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User Manual of FK Show LED

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User Manual

Of FK Show Tool
--LED Picture & Text
Edit Software

www.feikongtech.com| LED Picture & Text Edit SW Tool

Document No.FK20150101

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by print, photo print,
microfilm or any other means without written permission by FeiKong.

©2014-2020 FeiKong

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Document No.FK20150101

Version history:

Version Date Author Description

1.0 2014.10 Zhong 1. First revision translated by Cai Xiao Liang

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Document No.FK20150101

1.  Brief .......................................................................................................................................... 7 
1.1  FK Show Brief ........................................................................................................... 7 
1.2  FK Show Main characteristics .................................................................................. 7 
1.2.1  FK Show Main Characteristics .......................................................................... 8 
1.2.2  FK Show main functions ................................................................................... 8 
2.  Software modification and update.......................................................................................... 11 
3.  FK Show Picture & Text editing tool’s interface introduction ................................................. 12 
3.1  Install FK Show ....................................................................................................... 12 
3.2  Start FK Show ......................................................................................................... 15 
3.3  Main Menu .............................................................................................................. 16 
3.4  Tool bar ................................................................................................................... 19 
3.5  Displays list ............................................................................................................. 20 
3.6  Resources banks .................................................................................................... 20 
3.7  Program editing preview area ................................................................................. 22 
3.8  Properties area ....................................................................................................... 23 
4.  Quick start .............................................................................................................................. 24 
5.  FK Show Project .................................................................................................................... 25 
5.1  Project Creation ...................................................................................................... 25 
5.2  Project Open ........................................................................................................... 26 
5.3  Project save ............................................................................................................ 28 
6.  Add display screen ................................................................................................................. 28 
7.  Connecting control cards ....................................................................................................... 30 
7.1  Serial communication ............................................................................................. 30 
7.2  USB communication ............................................................................................... 32 
7.3  Network (Ethernet) communication ........................................................................ 33 
7.3.1  Direct connection between computer and control card ................................... 33 
7.3.2  Intranet (LAN) connection ............................................................................... 34 
7.3.3  Internet connection .......................................................................................... 43 
7.4  WiFi communication ............................................................................................... 58 
7.4.1  WiFi direct connection ..................................................................................... 58 
7.4.2  LAN (Local Area Network) connection ............................................................ 60 
7.4.3  Internet connection (Remote control) .............................................................. 69 
8.  Display set.............................................................................................................................. 86 
8.1  Typical display parameter set ................................................................................. 86 
8.2  Antithetical Couplet Display Parameter Set............................................................ 91 

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8.3  Cross Display Parameter Set ................................................................................. 94 
8.4  Upload(read back) Parameter ................................................................................ 97 
9.  Add Program .......................................................................................................................... 98 
9.1  Add Program ........................................................................................................... 98 
9.2  Program Properties Set ........................................................................................ 101 
10.  Design Program ........................................................................................................... 102 
10.1  Add Division .......................................................................................................... 102 
10.2  Contents Division introduction .............................................................................. 104 
10.2.1  Text ............................................................................................................... 104 
10.2.2  Subtitle .......................................................................................................... 106 
10.2.3  RichText ........................................................................................................ 107 
10.2.4  Cool Text ....................................................................................................... 107 
10.2.5  Table ............................................................................................................. 108 
10.2.6  Picture ........................................................................................................... 110 
10.2.7  Animation ...................................................................................................... 112 
10.2.8  Date ............................................................................................................... 115 
10.2.9  Lunar Calendar ............................................................................................. 116 
10.2.10  Clock ...................................................................................................... 118 
10.2.11  Time counting ........................................................................................ 119 
10.2.12  Weather ................................................................................................. 120 
10.2.13  Import..................................................................................................... 127 
10.2.14  Temperature .......................................................................................... 127 
10.2.15  Humidity ................................................................................................. 130 
10.3  Set animation effect .............................................................................................. 131 
10.4  Set Border effect ................................................................................................... 132 
10.5  Set background effect ........................................................................................... 135 
10.6  Division operation and type .................................................................................. 138 
10.7  Program Preview .................................................................................................. 140 
11.  Send Program (Program transmission) ........................................................................ 141 
11.1  Send through serial port ....................................................................................... 141 
11.2  USB transmission ................................................................................................. 141 
11.3  Network (Ethernet) transmission .......................................................................... 143 
11.4  Wifi transmission ................................................................................................... 143 
11.5  All display transmission ........................................................................................ 143 
11.6  Cluster display transmission ................................................................................. 145 
12.  Upload (read back) program ........................................................................................ 146 
12.1  Upload from serial port ......................................................................................... 146 

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12.2  USB upload (read back) ....................................................................................... 148 
12.3  Network (Ethernet) upload (read back) ................................................................ 150 
13.  Typical commands ....................................................................................................... 152 
13.1  Time adjustment ................................................................................................... 152 
13.1.1  Time adjustment for USB disk card U ........................................................... 152 
13.1.2  Time adjustment of other communication methods ...................................... 153 
13.2  Luminance (Brightness) adjustment ..................................................................... 154 
13.2.1  Luminance adjustment for USB disk ............................................................. 154 
13.2.2  Luminance adjustment according to time set for U disk connection ............. 155 
13.2.3  Luminance adjustment for other communication methods ........................... 156 
13.3  Time Switch Off And On ....................................................................................... 158 
13.3.1  Time Switch Off and On for USB connection ................................................ 158 
13.3.2  Time switch on and off through live communication ..................................... 160 
13.4  Rest display setting ............................................................................................... 161 
14.  Stage Display Setting ................................................................................................... 162 
15.  Operation Examples ..................................................................................................... 163 
15.1  Serial communication Example: QU4+ control card ............................................. 163 
15.2  USB operation example: AU4+ ............................................................................. 165 
15.3  Network (Ethernet) operation example: AX4 control card .................................... 168 
16.  Online Upgrade ............................................................................................................ 171 
16.1  FK Show Software Upgrade ................................................................................. 171 
16.2  Control Card Firmware Upgrade........................................................................... 172 
16.2.1  Firmware upgrade for serial port ................................................................... 172 
16.2.2  U disk firmware upgrade ............................................................................... 175 
16.2.3  Network Firmware upgrade ........................................................................... 178 
17.  Infrared remote control application ............................................................................... 181 
17.1  Infrared remote controller and receiver types ....................................................... 181 
17.2  The control cards supporting infrared ................................................................... 181 
17.3  Hardware connection of infrared receiver............................................................. 181 
17.4  Application instruction ........................................................................................... 182 
18.  Recover the factory default set..................................................................................... 185 
18.1  Recover the factory default set through Software ................................................ 185 
18.2  Recover factory set through hardware ................................................................. 186 
19.  FAQ .............................................................................................................................. 187 
19.1  No light of whole display (Dark display) ............................................................. 187 
19.2  Part of unit module not light or controlled ............................................................. 188 
19.3  Font edge has color or part missing when double color or full color .................... 188 
19.4  Cannot connect the computer and the control card.............................................. 189 
19.5  Random broken of the communication ................................................................. 190 

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19.6  Display division blinking and not stable ................................................................ 191 
19.7  Fade out too slow and interfere the next display contents. .................................. 191 
19.8  Display dark for text or picture instead ................................................................. 191 
19.9  Brightness (Luminance) is abnormal .................................................................... 191 
19.10  Each row module has a dark shadow line ............................................................ 191 
19.11  Whole display is lighting, text is brighter ............................................................... 191 
19.12  Display in mess ..................................................................................................... 191 
19.13  Attention ................................................................................................................ 192 
19.14  Frequent problem of USB disk.............................................................................. 192 
Appendix 1: Technical specification of Feikong 4th generation control cards.............................. 194 
Appendix 2: Network wire plug process ...................................................................................... 195 
Appendix 3: FeiKong LED control card interface view ................................................................ 197 

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Document No.FK20150101

LED Picture & Text Edit Software

1. Brief

1.1 FK Show Brief

Thank you to choose Feikong LED control card product, as well as to have your precious
time to know this FK Show software tool, it’s our great honor to serve you or your
customer through our products.
FK Show Software tool is professional picture & text editing tool for Feikong Tech’s LED
control boards’ products, with variant of contents and functions, stability, easy operation,
is receiving wide appraisal from our clients and final users.
Since 1st version of FK show (picture & Text Edit software tool) was released in 2009, the
software’s tool’s function has been extending more and more with much stable
performance, inherent with the company’s product strategy “All in One”, which means this
one SW tool to provide service to all Feikong Tech’s products and external device, bring
convenience and save program design time and cost to customers.
Special appreciations are given to those friends and customers who have ever given
generous support and suggestion during last several years to promote this SW tool’s
Please forgive there are some material in this user manual, we cannot find English version,
and we have to add some text interpretation.
Any questions and suggestion about our products are welcomed, our contacting method

1.2 FK Show Main characteristics

SW Brief introduction

 This SW tool support 3rd generation Feikong Tech’s LED control boards or later version

Supporting control boards including

 The 4th generation

Q Series: FK-QU4,FK-QU4+

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S Series: FK-SU4
M Series:FK-MU4
A Series:FK-A4,FK-AU4,FK-AU4+,FK-AX4
B Series:FK-B4,FK-BU4,FK-BU4+,FK-BX4,FK-BW4
C Series:FK-CU4+,FK-CX4
D Series:FK-DU4+,FK-DX4,FK-DT4
E Series:FK-EU4+,FK-EX4
The 3rd generation:
S Series: FK-SU3
M Series:FK-MU3
A Series:FK-A3,FK-AU3,FK-AU3+,FK-AN3
B Series:FK-B3,FK-BU3,FK-BU3+,FK-BN3
C Series:FK-CU3+,FK-CN3+
D Series:FK-DU3+,FK-DN3+
E Series:FK-EU3+,FK-EN3+

1.2.1 FK Show Main Characteristics

The outstanding dominance of FK SHOW LED tool includes high efficiency, stability and
accessibility, with main aspects below:
1) Abundant program division and animation material
2) Friendly & simple operation
3) Cool animation support
4) Varian program type(Typical, antithetical couplet and cross types)
5) No limited division

1.2.2 FK Show main functions

FK Show is one of the most powerful LED picture & Text editing tool in the industry with
fundamental functions :
1)Group Management mode
 Display management:Support 256 display screen.
 Program management:Support 256 program for each display screen.
 Division management:Support 256 division for each program.
 Group Transmission: Support transmission to more display screen one time.

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2)Vivid program types
 Typical program:Row display screen,widely applied type in the market.
 Antithetical couplet type:Support to define upper, left and right couplet based on user
 Cross type:Support to display the program at cross type.

3)Rich text division

 Character’s division:the characters’ gap in one row can be adjusted; Support
Multilanguage edit; Support 7 color characters and background; support extending,
compressing, up move, down move, row reading, column reading; support different
kinds of alignment.
 Text division: the characters’ gap, rows’ gap can be adjusted; Support Multilanguage
editing, support 7 color characters and background; support extending, compressing, up
move, down move, row reading, column reading; support different kinds of alignment.
 Cool Text division: Support text effects including dynamic left-right swing, horizontally
rolling over, support 7 color text and background.
 Table division: support 7 color characters and background; support Multilanguage editing;
support cell emerge, divide; support Excel and WPS file download, no format change
when repetitive download.
 Picture division: Support jpg, bmp etc. format picture; support rolling, turning effect, part
view and reediting.
 Animation division: Support AVI, Flash animation, ; support rolling , turning effect, part
view and reediting.
 Date division: support variant format and font’s date’s display.
 Clock division: support to define own style clock display
 Time counting division: support to define own style time counting.
 Lunar calendar division: support to define own style lunar calendar.
 Weather forecast division: support automatic reading and updating of weather forecast in
most cities.
 Temperature & humidity division: Support temperature and humidity display.
 Text picture division: Support to display text, picture and animation in same area.

4)Colorful frame and background effect

Support plentiful colorful and vivid frame and background effect for program and division.

5)Visible editing environment

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The contents division can be dragged, expanded, compressed and aligned freely according to
user’s demand, support program preview in tool, to check the performance no need upload to
display screen, simplify the program make process and save time.
The editing environment support copy, cut, paste function between display screen, program
and division. And support Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V,Ctrl+T,Delete etc. Shortcut for better operation

6)Network communication
 MAC bonding mechanism, no need IP set, automatic detection, identification and
 Support point to point connection, Ethernet connection and internet connection.

7)Upload function
Support all control cards’ program and screen parameter upload to computer, no need worry the
lost of the program on site.

8)Online upgrade function

 Support automatic upgrade of FK Show online.
 Support one lie upgrade of all kinds of FK control boards’ firmware.

9)Language function
 Support many countries’ language around the world

10)FK Unique functions

 Free division function
 Automatic weather forecast function
 Antithetical couplet type display function
 Table format keep and save function
 Program upload function
 Online upgrade function
 Text, subtitle vertical reading function
 Free switch of typical screen and stage screen

More functions and features will come soon, please keep your attention to our website!

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2. Software modification and update

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3. FK Show Picture & Text editing tool’s interface introduction

FK Show Picture & Text Editing tool is Ideal environment for LED display program design,
edit, preview and downloading.

3.1 Install FK Show

The procedure of FK Show installation:

1)Find the official website of Feikong Technology and find the FK Show :
http://www.fk189.com/a/download/ as below:


2)Download the file to local disk, decompress it and click 。

3)Screen show installation page as pic3-2, click “next”

4)Then click “next” in the showing picture 3-3 below

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5)Then click “next” in the showing Pic. 3-4 below:


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6)Wait for the finish of the installation. See Pic. 3-5

7)Click close when installation is finished. Pic.3-6


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3.2 Start FK Show

FK Show starting procedure:

1) Click “start” manual at left bottom side of Windows task panel.

2) Select all program, find “FK Show” under FeikongTech.

3) Double click “FK Show”

The FK show windows will appear like Pic. 3-7

5. Program edit 6.Property

1.main menu 2.Tool Bar 3, display list 4, resource

7.Status Bar


1)Main Menu: Provide all kinds of commands of FK Show

2)Tool Bar: Popular tools and shortcut of commands.

3)Display list: List all display screen, the contents for screens and contents division list.

Click the item to open it and have it ready for edit in program editing area.

4)Resource bank: Picture and animation resource bank, ready for injected in current

selected program.

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5)Program editing area: the area for program edit, display, support to expand, compress all

division, when draft is ready, click “preview” at bottom side to check the effect, no wait until

download to the real LED display screen.

