Iodine: A Century of Medical Fraud: D. Th. D. Gerson Therapist Adv. Dip. Nat
Iodine: A Century of Medical Fraud: D. Th. D. Gerson Therapist Adv. Dip. Nat
Iodine: A Century of Medical Fraud: D. Th. D. Gerson Therapist Adv. Dip. Nat
the gland. This message was expedited by his own timely and much-publicized sudden onset of hyperthyroidism which he blamed on the ingestion of inorganic iodine. However, most physicians still preferred Lugols as a first line treatment instead of the surgical removal of the gland, which remained an option in those small number of cases which remained refractory to treatment. In the 1930s, the active compound, thyroxine, was isolated from the thyroid gland and thyroid disorders suddenly became a disease rather than a deficiency-state. The manufacture of thyroid hormone products began, initially derived from the desiccated gland of a sheeps thyroid and later, by 1952, the synthetic form of thyroxine was perfected. Physicians were slow to make the switch preferring to prescribe Lugols or the desiccated gland. With a little help they were persuaded to change their allegiance. In 1963 a hoax batch of thyroid extract, containing only iodine, was shipped to Europe and the US. There was widespread concern that the effects of this drug were not consistent with previous clinical experience and so thyroid extract was labelled unreliable. Although the hoax was uncovered 7 years later and a medical letter in 1973 maintained that thyroid extract had never been unreliable, mud sticks and physicians started using synthetic thyroxine in droves. 5 With the iodisation of salt (mandated around 1924) and the use of thyroid hormones, goitre and hypothyroidism was medically dealt with. However, this didnt address hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis). As we have seen, physicians were getting outstanding results with high dose Lugols solution, without the requirement for surgery. Even current medical texts concur that potassium iodide is the most rapidly acting anti-thyroid drug but adds a proviso it has no place as an anti-thyroid drug except pre-surgery or in the management of thyrotoxic crisis. 6 (Inorganic iodine is prescribed at between 120-180mg/day pre-surgery to achieve the anti-thyroid effects and to prevent thyroid storm following surgery.) In 1943, the pharmaceuticals launched their own anti-thyroid drug (Thiouracil), which carries severe side-effects such as uncontrolled infection and bleeding. Reported results were promising with a 50-75% remission rate. However, other researchers couldnt reproduce these results and later studies in 1973 confirmed a woeful 11-16% remission. So by the 1980s these drugs fell out of favour making way for radioactive iodine to ablate the gland (kill it off!). Hypothyroidism now became a goal of treatment, rather than an unwanted side-effect, and is achieved in the majority of cases. It was the propaganda in 1948 that heralded the major wave against inorganic iodine. Two researchers, Wolff and Chaikoff, gave rats a very high dose of inorganic iodine. They then zapped the rats with radioactive iodine and found that there was no radioiodide uptake by the gland. They also observed a transient decrease in thyroid hormone. They did not conclude iodine sufficiency in the gland protected it from radiation (as we now know), but that iodine saturation of the gland inhibited thyroid function! 7 As high doses of Lugols were commonly used to suppress the over-active thyroid gland, then these findings were of little consequence. However, their deductions were lethal. They extrapolated this data onto human subjects, indicating that iodide levels above 0.2mg could lead to considerable increase of hormone stores (potential for hyperthyroidism) while doses of 12.5mg iodine/day would block the synthesis of thyroid hormones resulting in hypothyroidism and goitre. None of the rats in their experiment actually developed these conditions, and later, in 1969, Wolff commented, the rarity of iodide goitre in the face of the extensive exposure of a great many patients to iodide has not been satisfactorily explained. We now know long-term application at these higher levels of inorganic iodine do not saturate the gland, nor do they inhibit daily thyroidal iodine uptake, or thyroid hormone synthesis. And in the rat experiment, the initial inhibition persisted for a mere 26-40 hours after which normal synthesis of thyroid hormone was resumed. By now, the daily iodine recommendations became even more conservative, were based on minimal amounts where 10g of table salt would deliver 0.075mg of bio-available iodine enough to prevent goitre. (If you were to achieve therapeutic levels of iodine at 12.5mg you would need to eat 0.5 kg of salt daily!)
When the thyroid gland is sufficiently iodated, then it is protected against radioactive iodine. Synthetic thyroxine replaced natural thyroid extract following a hoax batch of thyroid extract undermined medical confidence in the viability of natural thyroid extract.
