5th Wave Statistics

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(2021 年12月31日至2022 年11月17日00:00)

Statistics on 5th Wave of COVID-19 (from 31 Dec 2021 up till 17 Nov 2022 00:00)
至2022年11月17日 00:00 統計數字 資料來源︰衞生署衞生防護中心和醫院管理局
Statistics are compiled based on data up to 17 Nov 2022 00:00 Source: Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health; and the Hospital Authority

於過去24小時新增的本地感染/輸入個案數目@ Number of additional locally acquired / imported cases in the past 24 hours@ 7,519 / 533

• 經核酸檢測/快速抗原測試的本地個案 Local by nucleic acid tests / rapid antigen tests 1,720 / 5,799

• 經核酸檢測/快速抗原測試的輸入個案 Imported by nucleic acid tests / rapid antigen tests 474 / 59

於過去24小時新呈報之死亡個案數目~ Number of deaths newly reported in last 24 hours~ 12

目前住院個案數目*ⴕ Current number of hospitalised cases*ⴕ 2,303

目前於深切治療部情況危殆的個案數目ⴕ Current number hospitalised in ICU with critical conditionⴕ 9

累計呈報個案數目(經核酸檢測/快速抗原測試) Cumulative number of reported cases (by nucleic acid tests / rapid antigen tests) 1,013,023 / 987,223

累計死亡個案數目~ Cumulative number of deaths~ 10,356

在香港接種第一針的人口#§Population with 1st vaccine dose taken in Hong Kong#§ 6,895,318

在香港接種第二針的人口#§Population with 2nd vaccine dose taken in Hong Kong#§ 6,753,912

在香港接種第三針的人口#§Population with 3rd vaccine dose taken in Hong Kong#§ 5,695,578

在香港接種第四針的人口# Population with 4th vaccine dose taken in Hong Kong# 565,022
~ 新型冠狀病毒測試結果呈陽性的個案,如果在首次陽性樣本收集日期的28日內死亡,則會被列為2019冠狀病毒病的死亡個案。死者的死因可能與2019冠狀病毒病無關。
COVID-19 death case is defined as a death in a person with positive SARS-CoV-2 result and died within 28 days of the first positive specimen collection day. The underlying cause of death may have been unrelated to COVID-19.

* 包括對嚴重急性呼吸綜合症冠狀病毒2(新型冠狀病毒)檢測呈陽性或初步陽性,並於北大嶼山醫院香港感染控制中心、醫院管理局(醫管局)傳染病中心、亞洲國際博覽館社區治療設施及公立醫院接受治療的病人。Including patients who tested positive or

preliminarily positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus and are currently being treated in the North Lantau Hospital Hong Kong Infection Control Centre, the Hospital Authority (HA) Infectious Disease Centre, the Community Treatment Facility at AsiaWorld-Expo and public hospitals.
ⴕ 由2022年4月20日起,醫管局採用新的統計方法,由確診2019冠狀病毒病當日起計28日後,病人會列為康復。Starting from 20 April 2022, the HA has adopted a new counting method. Patient is considered as recovered, after 28 days from the date tested positive for

# 當天的疫苗接種數據於每晚更新。疫苗接種數據是以2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃於2021年2月26日展開後的接種人口累計至今。
Vaccination figures of the day are updated every evening. Vaccination figures are cumulative number of persons that have received the vaccine dose since the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme was officially launched on 26 February 2021.
@ 衞生署衞生防護中心自2022年6月7日起只會公布於「2019冠狀病毒快速抗原測試陽性結果人士申報系統」呈報並經核酸檢測核實結果為陽性的個案。這些個案包括過去數日呈報的快速測試陽性個案。
From 7 June 2022 onwards, the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health only announce cases reported via the "Declaration System for individuals tested positive for COVID-19 using Rapid Antigen Test" which had been verified with positive nucleic acid
test results. These cases include rapid antigen test positive cases reported in the past few days.
§年齡介乎六個月至三歲的幼兒由2022年8月4日開始可於香港接種2019冠狀病毒病疫苗。Toddlers aged from six months to three years may receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Hong Kong starting from 4 August 2022.
以年齡組別劃分之數據【臨時數字】 Breakdown of figures by age group [Provisional figures]
累計死亡 情況危殆的 目前住院 累計呈報 曾在香港已接種至少一劑 在香港接種 在香港接種 在香港接種 在香港接種 2021年
個案數目 個案數目ⴕ 個案數目ⴕ 個案數目 疫苗的人口(滿14天)^§ 第一針的人口@§ 第二針的人口@§ 第三針的人口@§ 第四針的人口@ 年底人口
年齡組別 Current number Population ever
Cumulative Current number Cumulative Population with Population with Population with Population with End-2021
Age groups number of hospitalised in of hospitalised number of vaccinated in HK 1st vaccine dose 2nd vaccine dose 3rd vaccine dose 4th vaccine dose resident
deaths ICU with critical casesⴕ reported cases (reached 14 days)^§ taken in HK@§ taken in HK@§ taken in HK@§ taken in HK@ population

