Houston Chronicle - Vol. 122 No. 079 (31 Dec 2022)
Houston Chronicle - Vol. 122 No. 079 (31 Dec 2022)
Houston Chronicle - Vol. 122 No. 079 (31 Dec 2022)
State wins
case on
tax break
Texas justices won’t
intervene for firms
as deadline nears
By Eric Dexheimer
Business ....B8 Crossword.A14 Editorials.....A9 Nation ..........A4 Sports...........B1 TV ................A14 TWITTER: @HoustonChron INSTAGRAM: HoustonChron
Comics ......A13 Directory......A2 Horoscope A13 Obituaries ...B11 Star ............A10 Weather.....B12 LINKEDIN: Houston-Chronicle FACEBOOK: @HoustonChronicle
As the year nears its end, we bid farewell to a
handful of artists and cultural figures who
made a significant impression on Houston.
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Safety is key for ‘salmon’
New Year’s fireworks high on
Term was a top 10
for Houston in 2022
By Ana Goodwin
Trae tha Truth charged in alleged altercation in New Orleans, said Friday. New
information includes additional
debris or a body.
By Matt deGrood rant in the 2000 block of Jeffer- Officers on Sept. 3 contacted The oil platform is operated by
STA F F W RIT E R son Street, which was captured McVey to provide a statement Houston-based Walter Oil and
on video posted to TMZ’s web- — a day after video of the fight Gas. A spokesperson for the
Houston rapper Trae tha site and YouTube. The video was released online, according company did not return a re-
Truth has been charged in con- appears to show several men to court documents. quest for comment.
nection with an August alterca- kicking and striking Z-Ro, McVey wasn’t home when The helicopter’s pilot and
tion with rapper Z-Ro that was whose real name is Joseph officers first visited him, but three oil workers went down
captured on video. McVey, 45, while he was lying Frazier Thompson, known as later provided a requested around 8:40 a.m. Thursday
The artist, whose birth name on the ground, according to the Trae tha Truth, right, was statement, Adams said. Z-Ro about 10 miles offshore of South-
is Frazier Othel Thompson, 42, criminal complaint. charged with assault against said he had initially offered to west Pass, a shipping channel at
was charged with assault caus- Charles Adams, McVey’s at- Joseph McVey, known as Z-Ro. settle his dispute with Trae tha the mouth of the Mississippi Riv-
ing bodily injury, a misde- torney, told the Houston Truth via a charity boxing er southeast of New Orleans. He-
meanor charge, according to Chronicle he attributes the de- tack. match, but that offer was re- licopters routinely transport
court records. partment’s pursuit of a case to “My client did not reach out jected, Adams said. workers to and from oil plat-
The charge stems from an the social media discussion in about filing a police report,” he An attorney representing forms in the Gulf.
August attack outside a restau- the months since the alleged at- said. Rapper continues on A6 Helicopter continues on A6
Rocket attack kills
oil workers on bus
A militant rocket attack in
Nicole Tung/New York Times eastern Syria on Friday
The mother of Ukrainian service member Ihor Lykhonyn, who was killed in November, visits his grave in Kharkiv on Friday. targeted a bus with oil in-
Russia fired one of the largest missile barrages in weeks on towns and cities across Ukraine on Thursday. dustry employees, killing at
least 10, the government
Ukraine says it thwarted drone strike on Kyiv said. To the north, Syrian
Kurdish-led forces an-
nounced they arrested 52
By Cassandra Vinograd gram messaging app, adding tric utility, said Friday that the PUTIN , XI DEEPEN TIES militants in an operation
N EW YORK T IME S that the city had “withstood an power supply was back at the WITH VIDEO SESSION against the Islamic State
attack by Iranian-manufac- levels it was before the latest Vladimir Putin and Chinese
group’s sleeper cells.
Ukraine’s military said Fri- tured” Shahed drones. strikes. President Xi Jinping hailed
According to Syria’s pe-
day that it had thwarted anoth- Vitali Klitschko, the mayor of Volodymyr Kudrytsky, the deepening ties between their
troleum ministry, the rocket
er drone swarm targeting Kyiv Kyiv, said that falling debris head of Ukrenergo, said Rus- countries in talks Friday.
struck in the Al-Taym gas
in the morning, a day after Rus- had damaged a building but sia’s attempt to shut down the Russia-China ties are the “best in
field in eastern Deir el-Zour
sia fired one of the largest mis- that there were no casualties power system had failed but history,” the Russian president
province. There was no
sile barrages in weeks on towns from the overnight attack. cautioned that there was “sig- said in the video call. Russia
immediate claim of responsi-
and cities across Ukraine. Ukraine’s air force said a total nificant damage” from the would seek to strengthen military
bility but the Britain-based
Kyiv, the capital, was one of of 16 drones had been launched overall attacks in recent cooperation with China, he said.
Syrian Observatory for Hu-
several cities rocked by explo- overnight across the country months. China stood ready to expand the
man Rights, an opposition
sions Thursday when Russia and that all had been intercept- President Volodymyr Zelen- “strategic partnership,” Xi said.
war monitoring group, said
unleashed a wave of Iranian- ed. skyy of Ukraine reiterated late ISIS was behind the attack.
made exploding drones fol- Utility crews were still work- Thursday his recent refrain Chinese state television
lowed by scores of cruise mis- ing Friday to repair the damage that Russia could be planning reported Xi told Putin that Beijing MYANAMAR
siles. from the strikes a day earlier, more strikes timed to the New would continue to play a Suu Kyi’s sentence
Early Friday, authorities in which caused further power Year holiday. constructive role in seeking to
is increased 7 years
Kyiv said Russia had followed outages amid freezing winter “Perhaps the enemy will try resolve the Ukraine “crisis” and
the previous day’s missile temperatures. Russia’s large once again to make us celebrate that China and Russia should A court in military-ruled
strikes with seven more drones volleys of cruise missiles and the new year in darkness,” he cooperate on trade, energy, Myanmar convicted the
— all of which were shot down drones have for the past three said in his overnight address. finance and agriculture. country’s ousted leader
by Ukrainian air defenses. months targeted Ukraine’s en- “Perhaps the occupiers are Aung San Suu Kyi of cor-
Beijing has refused to publicly
“The enemy continues to ergy grid, in what military ana- planning to make us suffer ruption Friday, sentencing
condemn the invasion of Ukraine,
launch massive air attacks on lysts say is a strategy of plung- with the next strikes at our cit- her to seven years in prison
instead accusing the U.S. of
Ukraine’s capital city,” the Kyiv ing the country into cold and ies. But no matter what they in the last of a string of
provoking Russia.
military administration said in darkness to lower morale. plan, we know one thing about criminal cases against her, a
a statement posted on the Tele- Ukrenergo, the national elec- ourselves: We will endure.” Bloomberg News legal official said.
The court’s action leaves
her with a total of 33 years
to serve in prison after a
Some takeaways from a review of
From page A1 Donald Trump’s tax documents:
Jack Sweeney Maria Reeve Lisa Falkenberg
F o u n d e d 1 9 0 1 • A H e a r s t N e w s pa p e r
Jennifer Chang Chris Fusco Raj Mankad
Thumbs: Cruz to
Mattress Mack,
best of 2022
January: Two-year-old Brandon buf-FOON. Flees to Can-CUN. TED-
Dahl woke up one night in his Cruz soooong. …”
family’s home in Alvord, northwest of August: Some people in Texas
Fort Worth, and smelled smoke. His say they care about saving babies.
parents were fast asleep and fire detec- And some do it. San Marcos college
tors failed to sound. So the little boy student Jimmy Amisial began raising
toddled to his mother’s bedside, tugged money online to pay the Haitian gov-
on her foot and drew from his limited ernment a costly sum to adopt a wide-
vocabulary to sound the alarm: “Ma- eyed toddler he stumbled upon on his
ma, hot,” he said. She quickly realized way to a party on New Year’s Eve in
the house was on fire, called 911, and 2017. A crowd was gathered around a
Dad, a volunteer firefighter, got their crying 3-month-old boy, covered in ants
five children out safely. Kayla Dahl and lying on top of garbage. Amisial LETTERS
credited the grace of God for guiding was 22. Fatherhood should have been
her young son to save the family. Dad’s the last thing on his mind. Luckily his Omnibus bill pork
family fire drills may have helped, too. heart had other priorities.
February: When Russia invad- September: Welcome to the Regarding “House passes $1.7 tril-
ed Ukraine, every living former cult, Frisco. News reports esti- lion spending bill with Ukraine aid,”
president but one — can you guess mated the crowd outside the grand (Dec. 23): The Line Item Veto Act,
which? — firmly denounced Vladimir opening of the Dallas-Fort Worth Met- Public Law 104-130 was a federal law
Putin. Donald Trump, apparently still roplex’ first H-E-B grocery store at of the United States that granted the
crushing on the tyrannical autocrat, 1,500 but the calorie space must have president the power to line-item veto
praised Putin as “pretty been infinite for the de- budget bills passed by Congress, but
smart” for his real estate voted followers who was soon ruled unconstitutional by
investment: “taking over a
country,” a “vast location,”
Plus, a waited as many as 12
hours to enter the temple
the Supreme Court.
Congress has the power of veto if
that he described as “a life-saving of Texas culinary kitsch. its members only had the guts to use
great piece of land with a
lot of people.”
toddler, Elmo October: Texas’
adopted boy-won-
it. It’s called committees and sub-
committees that decide which bills
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images
House Minority Leader Kevin
March: Who says gets a shot and der, billionaire Elon are voted out of committee for a floor McCarthy, R-Calif., leaves Dec. 23
after voting on the spending bill to
Texas beaches are all
tar balls, tire tracks and
H-E-B grows. Musk, made good on his
schoolyard threat to buy
vote and which ones die in commit-
tee. Committee members should be fund the government through 2023.
gravy-hued waves? OK, a Twitter. “Let the good held accountable to show more com-
lot of people. But not Tri- times roll,” he tweeted mon sense in reducing the amount of in the Biden administration are se-
pAdvisor. The travel website ranked soon after. Carrying the banner of free waste in bloated bills like the spend- cretly hailing the Supreme Court’s
one Texas beach among its 2022 “Trav- speech throughout his off-again, on- ing bill just passed. Most of those decision to prevent them from ending
elers’ Choice — Best of the Best.” Port again $44 billion acquisition, Musk attached pork rider bills in the omni- Title 42 expulsions as a win.
Aransas Beach came in at No. 20 on a assured advertisers that he won’t let bus bill should have died in commit- This gives President Joe Biden
list of 25, recognized for its “18 miles of the digital town square for some 238 tee. It would result in passing legiti- cover. He can say he tried hard to end
uninterrupted public shoreline” and as million users around the world de- mate spending bills instead of pre- the practice but was prevented from
a haven for wildlife. One Chronicle scend into a “hellscape.” On cue, hell senting a ridiculous 4,000-page docu- doing so by SCOTUS. At the same
commenter wasn’t persuaded: “Tri- escaped. Haters let loose a triumphant ment likely no member read before time it prevents some immigrants
pAdvisor is on a real trip alright!” Our confetti of Nazi memes and racist slurs. voting on it. The passage of the pork- from applying for asylum, slowing
only question: Is brown the new blue? It only got worse from there. Musk bloated bill is unconscionable in light the flow. This can only help the Dem-
April: In perhaps his gaffiest kicked journalists off the platform of the $31 trillion national debt, in- ocrats.
gaffe ever, George W. Bush sug- alleging falsely that they’d endangered flation and our own border crisis that While continuation of Title 42 is
gested he may not have forgiven him- his safety by divulging his where- received no funding to truly reform inhumane and a real danger to those
self for America’s invasion of Iraq. abouts. He did reinstate some but still, immigration policy. If all the wasteful immigrants huddled at the border,
Referring to Russia’s aggression in a “free speech” just doesn’t have the same and unneeded pork was cut and politically, it helps the Biden admin-
speech at his presidential center in ring when you attach self-serving con- spent on resolving our southern bor- istration.
