b8b8m Linecard

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B8 &
CELEBRATING Holo-Krome brings yet another world-class fastener to its product lineup - ASTM A193
90 YEARS OF QUALITY Grade B8 and B8M Class 2 Bolts. Very commonly used in the assembly of industrial pipe
HOLO-KROME® has been at the fore- & valves, the chemical composition of ASTM A193 Grade B8 and B8M Bolts are manu-
USA: 800.879.6205 front of fastener innovation since
our founding in 1929. Over the
factured from AISI 316 stainless steel. Marked with the B8SH and B8MSH with the grade
Europe: +31(0)78.652.4145 years, we’ve pioneered cold-forging symbol underlined.
techniques that result in products
www.HOLO-KROME.com virtually free of bursts, cracks, tears These items are strain hardened to high tensile strength.
and fractures, offering superior
holding strength and fatigue

Today, our tradition of quality

continues at our 200,000 square-foot WHEN FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION
facility in Wallingford, Connecticut,
where we manufacture more than • Out Performs the Competition
100 million parts a year, each one • Unsurpassed Product Quality
proudly made in the USA. With state- • Recognizable Around the World
of-the-art cold heading and heat
treatment equipment, unmatched
product traceability through our
HOLO-CODE head markings (spe-
cific to SHCS), and experienced op-
erators who “own” their production PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: TARGET INDUSTRIES
jobs from raw material to shipped
product, HOLO-KROME remains the • Manufactured and certified to ASTM A193 & APPLICATIONS:
fastener of choice for manufactur- • 100% Made in the USA Holo-Krome Quality
• Domestic Stainless Steel • Automobile
ing processes, heavy equipment
and safety-critical applications – • Rugged construction • Railway
when failure is not an option. • Strain Hardened • Industrial Pipes
• High Corrosion Resistance • Pressure vessels
• Longer functional Life
• Fittings
• Full Stocking Product Line offering
• DFARS Compliant • Flanges
FH-5725563 • HOLO-KROME Brochure • 08.19 SMP • Printed in USA • High Pressure Applications
©2014 HOLO-KROME • Printed in USA www.linkedin.com/company/holo-krome