6)Property area: To display and adjust the property of current selected object.

7)Status Bar: Display the control cards type, parameter, connection status, transmission


3.3 Main Menu

Show in Pic. 3-8 , FK Show Main Menu includes “Project”, “View”, “setting”, “Tools”,
“language”, “Help” six draw menu, Move the mouse to related item to open the sub menu, and
click the item need to open.


1) Project menu: As show in Pic.3-9, 【Project】menu includes “New”, “Open”, “Save”,

“save as”, “recently opened Project” and “Exit” commands. Check the detail in chart 5
“FK Show Project” for application.

2)View Menu: Includes Weather forecast, display list, properties, original, zoom in, zoom
(windows). This menu is used to open and view windows of the editing tool.

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(1) Weather logs: Show “Weather forecast logs” windows, check details in chapter

(2) Display list: Show the “display list” windows.

(3) Properties: Show “Properties set” windows.

(4) Original: Show the program content with real size in the editing area.

(5) Zoom in: to zoom in the contents in the editing area.

(6) Zoom out: Zoom out the contents in the editing area.

(7) Rearrangement: Rearrange all the windows.

3)Setting menu: Shown in Pic. 3-11【Setting】menu includes all communication and

Display setting, reset display setting, time adjust, luminance adjust, power on, shutdown, time
switch, weather Sever Mode, holiday edit, sensor-configuration, network setting . The details will
be described in following charters.


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4)Tools memu: As shown in 3-6, the tools menu provides these items related to tools
function listed.


5)Language menu: As show in Pic. 3-13, select the language needed. FK Show support
16different languages, the default is Chinese simplified. Once the language is changed, then
the tool will change the environment language automatically.

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6)Help Menu: click the help menu, select “about”, to see version and related information as
shown in Pic. 3-14.


3.4 Tool bar

The buttons in tool bars are shortcut of the menu functions; the captions show the function
invisible, as shown in Pic. 3-15.

Inside, the 1st row tools are for adding and deleting program and division when make
program( from program to delete).
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The 2nd row tools are for order or data transmission from or to display screen.
【Search display】Search the display screen connected currently。
【Rearrangement】Rearrange the windows in the tool to the original default position and
【Enter WTshow】Enter into stage display mode operation interface.

3.5 Displays list

This area indicates display, programs and contents division in a logic tree structure. As
shown in Pic.3-16.

The upper part of the area is the tool bar for display, program and content division, easier to
add, delete, copy and paste related objects.
This display list is live with program editing and preview area, properties area, when one of
the three areas changes, the other two will be updated automatically.

3.6 Resources banks

Resource bank provides variant typical pictures and animation resource for LED display.

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Click the related sub items to open the preview windows of this subtitle,as shown in pic.3-18.

Inside the browse interface above, select the suitable resource, and it can be directly added to
current program. You can also enrich the resource bank if need, just click import button, and
upload your own picture and animation resource in the software for future program edit.

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3.7 Program editing preview area

In this area, the display can be edit and adjusted by the user’s preference, to review the draft
program, see Pic.3-19.

Program preview

Tool bar

1)Program edit area. The editing area show all the program contents and division, double
click the selected division, the editing windows of this division will popping up for contents and
properties modification. (Also it is possible to change the contents and properties in the properties
2)Tool bar.:

(1) Zoom in or Zoom out :to zoom in or zoom out the whole program.
(2) Move: :Move the selected division point by point in 4 direction.
(3)Alignment: :Align the selected division.
(4)Filling :Fill the selected contents in the division horizontal, vertical or
whole area.
(5)Preview : Preview the current program.
(6)Act View : Once the contents are more to shown
in on the defined display screen, it will be automatically split into more pages, click “Act view” to
check the contents page by page.
(7)Background visible : Click this button to have the defined
background visible or not visible.

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3.8 Properties area

Properties area is more active one when editing the visible picture& text program. The user
sets both programs and contents divisions’ properties here. Once switch the different display
screen in the display list, then the properties area will be switch to the responding one
automatically. See Pic. 3-20 , the detail information will be introduced in the later chapters.


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4. Quick start
From now on, it starts introduce the user how to edit and design the program , and send it to
the LED display screen through FK show tool in detail. The basic steps are:
1)Create project: FK Show’s project file is the carrier for all objects(display, program,
content division), all the objects are created in the project. When FK show starts, the system will
create one default project, the user can use this default project unless you have special need.
About the project concept, more can be found in chapter 5 FK Show’s projects.
2)Add display screen: Create the needed display screen in the project, maximum 256
display screen can be added in one project. There will be one display screen created once FK
show starts. Please refer to chapter 6 Add display screen to learn how to add display screens.
3)Connecting control card: According to different types cards selected, the connection to
FK SHOW is different accordingly. The connection is critical otherwise the screen parameter set
and program transmission cannot be achieved. Please refer to chapter 7 connecting control
cards for more details.
4)Screen parameter set: Once display is created, screen parameter set has to be done in
order to realize the transmission between the real display screen and the software tool. The
main parameter includes control cards’ type, communication methods, display screen unit
boards’ information, the height of the display screen. More detail information are described in
chapter 8.
5)Add program: There is nothing shown unless program are added for, maximum 256
programs can be added. There will be one default program added automatically once FK SHOW
is started. Please refer to chapter 9 Add Program for more indication.
6)Design program: the core of this chapter, also the core part of FK SHOW software,
induce to user how to apply this SW tool to design one preferred program with the existing
resource. This will be described in chapter 10 Design program.
7)Send Program: When the program is ready, send it to the LED display screen. It can
achieve through different communication methods. More in details are described in chapter
11 Send Program.
8)Send command: The display contents has been realized through the step 1 to 6 above,
when we need control the display screen like increase or decrease the luminance of the screen,
power on, power off etc. This need send related command to the control cards, this is described
in chapter 12Send command.
Besides all the main functions and features above, there are other more helpful functions
available to support the program design, which are described in the rest of the chapters.

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5. FK Show Project
Project is like on container to include display, program and contents division into it , project
exists in the SW as a file with suffix name .fsprj, User can apply the default created project for
program creation unless special need.

5.1 Project Creation

When FK Show start, the system will create one blank project automatically, as well as one
blank program under it. Once the user want to create one new project, can follow below step:
1) In the main menu of 【Project】->【New】,or use the shortcut Ctrl+N. See Pic. 5-1

2) Click “Yes”, when one dialogue box “Are sure create a new project?” is popping up, one
project named “FKLed. Fsprj” will be created in the folder name UserPrj of the same
address of FK SHOW installed( Typically C:\Program Files\FeiKongTech\FK Show\UserPrj.
different if the user install FKShow tool in different address.), the former created project file
will be backup with new name FKLedBK.fsprj, suggest to save the former file to other
predefined folders.

3) Set the display parameter of the default display 1 in the interface of 【communication and
display parameter set】see in Pic. 5-3, when finish the set. Click Finish. More details are
indicated in 8, screen parameter set.

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4) Click【Project】->【Save】,or apply the shortcut Ctrl+S directly to save the new project.
One new project is created now. Click the default 【display-1】 In the interface【display list】
then the saving address of the project is indicated in the properties area. See Pic. 5-4


5.2 Project Open

When FK Show starts, the latest project file will be opened automatically, once the latest file is
lost or deleted, FKLed. Fsprj file under installing path is open, or a new blank project file will be
There are two ways to open the other project files:

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1)Click【Project】->【Open】, or directly use the shortcut Ctrl+O, then the dialog box like
Pic. 5-5 will pop up, to browse and open the prefer project file as needed.

2)Browse the folder and directly open the file through double click. See Pic. 5-6.


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5.3 Project save

FK Show will save the current project file when exit. User can save the file regularly through
click【Project】->【Save】 or use the shortcut Ctrl+S to save the project.
User can also click 【Project】->【save as】, to save the project file to other predefined
path. See Pic.5-7. Save the file to one fixed path is highly recommended to prevent file lost or


6. Add display screen

User can add new display through the methods below; FK SHOW can support 256 different

1)Click new display icon in【Display list】 Like pic.6-1.

①Object cut,
①New display copy, paste

2)Key in the LED industry’s popular password “168” in the popping up diagloge box
“password confirm” and then click “OK”.
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4) Then click new display in the display set dialogue box shown in pic.6-3. And set
parameter for the new created display 2. Then click finish, please refer to chapter 8 for
detail of display set.

5) The new created display will appear in the display list, click the button Finish shown the
the pic. 6-3.
Now, a new display 2 is created in 【display list】, click display 2, then the properties of
display 2 can be checked in the area of【Properties area】Shown in Pic.6-4.

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Beside the method of new display creation above, user can copy one exisiting display.
Two ways are prepared to copy one display.
One, select the existing display, and click the button copy in【display list】 shown
inPic.6-1, and then click the button paste beside to create one new display in 【display
Two, select the existing display, use the shortcut Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to create a new

7. Connecting control cards

When the project creation finish, the control card need connected with FK SHOW Software in first,
then the display set can follow, as well as send program to card. Depends on user’s requirement
of communication mode, the connecting method from computer to cards are different.
Communication mode is the communication method type between the computer and control card.
To know the communication modes of FeiKong control cards, please refer to 【Appendix
1.Main Characters of FeiKong Control Cards】.
The connection types of different communication mode are introduced in following chapter.

7.1 Serial communication

Choose one control cards supporting serial communication for connection between software and
control cards. Please refer to Pic.7-1 for hardware connection.

serial port

Control card LED display

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The set of software is:
1)Click FK Show menu【Setting】->【Display Setting】,Shown in Pic. 7-2

2)In the popping up dialogue box “Password confirmation”, Key in the password “168” and click
Ok, Now the window 【Display setting】is shown.
3)【Display setting】window is shown as Pic.7-3.

④choose ⑤Choose
control card communication

⑥Choose port

⑧Connect status ⑦Card detection


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4)Choose the display in the display list , select control card type.
5)Choose the communication mode as serial port.
6)Choose the serial port. Select the practical com port for computer and control card.
7)Set Baud rate. Currently it supports 9600bps、57600bps、115200bps, the default baud rate
is 57600bps. If need change the baud rate, tick off the box “change setting”, and select the new
baud rate, and click button “change”.
8)Click the button “control card detect”, system will start search the control card, when succeed,
one message “ control card detecting succeed” will be shown in the status bar. User need check
the hardware connection once the hardware connection fails.
9)Once connection succeed, then display set and program download can be done later.

7.2 USB communication

One FeiKong control card with USB port is needed for USB connection between Feikong control
card and computer.

To apply USB communication, user need download the prepared program by FK SHOW into one
U disk, and then insert the U disk to USB port on the control card.
When the communication mode is USB, user need change the SW set ‘s communication mode to
USB, see Pic.7-4.

①Choose card ②choose

Commu. mode


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7.3 Network (Ethernet) communication

One FeiKong control card supporting network port is needed for network connection between
Feikong control card and computer.

The set of network communication (Ethernet) is more complex, with different working mode
aligned with different set. Mainly there are 3 working mode for network connection.
1) Direct connection between computer and control card
2) Intranet connection
3) Internet connection
及制作方法,请参考附录 2 网线制作。

7.3.1 Direct connection between computer and control card

Direct connection between computer and control card does not require complex network
environment, just point to point connection from computer and control card. See Pic.7-5.

Ethernet interface

Computer Control card LED display


Follow the procedure below for SW set:
1) Set communication mode to network in the window【Display setting】, and then tick off
the network communication mode as direct connecting. See Pic. 7-6.

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Document No.FK20150101 ①Choose comm.

Detection succeed, it will

②tick off this shows current network
item set. If need change the
set, tick of Change Card
Network and adjust the

④Check hardware
connection once

③click control card

2) Click the box Control Card Detect, the system will automatically detect the connected
control card through the network port. Once detection succeeds, there will be message
“Control card detecting succeed” shown in the status bar below. If the detection fails,
please check the hardware connection.
3) When the connection succeed, the user can go to the next step of display parameter set
and download program to control card.

7.3.2 Intranet (LAN) connection

Intranet connection is usually applied for the application more than one display in local area. The
hardware connection is indicated in Pic.7-7.

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Document No.FK20150101 Intranet Parameter

Intranet Subnet Mask:


Other Corporate
Router network or

2 Office Office
computer computer

The default network configuration does not fit the intranet environment usually, so in first need
configure the network.
The configuration is different once there is only one display in the intranet, or more than one
display connected in the intranet. Below both configurations will be introduced. Only one display in the intranet

Once there is only one display like in Pic. 7-7,only display 1 is available,then two ways to
Way 1:Apply direct connection between computer and the control card.

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②Tick off this


Detec succeed, Display

default configuration.
Factory default set:
Static IP method
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Port: 5858

④Detect succeed.

③click “Control
card detec”
1)Change network set to direct connecting. Connect the computer and the control card, then
open【Display setting】window and set the communication mode to network, and tick off
network communicate mode as direct connecting. See Pic.7-8.
2)Click the button ‘Control Card detect’, to check if the connection is OK. Please check the
hardware connection once the connection fails. Once the connection succeed, tick off “change
card network set”, enter the dialogue window for network configuration. See Pic. 7-9

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①tick off Change

card network set ②fill in the define

Notify server is used

for group control, to be
introduced later.

③click config

④show the status

3)Tick off “Change Card Network set”, Key in the new configuration information, then click
config button below, then it will show “ communication setting succeed!” In the status bar once
the connection and configuration is working.
4)Once the control cards’ network set is finish, then display set and program download can
be followed.
Way 2:
1)Choose the “network connection mode” as “fixed IP”, see Pic.7-10.

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①tick off fixed

②Key in the default IP
and Port

③key in the
and port.

④ Click Config

②click control card


2)Fill the control card’s IP and port, click the button “control card detect” to find the control
card. Once it does not succeed, check if the correct IP address is filled and it failed even the IP is
correctly set, and please use method 1 direct connection to computer.
3)Tick off “Change Card network set”, Two IP setting method are provided, static IP or DHCP,
click static IP in this case, and key in the predefined IP address, then click the button “config” to
send the new configuration information to control card, “communication setting succeed!” will
be shown in status bar once succeed.
Remark: Not recommended to use DHCP which will allocate IP address randomly.
4)Once the control cards’ network set is finish, then display set and program download can be
followed. More than 1 LED display screen in Intranet

If there are more than 1 display installed in the intranet, then there are two method to configure
the connection.
Method 1: Configure the display control card one by one, and then connect them to intranet as
For example there are two displays (control cards) need connect to intranet, the IP address
of the displays can be defined as:

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Display 1(control card 1):IP address: Mask:
Display 2(control card 2:IPaddress- Mask:
However, we need configure each display in first, then connect them all in intranet when
1)Apply direct connection method or only one display in the network method mentioned
before to set the address the display 1 as above and configure it. Please check 7.3.1 Direct
connection between computer and control card or Only one display in the inranet.
2)Disconnect the link to display 1 control card, connect the display2 and configure the
address as above as the same method. Follow the same step for more displays(control cards.)
3)Connect both displays( control cards) configured ready into intranet, and then click
【Tool】【Control card network maintenance】,To check if the whole connection is OK or
not, See Pic.7-11.

