France TIN
France TIN
France TIN
For individuals:
The French tax authorities issue a tax identification number to all individuals with a tax obligation in
France. This TIN is given at the time of the registration of the individual in the databases of the French
tax administration. This number is unique, reliable and fixed for ever. The French name of the TIN is
known as the numéro fiscal de référence or numéro SPI.
For entities:
As soon as they are created, the French entities (and individuals carrying out business activities) have an
identification number issued by a governmental authority. This number is used for several purposes,
including for tax purpose. This number is known as the numéro SIREN.
Fonds communs de placement (FCP) and Sociétés d’investissement à capital variable (SICAV) are
financial institutions. FCP do not have tax identification number. In any cases, the collection of tax
identification number is not required with respect to entities which are FIs.
Question 1 – Does your jurisdiction automatically issue TINs to all residents for tax purposes?
The French TIN is automatically issued to an individual once this individual is identified by the French
Tax administration (FTA) as a taxpayer (person having a fiscal obligation).
Therefore, the issuance of the French TIN for individuals occurs following a first tax-return or following
a first tax payment obligation of the individuals.
Apart from those situations, the FTA do not issue a TIN on request of a French tax resident.
If an individual moves to France and then becomes a French tax resident for the first time, the FTA will
issue a French TIN only once the individual submits his tax-return or is identified as having a first tax
payment obligation.
This case is also applicable for individuals who were previously tax residents in France but not any
more in 2005.
Case of minors
However, once they are 18 and if their parents are French tax residents, they are automatically identified
in the FTA's database, even if they do not have any tax obligation. In this case, a French TIN is issued.
Question 2b – If you answered no to Question 1 with respect to Entities (as defined by the CRS),
describe those instances where Entities are not being automatically issued a TIN.
For individuals:
The TIN consists in 13 numerals (format: 99 99 999 999 999). The first digit of the TIN is always 0, 1, 2
or 3.
For entities:
The French TIN does not appear on official identification documents (such as ID card or passport). It may
be found on the first page of the pre-filled tax return for income tax (déclaration pré-remplie d'impôt sur
le revenu) and on the first page of the notice of assessment (avis d'imposition) of income tax, residence
tax or property tax.
A pre-filled tax return or a notice of assessment may be related to several persons. In such a case, the TIN
of each of the taxpayers is indicated in the same order of the information of the field “Etat civil” of the
The numéro SIREN is given to an entity at the time of its creation. This number is reported on the
accounting documents (tax returns, etc.) of the entity.
For individuals:
For entities:
For further information about their TIN, the French taxpayers could contact the relevant tax service
(Service des impôts des particuliers or Service des impôts des entreprises).