But we couldnt get away from the statistics. The incidence of autoimmune thyroid disease, which was almost non-existent prior to the iodisation of salt, steadily rose with the USA prevalence of Hashimotos thyroiditis (hypoactive), a condition that predominantly affects females over the age of 40, standing at 549 per 100,000 population in 1996. 8 In 1965, The National Institute of Health, evaluated the amount of iodine on an average diet to be 0.726mg. 9 Following the Wolff-Chaikoff lead that daily intakes of iodine greater than 0.2mg were excessive, and more than 2mg, potentially dangerous for inducing hypothyroidism, bakers were encouraged replace potassium iodate with bromide as a bread improver. As one slice of bread would deliver 0.15mg of iodine, the removal of iodate was a severe blow to our iodine status. But interestingly, these same levels of iodine were also being blamed for the outbreaks of iodineinduced thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism). However, the scientists remained staunch in their approach and in 1980 the RDA for iodine was set at 0.15mg even though studies had shown that it was impossible to induce either thyrotoxicosis or Hashimotos in animals with inorganic iodine. On a personal note, as a long time practitioner of the Gerson Therapy, which requires Lugols solution at doses from 6mg - 55mg/day (30275 times the RDA), I have come under pressure from the medical fraternity. If there is an existing autoimmune thyroid condition, the application of Lugols can upset the gland, but the effects are reversible, and under these circumstances it would be unwise to supplement the Lugols solution without thyroid hormone (as is prescribed on the Gerson Therapy). However, I have not seen any incidence of iodine-induced hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism at these doses when the gland is normal; thyroid hormone output remains stable, and furthermore, I have seen the reversal of pre-existing goitres, both nodular and diffuse, over an average two-year period. The iodine story is about to unfold further. With increasing iodine deficiency over the last 30 years compounded by an increase of goitrogens (elements that oppose iodine and inhibit thyroid function) in our water (chlorine and fluoride) and our food, particularly bakery products (bromide) and soy products there has been a concomitant rise in various chronic conditions: the hormone-responsive cancers (breast, ovarian, prostate) and female reproductive disorders, such as fibrocystic breast disease, endometriosis and ovarian cystic syndromes; diabetes (including autoimmune diabetes of the young), obesity, hypertension and depression. To my mind (and it would appear to some of the governments health statisticians) there is a clear correlation between the incidence of breast cancer with Hashimotos thyroiditis (13.7% incidence with breast cancer; 2% in controls) and the incidence of childhood insulin-dependent diabetes with thyroid antibodies (38% incidence with thyroid antibodies; 6% in controls). To my mind it is not a coincidence that mainland Japanese women, who consume 13.5mg of iodine daily (90 times the current RDA), have the lowest incidence of breast cancer. And it is a simple matter of clinical observation that many of these diseases improve when supplemented with inorganic iodine in therapeutic amounts. As to why there is a lack of scientific evidence to support its use brings us back to the growing problem that medical trials are funded by pharmaceuticals when trying to develop a new product, not by governments to defend a cheap, existing product. What has transpired is that the amount of iodine required to prevent goitre (0.075mg or 75g) is insufficient to meet whole body requirements and as a consequence of denying the clinical evidence for nearly a century, we have been plunged into a state of chronic iodine deficiency and, for many, a life of misery. In the next issue we will explore the evidence linking iodine deficiency to diabetes, insulinresistance, obesity, depression and the hormone-responsive cancers. All the studies mentioned in this part of the article are well-referenced in the article by Abraham, G.E., M.D.; The Safe and Effective Implementation of Orthoiodosupplementation in Medical Practice; The Original Internist, March 2004:17-36
Bromide, used as a bread improver, displaces iodine in the thyroid gland. On an iodine deficient diet, this can have disastrous consequences and lead to hypothyroidism and goitre.
autoimmune thyroiditis When the gland is iodine deficient it becomes very sensitive to pituitary stimulation. Although the exact aetiology of autoimmunity remains unclear, we do know that this type of persistent stimulation increases enzyme activity (thyroid peroxidase [TPO]) and the production of hydrogen peroxide, a highly reactive oxidant. In the absence of adequate selenium to mop up the oxidants, free radicals will attack DNA increasing the vulnerability to malignant change, or attack enzymes and their substrates involved in the manufacture of thyroid hormone. It is believed that an autoimmune response to the damaged tissue then ensues, and depending upon tissue-specificity will determine the type of thyroiditis, which may manifest either as a hyper- or hypothyroid state. 11 The hypothesis that iodine-deficiency is the primary cause of autoimmune thyroiditis and thyroid cancer may explain why these conditions were almost unheard of prior to the 1920s when treatment for all thyroid problems relied on securing iodine sufficiency through appropriate dosage of inorganic iodine.
More recently, in 2002, The Iodine Project, undertaken by Guy Abraham, M.D. in the USA, evaluated the therapeutic dose for supplemental inorganic iodine in 4,000 women to be between 12.5mg 50mg daily.12 Their research revealed that iodine-deficient patients took three months to become iodine sufficient on a daily dose of 50mg, but up to a year to reach sufficiency at the lower dose of 12.5mg. Patients were rigorously monitored; no patients developed suppression of the gland, and any transient increases in TSH in the presence of normal thyroid hormone readings were identified as a marker for increased iodine uptake and not the onset of hypothyroidism.