4)The system will detect the control cards in the intranet, and the found control cards will
be shown in the display list like Pic.7-12.

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Find the control


Search for the control

card in the network

5)Click the button” Map to display”, Map the control card to one existing display or a new
display, see Pic.7-13.

6)open “display setting” window, click the mapped display1, tick off “fixed IP”, then the
ready IP address set will fill in the blanket automatically. See Pic.7-14.

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Method 2: Different than method 1, this requires connect all display( control cards) into intranet,
then start all control cards network configuration.
1)When all are connected in the intranet, click main menu【tool】【Control card Network
maintenance】, if all cards are new ones, all the network parameter are same default ones, then
start network configuration. The shortcoming of this method is difficult to know the exact position
of one display. See Pic.7-15.

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All set are factory default, difficult

to identify the displays
position.suitable for the
application all display with same
display program.

Click IP config

2)Click the button “IP config”, then in the popping up dialogue box” control card network set”,
key in the predefined network parameter, and click the button “config”, as in Pic.7-16

Fill in the
predefined IP

Click to

3)When configuration succeed, “communication configuration succeed” will show in the status
4)Apply the same method to configure all the control cards within the intranet, update the
network information.

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5)When all the control cards’ configuration finish, connected to intranet and ready for next
step loading display set, send program etc.
Attention: If need change the network configuration after, user can opent the window
【Communication and display set】 and apply “fixed IP” to change the configuration, or open the
window【control card network maintenance】 and click button “IP configuration” to modify the
network configuration. Recommended to apply【control card network maintenance】.

7.3.3 Internet connection Only one display in internet

Once there is only one display in connection, the hardware wiring is like in Pic.7-17 below.

Public network IP: Public network IP:

Router(ADSL) Office
Display Router(ADSL)


Attention: The displays’ ports router must have port transferring function once internet remote
communication is required for application. The configuration of routers will be described in detail
in following pages.

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Software configuration method is introduced as below:

Step1, network configuration at display end
1)Control card network configuration: the control card network configuration is same as intranet
configuration, please check chapter 7.3.2 Intranet connection.
2)Router (ADSL)configuration:Need configure in the router of the display end, the router’s
configuration set as virtual server, and allocate the control card’s IP address in the router as
indicated in Pic.7-18.

Valid item

Control card IP

Add new

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Save to set

3)Connect the control card: The connection to control card can be achieved through domain
name or public IP method, two methods are introduced below.
Domain Method to connect control card: ADSL routers IP are mostly dynamic, router will get
new public IP once it is power off and power on again, as well as the new IP for the control cards
below the router. To communicate with control cards through internet remotely, the control
computer side need always get the new IP, it is difficult to handle it manually. Bond one domain
name to the control card, no matter how the public IP changes, it will automatically find the
control card with domain name without any manual operation.

 Register Oray PeanutHu to get one free domain name through website http://www.oray.com/
 Apply Dynamic DNS in router, map this router’s public IP(this card’s public IP.H

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① Key in the user name and

password registered in
Oray website.

domain name
once succeed

②click login

 When succed, key in the domain name in the remote control side, then the connection
between the computer and remote control cards are configured referting step 2.
Public IP for Control card: Once apply public IP to connect control card through below method
to acquire public IP for the control card. When gain the public IP for the control card, inform the
remote control computer side, and then connect it.
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The method to acquire public IP is as below:
 At the display side to check through router’s managing interface

 Key in and enter http://www.ip138.com at display side computer


Step 2: The control computer end configuration connection.

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In the window【communication& display setting】, tick off “ fixed IP” mode, and then to control
the control card through domain name or public IP.
To apply domain name to connect the control card, the configuration method is like Pic.7-22.

fixed IP

Fill in the domain name

for control card,
displays router’s

Detect succeed,
connection OK.


When apply public IP to connect control card, the configuration method is shown in Pic.7-23

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fixed IP

Fill in the public



Pic.7-23 More than one display in internet

When more than one display is need in the internet connection, the hardware connection shall be
like Pic.7-24.

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1. Interpret the domain name generated by Oray PeanutHu into the

server’s IP.
2. Regularly send message to this IP, Servre will receive the display
Public IP:Dynamic

Domain name bond

Display www.xxxx.com
Router(ADSL) Public IP:Dynamic

Public IP:Dynamic
Router(ADSL) computer

Public IP:DHCP

3 Router(ADSL)

Attention: The displays’ ports router must have port transferring function once internet remote
communication is required for application. The configuration of routers will be described in detail
in following pages.

The software configuration method is like below:

Step 1: display end network configuration
1)Control card network configuration: need apply【Notify server】mode to configure the control
cards at the display end intranet. Remote server can use the fixed IP or domain name.
The method of fixed IP is shown in Pic.7-25.

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Group mode,
notifyserver Automatic fill in
current network’s
public IP.

Remote control
public IP.

to control
Succeed card

3. Interpret the domain name generated by Oray PeanutHu into the

server’s IP.
4. Regularly send message to this IP, Servre will receive the display
Public IP:Dynamic

Domain name bond

Display www.xxxx.com
Router(ADSL) Public IP:dynamic

Public IP:Dynamic
Display computer
2 Router(ADSL)

Public IP:Dyniamic

3 Router(ADSL)

If control computer’s public IP is dynamic type, notify server apply IP method, then when IP
changes, the control card will not be found and the connection fails. For this instance, better to

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apply domain name, then the correct IP will always found no matter how it changes
dynamcally.The domain name configuration method is shown as Pic.7-26 below:

Group mode,

The domain name of remote control comp

bonded. And DNS server’s IP

to control
DNS Server Ip is the DNS of
the control card network, Succeed
same as most gateway,
can use below method. 5. Interpret the domain name generated by Oray PeanutHu into the
server’s IP.
6. Regularly send message to this IP, Servre will receive the display
Public IP:Dynamic

Domain name
Display bondwww.xxxx.com
Router(ADSL) Public IP:dynamic

Public IP:Dynaimc
Display computer
2 Router(ADSL)

Public IP:Dynamic

3 Router(ADSL)


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DNS server IP acquire,need check through one computer connected in the intranet of

control cards.

DNS Sever’s


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2)Router’s (ADSL) configuration:Need configure the display end’s routers, set it as virtual
server, and transfer the control cards’ IP defined port to the control card’s IP which is needed for
communication. See Pic.7-28.

Valid item

Control card IP

Add new

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Save to valid

Above all, the display end configuration is ready.
Step 2: Control computer end connection configuration:
1)Router(ADSL) configuration: the router’s configuration is shown in Pic.7-29.

Computer’s IP

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Sever port

IP address of
control card

When the notify server apply domain name, the router’s configuration is shown as Pic.7-30.

① Key in the user name

and password
registered in oray

③login status
will be

When succeed, the control card will regularly notify the dynamic domain’s IP to the sever for the
remote control computer.
2)Control card network configuration:
 Open dialog box【Control card network maintenance】, and enter【Network server】
Option page, see Pic.7-31.

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cards’ list
received by
the server.


Attention: There will be network bonding menu appear only when it has the control card
with network port available. Otherwise, User need set up a new display with network
connected control card.
 Open window “Display setting”, tick off fixed IP, click control card detec. See Pic.7-32.

①Choose fixed IP.

Fill in automatically
when detect succeed

③confirm detect succeed. ②click Control Card Detect

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When the connection of control card succeeds, user can start the display parameter set, program
downloads etc.

7.4 WiFi communication

WiFi communication operation is basically same as network communication, only WiFi

connection and the responding network’s parameter are different. Mainly there are 3 different
working methods:
1)WiFi direct connection
2)Intranet connection
3)Internet connection(Remote control)
The three methods will be introduced in following pages.

7.4.1 WiFi direct connection

WiFi direct connection means connect the computer and display control card through the
WiFi directly, it needs WiFi functions for both computer and control card. The hardware
connection is indicated in Pic.7-33.

WiFi direct connection’s software set is as below: WiFi connection

In the wireless network, search the WiFi signal, and connect it. To apply IP automatically for the
computer, like in Pic.7-34.

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Choose Wifi network for control card

The default WiFi name of the control
Card type-MAC address last 4
for example: FK-BW4 control card with
MAC address: ACCF2321AA4E
default WiFi Name:FK-BW4-AA4E

Default password:88888888

Pic.7-34 Control card connection

Click to open the window【Display setting】, User can detect the control card through WiFi
direct connection, or key in the control card’s IP address through Fixed WiFi . The WiFi direct
connecting procedure is shown in Pic.7-35.

①Network ②choose
card WiFi

When detect succeed.

The current WiFi Setting
③WiFi Direct Info will be displayed. click
【change WiFi Setting】to
change if needed.

Remark:The factory default

set for control card is as
WiFi Mode:Direct
WiFI SSID:Card type-MAC
last 4 numbers(IE:FK-
WiFi Password:88888888
Card IP:
(For fixed IP

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④click Control
Card Detect
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注:直连一般不需要更改 WiFi 配置,如想更改详细请参见 3.2.3 WiFi 配置。

Detect through Fixed IP procedure is shown in Pic.7-36.

①Choose ②Choose WiFi

network type

③Choose fixed IP

When detect succeed.

The current WiFi Setting
Info will be displayed. click
【change WiFi Setting】to
④Key in card IP change if needed.
Remark:The factory default
set for control card is as
WiFi Mode:Direct
WiFI SSID:Card type-MAC
last 4 numbers(IE:FK-
WiFi Password:88888888
Card IP:
(For fixed IP
⑤Click Control Card

⑥Detect succeed

Remark: Normally no WiFi configuration change is needed for WiFi direct connection. More detail
about WiFi configuration is described in chapter WiFi Configuration.
Then the communication between the control card and the software through WiFi shall be setup
ready for next steps of uploading display set and sending program to the control card.

7.4.2 LAN (Local Area Network) connection

Intranet connection need connect the control card with WiFi to the wireless router, and then
communicate and operate to the control cards through the computer within the intranet. The
hardware connection is shown Pic.7-36.

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The software configuration procedure is as following:
1)Connect the control card. Please ignore this step once USB disk:
Please apply the computer with WiFi to connect the control card.(Refer to WiFi
Connect mobile to the control card(Refer to Mobile and control card connection)
2)Change the control card WiFi configuration(Refer to WiFi Configuration).
3)Connect the control card through intranet.
4)Configure the display setting, edit and send the program.(The operation is same as serial
port and network connection control card.) Mobile and control card connection

To connect the mobile and control card through WiFi, user can use webpage to modify WiFi
configuration of the control card. The connecting procedure is shown in Pic.7-38.

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①Select control card

The factory default set for
control card is as below:
WiFi Mode:Direct
WiFI SSID:Card type-MAC
last 4 numbers(IE:FK-
WiFi Password:88888888
Card IP:

②Key In Password

③Connect succeed

Pic.7-38 WiFi configuration

WiFi set can be achieved through 3 methods below: download directly through USB; Change
through web page; direct configuration through software.
The direct configuration through FK Show is shown in Pic.7-39.

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① Choose WiFi Mode

WiFi direct connect choose
【Direct】;Network LAN or WAN

②WiFi Name and

password when direct.

③Key in Routers ④Select Auth and

name encryption algorithm of
the router, which can be
⑤Key in the found the router’s
wireless safety set.
connect password

⑥Key in the IP address

of the control card.
⑦Export to USB disk

⑧Insert the USB disk to the control card and check the indication information in the
display screen When “connection succeed!” is shown, then user can find the display in
the intranet.

The procedure of WiFi configuration through webpage is as following:
1)Key in the webpage address as below:
When connect though notebook or mobile, key in the address:

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If Visit through intranet, key in the IP address of the control card located in the intranet, for

Login user name:fkuser


① Mode selection: for direct WiFi connection then please choose【direct connect】;for
Network LAN or WAN connection, please choose【Routers】.

If 360 web browsers cannot be open, please choose the fast speed mode at right up corner,
as shown in Pic.7-40:

2)To have set in the web page as shown in Pic.7-41::
① Choose WiFi AP +STA mode

②Search the wireless

network, and choose
the one to connect.

③Choose Encryption
Method and Encryption

④Key In the password

⑤Set the network

configuration of the

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⑥The name of the

control card

⑦Select Encryption Mode

⑧Key in password

⑨save the set

⑩Reset WiFi to
have Set valid.

The procedure to update the WiFi configuration through software is as following:
The user can change the configuration through the window【display set】和【Card network

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Mode selection: for direct WiFi connection then please choose【direct connect】;for Network
LAN or WAN connection, please choose【Routers】.

The updating procedure through the window【Display setting】 is indicated in Pic.7-42.

① Card ②Choose
type WiFi

③ wifi direct ⑥Tick off this

⑦Select direct mode

When detect succeed. The
current WiFi Setting Info will be
⑧Set the direct
displayed. click【change WiFi
connect parameter
Setting】to change if needed.
⑨Set the router’s
Remark:The factory default set network parameter
for control card is as below:
WiFi Mode:Direct
WiFI SSID:Card type-MAC last
4 numbers(IE:FK-BW4-AA4E) ⑩Click “config” to
WiFi Password:88888888 export the set to
Card IP: control card
(For fixed IP
application) ④Click to detect
the control card
information once
Pic.7-42 detect succeed.

Remind: Once WiFi set succeed and the control card and the computer connection is
working, there will be “connection succeed!” information indicated in the right top corner
of the display screen, and then the user can find the card in FK Show, the local area

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 The updating procedure through the window【Control card network maintenance】, as

shown in Pic.7-43.

① Click ‘IP Config’

③Set Para. for

⑤Choose ④Search WiFi

WiFi,key in

⑥Set router’s
⑦Click ‘config’ network

⑧Check the

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Remind: Once WiFi set succeed and the control card and the computer connection is
working, there will be “connection succeed!” information indicated in the right top corner
of the display screen, and then the user can find the card in FK Show, the local area
network. Control cards connection in intranet

When the network parameter set finish, then the user can start connect the control card in local
area network window. The connecting method is shown as Pic.7-44.

