aric@mmu.ac.uk
Internet: http://www.ace.mmu.ac.uk/

Fact Sheet Series for

Key Stage 4 and A-Level

Joe Buchdahl

1999 (updated 2002)

ACE is supported by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
ACE Information Programme aric


The Science of Ozone Depletion

01. What is Ozone?

02. Ultraviolet Radiation
03. The Ozone Layer
04. Ozone Depletion in the Stratosphere
05. Chlorofluorocarbons
06. Other Ozone Depleting Substances
07. The Ozone Hole: Antarctica
08. The Ozone Hole: The Arctic
09. Natural Influences on Stratospheric Ozone
10. Monitoring Ozone Depletion

The Impacts of Ozone Depletion

11. Health Effects of Ozone Depletion: Skin Cancer

12. Health Effects of Ozone Depletion: Eye Disorders
13. Health Effects of Ozone Depletion: Immunological Effects
14. Ozone Depletion & Aquatic Life
15. Ozone Depletion & Land Vegetation
16. Other Effects of Ozone Depletion

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Managing Ozone Depletion

17. The Montreal Protocol

18. Can Ozone Depletion be Reversed?
19. Waste Regulation & Trade Control of Ozone Depleters
20. Saving the Ozone Layer and Protecting Our Health


Ozone Depletion Fact Sheet Series: KS4 & A 3

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Ozone is both beneficial and harmful to us. Near the ground, ozone
forming as a result of chemical reactions involving traffic pollution and
sunlight may cause a number of respiratory problems, particularly for
young children, However, high up in the atmosphere (19-30km) in a
region known as the stratosphere, ozone filters out incoming radiation
from the Sun in the "cell damaging" ultraviolet part of the spectrum.
Without ozone in the stratosphere, life on earth would not have
evolved. Thus with the development of the ozone layer came the
formation of more advanced life forms.

Concentrations of ozone in the stratosphere fluctuate naturally in

response to variations in weather conditions and amounts of energy
being released from the sun, and to major volcanic eruptions.
Nevertheless, during the 1970s it was realised that man-made
emissions of CFCs and other chemicals used in refrigeration, aerosols
and cleansing agents may destroy significant amounts of ozone in the
stratosphere, thereby letting through more of the harmful ultraviolet
radiation. Then, in 1985, a large “ozone hole” was discovered above
the continent of Antarctica during the springtime. This has reappeared
every year. In response to this, and additional fears about more
widespread global ozone depletion, 24 nations signed the Montreal
Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (1987). This
legally binding international treaty called for participating developed
nations to reduce the use of CFCs and other ozone depleting
substances. In 1990 and again in 1992, subsequent amendments to
the Protocol brought forward the phase out date for CFCs for
developed countries to 1995.

Protecting the ozone layer is essential. Ultraviolet radiation from the

Sun can cause a variety of health problems in humans, including
skin cancers, eye cataracts and a reduction in the ability to fight off
disease. Furthermore, ultraviolet radiation can be damaging to

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microscopic life in the surface oceans which forms the basis of the
world’s food chain, certain varieties of crops including rice and soya,
and polymers used in paints and clothing. A loss of ozone in the
stratosphere may even affect the global climate.

International agreements have gone a long way to safeguarding this

life-supporting shield. Nevertheless, for there to be real and long-
lasting success, everyone must become part of the solution.
Individual efforts taken together can be powerful forces for
environmental change. There are a number of things that we, as
individuals, can do to both protect the ozone layer. These include
proper disposal of old refrigerators, the use of halon-free fire
extinguishers and the recycling of foam and other non-disposable
packaging. Finally, we should all be aware that whilst emissions of
ozone depleters are now being controlled, the ozone layer is not
likely to fully repair itself for several decades. Consequently, we
should take precautions when exposing ourselves to the Sun.

The Atmospheric Research & Information Centre (aric), through its

Atmosphere, Climate and Environment Information Programme, has
compiled a series of 20 topical fact sheets concerning the subject of
ozone depletion. The series is divided into three sections - the
science of ozone depletion (10), the impacts of ozone depletion (6),
and managing ozone depletion (4). Together, they describe what
ozone, the ozone layer, ozone depletion and the ozone hole are,
how ozone depletion occurs, mankind’s influence, its impacts, and
the international agreements put in place to control it. The fact sheet
series is aimed at students involved in Key Stage 4 of the National
Curriculum (GCSE) and higher. Although some of the concepts
covered by the fact sheets may be challenging, a glossary is
provided to compliment the main text, which sometimes contains
words and phrases that may seem unfamiliar to the reader. aric
hope that the reader will find this fact sheet series a useful
information resource on ozone depletion.

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Without ozone, life on Earth would not have evolved. The first stage of
single cell organism development requires an oxygen-free
environment. This type of environment existed on earth over 3000
million years ago. As the primitive forms of plant life multiplied and
evolved, they began to release minute amounts of oxygen through the
photosynthesis reaction (which converts carbon dioxide into oxygen).
The build up of oxygen in the atmosphere led to the formation of the
ozone layer in the upper atmosphere or stratosphere. This layer filters
out incoming radiation in the "cell damaging" ultraviolet part of the
spectrum. Thus with the development of the ozone layer came the
formation of more advanced life forms.

Oxygen and Ozone

Ozone is a form of oxygen. The oxygen we breathe is in the form of

oxygen molecules (O2) - two atoms of oxygen bound together. Ozone,
on the other hand, consists of three atoms of oxygen bound together
(O3). Most of the atmosphere's ozone occurs in the upper atmosphere
called the stratosphere. Ozone is colourless and has a very harsh
odour. Normal oxygen, which we breathe, has two oxygen atoms and
is colourless and odourless. Ozone is much less common than normal
oxygen. Out of each 10 million air molecules, about 2 million are
normal oxygen, but only 3 are ozone.

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Where is Ozone Found?

Most ozone is produced naturally in the upper atmosphere or

stratosphere. While ozone can be found through the entire
atmosphere, the greatest concentration occurs at an altitude of about
25 km. This band of ozone-rich air is known as the "ozone layer". The
stratosphere ranges from an altitude of 10km to 50km and it lies
above the troposphere (or lower atmosphere). Stratospheric ozone
shields us from the harmful effects of the Sun's ultra-violet radiation.
Ozone also occurs in very small amounts in the troposphere (200
parts per billion). It is produced at ground level through a reaction
between sunlight and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and
nitrogen oxides (NOx), some of which are produced by human
activities such as driving cars. Ground-level ozone is a component of
urban smog, and can damage certain crops and trees, and can be
harmful to human health. As there is increased solar radiation during
the summer months, there tends to be a larger number of urban
ozone episodes at this time. Ground level ozone is blown easily by
surface winds to regions well beyond its source. As a pollutant it
should not be confused with the separate problem of stratospheric
ozone depletion.

Structure of the Atmosphere

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Even though both types of ozone are exactly the same molecule,
their presence in different parts of the atmosphere has very different
consequences. Stratospheric ozone blocks harmful solar radiation -
all life on Earth has adapted to this filtered solar radiation. Ground-
level ozone, in contrast, is simply a pollutant. It will absorb some
incoming solar radiation, but it cannot make up for stratospheric
ozone loss. This fact sheet series is concerned with stratospheric
ozone depletion.

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What is Ultraviolet Radiation?

Ultraviolet radiation is one form of radiant energy coming from the

sun. The various forms of energy, or radiation, are classified
according to wavelength, measured in nanometres (one nm is a
millionth of a millimetre). The shorter the wavelength, the more
energetic the radiation. In order of decreasing energy, the principal
forms of radiation are gamma rays, X rays, UV (ultraviolet radiation),
visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves, and radio waves. There
are three categories of UV radiation:

• UV-A, between 320 and 400 nm

• UV-B, between 280 and 320 nm
• UV-C, between 200 and 280 nm

How Harmful is UV?

Generally, the shorter the wavelength, the more biologically

damaging UV radiation can be if it reaches the Earth in sufficient
quantity. UV-A is the least damaging (longest wavelength) form of
UV radiation and reaches the Earth in greatest quantity. Most UV-A
rays pass right through the ozone layer in the stratosphere. UV-B

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radiation can be very harmful. Fortunately, most of the sun's UV-B

radiation is absorbed by ozone in the stratosphere. UV-C radiation is
potentially the most damaging because it is very energetic.
Fortunately, all UV-C is absorbed by oxygen and ozone in the
stratosphere and never reaches the Earth's surface.

In summary, the danger from ultraviolet radiation comes mainly from

the UV-B range of the spectrum, although UV-A poses some risk if
exposure is long enough, or the sunshine is particularly strong.

Influences on UV Radiation Reaching the Earth?

Although the ozone layer is the one constant defence against UV

penetration, several other factors can have an effect:

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Latitude: The sun’s rays are the most intense near the equator
where they impact the Earth’s surface at the most direct angle.

Season: During winter months, the sun's rays strike at a more

oblique angle than they do in the summer. This means that all solar
radiation travels a longer path through the atmosphere to reach the
Earth, and is therefore less intense.

