Houston Chronicle - Vol. 122 No. 079 (31 Dec 2022)

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Frogs eye win, respect Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginni, tells Jan. 6 City’s electronic music
in college playoffs. panel she pushed for investigation. scene left with a void.


Returns lift veil on Trump finances

Records reveal how ex-president limited his Trump’s business entities from
2015-2020. They show how
fight that has
played out every-
the post-Watergate era. The re-
cords release comes just days
tax liability, foreign holdings, charitable gifts Trump used the tax code to low- where from the before Republicans retake con-
er his tax obligation and reveal presidential trol of the House and weeks af-
By Michael R. Sisak of his finances over a six-year details about foreign accounts, campaign to ter Trump began another cam-
and Jill Colvin period, including his time in the charitable contributions and the Congress and the paign for the White House.
AS S OC IAT E D PRE SS White House, when he fought to performance of some of his Supreme Court The records show how
keep the information private in a highest-profile business ven- Trump as Trump persis- Trump limited his tax liability
Democrats in Congress re- break with decades of prece- tures, which had largely re- tently rejected ef- by offsetting his income against
leased thousands of pages of for- dent. mained shielded from public forts to share details about his fi- corporate losses as well as mil-
mer President Donald Trump’s The documents include indi- scrutiny. nancial history — counter to the lions of dollars in businesses ex-
tax returns Friday, providing vidual returns from Trump and The disclosure marks the cul- practice of transparency fol- penses, asset depreciation and
the most detailed picture to date his wife, Melania, along with mination of a yearslong legal lowed by all his predecessors in Trump continues on A8

State wins
case on
tax break
Texas justices won’t
intervene for firms
as deadline nears
By Eric Dexheimer

The Texas Supreme Court

said Friday that it could not
help two renewable energy
companies that asked it to force
a state agency to process their
applications for millions of dol-
lars in property tax breaks be-
fore the program expires at the
end of 2022.
In a lawsuit filed this month,
Stetson Renewable Holdings
and Ogallala Renewable Proj-
ect said Texas Comptroller
Photos by Jon Shapley/Staff photographer Glenn Hegar was unfairly de-
Chef Justin Yu, center, preps a dish Thursday at his restaurant Theodore Rex, which succeeded Oxheart after it closed in 2017. nying their requests for a tax
break on their wind energy
projects through the controver-
FOOD sial Chapter 313 program,
which over a decade erases

4 trailblazers elevated city

most school property taxes of
qualifying companies. The
state backfills the lost revenue
to the local districts.
The Legislature voted to let
the incentive program die at the
end of 2022, after a Houston
2012 openings set foundation for today’s acclaimed dining scene Chronicle investigation raised
questions about whether it was
fulfilling its goal of creating
By Bao Ong scene history. National media jobs and persuading companies
STA F F W RIT E R began to take notice. A younger to move to Texas instead of oth-
generation of chefs introduced er states. The looming deadline
If a city is defined by its res- more modern restaurant expe- created a land rush of appli-
taurants, Houston is diverse riences similar to offerings in cants seeking to lock in the
and entrepreneurial. cities like Chicago or Copenha- valuable tax breaks.
Not long ago, however, many gen. Houston Chronicle critic In their lawsuit, the two
outsiders painted America’s Alison Cook awarded more wind energy companies
fourth largest city as a desert of four-star reviews in this span of claimed that their projects had
steakhouses and Tex-Mex, de- 12 months than in any other been denied even though they
spite its history of harboring an year. qualified for the tax break be-
array of global cuisines and “There was a lot of energy at cause the comptroller’s office
can-do spirit. the time,” said chef Justin Yu, said it ran out of time to process
Tables started to turn in the who debuted his groundbreak- them. Yet the denial was arbi-
year 2012, arguably the most Yu plates a dish of cresc’tajat pasta with ing Oxheart in 2012. “It felt like trary, they asserted, because
pivotal period in Houston’s food fermented radish, mushroom and dill. Dining continues on A7 other applicants that applied
Ruling continues on A7

Unusual outbreaks and politics

in medicine mark year in health
By Julian Gill came caught in political contro- number of mutations it con-
STA F F W RIT E R versy. tained, allowing it to dodge anti-
Here’s a closer look at the big- bodies and vaccines. At its peak,
The COVID-19 pandemic gest health stories of the year: omicron infected more than
dominated headlines in the early 800,000 Americans per day,
part of 2022, but new health con- Omicron shattering the previous daily in-
cerns arose as the record-break- January fection record and further
ing winter surge tapered off. Around this time last year, the stressing an already exhausted
Monkeypox arrived in the world was introduced to a new health care workforce.
United States. Other respiratory COVID variant that proved Descendants of omicron, BQ.1
viruses made an unusual come- more contagious than all its pre- and BQ.1.1, now dominate world-
back. Infant formula disap- decessors. First identified in wide. Experts do not predict an- Staff file photo
peared from store shelves. Im- South Africa, omicron drew other record-breaking wave this A devastating COVID infection forced Jesus Ceja Ceja to have a
portant medical procedures be- widespread concern for the Health continues on A8 lung transplant at Houston Methodist Hospital.

Business ....B8 Crossword.A14 Editorials.....A9 Nation ..........A4 Sports...........B1 TV ................A14 TWITTER: @HoustonChron INSTAGRAM: HoustonChron
Comics ......A13 Directory......A2 Horoscope A13 Obituaries ...B11 Star ............A10 Weather.....B12 LINKEDIN: Houston-Chronicle FACEBOOK: @HoustonChronicle



As the year nears its end, we bid farewell to a
handful of artists and cultural figures who
made a significant impression on Houston.


If fans agree, Texans could change look

By Matt Young Although the Texans have
STA F F W RIT E R gone with what they call Deep
Steel Blue, Battle Red and Lib-
The Texans have been erty White from the beginning,
through plenty of changes since one of the questions asks if fans
their inception in 2002, but would prefer different colors al-
they’ve done little to adjust how together and lists a familiar
the players look on the field shade of blue as an option. Old-
when it comes to uniforms and school Houston sports fans
helmets. That could change by would immediately recognize
2024. the hue as the Oilers’ tried and
When Texans chairman and true Columbia Blue.
CEO Cal McNair took questions When Bud Adams moved the
from fans on Reddit in Septem- Oilers to Tennessee, he took all
ber, he hinted at possible chang- of the Oilers history — the uni-
es, and on Thursday, the team forms, the logo, the record
sent out a survey to fans in an books, all of it — with him. That
effort to judge interest in a Oilers logo that you still see a
switch. few people wearing around
“It’s definitely on the table!” Houston belongs to the Tennes-
McNair wrote on Reddit when a see Titans, and the Texans ab-
fan asked if he’d ever consider solutely can’t do anything about
changing his team’s uniform it. Titans quarterback Ryan
design. “In fact, we have al- Tannehill even went through
ready engaged the NFL to better pregame warmups last season
understand the process to for- Yi-Chin Lee/Staff photographer in a shirt sporting the Oilers
mally start a fan research study The Texans sport red helmets during the Nov. 3 game against the Philadelphia Eagles. If results logo, including in a game at
and the timeline and guidelines from fan surveys back it up, an all-new look could be in the works for uniforms in 2024. NRG Stadium. The Titans likely
if the fan research steered to- will wear the old Oilers uni-
wards change. No promises, mer Texans players to get their response to that move as the seeks opinions on the uniforms, forms as their throwback duds
but we will challenge every- opinion. motivation to find out if fans including team colors, jersey at some point in the future.
thing, and we won’t be afraid to The biggest change the Tex- would like more transforma- and helmet design. Even if the Now, the Texans, who
evolve.” ans have made to their gear tion. team decides to switch things wouldn’t be able to use the Oil-
Along with the survey that came this season when the team The survey includes ques- up, the earliest it could happen ers logo, are asking fans if they
went out Thursday, the team al- introduced a red helmet when it tions about the makeup of the would be the 2024 season, be- would be open to a change that
so has set up focus groups with played the Eagles in November. team’s roster and front office, cause everything would have to could include at least a subtle
fans and will consult with for- The Texans cite fans’ positive but most of the questionnaire be signed off on by the NFL. nod to the Luv Ya Blue era.

Officials launch efforts to stop Christmas trees to boost

New Year’s Eve drunken driving Lake Conroe ecosystem By Michael Garcia
By Michael Garcia STA F F W R ITER
As a means to improve the
Law enforcement agencies Lake Conroe ecosystem, the
throughout the Houston area San Jacinto River Authority is
are launching initiatives aimed continuing its annual post-
at curtailing drunken and im- Christmas tree drive, where
paired driving on New Year’s live trees are collected and
Eve. dropped into the lake to spur
From boosting the number of fish habitats.
officers and deputies on patrol, Residents are asked to do-
to issuing warrants for anyone nate their discarded live
who refuses a blood draw or Christmas trees to enhance the
breathalyzer, to offering dis- lake’s fishery while also reduc-
counts for ride-share compa- ing landfill waste, according to
nies, agencies hope to stem the a release by the river agency Jason Fochtman/Staff photographer
annual holiday weekend uptick that manages the lake. The San Jacinto River
in injuries and deaths on roads. The trees mimic some of the Authority and Texas Parks
During a news conference lost natural wood to provide a and Wildlife Department are
this week, Houston Police Chief Staff file photo stable habitat, said Alice Best collecting live Christmas trees
Troy Finner noted that Harris Harris County Precinct 8 Deputy Constable Jonathan Toliver with the Texas Parks and until Jan. 28.
County leads the nation in gives a sobriety test in 2018 on the Gulf Freeway Service Road. Wildlife. The agency has part-
deaths caused by drunken driv- nered with SJRA for several done. And they could already
ers — an assessment backed up Other neighboring counties (chronic issues),” he said. years to help organize the see fish starting to migrate to-
by county officials. such as Montgomery County re- “They’ve been very much ... the drive. wards the pile of trees under the
“Historically, Harris County ported 433 crashes caused by frontier of that kind of trou- “When Lake Conroe first water.”
is either first or second place. ... drunken drivers, with 17 fatali- ble.” filled, a lot of the area was SJRA will accept discarded
It’s pretty much a race between ties. Fort Bend County reported Montgomery County First heavily forested and had many Christmas trees until Jan. 27.
(Harris) and L.A. County in 323 crashes, with eight fatalities. Assistant District Attorney native shrubs,” she said. “Over Those looking to get rid of
numbers of DWI events (annu- Several officials from these Mike Holley said the agency time, all that wood begins to their trees are asked to drop
ally),” said Lt. Simon Cheng of counties urged people looking anticipates higher-than-aver- rot.” them off on the west end of the
the sheriff’s office vehicular to celebrate the new year to look age numbers of impaired driv- The tradition had been done lake’s dam, near Texas 105 and
crimes division, noting Harris for alternatives if they decide to ers on the road this weekend, in the past and was revived in Sandy Beach Drive. People are
County’s dense population of 4.5 drink, such as finding a desig- particularly Saturday. 2020. The first year gained asked that the trees are real and
million and 1,800 square miles. nated driver or using ride-hail- “For this reason, law en- some interest while the second not artificial.
“The population is extensive, ing companies such as Uber and forcement will be actively at- year ramped up, said Joe Wil- The trees will then be at-
and then (people) move out- Lyft. tempting to locate impaired lard, operations technician for tached to concrete blocks and
wards, away from the city,” “Folks need to be really mind- drivers in Montgomery County SJRA’s Lake Conroe Division. thrown in pre-determined loca-
Cheng added. “And that means ful,” said Suzanne Garofalo, in hopes of avoiding the very “It’s starting to gain some tions throughout the lake. Once
there’s a lot of ground to cover public affairs officer for the Har- avoidable deaths associated traction again,” Willard said. deployed, the locations are pub-
when they have to reach places.” ris County District Attorney’s with this dangerous and seri- Between 30 to 50 trees were licized on SJRA’s social media so
This also is a factor when it Office. “If they are planning to ous crime,” Holley said. collected in 2020, while 70 to anglers can use them as fishing
comes to drunken drivers, he enjoy some drinks ... plan ahead The Montgomery County 100 trees were collected in 2021, destinations.
said. That’s why the sheriff’s of- for it. Make sure you’re doing it Sheriff’s Office will be posting he said. “Recycled Christmas trees
fice is deploying more deputies at a place where you can stay DWI awareness public service As for the aquatic life in the make great fish habitat and Tex-
in targeted areas around the and you don’t have to ... get announcements on its social lake, fish were seen by TPWD ans have shown strong support
county. home. And if you do need to media pages as well as a promo staff benefiting from the pro- for this initiative,” said Bret Ra-
In 2021, the Texas Department travel ... just make a plan. Do it code that gives a discount for gram. ley, manager for SJRA’s Lake
of Transportation reported, responsibly. So that you don’t Lyft. The PSAs will be posted “Last year, we dropped off Conroe Division Manager, in a
there were 174 fatalities caused encounter law enforcement or through New Year’s Day. (trees) in a couple of sites,” release.
by impaired drivers in Harris hurt someone.” All agencies in the area will Willard said. “And (TPWD)
County, with more than 4,000 Wesley Wittig, executive as- have officers working over- went back over when we were michael.d.garcia@chron.com
crashes. The county had the sistant for the Fort Bend County time, paid by TxDOT grants.
most crashes and fatalities in District Attorney’s Office, said Additional officers will be on
Texas because of drunken driv- that while the county does see patrol on top of regular patrol CORRECTION
ers. Statewide, there were 1,077 its share of drunken drivers, it’s and traffic personnel.
fatalities and 25,283 crashes in- not a chronic issue. A story on page B1 on Thursday misidentified Exxon Mobil’s Ca-
volving impaired drivers. “Montgomery County has michael.d.garcia@chron.com sey Norton. He is a spokesman for the company.

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Safety is key for ‘salmon’
New Year’s fireworks high on
Term was a top 10
for Houston in 2022
By Ana Goodwin

Each year, Google publishes

its Year in Search — a roundup of
the top-trending phrases on the
search engine for the year. The
lists cover a variety of topics
from news events to TV shows
and provide a window into
what’s on our collective minds
throughout the year.
This year, Google also re-
leased a Local Year in Search to
highlight the unique character-
istics of different metropolitan
areas. Google’s local hub offered
a few interesting tidbits about
Houston’s search history, but we
were left wanting more.
One important thing to know
about our analysis: There’s a dif-
ference between “most
searched” and “top trending.”
Trending searches are those that
have accelerated the fastest in a
given time frame — such as 2022
in our case, while “most
searched” are the most
searched-for keywords overall.
Trending searches help give us
Photos by Karen Warren/Staff photographer insight into how things have
Walter Young holds up a “Victory Sword” as he and Money Young shop Friday at Top Dog Fireworks in Harris County. changed during a given time.
Searches continues on A6

Experts advise caution with firecrackers, which can be louder

than a jet, and sparklers that are hotter than a blowtorch Search for
By Julian Gill Last year, at least nine people missing in
and Claire Goodman
died, and an estimated 11,500
people were injured in inci-
dents involving fireworks, ac-
Gulf crash
Whether you stick to snakes
and sparklers, or, as the lovable
cording to the Consumer Prod-
uct Safety Commission. About
1,000 of those injuries were as-
drifter in “Joe Dirt” would say, sociated with sparklers. By Sara Cline
the stuff that goes boom, fire- Doctors urge caution this AS S O C I ATE D P RE S S
work safety is key to enjoying year to prevent people from be-
the New Year’s holiday at home coming part of that statistic. BATON ROUGE, La. — The
and not in a hospital. “People don’t think about U.S. Coast Guard has suspended
“Whenever there’s an injury, sparklers, but they can actually the search for four people on
it’s because people aren’t being get as hot as 2,000 degrees board a helicopter that crashed
careful,” says Sue Davis, a con- Fahrenheit — hot enough to into the Gulf of Mexico, while de-
sultant for Top Dog Fireworks melt metal — so that’s a big con- parting an oil platform on Thurs-
in Harris County, who has been cern,” said Dr. Benedict Ifedi, a day morning.
working in the fireworks indus- Robert Garden shops for the right package with his Memorial Hermann primary Although the crash is not a
try for more than 20 years. sons, Connor, 16, and Luke, 12, at Top Dog Fireworks. Fireworks continues on A6 closed case, crews will not re-
sume a search unless they re-
ceive new information, Petty Of-
ficer Jose Hernandez, a spokes-
person for the Coast Guard’s 8th
District, which is headquartered

Trae tha Truth charged in alleged altercation in New Orleans, said Friday. New
information includes additional
debris or a body.
By Matt deGrood rant in the 2000 block of Jeffer- Officers on Sept. 3 contacted The oil platform is operated by
STA F F W RIT E R son Street, which was captured McVey to provide a statement Houston-based Walter Oil and
on video posted to TMZ’s web- — a day after video of the fight Gas. A spokesperson for the
Houston rapper Trae tha site and YouTube. The video was released online, according company did not return a re-
Truth has been charged in con- appears to show several men to court documents. quest for comment.
nection with an August alterca- kicking and striking Z-Ro, McVey wasn’t home when The helicopter’s pilot and
tion with rapper Z-Ro that was whose real name is Joseph officers first visited him, but three oil workers went down
captured on video. McVey, 45, while he was lying Frazier Thompson, known as later provided a requested around 8:40 a.m. Thursday
The artist, whose birth name on the ground, according to the Trae tha Truth, right, was statement, Adams said. Z-Ro about 10 miles offshore of South-
is Frazier Othel Thompson, 42, criminal complaint. charged with assault against said he had initially offered to west Pass, a shipping channel at
was charged with assault caus- Charles Adams, McVey’s at- Joseph McVey, known as Z-Ro. settle his dispute with Trae tha the mouth of the Mississippi Riv-
ing bodily injury, a misde- torney, told the Houston Truth via a charity boxing er southeast of New Orleans. He-
meanor charge, according to Chronicle he attributes the de- tack. match, but that offer was re- licopters routinely transport
court records. partment’s pursuit of a case to “My client did not reach out jected, Adams said. workers to and from oil plat-
The charge stems from an the social media discussion in about filing a police report,” he An attorney representing forms in the Gulf.
August attack outside a restau- the months since the alleged at- said. Rapper continues on A6 Helicopter continues on A6

Harris County sees multiple deaths

from gun violence near end of 2022
By Bailey Gallion and Ed Gonzalez announced on “It appears multiple shots
John Wayne Ferguson Twitter just after 12:30 p.m. were fired at the intersection,
STA F F W RIT E RS Two people were found dead at which is pretty crazy because
the scene and two wounded it’s, again, right before noon,”
Two people were killed and drove themselves to a hospital. Gonzalez said. “This is a fairly
at least two others injured in a Speaking with Gonzalez at quiet neighborhood for the
shooting Friday in north Harris the scene, Harris County Depu- most part.”
County after an argument led to ty Tom Gill said two groups of Besides the two people who
a gunfight. men, one on foot and the other drove themselves to a hospital,
The shooting was one of two in a vehicle, had a verbal alter- “it’s our understanding that a
within the past two days in cation before drawing weapons third wounded individual was
Harris County, bringing a vio- and exchanging fire. The men also transported from the loca-
lent end to 2022 with three dead were between 20 and 29, he tion, I believe by ambulance,”
from gun violence. said. Gonzalez said. “There could al-
Deputies responded to re- Gonzalez said the investiga- so be a fourth one. We’re trying Karen Warren/Staff photographer
ports of a shooting in the 4800 tion is ongoing and no one has to confirm those details.” Tareka Lockhart’s family embraces after news of one of her
block of Park Square, Sheriff been arrested or detained. Gun deaths continues on A6 son’s death following a shooting on Friday in Humble.


Justice’s wife tells Jan. 6 panel about texts

By Mary Clare Jalonick the election. played a major role in Trump’s ous from the beginning" and that husband.
and Lisa Mascaro In the texts, efforts to overturn the election or her post-election activities were “It’s laughable for anyone who
A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS she bemoaned his inaction as the violent insur- “minimal and mainstream.” knows my husband to think I
WASHINGTON — Virginia the state of Amer- rection unfolded. Her name does In the interview, Thomas could influence his jurispru-
Thomas, the wife of U.S. Su- ican politics and not appear once in the commit- characterized herself as an “insti- dence,” she said. “The man is in-
preme Court Justice Clarence called the election tee’s final report released last gator” of Groundswell and other dependent and stubborn.”
Thomas, says she regrets send- a “heist.” Thomas week. conservative advocacy groups Thomas said she stays in the
ing texts to then-White House Thomas told the panel she Still, the committee sought to that have met as a coalition for “political” lane at home and her
chief of staff Mark Meadows af- still feels there speak to her as it built a compre- years. She and her husband are husband stays in a “legal” lane.
ter the 2020 election, telling the were irregularities, but she does hensive account of the Jan. 6, longtime associates of conserva- “He’s uninterested in politics,”
House Jan. 6 committee that “I believe that Joe Biden is the presi- 2021, insurrection and the weeks tive lawyer John Eastman, an ar- she said. “I did not speak with
would take them all back if I dent of the United States. beforehand. The committee’s chitect of the scheme to have sev- him at all about the details of my
could today.” “You know, it was an emotion- chairman and vice chairwoman, eral 2020 battleground states post-election activities, which
Thomas — known as Ginni — al time,” Thomas said. “I’m sorry Democratic Rep. Bennie Thomp- send alternative electors for were minimal.”
is a longtime conservative activ- these texts exist.” son of Mississippi and Republi- Trump, rather than Biden. The Thomases faced scrutiny
ist. In a transcript of the inter- The nine-member panel can Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyo- Thomas said that while she after her text messages to Mead-
view released by the panel on sought Thomas’s interview, and ming, said the panel wanted to was interested in pursuing ows and other communications
Friday, she told investigators she she appeared voluntarily. While speak to her after her name came claims of voter fraud, she had turned up. Some have suggested
was “emotional” after the elec- Thomas urged Meadows to act, up in communications with oth- largely stepped aside during the her husband should have re-
tion when she sent several texts and she is married to one of nine er witnesses. aftermath of the election because cused himself from election-re-
to Meadows urging him to stand Supreme Court justices who Thomas’ attorney Mark Pao- she felt her presence as the wife lated cases given her involve-
firm with then-President Donald were at the time reviewing letta said in a statement Friday of Justice Thomas often “chilled” ment.
Trump as he falsely claimed that Trump’s election challenges, in- that her absence from the report the discussion. She insisted she Bloomberg News contributed to this
there was widespread fraud in vestigators did not believe she was a conclusion that “was obvi- operated separately from her report.


6 who served out
terms get pardons
President Joe Biden has
pardoned six people who
have served out sentences
after convictions on a mur-
der charge and drug- and
alcohol-related crimes, in-
cluding an 80-year-old wom-
an convicted of killing her
abusive husband about a
half-century ago and a man
who pleaded guilty to using
a telephone for a cocaine
transaction in the 1970s.
The pardons, announced
Friday, mean the criminal
record of the crimes is now
purged. The White House
said those pardoned are
people who went on to serve
their communities. It said
the pardons reflect Biden’s
view that people deserve a
second chance.

Rocket attack kills
oil workers on bus
A militant rocket attack in
Nicole Tung/New York Times eastern Syria on Friday
The mother of Ukrainian service member Ihor Lykhonyn, who was killed in November, visits his grave in Kharkiv on Friday. targeted a bus with oil in-
Russia fired one of the largest missile barrages in weeks on towns and cities across Ukraine on Thursday. dustry employees, killing at
least 10, the government

Ukraine says it thwarted drone strike on Kyiv said. To the north, Syrian
Kurdish-led forces an-
nounced they arrested 52
By Cassandra Vinograd gram messaging app, adding tric utility, said Friday that the PUTIN , XI DEEPEN TIES militants in an operation
N EW YORK T IME S that the city had “withstood an power supply was back at the WITH VIDEO SESSION against the Islamic State
attack by Iranian-manufac- levels it was before the latest Vladimir Putin and Chinese
group’s sleeper cells.
Ukraine’s military said Fri- tured” Shahed drones. strikes. President Xi Jinping hailed
According to Syria’s pe-
day that it had thwarted anoth- Vitali Klitschko, the mayor of Volodymyr Kudrytsky, the deepening ties between their
troleum ministry, the rocket
er drone swarm targeting Kyiv Kyiv, said that falling debris head of Ukrenergo, said Rus- countries in talks Friday.
struck in the Al-Taym gas
in the morning, a day after Rus- had damaged a building but sia’s attempt to shut down the Russia-China ties are the “best in
field in eastern Deir el-Zour
sia fired one of the largest mis- that there were no casualties power system had failed but history,” the Russian president
province. There was no
sile barrages in weeks on towns from the overnight attack. cautioned that there was “sig- said in the video call. Russia
immediate claim of responsi-
and cities across Ukraine. Ukraine’s air force said a total nificant damage” from the would seek to strengthen military
bility but the Britain-based
Kyiv, the capital, was one of of 16 drones had been launched overall attacks in recent cooperation with China, he said.
Syrian Observatory for Hu-
several cities rocked by explo- overnight across the country months. China stood ready to expand the
man Rights, an opposition
sions Thursday when Russia and that all had been intercept- President Volodymyr Zelen- “strategic partnership,” Xi said.
war monitoring group, said
unleashed a wave of Iranian- ed. skyy of Ukraine reiterated late ISIS was behind the attack.
made exploding drones fol- Utility crews were still work- Thursday his recent refrain Chinese state television
lowed by scores of cruise mis- ing Friday to repair the damage that Russia could be planning reported Xi told Putin that Beijing MYANAMAR
siles. from the strikes a day earlier, more strikes timed to the New would continue to play a Suu Kyi’s sentence
Early Friday, authorities in which caused further power Year holiday. constructive role in seeking to
is increased 7 years
Kyiv said Russia had followed outages amid freezing winter “Perhaps the enemy will try resolve the Ukraine “crisis” and
the previous day’s missile temperatures. Russia’s large once again to make us celebrate that China and Russia should A court in military-ruled
strikes with seven more drones volleys of cruise missiles and the new year in darkness,” he cooperate on trade, energy, Myanmar convicted the
— all of which were shot down drones have for the past three said in his overnight address. finance and agriculture. country’s ousted leader
by Ukrainian air defenses. months targeted Ukraine’s en- “Perhaps the occupiers are Aung San Suu Kyi of cor-
Beijing has refused to publicly
“The enemy continues to ergy grid, in what military ana- planning to make us suffer ruption Friday, sentencing
condemn the invasion of Ukraine,
launch massive air attacks on lysts say is a strategy of plung- with the next strikes at our cit- her to seven years in prison
instead accusing the U.S. of
Ukraine’s capital city,” the Kyiv ing the country into cold and ies. But no matter what they in the last of a string of
provoking Russia.
military administration said in darkness to lower morale. plan, we know one thing about criminal cases against her, a
a statement posted on the Tele- Ukrenergo, the national elec- ourselves: We will endure.” Bloomberg News legal official said.
The court’s action leaves
her with a total of 33 years
to serve in prison after a

Suspect in 4 Idaho student killings arrested in Pa. series of politically tinged

prosecutions since the army
toppled the former Nobel
By Marc Levy, tors believe Koh- 2018, said college spokesperson “We are still looking for the Peace Prize winner’s elected
Rebecca Boone berger broke into Mia Rossi-Marino. DeSales Uni- weapon,” Fry said. “I will say government in February
and Mike Balsamo the students’ versity in Pennsylvania said that we have found an Elantra.” 2021.
A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS home “with the that he received a bachelor’s de- Goncalves, 21, of Rathdrum,
intent to commit gree in 2020 and completed Idaho; Mogen, 21, of Coeur d’A- CAMBODIA
HARRISBURG, Pa. — Au- murder.” graduate studies in June 2022. lene, Idaho; Kernodle, 20, of 26 confirmed dead
thorities in Pennsylvania arrest- He was being The Idaho students — Kaylee Post Falls, Idaho; and Chapin, in casino, hotel fire
ed a suspect in the killings of Kohberger held for extradi- Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Xa- 20, of Conway, Wash., were
four University of Idaho stu- tion to Idaho on a na Kernodle and Ethan Chapin members of the university’s The search for bodies in
dents who were found stabbed warrant for first-degree murder, — were stabbed to death at a Greek system and close friends. the wreckage of a burned-
to death in their beds more than according to arrest paperwork rental home near campus some- Mogen, Goncalves and Kerno- out casino hotel complex in
a month ago, Moscow Police filed in Monroe County Court. time in the early morning hours dle lived in the three-story rent- western Cambodia has con-
Chief James Fry said Friday. An extradition hearing was of Nov. 13. Investigators were un- al home with two other room- cluded with 26 people con-
The killings initially mysti- scheduled for Tuesday. He was able to name a suspect or locate mates. Kernodle and Chapin firmed dead, a senior official
fied law enforcement and shook also charged with felony burgla- a murder weapon for weeks. were dating and he was visiting said late Friday.
the small town of Moscow, Ida- ry in Idaho, Thompson said. But the case broke open after the house that night. Banteay Meanchey prov-
ho, a farming community of Kohberger is a Ph.D. student law enforcement asked the pub- Autopsies showed all four ince Gov. Um Reatrey said
about 25,000 people that had not in the Department of Criminal lic for help finding a white were likely asleep when they by phone that after 39 hours
had a murder for five years. Justice and Criminology at Hyundai Elantra sedan seen were attacked. Some had defen- of rescue and search opera-
Bryan Christopher Kohberg- Washington State University, a near the home around the time sive wounds and each was tions, there were also 57
er, 28, was arrested early Friday short drive across the state line of the killings. By mid-Decem- stabbed multiple times. There injured survivors from the
morning by the Pennsylvania from the University of Idaho. ber, investigators were working was no sign of sexual assault, Wednesday night fire at the
State Police at a home in Chest- He graduated from North- through nearly 12,000 tips and police said. Grand Diamond City casino
nuthill Township, authorities ampton Community College in had identified more than 22,000 Fry said they’re still “putting and hotel in the town of
said. Latah County Prosecutor Pennsylvania with an associate vehicles matching that make all the pieces together” to deter- Poipet.
Bill Thompson said investiga- of arts degree in psychology in and model. mine motive. From wire reports

FIREWORKS household material — like the

bottom of a foam cup — before
From page A3 going to the emergency room.
For burns, remove clothing
care physician who specializes from the burned area and seek
in sports medicine. medical attention. First- or sec-
Children should always be ond-degree burns can usually
supervised around fireworks, be treated in the emergency
including sparklers, which room with weeks or months of
should be kept outside and outpatient care, Ifedi said.
away from faces, clothing and Third-degree burns, however,
hair, public safety officials say. can require a prolonged hospi-
Revelers also need to remem- tal stay.
ber: Fireworks should only be Law enforcement officials
lit one a time, and the person emphasize that fireworks can-
lighting the fireworks should not be discharged in Houston
immediately move away when city limits. Fines range from
they’re lit. Never point fire- $500 to $2,000 for each fire-
works at anyone. It’s also rec- work, according to the Houston
ommended to keep a garden Fire Department. It is legal to
hose or bucket of water nearby, pop in unincorporated parts of
in case of a fire. the county, except near church-
One of the most important re- es, hospitals, schools or daycare
minders is to never try to pick centers.
up or re-ignite a “dud” firework, Police have also called on
or one that failed to explode. people to celebrate without
That’s a major cause of injury, shooting firearms, which is a
says Davis. class A misdemeanor. For those
“If a firework doesn’t go off, Karen Warren/Staff photographer who want to report noise and
don’t walk over and look at it Experts say children should always be supervised by adults, even for sparklers, and it’s smart to other nuisances, officials ask
and think you’re going to figure keep a bucket of water handy. Safety officials say “duds” often go off when least expected. people to call non-emergency
out what’s wrong,” she said, lines instead of 9-1-1. In Hous-
“because that’s when it’s going and fireworks should never be far away from homes as possi- hearing loss. The American ton, the non-emergency num-
to go off.” placed in trash cans in enclosed ble. Speech-Language Hearing As- ber is 713-884-3131, while the
If a firework fails to launch, spaces. When popping fireworks, it’s sociation recommends foam ear number for Harris County is
Davis says, leave the firework “People will throw the fire- also a good idea to protect your plugs or headphones for protec- 713-221-6000.
alone for about 15 minutes. If works in the trash can, put the ears, according to the Universi- tion. When the celebration ends,
there’s no further action on the can in the garage, and shut the ty of Texas Health Science Cen- If you do get injured, it’s im- Davis said people shouldn’t for-
fuse, douse the firework in wa- garage,” Davis said. “That’s ter at Houston. Fireworks can portant to know how to re- get to pick up any bits of debris
ter to make sure it’s fully extin- when you get a major house be louder than a jackhammer or spond, Ifedi said. For eye inju- left behind.
guished before disposing of it. fire.” Instead, she said, trash a jet airliner at takeoff. Expo- ries, do not touch the eye or “One of the things I always
All trash from fireworks cans containing fireworks trash sure can cause a ringing in the flush it out with water. Ifedi rec- tell people,” she said, “is to be
should be doused in water, too, should be kept on the street as ear, or temporary or permanent ommends covering the eye with courteous to your neighbors.”

