Biocide in Wastewater

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Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System



Student name: Manvika Mehta

Student ID: 12137665

Length: 3000

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

Executive Summary

Throughout the society, an extensive use of different substances and

materials has led to different source emissions which cause an unrestrained spread

of hazardous elements, largely through the wastewater treatment channels into the

surrounding environment (Liu et al., 2017). In order to make this wastewater more

ecologically advantageous, several chemicals like biocides are introduced into these

wastewater plants by chemical dosing companies. Adjusting dosing levels of these

chemicals and rates according to the evaluative findings of the substances present in

the wastewater is an integral part of introducing biocides. However, such

concentrations are mismanaged leading to effusions of biocides in the water bodies,

deteriorating the ecological systems. This case study will revolve around all the

potential hazards of immense concentrations of biocides in the wastewater treatment

systems. The report will move onto highlighting one chemical and one biological

hazard, its transmission, impacts, exposure, specific monitoring and analysing

techniques and finally the legislature revolving around these specific hazards in

Australia. At last, the case study will recommend potential control systems for

removing these hazards related to high concentration dosing of biocides in the

wastewater treatment system.

The case study aims to educate and bring into attention the

deteriorative effects of large concentrations of these innovative biocides being

introduced into the water chains throughout the world.

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

Table of Contents
Effects of Biocide Dumping in Wastewater Treatment System: A Case Study..5

1.0 Introduction.............................................................................................5

2.1 Hazard identification.................................................................................8

2.2 Potential effects........................................................................................9

2.3 Monitoring and analysis.............................................................................9

2.4 Legal requirements and standards..............................................................11

2.5 Recommended control.............................................................................11

3.0 Chemical Hazard....................................................................................12

3.1 Hazard identification...............................................................................12

3.2 Potential effects......................................................................................13

3.3 Monitoring and analysis...........................................................................14

3.4 Legal requirements and standards.............................................................15

3.5 Recommended control.............................................................................16

4.0 Conclusion.............................................................................................16

5.0 References.............................................................................................18

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

Effects of Biocide Dumping in Wastewater Treatment System: A Case Study

1.0 Introduction

There are 26 million people living in Australia, and 94% of them have access

to a primary water supply. Presently, more than 700 municipal effluent treatment

facilities are accessible to about 85% of the population. Approximately 170 of which

are lagoons, 45 are based on primary purification, and close to half of them are

based on organic filtration (Ziajahromi et al., 2021). This wastewater is treated with

biocides through the process of chemical dosing. As much particulates as practicable

must be eliminated during treating wastewater before the leftover water, known as

effluent, is released into the surrounding environment. The oxygen that is required by

the aquatic organisms and plants is depleted during the breakdown of solid matter,

hence biocides are introduced by chemical dosing.

A chemical modification known as a biocide is designed to efficiently limit

growth of microorganisms. Unchecked microbial growth can lead to a variety of

issues, including health risks, chemical degradation, the formation of bio films, heat

exchange losses, circulation restrictions, and under layer oxidation. In order to keep

the microbes number under control in a variety of systems, which include drinkable

water, off the water utilities, workflow waters, closed circuits, aquatic environment,

and open chillers, it is crucial that the proper biocidal treatment regime be applied

and routine inspections are carried out (Paijens et al., 2021). In order to prevent

hazardous concentrations of these biocides in the wastewater, chemical dosing is

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System


Chemical dosing is the practise of wastewater treatments with compounds to

eliminate the high levels of pollutants contained in it, including iron, aluminium, and

even a few minerals (Nasuhoglu et al., 2018). To eliminate undesirable components

from the wastewater and render them useable once more, this chemical dosing is

carried out in precise doses. Dosing chemicals is a crucial step in the process of

water treatment.

Recent times have seen a rise in the detection of biocides in grounds

modified with bio solids, groundwater, sedimentation, and at maximum

concentrations of up to microgram/L and microgram/g, dry mass, respectively

(Hernández-Moreno et al., 2019). Numerous creatures, including humans, may

experience negative consequences from the high concentrations of biocides

prevalent in the receiving water bodies, including general toxicity, bioaccumulation,

and neuroendocrine disruption.

