Negros Raven
Negros Raven
Negros Raven
while powdered carbon blacks offer
improved dispersibility.
three-dimensional fusion of carbon
black particles to form aggregates.
Highly structured carbon blacks pro-
vide higher viscosity, greater electrical Additional Properties:
conductivity and easier dispersion.
Measures of aggregate structure may be • Other Constituents – Sulfur, Ash, Residue, etc.
obtained from shape distributions from • Physical Form – Beads or Powder
EM analysis, oil absorption (OAN) or
void volume analysis.
Specialty blacks are used in a wide variety of appli- COATINGS PLASTICS
cations including coatings, printing inks, plastics, and Coatings may be formulated with an extremely wide Carbon black may be incorporated into thermosets
sealants. The selection of a specific product for an range of products such as Raven 410 for utility fin- or thermoplastics for color, tint, or functional reasons.
application depends on the end-use requirements ishes, Raven 1255 for various medium color industrial Masstone color plastic applications can employ the
as well as processing conditions. coatings, and Raven 5000 Ultra II for high quality, entire available range of carbon black particle sizes.
extremely jet, blue undertone automotive topcoat Selection will depend upon loading, dispersion, and
ULTRA® CARBON BLACKS applications. Specialty blacks primarily used for tint cost. The coarser products are excellent choices in
Birla Carbon products are high performance pigments ing have low surface areas and broad particle size applications where blue tone, tinting strength, and
targeted for use in demanding applications. Carbon distributions. Products with these properties provide ease of dispersion are preferred. Conductex blacks
black purity and consistency of performance, always good economics coupled with a desired blue tone provide different degrees of electrical conductivity
important, are now recognized as being critical to and best resistance to flooding and flocculation. for a wide range of plastics requirements. Conductex
continuing quality improvement. Birla Carbon has Raven 14 Powder, an easily dispersed post-treated 7055 Ultra and Conductex K Ultra offer optimum con
developed products that provide the highest level of carbon black, is the industry standard for blue under- ductivity with minimal contribution to viscosity in
purity available. These products, referred to as Ultra tone and tinting in paints and coatings. applications such as wire and cable, ESD, as well as
carbons, serve as industry benchmarks in various conductive coatings. For applications requiring very
application segments. Ultra products benefit various INKS high jetness such as engineering plastics, Raven 2000,
application systems by providing greater uniformity, Specialty blacks for inks are generally medium to Raven 2350 Ultra, and Raven 2500 Ultra are recom-
increased compatibility, improved dispersion, better coarse in particle size and are used for full color rather mended. For ultraviolet protection, Raven UV Ultra
processing, longer screen life, enhanced color devel- than tinting properties. In liquid ink applications such as and Raven PFEB are industry standards for jacketing,
opment, and reduced scrap. publication and packaging gravure, the Raven 400 and film, and pipe applications.
Raven 500 series products are widely used because
of their rheology, ease of dispersion, and blue tone.
Raven L Ultra is used when the masstone requirements
are higher. Depending on specific requirements, high
quality inks are formulated with products such as
Raven 760 Ultra, Raven 1000, and Raven 1035.
Raven 1300 Ultra 115 105 95 - 128 - U.S. Fine denier synthetic fibers
Raven 12551 122 119 66 66 135 2.7 U.S. Premium offset ink and specialty coatings
Raven 1190 Ultra 113 100 57 - 125 - U.S. Inks, coatings, and fiber
Raven 1170 107 101 55 60 124 - U.S. Inks, coatings, and plastics
Raven 1035 1
91 91 65 65 125 2.4 U.S.
Raven 880 / Raven 880 Ultra 78 76 102 - 102 - Korea / U.S. Geomembrane, film, and molding
Raven 860 Ultra 48 48 48 50 91 - U.S. High quality inks including heatset, sheetfed, and packaging
Raven 760 Ultra 64 64 48 50 102 - U.S. High quality inks including heatset, sheetfed, and other; coatings
Raven 520 / Raven 520 Ultra 40 39 121 - 58 - U.S. Plastic color concentrate for film, pipe, and molding
Raven 415 / Raven 415 Ultra 32 32 65 - 61 - U.S. / Spain News ink and plastic color concentrate
Raven 22 28 27 - 113 44 - U.S. Blue undertone and tinting in coatings; solid carbon
Raven 16 30 29 - 105 46 - U.S. and metallurgical
Raven 141 44 44 - 111 66 1.7 U.S. Blue undertone and tinting in coatings
Raven FC1 115 100 100 - 112 - Korea U.S. FDA 21 CFR 178.3297 indirect food-contact plastics
Raven P5 Ultra 109 100 112 117 115 - Korea Sealant, pipes, film, and fiber
Raven UV Ultra 124 112 114 - 118 - Korea UV protection, cable jacketing, and fiber
Conductex 7093 75 73 140 - 98 - China Wire and cable, ESD, and other conductive applications
Marietta, GA, USA
São Paulo, Brazil
Bangkok, Thailand
The information presented within this publication is based on Birla Carbon’s research and the
research of others, but neither its accuracy nor completeness is guaranteed. “Birla Carbon”
means Columbian Chemicals Company together with its global affiliates, including any entity
controlling, controlled by or under common control with Columbian Chemicals Company.
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The user is solely responsible for determining the suitability of any
product for a specific purpose. No suggestion for use is intended as or should be construed
as a recommendation to infringe upon any patent or to violate any law or regulation. Before
handling, using, or processing any material, always read its Material Safety Data Sheet.
©2017 Birla Carbon