GUN DEATHS Lane and found Dikeman unre-

sponsive, Sgt. Greg Pinkins
From page A3 told reporters for the On Scene
news service. She was pro-
One of the injured men is in nounced dead at the scene.
critical condition after taking a Dikeman had been with two
bullet in the neck, Gill said. He of her coworkers and they were
added that the men may have taking down Christmas decora-
been involved in conflicts with tions at her home when, at
each other in the past. A wom- some point, a gun one of the
an who identified herself as the men was handling discharged,
mother of two men involved striking her, Pinkins said.
said she lived nearby, and her In court documents, prose-
sons did previously have run- cutors said Wilson was “play-
ins with others involved. ing” with the gun before it fired.
The gun was believed to belong
In Crosby, woman shot, to one of Dikeman’s room-
killed while cleaning up mates.
Christmas decorations The other 17-year-old co- Elizabeth Conley/Staff file photo
In another gun death, a 17- worker was questioned at the According to Google searches made across the United States, the Houston area searched
year-old was arrested Friday scene but hasn’t been charged “public library near me” more than anywhere else in the country.
and charged with manslaugh- Wilson was in custody at the
ter after being accused of acci-
dentally shooting and killing
Harris County Jail on Friday af-
ternoon, according to court re- SEARCHES genre dominated our Google
search history, too. The Hous-
came with an unfortunate
his friend while playing with a cords. His bond was set at From page A3 ton area searched for rap nearly Houston’s top-trending reci-
gun. $50,000. Wilson had no previ- twice as much as any other pe search this year was for
Cayman Wilson, 17, of Cros- ous criminal history in Harris 1. Houstonians struggled to genre in 2022, while rock and “crack chicken” — a dish that
by, is accused of killing Marissa County. He did not have a de- pronounce salmon (among country music were neck and derives its name from the re-
Dikeman, 19, also of Crosby, late fense attorney listed in court other things) neck for the second-most-popu- grettable trend of referring to
Thursday night while she was records. Sometimes we come across a lar genre. delicious foods as “crack,” as in
cleaning up Christmas decora- He is scheduled to appear in written word that we don’t crack cocaine. Recipes for the
tions in front of her home, ac- court on Jan. 3 for a preliminary know how to say out loud, so we 4. Houstonians searched meal typically involve cooking a
cording to the Harris County hearing. turn to Google for help to save for libraries more than any combination of chicken, bacon,
Sheriff ’s Office. Matt deGrood contributed to this us some embarrassment. The other place in the country ranch and cheese in a slow cook-
Deputies were called to a re- report. top 10 terms Houstonians need- According to Google searches er or Instant Pot.
port of a shooting just before 9 ed a little assistance pronounc- made across the United States, • Crack chicken recipe
p.m. in the 4400 block of Sherri bailey.gallion@chron.com ing this year broke down into the Houston area searched • Overnight oats recipe
three categories: foods, foreign “public library near me” more • Salmon patties recipe
countries and cities, and one than anywhere else in the coun- • Cucumber salad recipe
RAPPER ground, according to docu-
ments. The bracelet was worth
specific last name: “Nguyen.”
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try, with interest peaking dur-
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in a few weeks. The Coast Guard said the heli- • Juliet restaurant caused quite the buzz among top search was …
Crews in a boat and a helicop- copter is owned by Rotorcraft • Take the Wheel restaurant movie-goers, and film fans in Wordle. The simple word-
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ter of cylindrical yellow objects platform. The Coast Guard res- • Nope movie • World Cup
bobbing in the water. cued three people. That Dec. 15 3. Rap dominated • One Piece Film: Red • Ukraine/Ukraine news
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sion to suspend a search,” said bonne Bay, roughly 60 miles (97 searches • Amsterdam movie • iPhone 14
Lt. Cmdr. Kevin Keefe, Coast kilometers) west of the area the It’s a fact at this point: Hous- • Where the Crawdads Sing • Amber Heard
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ordinator. Associated Press writer Russ Bynum any other genre on Spotify this • Bob Saget
One of the missing workers is contributed to this report. year, so it’s no surprise that the 6. Houston’s top recipe • Russia

DINING where after Uchi.”

Uchi’s modern style of
“It kicked their asses
and they grew,” Feng said.
From page A1 sushi and inventive riffs
on Japanese cuisine in- Fall 2012: The Pass &
this weird microcosm of spired chefs to branch out Provisions
all things happening at beyond traditional raw- Houstonians still talk
once.” fish preparations, too. At about chef Terrence Galli-
Oxheart — joined by Hidden, the menu fea- van and Seth Siegel-Gard-
Uchi, Underbelly and The tures dishes nodding to ner’s ambitious The Pass
Pass & Provisions — was Vongthong’s Thai heri- & Provisions more than
one of four key openings tage with items such as three years after it closed.
that helped transform duck larb hand rolls or The city had never seen
Houston’s scene 10 years bowls of noodles swim- anything quite like it: The
ago. The collective influ- ming in a coconut broth. Montrose restaurant,
ence of these restaurants “The Houston dining which featured two con-
— and the talent from scene was already well es- cepts under one roof by
their kitchens — set a tablished and 2012 was chefs with Michelin cre-
strong, resilient founda- just the next iteration of dentials, didn’t open until
tion that continues to it,” said Edwards, who fall 2012 with the more ca-
shape local dining today. was the chef de cuisine for sual Provisions debuting
Even the challenges of the Houston debut. “It in September and Pass a
the pandemic have not was like lightning in a bot- few months later.
curtailed the city’s eating tle to have all these restau- It was not a blind leap
enthusiasm. The number rants opening up. It was a of faith for Gallivan and
of operating dining-and- pretty amazing time.” Siegel-Gardner. In 2010,
drinking businesses in Staff file photo the duo threw a series of
Greater Houston has March 2012: Chefs Terrence Gallivan, left, and Seth Siegel-Gardner, shown in 2013, won pop-up dinners, includ-
jumped from about 7,000 Underbelly praise for The Pass & Provisions, which featured two concepts under one roof. ing some with Yu, and
to just over 10,000 in the Long before Chris quickly found a following.
past decade, according to Shepherd became a Hous- derbelly’s debut. “It gave us a good idea
the Texas Restaurant As- ton ambassador of sorts It was a perfect storm of that something was about
sociation. on Bravo’s “Top Chef” and ambitious chefs ready to to happen in Houston,”
Since 2012, local restau- appeared in breathless take a risk and a favorable Siegel-Gardner said. “We
rants and bars have won glossy magazine features, real estate market, Yu were ready to say, ‘Let’s
national awards and land- all he wanted was to open said. Oxheart garnered kick the front door
ed on “best” lists. Out-of- his own restaurant. press even before Yu down.’”
town chefs are opening In the early aughts, opened the quirky corner Provisions offered
ambitious kitchens in the chefs in Shepherd’s realm space in the Warehouse more affordable pizza and
city’s trendiest neighbor- didn’t cook much beyond District on the edge of pasta options while The
hoods and growing sub- what the more high- downtown. Pass featured splurge-
urbs. profile restaurateurs be- GQ ran a piece in Feb- worthy tasting menus.
“People are coming in lieved were safe bets for ruary 2012 on that year’s The national press once
and seeing Houston as an Houstonians: steak, most highly anticipated again deemed another
opportunity,” Yu said. “I Western European fare openings and included Houston restaurant wor-
think the things we’re and “New American” Oxheart: “You’ve never thy of critical praise —
opening now are more re- fine-dining cuisine. heard of Justin Yu and Bon Appétit named it the
flective of our city.” “Halfway through 2010, vegetarian is not your sixth best restaurant in
These are the stories of I realized I needed to open thing. Last year, the same the country.
how those four trailblaz- my own place,” he said. thing could be said of 90 “We knew that it was
ing restaurants set Hous- The locally-trained percent of Houston, be- important and that we
ton on a path toward be- chef, who had worked at fore Yu wooed diners with were breaking the mold,”
ing widely recognized as a institutions like Bren- a series of sold-out veggie- said Martha Wilcox, who
dining destination. nan’s, saw the opening of centric pop-up dinners.” cooked at The Pass for
his Underbelly in 2012 as a Yu, a native Housto- about two years. “We
February 2012: Uchi chance to “tell the story of nian, had just come back wanted to be known for
Kata Robata and MF Houston through food.” after cooking in Europe more than steak and
Sushi, both still going One way Shepherd did and felt he was ready to steakhouses.”
strong today, were already that, he said, was to open his own restaurant. The city’s most in-de-
serving top-notch sushi source all ingredients The Copenhagen restau- mand restaurants foster-
before the arrival of the within 150 miles of the res- rant Relae was a strong in- ed a “friendly competi-
Austin import lauded for taurant. fluence, from its vegeta- tion” among chefs, who
its contemporary take on Shepherd and his team ble-forward cooking to would grab drinks togeth-
Japanese cuisine. But the would change the menu Brett Coomer/Staff file photo the tables with drawers er after working long
wildly successful Uchi daily, sometimes in the Chef and owner Tyson Cole, left, chose Houston to holding utensils. hours. They would keep
opened its first offshoot in middle of dinner service, open his first offshoot of Austin restaurant Uchi. Oxheart felt fresh for tabs on each other’s
Houston — not Dallas — as they figured out clever Houston: It served only a menus, but also share ad-
to much buzz, further uses for incoming pro- set tasting menu, but it vice and resources.
boosted by its chef-owner duce or after farmers was not fine dining with a Still, Wilcox and other
Tyson Cole winning a dropped off a 1,000- buttoned-up dress code or chefs said the kitchens
James Beard Award for pound steer, whole goat or white linen tablecloths. were filled with pressure
Best Chef Southwest in pig to butcher. The wine menu was a pio- as there was a sense that it
2011. The menu also pulled neer in championing nat- was a race to put the res-
“Houston was an obvi- from the city’s diverse res- ural wines. taurants out there for
ous choice because, one, taurants. One of Under- “It could easily turn in- awards, reviews and na-
it’s an international hub,” belly’s most popular to a destination restau- tional recognition.
said Kaz Edwards, the di- dishes, which Shepherd rant, one that looks to the “It was a place where if
rector of culinary opera- cooked on “Jimmy Kim- future of fine dining,” you’re not the last one
tions at Hai Hospitality, mel Live,” was Korean wrote the Chronicle’s walking out the door, you
the group behind Uchi braised goat dumplings. It Cook in her four-star re- were not working hard
and its spinoffs. “It’s a was a shareable plate that view. enough,” said Wilcox,
true melting pot. We could pique the interests Still, Oxheart was po- who’s currently chef de
looked for places and of meat lovers while intro- larizing. Some diners cuisine at Indianola in Ea-
areas that mimicked our ducing a new audience to loved it, but Yu also said Do. “That took time to un-
brand.” Korean pantry staples like he’s “never heard so much learn for a lot of us, but I
Uchi was also outgrow- tteokbokki, or rice cakes, Staff file photo vitriol.” One point of con- don’t blame the chefs for
ing Austin’s smaller res- doused in a sweet-and- Chef Chris Shepherd won a James Beard Award for tention: The portions their ambition at the
taurant scene, Edwards spicy gochujang sauce. his work at Underbelly in 2014. were too small. time.”
said, and expanding al- Underbelly cooks were “It was hard doing The higher price points
lowed the company to encouraged to go beyond what many consider the group he co-founded that something that everyone and chef-driven menus at
promote its employees. Euro-centric recipes. Oscars of the food world. spawned a mini empire thought would fail,” said restaurants like The Pass
Houston’s currently They freely used fish For Petter Pettersen, including steakhouses Willet Feng, who cooked helped usher in a more
booming sushi scene, sauce, turmeric and hou- who started dining at Un- and a burger joint. But the alongside Yu for about 10 modern fine-dining era.
which ranges from pricey semade balsamic vinegar derbelly in its first month 50-year-old chef cement- months. “It built a lot of “Without those restau-
omakase dinners to more to create one of the 20 and ate there nearly every ed his spot as one of Hous- discipline.” rants, there was no way
casual hand roll spots, dishes on the single-page week, the experience was ton’s most notable cheer- The success of Oxheart, we could have opened
can be traced back to menu. unique. The staff talked leaders. which Yu said he opened March,” said June Rodil,
Uchi. The Houston out- “We had to be on our with customers about the At Riel, Lachaine’s res- with less than $100,000, the co-owner and master
post served as an incuba- toes at all times,” said origins of the produce and taurant in Montrose that’s paved the way for another sommelier behind Hous-
tor for a new generation of Ryan Lachaine, who was a even dropped off local an ode to the Gulf Coast, cadre of chefs who could ton’s newest acclaimed
local chefs: Hidden Oma- sous chef at Underbelly mom-and-pop restaurant he still sources many in- stick to their vision — to- tasting-menu spot.
kase, Aiko, Neo and Aya for about two years. “You recommendations with gredients from the same day’s Nancy’s Hustle, No- When Gallivan, who’s
are now all led by men and couldn’t be a robot at Un- the bill. farmers Shepherd intro- bie’s and Neo, for exam- opening his own crudo-
women who worked at derbelly.” “It was this whole col- duced him to at Underbel- ple. and-pizza joint in 2023,
Uchi. Some of them lik- Houstonians proudly lective uplifting of a dif- ly. Feng, who opened Bur- dines out in Houston, he
ened the experience to introduced out-of-town- ferent food scene,” said “It’s a big city and ger-Chan in 2016 with his often sees the influence of
boot camp. ers to Shepherd’s cooking. Pettersen, who is now the there’s room for all of us to wife Diane, said the most The Pass & Provisions.
“I was working my ass When he won the James board president of Shep- do our own thing,” La- notable restaurants from “I’m still amazed at the
off,” said Niki Vongthong, Beard Award in the Best herd’s nonprofit Southern chaine said. 2012 have evolved or died amount of restaurants
the executive chef at Hid- Southwest Chef category Smoke Foundation. off (Oxheart closed in 2017 this town can support,”
den who was part of the in 2014, Shepherd ended a Shepherd is no longer a March 2012: Oxheart and reopened as Theo- Gallivan said.
opening team. “You felt 22-year drought of Hous- part of Underbelly Hospi- Justin Yu opened Ox- dore Rex) — and that’s a
like you could work any- ton chefs not winning tality, the restaurant heart within weeks of Un- good thing. bao@chron.com

RULING deadline to accommodate

applicants if it chooses to
ther for a set period or
Under the law, appli-
cants also were supposed
nearly 500 applications
for it, many seeking the
proved and others were
From page A1 do so. In short, he added, to demonstrate that they relief for projects not In a written response
“The Legislature im- “The reason that the would take their business scheduled to be built for to the Stetson and Ogalla-
around the same time posed, but is not itself coach turns into a pump- elsewhere if they didn’t decades. Before that, the la lawsuit, however, He-
were approved for their constrained by, the cur- kin at midnight on New receive the tax break. Yet comptroller’s office had gar was unapologetic.
tax breaks. rent deadline,” Justice Ev- Year’s Eve … is because the comptroller’s office processed about 90 appli- “Even though my office
For example, the com- an A. Young wrote in the the Legislature so willed rarely rejected any of the cations annually. will certify more than 300
panies cited two projects opinion. “Even after Dec. that result long ago. If the applications, even when Stetson filed applica- projects this year alone, it
— a lithium refinery facil- 31 passes, the Legislature, pumpkin is again to be a it appeared that the com- tions for 11 projects within was apparently not
ity from Tesla and a solar if it chooses, could re- coach, that too must fol- panies had no intention of weeks of each other in enough,” he said. “This is
energy facility in Ander- quire that all timely filed low from the Legislature’s taking their business May, most scheduled to a frivolous attempt to get
son County built by Skull applications be deemed will.” elsewhere or, in some cas- be built in 2028. Ogallala the Texas Supreme Court
Creek Solar — that were approved. Or it could ret- Lawmakers said they es, had already begun filed one application at to force my office to put
approved despite being roactively waive the Dec. were persuaded not to ex- building in Texas. The the same time, for a proj- even more resources to-
submitted during the 31 deadline for any appli- tend Chapter 313 last year cost of the tax breaks to ect to be completed in ward the program in the
same period. cation that was otherwise because many of the com- Texans had ballooned in 2025. The comptroller’s final two weeks of its exis-
In its opinion, however, timely filed and direct the panies securing the tax recent years as more com- office said it rejected 57 of tence. My office has fully
the state’s highest civil comptroller to continue break produced few new panies qualified. 413 proposals this calen- complied with the law
court said the dispute be- processing those applica- high-paying jobs relative In the year after law- dar year because of the and will vigorously de-
longs in the hands of the tions. Or the Legislature to the cost, even though makers voted to let the limited time frame. It de- fend our position.”
Legislature, which could could revive access to the job creation was a goal of Chapter 313 program sun- clined to say why some
adjust the end-of-year program for everyone, ei- the program. set, the agency received companies were ap- eric.dexheimer@chron.com

Some takeaways from a review of
From page A1 Donald Trump’s tax documents:

other deductions. Account in China: Trump was

While Trump paid $641,931 in asked during a 2020 presidential
federal income taxes in 2015, the debate about having a bank
year he began his campaign for account in China. He said he
president, he paid just $750 in closed it before he began his 2016
2016 and 2017, according to a re- campaign — a statement his tax
port released last week by Con- returns show was not true. Trump
gress’ nonpartisan Joint Com- had a bank account in China in
mittee on Taxation. He paid 2015, 2016 and 2017.
nearly $1 million in 2018, but on- Foreign investments: He
ly $133,445 in 2019 and nothing in reported $38 million in overseas
2020, the year he unsuccessfully gross income in 2016 and $55
sought re-election. million in 2017, from countries
The records also detail including Azerbaijan, India,
Trump’s foreign holdings. Indonesia, Panama, the
Trump, according to the fil- Philippines, Turkey and the
ings, reported having bank ac- United Arab Emirates. This sort of
counts in China, Ireland and the information about potential
United Kingdom in 2015 through conflicts of interest is one reason
2017, even as he was commander presidents normally release their
in chief. Starting in 2018, howev- tax returns.
er, he only reported an account Working the system: It’s been
in the U.K. The returns also long known that Trump, like many
show that Trump claimed for- Andrew Harnik/Associated Press file rich people, has been able to
eign tax credits for taxes he paid Former President Donald Trump lashed out at Democrats and the Supreme Court for the release exploit the country’s complex tax
on various business ventures of his tax records, accusing his political rivals of “weaponizing” them. code to avoid paying as large a
around the world, including li- percentage of his income to the
censing arrangements for use of thing, but remember, that is a business income, which the IRS firm has since disavowed the federal government as working
his name on development proj- dangerous two-way street!” defines as “the net amount of statements, and New York At- families do. When he was pressed
ects and his golf courses in Scot- He said the returns demon- qualified items of income, gain, torney General Letitia James on not paying federal taxes in a
land and Ireland. In 2018, ac- strated “how proudly successful deduction and loss from any has filed a lawsuit alleging 2016 debate, Trump retorted,
cording to Joint Committee on I have been and how I have been qualified trade or business.” In Trump and his Trump Organi- “That makes me smart.” In 2020,
Taxation figures, Trump paid able to use depreciation and var- total for that tax year, combined zation fraudulently inflated as- for example, Trump reported
more in foreign taxes than he ious other tax deductions” to with nearly $9 million in carry- set values on the statements. owning more than 150 private
did net federal income taxes. build his businesses. forward loss from previous Trump and his company have corporations that claimed losses,
The documents show that Presiding over a routine pro years, Trump’s qualified losses denied wrongdoing. sometimes worth millions. Partly
Trump’s charitable donations forma session of the House on amounted to more than $58 mil- In October 2018, the New York by claiming those losses, Trump
fluctuated during his presiden- Friday, Rep. Don Beyer, chair- lion for the final year of his term Times published a Pulitzer reduced his federal tax income
cy but, in his final years, repre- man of the Joint Economic Com- in office. Prize-winning series based on liability to zero that year.
sented only a sliver of his in- mittee, said great care had been Another of Trump’s money leaked tax records that contra-
No charitable giving in 2020:
come. In 2020, the year the coro- taken to ensure the returns were losers: the ice rink his company dicted the image Trump had
That was in contrast to the prior
navirus ravaged the economy, treated with sensitivity, with operated until last year in New tried to sell of himself as a self-
two years, when Trump reported
Trump reported no charitable personal and other identifying York City’s Central Park. Trump made businessman. It showed
making about $500,000 worth
donations at all. In 2019 and 2018 information redacted. reported a total of $2.6 million in that Trump received a modern-
of donations.
he reported writing checks for “We’ve been trying to be very losses from Wollman Rink over day equivalent of at least $413
about $500,000 in donations. In careful to make sure that we the six years made public. The million from his father’s real es- Film/TV money: Trump collected
earlier years the numbers were weren’t ‘weaponizing’ the IRS rink, an early Trump Organiza- tate holdings, with much of that a $77,808 annual pension from
higher — $1.8 million in 2017 and returns,” said Beyer, D-Va. He tion jewel run through a con- money coming from what the the Screen Actors Guild, as well
$1.1 million in 2016. also is a member of the tax-writ- tract with New York City’s gov- Times called “tax dodges” in the as a $6,543 pension in 2017 from
It’s unclear whether the re- ing House Ways and Means ernment, reported a loss of $1.3 1990s. another film and TV union, and
ported sums included Trump’s Committee, which held a party million in 2015 despite taking in A second series in 2020 reported acting residuals as high
$400,000 annual presidential line vote last week to make the $9.3 million in revenue, accord- showed that Trump paid no in- as $14,141 in 2015, according to the
salary, which he had said he returns public. ing to the tax returns. The rink come taxes at all in 10 of the pre- tax returns.
would forgo and claimed he do- The returns detail how turned a $298,000 profit in 2016, vious 15 years because he gener- Payback: Trump broke political
nated to various federal depart- Trump used tax law to minimize but was back to melting cash in ally lost more money than he tradition by not releasing his tax
ments. his liability, including carrying each of the next four years. made. returns as president. Now
The release marks the latest forward massive losses from Aspects of Trump’s finances In its report last week, the Republicans warn that
setback for Trump, who has previous years, as allowed by had been shrouded in mystery Ways and Means Committee in- Democrats will pay a political
been mired in investigations, in- tax law. Trump said during his since his days as an up-and- dicated the Trump administra- price. Notably, the GOP cannot
cluding federal and state inqui- 2016 campaign that paying little coming Manhattan real estate tion may have disregarded a re- disclose President Joe Biden’s tax
ries into his efforts to overturn or no income tax in some years developer in the 1980s. quirement mandating audits of returns because they’re already
the 2020 election. The Depart- “makes me smart.” Trump, known for building a president’s tax filings. public. Biden disclosed 22 years’
ment of Justice also has been in- His tax returns show he did skyscrapers and hosting a reali- The IRS only began to audit worth of his filings during his
vestigating reams of classified that by structuring his company ty TV show before winning the Trump’s 2016 tax filings on April presidential campaign.
documents found at his Mar-a- as a massive sole proprietor- White House, did provide limit- 3, 2019 — more than two years Associated Press
Lago club and possible efforts to ship, with nearly every dollar, ed details about his holdings into his presidency — when the
obstruct the investigation. pound, euro and yuan passing and income on mandatory dis- Ways and Means chairman,
In a statement Friday, Trump through his golf courses, hotels closure forms and financial Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass.,
lashed out at Democrats and the and other assets affecting — and statements he provides to banks asked the agency for informa- formation available to the pub-
Supreme Court for the release. in many cases helping — his to secure loans and to financial tion related to the tax returns. lic. Trump bucked that trend as
“It’s going to lead to horrible own bottom line. magazines to justify his place on Every president and major- a candidate and as president, re-
things for so many people,” he For instance, in 2020, more rankings of the world’s billion- party candidate since Richard peatedly asserting that his taxes
said. “The radical, left Demo- than 150 of Trump’s business en- aires. Nixon has voluntarily made at were “under audit” and couldn’t
crats have weaponized every- tities listed negative qualified Trump’s longtime accounting least summaries of their tax in- be released.

HEALTH talized with either virus. It’s un-

clear when the viruses may re-
From page A1 turn to their familiar patterns.

holiday season, but they urge Monkeypox

caution as cases again begin to July
rise. When Americans put the om-
icron surge in the rear view, a
Transplanted new global health threat
February emerged. Monkeypox, endemic
The story of Jesus Ceja Ceja — to Central and West Africa,
a three-part series that chroni- started spreading international-
cled his lung transplant after a ly in May, again challenging U.S.
devastating COVID infection — health officials’ ability to contain
was a stark reminder of CO- an outbreak. Most of the cases
VID’s impact on otherwise were among men who have sex
healthy young people. The with men. The national vaccine
transplant meant Jesus, a 29- supply was not enough to meet
year-old from Mexico who spent the demand. Confusion and
most his days insulating pipes at frustration over eligibility re-
chemical plants and oil refiner- quirements marred the rollout.
ies throughout the Gulf Coast, In the months since the initial
would have a dramatically outbreak, monkeypox infections
shorter life expectancy. But he have slowed dramatically. The
did not have a choice. The sur- virus, however, has not been
gery was the only way he could eliminated, and Harris County
go home again with his wife, health officials urge people to
Perla, and two young children. follow guidance from the Cen-
ters for Disease Control and Pre-
Texas Children’s pauses Karen Warren/Staff photographer vention for preventing further
hormone treatment Synquise Winston mixes up a bottle of formula while holding her son Jaiore Carter in May. The spread.
March Katy mom had to drive as far as College Station to find formula due to a shortage.
The largest pediatric hospital Maternal death report
in the country temporarily their families and our provid- ing to reports. plications. September
stopped prescribing gender-af- ers.” State health leaders said the
firming hormone therapies fol- Roe v. Wade RSV and flu release of an important analysis
lowing a controversial directive Formula shortage June July of 2019 pregnancy-related deaths
from Republican state leaders to May The overturning of Roe v. COVID-19 changed the timing would be delayed until the mid-
investigate medical treatment Mothers looking for baby for- Wade rolled back five decades of of common respiratory virus dle of 2023, after the midterms
for transgender youth as child mula in May found bare store abortion protections and cleared outbreaks, with both flu and and legislative session. This de-
abuse. shelves, months after bacterial the way for Texas to implement RSV seeing an earlier-than-usu- cision drew criticism from law-
The decision to pause treat- infections forced one of the larg- multiple bans on the procedure. al surge in 2022. Experts trace makers, who wanted the analy-
ment showed the directive’s est formula manufacturers to re- Texas had already restricted the change back to masking and sis to draft policy, and maternal
widespread chilling effect call defective brands and shut most abortions by allowing pri- social distancing, which pre- health advocates, who accused
among health providers. Court down a key factory. vate citizens to sue providers. vented widespread exposure to state leaders of intentionally
rulings have blocked investiga- Pandemic-related supply The Supreme Court decision let both COVID and the more typ- withholding the report.
tions for many families, but chain issues compounded the the state go a step further, with ical seasonal illnesses. The state did release the anal-
transgender health care contin- problem. At one point, 90 per- stringent criminal penalties tar- Now, as people’s behavior re- ysis on Dec. 15, which showed
ues to be a target for the GOP at cent of the formula supply was geting doctors who terminate a turns to normal, many children that Texas continues to struggle
the state and national levels. out of stock in Houston, accord- pregnancy. Texans seeking are becoming infected for the to care for women during and af-
In an updated statement in ing to the retail-tracking firm abortions have been forced to go first time. Both viruses create ter pregnancy, especially Black
mid-December, the hospital said Datasembly. The federal govern- to other states. In some cases, cold-like symptoms and can be women, who are three times as
it has “continued to provide ment has since taken steps to im- vague exemptions in the law severe for infants and young likely to die as their white coun-
high-quality care for our trans- prove distribution, but families have led to treatment delays for kids. Houston pediatricians terparts.
gender patients while also en- in some parts of the country still pregnant patients who face po- have reported a consistently
suring that we safeguard them, struggle to find formula, accord- tentially life-threatening com- high number of children hospi- julian.gill@chron.com

Jack Sweeney Maria Reeve Lisa Falkenberg

F o u n d e d 1 9 0 1 • A H e a r s t N e w s pa p e r
Jennifer Chang Chris Fusco Raj Mankad


Thumbs: Cruz to
Mattress Mack,
best of 2022
January: Two-year-old Brandon buf-FOON. Flees to Can-CUN. TED-
Dahl woke up one night in his Cruz soooong. …”
family’s home in Alvord, northwest of August: Some people in Texas
Fort Worth, and smelled smoke. His say they care about saving babies.
parents were fast asleep and fire detec- And some do it. San Marcos college
tors failed to sound. So the little boy student Jimmy Amisial began raising
toddled to his mother’s bedside, tugged money online to pay the Haitian gov-
on her foot and drew from his limited ernment a costly sum to adopt a wide-
vocabulary to sound the alarm: “Ma- eyed toddler he stumbled upon on his
ma, hot,” he said. She quickly realized way to a party on New Year’s Eve in
the house was on fire, called 911, and 2017. A crowd was gathered around a
Dad, a volunteer firefighter, got their crying 3-month-old boy, covered in ants
five children out safely. Kayla Dahl and lying on top of garbage. Amisial LETTERS
credited the grace of God for guiding was 22. Fatherhood should have been
her young son to save the family. Dad’s the last thing on his mind. Luckily his Omnibus bill pork
family fire drills may have helped, too. heart had other priorities.
February: When Russia invad- September: Welcome to the Regarding “House passes $1.7 tril-
ed Ukraine, every living former cult, Frisco. News reports esti- lion spending bill with Ukraine aid,”
president but one — can you guess mated the crowd outside the grand (Dec. 23): The Line Item Veto Act,
which? — firmly denounced Vladimir opening of the Dallas-Fort Worth Met- Public Law 104-130 was a federal law
Putin. Donald Trump, apparently still roplex’ first H-E-B grocery store at of the United States that granted the
crushing on the tyrannical autocrat, 1,500 but the calorie space must have president the power to line-item veto
praised Putin as “pretty been infinite for the de- budget bills passed by Congress, but
smart” for his real estate voted followers who was soon ruled unconstitutional by
investment: “taking over a
country,” a “vast location,”
Plus, a waited as many as 12
hours to enter the temple
the Supreme Court.
Congress has the power of veto if
that he described as “a life-saving of Texas culinary kitsch. its members only had the guts to use
great piece of land with a
lot of people.”
toddler, Elmo October: Texas’
adopted boy-won-
it. It’s called committees and sub-
committees that decide which bills
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images
House Minority Leader Kevin
March: Who says gets a shot and der, billionaire Elon are voted out of committee for a floor McCarthy, R-Calif., leaves Dec. 23
after voting on the spending bill to
Texas beaches are all
tar balls, tire tracks and
H-E-B grows. Musk, made good on his
schoolyard threat to buy
vote and which ones die in commit-
tee. Committee members should be fund the government through 2023.
gravy-hued waves? OK, a Twitter. “Let the good held accountable to show more com-
lot of people. But not Tri- times roll,” he tweeted mon sense in reducing the amount of in the Biden administration are se-
pAdvisor. The travel website ranked soon after. Carrying the banner of free waste in bloated bills like the spend- cretly hailing the Supreme Court’s
one Texas beach among its 2022 “Trav- speech throughout his off-again, on- ing bill just passed. Most of those decision to prevent them from ending
elers’ Choice — Best of the Best.” Port again $44 billion acquisition, Musk attached pork rider bills in the omni- Title 42 expulsions as a win.
Aransas Beach came in at No. 20 on a assured advertisers that he won’t let bus bill should have died in commit- This gives President Joe Biden
list of 25, recognized for its “18 miles of the digital town square for some 238 tee. It would result in passing legiti- cover. He can say he tried hard to end
uninterrupted public shoreline” and as million users around the world de- mate spending bills instead of pre- the practice but was prevented from
a haven for wildlife. One Chronicle scend into a “hellscape.” On cue, hell senting a ridiculous 4,000-page docu- doing so by SCOTUS. At the same
commenter wasn’t persuaded: “Tri- escaped. Haters let loose a triumphant ment likely no member read before time it prevents some immigrants
pAdvisor is on a real trip alright!” Our confetti of Nazi memes and racist slurs. voting on it. The passage of the pork- from applying for asylum, slowing
only question: Is brown the new blue? It only got worse from there. Musk bloated bill is unconscionable in light the flow. This can only help the Dem-
April: In perhaps his gaffiest kicked journalists off the platform of the $31 trillion national debt, in- ocrats.
gaffe ever, George W. Bush sug- alleging falsely that they’d endangered flation and our own border crisis that While continuation of Title 42 is
gested he may not have forgiven him- his safety by divulging his where- received no funding to truly reform inhumane and a real danger to those
self for America’s invasion of Iraq. abouts. He did reinstate some but still, immigration policy. If all the wasteful immigrants huddled at the border,
Referring to Russia’s aggression in a “free speech” just doesn’t have the same and unneeded pork was cut and politically, it helps the Biden admin-
speech at his presidential center in ring when you attach self-serving con- spent on resolving our southern bor- istration.
Dallas, Bush condemned the “decision ditions to it. der catastrophe, there would be less Orlando N. Campos, Houston
of one man to launch a wholly un- The Astros’ World Series repeat criticism of the $45 billion spent on
justified and brutal invasion of Iraq.” inspired several Thumbs items, Ukraine and NATO allies. Shame on Regarding “Editorial: Give them
He quickly corrected: “I mean, of including one where we asked if a Congress for needlessly saddling us shelter. Houston posada offers
Ukraine.” Rather than leaving us to certain U.S. senator was “Cruzin’ for a with more unnecessary debt and Christmas lesson in compassion,”
merely infer the Freudian machina- bruisin” when he got hit by a flying can waste that our grandchildren will be (Dec. 24): As a Catholic, this year I
tions of the slip-up, Bush promptly of alcohol on the celebratory parade paying for decades to come. was overwhelmed with pride when
muttered under his breath, “Iraq, too.” route. We didn’t cheer Cruz’s alleged Dick Brown, Conroe my teenaged granddaughter used her
June: A so-called “Unidentified assault but we did cheer the decision of own funds to make Christmas boxes
Amarillo Object” caught on sur- Astros’ owner Jim Crane to sign leg- The current omnibus bill is dis- for migrants and the homeless. She
veillance camera outside the local zoo endary manager Dusty Baker for an- gusting. What’s done is done and included socks and underwear, a
was either chasing his next meal or other year. As many boos as Cruz re- American citizens are the ones who T-shirt and a blanket, granola bars
some viral attention on social media. ceived from paradegoers — that’s how constantly are being thrown under and water bottles. When I asked her
The city of Amarillo asked Twitter many cheers the decision earned from the omnibus. Most of them have no why she had chosen to do this, she
users to help identify a “strange image” Astros fans, who have lionized the idea what the ruling party and the shrugged and said, “Isn’t that what
caught in the early morning hours. “Is 73-year-old Baker. He had expressed rest of D.C. politicians are doing to Christmas is all about? Didn’t we
it a person with a strange hat who likes his desire to continue with the team: “If us, our children and our grandchild- learn anything from the story about
to walk at night? A Chupacabra?” I win one, I want to win two.” Why ren. Most of the nation is focused on there being no room at the inn?”
Twitter users ticked off a list of hairy stop there? A fist-full of championship other nonsense pushed in front of I juxtapose her 10 boxes for those
horror and sci-fi characters that re- rings sounds good to us. our faces while this tragedy plays out in need with Gov. Greg Abbott’s
sembled the wolf-like frame. One per- Probably sounds good to Jim until we Americans become totally smug decision to drop off dozens of
son suggested a predator more terrify- “Mattress Mack” McIngvale, too. lost and under the thumb of the hier- migrants — cold, hungry, needy — in
ing: an unshaven Ted Cruz out walk- “You can’t win all the bets,” County archy, simply trying to survive. I front of Kamala Harris’ home Christ-
ing, after midnight, searching for you. Judge Lina Hidalgo said gleefully after think we are going over the edge of mas Eve. When I listened to the
July: A real tortilla flap en- November’s election, referring to the the proverbial cliff and basically are Christmas message of Pope Francis
sued when first lady Jill Biden Gallery Furniture owner and philan- doomed. this year, I was trying to imagine
gave a speech at the UnidosUS confer- thropist as a “furniture salesman” after Peter Stern, Driftwood Abbott’s interpretation of his words.
ence seemingly intended to celebrate he unsuccessfully supported her Re- We do have a problem at the border.
Hispanic contributions by describing publican opponent. But you can win Regarding “Texas Sens. Cornyn, Cruelty is not the way to solve it.
their diversity “as distinct as the bode- some, and in Mack’s case he won big: Cruz split on spending bill as border Why not sit down with a whole cote-
gas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the more than $70 million on his winning policy divides GOP,” (Dec. 22): Good rie of knowledgeable people and
blossoms of Miami and as unique as wagers on the Astros. for Ted Cruz. He’s on the right side. work on solutions? Why not include
the breakfast tacos here in San Anto- November: NASA’s fiery come- As for John Cornyn, apparently being church personnel, medical profes-
nio.” She chuckled and the audience back was something to behold part of Mitch McConnell’s overlord sionals, community representatives,
applauded. But many soon decried the when it launched its first orbital rocket apparatus is more important than social service experts, anyone and
offensive “stereotype,” and the National since 2011, sending it blazing toward the supporting the conservatives who everyone who might have ideas that
Association of Hispanic Journalists moon. Lest anyone downplay the dra- sent him to D.C. Both Cornyn and could lead to solutions? I was taught
declared: “We are not tacos.” Biden ma of Artemis 1’s liftoff because it was McConnell must be retired and re- that I can be part of the problem or
apologized. Republican candidates uncrewed, there was drama aplenty at placed by real conservatives. part of the solution. I’ve made my
struck while the comal was hot, with Kennedy Space Center when the read- J. Jones, La Porte choice.
one congressional hopeful touting a ied rocket, chock-full of explosive liquid Apparently the governor has made
picture of herself in a T-shirt reading, hydrogen, sprung a leak that required Immigration and Title 42 a much different one. I wonder what
“unique as a taco.” the so-called “red crew” of three men to he says in the confessional. Doesn’t
Elmo was was such a good sport approach the launch pad on their own Regarding “U.S. Supreme Court getting absolution require repenting
in getting a COVID shot as soon mission to save the long-awaited stops Biden from ending Title 42 for the sin, and a resolution not to
as it was approved for kids and furry launch. They did and the rest is history. border expulsions in win for Texas, commit the sin again?
monsters. “It was a little pinch,” he told December: “Tiger King,” the red states,” (Dec. 23): I suspect many Beth Gunn, Magnolia
his dad, “But it was OK.” With a great Netflix documentary series that
attitude like that, he wasn’t about to let once boasted “murder, mayhem and
another little prick get under his skin. madness” in episodes exposing the
Still, Ted Cruz had to try, immediately seedy, dangerous and abusive under- BIBLE VERSE
accusing Elmo of “aggressively” ad- world of exotic animal exploitation, can There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.
vocating for the vaccine while citing now boast a more respectable claim to Proverbs 23:18
“ZERO scientific evidence.” While fame: catalyst for the long-sought pas-
Elmo himself is a class act, Stephen sage of the Big Cat Public Safety Act.
Colbert’s parody Elmo was something Across Texas, which has one of the SEND LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Viewpoints c/o Houston Chronicle, P.O. Box 4260, Houston, Texas 77210 or viewpoints@chron.com.
else, clapping back at Cruz to the tune highest populations of big cats, we We welcome and encourage letters and emails from readers. Letters must include name, address
of “Elmo’s Song.” It began: “Feckless heard roars of approval. and telephone numbers for verification purposes only. All letters are subject to editing.