<3 3 0 40 25,462 19,653 20,468 11,747 8 不適用 NA 123,600

3 - 11 7 0 30 126,373 444,407 439,394 379,427 144,589 36 502,600

12 - 19 6 1 24 98,281 464,294 451,641 444,086 333,967 1,387 447,300

20 - 29 18 0 43 233,488 809,868 768,555 754,983 602,830 16,959 771,900

30 - 39 28 0 81 334,754 1,128,723 1,104,195 1,089,236 898,309 37,121 1,094,500

40 - 49 73 0 80 330,068 1,190,274 1,171,001 1,162,836 1,029,218 66,273 1,160,300

50 - 59 293 0 155 318,351 1,177,523 1,160,670 1,152,120 1,048,101 115,587 1,191,300

60 - 69 878 4 304 285,292 1,013,707 1,001,628 993,908 928,205 178,787 1,122,100

70 - 79 1,702 1 524 138,263 497,252 492,595 489,346 465,459 104,925 591,300

80+ 7,333 3 1,022 92,155 285,791 285,171 276,223 244,892 43,947 398,200

待定 Pending 15 — — 17,759 — — — — — —

總數 Total 10,356 9 2,303 2,000,246 7,031,492 6,895,318 6,753,912 5,695,578 565,022 7,403,100
Sub-total for 10,331 9 2,233 1,830,652 6,567,432 6,435,456 6,362,738 5,550,981 564,986 6,776,900
aged 12+

ⴕ 由2022年4月20日起,醫管局採用新的統計方法,由確診2019冠狀病毒病當日起計28日後,病人會列為康復。
Starting from 20 April 2022, the Hospital Authority has adopted a new counting method. Patient is considered as recovered, after 28 days from the date tested positive for COVID-19.

^ 就本統計分析而言,由2022年9月15日起,統計數字只包括曾在香港已接種至少一劑疫苗的人口(該些人士可能同時在香港以外地方接種其他劑次)。於分析該些人士已接種疫苗劑數時,已考慮在香港以外地方的疫苗接種記錄。比較9月14日發佈的數字,減少約20萬以反映以上技
術性修訂。年齡是根據接種第一劑疫苗的日期計算。For the purpose of this statistical analysis, starting from 15 September 2022, the statistics cover population ever vaccinated in HK (the individuals may also have doses taken outside HK). Vaccine dose(s) taken outside HK by these
individuals have been taken into account in the analysis of the number of doses taken. As compared to the statistics reported on 14 September, the aforementioned technical refinements result in a reduction of 200,000 persons. Age is calculated based on the date of first vaccine dose.

@ 2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃下的合資格接種人士,除了香港居民外,還包括以下類別的非香港居民:(1)持「往來港澳通行證」(慣稱「雙程證」)獲准逗留香港,並且無需延期也可以在逗留期限屆滿前完成接種兩劑疫苗的訪客;(2)免遣返申請人及獲聯合國難民署確認為
故此接種百分比有可能高於100%。Apart from Hong Kong residents, eligible persons under the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme also include the following categories of non-Hong Kong residents: (1) holders of the Exit-entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao who
can complete two doses of vaccination within their limit of stay without extension; (2) non-refoulement claimants and refugees recognised by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; and (3) other visitors staying in Hong Kong (holders of valid travel documents who
are allowed to stay in Hong Kong as permitted by the law, and can complete two doses of vaccination within their limit of stay without extension). These non-Hong Kong residents who are eligible to receive vaccination may not be included in the baseline population eligible to receive
vaccination. Separately, the relevant baseline population is not based on real time figures and there may be deviations from the actual situation. Therefore, vaccination rate may be higher than 100%.

