NC2E Quickstart
NC2E Quickstart
NC2E Quickstart
to the Quickstart
Introduction to the Game
game of bloodshed, excitement and drama.
Ninja Clans
What is a ninja? Players take on the role of ninja hailing from dif-
ferent clans who work together under the banner
A ninja is an assassin, stealthily moving from rooftop to of the Lotus Coalition, fighting a war against the Izou Em-
rooftop, stalking their next victim. A ninja is a mercenary, pire, which hopes to destroy them. Ten clans have proved
taking coin in exchange for missions and battles. A ninja is a to be the most powerful and influential within the empire.
spy, infiltrating and studying their enemies to learn of plans èè Bamboo Herbalists: Genius doctors and thrill-seek-
and weaknesses. A ninja is a mystic, harnessing and manip- ers, they are masters of medicinal jutsu
ulating ki in order to perform superhuman feats. A ninja is a èè Blazing Dancers: Entertainers, well known for their
freedom fighter, defending the weak and fighting against an acrobatic acts and fiery performances
oppressive regime that seeks to exterminate them. èè Grasping Shadows: Traditionalists, spies and assas-
All of these paint parts of the picture, but even together, sins, they wield power over shadows and stealth
they do not show the whole image. In truth, there are as many
èè Hidden Strands of Fate: Master manipulators, adept
definitions for ninja as there are stars in the sky. Ninja play
at pulling strings (both literal and political)
many roles during their lifetimes, in service to themselves,
their clans and their villages. They rarely develop skills with èè Living Chronicle: Historians, keeping knowledge
only a single purpose. Stealth and weapons training translate alive in their minds and on their bodies
easily to hunting and gathering skills, for instance. Attention èè Pack of the Black Moon: Ranchers and farmers, they
to detail and patience serve a ninja equally as a spy or scout. are experts on animals, particularly their special-
A ninja may also use their formidable combat prowess to at- ly-bred ninja dogs
tack their enemy, or defend their family. èè Recoiling Serpents: Fallen lords, masters of poison
In the end, a ninja is simply a person. They may come and survival in dangerous lands
from any walk of life, subject to the same range of social
èè Virtuous Body Gardeners: Feisty warriors and artists
classes, relationships, economic standings and family back-
who manipulate tattoos as their newest art form
grounds as their peers. Each ninja has their own history,
motivations and goals; and this is what truly defines them. èè Wardens of Equilibrium: Merchant ninja who seek to
Who they are determines how they train their body, hone balance the world and turn a profit at the same time
their mind, strengthen their ki and develop their jutsu. èè Will of Iron: Wandering, lone magistrates who be-
The life of a ninja is certain to end with a violent death. lieve in invoking justice wherever they go
This is a fact every ninja must face. A few survive to die
of old age in bed, but they are the exceptions. The long,
violent and bloody ninja history plays an important role
in directing the evolution of their way of life.
A Few Inspirations
èè Naruto and Naruto: Shippuden: The story of a young
boy, cursed with a demon inside his soul, who spends
a lot of time trying to find his place in the world. He
becomes a ninja and uses this to earn legitimacy, meet
new friends, learn amazing jutsu and defeat some tru-
ly terrifying enemies.
èè Basilisk: The Kōga Ninja Scrolls: The story of the Iga and
the Kouga, and the bloodshed that ensues once their
peace treaty dissolves. It is very graphic and beautifully
illustrates what it’s like to be a ninja in this game.
èè Kung Fu Hustle: It’s the story of the dread-
ed Axe Gang versus a bunch of retired martial arts
masters. It is definitely comical, as it is a Stephen
Chow movie, but the martial arts scenes in Kung
Fu Hustle are truly worth the watch. Watch this
movie, even if you are not going to use it as
inspiration for The Ninja Crusade 2nd Edition.
CRUSADE Skill Usage
Most checks are made by taking the value of two different Skills,
putting them together and then rolling that many d10s to try to get
successes. For instance, repairing a wagon would require Crafts (to
Rules Reference show you are fixing it) and Travel (because of what you are fixing).
7s, 8s and 9s count as 1 Success, while a 10 counts as 2 successes.
Applying Skills to Combos Successes must meet the Difficulty (or opponent’s roll if opposed).
èè Fate Die: Bonuses may add dice and penalties may subtract
Athletics For physical activities (jumping, climbing, etc.) dice. If a player is ever left with no dice in their combo af-
Crafts To create art, take things apart or put things ter penalties, they may roll 1d10. Only a result of 10 has a
together chance of success.
Deception When there is an element of lying
Discipline For mental defense or concentration
When successes on a check exceed its Difficulty by 3 or more
Empathy To sense emotions, tell if someone is lying or
the ninja gains an extra benefit, called a Boost.
control your own emotions
èè Additional Targets: A Skill targeting a single person may
Fighting Used for close combat fighting, unarmed or affect extra targets with a slightly lesser effect.
with a weapon
èè Bonus Damage: Usually used in a Battle, and worth +1
Fortitude For physical resistance (vs. poison, sleep, etc.) damage to an attack.
Holistics When it involves medical knowledge èè Bonus Info: The ninja finds or overhears unexpected in-
Intimidation When trying to get what you want through formation that may prove useful.
fear/force èè Heightened Effect: Whatever the ninja was trying to do,
they do better. If they were attempting to scare someone,
Intuition For tasks utilizing instinct or gut feelings
they not only scare them, but also make them cry.
Knowledge When it’s all about what you know (science,
èè Karma Pool: The ninja’s teamwork adds a die to the Karma Pool.
law, etc.)
èè Streak Bonus: Creates an advantage and may give a bonus
Marksman Used for ranged fighting, either throwing or or reduce the difficulty for a particular method.
èè Style: The ninja completes the task with a flourish that people
Might For anything requiring physical strength notice. If performing for a crowd, this may gain their favor.
Perception To use one’s senses to find or search for something èè Time Crunch: Halves the time usually needed to complete the task.
Perform When one is putting on a show for an audience èè Weapon Effect: Some weapons allow the character to cre-
Persuade When trying to get what you want through ate a new Condition for a Boost.
Karma Pool
Speed For tasks that need to be done quickly and
with finesse Adding Dice: At the start of each session, the Karma Pool is
equal to the number of players at the table. During play, events
Stealth To hide oneself, sneak around or camouflage and character choices may add more dice to the pool:
Survival For surviving in environments, including navi- èè Triggers: The player or GM may activate a Trigger whenever
gation and tracking conditions are met, usually adding 1 die to the Karma Pool.
èè Critical Failures: When any ninja suffers a Critical Failure,
Travel Used for Journeys and riding (horse, wagon, etc.)
add a d10 to the pool. Optionally, if a Critical Failure has
multiple 1s, the player may elect to add an extra d10 for
Difficulties each 1 from which they suffer an additional Consequence.
èè Easy (0): Tasks that don’t even require a roll. The character èè Boosts: A ninja may also give up the usual benefits from a
simply performs the task and moves on. Boost in favor of placing another die in the pool.
èè Simple (1): Basic tasks with little to no fuss, but could still fail.
Using Dice: Any player may use Karma Pool dice on their turn
èè Moderate (2): Slightly more involved tasks that need more as long as no other player objects. They may use the dice in a
attention and focus. few different ways:
èè Tough (3): Advanced tasks usually requiring intimate èè Bonus Dice: A player may draw any number of dice from
knowledge of the subject the Karma Pool and add them to a Skill check.
èè Challenging (4): Complex tasks that take time and effort to èè Dramatic Rewrites: They change something in the Scene to
complete, usually with unique complications. fit their needs in the heat of the moment. This kind of effect
costs 2 Karma dice from the pool. If the rewrite alters the
èè Legendary (5): Near-impossible tasks that should be awe- Scene to a larger degree, the GM can ask for up to 4 Karma
some to behold. dice instead.