① Choose card ②choose WiFi

③choose fixed IP

④control card IP

⑤Click to detect
control card

⑥Check the result

The failure causes analysis:
1. Check the IP address in the step ④ is the right IP address of the control card.
2. The IP of the master computer is not in the same band of the whole network.
3. No 【Router】or【WLAN+Direct】 is selected when WiFi configuration.
4. Wrong router is selected when WiFi configuration.
5. Wrong router’s password is key in when WiFi configuration.
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6. Wrong IP set when WiFi configuration

When control card connection is working, then the user can start the display setting and upload
program to the control card.

7.4.3 Internet connection (Remote control)

Internet connection need connect WiFi control card to wireless routers, then realize the remote
control through computer.

Remark: To apply remote communication through internet, the router at the displays terminal
must have the terminal transferring function. Only one display in the internet

When there is only one display in the internet, the hardware connection is shown in Pic.7-45.

The software configuration procedure is as following:
1)Set the control card WiFi(Refer to LAB WiFi setting WiFi Setting).
2)Set the control card’s end router.
3)Set the master computer, and connect.

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4)Configure the display setting, edit and send the program.(The procedure is same as serial
port and network connection.) WiFi configuration

The WiFi configuration of single control card is same as LAN network, please choose the WiFi
connecting mode “router”, and please refer to WiFi configuration for configuration
procedure. Control cards router configuration

 User need to configure the control card’s side router, set it as virtual server, transfer
the control card’s port to the control card’s IP which need communication, as shown
in Pic.7-46.

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Valid item

Control card’s IP

Add new item

Save to valid

 Peanut Domain Set

ADSL routers IP are mostly dynamic, router will get new public IP once it is power off and power
on again, as well as the new IP for the control cards below the router. To communicate with
control cards through internet remotely, the control computer side need always get the new IP, it
is difficult to handle it manually. Bond one domain name to the control card, no matter how the
public IP changes, it will automatically find the control card with domain name without any
manual operation.

 Register Oray PeanutHu to get one free domain name through website http://www.oray.com/
 Apply Dynamic DNS in router, map this router’s public IP(this card’s public IP.H

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① Key in the user name and

password registered in Oray

③Login succeed, then domain name




When succeed, Just type in the domain name in the remote terminal, and then can realize the
remote control and visit , for the detail please refer to Master computer’s configuration
connection. Get the control card WAN IP

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Once the user cannot connect the control card though domain name, then need to learn the
control card’s WAN IP. When the control card’s WLAN IP is available, then the remote master
computer can visit this control card through WAN IP.

The procedure to get WAN IP is as following:

 Review WAN interface of the display side, as shown in Pic.7-48.


 Key in http://www.ip138.com at the display side computer,as shown in Pic.7-49.


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Pic.7-49 Master computer configuration connection

 Apply the domain name to connect the control card, the procedure is shown in Pic.7-

fixed IP

Fill in the domain name

for the control card,
display dynamic IP.

Detect and


 Apply the WAN IP to connect the control card

The procedure to get WAN IP is indicated in Paragraph Getting the control card WAN IP.

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Choose fixed

Key the control

card WAN IP。

Check if
connection is

When connection of computer and the control card is finished, then the user can start display
setting and uploading the program etc. operation. More than one displays in Internet

Remark: To apply remote communication through internet, the router at the displays terminal
must have the terminal transferring function.
There are two ways for more than one display network:
1) Apply fixed WAN IP or bonded domain name for control card (recommended).
2) Apply fixed WAN IP or bonded domain name for master computer with notifying server
connection. Apply fixed WAN IP or bonded domain name for control card
This method need apply peanut domain name (www.oray.com) for each control card, and control
the displays through the master computer. The hardware connection is as shown in Pic.7-52.

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Attention: Domain is bonded to display terminal, one domain name for each display.
The software configuration method is same as the single card operation, please refer to
Only one display in the intertnetfor the network configuration method. Notifying Server Method

The hardware connection of Notifying Server method is shown in the Pic.7-53.

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Attention: the domain name is bonded to the master computer.

The software configuration procedure is as following:

1)Control card WiFi configuration.
2)Configure the control card end router.
3)Configure the master computer set, connect.
4)Set display setting, edit and send the program.(The operation is same as serial and
network) WiFi configuration

WiFi connection mode shall be set as “Router”.
Notifying server only can realize through USB disk or software connection set.
 When the remote control sides apply the fixed IP and direct connection, the configuration
method is shown in Pic.7-54.

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Group mode,
need notify
Auto fill in the
network WAN
computer WAN
Confit to
Check if connection

Remind: Once WiFi set succeed and the control card

and the computer connection is working, there will be
“connection succeed!” information indicated in the
right top corner of the display screen, and then the

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 Remote control end apply the fixed IP—U disk set,the set is shown as Pic.7-55.

Group mode,
need notify
Auto fill in the
network WAN

computer WAN Export to U
IP disk

When the export succeeds, insert the USB disk to control card, and check the right
top corner of the display screen. When “connect succeed” displayed, the user can
find the control card in FK Show’s network list.


 Remote control end domain name bonded—Direct connection software set

If the WAN IP of the control computer is dynamic one, and the method of notifying server is IP,
then card connection will fail if the IP changes. At this situation, better to use domain name, no
matter how the WAN IP changes, it will be identified through the domain name. The procedure is
as Pic.7-56.

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Group mode,
need notify
Remote master
computer domain
name,and DNS
DNS server IP is server IP
control card side
DNS IP,most
same as
Config to
Check if succeed

Remind: Once WiFi set succeed and the control card and the
computer connection is working, there will be “connection
succeed!” information indicated in the right top corner of the
display screen, and then the user can find the card in FK Show,
the local area network.

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User need one computer in the LAN network to get DNS server IP, as shown in Pic.7-57.


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 Remote Master end domain name bonded—U disk set, is shown in Pic.7-58.

DNS Sever IP

Group mode,
need notify
server Remote master
DNS server IP

Server IP

Export to U

When the export succeeds, insert the USB disk to control card, and check the right
top corner of the display screen. When “connect succeed” displayed, the user can
find the control card in FK Show’s network list.

图 7-58

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Document No.FK20150101 The router set of control card end

Same as the single card configuration, please refer to Control card router Setting. Master computer router’s setting

 Port transfer set, is as shown in Pic.7-59.

Master computer
Add new item

Server port

Master computer

图 7-59
 Peanut shell domain name setting
Once master computer has fixed WAN IP, then the user don’t need set Peanut shell domain
name, skip this step. The set procedure is shown in Pic.7-59.

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① Key in user name

and password
registered in oray

③domain name
shown when

When succeed, the control card will notify the IP relating the domain name, then transfer to the
server of the master computer. Software operation

1)In the window 【Control card network maintenance】, bond the control card, as shown in

The control
card received



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2)Open window【Display setting】,detect the control card, as shown in Pic.7-62.

Fill in info.
Automatically once
control card found

Click to detect the

Detection succeed control card

When the control card detection succeeds, then the user can start display set and program edit
and uploading etc. operation.

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8. Display set

This chapter introduces the parameter related to the display, Feikong control card as the
provider for all in one solution, supporting 3 different types display:
1) Typical Common Display: one rectangle shape display with variant length and height,
most popular display type in the market. Please refer to 8.1 Typical display parameter
2) Antithetical couplet (Vertical)Display: Three displays as a group of antithetical couplet,
capable for free adjustment for the three part, detail please check chapter8.2
Antithetical couplet Display Parameter Set.
3) Cross type display” the display screen with the shape of cross, mainly used in
hospital or church. Please check chapter 8.3 Cross Display Parameter set.

8.1 Typical display parameter set

Click 【Setting】【Display setting】in main menu, choose 【Display Parameter】Option
sheet,define the display type as “Common”, like in Pic.8-1.


1) Display name: Name the display based on user’s need.

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2) Display No.: The display’s serial number, to identify different displays, the display No.
shall not be copied.
3) Display type: Common, Antithetical couplet (Vertical) or Cross.
4) Installation address: Key in the installation address of the display, for identification of more
displays in network.
5) Color type: Single color, double color or 7 full colors.
6) Set unit module: there are two method to set the unit module
(1) Built in (Regular) unit module: Please select corresponding type in the drawdown list.
Then all the parameter like data polarity, OE polarity and scanning method will
automatically be configured by the system.
(2) Custom module: some special type unit module which is not within the list of built-in
unit module, this need user to set by himself. Select the dimension in the drawdown
7) Display Size: to define the display’s width and height, User can key in pieces or dots for
width and height, and then the other will be calculated automatically. Key in the pieces for
width and height, then the dots for width and height will be calculated and filled in
automatically, vise versa.
8) Data Polarity: Data polarity has option of positive or negative, defines if the LED on or off
as default, once the display text is shadow, change this parameter.
9) OE Polarity: OE Polarity has two option statuses, Active high or Active low, related to the
brightness adjustment. To change this parameter once the brightness is abnormal.
10) Row blanking time: it has three options, normal, extended or long.
11) Dot frequency: from slow to fast with 15 steps.
12) Scan frequency: from60Hz~200Hz, 15 steps with 10HZ per step gap.
13) Dot matrix: with options of: normal, red and green switch, blue and green switch, red and
blue switch, blue & red & green, green & blue & red.
14) Lock register port: with two status, high valid or low valid.
15) Row port: with two status, high valid or low valid.
16) CR port: with two status, high valid or low valid.

Choose option sheet【Scan Way】,see Pic. 8-2 below:

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Once the display type is common, then this page “scan way” does not need any manual
set , for the system will apply the default scanning method its own.
The support scanning methods (way) has 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, Static.
Once the scan method (way) does not fit the requirement, then the user can define the
scan method (way) by him. The way is:
(1)Tick off User in Scan way blanket shown in the Pic.8-3, and click the button
“user” below.

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① Choose

button “user”

(2)In the popping up window【Custom Scan】show in Pic.8-4, define the scan
type, data path, control rows, paths points, mirror, No. 138, second path etc. parameters one
by one, and then click button “add”, to have this custom scan way listed in the sheet of the

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(3)Click the button【Finish】in the Pic.8-4, this new scan method(way) will be added in
the blank blow the option “Scan wayr” of the window 【display set】Shown in Pic.8-5.

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Scan way set is the final configuration step. When it is finished, and the control computer
and control card are connected , click “load” at the bottom of the page, then the configuration
in the sheet of communication setting, display parameter and scan way will be transfer to
control card. If it is USB communication, then no load is needed for these information will be
packed as part of program and download to control card when USB disk is connected to the
control card, about the program download through USB, please refer to chapter 11.2 USB
Besides, the experienced users can also use the method of automatic detection and
manual detection.
The detection function of the scan way is to check the display performance when the
display is trail running, the experience user can judge if it is scan way set problem and how to
adjust once there is such issue like abnormal display, abnormal texts etc. there are two
detecting method provided:
(1)Manually Detect: Choose one scan way above, and then click the button “detect” in
the box of Manually Detect, the control card will switch to the scan way just selected, and the
user can check the display performance on screen if it is correct.
(2)Automatically Detect: Set the interval time and click the button “start” in the box of
Automatically Detect, the system will send all the scan methods(way) to the control cards one
by one with interval time, then the user can check the display performance on screen, once it
is found that the display performance is correct, user click the button “stop”, to stop the
automatic switch, and pick up the current scan way for set.

8.2 Antithetical Couplet Display Parameter Set

If user select the option sheet of the display type as “vertical”(Antithetical couplet), in the window
of 【Display setting】, please follow up this chapter for the parameter configuration.
User can check Appendix 1: Technical specification of FeiKong 4th generation control card.
User can realize the control of left side, right side and Top row screen through one Feikong
control card. The hardware connection is as below:
1)The hardware connection of the typical antithetical couplet display screen is
indicated in Pic.8-6.

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2)The hardware connection of left column and right column (without Top row) screen is
indicated in Pic.8-7.

3)The hardware connection of only one vertical column screen is indicated in Pic.8-8.

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The display set of the software is as below:
Compare to the common type display before, there is only display size set different.
Show in Pic. 8-9.

① Choose

②Size set of
vertical display.

User need define the width and height respectively for Top row, left column and right column. The
width of the left column and right column shall be always same as the height of the Top row.
Please set the size as indicated in Pic.8-10.

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According to the hardware connection situation, user need click and select the existing screens.
There are four different combination for hardware: standard(Top, left,right); Only left and right;
Only left column; Only right column; the user can click the buttons at left side to choose the one

needed. top row, left column, right column.

Attention: Other display set is same as common type.

8.3 Cross Display Parameter Set

If you select the option sheet of the display type as “cross”, in the window of 【Display setting】,
please follow up this chapter for the parameter configuration.
User can check Appendix 1: Technical specification of FeiKong 4th generation control card to
learn that what types control cards supporting cross type display
The cross display is divided into three parts, top, middle and bottom. Pic.8-11:
Top width

Top Height

Middle Height
Middle Width

Bottom Height

Bottom Width

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The difference of the cross type and common type is that the common type is only one rectangle
size, but the Cross type display is consisted of three parts, and the width and height of Top ,
middle and bottom part need to be set respectively, and they can be set different dimension.
The hardware connection of the cross display has several different types.
1)Standard Cross Display, As shown in Pic.8-12.

2)Same width for middle and bottom, See in Pic.8-13.

3)Same width for Top and middle

The display set of the software is as below:

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Comparing to common type display, the cross type display has different set shown in Pic.8-

① Choose cross

②The set of
cross type

The user need set the width and height of the Top, middle and bottom part respectively. Please
set the width and height as indicated in Pic.8-16.(The unit is the quantity of the unit display.

Top Height

Middle Height
Middle width

Bottom Height

Bottom Width

Pic. 8-16
Remark: Follow the procedure of common type mentioned before for the other parameter

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8.4 Upload(read back) Parameter

The display set in the control card can be upload to computer through FK Show , this unique
function help to reduce the time when the user want to replace the control cards for one existing
display. The method is as below:
1)Click the option sheet of【Parameter Reading】, appears dialogue box shown in Pic.8-17.

2)Click the button “Parameter Reading” when the display control board is connected to the
computer, as shown in Pic.8-18.