Time of day: Daily changes in the angle of the sun influence the
amount of UV radiation that passes through the atmosphere. When
the sun is low in the sky, its rays must travel a greater distance
through the atmosphere and may be scattered and absorbed by
water vapour and other atmospheric components. The greatest
amount of UV reaches the Earth around midday when the sun is at
its highest point.

Altitude. The air is thinner and cleaner on a mountain top - more UV

reaches there than at lower elevations.

Cloud cover:. Clouds can have a marked impact on the amount of

UV radiation that reaches the Earth's surface; generally, thick clouds
block more UV than thin cloud cover.

Rain: Rainy conditions reduce the amount of UV transmission.

Air pollution: Like clouds, urban smog can reduce the amount of UV
radiation reaching the Earth.

Land cover: Incoming UV radiation is reflected from most surfaces.

Snow reflects up to 85 per cent, dry sand and concrete can reflect
up to 12%. Water reflects only five per cent. Reflected UV can
damage people, plants, and animals just as direct UV does.

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The ozone layer is a layer of

ozone particles scattered
between 19 and 30 kilometres
(12 to 30 miles) up in the
Earth's atmosphere, in a region
The ozone layer
called the stratosphere. The
concentration of ozone in the
ozone layer is usually under 10
parts ozone per million.
Without the ozone layer, UV
radiation would not be stopped
from entering the Earth's
atmosphere and arriving at the surface, causing untold damage to
most living species. In the 1970s, scientists discovered that
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) could destroy ozone in the stratosphere.
Since CFCs had been in use as refrigerants, coolants, and
propellants for aerosol cans since the 1930s, this posed a major

The Formation of Stratospheric Ozone

Ozone is created in the stratosphere when highly energetic solar

radiation strikes molecules of oxygen (O2) and cause the two oxygen
atoms to split apart. If a freed atom bumps into another O2, it joins up,
forming ozone (O3). This process is known as photolysis. Ozone is
also naturally broken down in the stratosphere by sunlight and by a
chemical reaction with various compounds containing nitrogen,
hydrogen and chlorine. These chemicals all occur naturally in the
atmosphere in very small amounts.

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In an unpolluted atmosphere there is a balance between the amount

of ozone being produced and the amount of ozone being destroyed.
As a result, the total concentration of ozone in the stratosphere
remains relatively constant. At different temperatures and pressures
(i.e. varying altitudes within the stratosphere), there are different
formation and destruction reaction rates. Thus, the amount of ozone
within the stratosphere varies according to altitude. Ozone
concentrations are highest between 19 and 23 km.

Distribution of Stratospheric Ozone

Most of the ozone in the stratosphere is formed over the equatorial

belt, where the level of solar radiation is greatest. It is transported by
latitudinal air movements towards polar latitudes. Consequently, the
amount of stratospheric ozone above a location on the Earth varies
naturally with latitude, season, and from day-to-day. Under normal
circumstances highest ozone values are found over the Canadian
Arctic and Siberia, whilst the lowest values are found around the
equator. The ozone layer over Canada is normally thicker in winter
and early spring, varying naturally by about 25% between January

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and July. Weather conditions can also cause considerable daily


It is generally believed that if the stratospheric ozone concentration is

disturbed, it takes some time for the chemical system to return to its
original balance or new equilibrium (between formation and
destruction). The time this takes depends on the altitude in the
stratosphere. Above 40km, it may take a few minutes for an
equilibrium to be re-established, while below 30 km altitude it can take
several days.

To summarise, ozone is constantly produced and destroyed in the

stratosphere, by reactions involving sunlight and oxygen. It is a
mistake to think of it as a finite resource, like oil, that can be destroyed
once and for all. What could happen is that the balance of the present
equilibrium that exists to maintain the layer may be shifted, either in
favour of less ozone or more.

Why is the Ozone Layer Important?

Ozone's unique physical properties allow the ozone layer to act as our
planet's sunscreen, providing an invisible filter to help protect all life
forms from the Sun's damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays. Most incoming
UV radiation is absorbed by ozone and prevented from reaching the
Earth's surface. Without the protective effect of ozone, life on Earth
would not have evolved in the way it has.

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Ozone depletion occurs when the natural balance between the

production and destruction of stratospheric ozone is tipped in favour
of destruction. Although natural phenomena can cause temporary
ozone loss, chlorine and bromine released from man-made synthetic
compounds are now accepted as the main cause of this depletion.

What Causes Ozone Depletion?

It was first suggested, by Drs. M. Molina and S. Rowland in 1974, that

a man-made group of compounds known as the chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) were likely to be the main source of ozone depletion.
However, this idea was not taken seriously until the discovery of the
ozone hole over Antarctica in 1985.

Chlorofluorocarbons are not "washed" back to Earth by rain or

destroyed in reactions with other chemicals. They simply do not
break down in the lower atmosphere and they can remain in the
atmosphere from 20 to 120 years or more. As a consequence of their
relative stability, CFCs are instead transported into the stratosphere
where they are eventually broken down by ultraviolet radiation,
releasing free chlorine. The chlorine becomes actively involved in the
process of destruction of ozone. The net result is that two molecules
of ozone are replaced by three of molecular oxygen, leaving the
chlorine free to repeat the process:

Cl + O3 Æ ClO + O2
ClO + O Æ Cl + O2

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Ozone is converted to oxygen, leaving the chlorine atom free to

repeat the process up to 100,000 times, resulting in a reduced level of
ozone. Bromine compounds, or halons, can also destroy stratospheric
ozone. Compounds containing chlorine and bromine from man-
made synthetic compounds are known as industrial halocarbons.

The Destruction of Ozone

How Long has Ozone Depletion been Occurring?

Based on data collected since the 1950s, scientists have determined

that ozone levels were relatively stable until the late 1970s. Severe
depletion over the Antarctic has been occurring since 1979 and a
general downturn in global ozone levels has been observed since
the early 1980s.

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How Much of the Ozone Layer has been Depleted

Around the World?

Global ozone levels have declined an average of about 3% between

1979 and 1991. This rate of decline is about three times faster than
that recorded in the 1970s. In addition to Antarctica, ozone depletion
now affects almost all of North America, Europe, Russia, Australia,
New Zealand, and a sizeable part of South America. Short term
losses of ozone can be much greater than the long term average. In
Canada, ozone depletion is usually greatest in the late winter and
early spring. In 1993, for example, average ozone values over
Canada were 14% below normal from January to April.

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Man-made CFCs are the main cause of stratospheric ozone

depletion. CFCs have a lifetime of about 20 to 100 years, and
consequently one free chlorine atom from a CFC molecule can do a
lot of damage, destroying ozone molecules for a long time. Although
emissions of CFCs around the developed world have largely ceased
due to international control agreements, the damage to the
stratospheric ozone layer will continue for a number of years to

What are CFCs?

Chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs (also known as freon) are non-toxic,

non-flammable and non-carcinogenic. They contain fluorine atoms,
carbon atoms and chlorine atoms. The 5 main CFCs include CFC-
11 (trichlorofluoromethane - CFCl3), CFC-12 (dichloro-
difluoromethane - CF2Cl2), CFC-113 (trichloro-trifluoroethane -
C2F3Cl3), CFC-114 (dichloro-tetrfluoroethane - C2F4Cl2), and CFC-
115 (chloropentafluoroethane - C2F5Cl).

Use of CFCs

In the past, CFCs have been widely used as coolants in refrigeration

and air conditioners, as solvents in cleaners, particularly for
electronic circuit boards, as a blowing agents in the production of
foam (e.g. fire extinguishers), and as propellants in aerosols.
Indeed, much of the modern lifestyle of the mid-20th century had
been made possible by the use of CFCs.

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The pie chart below shows the uses of CFCs in various products
before the 1987 Montreal Protocol, which required countries to
phase out their usage to protec the ozone layer.

No new CFCs have been produced since 1995 in developed

nations. Total usage of CFCs has also fallen dramatically,
particularly by aerosols. The only aerosols using CFCs in the
developed world are asthma inhalers and these too are being
phased out. Aerosol propellants now use only 4.9% of total use of
CFC-11 and CFC-12 in the world today.

How do CFCs Destroy the Ozone Layer?

Emissions of CFCs to date have accounted for roughly 80% of total

stratospheric depletion. Whilst chlorine is a natural threat to ozone,
CFCs which contain chlorine are a man-made problem. Although
CFC molecules are several times heavier than air, winds mix the
atmosphere to altitudes far above the top of the stratosphere much
faster than molecules can settle according to their weight. CFCs are
insoluble in water and relatively unreactive in the lower atmosphere
but are quickly mixed and reach the stratosphere regardless of their
weight. When UV radiation hits a CFC molecule it causes one
chlorine atom to break away. The chlorine atom then hits an ozone

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molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms and takes one of the

oxygen molecules, destroying the ozone molecule and turning it into
oxygen. When an oxygen molecule hits the molecule of chlorine
monoxide, the two oxygen atoms join and form an oxygen molecule.
When this happens, the chlorine atom is free and can continue to
destroy ozone. Naturally occurring chlorine has the same effect in
the ozone layer, but has a shorter life span.