Dallas, Bush condemned the “decision ditions to it. der catastrophe, there would be less Orlando N. Campos, Houston
of one man to launch a wholly un- The Astros’ World Series repeat criticism of the $45 billion spent on
justified and brutal invasion of Iraq.” inspired several Thumbs items, Ukraine and NATO allies. Shame on Regarding “Editorial: Give them
He quickly corrected: “I mean, of including one where we asked if a Congress for needlessly saddling us shelter. Houston posada offers
Ukraine.” Rather than leaving us to certain U.S. senator was “Cruzin’ for a with more unnecessary debt and Christmas lesson in compassion,”
merely infer the Freudian machina- bruisin” when he got hit by a flying can waste that our grandchildren will be (Dec. 24): As a Catholic, this year I
tions of the slip-up, Bush promptly of alcohol on the celebratory parade paying for decades to come. was overwhelmed with pride when
muttered under his breath, “Iraq, too.” route. We didn’t cheer Cruz’s alleged Dick Brown, Conroe my teenaged granddaughter used her
June: A so-called “Unidentified assault but we did cheer the decision of own funds to make Christmas boxes
Amarillo Object” caught on sur- Astros’ owner Jim Crane to sign leg- The current omnibus bill is dis- for migrants and the homeless. She
veillance camera outside the local zoo endary manager Dusty Baker for an- gusting. What’s done is done and included socks and underwear, a
was either chasing his next meal or other year. As many boos as Cruz re- American citizens are the ones who T-shirt and a blanket, granola bars
some viral attention on social media. ceived from paradegoers — that’s how constantly are being thrown under and water bottles. When I asked her
The city of Amarillo asked Twitter many cheers the decision earned from the omnibus. Most of them have no why she had chosen to do this, she
users to help identify a “strange image” Astros fans, who have lionized the idea what the ruling party and the shrugged and said, “Isn’t that what
caught in the early morning hours. “Is 73-year-old Baker. He had expressed rest of D.C. politicians are doing to Christmas is all about? Didn’t we
it a person with a strange hat who likes his desire to continue with the team: “If us, our children and our grandchild- learn anything from the story about
to walk at night? A Chupacabra?” I win one, I want to win two.” Why ren. Most of the nation is focused on there being no room at the inn?”
Twitter users ticked off a list of hairy stop there? A fist-full of championship other nonsense pushed in front of I juxtapose her 10 boxes for those
horror and sci-fi characters that re- rings sounds good to us. our faces while this tragedy plays out in need with Gov. Greg Abbott’s
sembled the wolf-like frame. One per- Probably sounds good to Jim until we Americans become totally smug decision to drop off dozens of
son suggested a predator more terrify- “Mattress Mack” McIngvale, too. lost and under the thumb of the hier- migrants — cold, hungry, needy — in
ing: an unshaven Ted Cruz out walk- “You can’t win all the bets,” County archy, simply trying to survive. I front of Kamala Harris’ home Christ-
ing, after midnight, searching for you. Judge Lina Hidalgo said gleefully after think we are going over the edge of mas Eve. When I listened to the
July: A real tortilla flap en- November’s election, referring to the the proverbial cliff and basically are Christmas message of Pope Francis
sued when first lady Jill Biden Gallery Furniture owner and philan- doomed. this year, I was trying to imagine
gave a speech at the UnidosUS confer- thropist as a “furniture salesman” after Peter Stern, Driftwood Abbott’s interpretation of his words.
ence seemingly intended to celebrate he unsuccessfully supported her Re- We do have a problem at the border.
Hispanic contributions by describing publican opponent. But you can win Regarding “Texas Sens. Cornyn, Cruelty is not the way to solve it.
their diversity “as distinct as the bode- some, and in Mack’s case he won big: Cruz split on spending bill as border Why not sit down with a whole cote-
gas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the more than $70 million on his winning policy divides GOP,” (Dec. 22): Good rie of knowledgeable people and
blossoms of Miami and as unique as wagers on the Astros. for Ted Cruz. He’s on the right side. work on solutions? Why not include
the breakfast tacos here in San Anto- November: NASA’s fiery come- As for John Cornyn, apparently being church personnel, medical profes-
nio.” She chuckled and the audience back was something to behold part of Mitch McConnell’s overlord sionals, community representatives,
applauded. But many soon decried the when it launched its first orbital rocket apparatus is more important than social service experts, anyone and
offensive “stereotype,” and the National since 2011, sending it blazing toward the supporting the conservatives who everyone who might have ideas that
Association of Hispanic Journalists moon. Lest anyone downplay the dra- sent him to D.C. Both Cornyn and could lead to solutions? I was taught
declared: “We are not tacos.” Biden ma of Artemis 1’s liftoff because it was McConnell must be retired and re- that I can be part of the problem or
apologized. Republican candidates uncrewed, there was drama aplenty at placed by real conservatives. part of the solution. I’ve made my
struck while the comal was hot, with Kennedy Space Center when the read- J. Jones, La Porte choice.
one congressional hopeful touting a ied rocket, chock-full of explosive liquid Apparently the governor has made
picture of herself in a T-shirt reading, hydrogen, sprung a leak that required Immigration and Title 42 a much different one. I wonder what
“unique as a taco.” the so-called “red crew” of three men to he says in the confessional. Doesn’t
Elmo was was such a good sport approach the launch pad on their own Regarding “U.S. Supreme Court getting absolution require repenting
in getting a COVID shot as soon mission to save the long-awaited stops Biden from ending Title 42 for the sin, and a resolution not to
as it was approved for kids and furry launch. They did and the rest is history. border expulsions in win for Texas, commit the sin again?
monsters. “It was a little pinch,” he told December: “Tiger King,” the red states,” (Dec. 23): I suspect many Beth Gunn, Magnolia
his dad, “But it was OK.” With a great Netflix documentary series that
attitude like that, he wasn’t about to let once boasted “murder, mayhem and
another little prick get under his skin. madness” in episodes exposing the
Still, Ted Cruz had to try, immediately seedy, dangerous and abusive under- BIBLE VERSE
accusing Elmo of “aggressively” ad- world of exotic animal exploitation, can There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.
vocating for the vaccine while citing now boast a more respectable claim to Proverbs 23:18
“ZERO scientific evidence.” While fame: catalyst for the long-sought pas-
Elmo himself is a class act, Stephen sage of the Big Cat Public Safety Act.
Colbert’s parody Elmo was something Across Texas, which has one of the SEND LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Viewpoints c/o Houston Chronicle, P.O. Box 4260, Houston, Texas 77210 or viewpoints@chron.com.
else, clapping back at Cruz to the tune highest populations of big cats, we We welcome and encourage letters and emails from readers. Letters must include name, address
of “Elmo’s Song.” It began: “Feckless heard roars of approval. and telephone numbers for verification purposes only. All letters are subject to editing.
closed its doors due to disagreements with their landlord.
s a teenager growing up in Sharpstown in Kurian, 47, who had held out a sliver of hope that they
the 1990s, Suraj Kurian would spend his
nights venturing out to illicit raves in down-
venue provided might be able to reach an agreement, conceded the club’s
closure in an Instagram post on Dec. 16. He said that the
town warehouses, dancing to new kinds of an alternative building was suffering from serious maintenance issues
electronic music streaming out of Europe that Kurian, a health care worker by day, and his wife
and other American cities. So when he and his wife to expensive were expected to fix with their own money. They offered
opened the Dive in downtown Houston in 2017, it was to
give a new generation of dancers a safe environment to clubs and was to buy the place, but the owner wouldn’t sell. A proposed
rent hike was the last straw.
enjoy their favorite artists, without sacrificing the un-
derground ethos that the culture was born from.
a magnet for “We weren’t really pulling a profit, we were just paying
the bills, which was fine because we love the music, we’re
For five years (with a break in the middle for COVID),
the Dive did just that, making a name for itself as one of
dance, house and lifers. We were willing to do that until we had the chance
to buy the building … but it got to a point where it was
the only places in Houston where dancers could reliably techno fans Dive continues on A12
The Dive dance club drew a diverse crowd of music fans before being shuttered on Dec. 16.
Casey Nikolich /The Dive
Today’s Birthday (Dec. 31). You are highly Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHH The place-
individualistic and choose to march to the ment of the Moon today will draw your
beat of your own drum. attention to financial matters, inheritances,
Moon Alert: Avoid shopping or making taxes, debt and shared property. Tonight:
important decisions from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 Entertain.
p.m. EDT today. After that, the Moon moves Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) HHH For two
from Aries into Taurus. days every month, the Moon will sit opposite
Aries (March 21-April 19) HHH Today it’s your sign. When this occurs, you have to go
easy to emotionally identify with your pos- more than halfway when dealing with oth-
sessions, which is why you might be less ers. Tonight: Conversations.
willing to part with something or lend it to Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) HHH Today
someone. Tonight: You’re admired. you have to put your own emotional
Taurus (April 20-May 20) HHHH Today the considerations second to the demands of
MOTHER GOOSE AND GRIMM Moon is in your sign, which will heighten your someone else. You might have to work for
emotions. It will also create a greater need someone or perform a service for them. Nev-
in you to belong or to relate to friends and ertheless, this can be a gratifying experience.
loved ones today. Tonight: Romance! When we show kindness to others, we like
Gemini (May 21-June 20) HHH This is a ourselves more. Tonight: Feeling wealthy.
random day on the calendar. You don’t have Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHHH Ro-
to go out and paint the town red. Tonight: mance might be more meaningful for you
Passion! today because the Moon is sitting in the part
Cancer (June 21-July 22) HHHH A number of your chart that has domain over romance,
of people are making a lot of demands fun, social occasions and all things creative.
on your time right now. You’re busy with Tonight: Be friendly.
partners and close friends, as well as groups, Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) HHH Today you
clubs and organizations. Tonight: Strong will enjoy the luxury of retiring to someplace
attraction. so that you can feel private and enjoy your
HAGAR THE HORRIBLE Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) HHH For two days own solitude. It’s the perfect time to go off
every month, the Moon is at the top of your by yourself and do a little navel gazing. You
chart, bringing your focus to professional might see how strongly your habits control
and business concerns. Tonight: Don’t over- your life. Tonight: Enjoy solitude.
indulge. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) HHHH When
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHHH Today you talking to others today, you want a real con-
have an urge for a change of scenery. You nection with them. That’s why you will feel
want a chance to do something different frustrated if the conversation is superficial.
that’s adventurous. Tonight: Socialize! Tonight: Creative discussions.