HOLO-KROME® USA: +1.800.879.6205 Europe: +31 (0) 78 652 4145 www.HOLO-KROME.com

11630584 1/2-13 x 1.5 B8 HSC2 11630617 3/4-10x4 B8 HSC2 11630648 1-8x4.5 B8 HSC2 11630743 3/4-10x1.75 B8M HSC2 11630774 1-8x2.25 B8M HSC2
11630585 1/2-13x1.75 B8 HSC2 11630618 3/4-10x4.25 B8 HSC2 11630649 1-8x4.75 B8 HSC2 11630744 3/4-10x2 B8M HSC2 11630775 1-8x2.5 B8M HSC2
11630586 1/2-13x2 B8 HSC2 11630619 3/4-10x4.5 B8 HSC2 11630650 1-8x5 B8 HSC2 11630745 3/4-10x2.25 B8M HSC2 11630776 1-8x2.75 B8M HSC2
11630587 1/2-13x2.25 B8 HSC2 11630620 3/4-10x5 B8 HSC2 11630651 1-8x5.5 B8 HSC2 11630746 3/4-10x2.5 B8M HSC2 11630777 1-8x3 B8M HSC2
11630588 1/2-13x2.5 B8 HSC2 11630621 3/4-10x5.5 B8 HSC2 11630652 1-8x6 B8 HSC2 11630747 3/4-10x2.75 B8M HSC2 11630778 1-8x3.25 B8M HSC2
11630589 1/2-13x2.75 B8 HSC2 11630622 3/4-10x6 B8 HSC2 11630705 3/8-16x1 B8M HSC2 11630748 3/4-10x3 B8M HSC2 11630779 1-8x3.5 B8M HSC2
11630590 1/2-13x3 B8 HSC2 11630623 7/8-9x2 B8 HSC2 11630707 3/8-16x1.5 B8M HSC2 11630749 3/4-10x3.25 B8M HSC2 11630780 1-8x3.75 B8M HSC2
11630591 1/2-13x3.25 B8 HSC2 11630624 7/8-9x2.25 B8 HSC2 11630708 3/8-16x1.75 B8M HSC2 11630750 3/4-10x3.5 B8M HSC2 11630781 1-8x4 B8M HSC2
11630592 1/2-13x3.5 B8 HSC2 11630625 7/8-9x2.5 B8 HSC2 11630718 1/2-13x1 B8M HSC2 11630751 3/4-10x3.75 B8M HSC2 11630782 1-8x4.25 B8M HSC2
11630593 1/2-13x3.75 B8 HSC2 11630626 7/8-9x2.75 B8 HSC2 11630720 1/2-13x1.5 B8M HSC2 11630752 3/4-10x4 B8M HSC2 11630783 1-8x4.5 B8M HSC2
11630594 1/2-13x4 B8 HSC2 11630627 7/8-9x3 B8 HSC2 11630722 1/2-13x2 B8M HSC2 11630753 3/4-10x4.25 B8M HSC2 11630784 1-8x4.75 B8M HSC2
11630595 5/8-11x1.5 B8 HSC2 11630628 7/8-9x3.25 B8 HSC2 11630723 1/2-13x2.25 B8M HSC2 11630754 3/4-10x4.5 B8M HSC2 11630785 1-8x5 B8M HSC2
11630596 5/8-11x1.75 B8 HSC2 11630629 7/8-9x3.5 B8 HSC2 11630724 1/2-13x2.5 B8M HSC2 11630755 3/4-10x5 B8M HSC2 11630786 1-8x5.5 B8M HSC2
11630597 5/8-11x2 B8 HSC2 11630630 7/8-9x3.75 B8 HSC2 11630725 1/2-13x2.75 B8M HSC2 11630756 3/4-10x5.5 B8M HSC2 11630787 1-8x6 B8M HSC2
11630598 5/8-11x2.25 B8 HSC2 11630631 7/8-9x4 B8 HSC2 11630726 1/2-13x3 B8M HSC2 11630757 3/4-10x6 B8M HSC2
11630599 5/8-11x2.5 B8 HSC2 11630632 7/8-9x4.25 B8 HSC2 11630727 1/2-13x3.25 B8M HSC2 11630758 7/8-9x2 B8M HSC2
11630600 5/8-11x2.75 B8 HSC2 11630633 7/8-9x4.5 B8 HSC2 11630728 1/2-13x3.5 B8M HSC2 11630759 7/8-9x2.25 B8M HSC2
11630601 5/8-11x3 B8 HSC2 11630634 7/8-9x4.75 B8 HSC2 11630729 1/2-13x3.75 B8M HSC2 11630760 7/8-9x2.5 B8M HSC2
11630603 5/8-11x3.5 B8 HSC2 11630635 7/8-9x5 B8 HSC2 11630730 1/2-13x4 B8M HSC2 11630761 7/8-9x2.75 B8M HSC2
11630605 5/8-11x4 B8 HSC2 11630636 7/8-9x5.5 B8 HSC2 11630731 5/8-11x1.5 B8M HSC2 11630762 7/8-9x3 B8M HSC2
11630606 5/8-11x4.25 B8 HSC2 11630637 7/8-9x6 B8 HSC2 11630732 5/8-11x1.75 B8M HSC2 11630763 7/8-9x3.25 B8M HSC2
11630607 3/4-10x1.5 B8 HSC2 11630638 1-8x2 B8 HSt Cl2 11630733 5/8-11x2 B8M HSC2 11630764 7/8-9x3.5 B8M HSC2
11630608 3/4-10x1.75 B8 HSC2 11630639 1-8x2.25 B8 HSC2 11630734 5/8-11x2.25 B8M HSC2 11630765 7/8-9x3.75 B8M HSC2
11630609 3/4-10x2 B8 HSC2 11630640 1-8x2.5 B8 HSC2 11630735 5/8-11x2.5 B8M HSC2 11630766 7/8-9x4 B8M HSC2
11630610 3/4-10x2.25 B8 HSC2 11630641 1-8x2.75 B8 HSC2 11630736 5/8-11x2.75 B8M HSC2 11630767 7/8-9x4.25 B8M HSC2
11630611 3/4-10x2.5 B8 HSC2 11630642 1-8x3 B8 HSC2 11630737 5/8-11x3 B8M HSC2 11630768 7/8-9x4.5 B8M HSC2
11630612 3/4-10x2.75 B8 HSC2 11630643 1-8x3.25 B8 HSC2 11630738 5/8-11x3.25 B8M HSC2 11630769 7/8-9x4.75 B8M HSC2
11630613 3/4-10x3 B8 HSC2 11630644 1-8x3.5 B8 HSC2 11630739 5/8-11x3.5 B8M HSC2 11630770 7/8-9x5 B8M HSC2
11630614 3/4-10x3.25 B8 HSC2 11630645 1-8x3.75 B8 HSC2 11630740 5/8-11x3.75 B8M HSC2 11630771 7/8-9x5.5 B8M HSC2
11630615 3/4-10x3.5 B8 HSC2 11630646 1-8x4 B8 HSC2 11630741 5/8-11x4 B8M HSC2 11630772 7/8-9x6 B8M HSC2
11630616 3/4-10x3.75 B8 HSC2 11630647 1-8x4.25 B8 HSC2 11630742 3/4-10x1.5 B8M HSC2 11630773 1-8x2 B8M HSC2