Control of CFCs

Since 1995, emissions of new CFCs in the developed world have

been completely phased out. As evidence accumulated that man-
made CFCs were contributing to stratospheric ozone depletion,
scientists urged nations to control the use of CFCs. In 1987, the
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was
negotiated and signed by 24 countries. The Protocol called for the
parties to phase down the use of CFCs, as well as other ozone
depleting chemicals such as halons and other man-made
halocarbons. Although emissions of CFCs have fallen dramatically as
a result of the Montreal Protocol, because each chlorine molecule
remains in the atmosphere for such a long time, damage done to
stratospheric ozone will persist for many years to come.

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CFCs are not the only ozone-depleting chemicals (ODCs). A number

of other halocarbon species are capable of destroying ozone in the
stratosphere. Halocarbons include the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),
the hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), methylhalides, carbon
tetrachloride (CCl4), carbon tetrafluoride (CF4), and the halons
(bromide species). Although the HCFCs do not contribute significantly
to the destruction of the ozone layer, they, along with the other
halocarbons are all considered to be powerful greenhouse gases and
contribute towards global warming.


Hydrochlorofluorocarbons or HCFCs contain chlorine but, unlike

CFCs, they also contain hydrogen (the H) which causes them to
break down in the lower atmosphere (troposphere). They are called
transition chemicals because they are considered an interim step
between strong ozone-depleters and replacement chemicals that
are entirely ozone-friendly. Unfortunately, like CFCs, they are strong
greenhouse gases and contribute towards global warming.

Carbon Tetrachloride

Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), despite its toxicity, was first used in the
early 1900s as a fire extinguishant, and more recently as an
industrial solvent, an agricultural fumigant, and in many other
industrial processes including petrochemical refining, and pesticide
and pharmaceuticals production. Recently it has also been used in
the production of CFC-11 and CFC-12. It has accounted for less

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than 8% of total ozone depletion. The use of carbon tetrachloride in

developed countries has been prohibited since the beginning of
1996 under the Montreal Protocol.

Methyl Chloroform

Methyl chloroform, also known as 1,1,1 trichloroethane is a versatile,

all-purpose industrial solvent used primarily to clean metal and
electronic parts. It was introduced in the 1950s as a substitute for
carbon tetrachloride. Methyl chloroform has accounted for roughly
5% of total ozone depletion. The use of methyl chloroform in
developed countries has been prohibited since the beginning of
1996 under the Montreal Protocol.


Halons, unlike CFCs, contain bromine, which also destroys ozone in

the stratosphere. Halons are used primarily as fire suppressants.
Halon-1301 has an ozone depleting potential 10 times that of CFC-
11. Although the use of halons in developed countries has been
phased out since 1996, the atmospheric concentration of these
potent, long-lived ozone destroyers is still rising by an estimated 11
to 15% annually. To date halons have accounted for about 5% of
global ozone depletion.

Methyl Bromide

Methyl bromide, another bromine-containing halocarbon, has been

used as a pesticide since the 1960s. Today, scientists estimate that
human sources of methyl bromide are responsible for approximately
5 to 10% of global ozone depletion.

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Why is the ozone hole over Antarctica? That is one of the first
questions that comes to mind when people think about the ozone
hole. Every winter and spring since the late 1970s, an ozone hole
has formed in the stratosphere above the Antarctic continent. In
recent years this hole has become both larger and deeper, in the
sense that more and more ozone is being destroyed. As summer
approaches, the hole repairs itself, only to reform during the
following spring.

Measuring the Ozone Hole

The most common ozone measurement unit is the Dobson Unit

(DU). The Dobson Unit is named after atmospheric ozone pioneer
G.M.B. Dobson who carried out the earliest studies on ozone in the
atmosphere from the 1920s to the 1970s. A DU measures the total
amount of ozone in an overhead column of the atmosphere. Dobson
Units are measured by how thick the layer of ozone would be if it
were compressed into one layer at 0 degrees Celsius and with a
pressure of one atmosphere above it. Every 0.01 millimetre
thickness of the layer is equal to one Dobson Unit. The average
amount of ozone in the stratosphere across the globe is about 300
DU (or a thickness of only 3mm at 0oC and 1 atmospheric
pressure!). Highest levels of ozone are usually found in the mid to
high latitudes, in Canada and Siberia (360DU).

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Why is the Hole over the Antarctic?

Observed ozone over the

British Antarctic Survey station
at Halley Bay first revealed
obvious decreases in the early
1980s compared to data
obtained since 1957. The
ozone hole is formed each
year when there is a sharp
decline (currently up to 60%) in
the total ozone over most of
Antarctica for a period of about
two months during southern
hemisphere spring (September
and October).

Man-made emissions of CFCs occur mainly in the northern

hemisphere, with about 90% released in Europe, Russia, Japan,
and North America. Gases such as CFCs that are insoluble in water
and relatively unreactive are mixed throughout the lower
atmosphere and rise from the lower atmosphere into the
stratosphere; winds then move this air poleward.

Normally, chlorine and bromine is inactive, locked up in stable

compounds, and does not destroy the ozone. However, during the
Antarctic winter months (June to August) when the region receives no
sunlight, the stratosphere becomes cold enough (-80oC) for high level
[ice] clouds to form, called Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs). These
PSCs provide an ideal catalytic surface on which the chlorine can
react with the ozone, thus destroying the ozone layer. This reaction
requires sunlight, and therefore only begins when the Sun returns to
Antarctica in spring (September to October), before the PSCs have
had a chance to melt. The ozone hole disappears again when the
Antarctic air warms up enough during late spring and summer

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During the southern hemisphere winter, Antarctica is isolated from the

rest of the world by a natural circulation of wind called the polar
vortex. This prevents atmospheric mixing of stratospheric ozone, thus
contributing to the depletion of ozone. Although some ozone depletion
occurs over the Arctic, meteorological conditions there are very
different to Antarctica and so far have prevented the formation of
ozone holes as large as in the southern hemisphere.

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Unlike the Arctic, the Antarctic is isolated from the rest of the world
during the winter and spring by a natural circulation of wind called the
polar vortex. This prevents atmospheric mixing of stratospheric ozone,
thus contributing to the depletion of ozone. However, even small
depletions in the Arctic region would give cause for considerable
concern due to the higher populations in the higher latitudes of the
northern hemisphere.

Do Ozone Holes Form Over The Arctic?

Arctic ozone depletion has not been as marked as over the Antarctic
for two reasons: a) the stratospheric temperatures are seldom below -
80oC due to frequent exchange of air masses with the mid latitudes; b)
the Arctic air vortex usually dissipates in late winter before sunlight
returns to initiate the ozone destruction. The differences between the
two regions result in part from the larger land mass in the northern
hemisphere, which causes more activity in the atmosphere.

Nevertheless, analysis of satellite data reveals that the loss of ozone

in the northern hemisphere is now proceeding faster than previously
thought. In 1989, NASA's Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition,
the first comprehensive research expedition to explore the Arctic
region, found that the Arctic stratosphere in winter has almost as
much chlorine monoxide as is found in Antarctica, the same
destructive chlorine that causes the Antarctic ozone hole. While no
Arctic ozone losses comparable with those in the Antarctic have
occurred, localised Arctic ozone losses have been observed in
winter concurrent with observation of elevated levels of reactive
chlorine, made available through man-made emissions of CFCs.

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Ozone losses have increased greatly in the 1990s in the Arctic and
in late 1997 were the greatest ever observed, according to
measurements by NASA satellites.

The rate of loss in mid-latitudes has reached 8% per decade in late

winter and spring, and significant loss is now encroaching on the
growing season. This compares with the yearly-averaged global mean
decrease in the amount of ozone of about 3% in the last decade.

Climate Change and Ozone Depletion in the Arctic

An ozone hole in the Arctic is expected to grow larger over the

coming decades as a result of man-made greenhouse gas
emissions which may cause climate change, before recovering after
2020. Loss of ozone in the Arctic by 2020 could be about double
what would occur without greenhouse gases. Though greenhouse
gases cause atmospheric warming at the Earth's surface, they cool
the stratosphere by trapping more heat below, in the troposphere.
Since ozone chemistry is very sensitive to temperature, particularly
at -80oC when Polar Stratospheric Clouds can form, this
stratospheric cooling may result in more ozone depletion in the

Temperatures are slightly warmer in the Arctic than the Antarctic

during their respective winter and spring seasons, with the result
that ozone loss in the northern hemisphere has been lower than that
in the southern hemisphere. But the Arctic stratosphere has
gradually cooled over the last decade, resulting in the increased
ozone loss. Computer models predict that temperature and wind
changes induced by greenhouse gas emissions may allow a
stronger and longer-lasting atmospheric vortex to form above the
Arctic, as in the Antarctic, causing an increase in ozone depletion.

Because of international controls on the emission of ozone-depleting

chemicals, those gases are expected to peak about the year 2000.