Alabama vs. Kansas State in the Allstate ACES ON BRIDGE
Sugar Bowl (ESPN). The College Football ‘Miley’s New Year’s Eve Party’ By Bobby Wolff
Playoff Semifinal games on ESPN are No. For the last day of the year,
to watch
3 TCU vs. No. 2 Michigan in the Vrbo Fiesta we have one of the biggest
challenges in any column deal
Bowl in Glendale, Arizona, and No. 4 Ohio I have set.
State vs. No. 1 Georgia in the Chick-fil-A When West leads the heart jack
Peach Bowl in Atlanta. against six no-trump, declarer
sees 11 top tricks. South prefers
Dance in the New Year New Year’s Eve ©2022 Dist. By Andrews McMeel Syndication for UFS
off bench
By Joseph Duarte
LM Otero/Associated Press
TCU quarterback Max Duggan, the Heisman runner-up, and coach Sonny Dykes have TCU back in the national spotlight.
Silas still much for a rallying point the past doz- Saturday in Glendale, Ariz. thing we enjoy.”
en months. TV: ESPN. The Horned Frogs’ joy is at its high-
“It’s always been a fight for credibil- est post-WWII, then, based on their
for focus
ference, and TCU was kind of an also- 3 TCU (12-1) takes on No. 2 Michigan
ran for a number of years. Really, for (13-0) at 3 p.m. Saturday in the College
probably three decades. PEACH BOWL Football Playoff semifinals in the Fies-
“… Ended up in a couple of different NO. 4 OHIO ST. (11-1) VS. ta Bowl at State Farm Stadium in Glen-
By Danielle Lerner conferences and had to kind of battle NO. 1 GEORGIA (13-0) dale, Ariz.
STA F F W RIT E R and pull themselves up by the boot- The winner faces No. 1 Georgia or
When/where: 7 p.m.
straps, and go to work.” No. 4 Ohio State, which play on Satur-
Saturday in Atlanta.
Following a discouraging loss That lack of credibility was alive day night in Atlanta, in the national ti-
to the Mavericks, the Rockets and kicking in 2022, as TCU was TV: ESPN. TCU continues on B4
did not immediately get back on
either the proverbial horse or
the basketball court the next
day. Rather, they used Friday as
a review and recovery day with
a 30-minute film session in
which they broke down the
Texas embraces a new hope after familiar ending
mistakes from Thursday’s game SAN ANTONIO — As a
and scouted ahead for Satur- 10-year-old, Quinn Ewers at-
day’s home game against the tended an Alamo Bowl in
Knicks. which Texas deemed all of this
The Rockets have lost seven unacceptable.
of their last eight games, with Finishing a season in San
the difference between wins Antonio, before New Year’s
and losses often coming down Day. Losing five games. Getting
to what players cite as a lack of outschemed and outmuscled on MIKE FINGER
consistent focus for 48 minutes. friendly turf by a visitor from C O M M E N TARY
Focus isn’t something that the Pacific Northwest.
can be drilled in a traditional When it happened in 2013, And the crazy thing about
sense, unlike rebounding or the Longhorns’ head coach the past decade is they’re prob-
out-of-bounds plays, but Rock- walked out of the Alamodome ably right.
ets coach Stephen Silas said he knowing he was finished. The The program that ended an
Rockets continues on B2 burnt-orange contingent in the 8-5 season with a 27-20 Alamo
stands — whose number in- Bowl loss to Washington in
cluded a grade schooler des- 2022 isn’t quite the same as the
UP NEXT tined to become Texas’ quarter- program that ended an 8-5
back — swore they’d never season with a 30-7 Alamo Bowl
plumb such depths again. loss to Oregon nine years ago.
When/where: 6 p.m. Saturday But when it happened again For one thing, Texas now
at Toyota Center. Ronald Cortes/Getty Images Thursday night? knows how much worse than
TV/radio: ATTSW; 790 AM, 93.3 UT never led in Thursday’s Alamo Bowl loss to Washington, The Longhorns called it this it can get.
FM (Spanish), 1010 AM (Spanish). but coach Steve Sarkisian said he was proud of his team. progress. Finger continues on B5
W L Pct GB
Plodding Mavs won footrace as well as game thanks to Rockets failing to get back on defense New Orleans 23 12 .657 —
Denver 23 12 .657 —
DALLAS — There are Thursday’s game
Memphis 21 13 .618 1½
other factors that could Mavericks 129, L.A. Clippers 21 16 .568 3
be part of the problem or Rockets 114 Sacramento 19 15 .559 3½
solution. But at some Houston 30 21 28 35 — 114
Dallas 20 16 .556 3½
Dallas 36 29 34 30 — 129
point, what the Rockets Phoenix 20 17 .541 4
lacked HOUSTON Min M-A M-A O-T A PFPTS Golden State 19 18 .514 5
Thursday Gordon
Smith Jr.
26:47 0-7 4-6 0-3 1 1 4
27:26 7-13 2-2 2-4 1 2 16
Portland 18 17 .514 5
as the Sengun 16:50 3-7 5-6 3-6 1 5 11 Utah 19 19 .500 5½
Mavericks Ja.Green
Porter Jr.
31:58 7-15 5-8 0-4 4 1 23
34:08 4-12 5-6 0-4 7 2 17 Minnesota 16 20 .444 7½
blasted Garuba 19:46 4-5 0-1 4-9 1 2 9 Oklahoma City 15 20 .429 8
Eason 18:17 3-7 0-0 1-8 1 3 6
them Martin Jr. 17:12 2-3 0-0 0-4 0 3 4 L.A. Lakers 15 21 .417 8½
could Mathews 15:53 1-3 2-2 0-3 1 2 5 San Antonio 12 23 .343 11
Washington Jr. 13:52 1-6 1-2 0-0 1 1 3
Jonathan begin with Fernando 9:31 1-2 1-2 0-0 0 1 3 Houston 10 25 .286 13
Feigen following Marjanovic
4:10 3-4 0-0 2-3 1 0 6
4:10 2-2 1-2 0-0 2 0 7 EASTERN CONFERENCE
two sim- Totals 240:00 38-86 26-37 12-48 21 23 114
RO C K E T S ple direc- Percentages: FG .442, FT .703. 3-Point Goals: 12-
34, .353 (Ja.Green 4-7, Porter Jr. 4-7, Nix 2-2, Garuba1-2, Boston 26 10 .722 —
tives. Mathews 1-3, Eason 0-1, Martin Jr. 0-1, Sengun 0-1, Gor-
Milwaukee 23 12 .657 2½
don 0-3, Washington Jr. 0-3, Smith Jr. 0-4). Team Re-
Run. bounds: 9. Team Turnovers: 1. Blocked Shots: 0
Brooklyn 23 12 .657 2½
Turnovers: 12 (Porter Jr. 4, Ja.Green 3, Martin Jr. 2, Ea-
Run fast. son, Sengun, Smith Jr.). Steals: 5 (Garuba 2, Mathews, Cleveland 22 14 .611 4
The Rockets didn’t. Porter Jr., Smith Jr.). Technical Fouls: None.
Philadelphia 20 14 .588 5
They might not have DALLAS Min M-A M-A O-T A PF PTS Indiana 19 17 .528 7
been able to slow the Hardaway Jr.
32:52 5-14 5-6 1-4 1 4 18
18:48 1-4 0-0 0-3 2 2 2 Miami 18 18 .500 8
Mavericks anyway. Luka Wood 21:03 8-15 0-1 1-6 1 5 21 New York 18 18 .500 8
Doncic again looked like Dinwiddie
34:53 6-8 0-0 0-4 6 2 15
34:17 11-21 9-12 1-12 13 1 35 Atlanta 17 19 .472 9
he could do anything he Wright IV 23:13 1-1 0-1 0-2 3 2 2 Chicago 16 19 .457 9½
Powell 21:19 8-8 3-5 3-6 1 4 19
pleased on the way to a Bertans 16:19 2-6 0-0 0-2 0 1 4 Toronto 16 20 .444 10
129-114 rout of the Rockets Walker 12:57 1-3 0-0 0-0 2 0 3 Washington 16 21 .432 10 ½
Hardy 12:06 1-3 0-0 0-3 0 3 3
in which the Mavericks McGee 5:38 2-5 0-0 0-1 1 1 4 Orlando 13 24 .351 13 ½
led by as many as 25 Pinson
5:38 1-2 0-0 0-1 0 1 3
0:56 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Charlotte 10 26 .278 16
points. LM Otero/Associated Press Totals 240:00 47-91 17-25 6-44 30 26 129 Detroit 9 29 .237 18
But the Mavericks also Luka Doncic unsurprisingly had a triple-double Thursday in Dallas’ win over the Percentages: FG .516, FT .680. 3-Point Goals:18-45,
.400 (Wood 5-8, Doncic 4-9, Dinwiddie 3-5, Hardaway Jr.
Thursday’s results
outran the Rockets, a Rockets. Less expected was that the Mavs outscored the Rockets 25-0 on fast breaks. 3-8, Pinson1-2, Walker1-2, Hardy1-3, Lawson 0-1, Ntiliki- Dallas 129, Houston 114
na 0-3, Bertans 0-4). Team Rebounds:10. Team Turn- Charlotte 121, Oklahoma City 113
failure that should be overs: 1. Blocked Shots: 8 (Wood 4, Doncic 2, Powell Indiana 135, Cleveland 126
unthinkable for an athlet- often because they aver- can’t stab (attempt for to the offensive glass. 2). Turnovers: 8 (Doncic 2, Dinwiddie, Hardy, Ntilikina,
Powell, Wood, Wright IV). Steals: 7 (Hardaway Jr. 3, Boston 116, L.A. Clippers 110
ic young roster. age 17 turnovers per steals) in the backcourt It’s one thing to get Dinwiddie, Doncic, Powell, Wright IV). Technical Memphis 119, Toronto 106
Fouls: Doncic, 3:43 third. San Antonio 122, New York 115
Getting outrun by the game. That was not the and try to get steals. You Usain Bolted by Dwight A: 20,307 (19,200).
Friday’s results
Mavericks is like losing a issue Thursday, though have to run back.” Powell. The Mavericks’ Washington 119, Orlando 100
limbo contest to Boban the Rockets had 12 The Mavericks’ 25 fast backup — and frequent L.A. Lakers 130, Atlanta 121
Toronto 113, Phoenix 104
Marjanovic. through three quarters break points were a sea- starting — center will run run, put pressure on the Chicago 132, Detroit 118
The Mavericks do not and just one in the son high, if not by as all-out, though it is usu- rim in transition,” Powell Milwaukee 123, Minnesota 114
run. No team averages fourth. great a margin as Dallas ally in pursuit of an of- said. “Obviously our New Orleans 127, Philadelphia 116
fewer fast-break points. Instead, the Mavericks coach Jason Kidd as- fensive rebound or loose guards, Luka especially, Denver 124, Miami 119
Sacramento 126, Utah 125
They are not built for it. turned a Rockets strength sumed. ball, rather than for 94 were looking ahead and Golden State 118, Portland 112
They don’t need it. against them. “Normally we only feet. trusting we were going to Saturday’s games
But through three The Rockets, as always, have zero or two,” Kidd His dashes from end to run under some of those L.A. Clippers at Indiana, 2 p.m.