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3)The uploaded display set information from the control card is shown in the program, with the
indication “Display setting reading Succeed!” in the status bar.
4)Click the button “Import Parameter”, then the display set in the software can be covered by
the ones uploaded(read back) from the control card.
Remind: USB communication does not support this function, but it can be uploaded through the
program. Please refer to Chapter 12.2 USB Upload(read back).

9. Add Program
The display set is finished, then the user can add new program in the display.
The user can add one or more program through the method below. FK Show can support
maximum 256 programs.

9.1 Add Program

The program adding process is as below:

1)Click the icon of new program in【 display list 】area’s tool bar to add one new
program. As shown in Pic.9-1.

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Either click new program box in the tool bar to add a new program. See Pic.9-2.

Remark: the common and vertical type display only can support common program, not
support global program. The cross type display support common and global programs. The
procedure for adding global program is same as common program, the only difference is to
choose “Global program” in the draw list shown in the picture 4-30.
2)when the program add is finished, the main window of the FK SHOW will be different.
The window of common type program is shown in Pic.9-3 below.

① New

②Edit area

③New program

The window of vertical(antithetical couplet) type display of FK SHOW is like in Pic.9-4. In
the 【Display list】, new created vertical program will have three sub programs, Top row,
left column and right colomn.

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① New

③New program

The window of cross type display is indicated in Pic.9-5:

① New program,
“Program 0”
common type,
“Program1” corrss Area



(1) In the tree list of 【Display list】, one new program is added. The default
selected program is this new one.

(2) In the editing area of the program, it is a blank program.

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(3) In the program’s 【Properties Area】, User can have variant program display
with different properties , for details, please check the chapter 9.2 Program
Properties set.

Besides the methods of new program creation above, user can also create new one
through ”Copy” one existing one. There are several way to copy program.
Way 1: choose the existing one to be copied, click the button ”copy” in the tool bar of
【Display list】 shown in the Pic.9-1, and then click paste. Then one new copied program
will appear in the blank box of 【Display list】.
Way 2:Choose the program to be copied, and then use the shortcut Ctrl+C,Ctrl+V to
replicate one new program.

9.2 Program Properties Set

No mater common program, vertical (Couplet) program, or cross program, the properties
configuration is same, with the properties’ configuration window shown in Pic.9-6

1)Name: the name of the current program, the caption name will be updated automatically once
2)Play mode: To decide if the program is shown by times(cycles) or by time length.
Times: Once played, switch to other program display. If there is only one program, then
repeat this program always.
Length: Play the program as the time length set, once time is up, switch to other programs.
3)Play date: tick off the box of Play date, and set the start date and end date, then the program
will be played only within the dates. The date cannot overcome the year end.
4)Play time: tick off the box of play time, and set the start time and end time, then the program
will be played only within the start time and end time.
5)Weekday: tick off the box of weekday, and choose the week days want to play.
Remark: Please guarantee the date, time set in the control card is correct once to apply the
function of playing date, time and weekday function, best to adjust the time set for control card
before download program to it. Please refer to Chapter 13.1 time set.
6)Enable border: to configure the border frame effect. Please refer to chapter 10.4 border effect
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7)Background effect set: To configure the background effect, please refer to chapter 10.5
background effect set.

10. Design Program

After add one new program, the user can design the program need in the FK SHOW software.
Firstly, user can apply the visible windows supplied by FK SHOW to create needed objects
generally called division, there are different type objects supported by FK Show including subtitle,
rich text, cool word, image, animation, document, Date time, lunar calendar, clock, weather,
temperature, humidity etc. To be simple, we call the objects created for content division as
Division, as well as call the process of division creation as “Division Operation”, which includes
adding, expanding, compressing, moving, copying and deleting division.

10.1 Add Division

The process of adding division is:

1)Right click the program in the 【Display list】, Popping up all the division of the program,
click the division icon need adding division, to add one division for the current program. See
below sample how to have one subtitle in Pic.10-1.

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And user can also click the subtitle icon in the tool bar to add one subtitle. See Pic. 10-2

All the division’s adding method is same, so here just take adding “subtitle” as one example.
2)When adding division is complete, the main window of the FK SHOW is changed like in

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① New
subtitle ②New



(4) In the tree list of 【Display list】, there is one new subtitle added in current
program, and with default selected status.

(5) In the 【Editing area】of the subtitle, new subtitle division is added, it is
positioned at top left corner as default, with default selected status.

(6) In the【Properties area】of the subtitle, user can adjust the properties to have
different display effect. The different types division property will be introduced in
chapter 10.2 Content divison introduction.

10.2 Contents Division introduction

FK Show provides plentiful types’ contents division to fulfill different user’s demand for LED
display. We will introduce all these types one to one in following chapters.

10.2.1 Text

Text means multi-row text. Click the button in tool bar to add one text, then the user
can start edit. User can edit the text in【Properties area】, and also can double click the editing
area to edit in the popping up dialogue windows of “【Text Editing】. Please refer to Pic.10-4.

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User can key in text in the black editing area, and can also change the font, size, bold, italic,
underline, color, paragraph, left alignment, middle alignment, right alignment, word space, row
space, index etc.

1) Font : Click the draw list to select proper font.

2) Word size : to set the size of selected word. The scope is from 5~200, can
also choose from the draw list, or key in the number directly.

3) Bold : click to add bold for selected texts.

4) Italic : Click to have italic effect for selected text.

5) Underline : Click the underline to underline the selected text.

6) Delete line :Click to have the selected text with delete line.

7) Font color :Click to change the text color.

8) Background color :click to change the background color.

9) Left alignment :click to align the text at left side.

10) Middle alignment :Click to align the text in middle.

11) Right alignment :Click to align the text at right side.

12) Top alignment :

13) Vertical middle alignment

14) Bottom alignment :

15) Cutting :

16) Copy :

17) Paste :

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18) Back :

19) Forward :

20) Word space :click to change the space

21) Row space

22) Horizontal text : click the button, the text will be shown on
screen from top to bottom, from left to right. As display in Pic.10-5.


23) Vertical text :Click this button, to let the text shown from right to
left ,and from bottom to top, like in picture10-6.


24) Expand Edit :Popping up【Text edit】window

25) Stretched :to stretch the text longer at vertical direction.

26) Compression :Compress the text in vertical direction.

27) Up move :Move the text upward one dot by dot.

28) Down move :Move the text downward dot by dot.

10.2.2 Subtitle

Subtitle is single line text, not supporting paragraph. Click the button to add one
subtitle division as shown in Picture 10-7, the operation is same as text, please refer to chapter
10.2.1 Text.

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10.2.3 RichText

Richtext supports to add subtitle, text and animation etc. into one division, which means to

display more objects in one specific area. Click the button to add one rich text division,
as shown in Pic.10-8.

User can pick up the different types objects in the tool bar shown in Pic.10-8 ,bond them into one
area, and then the objects will be displayed one by one circularly, user can adjust the display
sequence of the objects through up or down moving buttons.

10.2.4 Cool Text

Cool text is kind of text with special gorgeous effect. Click the button in tool bar to add one
cool text division. The operation interface is shown in Pic.10-9.

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In the windows shown in 10-9, click the button “animation effect”, then new effect editing window
shown in Pic.10-10 is shown, where the user can modify the contents of the cool text division,
and set the animation effect.

Set Animation effect

Edit cool text content.


10.2.5 Table

Click the button in tool bar to add a table division, user can edit one table directly in FK
SHOW, or loaded Excel and WPS files from outside. The operation window is shown in picture10-

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1)New : Set a new table, the former operation and set will not be reserved. When click
it, set the table properties and format as well, then click the button “confirm”, a new table will be
created in the editing area.

2)Import :Import one prepared excel or WPS file.

3)Export :Export one table edited to the allocated position.

4)Table properties :Open to adjust the table’s properties like in Pic.10-12.

Page Orientation: to define vertical or horizontal page break.
Table head: Set the head numbers for row and column.
Wireframe Color: Set the line color of row and column.
Wireframe width height: set line height between rows and line width between columns.

5) :Insert column at left side

6) :Insert column at right side.

7) :Insert row at above side.

8) :Insert row at below side.

9) :Delete the rows highlighted.

10) :Delete the column highlighted.

11) :Merge selected table cells into one.

12) :Separate the selected cell to more celss.

13)Text set
The second text tool bard is same as text division one, please refer to chapter 10.2.1 text.

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10.2.6 Picture

Plentiful pictures are provided here, and user can also import pictures from outside. And support
picture modification.

Click the button , the window “Picture Animation Resources” is popping up, shown in

2.Click to
import picture
from outside if
needed. 4.Click

3. Choose the

User can find the suitable picture here, if need his own, the user can import picture prepared by
himself, choose the picture and click the button “select”, load the picture in current program, like
shown in Pic.10-14.

1)Rotation:Rotate the picture in certain angles.

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2)Overturn:Overturn the picture vertically or horizontally.

3) :Zoom in or zoom out pictures.

4) :User can reedit the dots of the picture when load. Like shown in Pic.10-15.


:Zoom in or zoom out picture.

:Choose the brush color, click in the picture area,

then the part will change the color wanted.

:Delete the color of selected part.

When the picture edit is finished, click the button “Confirm”, load the picture to the program. If
user click button “close”, the modification is cancelled.
5)Color filter: Filter the color red, green, blue respectively. Shown in Pic.10-16.

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Drag the sliding block left and right to check the effects.
6)Size and Transparence, like in Pic.10-17.


:If User choose fixed area size, then user can display the
picture in the predefined area as whole. Once the picture size is different than the
display screen , FK SHOW will expand or compress the picture automatically to fit
the display screen size. If “fixed area size” is not chosen, user can select part of the
picture to be displayed through change the select frame in the picture editing area.

10.2.7 Animation

Plentiful animation resources are provided by the tool, and user can also import his own
resources, or change the animation in the tool.

Click the button in tool bar, the window of “Picture Animation Resource” will be
popping up, like shown in Pic.10-18.

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2. Import the 4.Click

animation if select

the one

User can choose the animation in the resources bank, or import the animation by himself. Click
confirm to load the animation into the current program, like shown in Pic.10-19.

1)Rotation:Rotate the animation in certain angles.
2)Overturn:Overturn the animation vertically or horizontally.

3) :Zoom in or zoom out animation.

4)Frame operation :to play the

animation, stop, jump to next or previous, the first or the last frame.

5) :When the animation need modification, user can reedit the object in dots
frame by frame, as shown in Pic.10-20.

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:Zoom in or zoom out the display.

:Switch to current frame need to be modified.

:Choose the color of the brush, and click part in the

picture editing area to change the color wanted.

:Delete the color of selected dot.

When the animation frame edit is finished, click the button “Confirm”, load the animation to the
program. If user clicks button “close”, the modification is cancelled.
5)Color filter: Filter the color red, green, blue respectively. As shown in Pic.10-21.

Drag the sliding block left and right to check the effects.
6)Size and transparence: As shown in Pic.10-22.

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:If User choose fixed area size, then user can display the
picture in the predefined area as whole. Once the picture size is different than the
display screen , FK SHOW will expand or compress the picture automatically to fit
the display screen size. If “fixed area size” is not chosen, user can select part of the
picture to be displayed through change the select frame in the picture editing area.

10.2.8 Date

Click the button in tool bar to add a date division, the operation window is shown in

1)Date format:Pick if to show the date and set the format.
2)Time format:Pick if to show the time and set the format.
3)Week format: Pick if to show the week and set the format.

4) :To choose what to be shown, year,

month, date, hour, minute and second.

5) :Can set the time zone.

6) :to show the division in single line or multi line.

7)Text: Add text before the date according to user’s need.

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8)Font: To set the font, size and color etc. properties.

10.2.9 Lunar Calendar

Click the button in the tool bar to add one Lunar calendar, as shown in Pic.10-24.


1) :Pick to show Tiangan, and set the color.

2) :Pick to show Nongli(Lunar calendar), and set the color

3) :Pick to show Jieqi, and set the color.

4) :Pick to show holiday, and set the color. When the holiday is picked,
the user can click the button “select” and pick up the holidays want to display in the popping up
window, even more the user can add his own holiday in it, as shown in Pic.10-25.

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Click the button “holiday edit” in the window shown in Pic.10-25, new window of holiday
editing will be shown as Pic.10-26.

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In the Pic.10-26, click the button “add” or delete to choose the holiday, and also can create new
by click the button “add”.
5)Fixed text: User can add and edit fixed text before the lunar calendar.
6)Font: set the text font, size, color etc. properties.

10.2.10 Clock

Click the button in tool bar to add one clock disk, the operation window is shown in Pic.10-


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1) :Set the hour display style,

diameter and color.

2) :Set the display style of 3/6/9

hour, the diameter and the color.

3) :Set the hour needle’s display

style, width and color.

4) :Set the minute needle’s display

style, width and color.

5) :Set the second needle’s color.

6) :Set if display minute calibration or not.

7)Time different:Adjust time
8)Fixed text: To display text defined by user in the clock disk, and user can set the text font, size
and color according to his own need. When the fixed text is finish, the text position can also be
moved according to need by moving arrow.

10.2.11 Time counting

Click the button in toolbar to add one time counting division, and the operation window is
shown as Pic.10-28.

1) Target date time:Set the target date and time

2) :Click if days is shown

3) :Click if hours is shown.

4) :Click if minutes is shown.

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5) :Click if seconds is shown.

6) :Set if time adding, or counting down.

7) :Set display format

8) :Set if single line or multi line display.

9)Fixed text: To add text edited by the user before the time counting area.

10.2.12 Weather

Once the internet is connected, 3rd generation above FK control card have the unique function of
live weather forecast. The supporting area includes:
1 )China mainland.
2 )Hongkong
3 )Taiwan

Add the button in the tool bar to add one weather division, once added, user can
configure the division, operation window is shown in Pic.10-29.


1)Click the button in tool bar as shown in Pic.10-29, popping up the new window like
shown in picture 10-30 below, user can configure the weather forecast division

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(1)Country/region:Select the country and area in the drawdown list.
(2)Provinces/municipalities. DC: Select the province or State in the drawdown list.
(3)City:Select the city in the drawdown list. If the wanted city is not inside, user can
choose the close one.
(4)Display : Single line or multiline.
(5)Weather element selection: The user can select area, longitude, latitude, and date to
be displayed together.
(6)Today: Choose the items of current day to be shown.
(7)Tomorrow: Set the items of tomorrow to be shown.
(8)Acquired: Set the items of the day after tomorrow to be shown.
(9)Day (4): Set the items of the 4th day to be shown.
(10)Day (5): Set the items of 5th day to be shown.