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However, greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase, despite

international efforts to control them, and Arctic ozone depletion may
continue to worsen until the 2010s, with two-thirds of atmospheric
ozone lost in the most severely affected areas.

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Despite all of our harmful chemicals going into the atmosphere,

some people still argue that stratospheric ozone depletion is just
part of a natural variation. Natural variations which influence the
amount of ozone in the upper atmosphere include solar activity,
volcanic eruptions and changes in atmospheric circulation - the
planetary winds.

The Sun’s Influence on Ozone

Stratospheric ozone is primarily created by

ultraviolet (UV) radiation coming from the Sun.
The Sun's energy release does vary,
especially over the 11-year sunspot cycle.
During the active phase of the 11-year
sunspot cycle, more ozone is produced with
the increased UV coming to Earth. This
phenomenon can boost the average ozone concentration over the
poles by about 4%, but when this is averaged out over the whole
earth, the world average ozone increase is about 2%.

Observations since the 1960s have shown that total global ozone
levels have decreased by 1-2% from the maximum to the minimum
of a typical cycle. However, since downward trends in ozone levels
are much larger than 1-2%, particularly at the higher latitudes, the
Sun's output cannot be wholly responsible.

Unusual solar activity can cause the ozone levels in the upper
stratosphere to be substantially depleted, but since most of the

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ozone is in the middle stratosphere, the effect on the total ozone

column is negligible.

Atmospheric Winds and Ozone

A natural cycle in which prevailing tropical winds in the lower

stratosphere vary over a time span of about two years can also
influence the amount of ozone in the stratosphere. A change from
easterly flow to westerly flow can bring up to a 3% increase in ozone
over certain locations, but it is usually cancelled out when the total
ozone of the Earth is averaged.

Volcanic Eruptions and Ozone

Volcanic eruptions are one of the few

natural things that can have a diminishing
effect on the ozone layer. Large eruptions
can potentially inject significant quantities
of chlorine (via hydrochloric acid - HCl)
directly in the stratosphere where the
highest concentrations of ozone are
found. However, the vast majority of
volcanic eruptions are too weak to reach the stratosphere, around
10 km above the surface. Thus, any HCl emitted in the eruption
remains in the troposphere where it is quickly dissolved and washed
out by rain. [Note that CFCs do not dissolve in water and can
therefore reach the stratosphere through atmospheric mixing.] In
addition, there is no historical record that shows significant
increases in chlorine in the stratosphere following even the most
major eruptions.

It is also possible that ice particles containing sulphuric acid from

large volcanic eruptions may contribute to ozone loss. When
chlorine compounds resulting from the break-up of man-made CFCs

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in the stratosphere are present, the sulphate particles serve to

convert them into more active forms that may cause more rapid
ozone depletion. In 1991 Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted
tonnes of dust and gas high into the atmosphere which caused
global reductions in the ozone layer for 2 to 3 years. Thus, whilst
large volcanic eruptions may increase the rate of stratospheric
ozone depletion, it is more probable that the presence of chlorine
from man-made CFC emissions is the chief cause of ozone loss in
the first instance.

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In 1974, after millions of tons of CFCs had been manufactured and

sold, chemists F. Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina of the
University of California began to wonder where all these CFCs
ended up. Rowland and Molina theorised that short waves of
ultraviolet radiation from the Sun in the stratosphere would break up
CFCs, and that the free chlorine atoms would then enter into a chain
reaction, destroying ozone. Many people, however, remained
unconvinced of the danger until the mid-1980s, when a severe
annual depletion of ozone was first monitored by the British Antarctic
Survey above Antarctica. The depletion above the South Pole was
so severe that the British geophysicist, Joe Farman, who first
measured it assumed his spectrophotometer must be broken and
sent the device back to England to be repaired. Once the depletion
was verified, it came to be known throughout the world through a
series of NASA satellite photos as the Antarctic Ozone Hole.

Evidence for Stratospheric Ozone Depletion

Laboratory studies, backed by satellite and ground-based

measurements, show that chlorine reacts very rapidly with ozone.
They also show that the chlorine oxide formed in that reaction
undergoes further processes that regenerate the original chlorine,
allowing the sequence to be repeated very many times (a "chain
reaction"). Similar reactions also take place between bromine and
ozone. Many other reactions are often also taking place
simultaneously in the stratosphere, making the connections among
the changes difficult to untangle. Nevertheless, whenever chlorine
(or bromine) and ozone are found together in the stratosphere, the
ozone-destroying reactions must be taking place. Observations of

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the Antarctic ozone hole have given a convincing and unmistakable

demonstration of these processes.

Monitoring of Ozone Depletion

There has been much monitoring of the

condition of the ozone layer in the last decade
since the Antarctic ozone hole was first
discovered by the British Antarctic Survey.
This has utilised satellites and other ground-
based resources that are dedicated to
observing the destruction of stratospheric
ozone. The main satellite that monitors the
ozone is the TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping
Spectrometer) satellite. The TOMS satellite
measures the ozone levels from the back-
scattered sunlight in the ultraviolet (UV) range. Another satellite is
NASA's UARS (Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite) which was
launched in September 1991. This satellite is unique because it was
configured to not only measure ozone levels, but also levels of
ozone-depleting chemicals. GOME, launched in April 1995 on the
ERS-2 satellite, marks the
beginning of a long-term
European ozone monitoring
effort. Scientists expect to
receive high quality data on the
global distribution of ozone and
several other climate-
influencing trace gases in the
Earth's atmosphere.

The German Neumayer Antarctic Research Station was completed

in March of 1992, which is located on the Ekstsoem Ice Shelf. This
ground-based station studies geographical, meteorological, and air
chemistry conditions.

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In 1987, Canada became the first country in the world to focus on

the Arctic ozone layer, following the discovery of the ozone hole
over the Antarctic. A cross-country network of monitoring stations
has kept continuous watch on Canada’s ozone layer for more than
three decades. The existence of these early records, before any
major human influence on the upper atmosphere, is vital to
understanding the changes that have occurred in the ozone layer.

In the UK, stratospheric ozone levels are monitored every winter and
spring at Cambourne, in Cornwall and Lerwick, in the Shetland Isles.

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Ozone's unique physical properties allow

the ozone layer to act as our planet's
sunscreen, providing an invisible filter to
help protect all life forms from the Sun's
damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays. Most
incoming UV radiation is absorbed by ozone
and prevented from reaching the Earth's surface. Without the
protective effect of ozone, life on Earth would not have evolved the
way it has. The ozone layer protects us from the harmful effects of
certain wavelengths of ultraviolet (UV) light from the Sun. The danger
to human skin from ultraviolet radiation comes mainly from the UV-B
range of the spectrum, although UV-A poses some risk if exposure is
long enough. Any significant decrease of ozone in the stratosphere
would result in an increase of UV-B radiation reaching the Earth's
surface, and of skin cancers.

UV-B and Skin Cancer

The most well-known effect of UV radiation is the slight reddening or

burning of the skin in sunshine. This change of colour is caused by
an expansion of the skin's blood vessels. For most people burning is
followed by tanning within a couple of days. A permanent tan will
occur when the UV radiation causes a pigment called melanin to
form in the pigment cells of the skin. Over a period of years,
exposure to radiation originating from the Sun causes damages in
the skin's connective tissues, so-called photo-ageing. This shows
itself as a thickening of the skin, as wrinkles and decreasing

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elasticity. Elastine and collagen fibres determining the firmness and

elasticity of the skin are damaged. UV radiation increases the risk of
getting skin cancer.

Research has shown that even small amounts of UV-B radiation can
cause considerable harm. UV-B damages the genetic material of DNA
and is related to some types of skin cancer. It is important to note,
however, that UV-B radiation has always had this effect on humans.
In recent years non-melanoma skin cancer has become more
prevalent in many parts of the world because people are spending
more time in the Sun and are exposing more of their skin in the

The relationship between the occurrence of milder non-melanoma

skin cancers and time spent in the Sun is well documented. Such
cancers generally occur in people in their 70s and 80s on areas of the
skin usually exposed to sunlight (such as the face or hands).
Malignant melanoma, however, usually occurs in younger people and
in skin areas not necessarily exposed to sunlight. It tends to occur
most commonly among groups of people less likely to have spent
significant amounts of time outdoors.

The risk of developing malignant melanoma is

directly related to the sensitivity of an
individual's skin to the Sun (i.e., fair-skinned are
more susceptible than darker skinned
individuals). The victims are almost exclusively
Caucasians, particularly fair-skinned
Caucasians. The incidence of malignant
melanoma has been increasing among light-skinned populations
around the world for decades.