The Dive’s closure leaves hole

in electronic music scene
By Sam González Kelly
The cramped, hear the most subversive strains of electronic music every
weekend. That ended in October, though, when the Dive

closed its doors due to disagreements with their landlord.
s a teenager growing up in Sharpstown in Kurian, 47, who had held out a sliver of hope that they
the 1990s, Suraj Kurian would spend his
nights venturing out to illicit raves in down-
venue provided might be able to reach an agreement, conceded the club’s
closure in an Instagram post on Dec. 16. He said that the
town warehouses, dancing to new kinds of an alternative building was suffering from serious maintenance issues
electronic music streaming out of Europe that Kurian, a health care worker by day, and his wife
and other American cities. So when he and his wife to expensive were expected to fix with their own money. They offered
opened the Dive in downtown Houston in 2017, it was to
give a new generation of dancers a safe environment to clubs and was to buy the place, but the owner wouldn’t sell. A proposed
rent hike was the last straw.
enjoy their favorite artists, without sacrificing the un-
derground ethos that the culture was born from.
a magnet for “We weren’t really pulling a profit, we were just paying
the bills, which was fine because we love the music, we’re
For five years (with a break in the middle for COVID),
the Dive did just that, making a name for itself as one of
dance, house and lifers. We were willing to do that until we had the chance
to buy the building … but it got to a point where it was
the only places in Houston where dancers could reliably techno fans Dive continues on A12

The Dive dance club drew a diverse crowd of music fans before being shuttered on Dec. 16.
Casey Nikolich /The Dive


Cedar waxwings flock to Houston for the new year

By Gary Clark name from waxy-looking pon berries to ferment
C O R R E S P ONDE NT red tips on the secondary and produce ethanol, the
wings; it earned its cedar birds could get a little
Flocks of cedar wax- distinction from a diet of tipsy before the new year.
wings are gathering in cedar berries, more pre- During past winter freez-
our yard like partygoers cisely called juniper ber- es, Houston-area bird-
festooned in color as if ries. watchers have seen wax-
ready to celebrate the As consummate eaters wings staggering along
new year. of sugary fruits, the birds the ground by the yau-
The bird sports a crest in our yard crowd into a pons.
that swoops over the large yaupon bush to Unfortunately, many
head and has a natty devour the red berries. drunken waxwings per-
black mask over its eyes. They flit frenetically ish. When on the ground,
A walnut-brown hue among the branches, they cannot escape pred-
topside contrasts with a reveling with high- ators like cats or hawks.
pale yellow belly grading pitched twittering tunes When they try to fly, they
to white beneath the — “screee-screee-screee.” Kathy Adams Clark/Contributor crash to their deaths
yellow-tipped tail. If freezing weather Cedar waxwings are fruit-eating birds, often devouring all the ripe berries on a against windowpanes or
The waxwing gets its causes some of the yau- yaupon bush. Nature continues on A11


After freeze, gardeners will have

to learn to like ugly in the new year
By Brandi Keller

Happy New Year to all! But

before we get to our New Year’s
resolutions, let’s focus on our
outdoor foliage friends.
You may recall the advice
after the winter storm of 2021 to
hold off on pruning trees,
shrubs and perennials until the
danger of frost/freeze is over.
The same holds true now, but
even more so, since we still have
the entire winter season ahead
of us.
A phrase that became pop-
ular was “learn to like ugly.” Do
not inflict damage on plants
because of how they appear
right now.
With so many variables, we
cannot know the extent of dam-
age to our landscape just yet.
Only time will tell. Here are
things to consider:
• Our landscape suffered a
significant drought this past
summer. Despite rain in the fall,
woody shrubs and trees are still
dealing with the effects, and
this could magnify freeze dam-
• There was no gradual
cooling off period. The shock
from warm weather to cold may
affect plants differently than the
freeze in 2021. The freeze damaged sago palms, but they could come back from the crown. Brandi Keller/Contributor
• Soil moisture at time of
freeze, proximity to house,
location of afternoon sun, in- FROZEN PLANT STEPS leaves (spear leaf), killing the
tensity of wind will all vary the • Leave plants ugly. It is advice apical meristem, or stem split-
results the freeze had on our solely for the well-being of the ting.
gardens. plant. Time will tell the extent of
• Signs of freeze damage damage that has occurred.
include deflated-looking leaves • Cut foliage that has turned While you are sitting around
drooping to the ground, discol- mushy, gooey or oozy to prevent waiting, do not prune fronds
ored leaves (brown or black), the spread of disease. until the last chance of freeze.
bark splitting and branch die- • Wait to see if cool-season As a co-worker advised, leaving
back. annuals bounce back. dried fronds also gives structur-
• Leave woody al support. Damage can take
Annuals, biennials, perennials/tropicals alone for some time to reveal itself. Avoid
perennials and tropical now. Prune in spring after new watering or fertilizing post-
plants growth appears. freeze. Fertilizing is not neces-
Herbaceous plants have flex- sary until late spring anyway.
• Leave woody shrubs and trees
ible, not woody, stems that do
alone. Prune in the spring.
not survive below-freezing Woody ornamental trees
temperatures. Freezing and and shrubs
thawing temperatures cause Leave trees and shrubs alone
tender plant tissue to expand and disease. Clean up to, but until spring — unless it is a
and collapse. Damage may ap- not into, the healthy tissue. safety issue. This is the hard
pear as mushy tissue on foliage Remove leaves on banana part if you like a nice and tidy
and stems, as dieback to the plants, but avoid pruning the appearance. But remember that
ground (hardy roots will grow trunk yet. neat and tidy in January and
new stems after winter), or as a Hardy perennials will die February are not necessarily
complete plant loss. back to the ground. Leave their what is best for your landscape
Remove the mushy, slimy dried stems until spring. plants. Any pruning of woody
tissue. After letting the soil dry Woody tropical plants, such ornamentals sets them up for
out a few days, add mulch in as hibiscus, ixora, croton and further freeze damage that may
case of another freeze event. angel trumpet, all look fried, come in the next couple of
Leave everything else alone but wait until spring to prune. months. Do not fertilize during
until the danger of winter has Dead leaves can be cleaned up this time.
passed. Dried plant material off the branches. Ed Reschke/Getty Images
Roses are pruned around
serves as protection to the rest Plumbago, pride of Barbados Snapdragons are cold hardy. Valentine’s Day, after the chance
of the plant if there is another of a severe freeze has passed
cold snap. and when roses are about to
Cool-season annuals, like and oleander are perennial come out of dormancy.
pansies and ornamental kale shrubs (evergreen in mild win- Some broadleaf evergreens
and cabbage, may be fine. Give ters) that are head-to-toe crispy do not have a scratch on them;
them time to recover and water fritters now. The good news is others have leaf discoloration. I
the soil if dry. that they should come back noted a camellia sasanqua with
Pentas, blue daze and angelo- from the ground. The bad news leaf and bud damage, which is
nia are likely done. I waited in is that their mere existence in too bad, since it was about to
vain for angelonia to come back this firewood state is like seeing bloom.
after the freeze in 2021. big chunks of peeling paint in
Tender perennials will exhib- the living room. Resist pruning Lawn care
it the most damage in the form back. Removing dead wood will Warm-season grasses are
of mushiness. Begonia, society encourage new growth at the browning since the freeze. Give
garlic, agapanthus, canna, gin- base, and we don’t want that them time to grow again in the
ger, banana, philodendron and yet. spring. Do not attempt to force
succulents are examples of growth, especially by applying
plants that may soften in a Palm care fertilizer. The time to fertilize
dreadful way. Clean mushy Palms grow from the apical the lawn is in April.
parts out as soon as possible, meristem, the central growing
otherwise, the rot can continue Brandi Keller/Contributor point. Wintry weather affects Brandi Keller is a Harris County
downward to healthy plant Wedelia ground cover looks dead, but it should come back from palms by either causing fronds Horticulture Agent with Texas
parts, causing fungal infection the roots. to brown, killing new emerging A&M AgriLife Extension.

NATURE their messy globs of poop on

the car or driveway. Abundant
• Cedar waxwings are highly
From page A10 poop is the result of a special- social, traveling in flocks of
ized digestive tract that rapidly two dozen or more.
get killed on roadways by absorbs nutrients from sugar-
oncoming cars. They could rich fruits while excreting • They primarily eat fruits but
also die of alcohol poisoning. waste, including seeds. will also eat insects.
Yet waxwings are endowed That’s great for propagating • Members of a feeding flock
with exceptionally large livers plant seeds but unsightly when will frequently pass berries to
that may help them ward off splattered on a driveway. each other.
intoxication, assuming they Cedar waxwings are wayfar- • Winter flocks occupy forests
don’t engorge themselves on ers, constantly on the move in and farmlands, as well as
the fermented berries. search of berries. Flocks wan- fruiting native and
Hopefully, on New Years der south from northern U.S. ornamental trees in urban and
Eve, they instead will be roost- and Canadian breeding suburban neighborhoods.
ing so they can wake up on the grounds in autumn to random
• They’re related to silky
first day of 2023 twittering in a winter locations. They head
flycatchers of Central
yaupon bush or other fruit- back to breeding grounds in the
America, plus the
bearing vegetation. The birds spring, although not necessari-
phainopepla of West Texas
will readily devour fruits from ly to the same area.
and the Southwest.
deciduous holly, hawthorn,
pyracantha, wax myrtle, hon- Email Gary Clark, author of • Other waxwing species are
eysuckle and cedar. “Book of Texas Birds” with pho- the bohemian waxwing of
Of course, the joy of seeing tography by Kathy Adams Clark Kathy Adams Clark/Contributor northern boreal forests and
flocks of cedar waxwings is (Texas A&M University Press), at Cedar waxwings wander south during the winter in search of food, the Japanese waxwing of
offset by the aggravation of Texasbirder@comcast.net. including berries from yaupon, hawthorn and pyracantha plants. eastern Asia.


Darksome poet Holly Lyn Walrath

takes interstellar flight
By Jef Rouner

When Holly Lyn Walrath

was in a Round Rock high
school in the ’90s, her English
teacher made everyone select a
poem and recite it in front of the
class. Other kids picked the
usual Walt Whitman and Emily
Dickinson and performed in
their street clothes, but not
Walrath. Instead, she cobbled
together a complete Gandalf
costume and read “Chip the
glasses and crack the plates” by
J.R.R. Tolkien.
“No one else dressed up, and
it kind of hit me for the first
time,” she says. “Oh, I’m the
weird kid. We were always
forced to read terrible poetry. I
never even liked it until I read
‘Beowulf.’ Robert Frost is OK,
but monsters? I didn’t know we
could do that. I don’t want to
build a wall between me and
my farmer neighbor. I want
Despite the revelation, it
would still be a decade before
Walrath moved to Houston and
found her calling as a pioneer-
ing queer horror poet and short
story author. She worked in James Walrath
administrative roles in the fi- Houston writer Holly Lyn Walrath is the founder of Intersellar Flight Press.
nance industry for 60 hours a
week, she says, helping to put It was a beautiful but jagged “‘Field Guide to Invasive
her spouse, James, through collection that reveled in hor- Species of Minnesota’ is my first
physical therapy and grad ror. book, so I obviously had a lot of
school. “We think of poetry as a nervousness over its release,”
By her own admission, she form, like sonnets and limer- says Gorman. “Would people
took some bad advice in college icks and haikus,” says Walrath. like it? Would people even read
and was stuck trying to justify “Contemporary poetry is not it? So, working with IFP, a
her desire to write by living life necessarily about form. It’s small press that gives a lot of
first. mostly free verse. We lose the time and attention to each of its
“I didn’t end up having ad- meter, and the content becomes writers, was really helpful for
ventures,” she says. “All I real- far more important. Horror me. Cover design, launch read-
ized was that not doing what I and dark poetry is essentially ings, bookstores, webcam rec-
loved was stupid. I worked a telling little stories using the ommendations, having Holly to
bunch of terrible jobs that I genre tropes, aliens and ghosts help with all the minutiae of
hated, and I realized I would and werewolves. It’s interesting publishing a book and being a
rather get paid badly for things that we say horror is the genre great poetry editor made me
I loved.” that makes you feel fear, and a significantly less nervous.”
Walrath started doing free- poem can do that, but it’s more Walrath is working on a new
lance editing and got her mas- about creating a vibe and sense Courtesy photo collection of poems about grow-
ter’s degree in creative writing of being where the reader is “Will You Sign My Tentacle?” by Brandon O’Brien and “Field ing up queer in Texas in the
from the University of Denver able to open themselves to a Guide to Invasive Species of Minnesota” by Amelia Gorman, ’90s, focusing on pop-culture
online. By 2018, she was living darkness.” published by Interstellar Flight Press, both won the Elgin Award. figures like Princess Diana and
in Houston and soaking up the Walrath’s poetry career Agent Scully from “The X-
local writing scene through the launched like a rocket. She disease. He was Walrath’s con- ing considerable waves. The Files,” played by Gillian An-
Writespace Writing Center, published dozens of poems and stant cheerleader, and his ab- roster includes Bram Stoker derson.
where she is now a board mem- flash fiction in magazines and sence made her want to carry winner Christina Sng, who is Ariel Sowers, Interstellar
ber. That was the same year anthologies. Another collec- on that legacy. releasing a collection of horror Flight Magazine co-captain and
that she would launch Interstel- tion, called “The Smallest of “Near the end, he lost his haikus called “The Gravity of volunteer says she has fun
lar Flight Press and published Bones,” was published in 2021, words, and I never got to show Existence,” Nebula Award win- working for a press that special-
her first book of poems, “Glim- and she was recently nominat- him ‘Glimmerglass Girl,’” she ner William Ledbetter and poet izes in science fiction, fantasy
merglass Girl.” ed for Texas Poet Laureate. In says. “He would have loved me Amelia Gorman. Walrath just and horror.
It was “Glimmerglass Girl” addition, two of IFP’s titles having my own press. I didn’t returned from World Fantasy “I have become a part of a
that cemented Walrath’s rep- won Elgin Awards. In fact, have that support in my life Con in New Orleans, where one wonderful community, led by
utation for darkness and wit. much of her recent success has anymore, and I realized that of her writers, Brandon Holly, who is dedicated to pub-
Feminist in conception, it ex- been as a publisher. now was the time for me to be O’Brien, was a special guest, lishing marginalized authors
plores gender and life through Interstellar Flight Press that for others.” thanks to his hip-hop poetry and stories,” she says.
the images of blood-stained started as a tribute to her fa- Though still small, Interstel- collection “Will You Sign My
flowers, fairy tales, and poisons. ther, who died of Parkinson’s lar Flight Press has been mak- Tentacle?” Jef Rouner is a Houston writer.

DIVE “The idea with the Dive was

to take some of the stuff out of
From page A10 the warehouse and put it into
a legal space, even if it was
time to go,” Kurian told the more of a low-key, dark kind
Houston Chronicle. of vibe,” Kurian said.
The property owner could Kurian said he and his wife
not be reached for comment. are open to starting another
A 150-capacity hole-in-the- club in the future if they can
wall at Pierce and Milam, the find the right space, and he’ll
Dive was a dark, sweaty space still be hosting pop-up events
for clubgoers to dance in front around Houston with Gritsy,
of bone-shaking subwoofers, the promotional company he
under an array of matte pastel helps operate. The group is
lights that rendered them throwing a New Year’s Eve
silhouettes in the fog. party at Post Houston and
Jordon Nickerson, a local plans to host more events in
house and techno DJ who the future.
performs as Pro Ghost, likened Hard-core ravers will keep
the closure to that of the pop- throwing parties at warehous-
ular punk spot Satellite Bar in es and other do-it-yourself
the East End, because both locations while other venues,
venues gave Houston talent the such as Bauhaus, Paradise
opportunity to share the stage Palace and Reset, will contin-
with renowned DJs from Courtesy The Dive ue to play electronic music in
around the world. He said the The Dive opened in 2017 to meet the needs of a growing electronic music community. posher settings. Boondocks, a
loss of the Dive leaves a large dive bar in Montrose, will help
hole in Houston’s electronic brought to the bite-size venue. fill some of the void left by the
music community. “It was absolutely the only Dive’s closure.
“The Dive was the spot to go place in Houston you could go Houston’s electronic music
to to hear underground house for that type of thing, and scene, however, is undeniably
and techno, or bass music and without it, that whole scene losing a vital focal point.
drum and bass,” Nickerson doesn’t really have a place to “There is some version of
said, referring to electronic congregate, and they had been the Dive in every city around
subgenres that aren’t often able to form a really close-knit the world … that little spot that
played at larger, commercial community around that focuses very tightly on these
nightclubs. sound,” Nickerson said. genres of music, and everyone
He said the venue was espe- The Dive opened in 2017, makes it work to a degree
cially important for fans of the about 10 years after the build- where they’re known world-
latter genres. Drum and bass ing’s former tenant, a hole in wide. There were times when
legend Goldie, in fact, was one the wall called the G.R.A.B., people would say that about
of the last DJs to perform at went out of business. Moral the Dive, coming in from
the Dive in mid-October. Kur- panic over drug use had forced wherever, and that was always
ian said Goldie was scheduled the rave community deeper such a great compliment that
for a 90 minute set but ended into the shadows by the early always stuck out,” Kurian
up playing about four hours, 2000s, but even as Kurian got said.
until 5 a.m., because of the older, the bug he caught as a Casey Nikolich/The Dive
energy the Houston crowd teenager never went away. The Dive featured a number of local DJs. sam.kelly@chron.com

Today’s Birthday (Dec. 31). You are highly Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHH The place-
individualistic and choose to march to the ment of the Moon today will draw your
beat of your own drum. attention to financial matters, inheritances,
Moon Alert: Avoid shopping or making taxes, debt and shared property. Tonight:
important decisions from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 Entertain.
p.m. EDT today. After that, the Moon moves Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) HHH For two
from Aries into Taurus. days every month, the Moon will sit opposite
Aries (March 21-April 19) HHH Today it’s your sign. When this occurs, you have to go
easy to emotionally identify with your pos- more than halfway when dealing with oth-
sessions, which is why you might be less ers. Tonight: Conversations.
willing to part with something or lend it to Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) HHH Today
someone. Tonight: You’re admired. you have to put your own emotional
Taurus (April 20-May 20) HHHH Today the considerations second to the demands of
MOTHER GOOSE AND GRIMM Moon is in your sign, which will heighten your someone else. You might have to work for
emotions. It will also create a greater need someone or perform a service for them. Nev-
in you to belong or to relate to friends and ertheless, this can be a gratifying experience.
loved ones today. Tonight: Romance! When we show kindness to others, we like
Gemini (May 21-June 20) HHH This is a ourselves more. Tonight: Feeling wealthy.
random day on the calendar. You don’t have Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHHH Ro-
to go out and paint the town red. Tonight: mance might be more meaningful for you
Passion! today because the Moon is sitting in the part
Cancer (June 21-July 22) HHHH A number of your chart that has domain over romance,
of people are making a lot of demands fun, social occasions and all things creative.
on your time right now. You’re busy with Tonight: Be friendly.
partners and close friends, as well as groups, Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) HHH Today you
clubs and organizations. Tonight: Strong will enjoy the luxury of retiring to someplace
attraction. so that you can feel private and enjoy your
HAGAR THE HORRIBLE Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) HHH For two days own solitude. It’s the perfect time to go off
every month, the Moon is at the top of your by yourself and do a little navel gazing. You
chart, bringing your focus to professional might see how strongly your habits control
and business concerns. Tonight: Don’t over- your life. Tonight: Enjoy solitude.
indulge. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) HHHH When
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHHH Today you talking to others today, you want a real con-
have an urge for a change of scenery. You nection with them. That’s why you will feel
want a chance to do something different frustrated if the conversation is superficial.
that’s adventurous. Tonight: Socialize! Tonight: Creative discussions.

King Features Syndicate








Dear Abby: I’m a single such a person one of my closest friends?

man who has a close female Ghosted in the West
friend who is also single.
We live about a half-hour Dear Ghosted: A sudden change in
apart, so for the last 25 pattern is not normal. SOMETHING
years, much of our rela- has changed. Because you can’t get her to
tionship happened on the explain what has caused this change in
phone. We talked almost her behavior, consider taking a page out
daily. of her playbook. Communicate with her
Two years ago, I noticed via email only in response to her emails to
she had stopped calling me unless it was you, and find some other friends who will REX MORGAN, M.D.
to make plans to get together. Then I treat you courteously.
noticed that when I called her, she’d let
it go to voicemail and not return my call Dear Abby: I am a widow, and I miss my
for days. About a year ago, she stopped husband very much. We used to go out
returning my voice messages altogether. I to dinner together often. I have friends
tried reducing my calls drastically, but no I have dinners with, but sometimes I go
dice. I also tried switching to texts, but she out by myself. Every time I do, after I say I
doesn’t respond to those, either. am dining alone, the host or hostess asks,
You might conclude that she’s unfriend- “Just you?” It is like an insult — just me?
ing me, but that’s not the case. We still Like I need a reminder that I am alone
get together often for dinner or a movie, without a husband.
usually at her suggestion via email, and I recently mentioned this to a friend
she still acts like we are close friends and who told me he experiences the same PHANTOM
nothing is wrong. But not returning, or thing when he dines alone. He, too,
even acknowledging, my calls or texts sure considers it insulting. Please share this
feels wrong to me. I have tried asking her with readers who work in the hospitality
about it, but she brushes it off by saying industry.
she “didn’t hear the phone.” Or she’s “bad Just Me in Colorado
at checking voicemail and texts.”
Her latest excuse is, she’s “just not good Dear Just Me: I’m printing your letter,
on the telephone.” Abby, I know phone but I think you may be reacting to a ques-
etiquette has changed and young people tion that may be more about procedure
rarely use the phone these days. But we than a social commentary. Your host or
are in our 60s, and for 25 years our rela- server may ask that question because they
tionship was largely on the phone. It’s one want to know whether the extra place set-
thing to want to cut back on that, or even tings should be removed from the table. ARGYLE SWEATER HOCUS FOCUS
to stop calling me. But ignoring my (now
infrequent) calls or texts seems hurtful. www.DearAbby.com
Is this normal, and should I still consider Andrews McMeel Syndication

Dear Heloise: There are should be cautious. Donate, but just be

so many requests for dona- sure the money is going to help those truly
tions lately that you may in need, not to fatten the pockets of those
want to advise your readers in charge.
to go to Charity Navigator T. Russo,
before donating, to check via email
them all out. Since Novem-
ber, we have received over Dear Heloise: I liked your tip to take
50 requests in the mail. Grandma to a concert as a gift, instead of
Look for the salaries some object she may not need. Activities
of the charities’ CEOs, can be warmly remembered long after
which, in many cases, is over $300,000. the gift has worn out or gathered dust in
The CEO’s salary is often paid by people a closet.
whose salaries are only five digits. It ap- The same goes for life in general.
pears that some have turned charities into Harvey Versteeg, Augusta, Maine
a very lucrative business. There are some
that do not provide Charity Navigator Heloise@heloise.com
with salary information. For these, one King Features Syndicate


Find the listed words in the diagram. They run in all directions — forward, backward, 36 Athlete who 10 Impossible NFL
up, down and diagonally. ©2022 King Features Syndicate Inc.
1 Accessory that wrote the memoir score
Friday’s unlisted clue: NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION THEMES may be paired with “My Life and the 11 Chain with “all day
GARLIC. diner deals”
a smoking jacket Beautiful Game”
Saturday’s unlisted clue
6 “Euphoria” network 37 Drained of color 13 Property claim for
9 Okra or orca unit 40 Poetic dusk outstanding debt
Clutter 12 Like pins and 41 “Being the 15 Held
Cooking needles Ricardos” role 17 Master of disguise?
Dentist 14 “I cleaned my 42 Robin DiAngelo 20 One whose
Donations plate!” book about race priorities are in
16 Largest moon of relations order?
Hobbies Uranus 45 “Very funny” 23 Winter figure
Hydration 18 Many of the 46 Shut up 24 Sash tied with a
Journal “GoodFellas” main 47 “Did not expect to butterfly knot
Kindness characters survive that” 28 Staple __
Less plastics 19 Behavioral 49 Like some passes 29 “Just like that!”
Listen psychologist’s 51 “Hm ... “ 31 “Between the
concern 52 Have the gumption World and Me”
Volunteer 21 Squash 53 Mag wheels? writer Coates
22 Account 54 Archipelago part: 32 Hazarded, as a
statement? Abbr. guess
24 Maureen presented 55 Portends 33 Schoolyard friend
with an Honorary 34 “__ who?”
Academy Award in DOWN 35 Potpourri pieces
SUDOKU CRYPTOQUIP 2014 1 Apropos 36 First, in Spanish
25 Buff 2 Careless 37 For a spell
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains the The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for
numbers 1 to 9. ©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc. another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal O throughout the
26 Kermit sipping tea 3 Film flashbacks, 38 Brought low
puzzle. Single letters, short words and words using an apostrophe give and Keanu playing essentially 39 Kit parts with
you clues to locating vowels. Solution is by trial and error. 4 Figures of speech pedals
with puppies
©2022 King Features Syndicate, Inc. 27 Clothing store 5 Mystical text in 41 Window-switching
department Sanskrit shortcut
28 Turn in 6 Scenery chewer 43 Top picks, slangily
30 Psyche segments 7 Heck of a party 44 Apple TV+ device
31 Border dispute 8 Honoree who 48 Unadon fish
32 Corp. execs might wear a 50 “__ Espookys”:
35 Puzzle that uses vintage uniform 6-Across comedy
every letter 9 Santa hat feature series

homes, two were tied for first palace.

©2022 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc. ANSWER: In a recent list of the world’s most sumptuous royal


By Evan Mulvihill ©2022 Tribune Content Agency 12/31/22

Alabama vs. Kansas State in the Allstate ACES ON BRIDGE
Sugar Bowl (ESPN). The College Football ‘Miley’s New Year’s Eve Party’ By Bobby Wolff

Playoff Semifinal games on ESPN are No. For the last day of the year,

to watch
3 TCU vs. No. 2 Michigan in the Vrbo Fiesta we have one of the biggest
challenges in any column deal
Bowl in Glendale, Arizona, and No. 4 Ohio I have set.
State vs. No. 1 Georgia in the Chick-fil-A When West leads the heart jack
Peach Bowl in Atlanta. against six no-trump, declarer
sees 11 top tricks. South prefers

SATURDAY Dick Clark’s Primetime

New Year’s Rockin’ Eve
not to rely solely on the hearts.
He can see that ducking a
club may tighten the position.
However, he must also retain an
December 31, 2022 entry to the club ace. Declarer
With Ryan Seacrest 2022 must make it too costly for the
All times Central. Start times can vary based defenders to return a club after
ABC, 7 p.m. Live taking their trick.
on cable/satellite provider. Confirm times on
Hosted by Ryan Seacrest and cohosted by So declarer takes the heart ace
your on-screen guide. and then crosses to the dia-
actor Liza Koshy live from Times Square,
mond ace to lead a club to the
this annual celebration will feature a night
New Year’s Eve: of superstar performances and give viewers
eight. East wins with the jack
but cannot effectively return a
Times Square Ball Drop a look at New Year’s celebrations from
club. Playing the queen would
isolate West’s club guard, while
around the globe. Performers will include
2022 Livestream Rock & Roll Hall of Famers Duran Duran, Luke Bryan, King Calaway, Sheryl Crow,
leading the club five would
force West’s king, establishing club. Now declarer lets go of
ABC News Live on Hulu the club 10 as a menace against the spade four. At this point,
New Edition, J-Hope and Jax, and country Thomas Rhett and Lainey Wilson are among a spade to the king squeezes
artist Jessie James Decker will return as the East. By contrast, if declarer
This livestream covers New Year’s Eve the stars appearing in the more than 50 played a club to the 10, East West in hearts and clubs.
fireworks and celebrations from across the Powerball cohost for the fourth year in a performances during the celebration. could return the five to good Leading a club to the eight also
row. effect, as each defender would has the benefit of catching West
globe, including the famed Times Square ball unawares if he started with
drop in New York City, while also revisiting Miley’s New Year’s then retain a club guard.
the likes of king-jack-nine-low
notable news happenings that occurred in New Year’s Eve Live: As it is, East plays back a heart
and spade length. Would he
Eve Party to the king. Declarer cashes
deduce that he needed to split
2022. Nashville’s Big Bash NBC, 9:30 p.m. Live
the heart queen, East pitching
a spade, followed by the spade
his honors?
CBS, 7 p.m. & 9:30 p.m. Live ace and all the diamonds. East
College Football Country-music stars Jimmie Allen and Elle
Miley Cyrus is back for the second iteration can afford two spade discards
ABC & ESPN, beginning at 11 a.m. Live of her New Year’s Eve celebration, joined as declarer sheds a club, but
King and Entertainment Tonight’s Rachel by cohost Dolly Parton and a cast of other East’s final discard has to be a
A big day of college football bowl Smith host this special ringing in the new A-list musicians and celebrities for a rocking, LEAD WITH THE ACES ANSWER: Do you double,
games includes Iowa vs. Kentucky in the year. Kelsea Ballerini, Brooks & Dunn, Little fun night of performances. The special is overstating your hand’s offense,
TransPerfect Music City Bowl (ABC) and Big Town, Zac Brown Band, Dierks Bentley, executive produced by SNL’s Lorne Michaels. while at least allowing partner to
name his longest suit? Or do you
overcall one no-trump, getting
across your values and hand

CATCH A CLASSIC Down to Rio, followed by The Gay Divor-

cee (1934), the duo’s quintessential pairing
in 1935’s Top Hat (pictured), Shall We
type but slightly overstating your
club stopper? Of course, West
may not lead clubs from a three-
Classic film fans can send off 2022 and card suit against no-trump, and
Dance (1937), Carefree (1938), and re-air-
welcome 2023 today, tonight and tomorrow he may raise clubs with four or
ings of Top Hat, The Gay Divorcee and more. So the no-trump call may
morning with a couple of terrific marathons
Carefree. be safer than it looks. I’d go for it.
on MOVIES! and Turner Classic Movies.