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2)When the contents above finished, click the button “update”, and click the button ‘finish’, the
system will automatically downloading the weather information from online server and display
in the program, as shown in Pic.10-31.


3)When the weather forecast information is downloaded, the user can click the button
top side of the window shown in Pic.10-31. Then move the position of the element, edit and
delete the element. As shown in Pic.10-32.

(1)Delete element: Delete the selected element.
(2)up element: Move the selected element one line up.
(3)down element: Move the selected element one line down.
(4)Edit element: Edit the selected element contents, As shown in Pic.10-33.

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User can edit “ago descriptive text” and “After Description text” area to modify the display
contents. The main content cannot be changed, except the text format, font, size.
Besides, the calendar can be lunar calendar format.

4)Click the button , user can add and delete the element in the weather forecast like
shown in Pic.10-34, the tick off one will be displayed.


5)Click the button , update and download the latest weather forecast information from

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6)When the text is set as multiline display. Click the button to adjust the word
7)Right click shortcut: in the element list, right click the mouse, then dialogue box shown in
Pic.10-35 will be shown. 。

When the weather forecast set if finish, user can transfer the information to the display through
two methods introduced below:
(1)Manually transmission: download the data into U disk or download to control card through
serial port or network port. Manual transmission does not support automatic update. So at least
the weather information need be updated in every 5days.
(2)Automatic transmission: With support of FK control cards with serial port, Wifi or network
port connection, the weather forecast information can be updated automatically from internet.
This function need server configuration, the method is as below:
(1)In the Menu【Setting】, click 【Weather Server Mode】,like shown in Pic.10-36.

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(2)In the popping up window, choose the displays want to show weather , FeiKong
support cluster transmission of the weather forecast. Then user need set the update frequency
and time, then click start button. As shown in Picture.10-37.

(3)After the configuration of the automatic transmission, click 【Weather logs】page of
the menu【View】. As shown in Pic.10-38.

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(4)In the popping up【Weather logs】window, user can check the weather forecast
information transmission records. As shown in Pic.10-39.

Right click mouse to check weather logs or main window, then main window is open, the server
mode will be closed. As shown in Pic.10-40.

When server mode is selected, the right corner of the connected computer will have server
icon blinking. As shown in Pic. 10-41.

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10.2.13 Import

Click the button “Import” in the tool bar, user can import files including .txt,.xls,.doc,.wps etc.
format. As shown in Pic.10-42.


:Import excel file into program and create table division automatically. For
detail, operation, please refer to chapter 10.2.5 Table.

:Import word file into program and create table division automatically. For
detail, operation, please refer to chapter 10.2.1 text.

:Import document file into program and create table division automatically.
For detail, operation, please refer to chapter 10.2.1 Text.

10.2.14 Temperature

To support temperature division, the user need connect one extra temperature sensor to control
card. The 3rd generation or later Feikong control cards support temperature sensor. Two types of
temperature sensors below fit the application:
(1)A type—Temperature + Humidity Sensor: AM2301,As shown in Picture10-43 below:

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The connection of A type sensor to control card is shown in the picture 10-44.

(2)B type – Temperature sensor:DS18B20,as shown in Pic.10-45.

The connection of B type sensor to the control card is shown in Pic.10-46.

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When the hardware connection is welded, click the button “Real-time “ in the tool bar, and click
the button “Temperature”, then one temperature division will be added, as shown in Pic.10-47.

When the real-time temperature division is added, then the user can set the properties of the
division. The operation window is shown in Pic.10-48.

1)Sensor type: Select the sensor types connected to the control cards.
2)Temperature Font: Set the font, size, color etc.
3)Unit setting; Set the temperature unit, font, size and color etc.

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4)Format set:Set the temperature display format.

5) :Set single line or multi line.

6)Text: User can add needed text before the real-time temperature.

10.2.15 Humidity

Humidity division requires to connect one extra humidity sensor to the control card, 3rd generation
or later Feikong Control cards support this function, the suitable sensor and connecting method is
described in the chapter 10.2.14 Temperature, “A Type -- Temperature+ Humidity Sensor:
When the hardware connection is finished, click the button “real-time” and then “humidity” button
in the tool bar to add one humidity division, like shown in Pic.10-49.

After the division is added, the user can start the set of the properties. The operation window is
shown in Pic.10-50.

1)Humidity Font: Set the font, size, color etc.
2)Unit setting; Set the humidity unit, font, size and color etc.
3)Format set:Set the humidity display format.

4) :Set single line or multi line.

5)Text: User can add needed text before the real-time humidity.

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10.3 Set animation effect

When text, subtitle division is added in the program, user can set the animation effect for the
division. The method of animation effect is described as below:
Select the division need have animation effect, and when the set window like in Pic.10-51 is
shown, then the user can start set the animation effect inside.

1Effect:User can choose different kind of effect in the drawdown list here. As shown in Pic.10-

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2)Speed:To see the speed in the draw list, smaller numbers means faster.
3)Stay: The staying time when the effect cycle is finish.
4)Clear effect: the method how the text is cleared for next display. Same as above.

10.4 Set Border effect

User can set Border effect to program and division, the method for them is same. The method is
described as below:
Select the program or division want to have borders, and click the button” enable border” in the
properties’ area, and the a new window shown in Pic.10-53 will pop up.

1)Monochromic: Different types single color border effects.
2)Hyun_color: Set variant changing color border effect.

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3)Custom:User can design the border effect by himself, through click the button ,
popping up a design widow shown in Pic.10-54.

The custom type border design way is as following:
(1)Import one picture or text.
Text import: Show the text border in the text editing area, click import to load the text into the
picture & text editing area at the bottom side.

Picture import: Click the button , user can import one picture from outside to the picture &
Text editing area at the bottom side.
Take the text as example, type in “FeiKong” inside the text editing area, and then click the
button ”import” , a new window shown in Pic.10-55 will appear.

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(2)In the area “Change the width and Height”, click the arrow buttons

to adjust the pictures position, when finished, as shown in Pic.10-56.

(3)In the area “ change the color and space” , choose the brush, and click the dots of the
word “Fei” to change the color from red to green through this way, As shown in Pic.10-57.

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(4)When the picture edit is finished, click the button “save”, the program’s border will set
asPic.it is shown in Pic.10-58.

After the edit of the picture, the user can set the effect like shown in Pic.10-59.


10.5 Set background effect

FK SHOW also provides background effect for program and division, the method is as below:
Choose the program need to set background, click “enable background” button in the properties
area, then the window of background set will appear as shown in Pic.10-60.

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Click “enable simple background effect”, the way for simple background is as following:
1)Effect: Select effect type, the supporting effect type is as shown in Pic.10-61.

2)Graph:Select the background graph and color, the provided background graph is as
shown in Pic.10-62.

3)Number: choose the numbers of the graphs.
4)Speed: set the background effect speed.
Click the item “Enable cool background Effect”, the selection of cool background has three
methods below:

1)System default graph, choose 。

Effect: The supported effect is shown in Pic.10-63.

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Graph: the provided background graphs are shown in Pic.10-64.

Speed: the speed of background effect speed.
Stay: The staying time before the next cycles animation effect.

2)Import the animation file, click 。

Type: choose the file type, and click “import”, import one file to the program. The
supporting file types are shown in Pic.10-65.

Effect: Set the animation effect of the contents, not applicable if the file type is already
Speed: select the background animation speed.
Stay: select the staying time before the next cycle animation effect.

3)Custom background picture, Pick up 。

Click the button “edit” , open the window of background set, as shown in Pic.10-66.

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Custom background picture design method is same as the custom border effect design method,
please refer to the chapter 10.4 Set border effect for detail introduction.
Besides, the division’s background effect set is same as the program background effect set,
except not supporting the cool background.

10.6 Division operation and type

When divisions are added in the program, user need type, design the positions of the divisions in
order to have satisfied effect to final customers. The following sections will introduce the
operation method one by one:
1)The division selection: To choose the division for next step operation. User can click to pick
the divisions or click the division in the editing area directly. The chosen active division will
have 8 small white block, this active division is also called current division, as shown in Pic.10-
68, “Subtitle 0” is the active division or current division.
Only one active division is available in the editing area always, all the operation will be on the
active division. Click to activate the division once the user want to operate on it. Click the other
area to deactivate the division.

2)Move Division: There are different way to move the division to one specified position.

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Way 1: click and hold the left button of mouse inside the division and drag the mouse and
move the division to other position.
Way 2: In the left part of【Properties area】, there is basic properties, change the
coordinate of the division, X means horizontal position, Y means vertical position. As shown
in Pic.10-69

① Horizontal
③Division width

Division height

The basic properties adjustment is preferred for minor position adjustment, user can change the
X and Y value through the mouse’s roller, and also possible to change through the arrow besides
the value.
Way 3: apply the buttons under the 【Editing area】, change the position of the division. As
shown in Pic.10-70, the buttons in Part ①. Move the division up, down, left and right dot
by dot. ③Division fill
① Move dot by dot ②Division align

④Zoom in / out

3)Division expand or compress: There are several method to zoom in and zoom out the
active division.
Method one: click and drag the tiny white block in the corner of the active division outward
or inward to expand or compress. Outward to expand, inward to compress.
Method two: Change the height and width in the basic properties area in 【Properties
Area】. As shown in Pic.10-69. User can use mouse’s roller to change the value of width
and height, and also can use the arrow besides the value to change them.
4)Division alignment: In FK Show, the division alignment means to have the division position
adjusted close to the editing area border, or close to the division besides. When two
divisions are positioned next to each other, and they are overlapping or there is no

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expected gap in middle, then the alignment function can solve these problems. The
alignment buttons is shown in Picture10-70, 2nd part. Left alignment button can have the
active division to be aligned at left side, the display border, or the right side border of the
division at left side. Similar functions are defined for right alignment, up alignment and
down alignment buttons.
5)Division Fill Division fill function helps the user to expand or fill the active division in the
maximum size. The commands are shown in Pic.10-70, Part 3. Three buttons are provided
to help expand or fill the division: 1 left to right direction, 2,up and down direction, 3, both
6)Program or division display expand: Click the buttons part ④ in Pic.10-70, to realize the
expansion or compression of the program or division. There are 5 grades for expansion or
compression, the user can keep click to change the size continuously. Click the recovery
button, it can recovery to the original display size.
7)Division copy and delete: 2 methods are provided to copy and delete active division.
Method 1: select the division need to be copied to have it in active status, and apply the
shortcut Ctrl+C to have it in the clipboard, then use the shortcut Ctrl+V to have the copy in
the editing area. Use delete key in key board to delete the active division.
Method 2:Click the button Cut, copy, paste in the【Display list】to realize the copy and
delete of division. As shown in Pic.10-71.


10.7 Program Preview

Before export the program to the display control cards, user can preview the program playing 在
effect through FK Show tool, this avoid the former back and forth design work to check the real
effect and update program, help to increase the work efficiency.
Preview function is as below:
Click the preview button under the program editing area, then the program enters the preview
mode and start play. As show in Pic.10-72.

When the preview is finished, click stop button as shown in Pic.10-73 to stop the preview, and
back to editing mode.


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Remark:When there are more than one program in one display screen, user can only
preview the program one by one manually.

11. Send Program (Program transmission)

When the program is designed ready, User need send the program to display screen to show.
Different communication mode requires different sending methods, the following paragraph will
introduce these methods.

11.1 Send through serial port

The procedure of sending program through serial port is as following:

1)Choose one display in the display list, after confirmation that the serial communication is
connected to the display and working well, Please refer to paragraph 7.1 Serial communication.
2)Click【Send】【Single display】button in the tool bar, as shown in Pic.11-1.

2) If the information box of “Program failed to be sent” appears with the indication of display
parameter do not match as shown in Pic.11-2, the user need download the display set to
control cards again, refer to 4.3.2 Display set about display set.

3)When the sending is succeed, there will be confirming information shown at bottom bar as
shown in Pic.11-3.


11.2 USB transmission

USB Transmission procedure is as following:

1)Insert the U disk into the computer USB port.

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2)click the button in the tool bar, popping up the window “Export to Usb disk”, as
shown in Pic.11-4.


3)Select the display want to send the program.

4)No time adjustment is required when it is export to USB as default, and the brightness is

maximum. About time and brightness adjustment for USB, please refer to paragraph 13 Typical


5)Choose USB disk, if there is no information about USB disk, click the button “Detect USB

disk”, to search for the disk.

6)Click the button “Export” to load the program to USB disk.

7)When the load is finish, plug out the USB disk, and insert it to the control card. When the

loading process is finish, start to play the program.

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11.3 Network (Ethernet) transmission

The procedure of transmission through network (Ethernet) is as following:

1)Keep the communication between the computer and control card is working well. Please refer
to paragraph 7.3 Network communication if need support.
2)Click the button【send】【Single display】in the tool bar, as shown in Pic.11-5.

3)If the information box of “Program failed to be sent” appears with the indication of display
parameter do not match as shown in Pic.11-6, the user need download the display set to control
cards again, refer to 4.3.2 Display set about display set.

4)When the sending is succeed, there will be confirming information shown at bottom bar as
shown in Pic.11-7.


11.4 Wifi transmission

Keep the communication of the control card is working well; the set method is introduced in
paragraph 7.4 WiFi communication.
The transmission procedure through Wifi is same as through network, please refer to paragraph
11.3 Network (Ethernet) Transmission.

11.5 All display transmission

The paragraph 11.1~11.4 introduce the procedure to send programs to one display. If there is
many displays with different programs, it will need much more time to send the programs to
displays one by one manually. FK Show has provide all display transmission function, which will

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send the required programs to the corresponding displays automatically with one button click.
The simple procedure is as following:
1)Click the button【Send】【All displays】, As shown in Pic.11-8.

2)Then a new window 【Cluster Communication management】appears, select all the displays,
then click the button start, then the system will send the designed programs to the corresponding
displays one by one automatically as shown in Pic.11-9.

3)The transmission progress for each display will be indicated in the window, as shown in

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Remind: During the transmission period, user need guarantee all the displays are connected in
good condition, otherwise fault message will be given and display set need reset.

11.6 Cluster display transmission

Cluster display transmission is different function than all displays introduced in chapter 11.5,
Cluster display transmission function is to send one program to all display, this function are used
for the application that all the displays plays the same program contents. The sending procedure
is as following:
1)Click the button【Send】【Cluster displays】, As shown Pic.11-11.