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Ozone Depletion and Skin Cancer

Ozone in the stratosphere protects Earth from damaging amounts of

ultraviolet (UV) radiation. A depleted ozone layer would allow more of
the Sun's rays to reach Earth's surface. An increase in the levels of
UV-B reaching the Earth as a result of ozone depletion may
compound the effects of spending more time in the Sun. According to
some estimates a sustained 10% global loss of ozone may lead to a
26% increase in the incidence of skin cancers among fair skinned
people. The US Environmental Protection Agency estimates that a 2%
increase in UV-B radiation would result in a 2 to 6% increase in non-
melanoma skin cancer. Increases in UV radiation relative to levels in
the 1970s are estimated to be as much as 7% at Northern
Hemisphere mid-latitudes during the winter and spring, 4% at
Northern Hemisphere mid-latidudes in summer and autumn, and 6%
at Southern Hemisphere mid-latidudes on a year-round basis.

Australia, with high sunshine levels, has very high skin cancer rates.
An estimated 2 out of every 3 people in most parts of the country will
develop some form of skin cancer. In Queensland, where UV-B
radiation is the highest, the probability jumps to 3 in every 4. In
America, in 1935, the chances of developing the more serious
malignant melanoma was 1 in 1500. In 1991 it had soared to 1 in 150,
and it is predicted that by the beginning of the new millennium it will
be 1 in 75.

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Ozone's unique physical properties allow the

ozone layer to act as our planet's sunscreen,
providing an in visible filter to help protect all life
forms from the Sun's damaging ultraviolet (UV)
rays. Most incoming UV radiation is absorbed by
ozone and prevented from reaching the Earth's
surface. Without the protective effect of ozone, life on Earth would
not have evolved the way it has. The ozone layer protects us from
the harmful effects of certain wavelengths of ultraviolet (UV) light from
the Sun. The danger to our eyes from ultraviolet radiation comes
mainly from the UV-B range of the spectrum, although UV-A poses
some risk if exposure is long enough. Any significant decrease of
ozone in the stratosphere would result in an increase of UV-B
radiation reaching the Earth's surface, and of eye disorders.

UV-B and Eye Disorders

UV-B radiation can damage the cornea leading to photokeratosis or

"snow blindness", and can also cause cataracts through damage to
the lens and the retina.

Strong UV radiation can cause inflammation of the cornea leading to

photokeratosis or “snow blindness”. Symptoms of this kind of an
infection include the eyes becoming reddish, a sensitivity to light,
enhanced excretion of tears, the feeling of having some dirt in one's
eye, and pain. The trauma appears 3-12 hours after exposure.
Thanks to the quick regeneration of the eye cells, symptoms will

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normally disappear within a few days. A long-term exposure to UV

radiation may cause permanent damage to the cornea.

UV radiation also enhances the dimming of the eye's lens, which

means that potential cataracts begin to evolve at earlier ages. A
cataract is a partial or complete opacity of the lens of the eye and
the largest cause of blindness in the world. Part of the UV radiation
reaches the back of the eye, causing cells in the retina to slowly begin
to deteriorate. Damage will in time particularly occur to near vision. If
not operated upon blindness can occur. Radiation is partly absorbed
in the lens of an adult eye, but will go right through the lens of a child,
reaching the back of the eye. For this reason, children's eyes in
particular should be protected against strong sunlight.

Other common eye diseases associated with increased UV-B

radiation are eye cancer, conjunctivitis and pterygium. Conjunctivitis
is an inflammation of the membrane covering the anterior portion of
the eyeball. Pterygium is a thickening of the membrane that covers
the eyeball.

Ozone Depletion and Eye Disorders

As the ozone layer gets thinner, UV-B radiation at the surface of the
Earth increases. If the ozone amount decreases by 10% during the
spring and summer, the annual UV dose increases by about 12%.

Cataracts and blindness are among the most common eye diseases
associated with further ozone layer depletion and increased UV-B at
the Earth’s surface. Unlike the skin, which can adapt to UV radiation
by becoming browner and thicker, the eye does not have any such
defence mechanisms. On the contrary, research shows that eyes
become more sensitive with increased exposure to radiation. This
can damage the cornea, the lens and the retina.

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Increased exposure to UV radiation from ozone depletion is expected

to increase the number of people experiencing cataracts. A 1%
decrease in stratospheric ozone may result in 100,000 to 150,000
additional cases of blindness due to eye cataracts world-wide.

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Ozone's unique physical properties allow the ozone layer to act as

our planet's sunscreen, providing an invisible filter to help protect all
life forms from the Sun's damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays. Without the
protective effect of ozone, life on Earth would not have evolved the
way it has. The ozone layer protects us from the harmful effects of
certain wavelengths of ultraviolet (UV) light from the Sun.

Because skin is an important immunological organ, the immune

system is vulnerable to modification by environmental agents,
including UV-B radiation. Demonstrations that immunity can be
perturbed by exposing skin to UV radiation raise the concern that
ozone depletion might adversely influence immunity to infectious
diseases. The danger to our immune system from ultraviolet radiation
comes mainly from the UV-B range of the spectrum, although UV-A
poses some risk if exposure is long enough. Any significant decrease
of ozone in the stratosphere would result in an increase of UV-B
radiation reaching the Earth's surface, and a weakening of immunity
against disease.

UV-B and the Immune System

UV radiation from the Sun can benefit health, generating vitamin D

production in the skin. The required amount of radiation is, however,
quite small: in summer, an exposure of 15 minutes to the hands and
face is adequate. Vitamin D is also found in food. A normal diet will
provide enough vitamin D for people even in winter. In the treatment
of some skin diseases such as psoriasis, UV radiation is being
effectively exploited. Under a doctor's control, the benefit from the

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treatment is much greater than any consequential increase in skin

cancer risk.

However, over exposure to UV-B radiation can impair the body's

ability to fight off disease, in addition to causing cancer and a range
of eye disorders. UV-B suppresses the immune system, irrespective
of skin colour, making it easier for tumours to take hold and spread.

Ultraviolet radiation suppresses White blood cells

allergic reactions of the skin and
affects the immune system. When
skin has been over-exposed to
ultraviolet radiation, the activity of
antibody-producing white blood cells
is suppressed. These effects are not
restricted to the part of skin actually
subject to exposure, but may also occur on shielded parts of skin and
in the whole immune system. As a result, the body fails to produce the
antigens required for defence against a variety of diseases. This could
have serious consequences, including a much diminished
effectiveness of vaccinations.

At the present time, the significance of the immune system weakening

caused by UV radiation is not properly understood. The weakening
can possibly act to promote the development of skin cancers and
worsen infectious diseases stemming from bacteria, viruses and
tropical parasites. It may also activate viruses already present on the
skin, such as herpes, and lead to an increase in diseases like
measles, malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy and fungal infections, all of
which have a stage involving the skin. People carrying the herpes
virus should protect their faces against strong sunlight.

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Ozone Depletion and the Immune System

Scientific research suggests that sunburn can alter the distribution and
function of disease-fighting white blood cells in humans for up to 24
hours after exposure to the Sun. In addition, repeated exposure to UV
radiation may cause more long-lasting damage to the body's immune
system. Whilst little research has been conducted on the effects of
decreasing stratospheric ozone on human immunity, it is likely that
continued destruction of the ozone layer will lead to further health
complications, in addition to skin cancers and eye disorders, as a
result of the suppression of our ability to fight off disease.

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Phytoplankton and zooplankton,

microscopic marine organisms
which play crucial roles in complex
ecological food webs, are sensitive
to UV radiation. Because UV-B
radiation is absorbed by only a few
layers of cells, large organisms are
more protected, whilst smaller ones, such as unicellular organisms
in aquatic ecosystems, are among the most severely affected by UV
radiation. Depletion of the ozone layer could have drastic effects on
plankton and other small marine organisms at the base of the ocean
food chain. These creatures are highly
sensitive to UV radiation because they
lack protective outer layers. The
increase in UV radiation threatens
growth and survival of the tiny
creatures that provide the original food
source for the rest of the ocean food

UV-B and Marine Organisms

Plankton form the foundation of aquatic food webs. Plankton

productivity is limited to the euphotic zone, the upper layer of the
water column in which there is sufficient sunlight to support the
photosynthesis of food. Since UV radiation has the ability to penetrate
up to 20 metres down in clear water, plankton and other light
dependent organisms often experience cell damage, much as human
DNA can be damaged by the strong solar radiation. Both plant

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(phytoplankton) and animal (zooplankton) species are damaged by

UV-radiation even at current levels. As with certain land plants, some
species are more sensitive to UV-light at critical stages in their life
cycle, and changes in radiation may shorten the breeding period to
intolerable levels. As plankton make up the base of the marine food
chain, changes in their number and species composition will influence
fish and shellfish production world-wide. These kinds of losses will
have a direct impact on the food supply.

Solar UV-B radiation has also been found to cause damage to the
early developmental stages of fish, shrimp, crab, amphibians and
other animals. The most severe effects are decreased reproductive
capacity and impaired larval development. Even at current levels,
solar UV-B radiation is a limiting factor, and small increases in UV-B
exposure could result in a significant reduction in the size of the
population of animals that eat these smaller creatures.

Ozone Depletion and Marine Organisms

Research indicates that many plankton species already seem to be

at or near their maximum tolerance of UV radiation. Thus, even
small increases in UV-B levels may have a dramatic impact on
plankton life and on entire marine ecosystems. Some research
suggests that ozone depletion is more likely to change the
composition of living organisms on the ocean's surface than to
reduce its overall mass.

