Solar Inverter RS232 Protocol
Solar Inverter RS232 Protocol
Solar Inverter RS232 Protocol
1 Communication format 1
4 Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1 CRC calibration method ........................................................................................................................... 12
RJ45 to RS232 cable between computer and device
1 Communication format
Baud rate Start bit Data bit Parity bit Stop bit
2400 1 8 N 1
2 Inquiry Command
2.3 QVFW<cr>: Main CPU Firmware version inquiry
Computer: QVFW<CRC><cr>
Device: (VERFW:<NNNNN.NN><CRC><cr>
<N> is a HEX number from 0...9 or A…F.
Computer: QVFW<CRC><cr>
Device: (VERFW:00123.01<CRC><cr>
00123: firmware series number;01:version
J is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
l JJ.J Battery under voltage
The units is V.
K is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
M KK.K Battery bulk voltage
The units is V.
L is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
N LL.L Battery float voltage
The units is V.
0: AGM
O O Battery type 1: Flooded
2: User
Current max AC charging P is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9
current The units is A.
Q is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
Q Q0 Current max charging current
The units is A.
0: Appliance(90Vac ~ 280Vac)
O O Input voltage range
1: UPS(170Vac ~ 280Vac)
0: Utility first
P P Output source priority 1: Solar first
2: SBU first
0: Utility first
1: Solar first
Q Q Charger source priority
2: Solar + Utility
3: Only solar charging permitted
R R Reserved
S SS Machine type 01: Off Grid;
Only valid for 4kVA and 5kVA
T T Reserved
Only valid for 4kVA and 5kVA
00: single machine output
U U Output mode 01: parallel output
02: Phase 1 of 3 Phase output
03: Phase 2 of 3 Phase output
04: Phase 3 of 3 Phase output
Only valid for 4kVA and 5kVA
V VV.V Battery re-discharge voltage
V is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9.
The units is V.
2.6 QFLAG<cr>: Device flag status inquiry
ExxxDxxx is the flag status. E means enable, D means disable
x Control setting
A Enable/disable silence buzzer or open buzzer
B Enable/Disable overload bypass function
J Enable/Disable power saving
Enable/Disable LCD display escape to default page after
1min timeout
U Enable/Disable overload restart
V Enable/Disable over temperature restart
X Enable/Disable backlight on
Y Enable/Disable alarm on when primary source interrupt
Z Enable/Disable fault code record
j JJ.JJ Battery voltage J is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
is V.
k KK Battery charging K is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
current is A.
o OOO Battery capacity X is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
is %.
P TTTT Inverter heat sink T is an integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
temperature is ℃(NTC A/D value for 1~3K)
r EEEE PV Input current for E is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
battery. is A.
t UUU.U PV Input voltage 1 U is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
is V.
u WW.WW Battery voltage from W is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
SCC is V.
w PPPPP Battery discharge P is an Integer ranging from 0 to 9. The units
current is A.
x b7b6b5b4 Device status b7: Reserved
b3b2b1b0 b6: configuration status: 1: Change 0:
b5: SCC firmware version 1: Updated 0:
b4: Load status: 0: Load off 1:Load on
b3: reserve
b2: Charging status( Charging on/off)
b1: Charging status( SCC charging on/off)
b0: Charging status(AC charging on/off)
000: Do nothing
110: Charging on with SCC charge on
101: Charging on with AC charge on
111: Charging on with SCC and AC charge on
Standby Mode S Standby mode
Line Mode L Line Mode
Battery Mode B Battery mode
Fault Mode F Fault mode
Power saving Mode H Power saving Mode
Computer: QMOD<CRC><cr>
Means: the current DEVICE mode is Grid mode.
a17 Eeprom fault Warning
a18 Inverter Over Current Fault
a19 Inverter Soft Fail Fault
a20 Self Test Fail Fault
a21 OP DC Voltage Over Fault
a22 Bat Open Fault
a23 Current Sensor Fail Fault
a24 Battery Short Fault
a25 Power limit Warning
a26 PV voltage high Warning
a27 MPPT overload fault Warning
a28 MPPT overload warning Warning
a29 Battery too low to charge Warning
a30 Reserved
a31 Reserved
ranging from 0 to 9.
The unit is V.
H is an Integer
Battery default
H HH.H ranging from 0 to 9. .
re-charge voltage
The units is V.
I is an Integer ranging
I II Max charging current from 0 to 9. The units
is A.
AC input voltage J is an Integer ranging
range from 0 to 1. No unit
K is an Integer
K K Output source priority ranging from 0 to 1. No
L is an Integer
Charger source
L L ranging from 0 to 1. No
M is an Integer
M M Battery type ranging from 0 to 1. No
N is an Integer
Enable/disable silence
N N ranging from 0 to 1. No
buzzer or open buzzer
O is an Integer
Enable/Disable power
O O ranging from 0 to 1. No
P is an Integer
P P ranging from 0 to 1. No
overload restart
Enable/Disable over Q is an Integer
Q Q temperature restart ranging from 0 to 1. No
Enable/Disable LCD R is an Integer
R R backlight on ranging from 0 to 1. No
Enable/Disable alarm S is an Integer
S S on when primary ranging from 0 to 1. No
source interrupt unit
Enable/Disable fault T is an Integer
T T code record ranging from 0 to 1. No
U is an Integer
U U Overload bypass ranging from 0 to 1. No
Enable/Disable LCD
V is an Integer
display escape to
V V ranging from 0 to 1. No
default page after 1min
Output mode W is an Integer
W W ranging from 0 to 4. No
Battery re-discharge W is an Integer
Y YY.Y voltage ranging from 0 to 9.
The unit is V
2.12 QMUCHGCR<cr>: Enquiry selectable value about max utility charging current
Computer: QMUCHGCR<CRC><cr>
Device: (AAA BBB CCC DDD……<CRC><cr>
More value can be added, make sure there is a space character between every value
x Control setting
A Enable/disable silence buzzer or open buzzer
B Enable/disable overload bypass
J Enable/Disable power saving
Enable/Disable LCD display escape to default page after 1min
U Enable/Disable overload restart
V Enable/Disable over temperature restart
X Enable/Disable backlight on
Y Enable/Disable alarm on when primary source interrupt
Z Enable/Disable fault code record
3.6 POP<NN><cr>: Setting device output source priority
Computer: POP<NN><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds
Set output source priority, 00 for utility first, 01 for solar first, 02 for SBU priority
Computer: PBDV<nn.n><CRC><cr>
Device: (ACK<CRC><cr> if device accepts this command, otherwise, responds
12V unit: 00.0V/12.5V/12.8V/13V/13.3V/13.5V/13.8V/14V/14.3V/14.5
24V unit: 00.0V/25V/25.5V/26V/26.5V/27V/27.5V/28V/28.5V/29V
48V unit: 00.0V/50V/51V/52V/53V/54V/55V/56V/57V/58V
00.0V means battery is full(charging in float mode).
Set device grid working range, 00 for AGM, 01 for Flooded battery,02 for user
4 Appendix