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Aspects of Network Harmonic Impedance Modelling

in High Voltage Distribution Networks

Diptargha Chakravorty Jan Meyer, Peter Schegner
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (CES) Technische Universitaet Dresden (IEEH)
New Delhi, India Dresden, Germany
diptarghachakravorty@gmail.com jan.meyer@tu-dresden.de

Abstract— This paper evaluates the performance of five leading respectively to ensure satisfactory operation of all other
power system analysis softwares in terms of network harmonic equipment connected to this grid. The accurate calculation of
impedance calculation for High Voltage distribution grids. current emission limits based on permissible voltage harmonic
Based on a set of systematic case studies the first part of the levels needs reliable information about the harmonic
work presents a comparative analysis of the software packages
in calculation of first resonance point. The different network
element models and load models and their impact on the One way to assess the network harmonic impedance is
resonance parameters are discussed in detail. The second part of measurement. Over the years many harmonic impedance
the research work assesses the sensitivity of the resonance measurement methods have been proposed by researchers
parameters (impedance magnitude and frequency) depending on
the change of certain network model parameters and compares
worldwide. Most of these methods are applicable for MV and
the results amongst the different software packages. This gives LV networks [1-6]. Only a few publications are available on
an idea about the robustness of frequency and magnitude measurements of the harmonic impedance in HV networks [7,
response at the resonance point and points out the most sensitive 8]. This is due to the fact that reliable measurement of
parameter in a HV network. harmonic impedance at HV level needs usually complex, cost-
intensive setups and often involves a significant intervention
Index Terms—Frequency Sweep, Harmonic impedance, High to the network operation, which is certainly not accepted by
Voltage (HV) distribution network, Resonance. the network operator.

I. INTRODUCTION Another possibility to obtain the harmonic impedance is

the simulation of the HV network in a harmonic analysis
The measurement of harmonic impedance in a power software package. In an earlier project harmonic impedance of
system network has gradually gained importance with the a particular 110-kV-grid was simulated by using two different
installation of power electronics based equipment which software packages (one from the network operator, one at the
injects harmonics into the network (e.g. large converter university). The network schema was similar in both software,
stations). For typical European Low voltage (LV) and but the obtained results differed significantly. To identify the
Medium voltage (MV) distribution networks the first reasons for the differences and to verify the performance of
resonance frequency is usually above 1kHz (20th order). So other software packages, a comparison of 5 different packages
resonance problems are usually not an issue. On the other based on a reference grid with a distinctive resonance was
hand in High voltage (HV) distribution networks resonances carried out and the results are presented in this paper.
can occur at frequencies well below 1kHz thus making it a Particular focus was set on the study of various models of the
matter of serious concern. For LV and MV networks in different network components present in each of the software
calculations (e.g. of emission limits) often resonance are and the possible impact of model parameter variation on the
neglected and the simplified impedance line is used. While harmonic impedance.
this simplification is adequate for LV networks and partly for
MV networks too, its application to HV networks can lead to This paper is organized as follows: the developed
unallowable high inaccuracies at the important harmonic reference network is introduced in section 2. Section 3 gives
orders, like 5th or 7th. an overview of selected software packages and a brief
discussion on the different network component models
In most cases emission limits for lower order harmonics of included in them. The implementation of the reference
equipment or installations are based on currents. Following network in each software package and the comparative
the basic EMC concept the value of voltage harmonics in the analysis by different case studies are presented in section 4.
grid has to meet compatibility levels or planning levels