If ozone-layer depletion reached 15% over temperate waters, it

would take less than five days in summer for half the zooplankton in
the top metre of these waters to die from the increased radiation.
Additionally, large amounts of young fish, shrimp and crabs would
die before reaching their reproductive age. Less food would be
available for adult fish and other higher forms of marine life, and
therefore for human consumption. This is of particular relevance, as
more than 30% of the world's animal protein for human consumption

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comes from the sea. One study of plankton estimates that a 25%
reduction in ozone would lead to a 10% loss in primary production
throughout the sunlit, biologically rich upper layer of the ocean, and a
35% reduction near the surface of the water.

Effects of the ozone hole in Antarctica have already been seen in

some of the organisms. Most of the Antarctic organisms have a low
tolerance for UV radiation since for most of the year, hardly any
direct sunlight reaches the continent. With the reduced ozone in
springtime, UV-B radiation has been able to penetrate the
atmosphere with a higher intensity. Already, on the base of the
Antarctica food chain, an impact has been felt. UV-B radiation has
already reduced the plankton populations by between 6% and 12%.
Consequently, species higher up have felt the impact.

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Excessive UV-B inhibits the growth processes of almost all green

plants. There is concern that ozone depletion may lead to a loss of
plant species and reduce global food supply. Any change in the
balance of plant species can have serious effects, since all life is
interconnected. Plants form the basis of the terrestrial food web,
prevent soil erosion and water loss, and are the primary producers
of oxygen and a primary sink (storage site) for carbon dioxide, a
greenhouse gas.

UV-B and Land Plants

Exposure to UV-B radiation may have a dramatic effect on terrestrial

plant life, although the impacts are at present poorly understood.
Absorption of UV radiation varies widely from one organism to the
next. In general, UV radiation deleteriously affects plant growth by
reducing leaf size and limiting the area available for energy capture
during photosynthesis. Plant stunting and a reduction in total dry
weight are also typically seen in UV-irradiated plants, with a
reduction in the nutrient content and the growth of the plants,
especially in the legume and cabbage families. A
reduction in quality of certain types of tomato, potato,
sugar beet and soya bean has also been observed.
Forests also appear to be vulnerable. About half of
the species of conifer seedlings so far
studied have been adversely affected by
UV-B at a variety of levels. Although old
needles are able to protect themselves by

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strengthening their outer wax coating and by increasing the amount

of protective pigment, young growing pine needles, in contrast,
suffer easily.

Indirect changes caused by UV-B radiation (such as flowering and

germination rates, changes in plant form and how nutrients are
distributed within the plant) may be more important than damaging
effects of the radiation itself. These changes can have important
implications for plant competitive balance, plant diseases, and
biogeochemical cycles. However, reliable scientific information on
the effects of UV on plants is limited. Only four out of 10 terrestrial
plant ecosystems (temperate forest, agricultural, temperate
grassland, and tundra and alpine ecosystems) have been studied. In
addition, much of the existing data come from greenhouses where
plants are more sensitive to UV-B than those grown outdoors. There
are indications that some weeds are more UV-B resistant than
crops. Many organisms have developed mechanisms for protecting
themselves from UV-B, for example by avoiding exposure, shielding
themselves with pigment and repairing damaged DNA or tissue
damage. However, for many organisms these mechanisms may not
be sufficient to protect against increased levels of UV-B.

In summary, physiological and developmental processes of plants

are affected by UV-B radiation, even by the amount of UV-B in
present-day sunlight. Despite mechanisms to reduce or repair these
effects and a limited ability to adapt to increased levels of UV-B,
plant growth can be directly affected by UV-B radiation.

Ozone Depletion and Land Plants

The greatest risks connected with the depletion of ozone in the

stratosphere are ecological. Exposure tests made in USA and
Australia have showed that over one hundred species of land plant
could be sensitive to increases in UV-B radiation as a result of
stratospheric ozone depletion. Some research has suggested that a

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25% ozone depletion could result in a comparable reduction in total

soya bean crop yield.

International research has revealed that some species of rice suffer

from even minor increases in UV radiation. With the help of
research, as well as the efficient breeding and cultivation of strong
species it will be possible to be prepared for years with a
considerably decreased prevailing level of ozone.

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As well as the effects to human health, land plants and aquatic life,
which may occur as a consequence of ozone depletion, there are
other impacts which could result from prolonged destruction of ozone
in the stratosphere. These include damage to polymers used in
buildings, paints and packaging, and changes in biogeochemical
cycles affecting ground-level pollution (smog), acid rain and even
climate change.

Damage to Polymers

Ozone depletion will cause many materials to

degrade faster. These materials include PVC
(used in window and door frames, pipes and
gutters, etc.), nylon and polyester. They are all
composed of compounds known as polymers.
Synthetic polymers, naturally occurring
biopolymers, as well as some other materials of
commercial interest are adversely affected by solar UV radiation.
Today's materials are somewhat protected from UV-B by special
additives. Therefore, any increase in solar UV-B levels as a result of
ozone depletion will therefore accelerate their breakdown, limiting
how long they are useful outdoors. Shorter wavelength (i.e. more
energetic) UV-B radiation is mainly responsible for photo-damage
ranging from discoloration to loss of mechanical integrity in polymers
exposed to solar radiation.

The use of higher levels of conventional light stabilisers in polymer-

based materials are likely to be employed to mitigate the effects of
increased UV levels in sunlight. However, it is not certain how

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resistant such light stabilisers are themselves to increased levels of

UV-radiation. In addition, their use will add to the cost of plastic
products in target applications. With plastics rapidly displacing
conventional materials in numerous applications, this is an important
consideration particularly in the developing world.

It is not certain yet how other materials, including rubber, paints,

wood, paper and textiles will be affected by increased UV radiation
resulting from ozone depletion.

Effects on Biogeochemical Cycles

Increases in solar UV radiation could affect terrestrial and aquatic

biogeochemical cycles, thereby altering both sources and sinks of
greenhouse and chemically-important trace gases e.g., carbon
dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), carbonyl sulphide (COS) and
possibly other gases, including ozone. These potential changes
would contribute to biosphere-atmosphere feedbacks that attenuate
or reinforce the atmospheric build-up of these gases. Likely effects
include an increase in smog in urban centres, and acid rain in rural

Effects on Climate

Whilst increases of UV radiation as a result of

ozone depletion may affect the production and
removal of carbon dioxide, the main
greenhouse gas, ozone depletion itself can
influence the global climate. Ozone is also a
greenhouse gas, and as well as filtering out the
incoming short-wave solar radiation, can
absorb much of the outgoing long-wave terrestrial radiation (infra-
red radiation). If stratospheric ozone is destroyed, ozone’s
greenhouse effect is reduced and this could lead to a global cooling,

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offsetting some of the warming that may be occurring as a result of

man-made emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.
Ironically, when the ozone layer starts to repair itself in the next
century as a result of a control on CFCs, this cooling potential will be
lost. More significantly, the replacement chemicals to CFCs, the
HCFCs, which themselves do not harm the ozone layer, are very
strong greenhouse gases, and are further contributing to the
potential problem of global warming.

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In 1985 an international agreement, the Vienna Convention, was

signed after three years of negotiating under the auspices of the
United Nations Environment Programme. The Vienna Convention
established mechanisms for international co-operation in research,
monitoring, and exchange of data on emissions, on concentrations of
CFCs and halons, and on the status of stratospheric ozone. It also set
a framework for international negotiations on actual reductions of
emissions. That same year, 1985, marked another seminal
development in the evolution of scientific and public policy recognition
of the stratospheric ozone issue - the discovery of the Antarctic ozone
hole. On the basis of the Vienna Convention (1985), the Montreal
Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was negotiated
and signed by 24 countries and by the European Economic
Community in September 1987. The Protocol called for the Parties to
phase down the use of CFCs, halons and other man-made

The Protocol

The Montreal Protocol represented a landmark in the international

environmentalist movement. For the first time whole countries were
legally bound to reducing and eventually phasing out altogether the
use of CFCs and other ozone depleting chemicals. Failure to comply
was accompanied by stiff penalties. The original Protocol aimed to
decrease the use of chemical compounds destructive to ozone in the
upper atmosphere by 50% by the year 1999. The agreement was
supplemented by agreements made in London in 1990 and in
Copenhagen in 1992, by which the same countries promised to stop
using CFCs and most of the other chemical compounds destructive to

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ozone by the end of 1995. The Protocol has been subsequently

amended twice more, at Montreal in 1997 and at Beijing in 1999.

In most cases it has been fairly easy to develop and introduce

compounds and methods to replace CFC compounds. CFC use in
aerosols and foam plastic packaging has already been abandoned in
most countries. On the other hand, compounds capable of replacing
CFC compounds in cooling devices and insulating materials are still
under development.

