Urner Barry 221213
Urner Barry 221213
Urner Barry 221213
Shell-On, Headless, (HLSO), Blocks Frozen, $/lb, LTL ***
Wild, Gulf of Mexico Wild, Mexican, Wild, Farmed Farmed IQF Farmed, HLSO Farmed, Farmed
Domestic No 1 Lat Am White Asian Black Tiger Freshwater (HOSO) White
Ct/lb Brown White Brown * White * White Ct/lb Lat Am Asian EZP Premium Commodity IQF Asian EZP Ct/kg ** Lat Am
<10 12.45-12.55 - - - 13.95-14.15 2-4 - - - 13.15-13.35
<12 11.30-11.40 10.50-10.60 11.90-12.10 12.20-12.40 12.05-12.25 4-6 - 19.30-19.40 - 12.10-12.30
<15 9.05-9.15 8.65-8.75 9.75-9.95 9.90-10.10 9.70-9.90 6-8 - 13.90-14.00 - 10.65-10.85
16-20 7.55-7.65 6.25-6.35 7.65-7.75 7.80-7.90 7.30-7.50 8-12 8.95-9.05 7.15-7.25 9.95-10.05 - 9.00-9.20
21-25 6.20-6.30 5.80-5.90 6.70-6.80 6.55-6.65 - 13-15 5.95-6.05 6.45-6.55 5.70-5.80 8.15-8.25 - -
26-30 5.15-5.25 5.50-5.60 5.50-5.60 5.90-6.00 16-20 4.15-4.25 4.70-4.80 4.65-4.75 7.85-7.95 - - 20-30 3.45-3.55
31-35 4.80-4.90 5.10-5.20 4.70-4.80 5.05-5.15 21-25 3.85-3.95 4.10-4.20 4.30-4.40 6.50-6.60 - 30-40 2.95-3.05
36-40 4.30-4.40 4.10-4.20 - - 26-30 3.40-3.50 3.85-3.95 3.95-4.05 5.95-6.05 - 40-50 2.75-2.85
41-50 3.50-3.60 3.60-3.70 - - 31-35 3.25-3.35 3.70-3.80 50-60 2.50-2.60
51-60 - 3.10-3.20 - - 36-40 3.15-3.25 3.60-3.70 60-70 2.40-2.50
61-70 - - *Ex-Warehouse WC 31-40 3.70-3.80 4.80-4.90 -
71-80 - - 41-50 3.05-3.15 3.60-3.70 3.60-3.70 - - 70-80 2.30-2.40
81-90 - - 51-60 2.95-3.05 - 3.35-3.45 - - 80-100 -
61-70 2.85-2.95 - - - -
71-90 2.75-2.85 -
91-110 - -
*** unless stated otherwise **Ct per kg, $ per lb
Peeled, Headless, Finished Count, IQF, $/lb, LTL
Farmed Cooked Farmed, Asian, Raw Farmed, Asian, Raw Wild, Gulf of Mexico, Wild
Asian, Tail On, (CPTO) Asian, Tail Off, (CPO) P&D, Tail On, (PTO) P&D, Tail Off, (PND) Domestic Lat Am
Ct/lb Black Tiger White White Black Tiger White Black Tiger White Ct/lb P&D, Tail Off, (PND) PUD PUD
6-8 - - - 15.80-15.90 - - -16-20 8.00-8.10
8-12 - - - 10.15-10.25 - 8.80-8.90 - -21-25 6.45-6.55
13-15 11.10-11.20 9.25-9.35 - 8.20-8.30 - 6.75-6.85 - -26-30 5.80-5.90
16-20 9.50-9.60 7.05-7.15 - 7.55-7.65 4.90-5.00 - 5.05-5.1531-35 5.10-5.20
21-25 6.75-6.85 6.40-6.50 - 6.45-6.55 4.55-4.65 6.50-6.60 4.70-4.8036-40 4.60-4.70 -
26-30 6.60-6.70 5.95-6.05 - 5.90-6.00 4.30-4.40 6.05-6.15 4.45-4.5541-50 4.15-4.25 3.90-4.00
31-40 5.35-5.45 5.40-5.50 5.05-5.15 - 4.05-4.15 4.85-4.95 4.15-4.2551-60 3.95-4.05 3.65-3.75
41-50 5.05-5.15 5.10-5.20 4.90-5.00 - 3.95-4.05 - 3.95-4.0561-70 3.65-3.75 3.30-3.40
51-60 - 4.75-4.85 4.70-4.80 - 3.75-3.85 - 3.90-4.0071-90 3.40-3.50 3.10-3.20 -
61-70 - 4.40-4.50 4.60-4.70 - - - 3.80-3.9091-110 2.80-2.90 -
71-90 - 4.30-4.40 4.45-4.55 - - - 3.75-3.85111-130 2.80-2.90 -
91-110 - - 4.40-4.50 - - - 3.65-3.75131-150 2.55-2.65 -
110-150 4.35-4.45 151-200 2.30-2.40 -
100-200 4.30-4.40 3.55-3.65 201-300 2.05-2.15 -
301-500 -
There were only isolated changes today even as a broadly weak U.S. market remained evident. This
despite further evidence that overseas pricing may be at or near bottoms. Even where speculative
buying makes sense price wise, limited storage capacity and higher cost of capital are suppressing
those ideas. Wild shrimp remained unsettled.