Dance in the New Year New Year’s Eve ©2022 Dist. By Andrews McMeel Syndication for UFS

With Fred Astaire ‘Thin Man’ Marathon

TCM, beginning at 7 p.m. LOOKING BACK BIRTHDAYS
and Ginger Rogers Starting in primetime and also continuing
1879: Thomas Edison TV producer George
MOVIES!, beginning at 10:15 a.m. into early tomorrow morning, TCM is airing lovable dog Asta for a night of all six of the first publicly demonstrated Schlatter is 93. Actor
comedy/mystery Thin Man films, beginning his electric incandescent Sir Anthony Hopkins is
Kicking off New Year’s Eve morning on what has become a traditional New Year’s 85. Actor Sarah Miles is 81.
Eve programming event that lets audiences with the 1934 original, The Thin Man. The light by illuminating some
MOVIES!, and running until well past the Actor Barbara Carrera is 81.
marathon also includes After the Thin Man 40 bulbs at his laboratory in
stroke of midnight on New Year’s Day, enjoy spend New Year’s Eve with Nick and Nora Menlo Park, New Jersey.
Rock musician
a toe-tapping six-film marathon of Fred As- Charles (William Powell and Myrna Loy) — (1936), Another Thin Man (1939), Shadow Andy Summers is 80.
1972: Major League
taire and Ginger Rogers’ classic big-screen the witty, hard-drinking, fun-loving, high-so- of the Thin Man (1941), The Thin Man Fashion designer
baseball player Roberto
pairings, starting with the first time they ciety couple who often find themselves Goes Home (1944) and Song of the Thin Clemente, 38, was killed
Diane von Furstenberg is
Man (1947). — Jeff Pfeiffer 76. Rock musician Jason
danced together onscreen, in 1933’s Flying embroiled in solving mysteries — and their when a plane he chartered Sechrist (Portugal. The
and was traveling on to Man) is 43. Actor/singer
bring relief supplies to Erich Bergen is 37. DJ/
earthquake-devastated vocalist Drew Taggart is
Nicaragua crashed shortly 33. U.S. Olympic gold medal
after takeoff from Puerto gymnast Gabby Douglas
Rico. is 27.



















off bench
By Joseph Duarte

Near the eight-minute mark

in Wednesday’s AAC opener at
Tulsa, Ja’Vier Francis and
Emanuel Sharp came off the
bench for the University of
Sharp, a redshirt freshman
guard, made an immediate im-
pact with three quick 3-point-
ers, continuing a recent tear
from beyond the arc, and fin-
ished with 14 points. Francis, a
sophomore big man, made the
most of his 14 minutes of playing
time with four points, four re-
bounds and four blocks.
“Every minute Ja’Vier and
Emanuel get is an investment
for our program,” said coach
Kelvin Sampson, whose third-
ranked Cougars (13-1, 1-0 AAC)
host UCF (10-3, 1-0) on Saturday
at Fertitta Center.
As the Cougars begin confer-
ence play, Sampson continues to
look for the right moments to get
younger players minutes off the
bench. Those opportunities
were hard to come by in games
UH continues on B6

LM Otero/Associated Press
TCU quarterback Max Duggan, the Heisman runner-up, and coach Sonny Dykes have TCU back in the national spotlight.

Karen Warren/Staff photographer

Ja’Vier Francis has been one
of the most productive players
Fighting for respect
off the bench for the Cougars.
Horned Frogs aim to add new chapter for program on national stage
UP NEXT By Brent Zwerneman CFP SEMIFINALS picked to finish seventh in the Big 12 in
STAFF W R IT ER a preseason poll. It’s no wonder, really,
considering the Horned Frogs had a
When/where: 1 p.m. Saturday at SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — TCU has a new coach and were coming off a 5-7
Fertitta Center. rich football history, with a national ti- finish in the last of Gary Patterson’s 21
TV/radio: ESPN+; 950 AM. tle and a Heisman Trophy-winning seasons.
quarterback in Davey O’Brien. Both FIESTA BOWL “Any time you’re an underdog, it
achievements pre-date World War II. NO. 3 TCU (12-1) VS.
builds motivation,” said TCU line-
The last 80 years or so haven’t been NO. 2 MICHIGAN (13-0)
backer Dee Winters of Burton. “To (go)
ROCKETS as kind to the Horned Frogs, and first- out there and prove everybody wrong.
year coach Sonny Dykes has used as When/where: 3 p.m. When we’re an underdog, that’s some-

Silas still much for a rallying point the past doz- Saturday in Glendale, Ariz. thing we enjoy.”
en months. TV: ESPN. The Horned Frogs’ joy is at its high-
“It’s always been a fight for credibil- est post-WWII, then, based on their

pushing ity,” Dykes said. “You go back and look

at the old days of the Southwest Con-
current position: One victory from
playing for a second national title. No.

for focus
ference, and TCU was kind of an also- 3 TCU (12-1) takes on No. 2 Michigan
ran for a number of years. Really, for (13-0) at 3 p.m. Saturday in the College
probably three decades. PEACH BOWL Football Playoff semifinals in the Fies-
“… Ended up in a couple of different NO. 4 OHIO ST. (11-1) VS. ta Bowl at State Farm Stadium in Glen-
By Danielle Lerner conferences and had to kind of battle NO. 1 GEORGIA (13-0) dale, Ariz.
STA F F W RIT E R and pull themselves up by the boot- The winner faces No. 1 Georgia or
When/where: 7 p.m.
straps, and go to work.” No. 4 Ohio State, which play on Satur-
Saturday in Atlanta.
Following a discouraging loss That lack of credibility was alive day night in Atlanta, in the national ti-
to the Mavericks, the Rockets and kicking in 2022, as TCU was TV: ESPN. TCU continues on B4
did not immediately get back on
either the proverbial horse or
the basketball court the next
day. Rather, they used Friday as
a review and recovery day with
a 30-minute film session in
which they broke down the
Texas embraces a new hope after familiar ending
mistakes from Thursday’s game SAN ANTONIO — As a
and scouted ahead for Satur- 10-year-old, Quinn Ewers at-
day’s home game against the tended an Alamo Bowl in
Knicks. which Texas deemed all of this
The Rockets have lost seven unacceptable.
of their last eight games, with Finishing a season in San
the difference between wins Antonio, before New Year’s
and losses often coming down Day. Losing five games. Getting
to what players cite as a lack of outschemed and outmuscled on MIKE FINGER
consistent focus for 48 minutes. friendly turf by a visitor from C O M M E N TARY
Focus isn’t something that the Pacific Northwest.
can be drilled in a traditional When it happened in 2013, And the crazy thing about
sense, unlike rebounding or the Longhorns’ head coach the past decade is they’re prob-
out-of-bounds plays, but Rock- walked out of the Alamodome ably right.
ets coach Stephen Silas said he knowing he was finished. The The program that ended an
Rockets continues on B2 burnt-orange contingent in the 8-5 season with a 27-20 Alamo
stands — whose number in- Bowl loss to Washington in
cluded a grade schooler des- 2022 isn’t quite the same as the
UP NEXT tined to become Texas’ quarter- program that ended an 8-5
back — swore they’d never season with a 30-7 Alamo Bowl
plumb such depths again. loss to Oregon nine years ago.
When/where: 6 p.m. Saturday But when it happened again For one thing, Texas now
at Toyota Center. Ronald Cortes/Getty Images Thursday night? knows how much worse than
TV/radio: ATTSW; 790 AM, 93.3 UT never led in Thursday’s Alamo Bowl loss to Washington, The Longhorns called it this it can get.
FM (Spanish), 1010 AM (Spanish). but coach Steve Sarkisian said he was proud of his team. progress. Finger continues on B5


Outpaced by a team that doesn’t run AT A GLANCE

W L Pct GB
Plodding Mavs won footrace as well as game thanks to Rockets failing to get back on defense New Orleans 23 12 .657 —
Denver 23 12 .657 —
DALLAS — There are Thursday’s game
Memphis 21 13 .618 1½
other factors that could Mavericks 129, L.A. Clippers 21 16 .568 3
be part of the problem or Rockets 114 Sacramento 19 15 .559 3½
solution. But at some Houston 30 21 28 35 — 114
Dallas 20 16 .556 3½
Dallas 36 29 34 30 — 129
point, what the Rockets Phoenix 20 17 .541 4
lacked HOUSTON Min M-A M-A O-T A PFPTS Golden State 19 18 .514 5
Thursday Gordon
Smith Jr.
26:47 0-7 4-6 0-3 1 1 4
27:26 7-13 2-2 2-4 1 2 16
Portland 18 17 .514 5
as the Sengun 16:50 3-7 5-6 3-6 1 5 11 Utah 19 19 .500 5½
Mavericks Ja.Green
Porter Jr.
31:58 7-15 5-8 0-4 4 1 23
34:08 4-12 5-6 0-4 7 2 17 Minnesota 16 20 .444 7½
blasted Garuba 19:46 4-5 0-1 4-9 1 2 9 Oklahoma City 15 20 .429 8
Eason 18:17 3-7 0-0 1-8 1 3 6
them Martin Jr. 17:12 2-3 0-0 0-4 0 3 4 L.A. Lakers 15 21 .417 8½
could Mathews 15:53 1-3 2-2 0-3 1 2 5 San Antonio 12 23 .343 11
Washington Jr. 13:52 1-6 1-2 0-0 1 1 3
Jonathan begin with Fernando 9:31 1-2 1-2 0-0 0 1 3 Houston 10 25 .286 13
Feigen following Marjanovic
4:10 3-4 0-0 2-3 1 0 6
4:10 2-2 1-2 0-0 2 0 7 EASTERN CONFERENCE
two sim- Totals 240:00 38-86 26-37 12-48 21 23 114
RO C K E T S ple direc- Percentages: FG .442, FT .703. 3-Point Goals: 12-
34, .353 (Ja.Green 4-7, Porter Jr. 4-7, Nix 2-2, Garuba1-2, Boston 26 10 .722 —
tives. Mathews 1-3, Eason 0-1, Martin Jr. 0-1, Sengun 0-1, Gor-
Milwaukee 23 12 .657 2½
don 0-3, Washington Jr. 0-3, Smith Jr. 0-4). Team Re-
Run. bounds: 9. Team Turnovers: 1. Blocked Shots: 0
Brooklyn 23 12 .657 2½
Turnovers: 12 (Porter Jr. 4, Ja.Green 3, Martin Jr. 2, Ea-
Run fast. son, Sengun, Smith Jr.). Steals: 5 (Garuba 2, Mathews, Cleveland 22 14 .611 4
The Rockets didn’t. Porter Jr., Smith Jr.). Technical Fouls: None.
Philadelphia 20 14 .588 5
They might not have DALLAS Min M-A M-A O-T A PF PTS Indiana 19 17 .528 7
been able to slow the Hardaway Jr.
32:52 5-14 5-6 1-4 1 4 18
18:48 1-4 0-0 0-3 2 2 2 Miami 18 18 .500 8
Mavericks anyway. Luka Wood 21:03 8-15 0-1 1-6 1 5 21 New York 18 18 .500 8
Doncic again looked like Dinwiddie
34:53 6-8 0-0 0-4 6 2 15
34:17 11-21 9-12 1-12 13 1 35 Atlanta 17 19 .472 9
he could do anything he Wright IV 23:13 1-1 0-1 0-2 3 2 2 Chicago 16 19 .457 9½
Powell 21:19 8-8 3-5 3-6 1 4 19
pleased on the way to a Bertans 16:19 2-6 0-0 0-2 0 1 4 Toronto 16 20 .444 10
129-114 rout of the Rockets Walker 12:57 1-3 0-0 0-0 2 0 3 Washington 16 21 .432 10 ½
Hardy 12:06 1-3 0-0 0-3 0 3 3
in which the Mavericks McGee 5:38 2-5 0-0 0-1 1 1 4 Orlando 13 24 .351 13 ½
led by as many as 25 Pinson
5:38 1-2 0-0 0-1 0 1 3
0:56 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Charlotte 10 26 .278 16
points. LM Otero/Associated Press Totals 240:00 47-91 17-25 6-44 30 26 129 Detroit 9 29 .237 18
But the Mavericks also Luka Doncic unsurprisingly had a triple-double Thursday in Dallas’ win over the Percentages: FG .516, FT .680. 3-Point Goals:18-45,
.400 (Wood 5-8, Doncic 4-9, Dinwiddie 3-5, Hardaway Jr.
Thursday’s results
outran the Rockets, a Rockets. Less expected was that the Mavs outscored the Rockets 25-0 on fast breaks. 3-8, Pinson1-2, Walker1-2, Hardy1-3, Lawson 0-1, Ntiliki- Dallas 129, Houston 114
na 0-3, Bertans 0-4). Team Rebounds:10. Team Turn- Charlotte 121, Oklahoma City 113
failure that should be overs: 1. Blocked Shots: 8 (Wood 4, Doncic 2, Powell Indiana 135, Cleveland 126
unthinkable for an athlet- often because they aver- can’t stab (attempt for to the offensive glass. 2). Turnovers: 8 (Doncic 2, Dinwiddie, Hardy, Ntilikina,
Powell, Wood, Wright IV). Steals: 7 (Hardaway Jr. 3, Boston 116, L.A. Clippers 110
ic young roster. age 17 turnovers per steals) in the backcourt It’s one thing to get Dinwiddie, Doncic, Powell, Wright IV). Technical Memphis 119, Toronto 106
Fouls: Doncic, 3:43 third. San Antonio 122, New York 115
Getting outrun by the game. That was not the and try to get steals. You Usain Bolted by Dwight A: 20,307 (19,200).
Friday’s results
Mavericks is like losing a issue Thursday, though have to run back.” Powell. The Mavericks’ Washington 119, Orlando 100
limbo contest to Boban the Rockets had 12 The Mavericks’ 25 fast backup — and frequent L.A. Lakers 130, Atlanta 121
Toronto 113, Phoenix 104
Marjanovic. through three quarters break points were a sea- starting — center will run run, put pressure on the Chicago 132, Detroit 118
The Mavericks do not and just one in the son high, if not by as all-out, though it is usu- rim in transition,” Powell Milwaukee 123, Minnesota 114
run. No team averages fourth. great a margin as Dallas ally in pursuit of an of- said. “Obviously our New Orleans 127, Philadelphia 116
fewer fast-break points. Instead, the Mavericks coach Jason Kidd as- fensive rebound or loose guards, Luka especially, Denver 124, Miami 119
Sacramento 126, Utah 125
They are not built for it. turned a Rockets strength sumed. ball, rather than for 94 were looking ahead and Golden State 118, Portland 112
They don’t need it. against them. “Normally we only feet. trusting we were going to Saturday’s games
But through three The Rockets, as always, have zero or two,” Kidd His dashes from end to run under some of those L.A. Clippers at Indiana, 2 p.m.
Brooklyn at Charlotte, 6 p.m.
quarters, enough time for chased offensive re- said, exaggerating a tad. end Thursday allowed Hail Marys.” Cleveland at Chicago, 6 p.m.
the game to be rushing bounds. No team averag- “It shows we can run him to make all eight of Doncic had his league- Dallas at San Antonio, 6 p.m.
toward blowout status, es more than the Rockets’ when we want to.” his shots, scoring 19 high eighth triple-double New York at Houston, 6 p.m.
Detroit at Minnesota, 7 p.m.
the Mavericks outscored 13.5 per game or grabs a The Rockets have al- points in 21 minutes, five of the season, getting 35 New Orleans at Memphis, 7 p.m.
the young, athletic, fast- greater percentage of its lowed more than Thurs- more than his previous points, 13 assists and 12 Philadelphia at Oklahoma City, 7 p.m.
twitch Rockets 25-0 in own missed shots. day’s 25 fast-break points season high. rebounds. But that was to Miami at Utah, 8 p.m.
Sunday’s games
fast-break points. They The Rockets had 12 just three times this sea- But the Rockets also be expected. Boston at Denver, 7 p.m.
scored 12 of those points, offensive rebounds and son, with the seaso high were left in the dust by The Rockets did not Sacramento at Memphis, 7 p.m.
more than they average scored 25 second-chance of 28 coming in the open- Davis Bertans, who expect to be run off the Washington at Milwaukee, 7 p.m.
per game, in the third points. But while the er at Atlanta. But in the makes his living off what floor by a team that does
quarter when the Rockets Rockets crashed the glass previous two games, they he can do while standing not run.
did not even attempt a or just watched as team- gave up 23 and 24 fast- still. Bertans is known for “Luka (is) a great pass- NOTEBOOK
fast-break shot. mates went to the offen- break points, so they knocking down 3-point- er, and I think it was just
The Mavericks took sive boards, the Maver- already were trending the ers from the perimeter, us not sprinting back, not MCMILLAN REFUTES
their foot off the gas in icks were sprinting in the wrong way. not for burning rubber. playing with that in-
the fourth quarter. They other direction, often “We’re a team that He twice outran the tensity, that energy,” Hawks coach Nate
had made 10-of-12 fast- with big men doing the crashes a lot,” Rockets Rockets. Rockets forward Jabari McMillan said Friday he
break shots through sprinting. center Usman Garuba Much of that success Smith Jr. said. “It’s tough has no plans to retire in
three quarters and did “We are an offensive said. “I think the game was Doncic-fueled. As when the ball’s not the middle of the season,
not attempt another. But rebounding team that plan was having to re- much as the Mavericks bouncing your way, we’re brushing back a report
they had long since goes to the offensive bound and make every- are often happy to walk not getting offensive re- citing unnamed sources.
torched the Rockets by glass,” Silas said. “You one run. We crash the the ball up the floor to let bounds and they’re run- The Athletic reported
running to layups. either have to be on the glass really hard. It’s hard Doncic methodically pick ning, getting out in tran- that McMillan is consider-
“It’s (about) run back,” glass or back, and we’re sometimes. But we had to apart defenses, as he did sition.” ing stepping down before
Rockets coach Stephen finding ourselves in be- adjust that. They sur- again Thursday, he often There is, however, the season ends, but Mc-
Silas said. “Run back. No tween. And you can’t be prised us.” looked for floor-length something that could Millan said that’s not true.
talent needed. Run back.” in between. You have to The Rockets never passes that Magic John- have been done. McMillan, 58, said he
The Rockets give up either be on the glass or seemed to commit to son would have admired. Run. Run fast. had no immediate re-
more fast-break points sprinting back to not getting back, making the “That was a big em- action to the report. He’s
than any team, allowing allow a team to get 25 fast problem more than just phasis for us coming into jonathan.feigen@chron.com in the middle of his third
17.8 per game. That is break points. You also their determination to get tonight, to get out and twitter.com/jonathan_feigen season with the Hawks,
who are 17-18 and in ninth
place in the Eastern Con-
ROCKETS Antonio.
Here are five things to
get back.” son rank second and fifth
in rebounding average.
Knicks are one of the
NBA’s foremost paint “I read that article
From page B1 watch for in Saturday’s 2. Handle Randle Though his shooting has scoring teams. New York briefly,” he said. “I’ve
Rockets-Knicks game: The Knicks have lost been uneven this season, attempts and makes more never spoke to that re-
strives to instill focus their last five games, but Smith made 44.6 percent shots between 5-9 feet porter before.”
with different approach- 1. Get back forward Julius Randle of his shots in the last five than any team in the FRIDAY’S HIGHLIGHTS
es. The Rockets were out- scored at least 29 points games and ranks fourth NBA, and averages 54 LeBron James scored a
“I think it’s the repeti- scored 25-0 by the Maver- in each, capped off with a among rookies in season points in the paint, eighth season-high 47 points on
tion of the game plan,” icks in fast break points, a season-high 41 points and scoring average with 12.2 in the NBA. his 38th birthday with
Silas said. “I think it is lopsided statistic due as 11 rebounds in Thursday’s points per game. Eason many of the sellout crowd
taking days like today and much to the Rockets’ loss to the Spurs. In that also leads all rookies in 5. Sharing is caring at State Farm Arena in
making it more of a men- failure to defend as to five-game span, Randle total steals (39) and 3- Houston is averaging Atlanta cheering his every
tal day, less of a physical their failure to score in averaged 32.8 points, 12.4 point percentage for those 24.8 assists over the past move, leading the Lakers
day. I think it’s taking transition, and one that rebounds and 4.4 assists. with at least 40 attempts four games after averag- to a 130-121 victory over the
days that are completely had Silas imploring his Randle has been an (28 of 73). ing 20.1 the 11 games prior, Hawks. James added 10
off where it’s not mental team to simply get back. absolute tour de force in In his first nine games and has recorded more rebounds and nine as-
or physical. And I think I A primary focus of his ninth NBA season, played for the Rockets, assists than its opponent sists. ... Giannis Anteto-
try to relate everything to Friday’s film session was and fourth in New York. guard TyTy Washington in five of the past 10 kounmpo had 43 points
not just basketball play- the title of the famous He leads the Knicks in has 14 assists to only one games after doing so four and 20 rebounds as the
ers, but all of us. We all Beatles tune, though the points per game (23.8) and turnover, a ratio that times the first 25 games of Bucks snapped a four-
get in those moments Rockets require such rebounds per game (9.7), ranks first among rook- the season. As common game losing streak with a
where it’s hard for us to effort from five members both of which rank him ies. Small sample size sense dictates, the Rock- 123-114 victory over the
focus on things and some- playing in concert rather top 20 in the league. The aside, Washington has ets tend to win more often Timberwolves in Mil-
times we need to take a than four. One challenge Knicks’ offseason addi- played well and appeared when the ball is moving waukee. Antetokounmpo
step away and take a step for the Rockets will be tion of point guard Jalen more comfortable every and shots are falling. The also had five assists to join
back and refocus. We are balancing effort on the Brunson has helped Ran- game since he seized Rockets are 6-4 when Wilt Chamberlain and
hypersensitive because offensive boards with dle alter his attacking Houston’s backup point having as many or more Elgin Baylor as the only
there’s bright lights and transition defense, with- style to dribble less and guard role. assists than the opposi- players in NBA history
there’s games and there’s out sacrificing one in take more 3-pointers. He tion this season. with back-to-back games
evaluation based on every favor of the other. attempts 7.4 triples per 4. Second chances Rockets point guard of at least 40 points, 20
moment that you’re on “I think it all just goes game, and makes nearly The Knicks are the Kevin Porter Jr. has rebounds and five assists.
the court. But it’s no dif- into playing hard,” for- 35 percent, while still only team that averages dished 34 assists with 12 ... Nikola Jokic had 19
ferent than anybody else ward Tari Eason said. being a weapon in the more second-chance turnovers over the past points, 12 rebounds and 12
in the world who at times “We’re a young team, so I post. points than the Rockets, five games, including assists for his eighth tri-
can lose focus and needs think we’re expected to In 36 games played this scoring 17.5 per game to back-to-back games with ple-double of the season
to figure out a way to get kind of be able to do both: season, Randle has logged the Rockets’ 17.3. nine assists in Chicago as the Nuggets beat the
it back.” get back but also crash 18 double-doubles, which New York starting and Boston last week. Heat 124-119 in Denver. ...
The Knicks are in a the glass really hard. You ties him with Anthony center Mitchell Robinson While Porter has not CJ McCollum hit a career-
somewhat similar posi- know, us crashing the Davis, Luka Doncic and does the bulk of the work been flawless, Silas said high 11 3-pointers on his
tion. After their eight- glass helps our offense Tyrese Haliburton for on the offensive glass (4.3 he thinks the point guard way to 42 points, and Zion
game win streak ended, and it’s helped us a lot fifth in the NBA. per game), helped by has been helped by better Williamson added 36 as
they arrive in Houston this year. So I don’t think Randle (2.0) and backup spacing and is able to play the Pelicans topped the
riding a five-game losing we’re really going to try to 3. Rookie sea legs center Isaiah Hartenstein more within the offense. 76ers 127-116 in New Orle-
streak that dropped their shy away from that. I Among all NBA rook- (2.8). Commitment to ans.
record to 18-18 following a think it’s just making that ies, Rockets forwards offensive rebounding is jonathan.feigen@chron.com Wire reports
loss Thursday in San real second effort to also Jabari Smith Jr. and Ea- also part of the reason the twitter.com/jonathan_feigen

Sports Editor: reid.laymance@chron.com • 713-362-2734 • sptletters@chron.com



QB Gabbert aids Howard to start vs. Jaguars

in water rescue By Jonathan M.
W IR E R E P ORT S might not have been after STA F F W R I T ER TEXANS
TAMPA, Fla. — Bucca- After center Tyler Texans offensive line- OL: Jimmy Morrissey
neers backup quarterback Biadasz was carted off the man Tytus Howard has Concussion
Blaine Gabbert became an field during a win over cleared concussion proto- TE: Teagan Quitoriano
unexpected hero Thurs- the Titans, an MRI Friday col and is expected to start Thigh
day when a helicopter revealed he suffered a against the Jaguars. LIMITED PARTICIPATION
crashed into Hillsbor- high ankle sprain, a per- Howard was evaluated
RB: Dare Ogunbowale Knee
ough Bay in Tampa. son familiar with the for the concussion after he
He and his two broth- situation told The Dallas made contact with a de-
ers were cruising nearby Morning News. fender in the first half of OL: Kenyon Green Ankle
on jet skis, checking out The Cowboys are up- last week’s game against OL: Tytus Howard
from afar some of the sail beat about Biadasz’s out- the Titans. He missed the Brett Coomer/Staff photographer Concussion
boats at a yacht club, look and the goal is for entire second half. Texans offensive lineman Tytus Howard, right, has OL: Justin McCray
when they heard a “faint him to be available for the But he progressed been cleared from concussion protocol. Hamstring
noise” south of Davis team’s first playoff game. throughout the week, and DB: M.J. Stewart
Island and rushed toward Biadasz will not play in was cleared by an inde- kle injury. Stewart also cleared con- Concussion
it. the regular season finale pendent doctor Thursday But Green is also ex- cussion protocol and is ex-
“I just remember look- against the Washington evening shortly after he pected to return to the pected to play Sunday. JAGUARS
ing to the west and seeing Commanders, according practiced in full for the lineup this week, too, Backup guard Jimmy LIMITED PARTICIPATION
it almost looked like a to a report from ESPN. first time. which would put Howard Morrissey did not clear DL: Folorunso Fatukasi
crew boat in the water “I feel fine,” Howard back at right tackle. protocol and was ruled Ankle
that had broken up in Hurts unlikely said. “I feel good. I’m Howard said he prefers out on Friday’s injury re- QB: Trevor Lawrence Toe
about four pieces and I to play vs. Saints ready to go.” to play tackle, but he’s port.
LS: Ross Matiscik Back
vaguely remember seeing Howard has been spec- willing to do whatever he Tight end Teagan Qui-
like two yellow life jackets Jalen Hurts was listed tacular for the Texans this needs to do to help the toriano was also ruled out OL: Brandon Scherff
so I was like all right we as doubtful for Sunday’s season. He played the first team. with a thigh injury. And Abdomen/ankle
gotta go check this out,” game against the Saints 13 games of the season at “I’m comfortable wher- running back Dare Ogun- OLB: Travon Walker Ankle
Gabbert said Friday at a and, according to a league right tackle and has filled ever,” he said. “I’m willing bowale is listed as ques- FULL PARTICIPATION
news conference. source, is unlikely to play in at left guard the last two to help out wherever we tionable with a knee inju- S: Andrew Wingard
The brothers arrived at because of his shoulder games, while Kenyon need.” ry. He was limited in Fri- Shoulder
the crash to find a sink- injury. Green was out with an an- Defensive back M.J. day’s practice.
ing helicopter and mul- The Eagles quarter-
tiple people in need of back, dealing with a
saving. sprained SC joint in his COWBOYS
“The youngest kid had throwing shoulder, was
just came up and said he limited in practice on
was pinned in there and I Friday and threw the ball
asked if anyone else was well the day before, but
trapped and then I called he is expected to be held
911, tried to remain as out to ensure he’s fully
calm as possible,” Gab- healthy for the playoffs.
bert said. Backup quarterback
He was able to get two Gardner Minshew is set
of the people out of the to make his second start
water and onto his jet ski, of the season.
while his brothers helped
a third person. A fourth Odds and ends
occupant was helped out
of the water by author- Dolphins quarterback
ities, who Gabbert said Tua Tagovailoa has offi-
arrived in record time. cially been ruled out for
Sunday's game at New
Cowboys’ Biadasz England after suffering a
has ankle sprain concussion against the
Packers. ... Lamar Jack-
What looked like an- son will miss a fourth
other serious blow to the straight game for the
Dallas Cowboys’ offensive Ravens because of his
line Thursday night knee injury.