Turn Sequence Weapon Qualities
èè Step One: Choose Action
Name Effect
èè Step Two: Choose Defense
Blunt Boost = Cause a Pain 1 Condition.
èè Step Three: Choose Skill Combo
Brutal Inflicts +2 damage (instead of +1)
èè Step Four: Resolve effects/Calculate damage
Chain If the attack roll ties with the Defense roll,
Dynamic Actions the weapon still inflicts 1 damage.
Note: Ki may be spent reflexively for Dynamic Actions on a Concealable +2 Stealth to conceal this weapon
one-for-one basis. Crushing Boost = Cause a Bruised 1 Condition.
Offensive Uses Disarming May disarm opponent’s weapon on a Boost.
Fragile The weapon does not deal extra damage.
èè Avoid Backfire (1): Negates Backfire effects.
èè Counter Attack (1): After a successful Defense check, the Heavy Target suffers -1 penalty to Block
fighter may make an immediate Action as a counter attack. Master-Crafted Immune to being broken, disarmed or af-
èè Deeper Cuts (1): Causes +1 damage to a successful attack. fected by jutsu. +1 bonus to all checks.
Only once per attack, per target. Quick Wielder gains +1 Initiative
èè Enhanced Attack (1): Gain a +2 bonus to an Attack.
Ranged May attack targets at Far or Distant Range.
èè Retreating Attack (1): Make an instant attack on a retreat-
ing target (Moderate (2), unless terrain or circumstantial Reach May attack targets in Near Range.
obstacles make it a harder check). Paired +1 bonus to Block. Using only one, however,
Defensive Uses creates a -2 penalty to all checks.
Piercing Weapon ignores 1 level of Armor
èè Deflect Attack (2): Use a jutsu to deflect an attack, reduc- Poisonous Boost = Cause a Poisoned 1 Condition.
ing successes directly before making a Defense check. May
only be used once against any given attack. Sharp Boost = Cause a Bleeding 1 Condition.
èè Enhanced Defense (1): Gain a +2 bonus to Defense check. Skilled Gives +1 bonus to listed Skill while wielding
èè Thicker Skin (1): Negate 1 damage taken. Slow Wielder suffers -2 Initiative
Other Uses Unpredictable Target suffers -1 penalty to Dodge.
Unwieldy Attack checks suffer a -1 penalty.
èè Dynamic Interactions (1): Use Dynamic Environments.
èè Extra Actions (1): Take +1 Standard Action (up to Speed).
èè Ignore Conditions (1): Ignores all active Conditions (like Justu Activation
Pain or Bleeding) for a single Action. Min Ki: Minimum Ki level needed to use jutsu
èè Quick on Their Feet: Grants a +2 bonus to the character’s Difficulty: Successes needed to avoid Backfire
Initiative for each Dynamic Action spent. Type Min Ki Difficulty
èè Slowing Them Down: Lowers another’s Initiative by -2 for
each Dynamic Action spent. Basic Jutsu 1 2
èè Interruptions (2): Interrupt someone’s Action. Only once Median Justu 2 3
per Round. Advanced Justu 4 4
èè Zen Mind (1): Gain +1 ki (of either type) from a single mold.
May only spend up to 2 Dynamic Actions at a time.
Strength Chart
Range Strength Feat Min Strength
èè Grappling: Touching and grabbing onto each other. Crush a trinket in your hand 0
èè Close: Fighters within about 5ft. of each other. Drag someone your same size 2
èè Near: Fighters within 6ft. to 15ft. Weapons with Reach al- Break a wooden chair 3
low for strikes at this Range. Non-ranged weapons can be Drag someone twice your size 4
thrown at Near opponents, but suffer a -2 penalty. Break down a wooden door 5
èè Far: Usually as far as the character can see clearly. Thrown Break open a metal door 6
non-ranged weapons will not make it to Far Range.
Punch through a stone wall 8
èè Distant: Often too far to hit anyone with accuracy. At this
Burst through a stone wall 10
Range, even Ranged weapons suffer a -2 penalty.
Uprooting a tree 12
Determining Initiative Action Types
Initiative is a static value for all characters, determining èè Inflict Harm: An attempt to deal physical or mental
in what order they’ll act every Round in order of highest damage to another character. Deals damage equal to net
to lowest. So, a character with Initiative 5 would act be- successes. Weapons add +1 damage.
fore another with Initiative 4. This value can be changed èè Plan Attack: Taking a moment to plan one’s action,
by spending Dynamic Actions. adds a +2 bonus to their roll.
èè Affect Composure: Changes the emotional state of the
target and deals 1 mental damage.
Dynamic Dice èè Disarm: Remove the target’s weapon.
At the beginning of each Round, each player will roll their èè Initiate Grab: Grab on to your opponent. victims suffer
Dynamic Dice. Each success (determined normally) gives a -1 penalty per person holding them. Those in the grab
them another Dynamic Action in addition to the those they can use Might as a Primary Skill instead of Fighting.
have automatically. A Rank 1 ninja, for example, starts with èè Break Grab: Cancels a grab on the character.
1 Dynamic Action and 3 Dynamic Dice. If they roll 3 success-
es, they have 4 Dynamic Action for the Round, which can be èè Knock Back: Their target stumbles backward (Attacker’s
Strength - Defender’s Strength)x5 ft. and take 1 physical
spent on a number of awesome effects, including increased
damage. If more than 20 ft., the target is Knocked Down too.
damage, extra Actions or ignoring Conditions.
èè Knock Down: Fall to the ground and take 1 damage.
Must take Prepare Action to get back up.
Anatomy of Damage èè Mold Ki: Generates 1 Yin or 1 Yang ki (to replenish spent Ki
èè Successes: Damage applied based on the number of suc- or meet Ki minimums for using Median or Advanced jutsu)
cesses the attacker rolled more than the defender did.
If the attacker rolls 3 successes and the defender rolls 1 èè Retreat: Cut ties to current Battle and run away.
success, the attacker has inflicted 2 damage. èè Sprint/Rush: Run at fastest speed, gaining +2 bonus to
èè Base Damage: Some attacks (especially jutsu) deal a hit and +1 damage to followup attack. Ranged attackers
base amount of damage on top of any other factors. suffer -2 penalty to hit the character while sprinting.
èè Weapon Damage: If wielding a weapon, the character èè Use Jutsu: Use of any jutsu requires an Action, unless it
deals +1 damage (or +2 if the weapon is Brutal). is listed as Reflexive.
èè Dynamic Damage: Players may spend a Dynamic Action
to cause +1 damage.
Defense Types
èè Block: Use your body or a weapon to stop and
èè Boost Damage: If they gained 3 or more successes than
incoming attacker. If blocking a weapon unarmed, suf-
their opponent, they have the option to deal +1 damage.
fer a -2 penalty.
èè Brace: Let the attack hit you and use (Fortitude/2) or
Handling Squads (Discipline/2) as Armor against the attack. Damage can
Squads are a group of enemies collectively fighting with only be reduced to 1 this way.
their numbers spread out over an area. Typically, these èè Catch: Grab something nearby or something that was
opponents have three times the normal Health and thrown. If the item is sharp, suffer -2 penalty.
Psyche of a single character, with each member of the èè Dodge: Get out of the way.
Squad represented by a fraction of the total Health. For èè Find Cover: Hiding behind something else. The cover
instance, a Squad with 5 members and 20 Health, means takes the brunt of the attack.
they lose one of their members if they take 4 damage.
èè Protect: Take damage for another target up to
They must be faced down with teamwork to be bested. (Movement/2) away.
Each lost member of the Squad also incurs a -1 penalty to
Attack and Defense. Squads typically have just 1 Action
per Round, but they can attack once per squad member.
Antagonist Techniques
Skills with a “+” beside them indicate the foe receives
a +1 bonus against any roll made with that Skill. Skills
with a “-” beside them means the foe suffers a -1 penalty
whenever they face an opponent who uses that Skill.