Brooklyn at Charlotte, 6 p.m.
quarters, enough time for chased offensive re- said, exaggerating a tad. end Thursday allowed Hail Marys.” Cleveland at Chicago, 6 p.m.
the game to be rushing bounds. No team averag- “It shows we can run him to make all eight of Doncic had his league- Dallas at San Antonio, 6 p.m.
toward blowout status, es more than the Rockets’ when we want to.” his shots, scoring 19 high eighth triple-double New York at Houston, 6 p.m.
Detroit at Minnesota, 7 p.m.
the Mavericks outscored 13.5 per game or grabs a The Rockets have al- points in 21 minutes, five of the season, getting 35 New Orleans at Memphis, 7 p.m.
the young, athletic, fast- greater percentage of its lowed more than Thurs- more than his previous points, 13 assists and 12 Philadelphia at Oklahoma City, 7 p.m.
twitch Rockets 25-0 in own missed shots. day’s 25 fast-break points season high. rebounds. But that was to Miami at Utah, 8 p.m.
Sunday’s games
fast-break points. They The Rockets had 12 just three times this sea- But the Rockets also be expected. Boston at Denver, 7 p.m.
scored 12 of those points, offensive rebounds and son, with the seaso high were left in the dust by The Rockets did not Sacramento at Memphis, 7 p.m.
more than they average scored 25 second-chance of 28 coming in the open- Davis Bertans, who expect to be run off the Washington at Milwaukee, 7 p.m.
per game, in the third points. But while the er at Atlanta. But in the makes his living off what floor by a team that does
quarter when the Rockets Rockets crashed the glass previous two games, they he can do while standing not run.
did not even attempt a or just watched as team- gave up 23 and 24 fast- still. Bertans is known for “Luka (is) a great pass- NOTEBOOK
fast-break shot. mates went to the offen- break points, so they knocking down 3-point- er, and I think it was just
The Mavericks took sive boards, the Maver- already were trending the ers from the perimeter, us not sprinting back, not MCMILLAN REFUTES
their foot off the gas in icks were sprinting in the wrong way. not for burning rubber. playing with that in-
the fourth quarter. They other direction, often “We’re a team that He twice outran the tensity, that energy,” Hawks coach Nate
had made 10-of-12 fast- with big men doing the crashes a lot,” Rockets Rockets. Rockets forward Jabari McMillan said Friday he
break shots through sprinting. center Usman Garuba Much of that success Smith Jr. said. “It’s tough has no plans to retire in
three quarters and did “We are an offensive said. “I think the game was Doncic-fueled. As when the ball’s not the middle of the season,
not attempt another. But rebounding team that plan was having to re- much as the Mavericks bouncing your way, we’re brushing back a report
they had long since goes to the offensive bound and make every- are often happy to walk not getting offensive re- citing unnamed sources.
torched the Rockets by glass,” Silas said. “You one run. We crash the the ball up the floor to let bounds and they’re run- The Athletic reported
running to layups. either have to be on the glass really hard. It’s hard Doncic methodically pick ning, getting out in tran- that McMillan is consider-
“It’s (about) run back,” glass or back, and we’re sometimes. But we had to apart defenses, as he did sition.” ing stepping down before
Rockets coach Stephen finding ourselves in be- adjust that. They sur- again Thursday, he often There is, however, the season ends, but Mc-
Silas said. “Run back. No tween. And you can’t be prised us.” looked for floor-length something that could Millan said that’s not true.
talent needed. Run back.” in between. You have to The Rockets never passes that Magic John- have been done. McMillan, 58, said he
The Rockets give up either be on the glass or seemed to commit to son would have admired. Run. Run fast. had no immediate re-
more fast-break points sprinting back to not getting back, making the “That was a big em- action to the report. He’s
than any team, allowing allow a team to get 25 fast problem more than just phasis for us coming into jonathan.feigen@chron.com in the middle of his third
17.8 per game. That is break points. You also their determination to get tonight, to get out and twitter.com/jonathan_feigen season with the Hawks,
who are 17-18 and in ninth
place in the Eastern Con-
ROCKETS Antonio.
Here are five things to
get back.” son rank second and fifth
in rebounding average.
Knicks are one of the
NBA’s foremost paint “I read that article
From page B1 watch for in Saturday’s 2. Handle Randle Though his shooting has scoring teams. New York briefly,” he said. “I’ve
Rockets-Knicks game: The Knicks have lost been uneven this season, attempts and makes more never spoke to that re-
strives to instill focus their last five games, but Smith made 44.6 percent shots between 5-9 feet porter before.”
with different approach- 1. Get back forward Julius Randle of his shots in the last five than any team in the FRIDAY’S HIGHLIGHTS
es. The Rockets were out- scored at least 29 points games and ranks fourth NBA, and averages 54 LeBron James scored a
“I think it’s the repeti- scored 25-0 by the Maver- in each, capped off with a among rookies in season points in the paint, eighth season-high 47 points on
tion of the game plan,” icks in fast break points, a season-high 41 points and scoring average with 12.2 in the NBA. his 38th birthday with
Silas said. “I think it is lopsided statistic due as 11 rebounds in Thursday’s points per game. Eason many of the sellout crowd
taking days like today and much to the Rockets’ loss to the Spurs. In that also leads all rookies in 5. Sharing is caring at State Farm Arena in
making it more of a men- failure to defend as to five-game span, Randle total steals (39) and 3- Houston is averaging Atlanta cheering his every
tal day, less of a physical their failure to score in averaged 32.8 points, 12.4 point percentage for those 24.8 assists over the past move, leading the Lakers
day. I think it’s taking transition, and one that rebounds and 4.4 assists. with at least 40 attempts four games after averag- to a 130-121 victory over the
days that are completely had Silas imploring his Randle has been an (28 of 73). ing 20.1 the 11 games prior, Hawks. James added 10
off where it’s not mental team to simply get back. absolute tour de force in In his first nine games and has recorded more rebounds and nine as-
or physical. And I think I A primary focus of his ninth NBA season, played for the Rockets, assists than its opponent sists. ... Giannis Anteto-
try to relate everything to Friday’s film session was and fourth in New York. guard TyTy Washington in five of the past 10 kounmpo had 43 points
not just basketball play- the title of the famous He leads the Knicks in has 14 assists to only one games after doing so four and 20 rebounds as the
ers, but all of us. We all Beatles tune, though the points per game (23.8) and turnover, a ratio that times the first 25 games of Bucks snapped a four-
get in those moments Rockets require such rebounds per game (9.7), ranks first among rook- the season. As common game losing streak with a
where it’s hard for us to effort from five members both of which rank him ies. Small sample size sense dictates, the Rock- 123-114 victory over the
focus on things and some- playing in concert rather top 20 in the league. The aside, Washington has ets tend to win more often Timberwolves in Mil-
times we need to take a than four. One challenge Knicks’ offseason addi- played well and appeared when the ball is moving waukee. Antetokounmpo
step away and take a step for the Rockets will be tion of point guard Jalen more comfortable every and shots are falling. The also had five assists to join
back and refocus. We are balancing effort on the Brunson has helped Ran- game since he seized Rockets are 6-4 when Wilt Chamberlain and
hypersensitive because offensive boards with dle alter his attacking Houston’s backup point having as many or more Elgin Baylor as the only
there’s bright lights and transition defense, with- style to dribble less and guard role. assists than the opposi- players in NBA history
there’s games and there’s out sacrificing one in take more 3-pointers. He tion this season. with back-to-back games
evaluation based on every favor of the other. attempts 7.4 triples per 4. Second chances Rockets point guard of at least 40 points, 20
moment that you’re on “I think it all just goes game, and makes nearly The Knicks are the Kevin Porter Jr. has rebounds and five assists.
the court. But it’s no dif- into playing hard,” for- 35 percent, while still only team that averages dished 34 assists with 12 ... Nikola Jokic had 19
ferent than anybody else ward Tari Eason said. being a weapon in the more second-chance turnovers over the past points, 12 rebounds and 12
in the world who at times “We’re a young team, so I post. points than the Rockets, five games, including assists for his eighth tri-
can lose focus and needs think we’re expected to In 36 games played this scoring 17.5 per game to back-to-back games with ple-double of the season
to figure out a way to get kind of be able to do both: season, Randle has logged the Rockets’ 17.3. nine assists in Chicago as the Nuggets beat the
it back.” get back but also crash 18 double-doubles, which New York starting and Boston last week. Heat 124-119 in Denver. ...
The Knicks are in a the glass really hard. You ties him with Anthony center Mitchell Robinson While Porter has not CJ McCollum hit a career-
somewhat similar posi- know, us crashing the Davis, Luka Doncic and does the bulk of the work been flawless, Silas said high 11 3-pointers on his
tion. After their eight- glass helps our offense Tyrese Haliburton for on the offensive glass (4.3 he thinks the point guard way to 42 points, and Zion
game win streak ended, and it’s helped us a lot fifth in the NBA. per game), helped by has been helped by better Williamson added 36 as
they arrive in Houston this year. So I don’t think Randle (2.0) and backup spacing and is able to play the Pelicans topped the
riding a five-game losing we’re really going to try to 3. Rookie sea legs center Isaiah Hartenstein more within the offense. 76ers 127-116 in New Orle-
streak that dropped their shy away from that. I Among all NBA rook- (2.8). Commitment to ans.
record to 18-18 following a think it’s just making that ies, Rockets forwards offensive rebounding is jonathan.feigen@chron.com Wire reports
loss Thursday in San real second effort to also Jabari Smith Jr. and Ea- also part of the reason the twitter.com/jonathan_feigen
East W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div
y-Buffalo 12 3 0 .800 420 263 6-1-0 6-2-0 8-2-0 4-1-0 3-2-0
Miami 8 7 0 .533 365 370 5-2-0 3-5-0 6-4-0 2-3-0 2-2-0
N.Y. Jets 7 8 0 .467 284 282 3-5-0 4-3-0 5-6-0 2-2-0 2-3-0
New England 7 8 0 .467 318 291 3-4-0 4-4-0 5-5-0 2-3-0 2-2-0
South W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div
Jacksonville 7 8 0 .467 353 331 4-3-0 3-5-0 6-4-0 1-4-0 2-2-0
Tennessee 7 9 0 .438 282 339 3-5-0 4-4-0 5-6-0 2-3-0 3-2-0
e-Indianapolis 4 10 1 .300 248 357 2-5-0 2-5-1 4-6-1 0-4-0 1-3-1
e-Houston 2 12 1 .167 254 358 0-6-1 2-6-0 2-7-1 0-5-0 2-1-1
North W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div Wade Payne/Associated Press
x-Cincinnati 11 4 0 .733 391 306 5-1-0 6-3-0 7-3-0 4-1-0 2-3-0 Cowboys cornerback Nahshon Wright picked up his first career interception Thursday night against the
x-Baltimore 10 5 0 .667 321 272 5-2-0 5-3-0 6-4-0 4-1-0 3-1-0 Titans to help put the game out of reach. Dallas handed struggling Tennessee its sixth consecutive loss.
Pittsburgh 7 8 0 .467 264 319 3-4-0 4-4-0 3-7-0 4-1-0 1-3-0
Underdog Frogs
aim for big leap
By Brent Zwerneman er the speed and spread
STA F F W RIT E R offenses of the Big 12.