11630584 1/2-13 x 1.5 B8 HSC2 11630617 3/4-10x4 B8 HSC2 11630648 1-8x4.5 B8 HSC2 11630743 3/4-10x1.75 B8M HSC2 11630774 1-8x2.25 B8M HSC2
11630585 1/2-13x1.75 B8 HSC2 11630618 3/4-10x4.25 B8 HSC2 11630649 1-8x4.75 B8 HSC2 11630744 3/4-10x2 B8M HSC2 11630775 1-8x2.5 B8M HSC2
11630586 1/2-13x2 B8 HSC2 11630619 3/4-10x4.5 B8 HSC2 11630650 1-8x5 B8 HSC2 11630745 3/4-10x2.25 B8M HSC2 11630776 1-8x2.75 B8M HSC2
11630587 1/2-13x2.25 B8 HSC2 11630620 3/4-10x5 B8 HSC2 11630651 1-8x5.5 B8 HSC2 11630746 3/4-10x2.5 B8M HSC2 11630777 1-8x3 B8M HSC2
11630588 1/2-13x2.5 B8 HSC2 11630621 3/4-10x5.5 B8 HSC2 11630652 1-8x6 B8 HSC2 11630747 3/4-10x2.75 B8M HSC2 11630778 1-8x3.25 B8M HSC2
11630589 1/2-13x2.75 B8 HSC2 11630622 3/4-10x6 B8 HSC2 11630705 3/8-16x1 B8M HSC2 11630748 3/4-10x3 B8M HSC2 11630779 1-8x3.5 B8M HSC2
11630590 1/2-13x3 B8 HSC2 11630623 7/8-9x2 B8 HSC2 11630707 3/8-16x1.5 B8M HSC2 11630749 3/4-10x3.25 B8M HSC2 11630780 1-8x3.75 B8M HSC2
11630591 1/2-13x3.25 B8 HSC2 11630624 7/8-9x2.25 B8 HSC2 11630708 3/8-16x1.75 B8M HSC2 11630750 3/4-10x3.5 B8M HSC2 11630781 1-8x4 B8M HSC2
11630592 1/2-13x3.5 B8 HSC2 11630625 7/8-9x2.5 B8 HSC2 11630718 1/2-13x1 B8M HSC2 11630751 3/4-10x3.75 B8M HSC2 11630782 1-8x4.25 B8M HSC2
11630593 1/2-13x3.75 B8 HSC2 11630626 7/8-9x2.75 B8 HSC2 11630720 1/2-13x1.5 B8M HSC2 11630752 3/4-10x4 B8M HSC2 11630783 1-8x4.5 B8M HSC2
11630594 1/2-13x4 B8 HSC2 11630627 7/8-9x3 B8 HSC2 11630722 1/2-13x2 B8M HSC2 11630753 3/4-10x4.25 B8M HSC2 11630784 1-8x4.75 B8M HSC2
11630595 5/8-11x1.5 B8 HSC2 11630628 7/8-9x3.25 B8 HSC2 11630723 1/2-13x2.25 B8M HSC2 11630754 3/4-10x4.5 B8M HSC2 11630785 1-8x5 B8M HSC2
11630596 5/8-11x1.75 B8 HSC2 11630629 7/8-9x3.5 B8 HSC2 11630724 1/2-13x2.5 B8M HSC2 11630755 3/4-10x5 B8M HSC2 11630786 1-8x5.5 B8M HSC2
11630597 5/8-11x2 B8 HSC2 11630630 7/8-9x3.75 B8 HSC2 11630725 1/2-13x2.75 B8M HSC2 11630756 3/4-10x5.5 B8M HSC2 11630787 1-8x6 B8M HSC2
11630598 5/8-11x2.25 B8 HSC2 11630631 7/8-9x4 B8 HSC2 11630726 1/2-13x3 B8M HSC2 11630757 3/4-10x6 B8M HSC2
11630599 5/8-11x2.5 B8 HSC2 11630632 7/8-9x4.25 B8 HSC2 11630727 1/2-13x3.25 B8M HSC2 11630758 7/8-9x2 B8M HSC2
11630600 5/8-11x2.75 B8 HSC2 11630633 7/8-9x4.5 B8 HSC2 11630728 1/2-13x3.5 B8M HSC2 11630759 7/8-9x2.25 B8M HSC2
11630601 5/8-11x3 B8 HSC2 11630634 7/8-9x4.75 B8 HSC2 11630729 1/2-13x3.75 B8M HSC2 11630760 7/8-9x2.5 B8M HSC2
11630603 5/8-11x3.5 B8 HSC2 11630635 7/8-9x5 B8 HSC2 11630730 1/2-13x4 B8M HSC2 11630761 7/8-9x2.75 B8M HSC2
11630605 5/8-11x4 B8 HSC2 11630636 7/8-9x5.5 B8 HSC2 11630731 5/8-11x1.5 B8M HSC2 11630762 7/8-9x3 B8M HSC2
11630606 5/8-11x4.25 B8 HSC2 11630637 7/8-9x6 B8 HSC2 11630732 5/8-11x1.75 B8M HSC2 11630763 7/8-9x3.25 B8M HSC2
11630607 3/4-10x1.5 B8 HSC2 11630638 1-8x2 B8 HSt Cl2 11630733 5/8-11x2 B8M HSC2 11630764 7/8-9x3.5 B8M HSC2
11630608 3/4-10x1.75 B8 HSC2 11630639 1-8x2.25 B8 HSC2 11630734 5/8-11x2.25 B8M HSC2 11630765 7/8-9x3.75 B8M HSC2
11630609 3/4-10x2 B8 HSC2 11630640 1-8x2.5 B8 HSC2 11630735 5/8-11x2.5 B8M HSC2 11630766 7/8-9x4 B8M HSC2
11630610 3/4-10x2.25 B8 HSC2 11630641 1-8x2.75 B8 HSC2 11630736 5/8-11x2.75 B8M HSC2 11630767 7/8-9x4.25 B8M HSC2
11630611 3/4-10x2.5 B8 HSC2 11630642 1-8x3 B8 HSC2 11630737 5/8-11x3 B8M HSC2 11630768 7/8-9x4.5 B8M HSC2
11630612 3/4-10x2.75 B8 HSC2 11630643 1-8x3.25 B8 HSC2 11630738 5/8-11x3.25 B8M HSC2 11630769 7/8-9x4.75 B8M HSC2
11630613 3/4-10x3 B8 HSC2 11630644 1-8x3.5 B8 HSC2 11630739 5/8-11x3.5 B8M HSC2 11630770 7/8-9x5 B8M HSC2
11630614 3/4-10x3.25 B8 HSC2 11630645 1-8x3.75 B8 HSC2 11630740 5/8-11x3.75 B8M HSC2 11630771 7/8-9x5.5 B8M HSC2
11630615 3/4-10x3.5 B8 HSC2 11630646 1-8x4 B8 HSC2 11630741 5/8-11x4 B8M HSC2 11630772 7/8-9x6 B8M HSC2
11630616 3/4-10x3.75 B8 HSC2 11630647 1-8x4.25 B8 HSC2 11630742 3/4-10x1.5 B8M HSC2 11630773 1-8x2 B8M HSC2