Conditions Mental Conditions
Conditions allow the character to stave off reaching èè Afraid: The character has been frightened by some-
0, but at the cost of bringing on certain penalties that thing. Make a Tough (3) Discipline + Empathy check at
can last for Scenes or even entire Sessions. Rather than the beginning of each Round on contact with the source.
taking damage, the character may choose to take on a If they fail, they lose their Action. They suffer a penalty
to this check equal to their Condition level.
Condition, removing damage equal to the level of the
Condition and jotting down the Condition on their char- èè Confused: While Confused, any 1s rolled during a check
acter sheet instead. subtracts 1 success.
Each Condition works slightly different, but none can èè Convinced: Whatever lie or half-truth has been spoken
have a rating higher than 5. Likewise, no character can to the character, they are now fully convinced. They also
have more than four ongoing Conditions, and the total of suffer a penalty equal to their Condition level to detect
all their Condition ratings cannot be higher than 10. lies from the same source while in effect.
èè Dazed: The character can only use their highest Skill in
a Skill combo or do not receive the +1 bonus for a Single
Physical Conditions Skill check.
èè Bleeding: To do anything physical (Attack or Defense), èè Embarrassed: Suffer a penalty equal to level to social checks
the character must make a Moderate (2) Fortitude check with those people until their Embarrassment passes.
or suffer 1 damage. They suffer a penalty to this check èè Scarred: The character is horribly scarred. Until the
equal to the Condition Level. wound heals, they suffer a penalty to social checks (ex-
èè Bruised: While the character is Bruised, they take +1 cept for Intimidation) equal to the Condition level.
damage when struck.
èè Burned: The character suffers a penalty equal to the Crossover Conditions
Condition level to all physical tasks, and takes +1 dam- èè Broken: They suffer a penalty to a chosen Skill equal to
age when struck due to their sensitive nerves. their Condition level.
èè Deprived: Has no food, water, sleep, breathable air or èè Dosed: Effects from a potion created with Alchemy.
some other sustenance they require. They may not re-
cover Health damage until the Deprived Condition ends. èè Pain: Characters in Pain take a penalty to their physical
or mental checks equal to the amount of damage they
èè Injured: The character suffers a penalty equal to the have taken of that type. They can make a Moderate (2)
Condition level to all checks with a chosen limb. Discipline + Fortitude check as a Quick Action to ignore
èè Knocked Out: The character falls unconscious until the their pain for a Round. They suffer a penalty to this
Condition ends. Every day they are unconscious, they check equal to their Pain Condition level.
make a Tough (3) Fortitude check to lower the level by 1. èè Poisoned: A poisoned character takes 1 damage per
èè Sensory Loss: Loss of senses, such as being temporarily Round of Battle, which cannot be negated. Outside of
blinded or deafened. Suffer a penalty equal to the level Battle, they are sickly, suffering half their Poison Con-
to related checks until healed. They may attempt to use dition (rounded up) as a penalty to physical and mental
another sense to compensate, suffering a -1 penalty. checks. Natural healing is also halved.
èè Slowed: Something is affecting the character and mak-
ing them slower. Suffer a penalty to Initiative equal to Removing Conditions
their Condition level.
Depending on the severity of the Condition, some last
for a few Scenes, while others can last for days of in-
game time or even multiple sessions.
èè Light Conditions (Level 1): These Conditions remain
for the rest of the Scene and are then shaken off. In some
cases, the GM may say it sticks around for one more
Scene, but never any longer.
èè Lasting Conditions (Level 2-3): Lasting Conditions last
for a number of days equal to its rating before reducing
its level by one. This time can be down time, but most
stories are time sensitive for a reason.
èè Heavy Conditions (Level 4-5): These are the worst Con-
ditions to take on, lasting an entire session before it low-
ers by one level.
The Nobleman’s
This adventure introduces new players to the lition ever since the founding of Danketsu. That doesn’t
world of The Ninja Crusade, 2nd Edition. It works mean, however, that the occasional fight between rival
well as an overview of how court politics, Izou soldier ninja doesn’t still pop up. Still, any ninja from any clan
abuses, clan mixing, infiltration and the wonderful (even Ronin) is allowed within the camp where the lead-
powers of jutsu can work together. It is, more than ers of the coalition hand out missions they feel fit within
anything, an investigative story with plenty of action the expertise of certain ninja. Of course, some missions
elements. Best suited for 2 to 5 ninja of beginning lev- come with ample warning, while others do not.
el (such as the ninja included). Experienced players Each of the ten major clans has representation
should feel free to create their own characters, since within Bokusou. However, with so many major bat-
this adventure is good for all types. tles occurring simultaneously, only the players’ char-
It takes place in the Middle Province during the acters seem to be available for this particular mission.
blossoming season of spring. The skies are clear and Each character receives a note to gear up and report
the weather is beautiful, but the air stinks of war. The to Chuushin Gurasu, camp leader and member of the
region has many expansive fields with tall grass and a Wardens of Equilibrium.
few forests. Remember: Details make the story. Chuushin Gurasu is a merchant prince from Dai-
wa, rich and young, and holds a lot of sway in the Lotus
Coalition, so it makes sense that he is the camp boss.
Scene 1: He has devastating abilities to make an opponent’s
Receiving the Mission ki explode within their body; so few ninja choose to
cross him. Chuushin Naomi is his third cousin, but
The story begins in the Bokusou ninja camp, a se- she has chosen to follow a different clan instead, the
cret multi-clan camp found hidden within the forests of Will of Iron, and they don’t really get along.
the eastern region of the Middle Province. This Once the group is assembled, he delivers the fol-
mixed camp is the norm among the Lotus Coa- lowing information:
ªª Hitching a Ride: A merchant wagon may
“We have been contacted by Neitaki Sai, a no- be going into the city. The ninja can hitch a
bleman who currently resides in Heigenchou. His ride by either taking out the merchant and
daughter, Neitaki Maya, has gone missing and you taking his/her place, hiding themselves in the back
are now tasked with finding her. This particular no- of the wagon while others distract him/her or even
bleman holds sway within the Izou courts and is one pretended to be hurt so the merchant will bring
of few who actually fights to have the Emperor end them in for treatment. Ichatsuko No Kino and Saka-
the Ninja Crusade. If he is successful, then this ridic- modo Tadao, specifically, are fond of talking their
ulous war can end and we can all return to our nor- way through tough situations.
mal lives. He has called for us to assist and we will ªª Take Out the Guards: Simply sneaking in may
heed that call or risk losing his support entirely. This not be enough. The ninja could try to take out the
mission is of the utmost importance, so you’d best be guards and get through the gate. If it’s late at night,
on your way to Heigenchou.” it may even be doable. During the day is much too
dangerous though. Tsuki Kurayami, Sumi Rika and
He’ll answer any follow-up questions the char- Chuushin Naomi would be first to jump into a fight.
acters may have, but Gurasu’s information is limited They’ll have to be quick about it, however, since
to the short letter, written in code, that he holds in causing too much commotion could attract even
his hands. To get more information, the characters more guards.
will have to venture to Heigenchou and get answers
directly from the nobleman. After checking in with
their respective clan leaders, the group can head off
Simple Guards (Squad)
Health: 15 Psyche: 12
whenever they feel it is appropriate.