§ 年齡介乎六個月至三歲的幼兒由2022年8月4日開始可於香港接種2019冠狀病毒病疫苗。Toddlers aged from six months to three years may receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Hong Kong starting from 4 August 2022.
70歲或以上長者佔死亡個案的大多數, 遠高於他們所佔的人口比例 (13%)。
Elderly aged 70+ account for a disproportionately large share of death cases, relative to their 13% population share.

與居住人口比較的死亡及住院個案的年齡分佈 【臨時數字】
Comparison on age profile of deceased and hospitalised cases against resident population [Provisional figures]
100% 0.5%
3.5% 3.0%
7.6% 8.5%
80% 16.4%
<12 33.3% 31.3%
12-39 70%

60-69 22.8%

70-79 50%

80+ 31.8%

44.4% 15.2%
20% 14.3%

10% 8.0%

4.6% 5.4%
累計死亡個案數目 目前住院個案數目ⴕ 累計呈報個案數目 2021年年底人口
Cumulative no. of deaths Current no. of hospitalised casesⴕ Cumulative no. of reported cases End-2021 resident population

ⴕ 由2022年4月20日起,醫管局採用新的統計方法,由確診2019冠狀病毒病當日起計28日後,病人會列為康復。
Starting from 20 April 2022, the Hospital Authority has adopted a new counting method. Patient is considered as recovered, after 28 days from the date tested positive for COVID-19.
Cumulative number of deaths~ by vaccination (counted as at date of case reporting) and age group [Provisional figures]

已接種四劑(滿14天)* 已接種三劑(滿14天)* 已接種兩劑(滿14天)* 已接種一劑(滿14天)*

年齡組別 沒有接種疫苗^ 總計
Received 4 doses Received 3 doses Received 2 doses Received 1 dose ^
Age groups Unvaccinated Total
(reached 14 days)* (reached 14 days)* (reached 14 days)* (reached 14 days)*

<3§ 不適用 NA 0 0 0 3 3

3 – 11 0 0 1 1 5 7

12 – 19 0 1 1 1 3 6

20 – 29 0 0 9 1 8 18

30 – 39 0 5 4 4 15 28

40 – 49 0 8 19 5 41 73

50 – 59 1 21 80 31 160 293
60 – 69 1 55 171 121 530 878
70 – 79 3 89 266 265 1,079 1,702
80+ 18 280 821 1,073 5,141 7,333
— — — — — 15

23 459 1,372 1,502 6,985 10,356
~ 新型冠狀病毒測試結果呈陽性的個案,如果在首次陽性樣本收集日期的28日內死亡,則會被列為2019冠狀病毒病的死亡個案。死者的死因可能與2019冠狀病毒病無關。
COVID-19 death case is defined as a death in a person with positive SARS-CoV-2 result and died within 28 days of the first positive specimen collection day. The underlying cause of death may have been unrelated to COVID-19.

* 計算是根據個别個案的呈報日期,相對於疫苗接種日期之時間間隔。這額外對計算疫苗劑數的方法是由2022年4月7日開始應用,包括追溯所有過往數據。
It is counted based on the date of case reporting of each reported case with respect to the date of vaccination to arrive at the time interval. This additional counting method for ‘no. of vaccine doses received’ is implemented starting
from 7 April 2022, including all retrospective data.

^ 包括已接種一劑但未滿14天的人士。 Including those that have received 1 dose but not yet reached 14 days.

§年齡介乎六個月至三歲的幼兒由2022年8月4日開始可於香港接種2019冠狀病毒病疫苗。Toddlers aged from six months to three years may receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Hong Kong starting from 4 August 2022.

疫苗接種數字是由2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃於2021 年 2 月 26 日正式展開後的累計已接種疫苗人數。
Vaccination figures are cumulative number of persons that have received the vaccine dose since the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme was officially launched on 26 February 2021.
Most of the deceased cases are unvaccinated persons.