Michigan ranks fifth
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. nationally in rushing
— The mayor of neigh- yards per game (263), and
boring Glendale, Ariz., the Big 12 doesn’t have a
wished good luck to TCU team in the top 10 in that
coach Sonny Dykes and category, so TCU must
Michigan coach Jim Har- add some brutishness to
baugh on Friday and then its repertoire against the
shrugged at the routine Wolverines.
“I don’t know how that 3. On the flip side
works,” Jerry Weiers said Michigan was good on
of knowing that in the defense last year when it
end there will be a loser. made the CFP for the
“But good luck to both of first time — a 34-11 loss to
you.” eventual champion Geor-
Minus further ado, five gia in the semifinals —
things to watch as un- and the Wolverines are
derdog TCU, the first even better this year. The
team from Texas to make defense has allowed 13.4
the CFP, is one win from points per game, tied for
playing for a national third nationally and
title: about four points fewer
than a year ago.
1. Max Duggan Moxie Michigan also is third
The Heisman Trophy nationally in rushing
runner-up gained plenty defense in allowing 85.2
of fans earlier this month yards per game, while the Tony Ding/Associated Press
with his gutsy fourth- Horned Frogs are solid in Jim Harbaugh, who played quarterback at Michigan from 1983-86, has the Wolverines in the College
quarter effort in an over- rushing offense with 200 Football Playoff for the second straight season. Harbaugh has led Michigan to two straight Big Ten titles.
time loss against Kansas yards per game.
State in the Big 12 title
game. TCU’s senior quar- 4. Hole? No problem TCU which won the league’s
last national title in 2005,
son at Michigan.
“It’s all about the game
perhaps was a bit more
reflective Friday than
terback has overcome TCU got here by over- From page B1 hasn’t come close to mak- (Saturday),” said Har- Harbaugh, in soaking up
heart surgery while a coming deficits in three ing the CFP in its nine baugh, who in February a golden opportunity for
collegian — the bright straight Big 12 games in tle game on Jan. 9 in Ingle- seasons, and the Horned 2013 also coached the TCU.
lights of the CFP semifi- the middle of the season wood, Calif. The Horned Frogs are the state’s first NFL’s San Francisco “When I was playing
nals won’t faze Duggan. against Kansas, Oklaho- Frogs are about a touch- entrant among 36 oppor- 49ers in a Super Bowl loss high school football, my
“Max is going to be on ma State and Kansas down underdog to the tunities. to his brother, John Har- dad might be playing Tex-
the Mount Rushmore of State, with all three oppo- Wolverines, who blasted “I do believe that there baugh of the Baltimore as A&M the next day, and
TCU guys,” Dykes said. nents ranked at the time. their way through the is still that perception Ravens. “Everything has I would come home from
“… There have been a lot The Horned Frogs not regular season and the that nobody in the (Big 12) been said that can possi- my high school game after
of things that have oc- only are not deterred by a Big Ten title game against plays defense,” Dykes bly be said. Every ques- driving back from Ama-
curred this year that deficit early or late, they Purdue undefeated. said. “I don’t think that’s tion has been asked and rillo or wherever we were
were beyond people’s thrive in such situations. “Here we are in the Col- the case at all. (And) you every question has been driving back from, and I’d
expectations, and that’s lege Football Playoff,” start to look around the answered, and now it’s walk in the living room
what Max is good at. He’s 5. Intangibles said Dykes, whose senior Big 12, and there are a lot time to go play the game and my dad and (A&M’s)
really good at exceeding Michigan has the CFP quarterback Max Duggan of run-based offenses, and let it rip. R.C. Slocum were in there
expectations.” experience, but TCU has was Heisman runner-up and a lot of offenses are “Not everybody gets having a drink, 1 a.m. the
the outrageousness on its this season. “Nobody an- really good up front. this opportunity, and it’s night before a game.”
2. Big Ten Brawn side. The Horned Frogs ticipated us being here.” “You have to be able to the best of the best play- Dykes added with a
Michigan is massive on were picked seventh in TCU won a national ti- defend everything in the ing the best. … It’s time to chuckle: “In that spirit, I
the offensive line — four the Big 12 with a first-year tle in 1938 when O’Brien league, and that’s one of line up and have at it.” was going to invite coach
of the five starters are at coach in Dykes, who had also won the Heisman. the great things about the Only one coach in the Harbaugh to my hotel
least 6-foot-5, and the an 8-4 record last year at Dykes, son of late Texas Big 12. There is a lot of va- final four has previously room (Friday) night and
fivesome averages a long SMU, and Duggan wasn’t Tech coach Spike Dykes, riety in schemes, whether won a title — Georgia’s see if we wanted to open
and lean(ish) 310 pounds. even the starting quarter- not only is angling for re- it’s offensively or defen- Kirby Smart a year ago. up a bottle of bourbon
The Wolverines’ desire to back entering the season. spect for TCU on a na- sively.” Around the same time and reminisce. I don’t
simply overpower their Will the Horned Frogs’ tional stage, but the The Wolverines are try- Dykes, who grew up in know if he will take me up
opponents is not what long and astonishing hop league the Horned Frogs ing to win their third na- Lubbock, was setting up on it.”
TCU is accustomed to into national relevancy compete in. tional title since 1948 and his office in Fort Worth Harbaugh, seated next
seeing in the Big 12. carry into early January? Oklahoma is the only their first since 1997. Jim after coaching SMU to a to Dykes, responded with
The Horned Frogs run The nation will know by other Big 12 program to Harbaugh, a former Wol- 30-18 record over four sea- a laugh, “It’s way past my
primarily a 3-3-5 defense Saturday night. make the CFP, which verines quarterback from sons about 30 miles to the bedtime.”
— three linemen, three started in 2014, and the 1983-86 who moved on to a east in Dallas.
linebackers and five de- brent.zwerneman@chron.com Sooners are 0-4 in the 14-year NFL career as a The suddenness of it all brent.zwerneman@chron.com
fensive backs — to count- twitter.com/brentzwerneman sport’s final four. Texas, player, is in his eighth sea- is one reason why Dykes twitter.com/brentzwerneman
Georgia, Ohio St. know all about upsets from No. 4 seeds
By Alan Blinder likely to reach title show-
N EW YO RK T IME S downs. Their margins of
victory in semifinals have
ATLANTA — He does averaged about 20 points.
not like to dwell on past Even though Georgia’s
games, the good ones or closest game this year was
the bad ones, but Georgia an intrasquad scrimmage,
coach Kirby Smart knows few are forecasting a rout
the College Football Play- in a game in which the
off’s agonies better than Bulldogs are favored by
most. Twice in the past roughly a touchdown.
eight years, he has stood Smart, a member of the
on the sideline of a playoff Crimson Tide coaching
game and watched a staff when Alabama won
fourth-ranked team out- back-to-back national
last his. championships under the
There was the 2014 sea- Bowl Championship Se-
son, which for Smart end- ries model, suggested he
ed when No. 4 Ohio State was applying few turnkey
broke No. 1 Alabama, lessons from that run to
where he was the defen- this season’s pursuit of a
sive coordinator. Then, on second consecutive title.
the final play of the 2017 “There’s no, like, this
season, Smart’s quest for Brett Davis/Associated Press David Dermer/Associated Press magic potion, let me go to
his inaugural national Georgia’s Stetson Bennett, left, and Ohio State’s C.J. Stroud lad a pair of high-octane offenses into this the book where you have a
championship as Geor- year’s College Football Playoffs semifinal, with each attack logging around 492 total yards per game. team go twice,” he said.
gia’s coach sputtered “There is no book for it.
against fourth-seeded Al- this playoff, the past’s pregame judgments of think so, try losing a this season and last year’s You just manage each and
abama. headwinds notwithstand- oddsmakers, at least, the game.”) championship run, said every team and each and
Now, the prospect of a ing. Bulldogs, who are 13-0 and But the Buckeyes, like with a measure of awe as every season as best you
redemption — and the “We talk all the time won the Southeastern the Bulldogs, have very of- he freehanded a drawing can.”
promise of a fresh data about limiting regret, and Conference title with ease, ten shined. of his university’s mascot. Few coaches anywhere
point in sports’ eternal de- I think one of the ways you face an especially formi- Ohio State averaged Overconfidence, he sug- would disagree, but Ohio
bate over the value of his- limit regret is through a dable obstacle to reach the 492.7 yards per game this gested, was not endemic State has still been de-
tory and memory — has lot of detail and thought Jan. 9 championship game season; Georgia had 491.9. in Georgia’s locker room lighted this month to tap
arrived by way of Satur- about the way you plan,” against No. 2 Michigan or Georgia’s defense, the best because the Bulldogs into its 2014 history. The
day’s Peach Bowl, the Smart said Thursday as he No. 3 Texas Christian, in the Football Bowl Sub- knew it would be detri- university’s success back
playoff semifinal where considered the night the who will joust in Satur- division at stopping rush- mental against a team as then, players and coaches
Smart’s top-ranked, Buckeyes upset Alabama day’s Fiesta Bowl. Ohio ers, is far more vulnerable fast and physical as Ohio said, was a handy antidote
reigning champion Bull- in the Sugar Bowl. State, the first program to through the air, where State. to narratives about Geor-
dogs will meet No. 4 Ohio “There’s a lot of detail and vault from No. 4 seed to Ohio State led the Big Ten The playoff’s top spot is gia’s effectively unchecked
State (8 p.m. Eastern on thought into that plan, national champion in the Conference. The Bulldogs not necessarily a gift. power this year.
ESPN). With Atlanta’s and a lot of detail and playoff era, arrived in At- surrendered about 292 to- More No. 2 seeds have “It’s a different time, but
Mercedes-Benz Stadium thought into this plan.” lanta with an 11-1 record, its tal yards a game, the Buck- won championships than I think the biggest thing is
about 70 miles from Geor- Besides, he added, the Michigan-induced scar an eyes allowed about 304, No. 1 teams, and teams that it can be done,” said
gia’s campus, and with the seedings at this point are awfully big one. (“Every and both defenses proved ranked fourth have cap- Larry Johnson, a member
Bulldogs having crushed no more than “two num- game you play at Ohio expert on third downs. tured just as many titles as of the 2014 Ohio State staff
Louisiana State and Ore- bers in front of some- State has got huge magni- “Those guys are great,” those seeded at the top. who is now the associate
gon in Atlanta this season, body’s name.” tude,” coach Ryan Day Sedrick Van Pran, Geor- Still, teams ranked No. 1 head coach. “There’s a
there is no cozier setup On paper and in the said, “and if you don’t gia’s starting center for have been three times as blueprint.”
the shootout so many ex- the field in the loss. TEX: FG Auburn 30, 3:17.
pected. “We would have loved to WASH: Taulapapa 42 run (Henry kick), 3:17.
Second quarter
Certainly, this year’s have gotten off the field on WASH: FG Henry 24, :00.
game didn’t come close to third down better,” Sarki- Third quarter
TEX: J.Brooks 34 pass from Ewers (Auburn kick), 12:31.
matching the breathless sian said. “And that’s WASH: T.Davis 6 pass from Penix (Henry kick), 6:44.
Fourth quarter
madness of Texas coach something we need to ad- WASH: McMillan 8 pass from Penix (Henry kick), 13:08.