In order to deal with the special difficulties experienced by developing

countries it was agreed that they would be given 10 years grace, so
long as their use of CFCs did not grow significantly. China and India,
for example, are strongly increasing the use of air conditioning and
cooling devices. Using CFC compounds in these devices would be
cheaper than using replacement compounds harmless to ozone. An
international fund has therefore been set up to help these countries to
introduce new and environmentally more friendly technologies and
chemicals. The depletion of the ozone layer is a world-wide problem
which does not respect the frontiers between different countries. It can
only be affected through determined international co-operation.

The Timetable

Montreal Protocol (1987)

CFCs (11, 12, 113, 114, 115): Phase down 1986 levels by 20% by 1994;
50% by 1999.

London Amendment (1990)

CFCs 13, 111, 112, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217: Phase down 1989
levels 20% by 1993; 85% by 1997; 100% by 2000.
Halons (1211, 1301, 2402): Phase down 1986 levels 50% by 1995; 100%
by 2000.
Carbon Tetrachloride: Phase down 1989 levels 85% by 1995; 100% by

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Copenhagen Amendment (1992)

CFCs: phase out by 1995
Halons: phase out by 1993
Carbon Tetrachloride: phase out by 1995
HCFCs: phase down 1989 levels 35% by 2004; 90% by 2014; 100% by

The Beijing Amendment (1999) has introduced a freezing of HCFC

production by 2003.

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Can the hole in the ozone layer be repaired? Yes. If concentrations

of ozone-destroying chemicals are reduced, the natural balance
between ozone creation and destruction can be restored. However,
this might require the complete elimination of CFCs, halons, carbon
tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, and methyl bromide. In late 1991,
scientists estimated that even with the current global schedule to
eliminate ozone-destroying substances, the ozone layer would not
return to 'normal' (pre-1980 chlorine levels) until the middle of the
21st century. Nevertheless, the 1998 World Meteorological
Organiszation Scientific Assesment of Ozone Depletion observed
that abundance of ozone-depleting compounds in the lower
atmosphere (below the stratosphere) is now slowly declining from a
peak in 1994.

Phasing Out CFCs

The initial concern about the ozone layer in the 1970s led to a ban on
the use of CFCs as aerosol propellants in several countries, including
the U.S. However, production of CFCs and other ozone-depleting
substances grew rapidly afterwards as new uses were discovered.
Through the 1980s, other uses expanded and the world's nations
became increasingly concerned that these chemicals would further
harm the ozone layer. In 1985, the Vienna Convention was adopted to
formalise international co-operation on this issue. Additional efforts
resulted in the signing of the Montreal Protocol in 1987. After the
original Protocol was signed, new measurements showed worse
damage to the ozone layer than was originally expected. In 1992,
reacting to the latest scientific assessment of the ozone layer, the
Parties decided to completely end production of halons by the

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beginning of 1994 and of CFCs by the beginning of 1996 in developed


Between 1986 and 1991, world-wide consumption of CFCs-11, CFC-

12 and CFC-113 decreased by 40%, ahead of the schedule outlined
in the Montreal Protocol and faster even than called for in the more
ambitious 1990 London Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.
Manufacturers, who were earlier convinced that CFCs were unique
and irreplaceable, were finding themselves moving quickly to
alternative processes and chemicals. Hydrocarbons have replaced
CFCs as aerosol propellants and as blowing agents for foams, and as
cleansing solvents in electronics manufacturing. HCFCs, which have
much smaller ozone depleting potentials have replaced CFCs for
refrigeration and air conditioning.

Are International Agreements Enough?

Without the Montreal Protocol, continued use of CFCs and other

compounds would have tripled the stratospheric abundance of
chlorine and bromine by 2050. Because of measures taken under the
Protocol, emissions of ozone-depleting substances are already falling.
Under current agreements, the stratospheric concentrations of
chlorine and bromine are expected to reach their maximum within a
few years and then slowly decline, although concentrations of
chlorine are already falling in the troposphere. With evidence that
international agreements to phase out the use of ozone depleting
chemicals appear to be working, both NASA (the North American
Space Agency) and NOAA (the National Oceanographic and
Atmospheric Administration) in the United States of America have
expressed confidence that, all other things being equal, the
stratospheric ozone layer should return to normal by the middle of
the next century. The recovery of the ozone layer will be gradual
because of the long times required for CFCs to be removed from the
atmosphere; some take as long as several hundred years.
Nevertheless, the likelihood remains that deep ozone holes will

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continue to form annually in the polar regions, well into the next
century. This situation will persist until stratospheric chlorine levels

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),

even if the control measures of the 1990 London and 1992
Copenhagen Amendments were to be implemented by all nations, the
abundance of stratospheric chlorine and bromine will increase over
the next several years. The Antarctic ozone hole, caused by industrial
halocarbons, will therefore recur each spring. In addition, since these
gases are also responsible for the observed reduction in middle and
high latitude stratospheric ozone, the depletion at these latitudes is
predicted to continue unabated for at least 5 to 10 years.

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Under the terms of the Montreal Protocol developed nations have

ceased production of new CFCs, halons and other ozone depleting
chemicals. Trade controls on the supply of these substances have
been put in place to ensure compliance with the Protocol. Existing
CFCs are re-used and recycled where possible. Nevertheless, the
increasing price of CFCs as a result of the ban on new production
has led to a wave of international smuggling.

Waste Regulation and Recycling

Usually, when ozone depleting substances are discarded or

removed from equipment during the course of maintenance they
become controlled waste. In Britain, the Environmental Protection
Act (1990) has ensured that waste chemicals which may contribute
to stratospheric ozone depletion are disposed of as carefully as
possibly to avoid any release to the atmosphere.

The production and consumption of new halons (halocarbons

containing bromine) has already ceased under the terms of the
Montreal Protocol. However, whilst replacements have been
developed these cannot be used in existing systems, which can only
be maintained with recycled halons using surplus material from
redundant installations. In the UK the Halon Users’ National
Consortium (HUNC) is managing the installed banks of halons,
acting as a clearing house putting those who need to continue to
use halons in contact with those who do not.

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The Montreal Protocol and subsequent amendments have

demanded that existing CFCs should be recovered, recycled and re-
used where possible. Commercial users of refrigeration and air
conditioning appliances can contact the Refrigeration Industry Board
to ensure that best industrial practice is maintained during the
disposal or re-use of CFCs. Domestic users of old refrigerators can
contact their local authority to find out if it operates a CFC recovery
and recycling scheme.

Trade Controls

The Montreal Protocol works through a system of trade barriers

controlling supply to the market of ozone depleting chemicals.
Imports of newly produced CFCs and halons by developed countries
have already been banned, as have imports and exports in carbon
tetrachloride and 1,1,1 trichloroethane. Developing countries have
been granted a period of grace to comply with the Montreal Protocol,
to avoid undue stresses on their fledgling economies.

CFCs Smuggling

As a result of the decline in the production and use of CFCs, and the
continuation of CFC production in developing countries (allowed
under the provisions of the Montreal Protocol until 2010), the lure of
illegal trade in CFCs is obvious. Significant volumes of illegal
imports of CFCs into Western Europe have been reported, even
though production in Western Europe ceased at the end of 1994.
The Montreal Protocol currently does not require Parties to it to
implement controls against illegal trade. However, the eighth
meeting of the Conference of Parties, held in November 1996 in
Costa Rica, urged countries to install verification programs to reduce
illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances.

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International agreements, if legally binding, go a long way to solving

environmental problems like that of ozone depletion. However, for
there to be real and long-lasting success, everyone must become
part of the solution. The collective impact of environmental
citizenship is much greater than the sum of the parts. Individual
efforts taken together can be powerful forces for environmental
change. There are a number of things that we, as individuals, can do
to both protect the ozone layer and to safeguard our health against
the effects of increasing ultraviolet radiation.

Protecting our Health

Sunglasses that provide 99-100% UV-A and UV-B

protection will greatly reduce sun exposure that can
lead to cataracts and other eye damage. Check the
label when buying sunglasses.

A hat with a wide brim offers good sun protection to

your eyes, ears, face, and the back of your neck -
areas particularly prone to overexposure to the

Tightly-woven, loose-fitting clothes offer excellent protection against

UV. Any clothing is better than none at all.

A sunscreen with protection factor of at least 15 blocks most harmful

UV radiation. Apply sunscreen liberally and reapply every 2 hours

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when working, playing, or exercising outdoors. Even waterproof

sunscreen can come off when you dry yourself off with a towel.

The Sun's UV rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. To the
extent you can, limit exposure to the Sun during these hours.
Sunlamps damage the skin and unprotected eyes and are best
avoided entirely.

Protecting the Ozone Layer

There are a number of steps that we can all take, both as individuals
and as groups, to protect the Earth's fragile shield. We have all been
part of the ozone depletion problem, through the use of chemicals in
everyday products. However, we can all be part of the solution.