These chemical substances not only are harmful to pathogens, but also have

deteriorating effects on non-pathogens, including humans. These varieties of

chemical substance may be endocrine disturbing, persistent, extremely toxic to the

marine life even having carcinogenic abilities. The professionals involved in the use

of these biocides may also face issues due to exposure, either directly or indirectly.

Direct or primary exposure may occur when the workers are using these biocides

actively whereas, indirect or secondary exposure may be by the contaminated PPE

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

or other tools (de Campos et al., 2021). However, generally this exposure to biocides

may either be dermal contact or inhalational. Inhalational exposure may either be due

to volatile nature, evaporation or when sprayed as an application. Whereas, dermal

exposure occurs when biocide contaminated articles are used, transported or even


These chemicals not only pose threat to the professionals and the marine life

but may affect pregnant women, the foetus, very small children or people already

having a chronic illness. These have effects on the eyes, the dermis, respiratory tract

and the neuroendocrine system.

The biggest drawback of using these biocides is that they tend to build up in

the ecological cycles in large concentrations, becoming a toxic part of the food

chains. Effluents from the wastewater treatment systems, flows into the water bodies

carrying large and uncontrolled concentrations of biocides in them (Zhao et al.,

2018). This affects the marine life and may even be consumed by the human

population through the food chain. Hence, at the beginning small concentrations of

these biocides tend to build up in the society, later on due to unchecked control on

these biocides and no concept of chemical dosing, large concentrations become

visible through contagious health symptoms. This also explains the high prevalence

of different types of cancers in the past decade, a product of high concentrations of

carcinogens in the diet.

2.0 Biological Hazard

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

Only microbiological entities that can replicate cause infection, or other

disorders are considered biological entities, according to the literature. Based on the

severity of the causal link between exposure and illness, pathogens are divided into

four risk classes when it comes to the possibility of infection. In principle, group 1

agents are those that are unlikely to cause disease in humans, group 2 agents have

the potential to do so, and group 3 compounds have the potential to do so and pose

a major risk to employees. Group 4 agents are likewise capable of causing significant

illness and posing a serious risk to workers, but they typically lack access to

appropriate prevention or treatments.

2.1 Hazard identification

The most common occupational disorders, according to recent research, are

microbial infections. The study of occupational health and occupational medicine

were greatly impacted by the identification of workplace infectious illnesses. The

scope of used diagnostic and certification processes can be restricted by

occupational diseases, including parasitic infections, exclusively to illnesses brought

on by exposures to potential pathogens or by exposures that take place at work.

Sometimes it becomes impossible or extremely difficult to determine the true source

of a patient's problems. Use of biocides   or samples of a microorganism, virus, or

toxin from the workplace environment can also be considered occupational

biohazards (Rim and Lim, 2014). Occupational biohazardous material are human

pathogens or dangerous biological materials that have an adverse effect on workers'

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

wellbeing, either immediately through infection or by indirect means through harm to

the workplace environment.

2.2 Potential effects

Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and moulds or fungi are examples of biological

health risks. Whenever they come into touch with skin, are ingested, or are aspirated,

they can be harmful to the worker's health. They have the potential to spread

diseases such parasite illnesses, tetanus, lung infections, and food poisoning

(Munusami and Ramasamy, 2022). These microorganisms have the potential to

harm people's health, causing illness, intoxication, and even death. When microbes

penetrate the body and proliferate there, infection results. When bacteria generate

toxins that have an effect on the body, poisoning results.

2.3 Monitoring and analysis

By taking into account target organisms and the goals of use, utilising

information of biocidal goods in occupational settings is to be researched in order to

acquire the incidence of using chemicals, the exposure length of products, and the

exposed quantity per application.

Four main methods can be employed for monitoring and analysing this

exposure to biocides amongst workers while using them in wastewater treatment

systems. These include personal monitoring, environmental monitoring, biological

monitoring or checking for the health surveillance results of the workers. Personal

monitoring includes sampling the amount of exposure on each usage or application.

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

An investigation should be run to determine the precise quantity of product utilised

per application in order to examine the exposure level of biocidal agents for

occupational consumers. The weight of the product should be evaluated both before

and after usage in order to determine the amounts of items consumed (g/use)

(Hashimoto et al., 2018). Environmental monitoring would include placing specific

devices as monitors in the area of application, meaning the wastewater treatment

plants to keep a check on the amount of exposure per application.