B8 &
CELEBRATING Holo-Krome brings yet another world-class fastener to its product lineup - ASTM A193
90 YEARS OF QUALITY Grade B8 and B8M Class 2 Bolts. Very commonly used in the assembly of industrial pipe
HOLO-KROME® has been at the fore- & valves, the chemical composition of ASTM A193 Grade B8 and B8M Bolts are manu-
USA: 800.879.6205 front of fastener innovation since
our founding in 1929. Over the
factured from AISI 316 stainless steel. Marked with the B8SH and B8MSH with the grade
Europe: +31(0)78.652.4145 years, we’ve pioneered cold-forging symbol underlined.
techniques that result in products
www.HOLO-KROME.com virtually free of bursts, cracks, tears These items are strain hardened to high tensile strength.
and fractures, offering superior
holding strength and fatigue

Today, our tradition of quality

continues at our 200,000 square-foot WHEN FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION
facility in Wallingford, Connecticut,
where we manufacture more than • Out Performs the Competition
100 million parts a year, each one • Unsurpassed Product Quality
proudly made in the USA. With state- • Recognizable Around the World
of-the-art cold heading and heat
treatment equipment, unmatched
product traceability through our
HOLO-CODE head markings (spe-
cific to SHCS), and experienced op-
erators who “own” their production PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: TARGET INDUSTRIES
jobs from raw material to shipped
product, HOLO-KROME remains the • Manufactured and certified to ASTM A193 & APPLICATIONS:
fastener of choice for manufactur- • 100% Made in the USA Holo-Krome Quality
• Domestic Stainless Steel • Automobile
ing processes, heavy equipment
and safety-critical applications – • Rugged construction • Railway
when failure is not an option. • Strain Hardened • Industrial Pipes
• High Corrosion Resistance • Pressure vessels
• Longer functional Life
• Fittings
• Full Stocking Product Line offering
• DFARS Compliant • Flanges
FH-5725563 • HOLO-KROME Brochure • 08.19 SMP • Printed in USA • High Pressure Applications
©2014 HOLO-KROME • Printed in USA www.linkedin.com/company/holo-krome

HOLO-KROME® USA: +1.800.879.6205 Europe: +31 (0) 78 652 4145 www.HOLO-KROME.com

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