Syllabus Biology
Syllabus Biology
Syllabus Biology
Gag e Pa rk High S ch oo l
Ms. T ully
20 08/2 009
Cl ass Pu rpose
As a class, we are a team. Every single member of this class is a critically important player on this team.
We will need to constantly work together to help each other in order to ensure that the team is successful.
A lot of what is done in this class is part of the 5 par ts of a succ es sfu l educa tio n. You will be
expected to do each of these 5 things, and I will work very hard to support you in any way I can. You are
not alone in your education! In this class, the 5 part s of a succe ss ful educat ion ar e:
1. Cr it ica l thi nk ing – The ability to apply different ideas to solve new problems.
2. Hard wor k – Doing whatever it takes to get the job done.
3. Re sp on sib il it y – Being held accountable for your actions and choices.
4. Re sourc eful ne ss – The ability to find answers to new questions.
5. Co nt en t know le dg e – The ability to learn and remember new class concepts.
Along with these principles, our goa l as a cla ss is an a verag e of 80% mas ter y on all le arn in g
goa ls, and for each s tude nt to incr eas e th ei r sc ie nc e ACT scor e by 3 poi nt s. To reach this
goal, we will need the contribution of every player on this team. A team is only as strong as its weakest
Ex pectati ons
In the classroom, I ask you to follow these expectations so that we can have a productive learning
experience. There are four expectations in this class:
1. Be pr ep are d – Come to class with your homework completed, have a sharpened pencil/pen and
your notebook on your desk when class begins, and be ready to learn every day when you enter the
2. Be po li te – Listen when others speak, keep your hands and other objects to yourself, do not use
profanity or insults, be a positive influence in the classroom, and respect the school and other’s
3. Be po si tiv e- Believe in yourself and your ability to learn and improve. Work hard and keep in
mind that I am here to help you succeed.
4. Be pro ductiv e – No cell phones, iPods, walkmen, or other electronics in class, be an attentive
learner, use class time efficiently.
Co nseq uences
As in any decision made in life, the choice whether or not to follow these expectations will result in
consequences. There are both positive and negative consequences that will be discussed in class. Make sure
that you understand these consequence procedures, and please approach me if anything is unclear.
1. Positive Consequences:
a. Raffle Tickets: Raffle tickets will be given for various good behaviors and success in the
classroom. A raffle will be held each week.
b. Can you spell H-O-M-E-W-O-R-K? The class will get one letter for every day that 100% of
the class turns in their homework ON TIME.
c. Pride!
2. Negative Consequences are based on participation points. Five participation points are
given each day.
a. Warning
b. √: Loss of one participation point for the day.
c. √√: Loss of two participation points for the day.
d. √√√: Loss of three participation points for the day, and fill out a behavior modification sheet.
e. √√√√: Loss of 4 participation points for the day, and a call home.
***For extreme behaviors in the classroom, there will be a referral given.
Gr ad es
Your grade in our class is determined by 5 different factors:
1. In clas s act ivi ti es (30%) – Completion of Do-Now Activities (DNA) exercises, class worksheets,
and general class participation.
2. Hom ewor k (10%)- Homework will be collected everyday, and is graded based on effort.
3. Pro jec ts (15%)-This includes labs, and any other large projects that are asked of the student
throughout the year.
4. Qui zz es (15%) – There will be weekly quizzes that will be counted for a grade in order to check
your understanding of the weekly objectives.
5. Tes ts (30%) This will include unit exams and final exams, and will test your cumulative knowledge
for the course.
Mate ri als
You will need the following materials in class every day:
1. Bind er
2. Pens and p enc il s
3. Not ebook /Pap er
4. Bind er Div id ers
Other required materials will be provided or requested as needed during the course of the class.
If you are absent any day, it is YOUR responsibility to make up required assignments or work that you have
missed. All make-up work should be done outside of normal class time. Please refer to the handbook for
the school wide absence policy.
Latene ss
No matter what, you must show up on time to class. There is a lot of material to cover, and you are hurting
yourself by missing out on important information, and your classmates by distracting them when walking
in late. When the bell rings, you must be fully inside the classroom. If you arrive during the first five
minutes of class, you will receive no more than 1 out of 2 completion points for your ‘DNA’ exercise. This
means that you will receive at most a 50% on your ‘DNA’ for that day. This will factor into your grade for
class work. If you arrive more than five minutes late, you will not be able to make up the ‘DNA’ and you
will lose all completion points for it, and you will lose half of your participation points for the day.
Ho mew or k
Homework is expected to be turned in on time. If it is turned in on time, you will receive 100% credit. If
you turn it in within one week of the due date, you will receive 75% credit. If you turn it in later than one
week, you will only receive 50% credit. All homework that is to be counted for credit in a unit needs to be
handed in by the end of the unit. Homework should be completed every night to ensure that you have
mastered the day’s objective, and so you can receive full credit. Homework is graded based on effort NOT
content. I will be giving points for an evident attempt to complete the assignment. IMPORTANT TO
NOTE: Homework will either help your grade by an entire letter grade, or it can significantly hurt it.
**DISCLAIMER: Content on the syllabus is subject to change. Any changes will be announced during class.
Please sign: I have read the letter and have discussed the class outline with my parents/guardians.
Firme por favor: He leído la carta y he de discutido el resumen con mis padres/guardianes.