East W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div
y-Buffalo 12 3 0 .800 420 263 6-1-0 6-2-0 8-2-0 4-1-0 3-2-0
Miami 8 7 0 .533 365 370 5-2-0 3-5-0 6-4-0 2-3-0 2-2-0
N.Y. Jets 7 8 0 .467 284 282 3-5-0 4-3-0 5-6-0 2-2-0 2-3-0
New England 7 8 0 .467 318 291 3-4-0 4-4-0 5-5-0 2-3-0 2-2-0
South W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div
Jacksonville 7 8 0 .467 353 331 4-3-0 3-5-0 6-4-0 1-4-0 2-2-0
Tennessee 7 9 0 .438 282 339 3-5-0 4-4-0 5-6-0 2-3-0 3-2-0
e-Indianapolis 4 10 1 .300 248 357 2-5-0 2-5-1 4-6-1 0-4-0 1-3-1
e-Houston 2 12 1 .167 254 358 0-6-1 2-6-0 2-7-1 0-5-0 2-1-1
North W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div Wade Payne/Associated Press
x-Cincinnati 11 4 0 .733 391 306 5-1-0 6-3-0 7-3-0 4-1-0 2-3-0 Cowboys cornerback Nahshon Wright picked up his first career interception Thursday night against the
x-Baltimore 10 5 0 .667 321 272 5-2-0 5-3-0 6-4-0 4-1-0 3-1-0 Titans to help put the game out of reach. Dallas handed struggling Tennessee its sixth consecutive loss.
Pittsburgh 7 8 0 .467 264 319 3-4-0 4-4-0 3-7-0 4-1-0 1-3-0

Defense not worried about style points

e-Cleveland 6 9 0 .400 323 343 4-4-0 2-5-0 4-7-0 2-2-0 3-2-0
West W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div
y-Kansas City 12 3 0 .800 438 332 6-1-0 6-2-0 7-3-0 5-0-0 4-0-0
x-L.A. Chargers 9 6 0 .600 332 343 4-3-0 5-3-0 7-4-0 2-2-0 2-3-0 By Michael Gehlken ed for Tennessee. Eight Thursday’s game sive end Micah Parsons
Las Vegas 6 9 0 .400 348 350 4-2-0 2-7-0 5-6-0 1-3-0 3-2-0 DA LL A S M O R N I N G N EWS days after he was signed Cowboys 27, Titans 13 recovered despite his left
e-Denver 4 11 0 .267 232 304 3-4-0 1-7-0 2-8-0 2-3-0 0-4-0 off the Detroit Lions’ Dallas 7 3 7 10 — 27
hand being heavily
Tennessee 0 6 7 0 — 13
NATIONAL CONFERENCE NASHVILLE — No one practice squad, he com- First Quarter wrapped.
East W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div on the Cowboys defense pleted three passes of 30- Dal: Elliott 1 run (Maher kick), 4:36. Anyone looking for a
Second Quarter
x-Philadelphia 13 2 0 .867 445 308 6-1-0 7-1-0 5-0-0 8-2-0 3-2-0 was about to apologize for plus yards in the second Dal: FG Maher 36, 14:56. huge cluster of turnovers
x-Dallas 12 4 0 .750 461 316 8-1-0 4-3-0 4-1-0 8-3-0 4-1-0 how it looked Thursday quarter. The Cowboys Ten: FG Bullock 37, 1:04.
Ten: FG Bullock 29, :00.
would be dismayed, too.
N.Y. Giants 8 6 1 .567 311 339 4-3-1 4-3-0 4-0-0 4-6-1 1-3-1 evening. overcame that spark, Third Quarter That fumble and Wright’s
Washington 7 7 1 .500 285 313 3-4-0 4-3-1 3-1-0 4-6-1 1-3-1 The Tennessee Titans largely stymying the first- Dal: Schultz 6 pass from Prescott (Maher kick), 8:48.
Ten: Woods 7 pass from Dobbs (Bullock kick), 2:04.
interceptions were the
South W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div had one Pro Bowler on the time starter in a 27-13 win. Fourth Quarter Cowboys’ only take-
Tampa Bay 7 8 0 .467 266 304 4-4-0 3-4-0 0-5-0 7-3-0 3-1-0 field at Nissan Stadium, The Cowboys led 10-6 at Dal: Schultz 10 pass from Prescott (Maher kick), 11:58.
Dal: FG Maher 45, 6:24.
Carolina 6 9 0 .400 313 337 5-4-0 1-5-0 1-4-0 5-5-0 3-1-0 and it was their long halftime and 17-13 to begin A: 69,292. But the defense largely
Dal Ten
New Orleans 6 9 0 .400 303 325 4-4-0 2-5-0 2-3-0 4-6-0 2-3-0 snapper. They were with- the fourth quarter. First downs 26 17 did its part. Dobbs com-
e-Atlanta 5 10 0 .333 315 350 4-3-0 1-7-0 1-4-0 4-6-0 1-4-0 out several starters, in- Their defensive perfor- Total Net Yards
pleted those three long
North W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div cluding their quarterback mance produced few style Passing 274 220 passes — gains of 39, 33
y-Minnesota 12 3 0 .800 378 373 8-1-0 4-2-0 5-0-0 7-3-0 3-1-0 and All-Pro running points. Punt Returns
Kickoff Returns
and 30 yards — for a com-
Detroit 7 8 0 .467 392 401 4-4-0 3-4-0 2-3-0 5-5-0 3-1-0 back. And yet, they man- That was OK to them. Interceptions Ret. 1-0 2-30 bined 102 yards. For the
Comp-Att-Int 29-41-2 20-39-1
Green Bay 7 8 0 .467 313 334 4-3-0 3-5-0 2-3-0 5-5-0 2-2-0 aged to hang around, “We came here with Sacked-Yards Lost 1-8 2-12 rest of the game, he was
e-Chicago 3 12 0 .200 303 393 2-6-0 1-6-0 2-3-0 1-9-0 0-4-0 keeping things interest- one goal in mind,” line- Punts 3-40.333 5-47.4 held to 17-of-36 for 130
Fumbles-Lost 1-1 2-1
West W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div ing for longer than many backer Damone Clark Penalties-Yards 3-35 10-124 yards, one touchdown
y-San Francisco 11 4 0 .733 375 230 7-1-0 4-3-0 2-2-0 9-2-0 5-0-0 anticipated. said. “That was to win. Time of Possession 33:26 26:34 and an interception. The
Seattle 7 8 0 .467 365 379 3-4-0 4-4-0 2-2-0 5-6-0 3-2-0 Not until Cowboys cor- We won. Now, we can go INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Titans (7-9) lost their sixth
RUSHING: Dallas, Davis10-39, Elliott19-37, Prescott 3-11.
e-L.A. Rams 5 10 0 .333 281 334 4-5-0 1-5-0 2-2-0 3-8-0 1-4-0 nerback Nahshon Wright back home, obviously Tennessee, Haskins 12-40, Ward 4-26, Burks 1-20, Dobbs straight game, failing to
e-Arizona 4 11 0 .267 308 391 1-8-0 3-3-0 1-4-0 3-7-0 1-4-0 recorded his first career watch the film and just get 3-12, Chestnut 4-(minus 1).
PASSING: Dallas, Prescott 29-41-2-282. Tennessee,
score 15 points for a third
e-eliminated from playoffs; x-clinched playoff spot; y-clinched division NFL interception, with ready for next week.” Dobbs 20-39-1-232. straight
RECEIVING: Dallas, Lamb 11-100, Schultz 7-56, Hilton 4-
Week 17 schedule about six minutes re- “I got respect for every- 50, Gallup 3-39, Davis 2-23, N.Brown 1-7, Ferguson 1-7. “A win is a win,” safety
Thursday’s game maining, did Titans fans body, no matter what Tennessee, Woods 5-39, Burks 4-66, Okonkwo 3-24, Has-
kins 2-13, McMath 1-39, Chestnut 1-33, Hooper 1-6, Jayron Kearse said. “Ev-
Dallas 27, Tennessee 13 scurry toward the park- their record says, how Swaim 1-4, Ward 1-4, Westbrook-Ikhine 1-4.
erybody that’s ever played
Sunday’s games Time Open Current O/U TV ing lot. they’re playing,” corner- in this league under-
Jacksonville at Houston Noon Jac. 4 Jac. 3 43½ CBS “Once y’all see a game back Trevon Diggs said. stands how hard it is to
Arizona at Atlanta Noon Atl. 4 Atl. 6 41 like Minnesota, you in- “They’re still in the NFL. games combined to recap- win. That’s just some-
Carolina at Tampa Bay Noon T.B. 3 T.B. 3½ 40½
stantly think that’s how … It’s not for people to un- ture early-season form in thing, I guess, fans don’t
Chicago at Detroit Noon Det. 5½ Det. 6 52½
Cleveland at Washington Noon Was. 2½ Was. 1½ 40½
every game is supposed to derstand. They’re not go- that area would be disap- understand. It’s always
Denver at Kansas City Noon K.C. 13½ K.C. 12½ 44½ be,” said defensive end ing to understand it. They pointed. The unit man- going to be that way. It
Indianapolis at N.Y. Giants Noon N.Y. 3½ N.Y. 5½ 38½ DeMarcus Lawrence, re- just think, ‘Oh, you lost to aged two sacks. Those doesn’t really matter to
Miami at New England Noon Mia. 1½ N.E. 2½ 41½ ferring to a 40-3 road win a 2-12 team,’ or, ‘Y’all are came in a three-play span us. We care about the dub.
New Orleans at Philadelphia Noon Phi. 6½ Phi. 5½ 41½ against the Vikings last struggling.’ They’re still during the second quar- We got our 12th victory.
San Francisco at Las Vegas 3:05 p.m. S.F. 5½ S.F. 9½ 42½ Fox month. “Me personally, I good players at the end of ter. That’s all that matters.”
N.Y. Jets at Seattle 3:05 p.m. N.Y. 1½ N.Y. 1½ 42½
wish. But it’s not. You the day. You can lose any Safety Donovan Wilson Said Lawrence: “I think
L.A. Rams at L.A. Chargers 3:25 p.m. LAC 6½ LAC 6½ 42½
Minnesota at Green Bay 3:25 p.m. G.B. 3 G.B. 3 48½ CBS
have to be able to fight given Sunday.” reached Dobbs first. De- it comes with the territory
Pittsburgh at Baltimore 7:20 p.m. Bal. 3 Bal. 2½ 35½ NBC through adversity.” Anyone looking for a fensive end Dante Fowler of being a Dallas Cowboy,
Monday’s game Time Open Current O/U TV Some quarterback defense that managed one followed on third down in all honesty. Y’all ques-
Buffalo at Cincinnati 7:30 p.m. Buf. 1½ Buf. 1½ 49½ ESPN named Josh Dobbs start- sack in its past three with a strip-sack. Defen- tion every damn thing.”



Underdog Frogs
aim for big leap
By Brent Zwerneman er the speed and spread
STA F F W RIT E R offenses of the Big 12.
Michigan ranks fifth
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. nationally in rushing
— The mayor of neigh- yards per game (263), and
boring Glendale, Ariz., the Big 12 doesn’t have a
wished good luck to TCU team in the top 10 in that
coach Sonny Dykes and category, so TCU must
Michigan coach Jim Har- add some brutishness to
baugh on Friday and then its repertoire against the
shrugged at the routine Wolverines.
“I don’t know how that 3. On the flip side
works,” Jerry Weiers said Michigan was good on
of knowing that in the defense last year when it
end there will be a loser. made the CFP for the
“But good luck to both of first time — a 34-11 loss to
you.” eventual champion Geor-
Minus further ado, five gia in the semifinals —
things to watch as un- and the Wolverines are
derdog TCU, the first even better this year. The
team from Texas to make defense has allowed 13.4
the CFP, is one win from points per game, tied for
playing for a national third nationally and
title: about four points fewer
than a year ago.
1. Max Duggan Moxie Michigan also is third
The Heisman Trophy nationally in rushing
runner-up gained plenty defense in allowing 85.2
of fans earlier this month yards per game, while the Tony Ding/Associated Press
with his gutsy fourth- Horned Frogs are solid in Jim Harbaugh, who played quarterback at Michigan from 1983-86, has the Wolverines in the College
quarter effort in an over- rushing offense with 200 Football Playoff for the second straight season. Harbaugh has led Michigan to two straight Big Ten titles.
time loss against Kansas yards per game.
State in the Big 12 title
game. TCU’s senior quar- 4. Hole? No problem TCU which won the league’s
last national title in 2005,
son at Michigan.
“It’s all about the game
perhaps was a bit more
reflective Friday than
terback has overcome TCU got here by over- From page B1 hasn’t come close to mak- (Saturday),” said Har- Harbaugh, in soaking up
heart surgery while a coming deficits in three ing the CFP in its nine baugh, who in February a golden opportunity for
collegian — the bright straight Big 12 games in tle game on Jan. 9 in Ingle- seasons, and the Horned 2013 also coached the TCU.
lights of the CFP semifi- the middle of the season wood, Calif. The Horned Frogs are the state’s first NFL’s San Francisco “When I was playing
nals won’t faze Duggan. against Kansas, Oklaho- Frogs are about a touch- entrant among 36 oppor- 49ers in a Super Bowl loss high school football, my
“Max is going to be on ma State and Kansas down underdog to the tunities. to his brother, John Har- dad might be playing Tex-
the Mount Rushmore of State, with all three oppo- Wolverines, who blasted “I do believe that there baugh of the Baltimore as A&M the next day, and
TCU guys,” Dykes said. nents ranked at the time. their way through the is still that perception Ravens. “Everything has I would come home from
“… There have been a lot The Horned Frogs not regular season and the that nobody in the (Big 12) been said that can possi- my high school game after
of things that have oc- only are not deterred by a Big Ten title game against plays defense,” Dykes bly be said. Every ques- driving back from Ama-
curred this year that deficit early or late, they Purdue undefeated. said. “I don’t think that’s tion has been asked and rillo or wherever we were
were beyond people’s thrive in such situations. “Here we are in the Col- the case at all. (And) you every question has been driving back from, and I’d
expectations, and that’s lege Football Playoff,” start to look around the answered, and now it’s walk in the living room
what Max is good at. He’s 5. Intangibles said Dykes, whose senior Big 12, and there are a lot time to go play the game and my dad and (A&M’s)
really good at exceeding Michigan has the CFP quarterback Max Duggan of run-based offenses, and let it rip. R.C. Slocum were in there
expectations.” experience, but TCU has was Heisman runner-up and a lot of offenses are “Not everybody gets having a drink, 1 a.m. the
the outrageousness on its this season. “Nobody an- really good up front. this opportunity, and it’s night before a game.”
2. Big Ten Brawn side. The Horned Frogs ticipated us being here.” “You have to be able to the best of the best play- Dykes added with a
Michigan is massive on were picked seventh in TCU won a national ti- defend everything in the ing the best. … It’s time to chuckle: “In that spirit, I
the offensive line — four the Big 12 with a first-year tle in 1938 when O’Brien league, and that’s one of line up and have at it.” was going to invite coach
of the five starters are at coach in Dykes, who had also won the Heisman. the great things about the Only one coach in the Harbaugh to my hotel
least 6-foot-5, and the an 8-4 record last year at Dykes, son of late Texas Big 12. There is a lot of va- final four has previously room (Friday) night and
fivesome averages a long SMU, and Duggan wasn’t Tech coach Spike Dykes, riety in schemes, whether won a title — Georgia’s see if we wanted to open
and lean(ish) 310 pounds. even the starting quarter- not only is angling for re- it’s offensively or defen- Kirby Smart a year ago. up a bottle of bourbon
The Wolverines’ desire to back entering the season. spect for TCU on a na- sively.” Around the same time and reminisce. I don’t
simply overpower their Will the Horned Frogs’ tional stage, but the The Wolverines are try- Dykes, who grew up in know if he will take me up
opponents is not what long and astonishing hop league the Horned Frogs ing to win their third na- Lubbock, was setting up on it.”
TCU is accustomed to into national relevancy compete in. tional title since 1948 and his office in Fort Worth Harbaugh, seated next
seeing in the Big 12. carry into early January? Oklahoma is the only their first since 1997. Jim after coaching SMU to a to Dykes, responded with
The Horned Frogs run The nation will know by other Big 12 program to Harbaugh, a former Wol- 30-18 record over four sea- a laugh, “It’s way past my
primarily a 3-3-5 defense Saturday night. make the CFP, which verines quarterback from sons about 30 miles to the bedtime.”
— three linemen, three started in 2014, and the 1983-86 who moved on to a east in Dallas.
linebackers and five de- brent.zwerneman@chron.com Sooners are 0-4 in the 14-year NFL career as a The suddenness of it all brent.zwerneman@chron.com
fensive backs — to count- twitter.com/brentzwerneman sport’s final four. Texas, player, is in his eighth sea- is one reason why Dykes twitter.com/brentzwerneman


Georgia, Ohio St. know all about upsets from No. 4 seeds
By Alan Blinder likely to reach title show-
N EW YO RK T IME S downs. Their margins of
victory in semifinals have
ATLANTA — He does averaged about 20 points.
not like to dwell on past Even though Georgia’s
games, the good ones or closest game this year was
the bad ones, but Georgia an intrasquad scrimmage,
coach Kirby Smart knows few are forecasting a rout
the College Football Play- in a game in which the
off’s agonies better than Bulldogs are favored by
most. Twice in the past roughly a touchdown.
eight years, he has stood Smart, a member of the
on the sideline of a playoff Crimson Tide coaching
game and watched a staff when Alabama won
fourth-ranked team out- back-to-back national
last his. championships under the
There was the 2014 sea- Bowl Championship Se-
son, which for Smart end- ries model, suggested he
ed when No. 4 Ohio State was applying few turnkey
broke No. 1 Alabama, lessons from that run to
where he was the defen- this season’s pursuit of a
sive coordinator. Then, on second consecutive title.
the final play of the 2017 “There’s no, like, this
season, Smart’s quest for Brett Davis/Associated Press David Dermer/Associated Press magic potion, let me go to
his inaugural national Georgia’s Stetson Bennett, left, and Ohio State’s C.J. Stroud lad a pair of high-octane offenses into this the book where you have a
championship as Geor- year’s College Football Playoffs semifinal, with each attack logging around 492 total yards per game. team go twice,” he said.
gia’s coach sputtered “There is no book for it.
against fourth-seeded Al- this playoff, the past’s pregame judgments of think so, try losing a this season and last year’s You just manage each and
abama. headwinds notwithstand- oddsmakers, at least, the game.”) championship run, said every team and each and
Now, the prospect of a ing. Bulldogs, who are 13-0 and But the Buckeyes, like with a measure of awe as every season as best you
redemption — and the “We talk all the time won the Southeastern the Bulldogs, have very of- he freehanded a drawing can.”
promise of a fresh data about limiting regret, and Conference title with ease, ten shined. of his university’s mascot. Few coaches anywhere
point in sports’ eternal de- I think one of the ways you face an especially formi- Ohio State averaged Overconfidence, he sug- would disagree, but Ohio
bate over the value of his- limit regret is through a dable obstacle to reach the 492.7 yards per game this gested, was not endemic State has still been de-
tory and memory — has lot of detail and thought Jan. 9 championship game season; Georgia had 491.9. in Georgia’s locker room lighted this month to tap
arrived by way of Satur- about the way you plan,” against No. 2 Michigan or Georgia’s defense, the best because the Bulldogs into its 2014 history. The
day’s Peach Bowl, the Smart said Thursday as he No. 3 Texas Christian, in the Football Bowl Sub- knew it would be detri- university’s success back
playoff semifinal where considered the night the who will joust in Satur- division at stopping rush- mental against a team as then, players and coaches
Smart’s top-ranked, Buckeyes upset Alabama day’s Fiesta Bowl. Ohio ers, is far more vulnerable fast and physical as Ohio said, was a handy antidote
reigning champion Bull- in the Sugar Bowl. State, the first program to through the air, where State. to narratives about Geor-
dogs will meet No. 4 Ohio “There’s a lot of detail and vault from No. 4 seed to Ohio State led the Big Ten The playoff’s top spot is gia’s effectively unchecked
State (8 p.m. Eastern on thought into that plan, national champion in the Conference. The Bulldogs not necessarily a gift. power this year.
ESPN). With Atlanta’s and a lot of detail and playoff era, arrived in At- surrendered about 292 to- More No. 2 seeds have “It’s a different time, but
Mercedes-Benz Stadium thought into this plan.” lanta with an 11-1 record, its tal yards a game, the Buck- won championships than I think the biggest thing is
about 70 miles from Geor- Besides, he added, the Michigan-induced scar an eyes allowed about 304, No. 1 teams, and teams that it can be done,” said
gia’s campus, and with the seedings at this point are awfully big one. (“Every and both defenses proved ranked fourth have cap- Larry Johnson, a member
Bulldogs having crushed no more than “two num- game you play at Ohio expert on third downs. tured just as many titles as of the 2014 Ohio State staff
Louisiana State and Ore- bers in front of some- State has got huge magni- “Those guys are great,” those seeded at the top. who is now the associate
gon in Atlanta this season, body’s name.” tude,” coach Ryan Day Sedrick Van Pran, Geor- Still, teams ranked No. 1 head coach. “There’s a
there is no cozier setup On paper and in the said, “and if you don’t gia’s starting center for have been three times as blueprint.”


Drops, defensive lapses hurt chances

By Nick Moyle fourth downs. Thursday’s game

STA F F W RIT E R That proved a lethal No. 12 Washington 27

combination for the Long- No. 20 Texas 20
SAN ANTONIO — The horns’ defense, which Texas 3 0 7 10 — 20
30th Alamo Bowl wasn’t spent nearly 36 minutes on Washington
First quarter
10 3 7 7 — 27

the shootout so many ex- the field in the loss. TEX: FG Auburn 30, 3:17.
pected. “We would have loved to WASH: Taulapapa 42 run (Henry kick), 3:17.
Second quarter
Certainly, this year’s have gotten off the field on WASH: FG Henry 24, :00.
game didn’t come close to third down better,” Sarki- Third quarter
TEX: J.Brooks 34 pass from Ewers (Auburn kick), 12:31.
matching the breathless sian said. “And that’s WASH: T.Davis 6 pass from Penix (Henry kick), 6:44.
Fourth quarter
madness of Texas coach something we need to ad- WASH: McMillan 8 pass from Penix (Henry kick), 13:08.
Steve Sarkisian’s first trip dress in the offseason, our TEX: J.Brooks 3 run (Auburn kick), 9:50.
TEX: FG Auburn 26, 1:40.
to the Alamodome back in own ability to convert third TEX WASH
2011, when Baylor won a re- downs and then our ability First downs 19 24
Total Net Yards 420 445
cord-breaking 67-56 thrill- to get off the field on de- Rushes-yards 18-51 28-158
er over his Washington fense. And there’s a lot of Passing
Punt Returns
Huskies. factors that go into it.” Kickoff Returns 2-40 1-12
But for Sarkisian, the Interceptions Ret.
outcome was the same 11 Record catch Sacked-Yards Lost 2-12 0-0
Punts 4-36.25 3-39.0
years later. No. 12 Washing- In 2005, David Thomas Fumbles-Lost 0-0 0-0
ton (11-2) wore down No. 20 became the first Texas Penalties-Yards 6-45 7-45
Time of Possession 40:40 39:38
Texas (8-5) in a 27-20 win tight end to catch 50 passes
Thursday night in front of in a single season. On RUSHING: Texas, K.Robinson 8-27, J.Brooks 6-18, Ew-
62,730 fans. Tim Warner/Getty Images Thursday night, sopho- ers 4-6. Washington, Taulapapa 14-108, Newton 11-44,
Penix 3-6.
“I’m proud of what Texas receiver Xavier Worthy had a team-high seven catches for 84 yards in the more Ja’Tavion Sanders PASSING: Texas, Ewers 31-47-0-369. Washington, Pe-
we’ve done from Year 1 to Alamo Bowl loss to Washington but also had three drops. joined him. And surpassed nix 32-54-1-287, (Team) 0-1-0-0.
RECEIVING: Texas, Worthy 7-84, K.Robinson 6-42,
Year 2,” Sarkisian said af- him. Whittington 5-44, Sanders 5-36, Cain 4-106, J.Brooks 2-
37, Helm 1-19, Red 1-1. Washington, McMillan 8-58,
ter Texas improved from work and improving his other good line in the Ala- dering what would have The Longhorns’ break- Odunze 5-57, T.Davis 4-32, Westover 4-32, Culp 4-29,
Polk 3-45, Taulapapa 3-17, Moore 1-17.
five wins to eight. “I think marksmanship, the na- mo Bowl, finishing with a been a game-changing 61- out offensive star this sea- MISSED FIELD GOALS: None.
we’re making really good tion’s former No. 1 overall team-high seven catches yard touchdown recep- son, Sanders finished with
progress. The key for us recruit finished 2022 with for 84 yards. But that pro- tion. five catches for 36 yards in
now is to take the next step his best performance yet. duction came on 14 targets, On the ensuing posses- his first bowl game. That All-Big 12 selection by both
going into Year 3.” Ewers completed 31 of 47 three of which were sion, Washington marched brought his season total to the AP and conference
Before totally flipping passes for 369 yards with dropped. 90 yards in 14 plays to take 54, the most ever by a Tex- coaches.
the page on Texas’ 2022 one touchdown and no Two of those mistakes a 27-10 lead with13:08 left in as tight end. After adding 10 tackles
campaign, some notes and turnovers. Those numbers came on consecutive plays the game. Sanders finished this in the Alamo Bowl to bring
takeaways from the Long- could have been even more with Texas trailing 20-10 “It’s tough, but I didn’t season with 613 receiving his season total to 119, Ford
horns’ season finale at the impressive if not for some more than halfway lose any confidence in yards, tied with Thomas fielded a question about
Alamodome: drops, including a few through the third quarter. him,” Ewers said. “And I for second-most by a Texas his next steps. The junior is
backbreaking blunders by On second-and-11 from know he didn’t lose any tight end. Sanders will be eligible for the 2023 NFL
Strong finish sophomore receiver Xavier the Texas 39, Ewers lofted confidence in himself. It gunning for Williams Har- draft and could end up as a
There’s no doubt this Worthy. a picturesque spiral to happens every now and ris’ single-season record mid-round draft pick if he
was a taxing year for red- Worthy deep down the then, but it sucks to see it (637 yards) in 2023 elects to leave Texas early.
shirt freshman quarter- Costly drops sideline over a pair of UW happen in crucial situa- But in the immediate af-
back Quinn Ewers. The This hadn’t been the se- defensive backs. The ball tions like it was.” Uncertain future termath of the Longhorns’
“savior” label is a weighty quel Worthy was hoping plunged right through If Sanders represented loss, Ford wasn’t ready to
burden to carry around, for. A freshman All-Amer- Worthy’s hands and hit the Third-down troubles the team’s breakout of- make an announcement.
especially for a transfer ican in 2021, the spindly turf. Texas couldn’t establish fense star, Texas junior “It’s kind of hard to
who hadn’t thrown a pass speedster put up solid On the following play, the run, which led to too linebacker Jaylan Ford was make a decision right now,
in a college game prior to numbers during the regu- Worthy flew past the de- many third-and-long situ- his defensive counterpart. especially after that,” Ford
this season. lar season (676 yards, nine fense on a fly route and ations. And it couldn’t sty- Ford made himself a lot said. “I’ll definitely come
After a full month of touchdowns) but struggled Ewers delivered the pass mie Washington on the of money this season. He with an answer here soon.”
hearing about his strug- with drops while trying to where it needed to be. Wor- “money downs” — the was named a third-team
gles, talking to reporters get aligned with Ewers. thy bobbled the ball and Huskies converted 11 of 20 All-American by the Asso- nmoyle@express-news.net
about refining his foot- Worthy put together an- ultimately lost it, squan- third downs and 2 of 3 ciated Press and first-team twitter.com/nrmoyle

FINGER attitude of a five-loss

Alamo Bowl team that he
by Arch Manning, and he
at least can sell the idea
tant position. He complet-
ed 31 of 47 passes for a
ence-maker for a champi-
onship contender. And if
Still, making do with
two five-star passers is a
From page B1 said “is fighting to win, that things are getting career-high 369 yards someone else were in- problem many coaches
and fighting to win to- better. Thursday, but the num- clined another way, he would love to have, and
At long last, the Long- gether.” Granted, part of the bers didn’t tell the whole could look at the same that’s why Sarkisian
horns seem less con- “I’m proud of our reason things improved story. performance and see could afford to sound a
cerned with being “back” team,” Sarkisian said, in his second season is On one side of the reasons to believe Ewers positive note after Thurs-
than with being realistic. looking and sounding that the Longhorns had ledger, Ewers was hurt by might lose his job to Man- day’s loss. If he can figure
They didn’t play for a like he meant it. taken such a significant at least two costly Xavier ning or backup Maalik out how to call the right
conference championship Is that a sign of how step back in his first, Worthy drops that could Murphy. plays next year, he should
or contend for a playoff the standards for success when they went 5-7 in have gone for long touch- This is Texas football, have players capable of
berth this year. They have changed since the 2021. And granted, nights downs. On the other side, after all, and that means executing them.
didn’t play particularly Longhorns averaged 11 like Thursday — when Ewers missed badly on a there’s going to be no So yes, another Texas
well Thursday night victories and finished in the Longhorns managed couple of key throws in shortage of drama, how- coach finished another
against the 12th-ranked the national top 12 every just three first-half points the first half, and he ever this turns out. Even 8-5 season in San Anto-
Huskies, who never year from 2000 to 2009? as Sarkisian’s early game wound up padding his if Manning and his family nio, before New Year’s
trailed and built a 17-point Sure, but context is im- plan fell flat — haven’t stat line with a meaning- would prefer him to take Day, getting overwhelmed
fourth quarter lead before portant. done much to cement his less 49-yard heave to it slow and redshirt next by a Pac-12 foe. But nine
Texas made the score In 2013, when they reputation as a supposed midfield on the game’s season, that won’t stop years after a young Ewers
more respectable in the fired Brown after an 8-5 offensive savant. final play. the national TV cameras sat in the stands and
closing minutes. season, it had become Ewers, who transferred All in all, it was, as from panning to his face watched that spell the
For second-year coach increasingly apparent his from Ohio State a year Sarkisian described the the first time Ewers end for Brown?
Steve Sarkisian, all of that recruiting mojo was slip- after being rated the con- game, “kind of a micro- throws an interception. This time the burnt-
almost was beside the ping away, and that he sensus top quarterback cosm of how our season Managing that will be orange contingent was
point. Nine years after lacked a clear plan to fix recruit in the country, went.” one of Sarkisian’s most willing to cut Sarkisian
Mack Brown was fired it. This year, even dealing still hasn’t done enough If someone were so important tasks, lest he some slack.
for losing five games with with ugly losses to Texas to convince anyone he’s inclined, he could look at repeat the missteps of his For now, anyway.
an Alamo Bowl team Tech and Oklahoma the Longhorns long- Ewers’ performance and predecessors and let a
trending downward, State, Sarkisian assem- awaited long-term answer see plenty of evidence quarterback controversy mfinger@express-news.net
Sarkisian raved about the bled a top-five class led at the sport’s most impor- that he can be a differ- slip away from him. twitter.com/mikefinger


Pittsburgh shines in fourth against UCLA, wins Sun Bowl

W IR E R E P ORT S game in Gator Bowl his- won its second straight
tory was filled with big bowl game.
EL PASO — Ben Sauls plays and memorable Ben Finley completed
booted five field goals, moments. But Buchner 22 of 48 passes for 269
including a 47-yarder delivered the knockout yards with two intercep-
with seconds to play, to blow when he found tight tions and couldn’t find
lift Pitt to a 37-35 win end Mitchell Evans wide the end zone for the
over No. 18 UCLA in a open for a 16-yard touch- Wolfpack (8-5).
back-and-forth Sun Bowl. down on a third-and-7
The Panthers (9-4), play with 1:38 remaining. OHIO 30
playing without five Spencer Rattler com- WYOMING 27 (OT)
starters who opted out of pleted 29-of-44 passes for CJ Harris hit Tyler
the game, took advantage 246 yards for the Game- Foster on a 10-yard
of five UCLA turnovers, cocks (8-5). touchdown pass in over-
including four intercep- time for the Bobcats
tions. MARYLAND 16 (10-4) in the Arizona
UCLA (9-4) scored NORTH CAROLINA STATE 12 Bowl in Tucson, Ariz.
what appeared to be the Taulia Tagovailoa The Cowboys (7-6)
game-winning touch- threw a 19-yard touch- labored offensively after
down on an 8-yard run down pass to Octavian the teams combined for
by T.J. Harden with 34 Andres Leighton/Associated Press Smith, Chad Ryland three touchdowns in the
seconds remaining. That UCLA wide receiver Titus Mokiao-Atimalala catches a pass despite being tightly kicked three field goals first quarter. Andrew
capped a drive that start- covered by Pittsburgh defensive back Erick Hallett in the first half. and the Terrapins out- Peasley sparked Wyo-
ed at the UCLA 25-yard lasted the Wolfpack, their ming's offense, orches-
line with less than two stop the clock, Patti NO. 21 NOTRE DAME 45 Buchner, who regained former Atlantic Coast trating a six-play, 75-yard
minutes left, and was scrambled for 11 yards to the starting job after Conference foe, to win drive capped by Jordan
keyed by a 34-yard run the UCLA 29-yard line. Tyler Buchner ac- Drew Pyne entered the the Duke’s Mayo Bowl in Vaughn's 5-yard TD run
by Harden. After another spike with counted for five touch- transfer portal after the Charlotte, N.C. with 2:08 left in reg-
Pitt quarterback Nick 10 seconds left, Sauls downs to help offset two regular-season finale, Tagovailoa finished 19 ulation.
Patti got completions of came on to kick the interceptions returned threw for 274 yards and of 37 for 221 yards with The Bobcats had time
18 and 17 yards to Jared game-winner, which for touchdowns for the three touchdowns. He two interceptions. Roman to answer, and Nathanial
Wayne and Bub Means sailed through the up- Irish (9-4) in a wild Tax- also ran for 61 yards and Hemby ran for 65 yards Vakos kicked a tying
on the ensuing drive. rights with just four sec- Slayer Gator Bowl in two scores. rushing on 24 carries for 46-yard field goal with 4
After spiking the ball to onds remaining. Jacksonville, Fla. The highest-scoring Maryland (8-5), which seconds left.