Steve Sarkisian’s first trip dress in the offseason, our TEX: J.Brooks 3 run (Auburn kick), 9:50.
TEX: FG Auburn 26, 1:40.
to the Alamodome back in own ability to convert third TEX WASH
2011, when Baylor won a re- downs and then our ability First downs 19 24
Total Net Yards 420 445
cord-breaking 67-56 thrill- to get off the field on de- Rushes-yards 18-51 28-158
er over his Washington fense. And there’s a lot of Passing
Punt Returns
Huskies. factors that go into it.” Kickoff Returns 2-40 1-12
But for Sarkisian, the Interceptions Ret.
outcome was the same 11 Record catch Sacked-Yards Lost 2-12 0-0
Punts 4-36.25 3-39.0
years later. No. 12 Washing- In 2005, David Thomas Fumbles-Lost 0-0 0-0
ton (11-2) wore down No. 20 became the first Texas Penalties-Yards 6-45 7-45
Time of Possession 40:40 39:38
Texas (8-5) in a 27-20 win tight end to catch 50 passes
Thursday night in front of in a single season. On RUSHING: Texas, K.Robinson 8-27, J.Brooks 6-18, Ew-
62,730 fans. Tim Warner/Getty Images Thursday night, sopho- ers 4-6. Washington, Taulapapa 14-108, Newton 11-44,
Penix 3-6.
“I’m proud of what Texas receiver Xavier Worthy had a team-high seven catches for 84 yards in the more Ja’Tavion Sanders PASSING: Texas, Ewers 31-47-0-369. Washington, Pe-
we’ve done from Year 1 to Alamo Bowl loss to Washington but also had three drops. joined him. And surpassed nix 32-54-1-287, (Team) 0-1-0-0.
RECEIVING: Texas, Worthy 7-84, K.Robinson 6-42,
Year 2,” Sarkisian said af- him. Whittington 5-44, Sanders 5-36, Cain 4-106, J.Brooks 2-
37, Helm 1-19, Red 1-1. Washington, McMillan 8-58,
ter Texas improved from work and improving his other good line in the Ala- dering what would have The Longhorns’ break- Odunze 5-57, T.Davis 4-32, Westover 4-32, Culp 4-29,
Polk 3-45, Taulapapa 3-17, Moore 1-17.
five wins to eight. “I think marksmanship, the na- mo Bowl, finishing with a been a game-changing 61- out offensive star this sea- MISSED FIELD GOALS: None.
we’re making really good tion’s former No. 1 overall team-high seven catches yard touchdown recep- son, Sanders finished with
progress. The key for us recruit finished 2022 with for 84 yards. But that pro- tion. five catches for 36 yards in
now is to take the next step his best performance yet. duction came on 14 targets, On the ensuing posses- his first bowl game. That All-Big 12 selection by both
going into Year 3.” Ewers completed 31 of 47 three of which were sion, Washington marched brought his season total to the AP and conference
Before totally flipping passes for 369 yards with dropped. 90 yards in 14 plays to take 54, the most ever by a Tex- coaches.
the page on Texas’ 2022 one touchdown and no Two of those mistakes a 27-10 lead with13:08 left in as tight end. After adding 10 tackles
campaign, some notes and turnovers. Those numbers came on consecutive plays the game. Sanders finished this in the Alamo Bowl to bring
takeaways from the Long- could have been even more with Texas trailing 20-10 “It’s tough, but I didn’t season with 613 receiving his season total to 119, Ford
horns’ season finale at the impressive if not for some more than halfway lose any confidence in yards, tied with Thomas fielded a question about
Alamodome: drops, including a few through the third quarter. him,” Ewers said. “And I for second-most by a Texas his next steps. The junior is
backbreaking blunders by On second-and-11 from know he didn’t lose any tight end. Sanders will be eligible for the 2023 NFL
Strong finish sophomore receiver Xavier the Texas 39, Ewers lofted confidence in himself. It gunning for Williams Har- draft and could end up as a
There’s no doubt this Worthy. a picturesque spiral to happens every now and ris’ single-season record mid-round draft pick if he
was a taxing year for red- Worthy deep down the then, but it sucks to see it (637 yards) in 2023 elects to leave Texas early.
shirt freshman quarter- Costly drops sideline over a pair of UW happen in crucial situa- But in the immediate af-
back Quinn Ewers. The This hadn’t been the se- defensive backs. The ball tions like it was.” Uncertain future termath of the Longhorns’
“savior” label is a weighty quel Worthy was hoping plunged right through If Sanders represented loss, Ford wasn’t ready to
burden to carry around, for. A freshman All-Amer- Worthy’s hands and hit the Third-down troubles the team’s breakout of- make an announcement.
especially for a transfer ican in 2021, the spindly turf. Texas couldn’t establish fense star, Texas junior “It’s kind of hard to
who hadn’t thrown a pass speedster put up solid On the following play, the run, which led to too linebacker Jaylan Ford was make a decision right now,
in a college game prior to numbers during the regu- Worthy flew past the de- many third-and-long situ- his defensive counterpart. especially after that,” Ford
this season. lar season (676 yards, nine fense on a fly route and ations. And it couldn’t sty- Ford made himself a lot said. “I’ll definitely come
After a full month of touchdowns) but struggled Ewers delivered the pass mie Washington on the of money this season. He with an answer here soon.”
hearing about his strug- with drops while trying to where it needed to be. Wor- “money downs” — the was named a third-team
gles, talking to reporters get aligned with Ewers. thy bobbled the ball and Huskies converted 11 of 20 All-American by the Asso- nmoyle@express-news.net
about refining his foot- Worthy put together an- ultimately lost it, squan- third downs and 2 of 3 ciated Press and first-team twitter.com/nrmoyle
Radford lifts A&M
Home team capitalized Col. basketball Virginia at Georgia Tech ACC 11 a.m.
NBA Col. basketball Virginia Tech at Wake Forest BSSW 11 a.m.
Col. basketball Louisville at Kentucky CBS 11 a.m.
to transfer to Wisconsin
MIDWEST Buffalo at Ottawa, 6 p.m.
Herbert, LAC 634 431 4254 21 10 San Jose at Chicago, 6 p.m.
Akron 84, Concord 58 Allen, Buf 536 340 4029 32 13
Michigan St. 89, Buffalo 68 N.Y. Islanders at Seattle, 7 p.m.
Lawrence, Jac 531 350 3749 24 7
N. Dakota St. 71, North Dakota 49
Ohio 76, Chicago St. 59 Tagovailoa, Mia 400 259 3548 25 8 Soccer
Carr, Las 502 305 3522 24 14
English Premier League
Dallas Baptist 75, Ark.-Fort Smith 64
Ryan, Ind
Wilson, Den
3057 14 13
3019 12 9
W I R E R EP O RT S consin since Luke Fick- who established the pre-
Houston Christian 101, New Orleans 96 (OT) Mills, Hou 401 248 2618 14 13 Arsenal 15 13 1 1 36 12 40 ell’s arrival. Former vious AL mark of 61 ho-
Southwestern (Texas) 76, Howard Payne 63
Texas A&M 86, Prairie View 66
Rushers Man City
15 11 2 2 43 15 35
16 9 6 1 32 11 33
MADISON, Wis. — Oklahoma quarterback mers in 1961.
WEST Jacobs, Las
11 Tottenham 16 9 3 4 33 23 30 Quarterback Tanner Nick Evers tweeted two “Wow. That’s incred-
Colorado Mesa 67, CSU-Pueblo 60
Hawaii 74, UC Davis 66
Henry, Ten 319 1429 4.5 56 13 Man United
15 9 2 4 23 20 29
16 8 4 4 33 19 28
Mordecai announced on weeks ago that he had ible,” Judge said of his
Chubb, Cle 276 1344 4.9 41t 12
Southern Cal 80, Washington 67 Etienne, Jac 204 1000 4.9 49 4 Brighton 15 7 3 5 26 20 24 social media Friday that committed to Wisconsin. selection. “All these other
West Texas A&M 72, Midwestern St. 71 Chelsea 15 7 3 5 19 17 24
Stevenson, NE 196 944 4.8 49 5
Brentford 17 5 8 4 27 27 23 he is transferring from Graham Mertz, Wis- great athletes that not
Pierce, Hou 220 939 4.3 75t 4
Women’s Taylor, Ind 192 861 4.5 66t 4 Fulham 16 6 4 6 27 26 22 SMU to Wisconsin. consin’s starting quarter- only impacted the game
Crystal Palace 15 5 4 6 15 21 19
Top 25 Harris, Pit
Mostert, Mia
3 Aston Villa 16 5 3 8 17 25 18 Mordecai tweeted the back the last three sea- and their sport, but also
Friday’s results
No. 10 UCLA 82, No. 17 Oregon 74 Singletary, Buf 170 790 4.6 33t 5 Leicester
17 5 2 10 26 30 17
16 4 4 8 18 34 16
news two weeks after sons, entered the transfer impacted their communi-
No. 11 Utah 71, Washington St. 66
No. 16 Maryland 107, Minnesota 85
Receivers Leeds 15 4 3 8 23 29 15 playing in SMU’s 24-23 portal in early December ties and the culture in the
No Yds Avg LG TD Everton 16 3 5 8 12 19 14
EAST Hill, Mia 113 1632 14.4 64 7 West Ham 17 4 2 11 13 22 14
New Mexico Bowl loss to and plans to play for sports world and outside
Boston U. 62, Navy 39 Diggs, Buf 101 1325 13.1 53t 10 Wolverhampton 16 3 4 9 10 25 13 BYU. Mordecai threw his Florida next season. the sports world. So get-
Fairleigh Dickinson 68, Delaware St. 38 Adams, Las 88 1290 14.7 58t 12 Nottingham Forest 16 3 4 9 11 33 13
Holy Cross 62, Bucknell 45 Waddle, Mia 67 1260 18.8 84t 8 Southampton 16 3 3 10 14 30 12 school-record 72nd career ting a chance to be
Lehigh 90, Army 68
Maryland 107, Minnesota 85
Kelce, KC
Higgins, Cin
Friday’s results touchdown pass for SMU MLB amongst that list is an
Judge named
West Ham 0, Brentford 2
Penn 95, Gwynedd-Mercy 38 Cooper, Cle 73 1004 13.8 55 7 Liverpool 2, Leicester 1 in that game. incredible honor.”
Temple 80, Memphis 69 G.Wilson, NYJ 71 996 14.0 60 4 Saturday’s games
Md.-Eastern Shore 100, Bryn Athyn 30 Kirk, Jac 76 988 13.0 49 7 Wolverhampton vs. Man United, 6:30 a.m. “I could not be more athlete of year The 30-year-old Judge
Loyola (Md.) 61, Colgate 54 (OT)
Monmouth (NJ) 54, Northeastern 49
Chase, Cin 79 960 12.2 60t 8 Bournemouth vs. Crystal Palace, 9 a.m.
Fulham vs. Southampton, 9 a.m.
fired up to play at a led the majors in runs
Penn St. 90, Rutgers 72 Man City vs. Everton, 9 a.m. school with rich history After hitting 62 home (133), on-base percentage
Stony Brook 89, William & Mary 61 No Yds Lg Avg Newcastle vs. Leeds, 9 a.m.