Attack: 6 Actions: 1 (Squad)
Defense: 5 Armor: 1
Scene 2: Heigenchou, Initiative: 5 Damage: +1
Dynamic Actions: 1
the City of Plains Suggested Skills (3 dice): Fighting, In-
Their destination is Heigenchou, the City of timidation, Intuition, Perception
Plains. The city currently houses some of the largest
farming communities outside the Cradle of Life Prov- ªª Walk In: Characters from illustrious backgrounds
ince and was the first to try out advanced agriculture can, essentially, just walk in – they’d have the right
techniques for the empire. A city in unrest, heavy papers to go just about anywhere. If they are suave
guard and powerful forts occupy the city, and have enough, they can even convince the guards the oth-
for decades, to ensure the workers continue produc- er ninja are their servants (scribes, bodyguards,
ing the food needed to feed the thriving noble tradi- etc.). Having Ishikawa Ryota (a noble) or Arai Kaede
tion. As the characters approach, they’ll see that tall (a monk) in the group can have this effect.
stone walls surround the city, with several manned ªª Traveling Troupe: The city is in need of some jo-
guard towers and guards at the southern gate. Find- vial entertainment, so if the group can convince the
ing a way in is very important, but isn’t that easy. The guards that they are there to put on a show, they’ll
characters, being ninja, likely have no official travel likely be escorted inside without too much trouble.
papers that would allow them entry to such a high- Then, of course, they may have tagalongs until they
ly-guarded city, and others have recognizable faces. actually do put on a show. Having Odoriko Minori in
There are plenty of ways that they can go about this. the group makes this much easier, since he already
ªª Sneaking In: They are ninja after all. The charac- carries performance clout and reputation.
ters can attempt to get close to the wall and vault
over or climb it to get to the other side undetected. Now within the walls, the characters
Kumori Kunio and Hebi Ine can easily accomplish can see a city almost split in three separate
this task. sectors. One section is full of large fields of
farmers tilling under the supervision of sol-
diers and another, a small town of sorts, full
of small shops and even smaller homes. The
third sector is heavily guarded and appears as a mili-
tary headquarters for the Izou.
Scene 3: Interviewing
Neitaki Sai
However the characters get inside the walls, their
next stop is to see Neitaki Sai. Within the residential
sector are a handful of estates, built to house the few
nobles who live in Heigenchou. Those with political or
high-class knowledge, like Chuushin Naomi and Ishi-
kawa Ryota, would instantly know why so few nobles
live in this city. Other characters can make a Moder-
ate (2) Knowledge x2 check. The reason is simple – this
town is where political careers go to die. Neitaki Sai
was sent to Heigenchou by the Emperor himself to
“tend to the workers,” as way to get him out of the
courts and make it that much harder for his anti-Cru-
sade message to be heard. He has been attempting to
build political clout for the last few years to get him-
self back into the court’s good graces, but this recent
setback could prove to be a horrible distraction.
The nobleman’s estate is located near the far
northeastern wall and appears bare compared to es-
tates found in other cities. Knocking on the door, the
characters are greeted by Cho, the only servant the
Emperor allowed Sai to bring with him. She is a petite
commoner woman, barely 20 years in age.
Cho leads the characters to the main room, where
they find Sai. With a successful Simple (1) Empathy +
Intuition check, it is easy to tell he has been crying
lately and is obviously distraught. When asked to ex-
plain the situation, he provides the following.
A number of clues can be gathered from the es-
tate, including those found below. The GM should
feel encouraged to add others that may enhance their Wearing the Jewelry
take on this adventure. Some of the characters, specifically Ichat-
ªª Family Portrait: Looking around the house, in gen- suko No Kino or perhaps Sumi Rika, would
eral, the characters should notice a portrait of the have no problem keeping one of the pieces of
nobleman, his wife and Maya (giving them an idea jewelry for themselves. Wearing them prom-
of what the girl looks like – approximately 15 years inently through the town or in the local sake
old). If asked about it, he’ll remark about how his house will attract attention in the form of the
wife died only a year ago, killed by an anti-ninja victim from whom the jewelry was stolen. For
supporter – and that Maya has never forgiven him, instance, if it was a ring, a drunken man may
leading to almost constant rebellion on her part. attack and claim that ring belongs to his wife.
If it is a necklace, a woman and her friends
ªª Wildflowers Painting: Along the wall, there are a
who want to take it back may accost the nin-
series of paintings, each of which is of a different
ja. The characters should be careful how they
type of beautiful environment, from a lakeside to
handle these situations. They may be able to
a mountain’s peak. If remarked upon, Sai tells the
glean another clue or might just attract the
characters that the painting of the fields of wild-
guards if they choose to use force.
flowers was always Maya’s favorite. It’s where
she used to play when she was younger, but to his
knowledge, she doesn’t go to that area, which is Average Citizen (Squad)
along the eastern city wall. Health: 15 Psyche: 12
Attack: 3 Actions: 1 (Squad)
ªª Interviewing Cho: If questioned in front of Sai, Cho Defense: 3 Armor: 0
simply denies having any knowledge of what’s going Initiative: 3 Damage: +1
on. However, if she is pulled to the side and ques- Dynamic Actions: 1
tioned separately, she can give some insight into the Suggested Skills (2 dice): Any four of choice.
situation if the questioner makes a successful Moder-
ate (2) Persuasion + Empathy check. She knows of two
boys, named Goro and Isi, that Maya has been hanging
around with. She has only heard their names offhand
when Maya let them slip by accident; the girl was usu-
ally secretive about anything going on in her life.
ªª Searching Maya’s Room: If the characters don’t
Scene 4:
think of it, Sai will offer. “If you need to search my Further Exploration
daughter’s room, please do. I haven’t entered it since The characters may have what they need to track
I realized she was gone.” Those who search the room down the girl – or – they may want to explore the
must make a Tough (3) Perception + Intuition check. situation a bit more before moving forward. Sever-
If successful, they will realize two things. First, they al angles exist that they may want to check into, but
check the girl’s bedroll to see a layer of dust at least none of them are mandatory to continuing with the
2 weeks old over it. She hasn’t been sleeping here, adventure. On the other hand, it may shed light on
that’s for sure. They also uncover a slate in the floor the current situation and events that have occurred,
underneath a vanity’s leg that can be removed. In the as well as provide more flavor to the city of Heigen-
hole is a leather bag that seems to have numerous chou. Three different leads can be explored in any
pieces of jewelry inside. A quick Simple (1) Crafts +
order or not at all.
Knowledge check, to apprise the items, makes it
clear these didn’t belong to Maya. Not only are they
in varying sizes and style, but also a few noble family
crests can be found among different pieces.
Thief Angle utes with refused audiences – the Sousou family
If they want to investigate the possibility refused outright while the Rakusa family letter re-
of Maya being a thief a bit more, one place marked that they were out of town at the moment.
they can go is to ask the local guard. Your lowly guard The Irei, on the other hand, even after hours of wait-
isn’t likely to know everything, though, so they’ll ing (which is very unusual for a family with as many
point the characters to the public office and give the servants as the Irei possess) give back no word.
name Captain Kimura as a contact. The characters The characters can leave the situation alone or at-
must wait a few hours to speak to him, and then he is tempt to investigate the Irei estate. Initially, the Irei
not a very pleasant man to be around. estate appears to be much larger than the Neitaki es-
tate, probably because the family head, Irei Daichi, has
“What do you have to waste my time with recently gained the Emperor’s favor. However, there
now?” is how the characters are greeted (no mat- are no torches lit on the property and no candles visi-
ter their social station or demeanor), which should ble from the inside. Picking the lock can be done with
give a sign as to his disposition. If asked about any a Moderate (2) Crafts + Speed check, to let them in
thefts in the city, he’ll remark, “Yes. If you want to quickly. A successful Moderate (2) Perception + Intu-
make a report of missing items, that’s not me. Go ition check reveals no audible sounds (if any charac-
talk to Kai.” When the characters no doubt ques- ter rolls a Tough (3), they can hear muffled sound). To
tion further, he’ll respond with, “Here to collect search the estate requires a Perception + Knowledge
a reward, eh? There’s a burglar out there, sure. check from all the characters with a +2 bonus to their
He even stole my son’s prized dagger. We have no check if they heard the earlier sounds coming from a
leads at the moment, but there is a reward if you floorboard that leads to a secret basement.