Horns open league

play without Beard
By Nick Moyle UP NEXT The defense remains
STA F F W R I T ER elite, thanks to a long-lim-
TEXAS AT OKLAHOMA bed, athletic and switch-
AUSTIN — No. 6- When/where: 1 p.m. able roster boosted by
ranked Texas (11-1) opens Saturday at Norman, Okla. rangy freshman wing Dil-
Big 12 play Saturday TV/radio: ESPN+; 790 AM. lon Mitchell. And only
against Oklahoma (9-3) at Texas, No. 2 Connecticut
the Lloyd Noble Center. and No. 11 UCLA are post-
For the Longhorns, it will ed in “self-defense,” Tra- ing top-12 numbers in de-
mark Game 5 with associ- vis County district attor- fensive and offensive effi-
ate head coach Rodney ney José Garza can still ciency, per KenPom.com.
Terry serving as the choose to prosecute the Wednesday, Carr
team’s acting head coach. case and present its find- torched Texas A&M-
Chris Beard remains ings to a grand jury fol- Commerce with 41 points
employed as the pro- lowing the office’s investi- in the Longhorns’ 97-72
gram’s head coach while gation, which could take win at the Moody Center.
serving an indefinite sus- months. Afterward, he became the
pension, almost three Texas will not wait first Texas player to meet
Lynne Sladky/Associated Press weeks after he was months to decide whether with the media since
Tennessee WR Squirrel White beats Clemson safety Andrew Mukuba for a TD charged with felony fami- to sever ties with Beard Beard was suspended.
pass from Joe Milton, who filled in admirably for the injured Hendon Hooker. ly assault by strangula- less than two years into “I feel like we’re doing a
tion. his seven-year, $35 million pretty good job,” Carr

Milton’s three TD passes Perry Minton, Beard’s

lawyer, has vehemently
maintained his client’s in-
contract or retain the
coach it poached from
Texas Tech to lead the
said. “Obviously, it’s an
adjustment. But it’s been a
good and a smooth one.

help Vols go wire-to-wire nocence and refuted the

statements logged in the
arrest affidavit. On the
Longhorns to new
heights. The felony charge
is enough for Texas to
We respect coach (Terry).
He’s a great coach and we
all knew that coming here.
By Tim Reynolds BOWL LINEUP night of the incident the fired Beard with cause, Coach has been the guy
AS S OC IAT E D PRE SS alleged victim, Beard’s though the university has who’s really emphasized
Date/ Bowl/ Attend./ Result/ Fav./ fiancée Randi Trew, told not feel compelled to reach our defense, making sure
MIAMI GARDENS, Time Site TV Matchup Line responding Austin Police a rapid resolution. we’re always on-point and
Fla. — The only thing that Dec. 16 Bahamas 12,172 UAB 24 UAB Department officers the The university said it’s everything like that.
Nassau, Bahamas Miami (Ohio) 20 by 10½
stopped Tennessee fans Dec. 16 Cure 11,911 Troy 18 UTSA
49-year-old Texas coach aware of Trew’s statement Coach has been doing a
from singing “Rocky Top” Orlando, Fla. UTSA 12 by 1½ “snapped” and strangled, and declined further com- great job, the whole staff
as time was expiring Fri- Dec. 17 Fenway 15,000 Louisville 24 Louis. bit (teeth marks were vis- ment amid its own inter- has been doing a great job
day night was the need to Boston Cincinnati 7 by 2 ible, according to the re- nal investigation. A team of stepping up in their re-
Dec. 17 Celebration 49,670 NC Central 41 JSU
serenade Joe Milton with Atlanta Jackson St. 34 (OT) by 14
port) and dragged her off a spokesman confirmed spective roles. I feel like
something else. Dec. 17 Las Vegas 29,750 Oregon St. 30 Ore. St. bed in their shared Austin Terry, now 4-0 as acting everybody is adjusting
“M-V-P!” they chanted, Las Vegas Florida 3 by 10 residence. head coach, will continue well.”
over and over. With good Dec. 17 L.A. 32,405 Fresno St. 29 Fresno St. On Dec. 23, Trew re- to lead the team during While there’s no been
Inglewood, Calif. Washington St. 6 by 3
reason. leased her first public Beard’s suspension. no rush on its end, the uni-
Dec. 17 LendingTree 20,512 Southern Miss. 38 So. Miss
Milton — who regained Mobile, Ala. Rice 24 by 6½ statement since Beard’s And that’s where Texas versity is expected to
the starting job only after Dec. 17 New Mexico 22,209 BYU 24 SMU Dec. 12 arrest: “Chris did stands heading into the reach a decision about
close friend Hendon Hook- Albuquerque, N.M. SMU 23 by 4 not strangle me, and I told start of conference play. Beard’s future in January.
er got hurt late in the year Dec. 17 Frisco 12,211 Boise St. 35 Boise that to law enforcement The Longhorns remain Meanwhile, Carr and
Frisco North Texas 32 by 11
— led Tennessee to one of Dec. 19 Myrtle Beach 12,023 Marshall 28 Marsh.
that evening. Chris has a Final Four contender, his teammates are aware
its finest moments in the Conway, S.C. Connecticut 14 by 11½ stated that he was acting Beard or no Beard. of what’s going on outside
past couple decades. Dec. 20 Potato 10,122 E. Michigan 41 SJSU in self-defense, and I do They’re one of 14 teams the lines as they prepare
He completed 19-of-28 Boise, Idaho San Jose St. 27 by 3½ not refute that. I do not be- with no more than one to face a capable Oklaho-
passes for 251 yards and Dec. 20 Boca Raton 20,622 Toledo 21 Toledo lieve Chris was trying to loss and are 2-1 against ma team on the road.
Boca Raton, Fla. Liberty 19 by 3½
three touchdowns, and No. Dec. 21 New Orleans 13,456 W. Kentucky 44 S. Ala.
intentionally harm me in teams ranked in the Asso- Whatever happens to
6 Tennessee never trailed New Orleans South Alabama 23 by 3½ any way. It was never my ciated Press top 25. Beard is out of their
on its way to a 31-14 victory Dec. 22 Armed Forces N/A Air Force 30 Baylor intent to have him arrest- Fifth-year senior Mar- hands.
over No. 7 Clemson in the Fort Worth Baylor 15 by 3½ ed or prosecuted. We ap- cus Carr is averaging 25.8 All the Longhorns can
Dec. 23 Independence 23,410 Houston 23 UH
Orange Bowl. Shreveport, La. Louisiana 16 by 7
preciate everyone’s sup- points on 57.9 percent do, Carr said, is stay “fo-
“I trust myself, I trust Dec. 23 Gasparilla 34,370 Wake Forest 27 Wake port and prayers during shooting and four assists cused on taking it one day
my coaching, and I just let Tampa, Fla. Missouri 17 by 1½ this difficult time.” in four games without at a time.”
it happen,” Milton said. Dec. 24 Hawaii 6,605 Middle Tenn. St. 25 SDSU Beard has an emergen- Beard. He’s surrounded “RT (Terry) is our
Honolulu San Diego St. 23 by 7
The Volunteers finished cy protective order active by a selfless cast, too, a coach, he added, “and
Dec. 26 Quick Lane 22,987 New Mexico 24 BG
11-2 — they hadn’t had an 11- Detroit Bowling Green 19 by 3½ against him until Feb. 10, group that ranks seventh we’re focused on being led
win season since 2001 — Dec. 27 Camellia 15,322 Buffalo 23, Ga. So. and he’s currently await- nationally in assists per by him.”
and capped a year in which Montgomery, Ala. Ga. Southern 21 by 4½ ing a Jan. 18 court hearing. game (19.2) and fourth in
they beat Alabama, LSU Dec. 27 First Responder N/A Memphis 38, Memp. And despite Trew’s recent assist-to-turnover ratio nmoyle@express-news.net
Dallas vs. Utah St. 10 by 7½
and Clemson — programs Dec. 27 Birmingham 15,901 East Carolina 53 E. Car.
statement that Beard act- (1.65-to-1.00). twitter.com/nrmoyle
that combined to win six of Birmingham, Ala. Costal Carolina 29 by 7½
the past seven College Dec. 27 Guaranteed Rate 23,187 Wisconsin 24 Wis.
Football Playoff national
titles. Dec. 28
Annapolis, Md.
Oklahoma St. 17
Duke 30, UCF 13
by 3½
by 3½
UH the bench against Virgin-
ia, including five re-
Walker (15.1), Chaney
(14.5), Sharp (14) and Fran-
“All the adversity this Dec. 28 Liberty 52,847 Arkansas 55 Ark.
From page B1 bounds and a key block cis (12.8).
group’s faced during their Memphis, Tenn. Kansas 53 (3OT) by 2½ down the stretch. Francis said his growth
careers, what they’ve done Dec. 28 Holiday 36,242 Oregon 28 Oregon earlier this month against “He’s a security blanket began last season when he
the last 23 months, I San Diego North Carolina 27 by 13½ then-No. 8 Alabama and for a coach, having a guy would face veterans Fabi-
Dec. 28 Texas 53,251 Texas Tech 42 Miss.
couldn’t be prouder of a NRG Stadium Mississippi 25 by 3½
No. 2 Virginia. like Reggie that you know an White Jr. and Josh Carl-
group of individuals,” said Dec. 29 Pinstripe 31,131 Minnesota 28 Minn. But in the last two exactly what you’re going ton every day in practice.
Tennessee coach Josh Heu- New York Syracuse 20 by 10½ games, blowouts against to get from him,” Samp- “They were real physi-
pel, who won a national ti- Dec. 29 Cheez-It 61,520 Florida St. 35 FSU McNeese State and Wed- son said. cal with me,” said Francis,
Orlando, Fla. Oklahoma 32 by 9½
tle as an Oklahoma player nesday’s 89-50 rout at Tul- Ahead 25 points in the whose 26 blocked shots
Dec. 29 Alamo 62,730 Washington 27 Texas
at the Orange Bowl. San Antonio Texas 20 by 3½ sa — the largest confer- second half Wednesday, lead the AAC. “Coming in
“These players, our staff, Friday Duke’s Mayo 37,228 Maryland 16 N.C. State ence road win in program Sampson considered put- I wasn’t as physical as
Vol Nation, everybody’s Charlotte, N.C. N.C. State 12 by 1½ history — the Cougars’ ting starting guard Tra- them, so I had to get up to
been along for the jour- Friday Sun Bowl 41,104 Pittsburgh 37 UCLA bench has delivered two of mon Mark — who has their standards and learn
El Paso UCLA 35 by 7½
ney.” Friday Gator 67,383 Notre Dame 45 ND
its most productive out- been dealing with a “wal- how to get a rebound. I
Squirrel White, Bru Mc- Jacksonville, Fla. South Carolina 38 by 3½ ings of the season. nut-sized” knot in his took what they told me,
Coy and Ramel Keyton Friday Arizona 27,691 Ohio 30 Ohio Against McNeese, the thigh — back in the game. every little technique and I
had the scoring catches for Tucson, Ariz. Wyoming 27 (OT) by 2½ Cougars had 48 bench Instead, Sampson went tried to implement it.”
the Volunteers. Jaylen Friday Orange 63,912 Tennessee 31 Clemson points — Francis had a ca- with Arceneaux and sat Whether for a quick
Miami Gardens, Fla. Clemson 14 by 5½
Wright rushed for 89 yards Saturday Music City ABC Kentucky (7-5) Iowa
reer-high 23 points with 13 the Cougars’ three start- breather or to provide a
and Jabari Small had a 11 a.m. Nashville vs. Iowa (7-5) by 2½ rebounds and Sharp add- ing guards for most of the spark, the bench plays a
touchdown run for Ten- Saturday Sugar ESPN Alabama (10-2) Alabama ed a career-high 18 points final 12 minutes. Arce- vital role every game,
nessee. 11 a.m. New Orleans vs. Kansas St. (10-3) by 6½ on six 3-pointers — and neaux, a true freshman, Sasser said.
Saturday Fiesta (CFP semifinal) ESPN Michigan (13-0) Michigan
Cade Klubnik, making 3 p.m. Glendale, Ariz. vs. TCU (12-1) by 7½
followed with 33 points in has shown flashes this “They’re real important
his first start for Clemson, Saturday Peach (CFP semifinal) ESPN Georgia (13-0) Georgia the AAC opener. For the season as he continues to to the team,” he added. “I
completed 30-of-54 passes 7 p.m. Atlanta vs. Ohio St. (11-1) by 6½ season, UH’s bench is av- find in his way in the rota- feel like the five starters
for 320 yards with two in- Monday ReliaQuest ESPN Mississippi St. (8-4) Illinois eraging 23.7 points per tion. aren’t going to have a good
11 a.m. Tampa, Fla. vs. Illinois (8-4) by 1½
terceptions. But Clemson game, which ranks 115th “We’re trying to get game every single night.
Monday Citrus ABC LSU (9-4) LSU
(11-3) kept coming up emp- Noon Orlando, Fla. vs. Purdue (8-5) by 14½ among Division I schools. these freshmen up to We need that boost off the
ty on prime scoring chanc- Monday Cotton ESPN Southern Cal (11-2) USC Sampson said the “com- speed as much as we can,” bench, that quick spark. I
es. The Tigers got into Ten- Noon Arlington vs. Tulane (11-2) by 1½ fort level” continues to Sampson said. feel like we have the per-
nessee territory on nine of Monday Rose ESPN Utah (10-3) Utah grow when it comes to us- Sharp said it comes fect guys for that to come
4 p.m. Pasadena, Calif. vs. Penn St. (10-2) by 2½
their first 10 possessions — Jan. 9 CFP final ESPN Semifinal winners
ing his bench, particularly down to being ready when off the bench to give us
and turned those trips into 6:30 p.m Inglewood, Calif. with younger players such called upon. He did not that spark. Not just scor-
only two field goals. as Francis, Sharp and play against Alabama, ing. We’ve got guys that
Klubnik ran in from 4 guards Terrance Arce- was on the court for nine can come in and give us in-
yards out to get Clemson prepare for the game. times and getting to the neaux and Ramon Walker minutes against Virginia, stant defense or rebound-
within 21-14 with 10:01 left, “Blood can’t make us Vols 25 on four occasions. Jr. but has averaged 20 min- ing. I feel like the team is
but Milton connected with closer,” Milton said. Somehow, that only be- “Certainly, a lot more utes in the last two games. built to be ready for what-
Keyton for a 46-yard score “That’s my brother till the came three points. than it was this time last During that span, Sharp ever.”
on the next Tennessee pos- end.” The other six posses- month,” Sampson said. averaged 16 points and Forward J’Wan Roberts
session. The Volunteers in- Milton opened the scor- sions: a stuffed fake field- Along with a core of shot 9-of-15 on 3s. said that experience now,
tercepted Klubnik on a ing with a 16-yard pass to goal run by Drew Swinney, younger players, Samp- “Any minutes I can get in spurts or extended
desperation fourth-down McCoy, and Small’s 2-yard the son of Clemson coach son has the luxury of be- is good for my game, be- playing time, can pay off
heave about a minute later, rush pushed the lead to Dabo Swinney; a punt; ing able to bring veteran cause it allows me to get come the postseason.
all but sealing the out- 14-0 with 9:03 left in the three missed field goals by Reggie Chaney off the more comfortable,” said “It just shows how
come. half. The nation’s most B.T. Potter — the most pro- bench. Chaney, a fifth- Sharp, whose 17 3-pointers deadly we are,” Roberts
In this very orange prolific offense wasn’t at lific kicker in school histo- year senior forward, was a are second on the team be- said. “A lot of people talk
Orange Bowl — both its best — Tennessee led ry — and a brutal final starter on the Cougars’ Fi- hind Sasser’s 30. “You’ve about the starting five, but
teams have it as their pri- the nation this year in drive when Klubnik was nal Four team in 2020-21 just got to stay ready to they don’t know what we
mary color — it was the yards and points per game tackled on a keeper with 6 but has moved into a key give confidence to Coach have coming off the bench.
Tennessee hue that was — but it didn’t have to be. seconds left. Clemson was reserve role in the front- Sampson to go to the It makes us a dangerous
superior. Hooker was Clemson got the ball out of timeouts, couldn’t court. bench in (any situation).” team.”
there, having flown in seven times in the first get the field-goal unit on Sampson said Chaney Arceneaux is averaging
about a week ago to be with half, getting inside Tennes- the field, and went into provided “critical mo- a team-high 16.7 minutes joseph.duarte@chron.com
his team and help Milton see territory all seven halftime trailing 14-3. ments” in 16 minutes off off the bench, followed by twitter.com/joseph_duarte



Radford lifts A&M
Home team capitalized Col. basketball Virginia at Georgia Tech ACC 11 a.m.
NBA Col. basketball Virginia Tech at Wake Forest BSSW 11 a.m.
Col. basketball Louisville at Kentucky CBS 11 a.m.

past Prairie View

LA Clippers 4 OFF INDIANA Col. basketball Stony Brook at Northeastern CBSSN 11 a.m.
Dallas 7 OFF SAN ANTONIO Col. basketball Princeton at Harvard (w) ESPNN 11 a.m.
Cleveland 4½ OFF CHICAGO
Brooklyn 9 OFF CHARLOTTE Col. basketball Connecticut at Xavier Fox 11 a.m.
New York 5½ OFF HOUSTON Col. basketball Texas Tech at TCU ESPNU 11 a.m.
Philadelphia 5 OFF OKLAHOMA CITY
Col. basketball St. John’s at Seton Hall FS1 11 a.m.
MEMPHIS 5½ OFF New Orleans
MINNESOTA 8 OFF Detroit Col. basketball Michigan at Ohio St. (w) Big Ten noon W I R E R EP O RT S
UTAH OFF OFF Miami Col. basketball Florida St. at Duke ESPN2 noon
NHL Col. basketball Boston College at Syracuse ACC 1 p.m. COLLEGE STATION
Saturday Col. basketball Oklahoma St. at Kansas CBS 1 p.m.
FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE Col. basketball Fresno St. at Utah St. CBSSN 1 p.m.
— Tyrece Radford scored
BOSTON -250 Buffalo +202
Col. basketball Arizona at Arizona St. Fox 1 p.m. 18 of his 20 points in the
COLUMBUS -137 Chicago +114
VEGAS -172 Nashville +142 Col. basketball Baylor at Iowa St. ESPNU 1 p.m. first half as Texas A&M
LOS ANGELES -235 Philadelphia +190 Col. basketball Marquette at Villanova FS1 1 p.m. led start to finish in an
WASHINGTON -275 Montreal +220
TAMPA BAY -360 Arizona +280 Col. basketball Kansas St. at Texas (w) LHN 2 p.m. 86-66 victory over Prairie
Col. basketball San Diego St. at UNLV CBS 3 p.m. View A&M on Friday.
COLORADO -118 Toronto -102
Col. basketball Western Kentucky CBSSN 3 p.m. Radford made 5-of-6
DALLAS -255 San Jose +205 at Middle Tennessee
CALGARY -205 Vancouver +168 Col. basketball Creighton at DePaul (w) Fox 3 p.m. shots — 4-of-4 from be-
EDMONTON -146 Winnipeg +120
Col. basketball New Mexico at Wyoming FS1 3 p.m. yond the arc — and all
Basketball Col. basketball Utah at Stanford Pac-12 3 p.m. four of his free throws to
NBA leaders Col. basketball Pepperdine at Gonzaga ATTSW+ 4 p.m. guide Texas A&M (8-5) to
Through December 29
Col. basketball Colorado at California Pac-12 5 p.m. a 53-32 lead at intermis-
Col. basketball Saint Mary’s at Santa Clara ATTSW+ 6 p.m. sion.
Col. basketball Oregon St. at Oregon Pac-12 7 p.m.
Embiid, PHI 25 280 256 843 33.7
Col. basketball Arizona at California (w) Pac-12 9 p.m.
Will Douglas had 15
Doncic, DAL 33 376 263 1111 33.7
Antetokounmpo, MIL 29 330 237 919 31.7 Col. football Music City Bowl: ABC 11 a.m. points to lead the Pan-
Gilgeous-Alexander, OKC
Tatum, BOS
1004 31.4
1055 31.0
Iowa vs. Kentucky thers (4-9), who’ve lost
Curry, GS 26 262 124 779 30.0 Col. football Sugar Bowl: ESPN, SEC 11 a.m. seven straight games.
Durant, BKN 34 362 232 1016 29.9 Alabama vs. Kansas St. Prairie View is 1-9 since
Mitchell, CLE 32 317 152 910 28.4
Col. football Fiesta Bowl (CFP semifinal): ESPN, ESPN2, 3 p.m.
James, LAL 27 295 106 751 27.8
TCU vs. Michigan ESPNU, ESPNN
beating Washington State
Davis, LAL 25 255 166 685 27.4
Young, ATL 31 268 240 847 27.3 Col. football Peach Bowl (CFP semifinal): ESPN, ESPN2, 7 p.m. 70-59 on Nov. 15.
Booker, PHO 29 283 153 786 27.1 Georgia vs. Ohio St. ESPNU, ESPNN, SEC
Brown, BOS 34 344 146 919 27.0
Hockey World Junior Championship: NHL 10 a.m. Justin Berl/Getty Images
Morant, MEM 29 272 183 777 26.8 HOUSTON CHRISTIAN 101
DeRozan, CHI 34 318 250 900 26.5 Slovakia vs. Switzerland Jamarius Burton scored a career-high 31 points in
Siakam, TOR 25 233 163 663 26.5 Hockey World Junior Championship: NHL 12:30 p.m.
Irving, BKN 25 241 95 653 26.1
Czech Republic vs. Germany Brycen Long hit a 3- Pitt’s 76-74 upset of No. 25 North Carolina on Friday.
Williamson, NO 26 256 153 672 25.8
Jokic, DEN 31 300 174 798 25.7 Hockey World Junior Championship: NHL 3 p.m. pointer early in overtime,
Randle, NY 36 290 183 855 23.8 U.S. vs. Finland then made four straight NO. 14 MIAMI 76 home.
FG Percentage NOTRE DAME 65
Hockey World Junior Championship: NHL 5:30 p.m. free throws in the final 17 Burton was 14-of-17
FG FGA PCT Canada vs. Sweden
seconds to help the host Nigel Pack returned to from the field and had six
Claxton, BKN 171 230 .743
Gobert, MIN 158 237 .667
Horse racing America’s Day at the Races FS2 1:30 p.m.
Huskies prevail in their his home state and led rebounds. He helped Pitt
NBA New York at Rockets ATTSW 6 p.m.
Clarke, MEM
Poeltl, SA
.653 Southland Conference the Hurricanes to victory (10-4, 3-0 ACC) win its
NHL San Jose at Dallas BSSW 7 p.m.
Capela, ATL 147 231 .636
Soccer Manchester United USA 6:30 a.m. opener. with 21 points in South fourth straight game and
Plumlee, CHA 142 226 .628
Allen, CLE 162 259 .625 at Wolverhampton Simeon Kirkland put Bend, Ind. remain unbeaten in con-
Zubac, LAC 141 226 .624 Soccer Leeds at Newcastle USA 9 a.m. back an offensive re- A junior from India- ference play.
Ayton, PHO 252 407 .619
Jokic, DEN 300 485 .619 Soccer Arsenal at NBC 11:30 a.m.
bound with 11 seconds left napolis, Pack made 5-of-8
Rebounds Brighton & Hove Albion 3-pointers. Norchad
Tennis United Cup Tennis 5 a.m. in regulation to pull New WOMEN
Sabonis, SAC
12.3 Tennis 5 p.m. Orleans even at 84-84 and Omier added 18 points as
Davis, LAL 25 78 224 302 12.1 Tennis ATP-WTA: Tennis 5 p.m. force the overtime period. Miami (13-1, 4-0 ACC)
NO. 10 UCLA 82
Gobert, MIN
Capela, ATL
Adelaide International
Bonke Maring scored won its ninth straight NO. 17 OREGON 74
Antetokounmpo, MIL 29 65 270 335 11.6 Radio
24 points and added nine game. Freshman Kiki Rice
Zubac, LAC 35 123 263 386 11.0 Col. basketball Texas Tech at TCU 100.7 FM 11 a.m.
Jokic, DEN 31 67 269 336 10.8
Col. basketball Oklahoma at Texas 790 AM 1 p.m. rebounds for HCU (4-10, NO. 15 WISCONSIN 76 had 21 points and seven
Adams, MEM 31 151 175 326 10.5
Vucevic, CHI 34 68 283 351 10.3 Col. basketball Central Florida at Houston 950 AM 1 p.m. 1-0), and Long added 19 WESTERN MICHIGAN 66 assists to lead the Bruins
Allen, CLE 29 87 210 297 10.2 NBA New York at Rockets 790 AM 6 p.m. points. Andrew King had Steven Crowl scored 20 to a road victory over the
Assists In Spanish 93.3 FM, 1010 AM
16 points, five rebounds of his career-high 25 Ducks.
Haliburton, IND 34 347 10.2 and seven assists for the points after halftime as
Young, ATL 31 308 9.9
Jokic, DEN 31 291 9.4
Cook, Min
Fields, Chi
244 1109
150 1011
35 16 16 3 35 122 135
34 13 16 5 31 99 123
Huskies. the host Badgers ended a NO. 11 UTAH 71
Doncic, DAL 33 293 8.9 Pollard, Dal 186 988 5.3 57t 9 San Jose 37 11 19 7 29 113 139 two-week layoff and won WASHINGTON ST. 66
Morant, MEM 29 236 8.1
Garland, CLE 30 235 7.8
McCaffrey, SF
Jones, GB
215 973
187 962
37 10 23 4 24 87 154
34 8 22 4 20 76 128 NO. 11 UCLA 67 their fifth straight game. Kennady McQueen
Westbrook, LAL
Conley, UTA
Jama.Williams, Det 224 850 3.8 51t 14 NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime loss. WASHINGTON ST. 66 Wisconsin, which scored 20 points and
Elliott, Dal 204 829 4.1 27 11 Top three teams in each division and two wild cards per
Holiday, MIL 26 194 7.5 Allgeier, Atl 166 817 4.9 44 2 conference advance to playoffs. UCLA’s Tyger Camp- hadn’t played since Dec. Alissa Pili added 18 as the
Smart, BOS 32 236 7.4
Receivers Thursday’s results
Buffalo 6, Detroit 3
bell stole the ball from 15, pulled away with a visiting Utes held on after
Colleges No Yds Avg LG TD Ottawa 4, Washington 3 (OT) Washington State’s Ky- 16-4 run in the first 4½ blowing a 16-point half-
Jefferson, Min 123 1756 14.3 64 8
Basketball Brown, Phi 80 1304 16.3 68 10
Florida 7, Montreal 2
many Houinsou with 23 minutes of the second time lead.
Tampa Bay 2, N.Y. Rangers 1 (SO)
Men’s Lamb, Dal
McLaurin, Was
13.3 39 8
15.2 51 4
N.Y. Islanders 2, Columbus 1
St. Louis 3, Chicago 1
seconds left, and Adem half.
Top 25
Friday’s ressults
St. Brown, Det 96 1050 10.9 49 6 Winnipeg 4, Vancouver 2 Bona made the game- NO. 16 MARYLAND 107
Smith, Phi 79 1014 12.8 45 7 Dallas 4, Minnesota 1
No. 11 UCLA 67, Washington St. 66 Metcalf, Sea 86 1005 11.7 54 6 Arizona 6, Toronto 3 winning layup four sec- PITTSBURGH 76 MINNESOTA 85
No. 14 Miami 76, Notre Dame
No. 15 Wisconsin 76, W. Michigan 66
Lockett, Sea 78 964 12.4 40t 8 Los Angeles 5, Colorado 4 (SO)
Philadelphia 4, San Jose 3 (OT)
onds later to help the NO. 25 N. CAROLINA 74 Diamond Miller scored
Olave, NO 63 940 14.9 53t 3
Pittsburgh 76, No. 25 North Carolina 74
Evans, TB 67 917 13.7 51 3 Friday’s results Bruins escape with a Jamarius Burton 22 points and Shyanne
Nashville 6, Anaheim 1
American 60, Lafayette 47
Punters New Jersey 4, Pittsburgh 2 road victory. scored a career-high 31 Sellers added 19 points
Carolina 4, Florida 0
Army 80, Lehigh 78
Dickson, Sea
49.1 Edmonton 7, Seattle 2 The Bruins’ Jaime points and Blake Hinson with nine rebounds as
Colgate 101, Loyola (Md.) 67
Fairfield 73, Marist 54 Camarda, TB 69 3379 74 49.0 Saturday’s games
Buffalo at Boston, Noon
Jaquez Jr. led all scorers had seven points in the the host Terrapins
Anger, Dal 55 2692 83 48.9
Holy Cross 60, Bucknell 58
Morgan St. 61, Hartford 54 Dixon, LAR 60 2926 65 48.8 Chicago at Columbus, Noon with 20 points and was final minute and a half as reached 100 points for the
Nashville at Vegas, 2 p.m.
Navy 75, Boston U. 58 Fox, Det 45 2187 66 48.6
Montreal at Washington, 3 p.m. 10-for-10 from the line. the Panthers won at first time this season.
Rutgers 90, Coppin St. 57 Hekker, Car 70 3393 68 48.5
Philadelphia at Los Angeles, 3 p.m.
Siena 83, Quinnipiac 76 Wright, Min 70 3327 73 47.5 Arizona at Tampa Bay, 4 p.m.
St. Peter’s 67, Manhattan 57 Lee, Ari 63 2969 65 47.1 Minnesota at St. Louis, 5 p.m.
SOUTH Gillan, NYG 67 3152 69 47.0 Ottawa at Detroit, 6 p.m.
Clemson 78, NC State 64
Way, Was 74 3470 68 46.9 Toronto at Colorado, 6 p.m. AROUND SPORTS
San Jose at Dallas, 7 p.m.
North Alabama 66, Jacksonville St. 62 AFC Individual leaders

SMU QB Mordecai plans

Vancouver at Calgary, 9 p.m.
SC State 111, St. Andrews 58
South Carolina 74, E. Michigan 64 Quarterbacks Winnipeg at Edmonton, 9 p.m.
Att Com Yds TD Int Sunday’s games
Stetson 86, Lipscomb 80 (OT)
Carolina at New Jersey, 2 p.m.
Vanderbilt 93, SE Louisiana 55 Mahomes, KC 580 388 4720 37 11
N.Y. Rangers at Florida, 4 p.m.
Burrow, Cin 564 389 4260 34 12

to transfer to Wisconsin
MIDWEST Buffalo at Ottawa, 6 p.m.
Herbert, LAC 634 431 4254 21 10 San Jose at Chicago, 6 p.m.
Akron 84, Concord 58 Allen, Buf 536 340 4029 32 13
Michigan St. 89, Buffalo 68 N.Y. Islanders at Seattle, 7 p.m.
Lawrence, Jac 531 350 3749 24 7
N. Dakota St. 71, North Dakota 49
Ohio 76, Chicago St. 59 Tagovailoa, Mia 400 259 3548 25 8 Soccer
Carr, Las 502 305 3522 24 14
English Premier League
Dallas Baptist 75, Ark.-Fort Smith 64
Ryan, Ind
Wilson, Den
3057 14 13
3019 12 9
W I R E R EP O RT S consin since Luke Fick- who established the pre-
Houston Christian 101, New Orleans 96 (OT) Mills, Hou 401 248 2618 14 13 Arsenal 15 13 1 1 36 12 40 ell’s arrival. Former vious AL mark of 61 ho-
Southwestern (Texas) 76, Howard Payne 63
Texas A&M 86, Prairie View 66
Rushers Man City
15 11 2 2 43 15 35
16 9 6 1 32 11 33
MADISON, Wis. — Oklahoma quarterback mers in 1961.
WEST Jacobs, Las
11 Tottenham 16 9 3 4 33 23 30 Quarterback Tanner Nick Evers tweeted two “Wow. That’s incred-
Colorado Mesa 67, CSU-Pueblo 60
Hawaii 74, UC Davis 66
Henry, Ten 319 1429 4.5 56 13 Man United
15 9 2 4 23 20 29
16 8 4 4 33 19 28
Mordecai announced on weeks ago that he had ible,” Judge said of his
Chubb, Cle 276 1344 4.9 41t 12
Southern Cal 80, Washington 67 Etienne, Jac 204 1000 4.9 49 4 Brighton 15 7 3 5 26 20 24 social media Friday that committed to Wisconsin. selection. “All these other
West Texas A&M 72, Midwestern St. 71 Chelsea 15 7 3 5 19 17 24
Stevenson, NE 196 944 4.8 49 5
Brentford 17 5 8 4 27 27 23 he is transferring from Graham Mertz, Wis- great athletes that not
Pierce, Hou 220 939 4.3 75t 4
Women’s Taylor, Ind 192 861 4.5 66t 4 Fulham 16 6 4 6 27 26 22 SMU to Wisconsin. consin’s starting quarter- only impacted the game
Crystal Palace 15 5 4 6 15 21 19
Top 25 Harris, Pit
Mostert, Mia
3 Aston Villa 16 5 3 8 17 25 18 Mordecai tweeted the back the last three sea- and their sport, but also
Friday’s results
No. 10 UCLA 82, No. 17 Oregon 74 Singletary, Buf 170 790 4.6 33t 5 Leicester
17 5 2 10 26 30 17
16 4 4 8 18 34 16
news two weeks after sons, entered the transfer impacted their communi-
No. 11 Utah 71, Washington St. 66
No. 16 Maryland 107, Minnesota 85
Receivers Leeds 15 4 3 8 23 29 15 playing in SMU’s 24-23 portal in early December ties and the culture in the
No Yds Avg LG TD Everton 16 3 5 8 12 19 14
EAST Hill, Mia 113 1632 14.4 64 7 West Ham 17 4 2 11 13 22 14
New Mexico Bowl loss to and plans to play for sports world and outside
Boston U. 62, Navy 39 Diggs, Buf 101 1325 13.1 53t 10 Wolverhampton 16 3 4 9 10 25 13 BYU. Mordecai threw his Florida next season. the sports world. So get-
Fairleigh Dickinson 68, Delaware St. 38 Adams, Las 88 1290 14.7 58t 12 Nottingham Forest 16 3 4 9 11 33 13
Holy Cross 62, Bucknell 45 Waddle, Mia 67 1260 18.8 84t 8 Southampton 16 3 3 10 14 30 12 school-record 72nd career ting a chance to be
Lehigh 90, Army 68
Maryland 107, Minnesota 85
Kelce, KC
Higgins, Cin
Friday’s results touchdown pass for SMU MLB amongst that list is an
Judge named
West Ham 0, Brentford 2
Penn 95, Gwynedd-Mercy 38 Cooper, Cle 73 1004 13.8 55 7 Liverpool 2, Leicester 1 in that game. incredible honor.”
Temple 80, Memphis 69 G.Wilson, NYJ 71 996 14.0 60 4 Saturday’s games
Md.-Eastern Shore 100, Bryn Athyn 30 Kirk, Jac 76 988 13.0 49 7 Wolverhampton vs. Man United, 6:30 a.m. “I could not be more athlete of year The 30-year-old Judge
Loyola (Md.) 61, Colgate 54 (OT)
Monmouth (NJ) 54, Northeastern 49
Chase, Cin 79 960 12.2 60t 8 Bournemouth vs. Crystal Palace, 9 a.m.
Fulham vs. Southampton, 9 a.m.
fired up to play at a led the majors in runs
Penn St. 90, Rutgers 72 Man City vs. Everton, 9 a.m. school with rich history After hitting 62 home (133), on-base percentage
Stony Brook 89, William & Mary 61 No Yds Lg Avg Newcastle vs. Leeds, 9 a.m.
St. Francis (Pa.) 46, Hartford 36 Stonehouse, Ten 82 4376 74 53.4 Brighton vs. Arsenal, 11:30 a.m. and a winning culture,” runs to break an Amer- (.425), slugging percent-
Delaware 77, Hofstra 65
American 75, Lafayette 65
Townsend, KC
Cooke, Jac
Sunday’s games
Tottenham vs. Aston Villa, 8 a.m.
Mordecai said. “Let’s ican League record that age (.686), OPS (1.111),
SOUTH A.Cole, Las 55 2681 67 48.7 Nottingham Forest vs. Chelsea, 10:30 a.m. ride!” lasted six decades, Aaron extra-base hits (90) and
Monday’s game
Belmont 74, Valparaiso 60
Bojorquez, Cle
Johnston, Hou
48.5 Brentford vs. Liverpool, 11:30 a.m. Mordecai also thanked Judge of the New York total bases (391). He tied
Murray St. 68, Ill. Chicago 55
NC A&T 67, Elon 50 Martin, Buf 42 2021 67 48.1
Transactions SMU’s faculty, staff and Yankees has been voted for the big league lead
Mann, NYJ 75 3518 72 46.9
Samford 112, Birmingham Southern 75
South Florida 69, Tulane 61 Morstead, Mia 53 2458 66 46.4 BASKETBALL
program. He said: “I have the Associated Press with 131 RBIs and fin-
Texas A&M-CC 65, Northwestern St. 50 Waitman, Den 86 3975 58 46.2
NBA made relationships that I Male Athlete of the Year ished second in the AL
Tulsa 55, East Carolina 47
UNC-Greensboro 68, Lenoir-Rhyne 60 Hockey NBA: Fined Atlanta G Bogdan Bogdanovic an undisclosed will cherish and carry for by a panel of 40 sports with a .311 batting average.
amount for kicking a game ball into the spectator stands
W. Carolina 64, Southern Wesleyan 46 NHL during a Dec. 28th game against Brooklyn. the rest of my life.” writers and editors from
Ball St. 119, Chicago St. 53 EASTERN CONFERENCE FOOTBALL After spending 2018-20 news outlets across the SOCCER
Bowling Green 92, Findlay 51
IUPUI 68, N. Kentucky 65 Boston
4 3 59 135 78
CAROLINA PANTHERS: Promoted CB Josh Norman from
as a reserve quarterback country. Ronaldo signs
Illinois St. 87, Drake 76 Carolina 36 24 6 6 54 113 90 the practice squad to the active roster. for Oklahoma, Mordecai The outfielder edged with Saudi club
CINCINNATI BENGALS: Placed OT La’el Collins on injured
N. Iowa 83, Bradley 64
Wichita St. 61, Cincinnati 49
Toronto 36 22 8 6 50 119 92
reserve. transferred to SMU and Los Angeles Angels two-
New Jersey 36 23 11 2 48 120 92
SOUTHWEST Tampa Bay 34 22 11 1 45 121 99
MIAMI DOLPHINS: Signed WR Calvin Jackson to the
practice squad. Released WR DaeSean Hamilton from the
was the Mustangs’ starter way star Shohei Ohtani, Saudi Arabian soccer
Houston 60, SMU 44 Washington
13 5 45 118 106
11 6 44 121 109
practice squad. the last two seasons. last year’s winner, in club Al Nassr on Friday
NEW YORK GIANTS: Re-signed TE chris Myarick to the
WEST N.Y. Islanders 37 21 14 2 44 119 100 practice squad. He threw for 3,628 voting announced Friday. announced the signing of
Colorado 64, Washington 56 N.Y. Rangers 37 19 12 6 44 117 102
Southern Cal 69, Oregon St. 58 Detroit 34 15 12 7 37 106 115
injured reserve. Promoted LB De’Jon Harris from the prac-
yards with a school- Stephen Curry of the Cristiano Ronaldo,
Football Buffalo 33 17 14 2 36 133 112 tice squad to the active roster. Signed CB Troy Apke to the record 39 touchdowns NBA champion Golden ending speculation about
Florida 37 16 17 4 36 121 126 practide squad.
NFC Individual leaders Ottawa 35 16 16 3 35 107 111
and 12 interceptions in State Warriors finished the five-time Ballon d'Or
Quarterbacks Montreal
18 3 33 98 129
17 7 31 94 122 NHL 2021. Mordecai followed third. winner's future.
Brady, TB
Yds TD Int
4178 21 9
Columbus 34 10 22 2 22 90 137 BUFFALO SABRES: Loaned D Lawrence Pilut to rochester that by passing for 3,524 Judge joins an es- Al Nassr posted a pic-
Cousins, Min 592 389 4117 27 11 WESTERN CONFERENCE CALGARY FLAMES: Recalled C Radim Zohorna from Cal- yards with 33 touch- teemed fraternity of hon- ture on social media of
Goff, Det
Smith, Sea
3959 26 7
3886 27 9
GP W L OT Pts GF GA gary (AHL).
OTTAWA SENATORS: Returned D Dillon Heatherington
downs and 10 intercep- orees that includes Jesse Ronaldo holding up the
Dallas 37 22 9 6 50 132 102
Hurts, Phi 425 286 3472 22 5
Vegas 38 24 12 2 50 126 107
to Belleville (AHL). tions this season. He also Owens, Muhammad team's jersey, with the
Rodgers, GB 491 318 3331 24 11 PITTSBURGH PENGUINS: Reassigned LW Jordan Frasca
Jones, NYG 448 298 3028 13 5
Los Angeles 39 21 12 6 48 130 134 from Wilkes-Barre/Scranton (AHL) to Wheeling (ECHL). had two touchdown runs Ali, Wayne Gretzky and club hailing the deal as
Winnipeg 36 22 13 1 45 116 94
Dalton, NO 331 219 2495 17 8
Minnesota 35 20 13 2 42 111 100
VANCOUVER CANUCKS: Loaned F Nils Aman to Abbots-
ford (AHL). Recalled RW Will Lockwood from Abbots-
each of the last two sea- Michael Jordan. Among “history in the making.”
Prescott, Dal 316 218 2450 20 12
Garoppolo, SF 308 207 2437 16 4
15 2 42 139 125
12 3 41 103 95
VEGAS GOLDEN KNIGHTS: Recalled RW Sheldon Rem-
sons. the former Yankees to Ronaldo had been a
Rushers Calgary 37 17 13 7 41 114 113 pal from Henderson (AHL). Mordecai is the second win were Joe DiMaggio, free agent after his con-
WINNIPEG JETS: Signed C Danny Zhilkin to a three-year
Barkley, NYG
Att Yds Avg LG TD
283 1254 4.4 68 10
St. Louis
12 4 40 117 118
16 3 37 112 130 entry-level contract. quarterback to announce Mickey Mantle and tract was terminated by
Sanders, Phi 236 1175 5.0 40t 11 Nashville 34 15 14 5 35 90 102 plans to transfer to Wis- Roger Maris — the man Manchester United.
• DOW: 33,147.25 , down -73.55 (-0.2%)
• S&P: 3,839.50, down -9.78 (-0.3%)
• OIL: $80.26, up $1.86 (2.4%)
• NATURAL GAS: $4.475, down 84 cents (-1.8%)