Cumulative number of deaths by vaccination (counted as at date of case reporting) and age group [Provisional figures]
No. of deaths
0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000

<3 3

3-11 7

12-19 6

20-29 18

30-39 28

40-49 73

50-59 293

60-69 60% 14% 878

70-79 63% 16%16% 1,702

80+ 70% 15% 11% 7,333

67% 15% 13% 10,356

沒有接種疫苗^ 已接種一劑(滿14天)* 已接種兩劑(滿14天)* 已接種三劑(滿14天)* 已接種四劑(滿14天)*

Unvaccinated^ Received 1 dose (reached 14 days)* Received 2 doses (reached 14 days)* Received 3 doses (reached 14 days)* Received 4 doses (reached 14 days)*

* 計算是根據個别個案的呈報日期,相對於疫苗接種日期之時間間隔。這額外對計算疫苗劑數的方法是由2022年4月7日開始應用,包括追溯所有過往數據。
It is counted based on the date of case reporting of each reported case with respect to the date of vaccination to arrive at the time interval. This additional counting method for ‘no. of vaccine doses received’ is implemented
starting from 7 April 2022, including all retrospective data.

^ 包括已接種一劑但未滿14天的人士。
Including those that have received 1 dose but not yet reached 14 days.
Of the reported cases, the proportion of death and hospitalised cases is highest in those aged 80+.

目前住院個案數目ⴕ(最新情況) 累計出院/
累計呈報 累計死亡
Currently hospitalised casesⴕ 康復個案ⴕ
個案數目 個案數目
(latest condition) Cumulative 死亡及出院或康復或目前住院個案佔累計呈報個案之比例(以年齡組別劃分)【臨時數字】
年齡組別 Cumulative Cumulative no. of
Age groups no. of no. of hospital
Cumulative no. of reported cases who have deceased, currently hospitalised and
危殆 嚴重 其他* discharged/ hospital discharged / recovered by age group [Provisional figures]
reported deceased
Critical Serious Others* recovered
cases cases 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

<3 25,462 3 0 0 40 4,669 <3 18.3% 18.5%

3 – 11 126,373 7 0 0 30 3,321 3-11 2.7%

12 – 19 98,281 6 1 0 23 1,554 12-19 1.6%

20 – 29 233,488 18 0 0 43 2,986 20-29 1.3%

30 – 39 334,754 28 1 0 80 5,465 30-39 1.7%

40 – 49 330,068 73 1 2 77 5,117 40-49 1.6%

50 – 59 318,351 293 2 3 150 7,392 50-59 2.5%

60 – 69 285,292 878 6 10 288 12,951 60-69 4.5% 5.0%

70 – 79 138,263 1,702 7 14 503 16,382 70-79 1.2% 11.8% 13.5%

80+ 92,155 7,333 20 33 969 23,535 80+ 8.0% 25.5% 34.6%

17,759 15 0 0 0 4
Pending 0.52%
總數 總數
2,000,246 10,356 38 62 2,203 83,376 4.17% 4.80%
Total Total
ⴕ 由2022年4月20日起,醫管局採用新的統計方法,由確診2019冠狀病毒病當日起計28日後,病人會列為康
復。Starting from 20 April 2022, the Hospital Authority has adopted a new counting method. Patient is 死亡個案 情況危殆 情況嚴重 其他情況* 累計出院 / 康復個案ⴕ
considered as recovered, after 28 days from the date tested positive for COVID-19. Deceased cases Critical condition Serious condition Other condition* Hospital discharged / recovered casesⴕ
* 包括情況穩定/尚好及資料不詳的個案。
Includes stable/satisfactory cases and cases with missing information.
The vaccination rate among elderly and children is relatively low.

在香港接種第一/二/三/四針的人口比率(以年齡組別劃分) 人口比率
Rate of 1st/2nd/3rd/4th vaccine dose taken in Hong Kong per population by age group Per population rate

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

6 months to <3§

3-11 87.4%

12-19 101.0%

20-29 99.6%

30-39 100.9%

40-49 100.9%

50-59 97.4%

60-69 89.3%

70-79 83.3%

80+ 71.6%

Sub-total for aged 12+
第一針 第二針 第三針 第四針
1st vaccine dose 2nd vaccine dose 3rd vaccine dose 4th vaccine dose

§ 年齡介乎六個月至三歲的幼兒由2022年8月4日開始可於香港接種2019冠狀病毒病疫苗。比率是根據年齡介乎六個月至少於三歲的人口,估算為104,000。
Toddlers aged from six months to three years may receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Hong Kong starting from 4 August 2022. The rate is calculated based on population aged 6 months to less than 3 years, estimated as 104,000.