White Shrimp: There were no changes reflected in today’s assessment. There is still enough supply in
country to meet the fair demand, so sellers remain competitive where need be. Participants needed
more time to assess how much so if any they need to be.
Black Tiger Shrimp: Weakness in the peeled tail-on category spilled over into further discounts on
8-12 and 13-15 counts. Large sized product is under the greatest degree of pressure as interest slowed
Domestic Shrimp: There were again no changes. With early supplies out of Mexico reported light,
and expectations on velocity to remain that way, the price channel is anticipated sideways as sellers
hold the line against cheaper imported alternatives.
Top Priority
Frog Legs, 6/5#, Saddle Off, Ex-Warehouse Asia
2/4 ct 5.65-5.85
4/6 ct 5.65-5.85
6/8 ct 5.65-5.85
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8/12 ct -
to create meaningful innovation.
King Crab: Both the Russian red and golden king crab markets are steady. The undertone for
Russian red and golden king crab markets continues to be highly unsettled with offers both
higher and lower than listed levels.
Snow Crab: The market on Canadian snow crab continues unchanged. Demand is fair to moderate
with a few lower offers noted.
Pulpo: Prices continue to retreat on smaller size octopus out of both Indonesia and Spain. Quiet
to fair demand out of the food service sector has allowed for discounts on large sized Spanish
product, previously reported firm due to a barely adequate supply.
Alaskan Golden
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IQF, Ex-Warehouse
Domestic Domestic Domestic Canada Peru, Japan
Ct All Natural Dry <83% Processed >83% All Natural Dry Ct Dry
U/10 27.00-27.50 23.75-24.25 18.50-19.00 - 7/9 -
10/20 18.50-19.00 17.00-17.50 16.00-16.50 18.25-18.75 - 9/12 -
20/30 17.50-18.00 16.50-17.00 15.50-16.00 16.00-16.50 - 12/14 -
30/40 - - - 13.00-13.50 - 14/16 16.75-17.00
40/50 - - - 10.50-11.00 - 16/18 16.00-16.25
China, Dry 18/23 15.75-16.00
40/60 6.75-7.00 23/27 -
50/60 - - 27/36 -
60/80 6.25-6.50 - 36/45 -
80/100 6.00-6.25
80/120 5.75-6.00 -
120/150 5.15-5.40
150/200 -
sales@topclaw.ca www.arcticfisheries.com
603-501-8515 (800) 973-2568
Page 3 - Seafood Price-Current December 13, 2022
Unparalleled insight into the
Blue SE Asia Red China Venezuela
flow of seafood imported
16 oz Pasteurized Pasteurized Fresh
Colossal 26.50-27.25 19.00-20.00
and exported by the U.S.
Jumbo Lump 25.50-26.25 18.00-19.00 23.25-24.25 + • Volume & Value • Shipping Line
Jumbo 16.00-17.00 • Origin or Destination • Vessel Name
Super Lump 20.75-21.50 - • U.S. or Foreign Port • Arrival or Export Date
Lump* 17.00-17.75 14.00-15.00 13.25-14.25 + • Importer & Exporter Name • And much more!