bring the bastard to justice. Double if you can get Lifting the wedged opening up, it reveals all of the
me my dagger.” family servants and the members of the Irei family ly-
ing unconscious on the ground. A Simple (1) Holistics
He’ll also reveal that the Ire noble family has x2 check reveals that, even though their breathing
claimed half of the reported thefts themselves. Note: is shallow, they are still alive. A successful Moderate
Characters like Kumori Kunio, Sakamoto Tadao and (2) Intuition + Perception check means the character
Hebi Ine would jump at the chance to collect the re- caught a glimpse of the Irei family portrait as they
ward, which could come into play later on in the ad- entered… and their son isn’t in the basement. None of
venture. the people in the basement remember what exactly
happened to them, but it’s pretty obvious they were
Political Enemies Angle either drugged or there was jutsu at work here, be-
Some characters may suspect that Maya’s disap- cause they have been down there for two days (the
pearance could be yet another attack on Sai’s fami- length of time Maya has been missing). As happy as
ly for political reasons. Characters with noble roots, he is to see the characters and be to set free, Irei Dai-
like Ishikawa Ryota, may immediately begin running chi demands an explanation as to what the charac-
down the list of noble families in Heigenchou: Neit- ters were doing on his property (especially if they are
aki, Irei, Sousou and Rakusa. While Ryota can invite low-class). A good excuse and a successful Moderate
himself into any of their homes, anyone else must be (2) Persuasion + Intuition (to convince him that they
invited to even get through the gates. The characters were just curious and they apologize) or Deception +
can visit the local letter station and find the delivery Intuition (to outright lie) can get them out of trouble
hawk belonging to each noble family. After writing and even gain the nobleman’s favor in the future. A
a letter to request an audience, they attach it to a failed check and Daichi demands that the characters
hawk’s leg and it immediately flies toward that fam- leave. If they refuse, he’ll turn the crank of a siren to
ily’s estate. Since they aren’t residents to the town, alert guards to the area, which could turn into a bat-
they can only wait for a response (instead of tle the characters may not actually want.
leaving an alert notice near their own hawk).
Two of the birds are returned within 20 min-
School Angle days, but he was famous for skipping school, so few
Some players may wish to ask other kids around have truly pressed the issue.
Maya’s age if they’ve seen her. Most say they have not
had personal interaction with her, so far removed she
is as a noble, but that Neitaki Maya was spotted at the Scene 5:
local school several times over the last few weeks. The
Heigenchou secondary schools are split into male and
Finding the Path
female sectors, making it easier to keep hormones in There are many ways for the characters to find
check. In this type of environment, with so few nobles their way on the next leg of this adventure. These
who reside within the city itself, personal tutors are choices can range based on which characters are in
often used. There isn’t a reason for her to attend the play and the creativity of the players.
school, since all of her educational needs are taken ªª Wildflowers: If the characters asked Neitaki Sai about
care of in the home. This may raise questions. the wildflower portrait, they would have picked up a
vital clue in finding the girl. The wildflower field on
The characters can speak with the school head-
the east side of town can lead them to the wall.
master, groundskeepers and even Mayas teachers if
they investigate during the day. All of them tell the ªª Tsuki Kurayami: Ninja from the Pack of the Black
same story freely: either they haven’t seen her in Moon are wondrous tracker and Kurayami has spe-
school for days – or – she briefly showed up, only to cific jutsu that can allow them to find an exact path
become belligerent to her teachers and end up leav- of where the girl has gone by following her scent
ing school early. With a successful Persuasion + Em- (requires an article of her clothing, which can be
pathy (to convince them that the they are trying to obtained from the Neitaki estate).
find her for her safety) or Intimidation + Persuasion ªª Ask the guards: Something Sai hasn’t tried is go-
(to browbeat more information), the teacher will re- ing to each guard individually and asking
veal she has often been seen with a student by the if they’ve seen Maya. This may take a few
name of Ganjou Isi. He hasn’t been to class for two hours, but will prove fruitful for the char-
acters to learn that she has been seen a few times in the city is just as difficult as it was the get in, but the
the wildflower field on the east side of town. ninja can crawl through the same hole to leave as
ªª Just happening upon the wall: Simply walking well if they don’t mind getting mud on their clothes.
around town, they may by chance find themselves Ishikawa Ryota and Arai Kaede both wear fine silks,
on the east side of town and discover the wall so they may be averse to crawling on their stomachs.
(should require a Tough (3) Perception + Intuition
check) without specific knowledge of what they are
looking for. Enough wandering around town and Scene 6:
causing random mischief should lead them here. The Thieves’ Camp
After another Moderate (2) Survival + Perception
Finding their way to the east side of town, they check to find the trail on the different terrain of the
can find several sets of tracks. With a Moderate (2) forest, the ninja are on their way. Thirty minutes of
Survival + Perception check, however, they can tell tracking goes by without word of catching up, until
one of the sets belongs to a female around the size they overhear a slight sound. The characters can make
and weight that Neitaki Maya is supposed to be. If a Moderate (2) Perception x2 check to listen closer,
they roll a Tough (3) check, they can tell there are hearing the sounds of a crying boy if successful.
two other sets traveling with her. The other tracks Creeping closer with a Simple (1) Stealth + Speed,
are spaced out, however, meaning they are not drag- the characters find a small clearing in the forest with
ging or forcing her with them. two tents and a campfire in the center. At the fire is a
The tracks all lead to the eastern wall, where boy (Ganjou Isi), no older than 16 years old, drinking
there is a small hole at the base of the wall. Appar- from a large gourd of sake and weeping in his sor-
ently, the group snuck out of the town through this rows – saying things in the vein of “we deserve to
hole, escaping to the forest that is to the east die” and “we shouldn’t have done it” over and over.
of the city. Getting over the tall wall to leave Continued rustling and the jingle of jewelry is coming
from the two tents, as another boy (Irei Goro) is going “The man in charge of the caravan has
back and forth, emptying out one of the tents into a scars all over his face. We were so scared. Then,
large chest. His words are quite different. “Get the he gave us a choice. Two of us could go free if
hell up and help me! We need to get out of here!” and one stayed behind — a sick game he was playing to
“We can beat ourselves up later.” A successful Simple see who’d turn on who. In the end, we traded Ma-
(1) Holistics + Perception check reveals that the boys ya’s life for our own. She’s still there now, probably
have cuts and bruises like they have been fighting. going through unspeakable tortures.”
The characters can then decide how to approach
the situation. They could just walk into the camp area If the tents are checked with a Moderate (2) Per-
and attempt to talk to the boys. In this scenario, the ception + Survival check, the characters can tell that
drunken boy continues to lie sobbing, while the oth- one tent is being inhabited by a male noble, most like-
er tries to make a break for it. Unless the characters ly Goro. The other appears to have been shared with
surrounded the camp to stop him from escaping, the a male and a noble female, suggesting that Maya and
boy makes a break for it and the chaser must make an Isi slept there together. Only if asked would Isi reveal
Extended Movement check requiring four successes. that Maya was the love of his life. If the characters
If the boy isn’t caught after three checks, he success- chastise the boys at all over their choice, having to
fully avoids capture. Ichatsuko No Kino is good for face the reality of their decisions makes Isi take out
this, possessing the Tree Hopping jutsu and being in a knife and stab his gut. This could take the adven-
the middle of a forest. ture in a whole other direction, as the ninja either
The boys are no match for ninja and should be attempt to save the boy’s life with jutsu or Holistics
treated as Average Citizens if the characters decide checks or they give the boy respect for taking the
to waltz into the camp and battle the boys. Isi is ob- honorable way out.