The rate may exceed 100% as the vaccinated population also includes Hong Kong non-residents (specified in the preceding table).
As compared to the Hong Kong overall population, those that have received 3 doses account for a lower proportion among currently hospitalised cases with critical/serious
condition, and an extremely low proportion among deceased cases. This seems to suggest effectiveness of 3 doses in preventing serious illness and fatality.

Comparison on vaccination status# of deceased, hospitalised and reported cases against resident population [Provisional figures]

0.2% (23) 1.9% (37,817)

已接種四劑或以上 4% (459) 4% (4) 7% (543)
(滿14天)# 11% (257)
Received 4 doses 90% 13%
or more (1,372)
(reached 14 days)# 36%
已接種三劑(滿14天)# 15% (727,868)
Received 3 doses (1,502)
(reached 14 days)# 70% 54%
58% 70%
已接種兩劑(滿14天)# (1,326) (5,161)
Received 2 doses
(reached 14 days)# 50%
40% 11% (759,686)
已接種一劑(滿14天)# 67%
Received 1 dose (11)
30% (6,985)
(reached 14 days)#
6% (6) 11%
20% 8%
4% (83) (150,224) 16%
25% (1,178)
10% (25) 17% 15%
(390) 2% (150)
7% (490)
累計死亡個案數目 目前為危殆/嚴重 目前住院個案數目ⴕ 累計呈報個案數目 2021年年底人口^ ('000)
Cumulative no. of (最新)情況的住院個案數目ⴕ Current no. of Cumulative no. of End-2021 resident population^ ('000)
deaths Current no. of hospitalised cases hospitalised casesⴕ reported cases
with critical / serious condition
# 計算是根據個别個案的呈報日期,相對於疫苗接種日期之時間間隔。但年底人口數字,則根據編製統計數字之日期。這額外對計算疫苗劑數的方法是由2022年4月7日開始應用,包括追溯所有過往數據。
It is counted based on the date of case reporting of each reported case with respect to the date of vaccination to arrive at the time interval. But for the resident population’s figures, it is based on the date of statistics compilation instead. This additional counting
method for ‘no. of vaccine doses received’ is implemented starting from 7 April 2022, including all retrospective data.
* 沒有接種疫苗人的口中,包括已接種一劑但未滿14天的人士。The unvaccinated population include those that have received 1 dose but not yet reached 14 days.
ⴕ 由2022年4月20日起,醫管局採用新的統計方法,由確診2019冠狀病毒病當日起計28日後,病人會列為康復。Starting from 20 April 2022, the Hospital Authority has adopted a new counting method. Patient is considered as recovered, after 28 days from the
date tested positive for COVID-19.
^ 就本統計分析而言,由2022年9月15日起,統計數字只包括曾在香港已接種至少一劑疫苗的人口(該些人士可能同時在香港以外地方接種其他劑次)。於分析該些人士已接種疫苗劑數時,已考慮在香港以外地方的疫苗接種記錄。比較9月14日發佈的數字,
減少約20萬以反映以上技術性修訂。年齡是根據接種第一劑疫苗的日期計算。沒有接種疫苗的估算人口是按各年齡組別的2021年年底人口(臨時數字)和該年齡組別曾經接種疫苗人口的差額相加所得(只計算差額為正數值的年齡組別)。For the purpose of
this statistical analysis, starting from 15 September 2022, the statistics cover population ever vaccinated in HK (the individuals may also have doses taken outside HK). Vaccine dose(s) taken outside HK by these individuals have been taken into account in the
analysis of the number of doses taken. As compared to the statistics reported on 14 September, the aforementioned technical refinements result in a reduction of 200,000 persons. Age is calculated based on the date of first vaccine dose. Estimated unvaccinated
population is derived by summing up the difference between the end-2021 resident population (provisional figure) and the population ever vaccinated across age groups only if the respective difference is a positive value.

以上個別小組加起來不等於100%,因為“待定”個案没有顯示。The above sub-groups do not add up to 100% because the cases with 'pending' information are not presented.
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