More to celebrate New Year’s from home

Party platters and top-shelf liquor ers cutting back a little bit, prob-
ably due to the economy, but
sell well as consumers skip the bars they’re still entertaining.”
Spec’s has seen more custom-
By Megan Munce found that in the 12 months end- ers purchasing party trays for
STA F F WRIT E R ed July 30, total U.S. alcohol people to share at home, he said.
sales reached $91.3 billion, down For consumers at Twin Li-
The theme for this year’s New from peak-pandemic sales for quor’s locations across Houston
Year’s Eve seems to be “Party at home consumption of $93.7 bil- and the state, top-shelf alcohol
my place!” lion in the year-earlier period. has been the go-to for people to
Even as in-person work and At the same time, a mid-year create entertaining experiences
social events return to main- report by research firm ICI at home, according to Sandra
stream life for many Americans, found alcohol sales at U.S. bars Spalding, its director of market-
inflation is pushing the party and restaurants remained be- ing. It’s become especially pop-
back into homes, liquor stores low pre-pandemic levels, in part ular in the past few weeks with
and alcohol industry groups say. due to COVID concerns and la- travel disruptions and spikes of Elizabeth Conley/Staff photographer
Total off-premise alcohol bor issues. influenza and RSV leading more A man shops at Spec’s Wine, Spirits & Finer Foods in Houston.
sales in the U.S. were 15.8 per- It’s a trend seen in Houston, people to celebrate the holidays More are expected to party at home this year.
cent higher in 2021 than in pre- according to John Rydman, at home, she said.
pandemic 2019, according to re- president of Spec’s Wines, Spir- More time spent at home has demic started, being stuck in- At the same time, Spadling
search firm NielsenIQ, an up- its and Finer Foods. also helped boost popularity for side gave many Americans time said social media platforms
ward trend that tapered off this “The whole year has been just amateur mixology, according to to sit down and learn more such as TikTok have helped
year as inflation began to a little bit flat from last year,” Rydman. While the trend had about mixing drinks at home, he popularize specific drinks. One,
squeeze pocketbooks. Nielsen Rydman said. “We see custom- been happening before the pan- said. Alcohol continues on B10

of other
forms of
on rise
By Claire Poole
and Allen Pusey

This year’s list of signifi-

cant M&A deals with a Texas
connection includes the usu-
al upstream and full-vertical
oil and gas acquisitions, yet
many of the deals were influ-
enced by technology changes
or geopolitical upheaval.
Transactions involving digi-
tal infrastructure, biologics,
energy management and, of
course, a blank check, or
SPAC, merger also rose to
Steve Sanacore/Driftwood Hospitality Management Notably, Texas-related
The Chifley, a Tapestry Collection by Hilton, officially launched after new owners remodeled the 284-room hotel in the deals involving renewables
Galleria/Uptown area in late 2022. The lobby is among the many areas that have been updated. or energy transition outnum-
bered traditional energy
transactions in the third

Former Galleria-area Sheraton

quarter. Old-school energy
deals still outweighed their
alternative counterparts in
value — by far — but in sheer

renovated, rebranded as Chifley numbers, deals involving

wind farms, solar panels,
utility-grade energy shortage
and smart energy allocation
The upgraded hotel launches after remodel by new owners made their mark on the Tex-
as market in 2022.
On the flip side, deals in-
By Marissa Luck The Tapestry branding is the hasn’t returned fully, Brett Or- about 5 percent, hovering at volving SPACS, or special
STA F F W RIT E R Hilton’s lifestyle hotel concept lando, managing director at the about 58 percent on average purpose acquisition compa-
aimed at blending the affordabil- Chifley, said the hotel is seeing through November across the nies, that were all the rage in
A once-distressed hotel in the ity of a chain hotel with aspects more groups book last-minute Houston region. Meanwhile, 2021 lost their luster in 2022.
Galleria is being rebranded after of a boutique experience by giv- meetings with some “nice de- average daily rates are only up According to SPAC Insider,
an extensive renovation, with ing owners more independence mand for February and March” by roughly $3 compared to 2019, there were 613 SPACs that
plans to add a new restaurant its in shaping the look and feel of ahead. landing at about $104.39 for an made their initial public of-
owners expect to become a desti- the properties, which incorpo- Hotel demand in Houston average night’s stay in a Houston fering in 2021. In 2022, the
nation dining experience for rate unique and local touches. bounced back over the past year hotel this year. number dropped to 84, an 86
guests as well as area residents. The upgraded hotel launches or so with total room bookings And even though consumers percent decline. More impor-
The former Sheraton Suites as the hospitality sector regains jumping by 41 percent in the first may be paying a little more for tantly, proceeds from those
Houston at 2400 West Loop has its footing after the pandemic 11 months of the year compared nightly stays, hoteliers’ profits IPOs declined from $162 bil-
been renamed the Chifley, a Tap- upended the travel industry. Lei- to the same period in 2020, ac- are getting eaten up by increased lion to $13.2 billion, a 92 per-
estry Collection by Hilton, after sure travelers returned in full cording to data from the hotel costs, according to STR analysts. cent decrease in public in-
Florida-based Driftwood Hospi- force over the past year or so, data firm STR. However total Nationally, STR is projecting a vestment.
tality Management completed its and business travelers began re- bookings are still about 5 percent mild recession and said inflation In all, Texas lawyers
refresh of the 284-room property suming in-person gatherings at below 2019 levels. Average occu- could weigh on some consum- worked on more than 1,000
in late December. hotels. Although business travel pancy rates are also down by Chifley continues on B10 mergers and acquisitions in
2022, some valued in the bil-
lions of dollars. Others were
significant for their complex-

Ranking signals that area needs to diversify ity and business sector im-
portance. Inflation, coupled
with the rise and fall of ener-
By Erica Grieder As a result, the GDP numbers gy prices, conspired to make
STA F F WRIT E R compiled by the Bureau of Eco- this year’s crop of top deals
nomic Analysis illustrate the energy-heavy, not unlike the
A new ranking of the nation’s sway energy still holds over the glory years of Texas oil and
metropolitan regions by growth regional economy’s health. gas. But demand for energy
in gross domestic product sug- The Houston-The Wood- and investment efficiencies
gests that while Houston is no lands-Sugar Land region saw are increasingly changing
longer as reliant on oil and gas GDP growth of 1.9 percent in some of the market’s funda-
as it once was, the region still 2021, the most recent period for mentals.
has room to diversify its econo- data from the BEA, released this
my. month. National GDP saw a rise Jan. 25: Chesapeake
This year saw record profits of 6.2 percent over the course of purchases Chief
for oil companies as crude pric- that year. The BEA releases data Chesapeake has come a
es spent a good part of 2022 at or on annual GDP growth of coun- long way since heading to
above $100 a barrel. Exxon Mo- ties and metro areas in Decem- bankruptcy court in June
bil, Chevron and Occidental Pe- ber of the next calendar year. Karen Warren/Staff photographer 2020 and emerging last year
troleum are trading near 52- Last year’s 1.9 percent GDP A weak performance by the volatile energy sector in 2021 was with a focus on natural gas
week highs. That performance growth, weighed down by the a drag on the Houston region’s economy. rather than crude oil. The
is in stark contrast to numbers sinking fortunes of the oil and strategy has paid off, so much
put up in 2021, which started gas sector, placed Houston 335th nomics and analyzed the BEA’s one sector which dragged down so that it was able to buy
with the world still largely out of the 392 largest U.S. metro data. everything,” Ted Ballantine, a Chief E&D Holdings from
locked down as a result of the areas, according to CivMetrics, “Most sectors of Houston’s director at CivMetrics, said in an Tug Hill Inc. for $2.65 billion.
COVID-19 pandemic. a nonprofit that studies city eco- economy did grow in 2021. It was Ranking continues on B11 Mergers continues on B11

Business Editor Jonathan Diamond: Jonathan.Diamond@chron.com • 713-362-1513

EPA working swiftly to protect wetlands

By Lisa Friedman gan preparing for construction
N EW YORK T IME S in 2007, the Sacketts were
stopped by the EPA, which said
WASHINGTON — The Biden the property included a federal-
administration is working to ly protected wetland.
complete a clean water regula- The agency ordered them to
tion before a Supreme Court stop and return the property to
ruling that could complicate the its original state or face fines.
government’s ability to protect The couple instead sued the
wetlands and other waters. agency, and a dispute about
The Environmental Protec- whether that lawsuit was pre-
tion Agency rule, which was fi- mature reached the Supreme
nalized Friday, essentially re- Court in an earlier appeal. In
verts protections for millions of 2012, the justices ruled that the
streams, marshes and other suit could proceed. The court
bodies of water to levels that ex- heard oral arguments this sum-
isted before the Obama admin- mer and the case has become a
istration made major changes in rallying cry for property rights
2015, leading to nearly a decade advocates and other opponents
of political and legal disputes. of environmental regulation.
With the Supreme Court ex- Damien M. Schiff, a lawyer
pected to rule next year in a ma- with the Pacific Legal Founda-
jor case that could reduce the tion, which represents the Sack-
government’s authority to regu- etts, said he did not believe the
late wetlands, experts called the EPA rule would affect the out-
Biden administration’s move Tim Gruber/New York Times file photo come of his clients’ case. He also
strategic. Getting a rule on the The Biden administration is working to complete a clean water regulation before a Supreme noted that if the court ruled in
books now gives the EPA a Court ruling could complicate the government’s ability to protect wetlands and other waters. favor of the Sacketts, the EPA
greater chance of locking in, at would likely have to make revi-
least for a while, a broad defini- posed by the Obama adminis- agency may propose “refine- of the EPA, who had vowed to sions in its regulation. “It really
tion of which waterways qualify tration, a subsequent reversal ments,” she said, the adminis- develop what he called a “prag- is just a stopgap measure,” he
for federal protection under the by the Trump administration tration is not currently planning matic” approach to water rules. said of the rule.
Clean Water Act. and several legal battles in be- a major second phase. The Obama-era rule had William W. Buzbee, an envi-
“If the Supreme Court goes tween, had “harmed communi- Fox said she hoped the new come under fire from Republi- ronmental and constitutional
first, then the agency can’t final- ties and our nation’s waters.” rule would put an end to the bat- cans as overly restrictive and law professor at Georgetown
ize a rule that goes beyond it,” The new rule includes some tles between environmental onerous to business. President University Law Center, said the
said Kevin S. Minoli, a partner at changes, officials said, includ- groups and farmers, ranchers, Donald Trump repealed it and new rule, because it returns to a
Alston & Bird who served as an ing provisions that clarify what fossil fuel developers and real imposed his own rule, which en- broadly understood set of ap-
EPA counsel in the Clinton, bodies of water are excluded estate agents over the types of vironmentalists cast as a give- proaches, helped clear up the
Bush, Obama and Trump ad- from regulation, such as certain waterways that qualify for fed- away to homebuilders, farmers past several years of legal confu-
ministrations. By issuing a rule agricultural lands. The rule also eral protection under the Clean and ranchers. sion. But he said that wouldn’t
first, he said, the government aims to simplify a test to deter- Water Act. In 2021, a federal judge struck end disputes over what consti-
has “more room to interpret” the mine whether a stream or wet- “I think we have found a mid- down the Trump rule, leaving tutes a federally protected wa-
court decision when it comes. land is subject to federal juris- dle ground that creates as much the regulatory landscape in lim- terway.
Under the new rule, the EPA diction based on its distance clarity as possible,” she said. “I bo. “This statute applies down at
revived a definition of what con- from a tributary of a larger body am hopeful that this is the one Meanwhile, the Supreme the level of people’s efforts to
stitute “waters of the United of water. that will stand the test of time.” Court case has been moving for- build buildings and do big real
States” that had been in place Radhika Fox, the EPA’s assis- She declined to comment on the ward. The case, Sackett v. Envi- estate developments,” Buzbee
since 1986, describing the defini- tant administrator in the office Supreme Court case, citing ac- ronmental Protection Agency, said. “It’s inherently an area
tion as “familiar” and founda- of water, said in an interview tive litigation. involves an Idaho couple, Mi- where there is a vast amount of
tional to decades of clean-water that the rule finalized Friday The new rule has also been chael and Chantell Sackett, who money at stake. Probably no
progress. In a statement, the would not be followed by exten- widely viewed as a test for Mi- sought to build a house in the matter what there will still be
agency said the changes im- sive further revisions. While the chael Regan, the administrator state’s panhandle. After they be- conflicts.”

Semblance of normalcy returns for Southwest Airlines

By Jake Bleiberg what happened at Southwest, customers and getting them re-
A S S OC IAT E D PRE SS with all eyes on outdated crew- united with their luggage.
scheduling technology that left “This has impacted so many
DALLAS — Southwest Air- flight crews out of place after people, so many customers,
lines returned to a relatively the storm hit, essentially shut- over the holidays. It’s impacted
normal flight schedule Friday, ting down almost all of the car- our employees. And I’m ex-
as the focus shifts to making rier’s operations. tremely sorry for that,” Jordan
things right with what could be On Friday, however, South- said. “There’s just no way al-
well more than a million pas- west passengers reported rela- most to apologize enough be-
sengers who missed family tively empty flights, some with cause we love our customers,
connections or flights home one person to a row, as the car- we love our people and we real-
during the holidays, and many rier reshuffled routes and sent ly impacted their plans.”
of whom are still missing lug- planes, and crews, to where Executives with the airline
gage. they needed to be. said this week that it may take
The Dallas carrier, which At airports across the coun- as much as a week to connect all
had canceled thousands of try, passengers had what could Southwest passengers with
flights every day this week after be described as a typical holi- their destinations.
a winter storm last weekend, day week for travel. It was a The air travel industry is just
reported 43 cancellations Fri- stark contrast near Southwest Brett Coomer/Staff photographer now recovering from the pan-
day. While that was still more Airline counters, where hun- Passengers check in at the Southwest counters at Hobby Airport. demic, which reduced activity
than United, American and dreds of people sat on bags or The airline reported only 43 cancellations nationwide Friday. to levels not seen since the be-
Delta combined, it’s progress slept where they could, with ginning of the jet age.
following one of the most cha- the Southwest aircraft sitting getting crews and planes into Southwest’s Robert Jordan Jordan warned that the melt-
otic weeks in aviation history on the tarmac yards away, but place, and executives have said in an interview with ABC’s down this week will “certainly”
for a single airline. crewless. started on what is undoubtedly Good Morning America on Fri- hit the carrier when it reports
Federal regulators have Southwest begun accepting a long road to regaining the day that after safety, there is no fourth quarter financial results
vowed a rigorous review of reservations again Friday after trust of travelers. greater focus than reimbursing at the end of January.

BRIEFS lawsuit against the technology cember.

giant over allegedly deceptive The drug, known by the

Tesla set location tracking practices, state

Attorney General Todd Rokita
brand name Lagevrio, has been
granted conditional emergency
approval for treating mild and
for record Rokitas filed a separate law-
suit against Google when nego-
moderate infections among
adults at risk of progressing to
deliveries tiations between the company
and a coalition of state attorneys
severe disease, China’s National
Medical Products Administra-
general stalled, he said. Those tion said Friday. It’s the second
Tesla is expected to announce states agreed to a $391.5 million foreign COVID-19 treatment
record quarterly deliveries in settlement with the company in cleared for use in China after
early January, but that may not November. authorities gave Pfizer’s Pax-
be enough to satisfy investors as As a result of the separate lovid the go-ahead in early 2022.
the electric-vehicle leader grap- lawsuit, Indiana received about
ples with inflation, rising in- twice as much money as it OIL AND GAS
terest rates, crimped production would have under the deal with Only 1 bid submitted
in China and concerns about the 40 states in the coalition, for leases off Alaska
softening demand. Toru Hanai/Bloomberg Rokita said in his announce-
In an effort to clear inventory, Analysts foresee Tesla delivering over 420,000 vehicles globally ment Thursday. The U.S. government on
Tesla offered a rare $7,500 dis- in the fourth quarter, which would set a record for the company. States began investigating Friday said it received one bid
count to U.S. customers who after a 2018 Associated Press for the right to drill offshore for
took delivery of a new Model 3 seller of electric vehicles and is The recall covers Beetles story that found that Google oil and gas in Alaska’s Cook
or Model Y at the end of the well positioned to take advan- from the 2015 and 2016 model continued to track people’s Inlet near habitat for bears,
year, along with 10,000 miles of tage of some of the IRA’s tax years. The National Highway location data even after they salmon, humpback whales and
free Supercharging. The In- credits for battery cell manufac- Traffic Safety Administration opted out of such tracking by endangered beluga whales.
flation Reduction Act, or IRA, turing and locally assembled says in documents posted Fri- disabling a feature the company Hilcorp Alaska submitted the
will restore up to $7,500 in fed- EVs. But to meet its goal to day that the inflators can ex- called “location history.” sole bid — $63,983 for an area
eral tax credits for certain EVs grow deliveries by 50 percent plode with too much force and Google did not admit to any covering 5,693 acres.
starting Jan. 1. annually over several years — hurl shrapnel. wrongdoing as part of the deal The company is a unit of
Deliveries are one of the most an objective Tesla warned it will Takata used ammonium with Indiana. Hilcorp, which is the largest
closely watched metrics by fall just short of in 2022 — Tesla nitrate to create a small explo- privately held oil and gas explo-
investors eager to see if Tesla will likely make compromises sion to inflate air bags in a PHARMACEUTICALS ration and production company
can maintain its rapid growth. when it comes to gross margins. crash. But the chemical can China OKs Merck’s in the United States. It already
Global fourth-quarter deliveries deteriorate over time when COVID treatment has leases to drill for oil and gas
could reach 420,760 vehicles, SAFETY exposed to high temperatures in onshore areas of Cook Inlet,
according to 16 analysts sur- 42K Volkswagen cars and humidity. China approved Merck’s which stretches from Anchor-
veyed by Bloomberg. That esti- recalled over air bags coronavirus antiviral molnupi- age to the Gulf of Alaska.
mate, which doesn’t include LITIGATION ravir for emergency use as Bei- The Bureau of Ocean Energy
some of the more recent analyst Volkswagen is recalling near- Google to pay $20M jing seeks to expand access to Management was offering leas-
projections, exceeds the record ly 42,000 Beetles in the U.S. and to settle Indiana suit treatments amid a massive wave es for 193 blocks totaling some
343,830 cars delivered in the Canada because they have po- of infections following its 958,000 acres but received just
third quarter. tentially dangerous Takata air Google will pay Indiana $20 abrupt pivot away from its CO- one bid for one block.
Tesla is the world’s dominant bag inflators. million to resolve the state's VID Zero policy in early De- From wire reports

ALCOHOL Dickerson,
a Kroger
From page B8 has also seen more con-
sumers in search of spar-
a viral TikTok featuring kling wine cocktails seen
two actors from the HBO on social media, from Kir
series “House of the Drag- Royales to French 75s,
on,” led to explosive inter- Dickerson said. Texas Commission on environmenTal

est in negroni sbagliatos, a

mix of Campari, sweet
As the new year ap-
proaches, the IWSR pre-
Notice To QualiTy
vermouth and prosecco dicts low consumer confi-
PERMIT NO. WQ0013296002
over ice. dence in the economy may APPLICATION. Harris County
Spec’s also sees custom- push many to reduce over- Municipal Utility District No. 358, 3200
Southwest Freeway, Suite 2600, Houston,
ers in search of orange bit- all alcohol consumption,
ters or special cherries to
follow recipes they read
but shift toward choosing
higher alcohol content
Ad Texas 77027, has applied to the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality
(TCEQ) to renew Texas Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (TPDES)
Permit No. WQ0013296002 (EPA I.D. No.
online or in magazines,
Rydman said.
Throughout the year,
beverages, such as whis-
key and tequila versus
wine and beer, and more
$74.00* TX0105376) to authorize the discharge
of treated wastewater at a volume not
to exceed an annual average flow of
2,000,000 gallons per day. The domestic
wastewater treatment facility is located
sparkling wine has led premium brands when Call the Legals Team at 19855 Cypresswood Drive, in Harris
County, Texas 77433. The discharge route
sales in the wine category they do make a purchase. 713-224-6868 is from the plant site to a Harris County
globally, according to “People are drinking Ext. 6435 or 4204 Flood Control District ditch; thence to
Cypress Creek. TCEQ received this
IWSR, a U.K.-based mar- quality, maybe not as application on November 10, 2022. The
ket research firm special- much quantity, but quali- *$74.00 includes first 36 lines permit application is available for viewing
and copying at Lone Star College – CyFair
izing in alcoholic beverag- ty,” Twin Liquor’s Spal- and 1 Affidavit of Publication Library, 9191 Barker Cypress Road,
Cypress, Texas. This link to an electronic
es. That’s especially true ding said. *$1.92 per line over 36 lines map of the site or facility’s general location
is provided as a public courtesy and not
with the arrival of the holi- part of the application or notice. For the
days, according to Teresa megan.munce@chron.com exact location, refer to the application.

CHIFLEY dling drinks.

On tap will also be a
The Houston Independent School District Purchasing Services Department located at 4400 West 18th
Street, Houston, TX 77092 is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) via the District’s electronic bidding
Alternative language notice in Spanish
is available at https://www.tceq.texas.
From page B8 custom beer brewed by portal. Proposers may login to view specifications and submit their responses at the following link language-summaries-and-public-
https://houstonisd.ionwave.net/Login.aspx until 2:00 p.m. (CST) Tuesday, January 17, 2023 , for the notices. El aviso de idioma alternativo en
8th Wonder Brewery lo- following solicitation: español está disponible en https://www.
ers’ willingness to travel cally, a variation of the • RFP 22-06-01 Charter and School Bus Services plain-language-summaries-and-public-
in 2023. However, at least Houston-based beer com- A pre-proposal conference via Microsoft Teams will be held in conjunction with this RFP. Information ADDITIONAL NOTICE. TCEQ’s
half of consumers sur- pany’s “Cougar Paw Red regarding dates, times, and instructions to receive a link to join the meeting can be located within the Executive Director has determined the
electronic bidding portal under the “Event Details” tab specific to this solicitation. application is administratively complete
veyed by STR said they Ale” beer under the Chif- and will conduct a technical review of the
plan to either maintain or ley brand. LEGAL NOTICE application. After technical review of the
application is complete, the Executive
increase their travel next “The goal of the restau- The Houston Independent School District Purchasing Services Department located at 4400 West 18th Director may prepare a draft permit and
Street, Houston, TX 77092 is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) via the District’s electronic bidding will issue a preliminary decision on the
year compared to 2019 lev- rant was much like the portal. Proposers may login to view specifications and submit their responses at the following link application. Notice of the Application and
els. idea for the hotel, to really https://houstonisd.ionwave.net/Login.aspx until 2:00 p.m. (CST) Monday, January 23, 2023 , for the Preliminary Decision will be published and
mailed to those who are on the county-
following solicitation:
Orlando said he doesn’t embrace the culture im- wide mailing list and to those who are
• RFP 23-12-04 Flatbed Printer With Related Goods and Services on the mailing list for this application.
expect the Galleria sub- mediately surrounding That notice will contain the deadline for
market to see a full return us,” Orlando said. A pre-proposal conference via Microsoft Teams will be held in conjunction with this RFP. Information submitting public comments.
regarding dates, times, and instructions to receive a link to join the meeting can be located within the
to pre-COVID rates of The hotel’s name “Chif- electronic bidding portal under the “Event Details” tab specific to this solicitation. MEETING. You may submit public
comments or request a public meeting on
travel until 2024. ley” is derived from the this application. The purpose of a public
The Chifley’s leaders word “schiffli”, a sewing meeting is to provide the opportunity to
submit comments or to ask questions
are going after more lei- process that uses hun- about the application. TCEQ will hold a
public meeting if the Executive Director
sure weekend travelers dreds of needles to stitch Proposal Notice for determines that there is a significant
and don’t expect a major together elaborate lace, Harris County Community Supervision Corrections Department (CSCD) –
degree of public interest in the application
or if requested by a local legislator. A
Atascocita Complex – (General Works Package & Testing/Balance Package)
recession to foil their which is meant as a meta- public meeting is not a contested case
prospects for growth in phor for the interweaving Manhattan Construction as Construction Manager at Risk for Harris County, ac- OPPORTUNITY FOR A CONTESTED
cordance with Texas Government Code Section 2269.255 is soliciting proposals
2023, even if the industry of Houston’s diverse cul- from subcontractors (including MWBE firms) for construction of the renovations
CASE HEARING. After the deadline
for submitting public comments, the
isn’t completely recovered tures. The hotel will fea- and additions of the Harris County Community Supervision and Corrections De- Executive Director will consider all timely
partment (CSCD). comments and prepare a response to
just yet. ture work from local art- all relevant and material, or significant
The phase 01 proposed CSCD storage and maintenance facility is located at 2310
“We’re planning for a ists and entrepreneurs, in- Atascocita Road Humble, TX 77396. The phase 01 project includes a new pre-
public comments. Unless the application
is directly referred for a contested case
robust year,” Orlando cluding a partnership to -engineered metal building maintenance facility and new detention pond. The
scopes of work included for this package is for Overhead Doors.
hearing, the response to comments, and
the Executive Director’s decision on the
said. sell locally-made candled The overall project (future phases) will include the phased replacement and ex- application, will be mailed to everyone
pansion of classrooms, cafeteria, reception/ administration, dormitory, and
As part of that plan- by Key Home Scents. maintenance functions.
who submitted public comments and to
those persons who are on the mailing
ning, renovations includ- Driftwood Property ex- Proposals date and time for this project are due at 2:00 pm CST on
list for this application. If comments are
received, the mailing will also provide
ed upgrading all of the ho- pects to begin hiring about Monday 1/09/23 and shall be submitted in accordance with the instructions to instructions for requesting reconsideration
bidder to Manhattan Construction, 2120 Montrose Blvd., Houston, TX 77006. For
tel rooms, updating the 20 people for the Rouse more info or to obtain access to the documents, email
of the Executive Director’s decision and
for requesting a contested case hearing.
lobby and an 8,000- restaurant soon, adding to jhernandez@manhattanconstruction.com or call 713-332-7247. A contested case hearing is a legal
proceeding similar to a civil trial in state
square-foot meeting the 80 team members on- There will be no public opening of proposals. After receipt of proposals, Manhat- district court.
tan Construction will conduct its evaluation of the subcontractor proposals in re-
space, adding new signage site at the hotel. lation to the project requirements and will select the proposal(s) that offer(s) the
and the planned addition Driftwood took over best value to Harris County, in accordance with Texas Government Code Section THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IN YOUR
2269.256. REQUEST: your name, address, phone
of Rouse, a destination management of the prop- number; applicant’s name and proposed
restaurant expected to erty after Florida-based Manhattan Construction is committed to soliciting MWBE participation for this permit number; the location and distance
project. MWBE forms, schedules and statements shall accompany each proposal of your property/activities relative to the
open in early 2023. LNR Partners purchased that is submitted. proposed facility; a specific description of
how you would be adversely affected by
The 126-seat restaurant the struggling Sheraton Manhattan Construction is an equal opportunity (EEO) employer. the facility in a way not common to the
is to include a menu merg- hotel in 2021 as it was general public; a list of all disputed issues of
fact that you submit during the comment
ing several cuisines that headed toward foreclo- period and, the statement “[I/we] request
a contested case hearing.” If the request
are part of Houston’s culi- sure, according to Harris for contested case hearing is filed on behalf
nary landscape, with a fu- County deed documents. of a group or association, the request
must designate the group’s representative
sion of barbecue, Mexi- The site is valued at $18.84 for receiving future correspondence;
identify by name and physical address an
can- and Asian-inspired million, according to Har- individual member of the group who would
dishes under a team led by ris County Central Ap- be adversely affected by the proposed
facility or activity; provide the information
executive chef Ricardo praisal District. discussed above regarding the affected
member’s location and distance from
Planas. The bar will offer Driftwood manages the facility or activity; explain how and
a punchbowl experience about 70 hotels globally, why the member would be affected; and
explain how the interests the group seeks
where guests can order a including Hotel Indigo in to protect are relevant to the group’s
large punchbowl for the Houston and three other Following the close of all applicable
table and take turns la- hotels. comment and request periods, the
Executive Director will forward
the application and any requests for
reconsideration or for a contested case
hearing to the TCEQ Commissioners
for their consideration at a scheduled
Commission meeting.
The Commission may only grant a request
for a contested case hearing on issues
the requestor submitted in their timely
comments that were not subsequently
withdrawn. If a hearing is granted, the
subject of a hearing will be limited to
disputed issues of fact or mixed questions
of fact and law relating to relevant and
material water quality concerns submitted
during the comment period. TCEQ may
act on an application to renew a permit
for discharge of wastewater without
providing an opportunity for a contested
case hearing if certain criteria are met.
MAILING LIST. If you submit public
comments, a request for a contested
case hearing or a reconsideration of the
Executive Director’s decision, you will be
added to the mailing list for this specific
application to receive future public notices
Photos by Steve Sanacore/Driftwood Hospitality Management mailed by the Office of the Chief Clerk. In
Each room in The Chifley is actually a suite with a addition, you may request to be placed on:
(1) the permanent mailing list for a specific
living space area. applicant name and permit number; and/
or (2) the mailing list for a specific county.
If you wish to be placed on the permanent
and/or the county mailing list, clearly
specify which list(s) and send your request
to TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at the
address below.
For details about the status of the
application, visit the Commissioners’
Integrated Database at www.tceq.texas.
gov/goto/cid. Search the database using
the permit number for this application,
which is provided at the top of this notice.
INFORMATION. Public comments
and requests must be submitted either
electronically at https://www14.tceq.
texas.gov/epic/eComment/, or in
writing to the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality, Office of the
Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087,
Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Please be
aware that any contact information you
provide, including your name, phone
number, email address, and physical
address will become part of the agency’s
public record. For more information
The Chifley officially launched in the about this permit application or the
permitting process, please call the TCEQ
Galleria/Uptown area. Pictured is a double suite. Public Education Program, Toll Free,
at 1-800-687-4040 or visit their website at
www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/pep. Si desea
información en Español, puede llamar al
Further information may also be obtained
from Harris County Municipal Utility
District No. 358 at the address stated
above or by calling Ms. Shiann Hernandez,
P.E., BGE, Inc. at 713-488-8391.
Issuance Date: December 14, 2022

New owners remodeled The Chifley by Hilton hotel

in late 2022. Pictured is a king bedroom suite.