St. Francis (Pa.) 46, Hartford 36 Stonehouse, Ten 82 4376 74 53.4 Brighton vs. Arsenal, 11:30 a.m. and a winning culture,” runs to break an Amer- (.425), slugging percent-
Delaware 77, Hofstra 65
American 75, Lafayette 65
Townsend, KC
Cooke, Jac
Sunday’s games
Tottenham vs. Aston Villa, 8 a.m.
Mordecai said. “Let’s ican League record that age (.686), OPS (1.111),
SOUTH A.Cole, Las 55 2681 67 48.7 Nottingham Forest vs. Chelsea, 10:30 a.m. ride!” lasted six decades, Aaron extra-base hits (90) and
Monday’s game
Belmont 74, Valparaiso 60
Bojorquez, Cle
Johnston, Hou
48.5 Brentford vs. Liverpool, 11:30 a.m. Mordecai also thanked Judge of the New York total bases (391). He tied
Murray St. 68, Ill. Chicago 55
NC A&T 67, Elon 50 Martin, Buf 42 2021 67 48.1
Transactions SMU’s faculty, staff and Yankees has been voted for the big league lead
Mann, NYJ 75 3518 72 46.9
Samford 112, Birmingham Southern 75
South Florida 69, Tulane 61 Morstead, Mia 53 2458 66 46.4 BASKETBALL
program. He said: “I have the Associated Press with 131 RBIs and fin-
Texas A&M-CC 65, Northwestern St. 50 Waitman, Den 86 3975 58 46.2
NBA made relationships that I Male Athlete of the Year ished second in the AL
Tulsa 55, East Carolina 47
UNC-Greensboro 68, Lenoir-Rhyne 60 Hockey NBA: Fined Atlanta G Bogdan Bogdanovic an undisclosed will cherish and carry for by a panel of 40 sports with a .311 batting average.
amount for kicking a game ball into the spectator stands
W. Carolina 64, Southern Wesleyan 46 NHL during a Dec. 28th game against Brooklyn. the rest of my life.” writers and editors from
Ball St. 119, Chicago St. 53 EASTERN CONFERENCE FOOTBALL After spending 2018-20 news outlets across the SOCCER
Bowling Green 92, Findlay 51
IUPUI 68, N. Kentucky 65 Boston
4 3 59 135 78
CAROLINA PANTHERS: Promoted CB Josh Norman from
as a reserve quarterback country. Ronaldo signs
Illinois St. 87, Drake 76 Carolina 36 24 6 6 54 113 90 the practice squad to the active roster. for Oklahoma, Mordecai The outfielder edged with Saudi club
CINCINNATI BENGALS: Placed OT La’el Collins on injured
N. Iowa 83, Bradley 64
Wichita St. 61, Cincinnati 49
Toronto 36 22 8 6 50 119 92
reserve. transferred to SMU and Los Angeles Angels two-
New Jersey 36 23 11 2 48 120 92
SOUTHWEST Tampa Bay 34 22 11 1 45 121 99
MIAMI DOLPHINS: Signed WR Calvin Jackson to the
practice squad. Released WR DaeSean Hamilton from the
was the Mustangs’ starter way star Shohei Ohtani, Saudi Arabian soccer
Houston 60, SMU 44 Washington
13 5 45 118 106
11 6 44 121 109
practice squad. the last two seasons. last year’s winner, in club Al Nassr on Friday
NEW YORK GIANTS: Re-signed TE chris Myarick to the
WEST N.Y. Islanders 37 21 14 2 44 119 100 practice squad. He threw for 3,628 voting announced Friday. announced the signing of
Colorado 64, Washington 56 N.Y. Rangers 37 19 12 6 44 117 102
Southern Cal 69, Oregon St. 58 Detroit 34 15 12 7 37 106 115
injured reserve. Promoted LB De’Jon Harris from the prac-
yards with a school- Stephen Curry of the Cristiano Ronaldo,
Football Buffalo 33 17 14 2 36 133 112 tice squad to the active roster. Signed CB Troy Apke to the record 39 touchdowns NBA champion Golden ending speculation about
Florida 37 16 17 4 36 121 126 practide squad.
NFC Individual leaders Ottawa 35 16 16 3 35 107 111
and 12 interceptions in State Warriors finished the five-time Ballon d'Or
Quarterbacks Montreal
18 3 33 98 129
17 7 31 94 122 NHL 2021. Mordecai followed third. winner's future.
Brady, TB
Yds TD Int
4178 21 9
Columbus 34 10 22 2 22 90 137 BUFFALO SABRES: Loaned D Lawrence Pilut to rochester that by passing for 3,524 Judge joins an es- Al Nassr posted a pic-
Cousins, Min 592 389 4117 27 11 WESTERN CONFERENCE CALGARY FLAMES: Recalled C Radim Zohorna from Cal- yards with 33 touch- teemed fraternity of hon- ture on social media of
Goff, Det
Smith, Sea
3959 26 7
3886 27 9
GP W L OT Pts GF GA gary (AHL).
OTTAWA SENATORS: Returned D Dillon Heatherington
downs and 10 intercep- orees that includes Jesse Ronaldo holding up the
Dallas 37 22 9 6 50 132 102
Hurts, Phi 425 286 3472 22 5
Vegas 38 24 12 2 50 126 107
to Belleville (AHL). tions this season. He also Owens, Muhammad team's jersey, with the
Rodgers, GB 491 318 3331 24 11 PITTSBURGH PENGUINS: Reassigned LW Jordan Frasca
Jones, NYG 448 298 3028 13 5
Los Angeles 39 21 12 6 48 130 134 from Wilkes-Barre/Scranton (AHL) to Wheeling (ECHL). had two touchdown runs Ali, Wayne Gretzky and club hailing the deal as
Winnipeg 36 22 13 1 45 116 94
Dalton, NO 331 219 2495 17 8
Minnesota 35 20 13 2 42 111 100
VANCOUVER CANUCKS: Loaned F Nils Aman to Abbots-
ford (AHL). Recalled RW Will Lockwood from Abbots-
each of the last two sea- Michael Jordan. Among “history in the making.”
Prescott, Dal 316 218 2450 20 12
Garoppolo, SF 308 207 2437 16 4
15 2 42 139 125
12 3 41 103 95
VEGAS GOLDEN KNIGHTS: Recalled RW Sheldon Rem-
sons. the former Yankees to Ronaldo had been a
Rushers Calgary 37 17 13 7 41 114 113 pal from Henderson (AHL). Mordecai is the second win were Joe DiMaggio, free agent after his con-
WINNIPEG JETS: Signed C Danny Zhilkin to a three-year
Barkley, NYG
Att Yds Avg LG TD
283 1254 4.4 68 10
St. Louis
12 4 40 117 118
16 3 37 112 130 entry-level contract. quarterback to announce Mickey Mantle and tract was terminated by
Sanders, Phi 236 1175 5.0 40t 11 Nashville 34 15 14 5 35 90 102 plans to transfer to Wis- Roger Maris — the man Manchester United.
• DOW: 33,147.25 , down -73.55 (-0.2%)
• S&P: 3,839.50, down -9.78 (-0.3%)
• OIL: $80.26, up $1.86 (2.4%)
• NATURAL GAS: $4.475, down 84 cents (-1.8%)
of other
forms of
on rise
By Claire Poole
and Allen Pusey
Ranking signals that area needs to diversify ity and business sector im-
portance. Inflation, coupled
with the rise and fall of ener-
By Erica Grieder As a result, the GDP numbers gy prices, conspired to make
STA F F WRIT E R compiled by the Bureau of Eco- this year’s crop of top deals
nomic Analysis illustrate the energy-heavy, not unlike the
A new ranking of the nation’s sway energy still holds over the glory years of Texas oil and
metropolitan regions by growth regional economy’s health. gas. But demand for energy
in gross domestic product sug- The Houston-The Wood- and investment efficiencies
gests that while Houston is no lands-Sugar Land region saw are increasingly changing
longer as reliant on oil and gas GDP growth of 1.9 percent in some of the market’s funda-
as it once was, the region still 2021, the most recent period for mentals.
has room to diversify its econo- data from the BEA, released this
my. month. National GDP saw a rise Jan. 25: Chesapeake
This year saw record profits of 6.2 percent over the course of purchases Chief
for oil companies as crude pric- that year. The BEA releases data Chesapeake has come a
es spent a good part of 2022 at or on annual GDP growth of coun- long way since heading to
above $100 a barrel. Exxon Mo- ties and metro areas in Decem- bankruptcy court in June
bil, Chevron and Occidental Pe- ber of the next calendar year. Karen Warren/Staff photographer 2020 and emerging last year
troleum are trading near 52- Last year’s 1.9 percent GDP A weak performance by the volatile energy sector in 2021 was with a focus on natural gas
week highs. That performance growth, weighed down by the a drag on the Houston region’s economy. rather than crude oil. The
is in stark contrast to numbers sinking fortunes of the oil and strategy has paid off, so much
put up in 2021, which started gas sector, placed Houston 335th nomics and analyzed the BEA’s one sector which dragged down so that it was able to buy
with the world still largely out of the 392 largest U.S. metro data. everything,” Ted Ballantine, a Chief E&D Holdings from
locked down as a result of the areas, according to CivMetrics, “Most sectors of Houston’s director at CivMetrics, said in an Tug Hill Inc. for $2.65 billion.
COVID-19 pandemic. a nonprofit that studies city eco- economy did grow in 2021. It was Ranking continues on B11 Mergers continues on B11
ALCOHOL Dickerson,
a Kroger
From page B8 has also seen more con-
sumers in search of spar-
a viral TikTok featuring kling wine cocktails seen
two actors from the HBO on social media, from Kir
series “House of the Drag- Royales to French 75s,
on,” led to explosive inter- Dickerson said. Texas Commission on environmenTal
75 78 77 73 72 65 62 from the west at 6-12 knots
58 69 60 51 46 42 50 becoming south today. Seas 2
feet or less. Visibility generally
Mostly sunny and mild Turning out cloudy and Watch for severe Mostly cloudy and mild Partly sunny and Partly sunny and not as Sunshine from the south at 6-12 knots.
very warm thunderstorms pleasant warm Seas 2 feet or less. Clear to
partly cloudy.
OUTLOOK Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Today Sun.
TO 50 MILES: Wind from the
TODAY: Mostly sunny and mild; 110s Vancouver Africa
Calgary Saskatoon Cairo 70/54/s 70/53/pc west-northwest at 6-12 knots
great day to be outside. High 100s becoming south today. Seas 2
72 to 77. Winds southwest 6-12 Regina Cape Town 84/62/s 87/65/s
90s Winnipeg feet or less. Visibility generally
Seattle Thunder Bay Casablanca 75/54/pc 70/50/pc
mph. TONIGHT: Mainly clear 80s Dakar 82/68/pc 87/70/pc unrestricted. Tonight: Wind
and mild. Low 55 to 60. Winds Montreal
70s Johannesburg 72/56/t 68/54/t from the south-southeast at
south 6-12 mph. Portland Ottawa Lagos 94/67/s 94/70/s 6-12 knots. Seas 2 feet or less.
Minneapolis Boston Asia/Pacific Clear to partly cloudy.