viously useless in a fight, being a slobbering drunk. Some ninja may then want to dispatch with the
Goro knows a single jutsu learned from his nanny boys to cover their tracks. Some may want to leave
who was a Ronin, Flame Arrow (NC2E, pg. 106), but them alone and hope they change their ways. The
he can only use it once before he’s out of ki. more political characters may want to return them
With the boys subdued, the ninja can then begin (especially Irei Goro) to their parents in hopes of re-
their interrogation. Isi is worth little more than sobbing ceiving a favor to be used at a later date. Returning
uncontrollably at the mention of the name Maya. A suc- them to the captain of the guard for their crimes is
cessful Moderate (2) Persuasion + Intimidation check, also an option. Others may simply leave the boys at
however, browbeats Goro into spilling the truth. He ad- the camp, not worth the trouble for a powerful ninja
mits they had been stealing from the townspeople, but to bother with them.
never expected them to call ninja over a few pieces of
jewelry. If he’s asked about Maya though, Goro’s face
grows dour and he becomes very serious. Scene 7:
“Maya? She’s gone. We were traveling south,
The Iron Caravan
just taking a walk, when we found an iron cara- Irei Goro gives the characters information on where
van. It looked like there were some things we could the caravan is currently stopped. There’s no way they
steal from the Imperial caravan while the soldiers could forget where they left Maya. Goro pulls out a
were out doing exercises. They caught us though scroll and writes directions to where the caravan has
and held the three of us for days… we were only let made camp. Following the map requires only a Simple
go a few hours ago.” (1) Survival + Travel check. This brings the characters to
a road that leads them to the caravan clearing.
Isi continues to cry, “We shouldn’t have done it.” Four iron caravan carts encircle the clearing with
If pressed as to where Maya is, he replies with: a large bonfire in the center. The road has two sol-
diers on either side and, with a Moderate (2)
Perception + Knowledge check, the ninja can
guess that there are likely another five soldiers in the Some characters are much better at a stealthy attack,
forests on guard. Each of the caravan wagons also has while others specialize in frontal assaults.
two soldiers on guard and there are lights on inside ªª Kumori Kunio: Kunio has the tools to move around
each of them, revealing movement. the camps unnoticed for the most part, making him
There are a lot of soldiers to deal with, and even valuable if the group wants to launch a surprise attack.
the most powerful group of ninja needs to know ªª Sumi Rika: She has the power to explode with
where to direct their resources. Many of the char- shuriken and hit everything within the camp. She
acters have options for finding out where the girl is can be key to winning a frontal assault.
within the camp.
ªª Odoriko Minori: Great at ranged attacks, he makes
ªª Tsuki Kurayami: Again, the ninja from the Pack of
for great support in either a stealthy or frontal at-
the Black Moon can use his jutsu to smell where the
tack. If he saves the girl, he can also Tiger’s Leap her
girl is being kept.
to safety.
ªª Ishikawa Ryota: Using the Skilled Strings and Spi-
ªª Chuushin Naomi: The Will of Iron love to test their
der’s Scry jutsu together, means Ryota can send his
blades against an enemy, and she’d be behind a
imbued strings into each wagon to listen to what is
frontal attack as a distraction for others to sneak
going on inside of each.
the girl out.
ªª Hebi Ine: With the use of Danger Sense, Ine can tell
where the next moment of action is likely to occur.
Unfortunately for the ninja, this is not just a sim-
ªª Sakamoto Tadao: As a member of the Wardens of ple caravan. The leader of this band of soldiers is
Equilibrium, he knows how to enhance his vision to none other than, Bugu Keikan the Executioner. This
see through walls with his Penetrating Senses jutsu. powerful warrior leaves the trailer in a hurry, his
sinister smile making it clear that he is quite insane
Once the characters know the girl’s lo- and enjoys pain and battle. Looking inside the trailer
cation, they can devise a plan to rescue her. through the door, the characters will see Maya lying
on the ground tied up with torn clothes and
scars on any of her exposed skin.
The Executioner grabs a sword from a
Executioner Stats nearby soldier and leaps into battle with the ninja.
The Izou Army has long known the dangers If he starts to lose the battle, Keikan is quick to make
of the ninja’s jutsu, and has trained warriors es- his way to the trailer to kill Maya. The characters
pecially for fighting against them. Executioners should, obviously, try not to allow this to happen.
are soldiers trained over years to resist jutsu. This The characters can attempt to tear down the en-
training is not easy, and often breaks the mind of tire camp and take out every soldier – or – they could
those who undergo it, instilling a killer instinct. just as easily grab the girl and run. Keikan kept the
Executioners take a sick joy in killing even when girl out of boredom and just like the cat who loses a
not at war. They kill for sport, competing against toy, he’ll move on to his next plaything when she’s
each other to kill the most dangerous opponent. gone. He bored of Isi and Goro quickly enough after
These soldiers are used for assassination assign- all. No, Keikan will simply watch as the ninja retreat
ments, leading small squads in espionage or acting and laugh, knowing he’ll likely cross paths with them
as generals in the Ninja Crusade. They are nearly
completely insane and often commit heinous acts
in the name of finding ninja.
Scaling the Final Battle
Health: 10 Psyche: 5 The GM should balance the final battle to best fit
Attack: 8 Actions: 2 the group of players. Soldiers in the first wave of the
Defense: 7 Armor: 2 assault can be treated as weaker enemies, going down
Initiative: 9 Damage: +2 after any successful attack. A second wave, however,
Yin: 3 Yang: 3 should use stronger foes. A single Executioner and a
Dynamic Actions: 4 few foot soldiers should be more than enough to keep
Suggested Skills (4 dice): Athletics, Decep- a group of 2 to 3 ninja occupied. If the group is com-
tion, Fighting, Fortitude, Intimidation, Percep- posed of 4 or 5 ninja instead, however, there should
tion, Performance, Stealth, Survival be two Executioners and possibly more guard squads.
Scene 8: Conclusion trolled by her overbearing father from now on.
ªª Irei Goro: Unless the boy was held against his will
Now that Maya is safe and sound, the re-
or forced to go to the caravan with the ninja, he is
percussions of these events can be far-reaching.
nowhere to be found when the ninja return. It turns
The ninja are given their payment for the Lotus Coalition
out that locking your family in the basement and
from the nobleman and they are free to go, but the fol-
stealing all of their treasures to barter away, dis-
lowing are some of the ramifications of this adventure.
graces one in the eyes of society. The Irei family
ªª Neitaki Maya: The girl is weak and timid now, un-
may one day contact the characters to find him…
like her previous brash attitude. She begs the char-
but that’s a story for another day.
acters not to tell her father of her disgrace at the
hands of the Executioner, her kidnapping or that ªª Ganjou Isi: The boy is left in the forest by his friend,
she was a thief. Keeping this information a secret Goro, and he passes out. If no one goes back to
may help the girl, but may also leave the nobleman find him or take him to a safe place, he is eaten by
without vital data to protect himself from court- wolves… too drunk to fight back. If he is saved, he
ly accusations or to possibly launch a campaign never speaks to Maya again, never able to forgive
against soldiers working outside the law. She also himself for his choice to leave her behind.
asks the characters not to tell her father of her af-
fair with Ganjou Isi, who is a simple commoner.
ªª Neitaki Sai: The nobleman is extremely happy when
+1 Get into town without a fight.
his daughter is returned. If told of any of her thiev-
ery or her kidnapping, she is likely to be sent to a +1 Console a distraught father.
monastery. He is aggressive in the courts and can use +1 Follow any one of the side leads
this information against the Izou army to further the
anti-Crusade cause, but it will mean Maya’s life will +1 Isi and Goro aren’t killed
essentially be ruined, every moment completely con- +1 Save Maya
Arai Kaede
Element: Water, Temperament: Calm Kaede is relatively new to the Izou Empire, but her
èè Gift: Has a calming spirit. +1 Discipline to stay calm and ignore clan has sent her to aid the Lotus Coalition and record
distractions. their advances since the Year of Floods. Her heart also
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if/when her calm demeanor comes off goes out to the Izou people, as she too has lost her vil-
as cold. lage to such ravages. She earned this task by serving
Profession: Scholar, Focus: Sage beside several corrupt nobles or advisors within the
èè Gift: She is often hired as an expert. +1 Knowledge to analyze Land of Crashing Waves and exposing them. Arriving in
evidence. Danketsu, Kaede’s goal is to uncover any possible moles
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when a client’s needs come before the within the ninja fighting forces and acquire knowledge
to use against the Empire.