MERGERS California’s power grid,

which is compromised in
the production of gasoline
from renewable feed-
Midstream II for $1.3 bil-
lion, as reported by Reut-
From page B8 some places, according to stocks. It’s a drop-in fuel ers, it was doing so in a
DigitalBridge CEO Marc developed by the compa- dramatically different
Nick Pope, an analyst at Ganzi. Switch has more ny, which was formed in market from what existed
Seaport Research Part- than 1.5 gigawatts of power 2007. The deal was advis- when it first formed Align
ners, said Chesapeake’s capacity it draws from ed by Texas lawyers from II five years before.
path of further concen- three different sources of Vinson & Elkins, Kirk- Through Align II, Tailwa-
trating assets in three core green energy. land & Ellis and Baker ter consolidated its assets
locations — Haynesville, “In a market like Reno Botts. in the Haynesville Shale
Marcellus and Eagle Ford where they have land, into a gas-gathering and
— is the right step. they have renewable pow- Sept. 6: EQT’s processing system that,
“The company has been er and they control their purchase of Tug Hill among other things, fur-
fairly acquisitive in the destiny, they can light up and XcL Midstream ther connected the East
past year, as it has im- almost 800 megawatts of EQT, the largest natural Texas field with natural Jon Shapley/Staff file photo
proved its balance sheet capacity that’s less than gas producer in the United gas terminals on the Texas Lawyers in Texas worked on more than 1,000
and gas pricing has im- 0.2 milliseconds from States, went after a big Gulf Coast. mergers and acquisitions in the year now ending.
proved,” he said. “We Santa Clara,” Ganzi said prize: the $5.2 billion pur- That kind of access to
think the company has a on a conference call with chase of Tug Hill and XcL natural gas supplies for The sale comes three devices tied together on a
lot to show in 2022 from an analysts. “So we’re really Midstream, both backed plants on and near the years after the death of its single management plat-
operational standpoint excited about the pros- by Quantum Energy Part- Texas coast vaulted the founder, Jerry Stoller, who form.
that it can manage the re- pects for Switch.” ners. U.S. into the world’s top built the company into a The single-core struc-
turn to a more active oper- Partners at Simpson This was the “biggest exporter of liquefied natu- crop protection jugger- ture allows greater control
ational program and a Thacher & Bartlett’s gas deal in five years and ral gas in 2022, according naut with annual reve- over the performance and
larger footprint than it has Houston office counseled the largest private equity to the U.S. Energy Infor- nues of more than $400 energy efficiencies of the
seen in the past few DigitalBridge and IFM. exit of the year,” said An- mation Agency. The U.S. million from operations in products.
years.” Latham & Watkins advis- drew Dittmar, a director began exporting LNG over 60 countries. The The base price tag is $12
Gibson Dunn coun- ed Switch. and M&A analyst at ener- from the lower 48 states company’s biologics — per share, or $2.8 billion in
seled Chief, Akin Gump gy data provider Enverus. only in February 2016, and which protect crop yields cash. But NRG also as-
advised Tug Hill and affil- June 14: Continental Publicly traded EQT by July, LNG exports aver- from climate extremes, sumes $2.4 billion in Vi-
iates, and Shearman & Resources’ $25 billion was the most logical buy- aged 11.1 billion cubic feet disease and natural preda- vint debt, a feature of the
Sterling assisted Chesa- take-private deal er, with operations next per day, the agency said. tors — is a leader in natu- deal that has proved un-
peake. Oklahoma oil tycoon door and the financial M6 was advised by Vin- ral crop protection prod- popular with NRG stock-
Harold Hamm offered to wherewithal to pay, half son & Elkins. Locke Lord ucts that are expected to holders in the short term.
Feb. 18: Celanese buys take his Continental Re- with cash and half with advised Tailwater. command 35 percent of But Mauricio Gutierrez,
bulk of DuPont unit sources private in a deal stock. Still, there may be the crop protection mar- president and CEO of
Dallas-based chemical that valued the company trouble on the horizon: Nov. 30: Corteva ket by 2035. NRG, insists that Vivint is
company Celanese Corp. at $25 billion. EQT revealed in a Decem- acquires Stoller Latham & Watkins ad- a long-term fit for its mar-
must have coveted Du- “We have determined ber filing with the Securi- With a price tag of only vised Stoller. Stoller’s ket.
Pont’s mobility and mate- that the opportunity today ties and Exchange Com- $1.2 billion, the sale of trustees brought in out- “Customers want sim-
rials business, known as is with private companies mission that the Federal Houston’s Stoller Group side counsel as well, tap- ple, connected and cus-
“M&M.” They were direct who have the freedom to Trade Commission wants last month wasn’t one of ping Baker Botts. tomized experiences that
competitors, but M&M operate and aren’t limited more details about the the year’s largest deals in provide peace of mind. Vi-
has more Asia exposure. by public markets, similar purchase. Texas. But as one of the Dec. 6: NRG Energy vint’s smart home tech-
So Celanese bit the bullet, to the way that we operat- Kirkland & Ellis advis- largest hitherto indepen- expands technologies nology strengthens our
acquiring DuPont’s unit ed approximately 15 years ed EQT. Vinson & Ellis dent biochemical compa- NRG Energy, a retail retail platform, improves
for $11 billion. ago,” he said at the time of counseled Tug Hill and nies in agriculture, the utility provider that mar- our customer experience
The main risks to the his offer. XcL. Akin Gump also as- deal had global signifi- kets energy under con- and increases customer
deal, according to TPH Despite what analysts sisted Tug Hill. cance. Indianapolis-based sumer brands such as Re- lifetime value,” Gutierrez
analyst Matthew Blair, are deemed a reasonable Corteva announced the liant, plunged further into said in a statement an-
synergy capture and in- price, Hamm sweetened Sept. 22: M6 acquisition in November, its retail presence with the nouncing the deal.
creased debt. The transac- his bid to $74.28 a share Midstream buys Align only weeks after it had ac- $5.2 billion acquisition of Both sides were advised
tion closed Nov. 1. from $70 for 58 million Midstream II quired Symborg, a devel- Vivint Smart Home Inc. from New York: NRG by
The M&M unit — re- shares of Continental’s When Dallas-based oper of microbiological Vivint manufactures a va- White & Case; Vivint by
presenting around $3.5 stock, or around $4.3 bil- Tailwater Capital an- technologies in Murcia, riety of residential home Simpson Thacher & Bart-
billion of net sales and lion. (He and his family nounced the sale of Align Spain. appliances and security lett.
$800 million in operating own about 83 percent.)
EBITDA last year — is a The deal was finalized
top global producer of en- Nov. 22 and was expected
gineering thermoplastics to be financed using the
and elastomers, supplying company’s cash on hand, Cory, Kenneth Laskowski, Tadeusz
the automotive, electrical borrowings under its ex-
and electronics, consumer isting revolver and a new Hoang, Anne Skellie, Evelyn
goods and industrial in- term loan facility. To con-
dustries, Celanese said. summate the agreement, KENNETH CORY TADEUSZ Z. LASKOWSKI, MD, FACS
Celanese was advised Hamm had to make an ini-
04/10/1933 - 12/16/2022 05/02/1929 - 12/08/2022
by in-house counsel, and tial payment of $274 mil-
the company had help lion. Kenneth Wayne Cory how to ski, and he also loved Dr. Laskowski was born in completed his training, he
from Kirkland & Ellis. Vinson & Elkins advis- explaining to work compan- Zory, Poland on May 2, 1929, moved to Houston, TX and
Gibson Dunn & Crutcher ed Hamm. Intrepid Part- Kenneth Wayne Cory, 89 of ions the intricacies of the joint to Julia and Zygmunt Las- joined the teaching staff at
provided financing coun- ners, which also advised Bellaire, Texas passed away operating agreement. kowski. He passed away at St. Baylor College of Medicine,
sel. Leader & Berkon ad- Hamm on the deal, was December 16, 2022, He is Kenneth and Shirley also Lukes Hospital in Houston, Department of Urology.
survived by his sons Mark, loved to travel, whether it TX on December 8, 2022. While there. he was also the
vised Celanese on envi- counseled by Gibson and his wife Marilyn, and He graduated from medical
was to marvel at the natural Chief of Urology at the VA
ronmental issues. Baker Dunn. Evercore, which Scott, and his wife Sherry, wonders of the National Parks school in Szczecin, Poland in Hospital and also at TIRR.
Botts attorneys also assis- was advising a special grandchildren Bryan (Alison), or skiing in such exotic places 1954, where he also did his Later in life, he entered
ted from Brussels. Skad- committee, was advised Daniel (Ana) and Hannah as Austria and Chile or rafting internship. private practice in Houston,
den, Arps, Slate, Meagher by Sidley Austin. Warr (Alex), along with five down the Grand Canyon. He then moved to London, TX, in 1997.
& Flom counseled Du- great grandchildren. Preced- They also loved their ranch England to complete his Dr. Laskowski is survived
Pont. Aug. 12: Bluescape ing him in death was his near Crocket on the banks of residency at the University by his wife Mary Eleanor,
merges with CENAQ wife of almost seventy years, the Trinity River, where Ken of London, Royal Society of sons Andy and Michael, and
Shirley. was able to scatter Shirley’s Medicine Division of Urology, his niece Alexandra Kowal-
May 11: DigitalBridge, Energy Kenneth grew up on where he was elected as a
ashes one week before he ska. He is preceded in death
IFM acquire Switch Bluescape Clean Fuels Elam Road, just outside of passed. Fellow by the Royal Society of by his two sisters Renata and
Data center deals are merged with CENAQ, a Dallas. Kenneth married But they especially loved Medicine. Danuta, and a niece Alex-
flying. In 2022, Digital- Houston blank check Shirley in late 1952, and their family. Mondays meant In 1959 he moved to andra. Dr. Laskowski was
Bridge Group Inc. and company, in August to after a stint in the navy, he the family, sometimes as Miami, Florida, where served loved by his family and will be
IFM Investors jumped in- form a new company to be embarked on a career in the many as 14, would gather as Chief Resident of Urology deeply missed.
to the fray, announcing publicly traded as Verde oil and gas industry, and that at Ken and Shirley’s for a Firm 1960-1962. Once he
that they were acquiring Clean Fuels. It was a $500 career spanned parts of eight magnificant lunch.
decades. Kenneth moved his Ken and Shirley were long
Las Vegas-based Switch million deal that repre- family to Houston in 1962 EVELYN SKELLIE
members of Bethany Chris-
Inc. for $34.25 per share in sented the intersection of and began his career as an tian Church and members of 07/05/1929 - 12/20/2022
an all-cash transaction two M&A categories that independent landman and the P A class.
valued at about $11 billion, trended in distinctly dif- transitioned into an indepen- A celebration of life will Evelyn Steffek Skellie,
including the assumption ferent directions during dent producer in 1983. Ken- be held at Bethany, 3223 93, passed away peacefully
of debt. The deal closed 2022: energy transition neth attacked his work like he Westheimer, on January 6th on Tuesday, December 20,
Dec. 6. transactions and SPACs. did to every aspect of his life, at 3 pm. The family requests, 2022. She is survived by
with great passion. He loved in lieu of flowers, memorials her children, Blair Skel-
Fueling the deal was Bluescape specializes in teaching his sons how to play be sent to Westview Boys lie of Alameda, California,
baseball, his grandchildren Home-Show Calf Division. Cindy and Ricky Wheeler of
Marietta, Ga, and Joel Skellie
RANKING ter for Houston’s Future
released this month found ANNE HOANG
of Houston, Texas. Her 5
grandchildren, Michael and
From page B8 that in a baseline scenario, 04/09/1933 - 12/28/2022 Lauren Wheeler, Andrew,
the sector would add $63.5 Samantha, and Jessica Skellie,
interview this week. billion to the region’s GDP It is with deep sadness that and her great grandchildren,
“Even though Houston between 2021 and 2036 we announce the passing of Emma and Wyatt Wheeler
our oldest sister, Anne Hoang, knew her as MeeMie. St. John Vianney Catholic
has a diverse economy, it’s and nearly half a million
née Marie Therese An T. Evelyn was preceded in Church for over 50 years.
very heavy in energy.” jobs. In 2021, according to death by her parents, John
Pham. Our beloved sister She had a variety of interests
The weak performance the BEA’s analysis, the went home with Jesus on and Frances Steffek, her 12 including gardening, reading,
by the volatile energy sec- Houston region’s GDP December 28th, 2022. She brothers and sisters, and her politics, and history; she par-
tor in 2021 was a drag on was roughly $463 billion. was 90 years of age. husband of 54 years, Albert ticularly loved reading about
the regional economy, tak- It’s too soon to be sure Skellie. or watching documentaries
ing a toll on Houston’s whether Houston will Her wish is to have a simple Evelyn grew up in a Czech on World War II.
manufacturing and con- post such a lackluster burial service in faith with family on a farm in Needville, Evelyn was known by her
family only. Texas. She had a lifelong love family and friends for her
struction sectors, which ranking in terms of GDP for learning, was an excel- wonderful sense of humor,
are intimately tied to oil growth for 2022, Ballan- lent student, and was named for being a night owl, for the
She will be laid to rest
and gas activity. tine said, although the oil at Memorial Oaks Funeral her baby sister. Most Beautiful in her high yummy cookies she baked,
One takeaway from this and gas sector has largely Home and Cemetery, 1300 school class. Evelyn moved to and for her love of coffee
year’s ranking, Ballantine recovered from the CO- Katy Freeway, Houston Texas, She will be greatly missed Houston where she attended and of Christmas! She was a
said, is that Houston VID-19 pandemic. And with Reverend Anthony Tran by her three brothers, one business college and then devoted wife, mother, child,
could continue to diversi- 2023 looks to be another Ngoc Hung of Holy Rosary sister, and one goddaughter. went to work as a secretary sister, aunt, grandmother, and
fy its economy, though the tumultuous year for the Church officiating. Before for Schlumberger where she great grandmother. Everyone
her passing, she instructed Until we meet again, rest in met Albert. who was fortunate to have
region has made signifi- energy industry. In addition to raising their
us to relay her deep love and peace dearest An. her in their lives will miss her
cant progress in that re- “There’s other uncer- appreciation to all her friends children, Albert and Evelyn greatly.
gard over the past 20 tainty now because of the and family, near and far, for Brothers: enjoyed a full social life, A celebration of Evelyn’s
years. war in Ukraine and un- their love and support. - Khoat H. Pham and fam- including time spent with life will be held in early
While trade was a certainty in the energy ily (CA) extended family and with 2023. If desired, donations
bright spot for the region- markets, which affects A memorial mass to - Trien Pham, wife Diane friends, such as their long- in her honor can be made to
al economy in 2021, with Texas more than other celebrate her life will be held Pham, and family (CA) time supper and bridge club. St. John Vianney Catholic
at Holy Rosary Church on - Khai H. Pham and family She was a member of Church.
about $275 billion in goods states and Houston more
passing through the than other cities,” he said. January 1st, 2023 at 3:15pm. (TX)
Houston-Galveston Cus- An was never in the shad- Sister: Pauline Cao,
toms District, up from just ows and always was the first husband James Cao MD, and
shy of $200 billion in one to offer love, support and family (TX)
largely locked-down 2020, understanding to whomever
the health care sector was in need. She was a won- Goddaughter: Hong Hoang
stands out as a growth derful and wise older sister Ngo, husband Khanh Ngo
area. who always knew what to say (IN)
to her brothers and me, Vee,
A report from the Cen-

75 78 77 73 72 65 62 from the west at 6-12 knots
58 69 60 51 46 42 50 becoming south today. Seas 2
feet or less. Visibility generally
Mostly sunny and mild Turning out cloudy and Watch for severe Mostly cloudy and mild Partly sunny and Partly sunny and not as Sunshine from the south at 6-12 knots.
very warm thunderstorms pleasant warm Seas 2 feet or less. Clear to
partly cloudy.
OUTLOOK Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Today Sun.
TO 50 MILES: Wind from the
TODAY: Mostly sunny and mild; 110s Vancouver Africa
Calgary Saskatoon Cairo 70/54/s 70/53/pc west-northwest at 6-12 knots
great day to be outside. High 100s becoming south today. Seas 2
72 to 77. Winds southwest 6-12 Regina Cape Town 84/62/s 87/65/s
90s Winnipeg feet or less. Visibility generally
Seattle Thunder Bay Casablanca 75/54/pc 70/50/pc
mph. TONIGHT: Mainly clear 80s Dakar 82/68/pc 87/70/pc unrestricted. Tonight: Wind
and mild. Low 55 to 60. Winds Montreal
70s Johannesburg 72/56/t 68/54/t from the south-southeast at
south 6-12 mph. Portland Ottawa Lagos 94/67/s 94/70/s 6-12 knots. Seas 2 feet or less.
Minneapolis Boston Asia/Pacific Clear to partly cloudy.
50s Toronto Beijing 42/18/pc 41/18/pc
40s Ho Chi Minh City 88/71/pc 90/72/c
Hong Kong 68/57/pc 61/56/c
New York Islamabad 64/37/s 64/36/s
Today’s forecast for the entire Salt Lake City Chicago
20s Jakarta 86/75/r 84/74/sh
metro area by the TCEQ:
10s San Francisco Denver
Washington Karachi 80/54/s 82/53/s GALVESTON TIDES
Kuala Lumpur 88/74/c 89/74/pc Highs Feet Lows Feet
Manila 88/76/pc 83/76/t
-0s New Delhi 65/44/pc 64/43/pc 1:27 p.m. 0.8 6:12 a.m. -0.1
Los Angeles
Ozone watch -10s Seoul 40/23/pc 37/14/pc 10:46 p.m. 0.8 6:51 p.m. 0.7
Phoenix Little Rock Shanghai 53/35/pc 54/38/pc
Good Unhealthy Singapore 84/75/pc 87/75/c
T-storms Atlanta
Sydney 78/67/pc 78/65/s
Moderate Very unhealthy Rain Dallas
Unhealthy Hazardous Showers
El Paso Taipei 64/60/sh 67/62/sh BAYOUS
Tokyo 50/39/pc 53/39/s Flood Latest 24-hr.
for sensitive New Orleans
Snow Canada
groups Location stage stage chg.
Flurries Hermosillo Houston Calgary 35/20/pc 34/17/s
Chihuahua Edmonton 15/7/pc 23/8/s Brays Bayou South Main 54 20.43 +3.61
Ice Miami Brazos River Bryan 43 6.99 -0.03
43/36/pc Hempstead 50 10.37 -0.22
Yesterday’s readings by the Monterrey Vancouver 47/38/c 45/33/pc Richmond 48 10.52 -0.33
Houston Health Department: Havana Winnipeg 18/11/c 18/2/c Buffalo Bayou Piney Point 50 31.24 +2.88
Countpercubicmeterofair Europe Shepherd Dr. 23 3.91 +2.59
Medium 20 Anchorage Mérida Cancún Amsterdam 60/53/r 55/46/sh
Tree pollen
Guadalajara Athens 63/46/pc 64/44/s
Clear Creek Friendswood 12 0.91 +0.23
Weed pollen Low 2 Berlin 63/54/sh 60/50/c Colorado R. Austin 29 10.87 -0.02
Grass pollen None 0 Mexico City Veracruz Copenhagen 50/46/sh 50/44/r Bastrop 25 2.81 +0.39
Mold spores Medium 9224 Forecasts and
Dublin 46/39/sh 44/30/sh La Grange 32 2.60 +0.01
Honolulu Villahermosa Belmopan Frankfurt 63/50/c 60/49/c Columbus 34 9.48 -0.03
Acapulco graphics provided by Geneva 60/45/c 58/41/pc
Low Heavy Cold Warm Stationary Wharton 39 8.29 -0.12
front front front AccuWeather, Inc. Istanbul 57/43/pc 57/43/pc
Medium Extremely heavy ©2022 London 57/47/sh 53/39/c Bay City 44 2.73 -0.88
Madrid 58/35/pc 60/46/pc Greens Bayou Eastex Fwy. 61 39.72 +0.76
Note: No measurements on weekends; Moscow 37/32/c 40/28/r
charts in Sunday and Monday papers reflect
Guadalupe R. Hunt 12 7.81 +0.01
forecast ratings from the previous Friday. FOR THE RECORD TEXAS NATIONAL cont. Paris
Comfort 26 3.31 none
George Bush Intercontinental Today Sun. Today Sun. Rome 65/47/pc 64/48/s Spring Branch 36 1.79 +0.02
Airport through 3 p.m. Fri. Abilene 73/52/s 78/56/pc Cleveland 53/37/r 51/43/c Stockholm 44/28/c 32/23/c New Braunfels 13 9.44 +0.01
COMFORT INDEX Amarillo 68/43/pc 68/42/pc Columbus 54/40/r 57/47/c Vienna 48/35/pc 44/35/pc Gonzales 31 11.22 -0.46
The comfort index takes into
Temperature Degrees F Austin 77/54/s 76/65/pc Denver 48/25/c 34/22/c Warsaw 55/51/c 62/43/pc Cuero 20 6.95 -0.50
account how the weather will High 66 Beaumont 73/54/c 75/65/pc Des Moines 44/31/c 44/30/c Zurich 59/42/pc 55/38/pc
Low 59 Brownsville 78/63/pc 81/69/pc Detroit 43/31/r 44/39/c Latin America Victoria 21 5.48 +0.86
feel based on a combination of
Bryan/College St. 75/56/s 76/68/pc Duluth 26/24/c 32/17/c Bogota Dupont 20 8.72 -0.65
factors. A rating of 10 feels very Normal high 63 67/47/r 67/48/r
comfortable while a rating of 0
Corpus Christi 79/60/s 78/65/pc Fairbanks -3/-10/pc 10/0/pc Buenos Aires 79/72/s 83/63/sh Little River Little River 30 1.22 +0.12
Normal low 44 Dallas/Ft. Worth 73/56/pc 78/63/pc Great Falls 41/22/sn 35/20/pc Caracas Cameron 30 1.35 +0.19
feels very uncomfortable. 86/73/sh 86/72/s
Record high 83 in 1974 El Paso 65/44/s 67/42/c Hartford 51/47/r 54/34/pc Havana 86/64/s 86/62/pc Navasota R. Easterly 19 3.33 -0.01
Today Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Record low 19 in 1983 Galveston 69/62/s 74/65/pc Honolulu 82/69/s 82/70/pc Kingston 88/74/pc 87/75/pc
Kingsville 81/63/s 82/72/pc Indianapolis 47/38/r 57/47/c Lima Neches River Evadale 19 6.34 +0.77
10 10 8 10 10 8 Precipitation Inches 77/68/c 78/67/c
Pine Island B. Sour Lake 25 13.48 -0.37
Laredo 82/61/s 85/64/s Jackson, MS 73/50/t 76/60/pc Rio de Janeiro 83/73/r 81/72/t
24 hours through 3 p.m. Fri. 1.15 Longview 71/54/pc 72/65/pc Juneau 39/37/r 43/36/r San Juan 85/73/s 84/74/sh Sabine River Bon Wier 30 14.09 -0.99
UV TODAY Month to date 3.88 Lubbock
Kansas City 55/38/c 56/40/pc San Salvador 88/68/pc 87/67/pc Deweyville 24 23.51 -0.79
Las Vegas 62/49/c 56/37/sh Santiago
Values indicate the exposure to Normal month to date 3.92 Midland/Odessa 71/51/pc 73/50/pc Little Rock 67/51/c 72/58/pc Sao Paulo
76/56/sh 84/55/s Orange 4 1.30 +0.22
the sun’s Ultraviolet rays. 78/66/r 79/65/t Burkeville 43 12.23 +0.09
Year to date 41.30 San Angelo 75/47/s 80/57/pc Los Angeles 61/50/r 63/45/pc St. Thomas 84/76/s 84/73/sh
8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. Normal year to date 51.73 San Antonio 76/51/s 75/64/pc Memphis 63/52/c 72/59/s San Bernard R. E. Bernard 17 6.30 -0.01
Texarkana 72/60/pc 74/66/c Miami 85/70/pc 84/70/pc Mexico E. San. Jac. R. Cleveland 19 4.99 +0.07
1 2 3 2 1 0 Other readings Victoria 80/57/s 80/66/pc Milwaukee 38/34/c 45/33/pc Acapulco 86/70/s 85/69/pc
W. San. Jac. R. Conroe 116 94.02 +0.05
Top wind speed 10 mph Waco 76/54/s 77/64/pc Minneapolis 36/24/c 33/20/pc Cancun 84/74/pc 83/74/s
0-2, Low 8-10, Very high Nashville 62/45/r 71/53/pc Guadalajara 74/43/s 76/42/s San Jacinto R. Sheldon 10 1.28 +0.45
3-5, Moderate 11+, Extreme High barometer 29.98 in. 73/65/pc Guanajuato 71/45/s 71/45/s Sims Bayou Telephone Rd. 30 1.32 +0.54
Low barometer 29.90 in. NATIONAL New Orleans
New York City
54/49/sh 56/43/pc Mazatlan 78/60/s 77/59/s Trinity River Goodrich 36 4.92 -0.43
6-7, High Today Sun.
High dewpoint 65° Oklahoma City 62/43/pc 66/49/pc Merida 90/69/pc 90/68/pc
Liberty 26 8.15 -0.38
Low dewpoint 59° Albany, NY 51/43/c 47/32/r Orlando 82/67/t 78/64/pc Mexico City 70/49/pc 70/49/s
Village Creek Kountze 20 6.22 -0.25
SUN AND MOON Albuquerque 55/37/pc 49/33/sh Philadelphia 55/48/sh 60/40/pc Puerto Vallarta 83/64/s 83/64/s
Average dewpoint 61° Anchorage 24/20/c 31/24/sn Phoenix 68/53/pc 59/45/r Tampico 77/65/pc 79/70/pc White Oak B. Heights Blvd. 48 12.08 +4.10
Full Last New First
moon quarter moon quarter High humidity 100% Atlanta 64/51/t 68/51/pc Pittsburgh 54/37/r 48/42/c Veracruz 80/68/pc 82/71/pc
Low humidity 81% Baltimore 57/47/r 62/38/pc Portland, OR 48/38/sh 47/34/pc Middle East TEXAS LAKES
Billings 43/27/pc 36/21/pc Sacramento 58/43/r 57/35/s Baghdad 62/40/s 63/40/s
Birmingham 65/52/t 72/53/pc St. Louis 53/43/c 59/47/pc Beirut 65/54/s 65/55/pc Full Latest Release
Boise 40/25/c 37/19/s Salt Lake City 42/33/sn 40/24/sn Dubai 78/64/pc 76/63/s pool level cfs
Jan 6 Jan 14 Jan 21 Jan 28 KEY TO CONDITIONS Boston 55/50/r 56/37/r San Diego 63/53/r 61/51/sh Jerusalem 54/44/s 53/44/pc Canyon Dam 909 898.94 N.A.
s - sunny r - rain Buffalo 50/36/r 41/36/c San Francisco 57/46/r 57/47/pc Kabul 46/23/s 44/23/s Conroe 201 200.12 0
Sunset tonight 5:32 p.m. pc - partly cloudy sf - snow flurries Charleston, SC 72/57/r 72/50/pc Santa Fe 48/34/c 46/28/c Mecca 79/64/r 82/68/pc
Sunrise Sunday 7:17 a.m. c - cloudy sn - snow Charlotte 61/48/r 66/44/pc Seattle 48/39/c 46/33/pc Riyadh 62/48/sh 64/48/pc Houston 41.73 42.66 N.A.
Moonrise today 1:13 p.m. sh - showers i - ice Chicago 40/34/c 46/36/c Tucson 70/52/pc 61/42/r Tehran 49/34/s 47/34/s Lake Travis 681 639.97 210
Moonset today 1:36 a.m. t - thunderstorms Cincinnati 54/41/r 59/51/c Washington, DC 58/49/r 61/43/pc Tel Aviv 67/53/s 66/56/pc Livingston 131 131.17 N.A.

Stock market’s long rally comes to an end

By Joe Rennison to accelerate how fast they mained resilient, while vestors that the inflation
N EW YORK T IME S raised interest rates. Europe faced an energy fight was not over and that
Investors took it badly, crisis and emerging mar- interest rates would need
Jan. 3, the first day of causing the S&P 500 to kets such as Sri Lanka and to rise considerably before
market trading in 2022, tumble 1.9 percent and Pakistan faltered. The rel- the central bank would
looked like just another sparking a stock sell-off ative strength of the Unit- end its campaign. Stock
day in a stock rally that that set the stage for the ed States made it a safe markets began to fall
began when Barack Oba- rest of the year. place for investors to put again and the S&P 500 hit
ma was still president. The past 12 months have their money, and the in- a new low in October.
The S&P 500 hit a record marked a generational flux of cash helped push Heading into 2023, in-
high. Tesla, the company shift for financial markets the value of the dollar vestors are setting them-
that upturned the auto in- as the Fed, racing to con- higher. For the first time selves up for another fight
dustry and made many in- tain the worst inflation in in 20 years, the dollar was with the Fed. Despite
vestors rich, rose 13.5 per- decades, repeatedly worth more than the euro. tremors from a wild swing
cent and came close to its jacked up interest rates. An unexpectedly dire in the value of British gov-
own all-time peak. Its efforts have begun to report showing a collapse ernment debt in Septem-
That Monday, it turned pay off: Price increases in consumer sentiment ber, and then the unravel-
out, was actually the end have been slowing recent- just days before the cen- ing of the crypto markets
of a market that for more ly. tral bank was set to meet through November, the
than a decade had gone But the Fed’s drastic ac- on June 15 spooked policy- S&P 500 has risen almost
mostly in one direction, tions to slow the U.S. makers and helped send 8 percent from its low.
with the S&P 500 rising economy, the world’s larg- the S&P 500 into a bear In December, the Fed
more than 600 percent est, have had widespread Dreamstime/Tribune News Service market, defined as a fall of increased interest rates to
since March 2009. consequences. Financial analysts today appear to be less optimistic at least 20 percent from its a target range between
Just two days later, the The year saw the end to about gains for 2023 than they were on Jan. 3, 2022. recent peak — in this case, 4.25 percent and 4.5 per-
Federal Reserve released an era of low interest rates Jan. 3. The Fed had al- cent — well above expecta-
the minutes from its pre- that made borrowing Neither the S&P 500 Invesco. “This is a very, ready raised interest rates tions at the start of the
vious meeting — a typical- cheap and encouraged in- nor Tesla has since very dramatic, history- twice, by a total of 0.75 year. Policymakers also
ly routine event on Wall vestors to take risks — on reached the heights they making moment in time. percentage points — as raised their forecasts for
Street — revealing that the stocks of new tech achieved Jan. 3. The S&P We have all been witness much as it had forecast in how high interest rates
policymakers at the cen- companies, in cryptocur- 500, which finished lower to a sequence of events, December 2021 would be would need to rise in 2023,
tral bank were so worried rencies and in debt mar- on Friday, declined 19.4 starting with the pandem- necessary for the entire but investors have barely
about inflation that they kets — in the hunt for lu- percent for the year — its ic, that has been extraor- year — and was gearing blinked. There are signs of
thought they might need crative returns. worst annual perfor- dinary.” up for another rate in- inflation cooling, and
mance since 2008. Cryp- As investors lost money crease, expected to be 0.5 some see a greater likeli-
tocurrency giants such as in the stock market, and percentage points. hood that the central bank
FTX have fallen, and debt households faced balloon- Instead, the central will pause further rate in-
is no longer cheap. ing costs from inflation, bank raised interest rates creases sooner than it has
The Nasdaq composite, the air came out of other, by 0.75 percentage points indicated to allow the ef-
with a heavy component more speculative markets for the first time in almost fects of the current high
of technology stocks, as well. The price of bit- three decades, indicating interest rates to seep into
racked up an even bigger coin, one of the most well- the risks the Fed attribut- the economy.
loss of 33.1 percent. The known cryptocurrencies, ed to rising inflation. “I think the equity mar-
Dow Jones Industrial tumbled and so-called Still, the turbulent ket right now is a bit glass
Average, meanwhile, meme stocks such as events led some investors half full and is not com-
posted an 8.8 percent loss GameStop and AMC En- to feel that surely the pletely pricing in what the
for 2022. tertainment, whose share worst was over. In July, as Fed and other assets are
But even as the U.S. prices were propelled corporate financial re- telling us,” said Todd San-
economy heads toward a higher during the pan- ports started coming in doz, co-head of equities
possible recession, the demic by a new breed of looking better than had for the Americas at Bar-
Federal Reserve has said amateur investor, fell been expected, the stock clays.
its job is far from over. In- throughout the year. market rallied. From mid- Adding to the risk are
flation, while starting to Tesla, popular with the June to mid-August the corporate profits, which
cool, is still far too high, same crowd of investors, S&P 500 rose 17.4 percent. some investors expect to
and interest rates are pre- has dropped 65 percent For the Fed, rising stock be revised sharply lower
dicted to rise further, fore- this year, its worst perfor- prices created a problem in early 2023, as pro-
telling more pain. mance since the company by enriching investors longed inflation and ele-
“Central banks drove went public in 2010 and and working against its ef- vated interest rates start
markets this year because only the second year the forts to lower inflation. At to bite into earnings.
of inflation and that will stock has declined in val- a widely watched eco- That could mean that
continue into 2023,” said ue. nomic forum in Wyoming, stocks have further to fall.
Kristina Hooper, chief Despite rising inflation, Jerome Powell, the Fed The Associated Press
global market strategist at the U.S. economy re- chair, sternly warned in- contributed to this report.

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