Biological monitoring is also linked with the detailed sampling of health status

of the workers by conducting routine blood or fluid tests like ABGs and VBGs in order

to determine the concentrations of these biocides in their bodies. Whereas, overall

health surveillance results are the results of ongoing health checks that are carried

out over a time period in the workers at these wastewater treatment systems. These

samples can be collected by long term sampling (LTS), which determined collection

of the samples over a full shift of a worker, according to Australian laws this may be

an 8-hour shift.

These values are then counterchecked or compared with reference values

proposed by the Safe Work Australia in their guides relating to hazardous substance

exposure in workers. The standards for biocides exposure should be according to

Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations (Safe Work Australia, 2021).

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

2.4 Legal requirements and standards

Safe Work Australia has issued workplace exposure standards (WES) which

is a list of harmful substances that workers are exposed to, and their acceptable

limits for exposure (Safe Work Australia, 2021). There are three strict laws on the

exposure of these biocides for workers under the work health and safety (WHS)

regulations (Safe Work Australia, 2021):

 a worker's average airborne exposure for any 8-hour work shift during

a 40-hour work week

 If the significant effect occurs after one brief or acute exposure levels,

such as a 15-min contact, it is short-term or abrupt.

 peak restriction: not more than 15 minutes.

2.5 Recommended control

A biocidal substance is any compound or mixture with an active component

that is required to eliminate dangerous insects or microorganisms in order to avoid

infection that could have local or systemic consequences. This raises several crucial

issues related to the workers' health. These items must be harmless in their intended

usage, with a wide enough safety margin to eliminate any danger of negative usage

effects. Direct professional worker's exposures to biocidal products may arise at

workplace (Ta, Gosa and Nathanson, 2018). The quantity of contact to biocidal

agents for professional workers is determined by the frequency and volume of

contact. Consequently, it is important to calculate the health and exposure risk that

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

users of biocidal agents face.

3.0 Chemical Hazard

Chemical and toxic compounds can cause a variety of health and physical

risks, including irritability, hypersensitivity, and carcinogenic effects (Scott, 2020).

Workplace contact to drugs or mixes can happen through breathing, absorption

through the skin, or swallowing. The majority of exposure happens when someone

inhales vapours, particles, vapours, or gases. Skin penetration could also be a

substantial cause of exposure to some substances. The type of the drug, the

potential health consequences, and the quantity of the substance or the mixture

taken into the body all affect how the body reacts to exposure to chemicals and


3.1 Hazard identification

There are chemical qualities that have negative health implications. Exposure

often happens when something is inhaled, touched, or consumed. Acute (brief) or

persistent negative health impacts are also possible (long term). Symptoms of

chronic illness include allergies, dermatitis, nerve damage, and malignancy, whereas

common acute health symptoms include migraines, vomiting or nausea and skin

deterioration. Hazardous materials (poisons), which are substances that can cause

cancer, and carcinogenic are examples of chemicals with health risks.

Carcinogens are chemicals that are linked to cancer. A carcinogen exposure

does not guarantee cancer development. In addition to other factors, it relies on what

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

you have been subjected to, how frequently, and in what amount. The quantity,

duration, frequency, and timing of a person's exposure to these substances all affect

their likelihood of developing cancer. It matters if you are subjected because, for

instance, a modest exposure while you are still in the womb could be more harmful

than a similar exposure when you become an adult.

Chemical exposure in the work can be more hazardous even if it is typically

too low to have a negative impact on health. Occupational chemical hazards can

occur at high concentrations and over extended periods of time. Because of this,

certain jobs mandate that workers put on protective gear, outerwear, and/or breathing

masks. Uranium mining, asbestos employees, dockworkers, some employees of

factories and chemical plants, and those employed in the nuclear industry are among

the occupations that place employees at a greater risk of developing cancer. 

Furthermore, employees who share a residence or vehicle run the danger of bringing

contaminated home on their skins, shoes, or garments.

3.2 Potential effects

Between about 7% and 19% of cases of cancer in people, as according

estimates from the World Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for

Research on Cancer (IARC), environmentally damaging exposures occur (Fox et al.,

2018). Through interactions with DNA that result in gene disorders or genomic

destruction, as well as secondarily through the disruption of cellular control

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

frameworks and the host surroundings, carcinogens can increase the risk of cancer.