50s Toronto Beijing 42/18/pc 41/18/pc
40s Ho Chi Minh City 88/71/pc 90/72/c
Hong Kong 68/57/pc 61/56/c
New York Islamabad 64/37/s 64/36/s
Today’s forecast for the entire Salt Lake City Chicago
20s Jakarta 86/75/r 84/74/sh
metro area by the TCEQ:
10s San Francisco Denver
Washington Karachi 80/54/s 82/53/s GALVESTON TIDES
Kuala Lumpur 88/74/c 89/74/pc Highs Feet Lows Feet
Manila 88/76/pc 83/76/t
-0s New Delhi 65/44/pc 64/43/pc 1:27 p.m. 0.8 6:12 a.m. -0.1
Los Angeles
Ozone watch -10s Seoul 40/23/pc 37/14/pc 10:46 p.m. 0.8 6:51 p.m. 0.7
Phoenix Little Rock Shanghai 53/35/pc 54/38/pc
Good Unhealthy Singapore 84/75/pc 87/75/c
T-storms Atlanta
Sydney 78/67/pc 78/65/s
Moderate Very unhealthy Rain Dallas
Unhealthy Hazardous Showers
El Paso Taipei 64/60/sh 67/62/sh BAYOUS
Tokyo 50/39/pc 53/39/s Flood Latest 24-hr.
for sensitive New Orleans
Snow Canada
groups Location stage stage chg.
Flurries Hermosillo Houston Calgary 35/20/pc 34/17/s
Chihuahua Edmonton 15/7/pc 23/8/s Brays Bayou South Main 54 20.43 +3.61
Ice Miami Brazos River Bryan 43 6.99 -0.03
43/36/pc Hempstead 50 10.37 -0.22
Yesterday’s readings by the Monterrey Vancouver 47/38/c 45/33/pc Richmond 48 10.52 -0.33
Houston Health Department: Havana Winnipeg 18/11/c 18/2/c Buffalo Bayou Piney Point 50 31.24 +2.88
Countpercubicmeterofair Europe Shepherd Dr. 23 3.91 +2.59
Medium 20 Anchorage Mérida Cancún Amsterdam 60/53/r 55/46/sh
Tree pollen
Guadalajara Athens 63/46/pc 64/44/s
Clear Creek Friendswood 12 0.91 +0.23
Weed pollen Low 2 Berlin 63/54/sh 60/50/c Colorado R. Austin 29 10.87 -0.02
Grass pollen None 0 Mexico City Veracruz Copenhagen 50/46/sh 50/44/r Bastrop 25 2.81 +0.39
Mold spores Medium 9224 Forecasts and
Dublin 46/39/sh 44/30/sh La Grange 32 2.60 +0.01
Honolulu Villahermosa Belmopan Frankfurt 63/50/c 60/49/c Columbus 34 9.48 -0.03
Acapulco graphics provided by Geneva 60/45/c 58/41/pc
Low Heavy Cold Warm Stationary Wharton 39 8.29 -0.12
front front front AccuWeather, Inc. Istanbul 57/43/pc 57/43/pc
Medium Extremely heavy ©2022 London 57/47/sh 53/39/c Bay City 44 2.73 -0.88
Madrid 58/35/pc 60/46/pc Greens Bayou Eastex Fwy. 61 39.72 +0.76
Note: No measurements on weekends; Moscow 37/32/c 40/28/r
charts in Sunday and Monday papers reflect
Guadalupe R. Hunt 12 7.81 +0.01
forecast ratings from the previous Friday. FOR THE RECORD TEXAS NATIONAL cont. Paris
Comfort 26 3.31 none
George Bush Intercontinental Today Sun. Today Sun. Rome 65/47/pc 64/48/s Spring Branch 36 1.79 +0.02
Airport through 3 p.m. Fri. Abilene 73/52/s 78/56/pc Cleveland 53/37/r 51/43/c Stockholm 44/28/c 32/23/c New Braunfels 13 9.44 +0.01
COMFORT INDEX Amarillo 68/43/pc 68/42/pc Columbus 54/40/r 57/47/c Vienna 48/35/pc 44/35/pc Gonzales 31 11.22 -0.46
The comfort index takes into
Temperature Degrees F Austin 77/54/s 76/65/pc Denver 48/25/c 34/22/c Warsaw 55/51/c 62/43/pc Cuero 20 6.95 -0.50
account how the weather will High 66 Beaumont 73/54/c 75/65/pc Des Moines 44/31/c 44/30/c Zurich 59/42/pc 55/38/pc
Low 59 Brownsville 78/63/pc 81/69/pc Detroit 43/31/r 44/39/c Latin America Victoria 21 5.48 +0.86
feel based on a combination of
Bryan/College St. 75/56/s 76/68/pc Duluth 26/24/c 32/17/c Bogota Dupont 20 8.72 -0.65
factors. A rating of 10 feels very Normal high 63 67/47/r 67/48/r
comfortable while a rating of 0
Corpus Christi 79/60/s 78/65/pc Fairbanks -3/-10/pc 10/0/pc Buenos Aires 79/72/s 83/63/sh Little River Little River 30 1.22 +0.12
Normal low 44 Dallas/Ft. Worth 73/56/pc 78/63/pc Great Falls 41/22/sn 35/20/pc Caracas Cameron 30 1.35 +0.19
feels very uncomfortable. 86/73/sh 86/72/s
Record high 83 in 1974 El Paso 65/44/s 67/42/c Hartford 51/47/r 54/34/pc Havana 86/64/s 86/62/pc Navasota R. Easterly 19 3.33 -0.01
Today Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Record low 19 in 1983 Galveston 69/62/s 74/65/pc Honolulu 82/69/s 82/70/pc Kingston 88/74/pc 87/75/pc
Kingsville 81/63/s 82/72/pc Indianapolis 47/38/r 57/47/c Lima Neches River Evadale 19 6.34 +0.77
10 10 8 10 10 8 Precipitation Inches 77/68/c 78/67/c
Pine Island B. Sour Lake 25 13.48 -0.37
Laredo 82/61/s 85/64/s Jackson, MS 73/50/t 76/60/pc Rio de Janeiro 83/73/r 81/72/t
24 hours through 3 p.m. Fri. 1.15 Longview 71/54/pc 72/65/pc Juneau 39/37/r 43/36/r San Juan 85/73/s 84/74/sh Sabine River Bon Wier 30 14.09 -0.99
UV TODAY Month to date 3.88 Lubbock
Kansas City 55/38/c 56/40/pc San Salvador 88/68/pc 87/67/pc Deweyville 24 23.51 -0.79
Las Vegas 62/49/c 56/37/sh Santiago
Values indicate the exposure to Normal month to date 3.92 Midland/Odessa 71/51/pc 73/50/pc Little Rock 67/51/c 72/58/pc Sao Paulo
76/56/sh 84/55/s Orange 4 1.30 +0.22
the sun’s Ultraviolet rays. 78/66/r 79/65/t Burkeville 43 12.23 +0.09
Year to date 41.30 San Angelo 75/47/s 80/57/pc Los Angeles 61/50/r 63/45/pc St. Thomas 84/76/s 84/73/sh
8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. Normal year to date 51.73 San Antonio 76/51/s 75/64/pc Memphis 63/52/c 72/59/s San Bernard R. E. Bernard 17 6.30 -0.01
Texarkana 72/60/pc 74/66/c Miami 85/70/pc 84/70/pc Mexico E. San. Jac. R. Cleveland 19 4.99 +0.07
1 2 3 2 1 0 Other readings Victoria 80/57/s 80/66/pc Milwaukee 38/34/c 45/33/pc Acapulco 86/70/s 85/69/pc
W. San. Jac. R. Conroe 116 94.02 +0.05
Top wind speed 10 mph Waco 76/54/s 77/64/pc Minneapolis 36/24/c 33/20/pc Cancun 84/74/pc 83/74/s
0-2, Low 8-10, Very high Nashville 62/45/r 71/53/pc Guadalajara 74/43/s 76/42/s San Jacinto R. Sheldon 10 1.28 +0.45
3-5, Moderate 11+, Extreme High barometer 29.98 in. 73/65/pc Guanajuato 71/45/s 71/45/s Sims Bayou Telephone Rd. 30 1.32 +0.54
Low barometer 29.90 in. NATIONAL New Orleans
New York City
54/49/sh 56/43/pc Mazatlan 78/60/s 77/59/s Trinity River Goodrich 36 4.92 -0.43
6-7, High Today Sun.
High dewpoint 65° Oklahoma City 62/43/pc 66/49/pc Merida 90/69/pc 90/68/pc
Liberty 26 8.15 -0.38
Low dewpoint 59° Albany, NY 51/43/c 47/32/r Orlando 82/67/t 78/64/pc Mexico City 70/49/pc 70/49/s
Village Creek Kountze 20 6.22 -0.25
SUN AND MOON Albuquerque 55/37/pc 49/33/sh Philadelphia 55/48/sh 60/40/pc Puerto Vallarta 83/64/s 83/64/s
Average dewpoint 61° Anchorage 24/20/c 31/24/sn Phoenix 68/53/pc 59/45/r Tampico 77/65/pc 79/70/pc White Oak B. Heights Blvd. 48 12.08 +4.10
Full Last New First
moon quarter moon quarter High humidity 100% Atlanta 64/51/t 68/51/pc Pittsburgh 54/37/r 48/42/c Veracruz 80/68/pc 82/71/pc
Low humidity 81% Baltimore 57/47/r 62/38/pc Portland, OR 48/38/sh 47/34/pc Middle East TEXAS LAKES
Billings 43/27/pc 36/21/pc Sacramento 58/43/r 57/35/s Baghdad 62/40/s 63/40/s
Birmingham 65/52/t 72/53/pc St. Louis 53/43/c 59/47/pc Beirut 65/54/s 65/55/pc Full Latest Release
Boise 40/25/c 37/19/s Salt Lake City 42/33/sn 40/24/sn Dubai 78/64/pc 76/63/s pool level cfs
Jan 6 Jan 14 Jan 21 Jan 28 KEY TO CONDITIONS Boston 55/50/r 56/37/r San Diego 63/53/r 61/51/sh Jerusalem 54/44/s 53/44/pc Canyon Dam 909 898.94 N.A.
s - sunny r - rain Buffalo 50/36/r 41/36/c San Francisco 57/46/r 57/47/pc Kabul 46/23/s 44/23/s Conroe 201 200.12 0
Sunset tonight 5:32 p.m. pc - partly cloudy sf - snow flurries Charleston, SC 72/57/r 72/50/pc Santa Fe 48/34/c 46/28/c Mecca 79/64/r 82/68/pc
Sunrise Sunday 7:17 a.m. c - cloudy sn - snow Charlotte 61/48/r 66/44/pc Seattle 48/39/c 46/33/pc Riyadh 62/48/sh 64/48/pc Houston 41.73 42.66 N.A.
Moonrise today 1:13 p.m. sh - showers i - ice Chicago 40/34/c 46/36/c Tucson 70/52/pc 61/42/r Tehran 49/34/s 47/34/s Lake Travis 681 639.97 210
Moonset today 1:36 a.m. t - thunderstorms Cincinnati 54/41/r 59/51/c Washington, DC 58/49/r 61/43/pc Tel Aviv 67/53/s 66/56/pc Livingston 131 131.17 N.A.