2)In the popping up new window【Cluster Communication Management】, select the display
program want to send in the left side, and choose the displays want to send the program to at
right side. For only one display program can be transferred to all displays, so only one display in
left side can be choose. As shown in Pic.11-12.

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3)Click the button “start” in the window, start to transfer the display 3 ‘s program to the selected
displays one by one until finish, as shown in Pic.11-13.


12. Upload (read back) program

Through FK SHOW, the user can upload the program from the control card to the computer,
different communication method has different procedures.

12.1 Upload from serial port

When the communication method is serial port, the procedure is as following:

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1)Guarantee the connection to control card is working well. Click the button “Read Back” ”
Read using Serial port”, as shown in Pic.12-1.

2)In the popping up password dialogue window, type in password “168”, then click confirm, new
window “Read control card play works” will appear as shown in Pic.12-2.

1) Select the com number, and click the button “read” , then the program in the control card
will be uploaded to computer, and shown the display set in the windows as shown in

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3)Click the button “new” , then one new display and the program uploaded from the control card
will be created in the display list. If the user clicks the button “cover”, then the selected active
displays contents will be covered.

12.2 USB upload (read back)

When apply USB connection, the user can upload the program from the control card to computer.
1)Insert the USB disk with the program to the computer, click the button “Read back”, and then
“Read USB Disk”, as shown in Pic.12-4.

2)In the popping up window “ password confirmation” , key in the password “168”, then click the
button confirm, then a new window “ Upload USB Disk Program” shown in Pic.12-5 will appear .

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3)Choose the exact USB disk and then click the button “read back”, then the program in the
USB disk can be uploaded to computer with the indication of the display set, as shown in Pic.12-6.

The parameter uploads

from control cad

3)Click the button “New”, then a new display with program uploaded from the USB disk will be
created in computer shown in FK Show display list.

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12.3 Network (Ethernet) upload (read back)

When communication method is through Ethernet port, then user can upload(read back) the
program from the control cards following the procedure below:
1)Click the button “ Read back”  “Read Using Network”, as shown in Pic.12-7.

2)In the popping up dialog box of password, key in “168”, then click the button to confirm it. A
new dialog box “Control Card Network Read Back” will appear, as shown in Pic.12-

To list all display

connected after

3)Click the button “Network readback” to have new dialog box appear as shown in Pic.12-9.

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4)Click the button “Read”, the system will upload(read back) the program from the selected
display, and will indicate in the status bar when the upload is succeed, as shown in Pic.12-10.

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The display

3)Click the button “new” , then one new display and the program uploaded from the control card
will be created in the display list. If the user clicks the button “cover”, then the selected active
displays contents will be covered.

13. Typical commands

13.1 Time adjustment

Different communication method has different time adjustment procedure.

13.1.1 Time adjustment for USB disk card U

1)Click the button in the tool bar, and click time adjustment in the popping up window
“export to USB”, as shown in Pic.13-1.

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2)Set the time to the estimated time when the USB disk is insert to control card, normally
minutes late than the live time for the time is freezing when user plug out USB disk until it is
inserted to control cards.[For example 10:15]
3)Click the button “export to USB disk”, plug out when finish.
4)Prepare and wait until the time is close to 10:15, insert the USB Disk into the control card.
5)Check the time uploaded is same or not as system time.
6)Repeat the procedure above once you want change time.

13.1.2 Time adjustment of other communication methods

1)Select the displays in the display list to have time adjustment.
2)Guarantee the connection between the display control cards and the computer is working well,

click the button in the tool bar, then the dialog box “Time adjustment” will appear as
shown in Pic.13-2.

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3)If the user want to apply the current live time, just tick off “ Using now date”, otherwise user
can set anytime he want manually and cancel the tick off of “Using now date”.
4)Time is confirmed, then click the button “Apply” to download the time information to the
display control cards to finish the time adjustment.

13.2 Luminance (Brightness) adjustment

The display updated program with USB has different procedure of luminance adjustment than the
other communication methods.
To serve the user better, FK show provides different luminance set for one display according to
time, then it can automatically adjust the luminance in day and night to fulfill the different
requirement of brightness in day and night.

13.2.1 Luminance adjustment for USB disk

1)Click the button in tool bar, in the popping up new window “Export to USB”, drag the
slider in the luminance adjustment left and right to change the luminance set, as shown in Pic.13-

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2)When luminance grade is confirmed, click the button “export to USB”, plug out USB disk when

the download is finished.

3)Insert the USB disk into the control card, upload the program to the control card again, when it

is finish, then the luminance is also changed .

13.2.2 Luminance adjustment according to time set for U disk connection

1) In the dialog box shown in Pic.13.3, click the button Time division, then a new window “Time

division luminance” will appear, and we provide 4 time zones per day for different set of

luminance, as shown in Pic.13-4.

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2) In the Pic.13-4, the luminance is changed to 10 grade at 8 o’clock, and then change to 12

grade when 10 o’clock.

3)When the luminance adjustment is finished, click “Finish” and back to window “export to USB”,

and export the program to USB disk.

4)Insert the USB into the control card, and it will realize the time division luminance automatic

adjustment when program is downloaded to control card.

Remind:1)Time division luminance adjustment is only available in 24 hours cycles.

2)Please make sure the time set is correct once user want to apply the time division

luminance set especially for USB connecting card, for the time is not online updating. Please refer

to 13.1 Time adjutment for the time adjustment.

13.2.3 Luminance adjustment for other communication methods

1)Select the display in the display list want to adjust luminance.

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2)When the connection between the displays and computer is OK, click the button ,

then the window “Luminance Adjustment” will appear, as shown in Pic.13-5.


3)System default is “fixed luminance “ means the luminance (brightness) is constant always

when plays, the user can drag the slider left or right direction to change the constant value

according to need.

4)When the user want to realize time division luminance set, click “ Time luminance” in the

window shown in Pic.13-5, then new window appears as shown in Pic.13-6.

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5)In the Pic.13-6, the luminance is changed to 10 grade at 8 o’clock, and then change to 12

grade when 10 o’clock.

6)When the luminance adjustment is finished, click “Set”, download the luminance set to the

control card to realize the time division luminance set.

13.3 Time Switch Off And On

The display updated program with USB has different procedure of time switch off and on than the
other communication methods.

13.3.1 Time Switch Off and On for USB connection

1)Click the button in tool bar,new window “Export to USB” will appear as shown in


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2)Click the button “ Time Switch Off On”, then new dialog box will appear, as shown in Pic.13-

8.FK Show provide four time zone for switch on and switch off per daytime .


3)In the Pic.13-8, the time set 1 means the display will switch on at 6:00 and switch off when

8:00, then the time set 2 means the display will be switch on at 10:00, and switch off at 12:00.

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4)When time set are finished, click the button “finish”, back to the dialog box “export to USB” ,

download the program to USB.

5)When the program in the USB disk is updated, insert it to the control card, when the download

to the control card is succeed, then the time switch on and off will be realized.

6)User can cancel the automatic time switch on and off through cancel the tick off of the button

in the 3rd step above.

Remind:1)Time switch on and off is only available in 24 hours cycles.

2)Please make sure the time set is correct once user want to apply the time division

luminance set especially for USB connecting card, for the time is not online updating. Please refer

to 13.1 Time adjutment for the time adjustment.

13.3.2 Time switch on and off through live communication

1)Click the displays want to have automatic time switch on and off in the display list.

2)Guarantee the connection between the display control card and the computer is OK, click the

main menu button “set”, and “Time Switch” , and the dialog box “ Time Switch” will appear, as

shown in Pic.13-9.


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3)Tick off “set” at left top side, and tick off the timers need below and have the time adjusted as,


4)The click the button “set” on right top side to send the time switch requirement to the control

card to realize the automatic switch on and off according to time set.

13.4 Rest display setting

Sometimes user want to delete the program including the time switch information in the control

card, then it can be realized through the function” Rest Display Setting”.

1)Guarantee the connection of the display control card and computer is OK, click the button

“setting” in the main menu, and then the button “Rest Display Setting”, as shown in Pic.13-10.


2) In the popping up password dialog box, key in “168”, and click confirm.

3) A dialog box as shown in Pic.13-11 will appear as


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4)Click Yes to reset the display setting.

14. Stage Display Setting

FK Show has developed Stage Display function recently for customer based on the product

principle “All in One” to support the users who want to display content on stage LED screen.

Click the button 【Tool】【Enter WTShow】in the main menu, or click the button

in toolbar, then the widow of stage display set will appear, as shown in Pic.14-1.


The key in 168 in the password dialog box, then the main window of stage display set will appear,

as shown in Pic.14-

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About the stage display set, please contact us for <Stage display user manual>through email if


15. Operation Examples

15.1 Serial communication Example: QU4+ control card

1) Select the control cards with serial communication interface, here take QU4+ as example to

introduce how to set up one display set from beginning to end.

2) Connect the display control card and LED display screen. The connection about them are not

described here, please ask the screen provider if support is needed.

3) Connect the control card with computer through serial communication which has FK Show

Software installed.

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4) Add display 1, and search the display control card in the main menu【Tool】【Display

set】, as shown in Pic.15-1. Refer to chapter 7 Connect control card -->7.1 Serial

communication for detail operation instruction.

① Select control card ②Select

Commu. Mode

③Select COM #

⑤connection ④Detect control

status card.


4)In the main menu, 【Tool】【Display setting】window, set and add display setting to

display 1, as shown as Pic.14-2. For detail, please refer to chapter 8 Display Set.

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① Set color ②Set unit


③Set size

④click load to
download the set to the
control card.
⑤Success info.


Attention: the items above are mandatory to be configured, if the unit module is custom type,
then the user have to set the scanning type.
5) Design a program to be played, for detail operation, refer to Chapter 9 Add Program and 10
Design program.
6) Choose “display-1”, click 【send】【Single display】in the tool bar,send the program to
the targeted control card, as shown in Pic.15-3. Detail is introduced in paragraph11.1 Send
through Serial communication.

Remark: Example above just list the general steps, for more accurate set, please user to read the
related contents above carefully.

15.2 USB operation example: AU4+

1)Choose Fei Kong designed U disk control card AU4+, for the other products supporting U disk,
please refer to Appendix 1: Technical specification of Feikong 4th generation control cards
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2)Connect the display control card and the display screen. The way of the connection is not
within this manual , please contact the screen supplier once support is needed.
3)Add“Display-1”,And change the communication mode to USB in the main menu 【tool 】
【Display Setting】, as shown in Pic.15-4.

① Select card ②Apply USB

4)In the main menu 【Tool】【Display setting】window, to set the display parameter for
“display-1”, as shown in Pic.15-5. Detail information are provided in chapter 8 display setting.

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① Set color ②set unit


③Set size

④Click finish to save

the set information

1. The items above are mandatory to be configured, if the unit module is custom type, then the
user have to set the scanning type.
2.USB communication mode does not require load the display setting, for the display set will be
part of the program and updated to control card with program downloading.
5)Design one program following the introduction of 9 Adding program 和 10 Design program.
6)Insert the U disk in the computer.

7)Click the icon in tool bar, download the program to the U disk, as shown in Pic.15-6.

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① Select one

②Select USB download the
drive disk program to U disk.

8)Plug out U disk, and insert the U disk into the control card, the control card will upload the
program automatically when detecting the U disk connection.
Remark: Example above just list the general steps, for more accurate set, please user to read the
related contents above carefully.

15.3 Network (Ethernet) operation example: AX4 control card

1)Choose Fei Kong designed control card with network(Ethernet) interface like AX4+, for the
other products supporting Ethernet interface, please refer to Appendix 1: Technical specification
of Feikong 4th generation control cards
2)Connect the display control card and the display screen. The way of the connection is not
within this manual, please contact the screen supplier once support is needed.
3) Connect the control card and computer with Ethernet cables.
4)Add“Display-1”,And change the communication mode to network in the main menu
【tool 】【Display Setting】, as shown in Pic.15-4. And then search for the display control card.
Detail instruction is in 7 connect control card and 7.3 Network communication.

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The default network set of

① Set card type ③choose Direct the card will be uploaded
connecting to here once detection

⑤detecting succeed,
check hardware once
failed. ④click to detect
control card.

Remark: Only the network connection of single display is indicated here as example, for the
intranet and internet connection, the related instruction is described in 7 connecting control card
then 7.3 Network communication.
5)In the main menu, Set the parameter and upload the display setting in【Tool】【Display
setting】, as shown in Pic.15-8. Detail please refer to 8 Display setting.

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① Set color ②set unit


③set size

④click Load to
download the
parameter to control
⑤detection card.
succeed info.

The items above are mandatory to be configured, if the unit module is custom type, then the user
have to set the scanning type.
6)Design one program following the introduction of 9 Adding program 和 10 Design program.
7) Choose “display-1”, click 【send】【Single display】in the tool bar,send the program to
the targeted control card, as shown in Pic.15-9. Detail is introduced in paragraph11.3 Send
through network.

Remark: Example above just list the general steps, for more accurate set, please user to read the
related contents above carefully.

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16. Online Upgrade

16.1 FK Show Software Upgrade

FeiKong Technology is keeping update FK Show software to add more functions and reduce
bugs to serve our user more, and also we provide free online upgrade for our users. When the
new software is released and the user’s computer is connected to internet, one online upgrade
remind will pop up, and then just follow up the indication to upgrade FK Show software installed in
the user’s computer to latest version. And the user can also upgrade the software manually once
1) Click【Tools】【Online upgrade】button, as shown in Pic.16-1.

2) The a dialog box “Online Upgrade” will appear in screen as shown in Pic.16-2 if there is latest
version available, then click 【确定】.

3)Start online upgrade, keep the internet connection, as shown in Pic.14-3.

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4)The system will remind to switch off operating FK Show software, click to confirm and
continue to upgrade, as shown in Pic.16-4.

5)When the upgrade is finish, then one information box as shown in Pic.16-5 appears.


16.2 Control Card Firmware Upgrade

Different communication method has different upgrade procedure for Firmware.

16.2.1 Firmware upgrade for serial port

1)Click main menu【tool】【control card firmware maintenance】【Firmware maintenance

using serial port】, As shown in 16-6.

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2)Key in “168” in the popping up password dialog box, and click to confirm, then a new window
appears as shown in Pic.16-7.

3)Guarantee the connection between the computer and control card, click the button “get Info.”
To upload the information of the control card to the computer, as shown in Pic.16-8.