Following the Montreal Protocol most ODCs

have or are being phased out of use in most
target applications such as aerosols,
refrigeration and air conditioning (e.g. in
cars). However, consumer products bought
prior to international agreements may still be
in use in our homes and offices and cannot easily be replaced.
Large appliances, such as refrigerators, have long lifetimes and
early replacement would entail great cost. Proper care and
maintenance of equipment to ensure that the CFCs they contain are
never released to the stratosphere should be applied. Remember, a
single CFC molecule can destroy 100,000 ozone molecules.

In addition, if purchasing fire extinguishers try to avoid any that

contain halons. Purchase carbon dioxide, water, or dry chemical
extinguishers instead. Finally, although foam packaging is CFC-free,
some products contain HCFCs, which while far less damaging to the
ozone layer, could contribute substantially to global warming. Avoid
those that do. Use and re-use non-disposable packaging.

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Man-made or human induced.

A mixture of gases surrounding the Earth. Earth's atmosphere
consists of 79.1% nitrogen (by volume), 20.9% oxygen, 0.036%
carbon dioxide and trace amounts of other gases. It can be divided
into a number of layers according to thermal properties (temperature).
The layer nearest the earth is the troposphere (up to about 10-15km
above the surface), next is the stratosphere (up to about 50km).
There is little mixing of gases between layers.

British Antarctic Survey (BAS)

A scientific body engaged in all aspects of research on the continent
of Antarctica.

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

A molecule formed from one atom of carbon and two of oxygen.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas of major concern in the
study of global warming. It is estimated that the amount in the air is
increasing by 0.27% annually. Anthropogenic carbon dioxide is
emitted mainly through the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Synthetically produced compounds containing varying amounts of
chlorine, fluorine and carbon. Used in industrial processes and as a
propellant for gases and sprays. In the atmosphere they are
responsible for the depletion of ozone and can destroy as many as
10,000 molecules of ozone in their long lifetime. Their use is now
currently restricted under the Montreal Protocol.

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A measure of the atmospheric content of a gas, defined in terms of
the proportion of the total volume that it accounts for. Greenhouse
gases are trace gases in the atmosphere and are usually measured
in parts per million by volume (ppmv), parts per billion by volume
(ppbv) or parts per trillion (million million) by volume (pptv).

Copenhagen Amendment
A second amendment to the Montreal Protocol to speed up the phase
out of chemicals that deplete the ozone layer.

Deoxyribonucleic acid, the basic unit of chromosomes which make up
all living organisms

Dobson Unit (DU)

A unit measuring the total amount of ozone in a vertical column
above the Earth’s surface in the stratosphere. A value of less than
200DU is associated with the presence of an ozone hole.

Man-made substances including the chlorofluorocarbons and halons.

These man-made substances are similar to chlorofluorocarbons but
contain bromine. They also destroy the ozone layer.

Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
Synthetically produced compounds containing varying amounts of
hydrogen, chlorine, fluorine and carbon. Used as replacements for
chlorofluorocarbons. They have large global warming potentials and
current emissions are helping to enhance the natural greenhouse

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Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
Synthetically produced compounds containing varying amounts of
hydrogen, fluorine and carbon. Used as replacements for
chlorofluorocarbons. They have large global warming potentials and
current emissions are helping to enhance the natural greenhouse

London Amendment
A first amendment to the Montreal Protocol to speed up the phase
out of chemicals that deplete the ozone layer.

Montreal Protocol
The discovery of an ozone hole over Antarctica prompted action to
control the use of gases which have a destructive effect on the ozone
layer. From this concern emerged the Montreal Protocol on
substances that deplete the ozone layer, signed by 24 countries in
1987. It came into force in 1989 and has since been ratified by 120
countries. The original agreement was to control and phase out the
production and supply of ozone depleting chemicals, specifically
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and derivatives. A meeting in 1992 was
held in Copenhagen to revise the Protocol. This meeting agreed to
bring forward the phase out of halons to 1994, and CFCs and other
halocarbons to 1996. These targets have since been met.

10-9 metre (or one billionth of a metre).

Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

Atmospheric pollutants consisting of one molecule of nitrogen and
varying numbers of oxygen molecules. They are produced in the
emissions of vehicle exhausts and from power stations.

Ozone hole
Stratospheric ozone depletion over the Antarctic. The hole appears
every southern hemisphere spring (August to October) before
disappearing during the summer months (December / January).

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Ozone Layer
The ozone in the stratosphere is very diffuse, occupying a region
many kilometres in thickness, but is conventionally described as a
layer to aid understanding.

Ozone (O3)
Ozone consists of three atoms of oxygen bonded together in contrast
to normal atmospheric oxygen which consists of two atoms of
oxygen. Ozone is formed in the atmosphere and is extremely reactive
and thus has a short lifetime. In the stratosphere ozone is both an
effective greenhouse gas (absorber of infra-red radiation) and a filter
for solar ultra-violet radiation. Ozone in the troposphere can be
dangerous since it is toxic to human beings and living matter.
Elevated levels of ozone in the troposphere exist in some areas,
especially large cities as a result of photolytic reactions of
hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen, released from vehicle
emissions and power stations.

Aquatic and usually microscopic organisms that feed in the world’s
oceans. Phytoplankton feed by photosynthesis whilst zooplankton
refers to animal life forms.

A chemical reaction involving sunlight in which molecules are split
into their constituent atoms. Also known as photodissociation.

The process by which green plants use light to synthesise organic
compounds from carbon dioxide and water. In the process oxygen
and water are released. Increased levels of carbon dioxide can
increase net photosynthesis in some plants. Plants create a very
important sink for carbon dioxide. See also carbon cycle.

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Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs)

High altitude clouds that form in the stratosphere above Antarctica
during the Southern Hemisphere winter. Their presence seems to
initiate the ozone loss experienced during the ensuing Southern
Hemisphere spring.

Polar Vortex
A circumpolar wind circulation which isolates the Antarctic continent
during the cold Southern Hemisphere winter, heightening ozone

Strictly too much of any substance in the wrong place or at the
wrong time is a pollutant. More specifically, atmospheric pollution
may be defined as 'the presence of substances in the atmosphere,
resulting from man-made activities or from natural processes,
causing adverse effects to man and the environment'.

Energy emitted in the form of electromagnetic waves. Radiation has
differing characteristics depending upon the wavelength. Radiation
from the Sun has a short wavelength (ultra-violet) whilst energy re-
radiated from the Earth's surface and the atmosphere has a long
wavelength (infra-red).

The range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.

A layer in the atmosphere above the troposphere extending upwards
to about 50km. The stratosphere contains much of the total
atmospheric ozone. The temperature in this region increases with
height and can exceed 0oC in the summer. The air density here is
much less than in the troposphere. It is not thought that the
stratosphere has much influence on the weather on the Earth's

Ozone Depletion Fact Sheet Series: KS4 & A 67

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Stratospheric ozone depletion

Loss of ozone in the stratosphere due to its photolytic destruction by
the chlorofluorocarbons and halons. Most commonly associated with
the annual appearance of an ozone hole over the Antarctic every
southern hemisphere springtime.

The boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere.

The lowest layer of the atmosphere. The altitude of the troposphere
varies with latitude, from about 16km at the equator to only 8km at
the poles. Normally there is a decrease in temperature with height.
This layer contains 75% of the total gaseous mass of the atmosphere
and virtually all the water vapour and aerosols. This zone is
responsible for most of the weather phenomena experienced and
where atmospheric turbulence is most marked.

Ultraviolet radiation (UV)

Electromagnetic radiation of higher frequencies and shorter
wavelength than visible light. There are three categories of UV
radiation: UV-A, between 320 and 400 nm; UV-B, between 280 and
320 nm; UV-C, between 200 and 280 nm.

Volatile organic compounds

These are an important class of air pollutant found in the
atmosphere at ground level in urban and industrial centres. They are
usually defined as carbon-containing organic compounds present in
the atmosphere as gases, excluding elemental carbon, carbon
monoxide, methane and carbon dioxide.

A measure of the length of electromagnetic radiation waves.

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Farman, J.C., Gardiner, B.G. & Shanklin, J.D., 1985. Large losses of
total ozone in Antarctica reveal seasonal ClOx/NOx interaction.
Nature, 315, pp. 207-210.

Molina, M.J., & Rowland, F.S., 1974. Stratospheric sink for

chlorofluoromethanes: chlorine atom-catalyzed destruction of ozone,
Nature, 249, pp. 810-812.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 1998.

Environmental Effects of Ozone Depletion, 1998 Assessment.,
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 46, 1-4,
Published by Elsevier Science.

UNEP/OzoneAction, 2000. The Montreal Protocol Schedule and its

Evolution. UNEP DTIE OzoneAction Programme.

World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), 1991. Scientific

Assessment of Ozone Depletion; 1991. Global Ozone Research and
Monitoring Project Report No. 25. WMO, Geneva.

World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), 1994. Scientific

Assessment of Ozone Depletion; 1994. Global Ozone Research and
Monitoring Project Report No. 37. WMO, Geneva.

World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), 1998. Scientific

Assessment of Ozone Depletion; 1998. Global Ozone Research and
Monitoring Project Report No. 44. WMO, Geneva.

Ozone Depletion Fact Sheet Series: KS4 & A 69

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