Tragedy: Victim of Circumstance, Her Living Chronicle training has left her with a
Affliction: Displaced calm and quiet demeanor, only usually speaking when
èè Gift: Having lost her home, she knows how to make something spoken to and showing little concern in times of emer-
from nothing. +1 Crafts to make items on the fly. gencies. Those close to Kaede know she can open up
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when her independent nature causes in the weirdest ways, as she is a fan of goofy faces and
her to ignore important assistance. stumping others with random trivia about the latest ro-
Wartime Role: Pacifist, Title: Refugee mance novels.
èè Gift: She has moved all around the world. +1 Travel to journey
through other lands.
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when they get lost in the memories of
all they’ve lost.
Clan: Living Chronicle
èè Clan Gift - Knowledge of the Ages: Knowledge is power. Gains
Knowledge as successes against fear or to remain calm.
èè Clan Trigger - Respect the Word: Gain 1 Karma when put in
danger to save historical knowledge or a relic.
èè Ally: Aoki Hyobe (Perception): A top advisor to a young
Daimyo, though he has a loose tongue when he drinks too much
(which is often).
èè Rival: Kurokawa Iwa (Marksman): A hunter who grew up in
the same village as the ninja, and sometimes resents their gifts.
Martial Training
èè Pushing on Crane’s Wings 1 (Crane Style): -1 penalty to
Block, but a success throws attacker 10ft.
èè Portents 1: Sense Ki and Divination. (Immune to ambush, and +1
to find/avoid traps. May interpret dreams, and significance of it)
Way of Kept Lore
Training: Enriches their minds. +1 auto-success to Knowledge for
next check.
Backfire: -1 cumulative penalty to Intuition
èè Perceive the Words (Basic, Yin + Knowledge): Transfer info
from book to tattoos. +3 Knowledge for subject.
èè Setting the Words Loose (Basic, Yang + Crafts): Transfer info
from tattoos to books. Lower Confused or Dazed Condition by 1.
èè Rewriting History (Med, Yin + Intuition): Roll non-successful
dice on a roll. Spend 1 Yin to use reflexively.
Way of the Water
Training: +2 bonus to next Defense.
Backfire: -1 penalty to Movement and Defense.
èè Like Water (Med, Yin + Intuition): Moves become more fluid.
+2 bonus to Block, Dodge, Brace or Find Cover, for the Battle. Skills
Athletics 0, Crafts 2, Deception 0, Discipline 1 (vs. Fear), Empa-
Stats of Note thy 2, Fighting 3, Fortitude 0, Holistics 2, Intimidation 0, Intuition 3,
Health: 5, Psyche: 6, Yang: 0, Yin: 3, Rank: 1, Initiative: 8, Dy- Knowledge 4 (Five Kingdoms), Marksman 1, Might 0, Perception 3,
namic Actions: 1, Dynamic Dice: 3, Strength: 0, Movement: 7, Perform 0, Persuade 2, Speed 2 (Quick Thinking), Stealth 2, Survival
Weapon: Bo (Reach, Blunt) 1, Travel 2
Chuushin Naomi
Element: Metal, Temperament: Honorable Naomi has just recently become a full member of her
èè Gift: Lives by a code. +1 Fortitude to stave off deprivation for clan and is already quite revered. Born to the Chuushin
her honor. family, those who founded the Wardens of Equilibrium,
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if her honor gets in her own way. she grew up in a world of corruption and disgrace. As
Profession: Warrior, Focus: Soldier a young girl, she even served in one of the clan’s many
èè Gift: She served in a militia turned bandit force. +1 Discipline bandit formations. Once she was of age, she cast aside
vs. Pain. her birth family and reached out to the Will of Iron to
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when her loyalty to the group and to her take her in, so she could uphold the law. Naomi con-
old army conflict. stantly seeks the approval of her new clan, hoping her
Tragedy: Unending Stigma, criminal past doesn’t haunt her forever.
Affliction: Former Bandit To prove her worth, she serves the Lotus Coalition
èè Gift: Was once a criminal. +1 Marksman during an ambush. and dispenses justice on their battlefield. She doesn’t
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when her past comes back to haunt her. hesitate to strike down an enemy, often serving in duels
Wartime Role: Striker, Title: Gladiator for her clan, and loves to investigate crimes against the
èè Gift: She is an expert duelist. +1 Fighting in a one-on-one battle. innocent. Naomi has even turned her old bandit gang to
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when she underestimates her enemy the law, through her contact Koga Harue, proving that
and they gain the edge. justice can spread with enough effort.
Clan: Will of Iron
èè Clan Gift - Steel Never Lies: +1 bonus when using metal tools/
weapons. +2 if they made it themselves.
èè Clan Trigger - Black and White: Gain 1 Karma when she
stands firm on preserving the law to their detriment.
èè Ally: Koga Harue (Fighting): A warrior who operates his own
mercenary company that offers protection to villages and
towns, Harue’s strict enforcement of the law makes him a use-
ful ally or a sympathetic foe.
èè Rival: Imoto Samuru (Stealth): A trainer of pigeons and ro-
dents for use as messengers, he lost his brother to a violent
criminal and does his best to help justice.
Martial Training
èè Shatter Weapons 2 (Blunt Style): Shatter any weapon (wood-
en or metal) used to defend against her with a Boost.
Way of Heaven’s Judgement
Training: On a Boost, they gain a +1 bonus against an active criminal.
Backfire: Suffers a Confused 1 Condition.
èè Sense the Guilty (Basic, yin + Empathy): Senses if target is
guilty. Boost = gets visions of their crime.
èè Blind Justice (Med, Yang + Intuition): Ignores any sight pen-
alties. +1 Perception for all other senses.
èè Eye for an Eye (Med, Yang + Empathy): Any physical damage
or conditions she takes is dealt to the attacker as well. Lasts
the Battle.
Way of Metal
Training: +1 bonus with Metal tools/weapons.
Backfire: -1 penalty to use metal tools/weapons, and -1 to Block or
Brace against them.
èè Sharper Blade (Basic, Yang + Fighting): +1 Fighting and +1
damage for (Successes) attacks.
Stats of Note
Health: 6, Psyche: 6, Yang: 1, Yin: 2, Rank: 1, Initiative: 7, Dy- Skills
namic Actions: 1, Dynamic Dice: 3, Strength: 3, Movement: 6, Athletics 0, Crafts 1, Deception 2, Discipline 1, Empathy 3 (Spot-
Weapon: Tetsubo (Heavy, Crushing, Brutal, Unwieldy) ting Lies), Fighting 4, Fortitude 1, Holistics 1, Intimidation 3, Intu-
ition 3, Knowledge 0, Marksman 2, Might 3, Perception 2 (Search-
ing), Perform 0, Persuade 1, Speed 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1, Travel 0
Hebi Ine
Element: Wood, Temperament: Perfectionist Ine is the descendent of one of the Recoiling Ser-
èè Gift: Loves to do things perfectly. +1 Speed to repeat a success- pents’ legendary warriors, a general who led the War
ful combo (non-cumulative). of Withered Fangs. Always in search of a way to perfect
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if she becomes fixated and won’t stop herself and live up to her status, she single-handedly
until it’s perfect.
took on a Celestial Bear by the name of Tetsuo. She sur-
Profession: Outsider, Focus: Drifter vived the bloody battle, but lost her eye in the process;
èè Gift: Has traveled the lands extensively. +1 Fortitude against though she took the bear’s eye as recompense as well.
environmental effects. Ine hopes to continue training and eventually meet Tet-
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when she lacks resources when needed. suo again to finish the fight.