• Detailed Cargo
Backfin** 15.75-16.50 -
Special 12.75-13.50 12.75-13.00 -
Claw 9.25-10.00 6.25-6.75 foreigntradedata.com • 800-932-0617
* Lump (blend:50-70% lump, 30-50% special), **Backfin (blend: 60-80% special, 20-40% lump)
Blue swimming crab meat continues about steady to barely steady across the complex. Overall,
there remains some lower offers collected on all grades. Supplies remain fully adequate for a fair
to moderate demand.
Red swimming crab meat remains about steady to barely steady as well. Downward pricing
pressure remains from blue swimming crab meat.
Fresh Venezuelan crab meat adjusted higher on jumbo lump and lump while claw is unchanged.
~ SINCE 1911 ~
A Tradition of Quality
Seafood Products
Tilapia Frozen Fillets: Tempered sales across frozen tilapia fillets from China Tuna
have slowed, allowing for discounts to emerge leading into the end of the year.
Imports are outpacing 2021 volumes by 3.05 percent.
Page 6 - Seafood Price-Current December 13, 2022
FROZEN FILLET, $/lb, LTL, Ex-Warehouse EC
Snapper, Spp, 10 lbs Thai, Indo, Mahi-Mahi C&SA
IQF Natural Natural IQF CO Skin-On Asia
2-4 oz - 1-3 lbs 3.60-3.90 3.75-4.25 3-4 lbs -
4-6 oz 6.60-6.70 3-5 lbs 4.50-5.00 4.75-5.25 4-5 lbs -
6-8 oz 7.60-7.70 5-7 lbs 4.75-5.25 5.00-5.35 5-6 lbs -
8-10 oz 7.65-7.75 7 lbs & Up - - 6 lbs & Up -
10-12 oz 7.55-7.65
12-14 oz -
14-16 oz - Sunnyvale Seafood
Orange Roughy 22 lbs, Sknls/Bnls Australia, Whiting, Argentina/Uruguay & Talassa Brand
Layer/Shatter Pack New Zealand Layer/Shatter Pack Skin-On Sknls
2-4 oz - 2-4 oz 2.25-2.35 2.25-2.35 VERTICALLY INTEGRATED SHRIMP & TILAPIA PRODUCERS
4-6 oz 7.50-7.60 4-6 oz 2.25-2.35 2.25-2.35 Breaded Shrimp Shrimp Tilapia Fillet
6-8 oz 7.60-7.70 6-8 oz 2.25-2.35 2.25-2.35
8-12 oz 7.70-7.80
12 oz & Up 7.70-7.80
Visit us at sunnyvaleseafood.com
Cape Capensis, Bnls, Deep Skinned South Sea Trout, Argentina/Uruguay Contact us at nationalsales@sunnyvaleseafood.com
Layer/Shatter Pack Africa Layer/Shatter Pack Skin-On
2-4 oz 2.95-3.05 2-4 oz 2.25-2.35 FROZEN PORTIONS, IVP & STEAKS, $/lb, LTL
4-6 oz 3.20-3.30 4-6 oz 2.25-2.35 Ex-Warehouse
6-8 oz 3.40-3.50 6-8 oz 2.25-2.35 Mahi-Mahi Chilean Yellowfin Tuna
8-10 oz 3.30-3.40 Natural, Bnls & Sknls Sea Bass Steaks
Hoki New Tuna, Loins, Dark Meat Removed, Treated (CO) Asian C&SA Moisture Added Treated CO
Layer/Shatter Pack Zealand Center Cut Bnls/Sknls, Individually Vacuum Packed 4 oz - 5.30-5.50 - 5.75-6.00
Ocean Run, 6 oz & Up, Twice Frozen 3.05-3.15 Yellowfin, 3-5 lbs. 6.65-7.10 6 oz 6.45-6.65 - 7.25-7.55 22.25-23.25 6.85-7.25
5-8 lbs. 6.85-7.30 8 oz 6.90-7.35 - 7.65-8.00 22.25-23.25 7.00-7.30
8 lbs. & Up 6.85-7.30 10 oz - - 22.25-23.25 -
Fresh Wholefish: Market prices trended higher for imported mahi and Atlantic grouper; supply is light of buyer needs. The remainder of the market is steady at listed
levels. Overall demand is rated dull.