978-1-4799-1303-9/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE

Section 5 deals with the sensitivity analysis of the first parallel analysis module. However due to different types of
resonance (frequency and impedance magnitude). component models some of them are more suitable for
harmonic analysis than others.
The typical behaviour of a European HV distribution
network should be exhibited by a reference network.
Therefore, instead of using one of the IEEE test networks, a
reference network based on the typical parameters of a
meshed HV distribution network was developed having
distinct resonances well below 1 kHz.
The network consists of 14 buses with 3 infeed points.
Infeed 1 is maintained as reference bus at a nominal voltage
level of 220 KV (line to line voltage). The total rating of the
infeed transformers is 600 MVA. To meet the (n-1) criteria the Figure 2. Different component models in the selected software
cumulative load under full load condition shall be kept a little
below 70% of the total infeed transformer rating. So, the total Some software packages having frequency dependent
connected load is 400 MW at 0.98ind power factor. This is transmission line model requires detailed information on
realized by connecting 22 equivalent downstream loads tower and conductor geometry. Due to time constraint and
having two types of load modelling, a series R and L model unavailability of accurate data these packages are excluded
and Cigre type C load model. The details of these models are from the comparison.
discussed in the next section. All the equivalent loads are
connected to the HV network by 40 MVA transformers and B. Component models
each of these combinations is formed as a subsystem and 1) Transmission line model
represented as square box in the network diagram shown in From Fig.2 it can be seen that almost all software packages
Fig.1 have a lumped and a distributed model. The lumped model
represents the nominal  model which is used for short
transmission lines. With the increase in line length or
frequency, distributed parameter model becomes important.
The distributed model provided by software 2 partly
differs from the other softwares because of the inherent
frequency dependency of transmission line resistance and
inductance. This model is selected by default for harmonic
analysis without the option to change it to the lumped model
for comparative analysis. Software 3 provides a distributed
model based on Bergeron’s model for EMTP analysis, which
means it neglects the transmission line losses. Software 5 only
uses a π equivalent model, where the number of π-elements is
automatically determined by the line length. Strictly speaking
this is not a true replacement for distributed parameter model
and thus it may lead to inaccuracies when the line length and
Figure 1. 110 KV Reference Network
operating frequency increases.
The short circuit power at each of the 110-kV-buses is
limited to 4 GVA, which is a realistic value for the considered 2) Transformer model
grid. Based on the length and the type of the lines two Mainly two types of model are present in the softwares,
different scenarios are distinguished. A cable network with the Classical model and the High frequency model. The later
average line length of 10 km represents a typical HV includes the inter-winding capacitances and the bushing
distribution grid in urban regions while an overhead line capacitances thus making it more suitable for transient
network with average line length of 25 km represents typical analysis. Hence the classical model is used for all the case
rural regions. studies. Software 4 and software 5 mention explicitly, that the
classical model is implemented as a π equivalent circuit
III. SOFTWARE PACKAGES AND COMPONENT MODELS having two nodes, instead of the more common T equivalent
circuit having three nodes. But this should not influence the
A. Software overview simulation results at all.
A lot of different software packages for power system
3) Load model
analysis are available in the market. Most of them offer the Two types of load modelling have been implemented in
possibility of harmonic simulation. Fig.2 gives an overview of
the reference network, the default load model and the Cigre
the selected simulation packages with integrated harmonic
type C load model. The default load model is a series the first case in software 5 are significantly different with the
connection of resistance (R) and inductance (L). Software 1 other software packages and hence no further cases have been
selects this model by default while performing harmonic carried out in it. All simulations consider only positive
analysis. Other software packages allow the selection of either sequence system. The specific behaviour of zero sequence
a series RL connection or a parallel RL connection. For impedance wasn’t considered in this stage.
comparing the software on the same ground the series RL
Fig.5 shows a typical frequency sweep analysis plot with
connection is always used for the first type of load model.
the worst performing bus marked with an arrow at the first
The Cigre model was designed by the Cigre working parallel resonance point. The worst performing bus is the one
committee and is especially designed for MV-load modelling from which maximum harmonic impedance of the network is
for harmonic impedance analysis [9]. Over a frequency range perceived. For the reference network this is always bus 4.
corresponding to harmonics between 5th and 20th order the
loads are represented by the scheme as shown in Fig.3.

Figure 3. Cigre Type C load model (source: [10])

The element parameters are calculated as follows: Figure 5. Network harmonic impedance from different buses
V B. Scenario I: Default load model, distributed line model,
Rs  (1)
P cable network
All the 22 downstream loads are modelled as series
X s  0.073  h  Rs (2) connection of R and L. The total network is considered to
have only cable transmission line. Keeping these parameters
h  Rs constant, the loading state is now varied from a full load
Xp  (3) condition, which is equal to 70% of the total rating of infeed
6.7  0.74 transformers, to half load and low load condition respectively.
P The results obtained from the five softwares for the first
The parameters are nominal voltage V and active and resonance point at the worst performing bus are given in Fig.6.
reactive powers P and Q at 50Hz.


The reference network introduced in Fig.1 has been
implemented in each of the above mentioned softwares. To
ensure exact representation of the network, load flow results
had to be similar between the different software packages
before proceeding with further case studies.

