Pesmg 2013 6672866
Pesmg 2013 6672866
Pesmg 2013 6672866
Abstract— This paper evaluates the performance of five leading respectively to ensure satisfactory operation of all other
power system analysis softwares in terms of network harmonic equipment connected to this grid. The accurate calculation of
impedance calculation for High Voltage distribution grids. current emission limits based on permissible voltage harmonic
Based on a set of systematic case studies the first part of the levels needs reliable information about the harmonic
work presents a comparative analysis of the software packages
in calculation of first resonance point. The different network
element models and load models and their impact on the One way to assess the network harmonic impedance is
resonance parameters are discussed in detail. The second part of measurement. Over the years many harmonic impedance
the research work assesses the sensitivity of the resonance measurement methods have been proposed by researchers
parameters (impedance magnitude and frequency) depending on
the change of certain network model parameters and compares
worldwide. Most of these methods are applicable for MV and
the results amongst the different software packages. This gives LV networks [1-6]. Only a few publications are available on
an idea about the robustness of frequency and magnitude measurements of the harmonic impedance in HV networks [7,
response at the resonance point and points out the most sensitive 8]. This is due to the fact that reliable measurement of
parameter in a HV network. harmonic impedance at HV level needs usually complex, cost-
intensive setups and often involves a significant intervention
Index Terms—Frequency Sweep, Harmonic impedance, High to the network operation, which is certainly not accepted by
Voltage (HV) distribution network, Resonance. the network operator.
The element parameters are calculated as follows: Figure 5. Network harmonic impedance from different buses
V B. Scenario I: Default load model, distributed line model,
Rs (1)
P cable network
All the 22 downstream loads are modelled as series
X s 0.073 h Rs (2) connection of R and L. The total network is considered to
have only cable transmission line. Keeping these parameters
h Rs constant, the loading state is now varied from a full load
Xp (3) condition, which is equal to 70% of the total rating of infeed
6.7 0.74 transformers, to half load and low load condition respectively.
P The results obtained from the five softwares for the first
The parameters are nominal voltage V and active and resonance point at the worst performing bus are given in Fig.6.
reactive powers P and Q at 50Hz.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of all
the software manufacturers for providing the simulation
packages and extending help in the form of technical support.
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Figure 10. Variation of resonance parameters
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In an overhead line network a completely opposite [6] Z.T.Staroszczyk, “Combined, experimental data supported simulations
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VI. CONCLUSION [8] G.Moreau, H.H.Le, G.Croteau, G.Beaulieu, E.Portales, “Measurement
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This paper presents a comparison of the performance of Steps”, Cigre/IEEE PES International Symposium,pp.69-73, 2003.
different power system analysis software packages in terms of [9] Cigre working group 36-05, “Harmonics, characteristic parameters,
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has to be taken for consistent and accurate input parameters.
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