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control card

4)Click the button【Auto Get】, the system will start download the firmware from online server
automatically, as shown in Pic.16-9.

File uploaded to the


5)Click the button【Firmware Upgrade】, the system will upgrade the firmware automatically,
and one information will be shown in the status bar when succeed.

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16.2.2 U disk firmware upgrade

1)Click main menu, 【tool】【Control card firmware maintenance】【Firmware

Maintenance using USB Disk】, as shown in Pic.16-10.

2)Key in “168” in the popping up password dialog box, click to confirm, and the a window【U
disk Firmware maintenance 】 appear , as shown in Pic.16-11.

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3)Select the control cards type want to upgraded, click the button 【Auto get】, the system will
download the firmware package from the server automatically, as shown in Pic.16-12.

Select the card

want to upgrade

4)When the firmware is downloaded, select USB drive, click the button【Export】, as shown in

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Get the

Click button

5)When USB firmware is loaded ready, as shown in Pic.16-14. Insert the USB disk to the control
card, the control card will upgrade the firmware automatically, when the upgrade is complete,
then user can use the latest version control cards.

Get the


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16.2.3 Network Firmware upgrade

The upgrade of network firmware is as following:

1)Click main menu, 【Tool】【Control card firmware maintenance】【Firmware
Maintenance using network】, as shown in Pic.16-15.

2)In the popping up window【Control card network firmware maintenance】, system will detect
the control card in the network automatically, and have them all in the display list, as shown in

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3)Select the control card need firmware upgrade, click the button 【firmware】, 【Network
Firmware Maintenance】window appears, as shown in Pic.16-17.

4)Click the button “auto get”, then the system will download the upgrade package automatically
from the server, as shown in Pic.16-18.

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The firmware

5)Click the button【Firmware upgrade】,start the upgrade . As shown in Pic.16-19.

6)The firmware upgrade is finish, then user can start to use the latest version control card.

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17. Infrared remote control application

17.1 Infrared remote controller and receiver types

Infrared remote controller

Taobao Link:http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.10.28.XswIIg&id=10019470885

Infrared receiver:

Taobao Link:

17.2 The control cards supporting infrared

All 3rd and 4th generation control cards except SU3 have infrared interface.

17.3 Hardware connection of infrared receiver

The hardware connection of infrared receiver is shown in Pic.17-3.

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1. Welding connection for 3rd generation card
Control card interface ---- Infrared receiver
VCC ------------- Positive
GND ------------- GND
REMOTE --------- Data
2. B2,C2
Control card interface --- Infrared receiver
VCC ------------- Positive
GND ------------- GND
D6 ------------- Data
3. DU2+,DN2+
Control card interface --- Infrared receiver
VCC ------------- Positive
GND ------------- GND
D3 ------------- Data

17.4 Application instruction

1) Function description

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User can realize the function below through the remote controller:
Switch program, luminance(brightness) adjustment, display test, switch on and switch off, date
and time set etc.

The buttons’ function on the remote controller:

Switch off/ON

MENU Control mode switch: Regular mode  Two digit program number selection mode

 Set date  Set time Regular mode

TEST Test mode: all light on(or all light off)  light every 2 rows gap light every row

gap  Normal display

Increase luminance (brightness)

Decrease luminance (brightness)

Cancel the luminance set, back to regular mode

Play the previous program

Play the next program

C Cancel the program fixed.

0–9 designate the program, time set

Confirm the set.

2) Program switch
a) Regular mode
When the control card is under the default regular mode, push the button 1 to 9 to switch the
program respectively.
b) Two digit program number selection mode
Push the MENU button, enter the double number program mode with display “—“in the right top
corner of the display screen. Then user can play the program numbered from 00 to 99. Key the
first digit and then the 2nd to choose the program to display. When the program played, it will go
back to regular mode automatically. For example, if the user want to display and check the
program 25, click 2 with display “2-“, and then click 5, to have the display “25”, and then the

program 25 will be displayed. Push the button back to regular mode.

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Remind: when the program is selected, then the program will be repeat playing, if the
user want to return to program playing one by one, please click the button C.
3) Luminance adjustment
Luminance can be adjusted under the regular mode, there are totally 16 grades provided, the
operation will be ignored once the luminance is already reach the minimum or the maximum limit.

Increase luminance

Decrease luminance

Cancel the luminance adjustment by the infrared controller , back to original luminance.
4) Display test
Display test can be performed under regular mode.
Push the test key one after one, then LED display will be shown as Pic.15-4:

All light light 2 lines gap light 1 line gap

5) Switch on/off
Available in regular mode

Switch off or switch on the display.

6) Set date and time

To support this function, the display needs minimum 80 pixels.
A.Set date
Click the MENU key twice to end the date set mode, the display will show the current date
set(year-month-date), the flashing cursor position is the number can be edit.
Click the number0-9 key, to key in the date number,

Click the key or , to move the cursor.

Click the key , to confirm the date and enter the time set.

Click the key , cancel the time set and back to regular mode.
B.Set time
Click the key MENU three times to enter the mode Time set, or automatically into time set
mode after date set. The display will display the current time set “Hour: Minute: Second”, the
flashing Cursor position is the number can be edited now.

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Click the number key 0 to 9 to set the time.

Click the key or , to move the cursor.

Click the key , to confirm the time and back to the regular mode.

Click the key , cancel the time set and back to regular mode.

18. Recover the factory default set

Once the user send the latest new function to the control card, whose old version firmware does
not support the function, then it will cause the malfunction of the display, then user can use the
function “recover the factory default set” to recover the control card, then upgrade the firmware
to support the new function needed.
Serial communication control cards can recover the factory set through software operation.
U disk and network control card can recover the factory set through hardware.

18.1 Recover the factory default set through Software

The serial communication control cards can recover the factory set through the procedure below:
1)click the main menu 【tool】【control card firmware maintenance】【Firmware
maintenance using serial port】,as shown in Pic.18-1.

2)Key in 168 in the popping up password dialog box, and click to confirm, then the new window
“Serial Firmware Maintenance” will appear , as shown in the Pic.18-2.

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3)Click the button “Restore FS” to recover the factory set.

18.2 Recover factory set through hardware

USB disk and network control card need this procedure to recover the factory set.
1) Needed material
Short connecting conducting tool like tweezers.
2) Hardware short connection
Use the tool to connect GND and D2, as shown in Pic.18-3.

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3)Connect power to the control card for about 10 seconds.
4)Click the button test on the control card to check if the function is working.

19. FAQ

19.1 No light of whole display (Dark display)

1)Check if the power supply is working.

2)Check if the voltage of the power supply to control card is +5V.
3)Check the green light of the control card is blinking or not.
4)Click the test button in three times, to check if the display light as the picture as below one after
one, shown in Pic.19-1. Once they are not in line with these , please check the parallel wiring
connection of the display.

1st click 2nd click 3rd click

1) Check the parallel wiring of the display unit module from 1 to N is corrected inserted to the
corresponding ports of the control card.
2) Check if the control card has time division switch on/off function in working.

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19.2 Part of unit module not light or controlled

1)Unit modules in serial dark

a. Check the wiring connection between the working unit module and not working ones.
b. Check if the first unit module not working is broken or not.
c. Check the output port of the unit module before the not working one.
2)Unit module in column dark. Check the power supply for this column is Ok or not( the normal
working power voltage is +5V).

19.3 Font edge has color or part missing when double color or full color

XP Operation system: Right click the desktop blank area of XP,

propertiesSurfaceEffectcancel the application “Apply the method below to smooth the
font’s edges” and then reedit the information send to control card.


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WIN7:Right click Computer on desktopPropertiesAdvanced system
settingsAdvancedSettingsCustomCancel “Smooth edges of screen fonts” selection, and
reedit the information and send to control card.


19.4 Cannot connect the computer and the control card

1) Check the communication cable from the computer and control card.
2) Check the Com port set is corresponding to the connection.
3) Check the jumper on the control card is as the communication mode required.
4) Check if the communication method is same as the software set, for example if it is
232/485, Network (Ethernet), or GPRS communication method.
5) Connect the control card in short cable to the computer, or change the brad rate lower
for communication.
6) Serial port pins definition:


7) Network(Ethernet) port pins definition:

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19.5 Random broken of the communication

1) Check the control card and unit module are connected to the same power terminals.
2) Check the power supply for the control card is overloaded with too many display units.
3) Check if the control card power is +5V.
4) Check if the communication cable has connecting weakness.
5) Check if the communication cable is too long, longer cable need lower baud rate, the Ethernet
connection need router or switcher to repeat.
6) Serial port card, to check if the drive program is installed well.
7) Network card need check IP address conflict.

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8) Check if any disturbance closes to the communication cable.

19.6 Display division blinking and not stable

Check all the division in the program, if there is overlapping, then the overlapping area will have blinking

19.7 Fade out too slow and interfere the next display contents.

Check the scanning dot frequency and the scan frequency, and change the value smaller, then the signal can
be transferred to longer distance.

19.8 Display dark for text or picture instead

Change the display set【Data Polarity】.

19.9 Brightness (Luminance) is abnormal

Change the display set【OE Polarity】。

19.10 Each row module has a dark shadow line

1)Adjust the luminance set, then watch the display luminance change if it is normal or not, then
change 【OE Polarity】if it is not normal.
2)If the abnormal situation still exist when OE polarity is correct, then change the set
【Latch Port】.

19.11 Whole display is lighting, text is brighter

1)1)Adjust the luminance set, then watch the display luminance change if it is normal or not,
then change 【OE Polarity】if it is not normal.
2)If the abnormal situation still exist when OE polarity is correct, then change the set
【Latch Port】.

19.12 Display in mess

1)Check if the power supply is working proper and not overloaded.

2)Check if GND of the control card is connected with GND of other power supply.(Don’t
connect the GND of 5V to the N of AC Grid power supply).
3)Check the wiring connection between the control cards, switching card and the display is

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19.13 Attention

1)During the operation, please take care of anti-static measures, as well as the neutral line
and GND connection of the display and computer, please do not plug out and insert the
control card when power is on, what will damage the serial ports of the card or the computer.
If the ports are easily damaged, then user need check the communication circuit.
2)Please do not fix or change the control cards hardware by yourself. Under some severe
application condition, please take water-proof, dust-proof and anti-rust measures as well.
Otherwise the control card cannot be fixed anymore.

19.14 Frequent problem of USB disk

1)Identification fault appears when insert control card

There are several situations below alone or together causing the fault.
Situation A:
Cause:Incompatible USB disk.
Solution:Please try the USB disk produced by other manufacturer. And then use this USB disk
to upgrade the firmware, then possibly to be compatible to the USB disk not before. If the
user’s USB disk is still compatible, please inform us, we will update the compatibility for
your USB disk.
Situation B:
Cause:Power supply problem.
a、Power supply voltage is lower than 5V, the standard USB power voltage;
b、Not enough power. The power supply for control card has connected too many LED modules
as well.
c、Wiring problem, causing the unstable voltage. Suggest using independent wires for control
card power supply. The display contents change will impact the power voltage to the control card
and leads to unstable once the control cards and LED module are connected to same power
Solution:check the possible cause above, correct one by one.
Situation C:
Identification fault when apply extending length USB cable, but not without the cable.
Cause:USB extending cable’s conductive performance or EMB performance is poor.
Solution: Change to shielding and good quality USB extending cable if needed.

2)Fault information “Card type fault” when USB disk is inserted

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When the fault happens, it will show the correct card type. Please select the correct control card
type in the display set in the software, and download the program again to USB disk and then
uploaded to the control card.

3)Fault information “No program in USB disk”

Situation A: Not download the program to USB disk through the USB function of the FK Show tool.
Please download the program to USB disk through SW, it is not supported to directly copy the
program to USB disk.
Situation B: USB disk has broken sections, please replace the USB disk.
Situation C: The extending length cable is too long, for example from 5 to 10 meter. The standard
length limit of USB cable is 5 meter. Then it need extra conductive and anti-disturbance
capability for the cable, at least shielding bronze cable as well as extra stability of the power

4)Fault information “ Upload failure”

Situation A: Plug out the USB disk before the uploading procedure is finish. Please wait enough
time before plug out the USB disk.
Situation B: The connection of USB disk is poor, or the USB cable conductive is not good.

5)Always dark on display without any indication for minutes.

Mostly the USB disk is not compatible, please refer to 1)Identification fault

6)No reaction once insert USB disk

Please click the test button on the control card. The right reaction shall be: Click once, all light or
all dark, and 2nd click on the test button, display will have 2 column gap lighting, and the 3rd click
to have 1 column gap lighting, 4th click on test button to have normal display.
If the reaction does not follow the step above, please check the wiring of the LED module, check
if the plug is in reverse direction. Recover the factory set if the wiring connection is checked
without problem.
3 generation control card has green blinking operating light on card to indicate the working
situation. If the operating light is not blinking, Please recover the factory set referring to 16
Recover factory set.

7)Display upload succeed, but dark display after.

Possibly the program has time division switch on or switch off function enabled. Check the
function if it is working at right time and adjust the time if needed.

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Appendix 1: Technical specification of Feikong 4th generation control cards

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Appendix 2: Network wire plug process
When communication method of the control card is selected as “network communication”, then
the user need apply the network wire for connection. The standard and types are as following:

 Direct connecting wire: both ends need connection as T568B standard serial.
 Twister wire: one end shall be connected as T568B, the other end shall be connected as
Usually Direct connecting wire are applied, and the wire end and plug connecting serial is
indicated as the picture below:

The connection of the direct twisting wire: (Same for both ends)
Standard 568B:White orange-1,orange-2,White/Green-3,Blue-4,White/blue-
The application of direct twisting wire: different network devices:(Example: Computer---
Switcher, Switcher----Router)

When the application is as following, then the user need use the twisting wire.
Once the user apply direct connection to one control card through network, the computer always
display “Local network not available”, as shown in the picture blow:

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Once the wire is certain to be connected, then the user need process the twisting wire to build up
the connection properly.
The crossing over twisting wire shall be done as following:

The connecting sequence is:(different at two ends)

One end:
(586B) white/O-1, orange-2,white/green-3,blue-4,white/blue-5,green-6,
The other end:
(568A) White/green-1,green-2,white/orange-3,Blue-4,white/blue-5,orange-
The application situation of crossing twisting wire: same network device connection

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Appendix 3: FeiKong LED control card interface view

LED connecting slot
Below just take FK-EN3+ control card as one example.

Power terminal Card type

Test button

Serial port


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More information about our products, please check in our website.

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