A. Overview of possible case studies Figure 6. Results for scenario I

Based on the different parameters present in the reference
Fig.6 shows that both the frequency and magnitude
network, like load model, transmission line type and the
response lies well within 5% range for the software 1 to 4. Just
different loading states, a set of possible cases was formulated.
for illustration the significant different results of software 5
The different variable parameters including the possible values
are shown too.
are listed in the following Fig. 4.
C. Scenario II: Cigre load model, distributed line model,
cable network
Keeping the transmission network same as in the previous
scenario, all the downstream loads are now replaced by Cigre
Type C load model. Fig.7 shows the results, but for software
packages 1 to 4 only.
Figure 4. Overview of variable network parameters and their values
The comparison of the results in Fig.6 and Fig.7 points out
Based on the table in Fig.4 a total of 128 case studies have two important conclusions. While frequency of first resonance
been carried out in the first 4 software packages. The results of point is similar for both scenarios, the Cigre load model
provides a much more realistic damping behaviour than the For distribution networks of small size the results are
simple series RL model. Magnitude and quality factor for almost independent from the chosen transmission line model
Cigre load model are smaller than for the series RL model. (lumped or distributed) unless the considered frequencies
This proves that Cigre model is the more realistic model for exceed 2 kHz.
harmonic impedance analysis.
As it has been discussed before, one of the most practical
solutions for harmonic impedance assessment is simulation.
Though it may seem to be a lot easier than doing a
measurement, in reality there are certain points which makes it
difficult to perform accurate simulations. Examples are
availability of accurate data for all the required model
parameters or incorporation of time-dependent parameter
variations, which is typical for real networks.
Figure 7. Results for Scenario II
To address these issues, a sensitivity analysis is performed
D. Comparison of lumped and distributed line model for to assess the influence level of a particular parameter to the
Scenario II overall harmonic impedance of the network. This gives a first
The distributed line model is recommended for line idea of the maximum permissible error which is allowed in the
lengths much longer than the ones in the reference model. input data of certain parameters without affecting the results
However due to the analysis of frequencies significantly too much.
higher than power frequency it may be necessary to switch
from lumped to distributed model even for small line lengths. A. Overview of possible case studies
The results of the comparison are shown in Fig. 8. The parameters of the following network components are
varied for the sensitivity analysis: infeed transformers, load
transformers, transmission lines. Each of the transformers has
a series component which includes the leakage reactance and
the winding resistance and a shunt component which includes
the magnetizing reactance and core loss resistance. The
transmission lines have a series resistance and reactance, and a
shunt capacitance. The shunt conductance is neglected.
Based on these parameters a set of 66 practical case studies
have been formed. The cases include different loading states
Figure 8. Percentage difference between lumped and distributed parameter as well as different type of network (cable, overhead line). For
Results from software 2 are absent as it does not support each of these cases the parameters are changed by ±10% with
lumped parameter model for harmonic analysis. The results respect to the base value. Due to the similarity of the results of
from other softwares show insignificant difference between software 1 to 4, software 1 was chosen for the detailed
the two types of line modelling. No bar is visible for the sensitivity study.
frequency difference of software 4, because the software The results show that the harmonic impedance is more
delivers same results for both the line models. sensitive to certain parameters than to others. Therefore all
above mentioned parameters are classified in three categories
E. Summary
based on their sensitiveness towards the first resonance
Load modelling has a significant impact on overall frequency and impedance magnitude. From each category the
damping of the network and thus significant influence on the parameter showing most consistent behaviour is shown in
quality factor. So it is extremely important to model the Table I.
downstream equivalent load as accurately and appropriately as
possible. However if only resonance frequency is considered,
then load modelling does not have a significant impact. Most sensitive Medium sensitive Least sensitive
parameter parameter parameter
The maximum of the first parallel resonance is much
Infeed transformer
smaller and the bandwidth is much wider in case of a cable Infeed transformer shunt reactance
Line capacitance
network. In terms of quality factor an overhead line network series reactance (flux (magnetizing
will always have higher quality factor compared to a cable leakage component) component)
network Moreover a cable network has always a lower
resonance frequency as an overhead line network of In the second step the parameters in Table 1 are used to
comparable size. verify, if the sensitivity in the different software packages are
comparable. Results for one of the case studies (full load
condition, cable network) are presented in Fig.9. The software
packages 1 to 3 show almost identical behaviour, which could E.g. the type of load model has a significant influence on the
be observed for the other cases in a similar way. Software 4 calculated impedance magnitude. The impact of imprecise
behaves slightly different, but within an acceptable range. parameter values is studied by a sensitivity analysis. Line
capacitance was found to have the highest impact on the
accuracy of the calculated resonance. The sensitivity
behaviour of the different software packages doesn’t show any
significant difference. The performance comparison shows
that at least the first 4 analysed software packages are well
suitable for harmonic studies. There is no explicit best-
performing software.
This study has only shown the differences in the results
between different software packages. To determine the
Figure 9. Network component sensitivity at the first resonance point absolute accuracy of the results, simulations have to be
To study the linearity of the influence, the parameter with compared with real measurements. Implementing a real HV
highest influence (line capacitance) on the harmonic distribution network in software 1 and performing respective
impedance is varied in the range ±30% in steps of 10% in all measurements of the harmonic impedance are planned in the
software packages. The results for frequency and impedance near future. Moreover with the developed simulation
magnitude at first parallel resonance are presented in Fig.10. environment the work on the harmonics part of the HV
amendment to [10, 11] could be efficiently supported.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of all
the software manufacturers for providing the simulation
packages and extending help in the form of technical support.
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has to be taken for consistent and accurate input parameters.

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