The three carcinogens that individuals have been most constantly exposed to at work

are benzene, asbestos, and indirect smoking. The most frequent malignancies

brought on by workplace exposure to cancer-causing substances include leukaemia,

mesothelioma, bladder cancer, and lung cancer.

Any condition known as cancer occurs when healthy cells are harmed and do

not experience programmed cell death as quickly as they divide through mitosis. By

disrupting cell functions or directly harming DNA in cells, toxins can raise the chance

of developing cancer. This can cause biological mechanisms to break down and

cause unregulated, aggressive cell proliferation, which eventually results in tumour

growth. Severe DNA damage often results in programmed cell death, however if the

pathway for scheduled cell death is broken, the cells cannot halt it from turning

into cancerous cells.

3.3 Monitoring and analysis

When controlling specific hazards, duty holders are required by the WHS

Regulations to follow the hierarchy of control measures; nevertheless, it can be used

with any risk (Safe Work Australia, 2022). The pyramid lists control methods in order

of decreasing degree of safety and dependability. To the greatest extent practical, it is

necessary to: first, eliminate risks through reducing risks, since this is the most

efficient control measure; then use ergonomic principles to eliminate any risks that

haven't been eradicated, segregate hazards from humans, and/or use appropriate

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

controls to limit any risks that persist, and then use personal protective gear (PPE) to

reduce any risks that linger (WHS Regulation 44). The chosen control measures

could alter how work is done. In such circumstances, it is necessary to consult

the employees to design safe work methods, as well as to train, advise, educate, and

supervise the employees on the modifications.

These values are then counterchecked or compared with reference values

proposed by the Safe Work Australia in their guides relating to hazardous substance

exposure in workers. The standards for biocides exposure should be according to

Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations (Safe Work Australia, 2021).

3.4 Legal requirements and standards

As according present understanding, exposure guidelines are determined on

the atmospheric quantities of specific compounds that shouldn't harm employees'

health or bring them undue pain. They don't serve as a clear line delineating between

a healthy and unsafe workplace. The Workplace Exposure Standards for Airborne

Contaminants contains a list of chemicals with occupational exposure limits. It is

important to make sure that no one at the work is subjected to a mixture of

substances in an atmospheric quantity that surpasses the exposure limit for the

chemical or mixture, as stated in Section 1.5 of WHS Regulation 49 Code (Safe Work

Australia, 2022). To make sure that employees are not subjected to airborne

concentrations that exceed the substance's exposure limit, air monitoring may be


Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

3.5 Recommended control

Workers' exposure-related hazards must be identified and evaluated by

companies, and where dangers exist, exposure must be avoided. The method or

agent in question must, whenever it is technologically possible, be replaced with a

less risky or nontoxic process or agent (Kuhlbusch, Wijnhoven and Haase, 2018).

When replacement is not an option, worker contact must be lowered to the lowest

amount that is physically feasible or chemical carcinogens/mutagens must be utilised

in a closed environment.

The fundamental strategy for protecting workers from work related

carcinogenic substances is to either regulate exposure to a standard where the

hazard is satisfactory small, in which the permissible exposure level that is deemed

reasonable, or to completely remove the use of the substance, as has been

accomplished in a small number of cases. The population risk resulting from

exposure, i.e. estimations of the amount of people predicted to die in the coming

years from forms of cancer or the multitude of life wasted years from current

exposure at work, presuming that it proceeded into the years ahead, would likely be

the most rational way to choose work - related carcinogens for prioritised


4.0 Conclusion

A thorough understanding of the fight against undesirable or hazardous

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

organisms, as well because it is currently impossible to determine the influence of

biocides. Until now, there has been a sizable informational gap about the impacts of

exposure in the industry and use data, or the effects on the environment and human

health, as well as viable or superior alternatives.  Because of this, it's crucial to

produce important data and maintain accountability in the concentrations and amount

of biocides used for the purpose of wastewater treatment. Rather than using the

dumping strategy it is necessary to find alternatives or use in controlled way. 

Numerous biocides are readily available in shops and pharmacies (e.g. wood

additives, antiseptics, or insecticides used in homes but not subjected to tight sales

rules), it is important to highlight and spread awareness on how such man-made

products may have an influence on the environment and our wellbeing.

Case Study: Biocide in Wastewater Treatment System

5.0 References

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