Prolonged iodine deficiency appears to precede the onset of autoimmune thyroid conditions. Long-term stimulation of the gland by TSH causes oxidative stress followed by an autoimmune response to the damaged tissues.
helpful tips Avoid bromine, chlorine and fluoride as these are all goitrogens (anti-thyroid) and inhibit the utilization of iodine. Chlorine competes with iodine for absorption in the digestive tract, and fluoride damages the transporter sites (NIS) leading to reduced iodine uptake
by the thyroid, breasts and ovaries. Bromine is the most potent goitrogen and is found in fumigants, dyes, leaded petrol, fire-retardants, used for water purification, in agents for photography, as brominates in vegetable oil, and as an emulsifier in many citrusflavoured soft drinks. Fortunately, its use as a cheap agricultural pesticide is now restricted due to its effects on global ozone depletion. Avoid calcium supplementation as calcium not only inhibits the absorption of iodine but also exacerbates magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is more important than supplemental calcium in calcium homeostasis, and is required to support iodine metabolism. Avoid soy products: soy contains the isoflavone genistein which is both goitrogenic, and therefore will exacerbate hypothyroidism, and oestrogenic. In iodine deficiency oestrogen receptor density is increased in breast tissue and therefore more sensitive to oestrogens, including phyto-oestrogens. Under these circumstances genistein may act a cancer promotor. Take foods from the sea kelp, seaweed and fish. Take a selenium supplement 200-300mcg is the therapeutic dose. Both selenium and iodine protect against thyroid and breast cancer. Selenium is also required for the conversion of inactive thyroid hormone (T4) to its active state (T3). For menopausal women, or those with oestrogen-dominance, ensure that your diet is high in cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage) as these promote conversion of oestrogens to their anti-cancer form. If you are taking thyroid hormone replacement be mindful of iodine deficiency and seek professional advice on supplementation. Inorganic iodine in the form of Lugols solution will provide both potassium iodide (preferred by the thyroid) and elemental iodine (preferred by breast tissue). However, doses should be monitored by a professional, as the thyroid gland can be unpredictable in its reaction to iodine hence the wide variations in dose of Lugols in its earlier application. Do not use other iodine medications. Inorganic iodine, not only guards against abnormal tissue changes, but has the capacity to reverse organic change if the doses are within the therapeutic range. One drop of Lugols solution is equivalent to 6.25mg elemental inorganic iodine.
Cruciferous vegetables are goitrogenic and should not be taken in quantity by those with sub-clinical hypothyroidism.
In Part 3 we will explore the role of iodine in diabetes, insulin-resistance, hypertension, heavy metal detoxification, depression and ADHD.
how can I tell if I am iodine-deficient or hypothyroid? Ask your GP for a urinary iodine test. In most cases this will indicate your iodine status. Determine if you have sub-clinical hypothyroidism. If your temperature on waking is below 36.3 over a few consecutive days, then you may well be hypothyroid. Ask your GP for a thyroid function test; if your TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) registers over 2.0 then this is an indicator for sub-clinical hypothyroidism even though your levels of circulating thyroid hormones may be normal. If your TSH is above 4.0 then ask your GP to run tests for any thyroid antibodies to determine if you have an autoimmune condition. What can I do? Although I like to give self-help advice I have to warn you against supplementing with inorganic iodine (Lugols solution) unless your thyroid function is being monitored by a professional. If you are hypothyroid and its due to a simple iodine deficiency, then taking Lugols solution may fix the problem. But if the gland has any pathology (such as autoimmune thyroiditis or nodules) then taking Lugols solution, even if you are iodine-deficient, may appear aggravate the condition. Under these circumstances it is important that all thyroid parameters are monitored, which include fT4, fT3 and the thyroid antibodies, to make sure that any changes are transient and not directly affecting the gland. Even if the gland is aggravated, this is reversible once you stop the iodine supplementation.
In the meantime, eat fish and seaweed and even take kelp; Ensure adequate selenium supplementation as selenium protects against damage to the thyroid gland in autoimmune conditions, and is also required for the conversion of thyroxine (T4) to its active form (T3); Ensure adequate iron which catalyses the synthesis of thyroxine; If you are hypothyroid then avoid foods which contain goitrogens such as soy products, the cabbage family, millet and peanuts; Ensure a good magnesium status; Avoid calcium supplementation as this inhibits the uptake of magnesium, iron and iodine; and If you are a female, reduce soy intake and avoid calcium supplementation as these may be counter-productive and provide no health benefits
references 1. Push for iodine in bread to boost brains The Australian 18/05/07 2. Abraham, G.E., Iodine: The Universal Nutrient 3. Marine, D., Prevention and Treatment of Simple Goitre J. Am. Med.Assoc., 1926: 86:13341338 4. Starr, P., et al., The effect of iodine in exopthalmic goitre Arch. Int.Med., 1924: 34:355-364 5. Abraham, G.E., The History of Iodine in Medicine Part III: Thyroid fixation and medical iodophobia 6. Davidsons Principles and Practise of Medicine, 15th Edition 1987:438-440 ISBN 0 443 03824-4 7. Wolff, J. and Chaikoff, I.L., Plasma Inorganic Iodide as a Homeostatic Regulator of Thyroid Function. J.Biol. Chem, 1948: 174:555-564, 8. 9. London et al; Bread A dietary Source of Large Quantities of Iodine; New Engl. J. Med., 1965: 273:381 10. Abraham G. E., M.D. The historical Background of the Iodine Project pics/Iodine/IOD-08/IOD_08.htm 11. Abraham G. E., M.D. The Safe and Effective Implementation of Orthoiodosupplementation In Medical Practice
Kathryn Alexander 2007
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