Tragedy: Ravaged Body, She is spiteful, cold and completely out for revenge
Affliction: Impaired Sense most of the time. Ine is incredibly easy to anger, and
èè Gift: Lost her left eye. -1 Perception (Sight), +1 for all other senses. some say they hear a snake’s rattle when she approach-
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when her lack of sight causes trouble. es. This made her perfect to become an Enforcer for the
Wartime Role: Foot Soldier, Title: Enforcer Lotus Coalition, getting information out of Izou soldiers
èè Gift: She knows how to get what she wants. +1 Intimidation for in the most despicable ways possible. Ine doesn’t take
interrogation. orders well and is likely to do the opposite of what she’s
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when disobeying an order (as she is told for the hell of it, unless it suits her purposes.
prone to do) causes issues.
Clan: Recoiling Serpents
èè Clan Gift - Serpent’s Body: Her body is sleek and bendable. +2
Athletics for flexibility or escaping confinement.
èè Clan Trigger - Rattle Then the Bite: Gain 1 Karma when she
can’t help but take revenge in the heat of the moment.
èè Ally: Akiko (Holistics): An enigma known for their skill at cre-
ating poisons, she accepts payment only in trinkets of personal
value to the ninja.
èè Rival: Hebi Misaki (Fortitude): A restaurant owner with a
flair for cooking, she knows the best ways to kill a man without
being detected.
Martial Training
èè Poison Striking 1 (Snake Style): Poison coats all of her at-
tacks. Can apply a Poison 1 Condition with a Boost.
èè Alchemy 1 - Area of Study: Mind. Can create the following
potions: Forgetfulness.
Way of Great Serpents
Training: On a Boost, they may raise or reduce a Poison Condition
with Near Range by 1
Backfire: Suffers a Slowed 1 Condition.
èè Long Tongue (Basic, Yang + Fortitude): Tongue extends
(Yang x3ft) long, but acts just like any limb.
èè Swallow (Basic, Yin + Fortitude): Swallow something up to
half their size. Boost = same size.
èè Shed Skin (Med, Yang + Fortitude): Refreshes them, healing 3
Health. Boost = heal 2 Psyche too.
Way of Survival
Training: Heal 1 Psyche. If done 3 times in same Scene, they may
reduce a Condition by 1.
Backfire: -2 penalty to next Resistance or Defense check.
èè Escape Technique (Basic, Yang + Speed): Free themselves
from being confined or captured.
èè Danger Sense (Basic, Yang + Intuition): Make them immune
Athletics 3 (Climbing), Crafts 3, Deception 1, Discipline 1, Empa-
to ambushes, and gains +2 Initiative for Round 1 of any combat.
thy 0, Fighting 3, Fortitude 2, Holistics 3, Intimidation 1, Intuition
Stats of Note 0, Knowledge 1, Marksman 1, Might 2, Perception 1, Perform 0, Per-
Health: 8, Psyche: 6, Yang: 2, Yin: 1, Rank: 1, Initiative: 5, Dy- suade 1, Speed 2, Stealth 3, Survival 2 (Swamps), Travel 0
namic Actions: 1, Dynamic Dice: 3, Strength: 5, Movement: 10,
Weapon: Katana (Sharp, Quick)
Ichatsuko No Kino
Element: Wood, Temperament: Loquacious Kino is an old ninja in a young ninja’s body, but still has
èè Gift: Likes to draw a crowd. +1 Perform to draw others to her. the youthful outlook on life. She studied under the famed
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if they let a secret or important info slip herbalist Utah Hikaru, learning how to fight and heal with
at the wrong time. the best of them. She became so well-versed in navigat-
Profession: Healer, Focus: Herbalist ing forests, she took on the name Ichatsuko No Kino, or
èè Gift: She knows her herb and ingredients. +1 Holistics when Kino of the Forest. She was more than happy to simply be
creating potions. a local healer, but the Bamboo Herbalists couldn’t let her
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when she’s forced to do something she talents go to waste. Her training was long and laborious,
doesn’t want to to get a rare ingredient. but she achieved her ninja status through hard work and
Tragedy: Victim of Circumstance, determination.
Affliction: Plague Survivor She is known for talking a lot, taking on any dare and
èè Gift: Seeing many die before her, she gains +1 Holistics to heal going farther than any other explorer of her generation.
the sick and downtrodden. Plagues hit her village and she lost so many people, Kino
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if she lets her urge to heal put her in danger. now rarely thinks about the danger involved if there are
Wartime Role: Medic, Title: Kusuriya rare herbs to be found or people to save. Her ability to act
èè Gift: The war brings new injuries and sickness all the time. +1 under pressure and her cheery smile, make her the favor-
Holistics to treat something she’s never seen before. ite medic to attend to the front lines, and her expertise in
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if a procedure fails and it’s all her fault. alchemy helps her be as efficient as possible.
Clan: Bamboo Herbalists
èè Clan Gift - Long-Lived: They take potions to enhance their bod-
ies. +2 Fortitude vs. poisons or sickness. Can go (Fortitude) days
without food, water or sleep and ages 1 year for every 2 that pass.
èè Clan Trigger - Dare Accepted: Gain 1 Karma when their thrill
seeking ways get the better of them, much to the detriment to
themselves or their group.
èè Ally: Nomura Jotaro (Empathy): An expert counselor, able to
help people fix a wrecked life or accomplish just the opposite.
èè Rival: Ibuka Sakura (Fighting): A drinker and a brawler, she is
never one to turn down a good fight.
Martial Training
èè Flailing Body 1 (Dragon Style): Opponents suffer a -1 penalty
to grab or hold her. She also receives a +1 bonus to escape bind-
ing if she does get caught.
èè Alchemy 1 - Area of Study: Alertness: Can create the follow-
ing potions: Awake, Sloth and Special Wine.
Way of Caring Hands
Training: Lower any Condition within Near Range with a Boost.
Backfire: Raise any Condition within Near Range with a Boost.
èè Quick Needle Technique (Basic, Yang + Fortitude): Creates
(Successes) needles that are Quick and Sharp. If used for acu-
puncture, gain +1 Holistics.
èè Paralysis Needles (Med, Yin + Marksman): Target cannot
move for (Successes) Rounds. On a Boost, this becomes the Bat-
tle or Scene.
Way of Wood
Training: A Boost gives a +2 bonus to using wooden tools or weapons.
Backfire: Cumulative -1 penalty to Might and Athletics checks.
èè Tree Hopping (Basic, Yang + Athletics): 3x Movements in for-
ests and jungles.
èè Hiding Place (Med, Yang + Holistics): Meld into a tree to be-
come undetectable. Heal 1 physical and 1 mental damage every
10 minutes.
Stats of Note Athletics 2 (Jumping), Crafts 2, Deception 0, Discipline 0, Empa-
Health: 7, Psyche: 5, Yang: 3, Yin: 0, Rank: 1, Initiative: 7, thy 2, Fighting 2, Fortitude 2, Holistics 4, Intimidation 0, Intuition
Dynamic Actions: 1, Dynamic Dice: 3, Strength: 3, Movement: 9. 2, Knowledge 2, Marksman 2, Might 1, Perception 1, Perform 1, Per-
Weapon: Katana (Sharp, Quick) suade 1, Speed 2, Stealth 0, Survival 3 (Tracking), Travel 1
Ishikawa Ryota
Element: Metal, Temperament: Authoritative Ryota was born to the distinguished Ishikawa family,
èè Gift: Is striking and controlling. +1 Intimidation to issue com- which has served in the Imperial Courts for centuries.
mands He stands strong and authoritative, constantly fighting
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if/when he makes a wrong call. off political attacks and debating the important issues
Profession: Noble, Focus: Kuge that keep the Izou people from advancing. His fami-
èè Gift: A truly skilled aristocrat. +1 Discipline during tough con- ly has had connections to the world of ninja since his
versations. great, great grandfather stalked the night. The constant
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if political skeletons rear their heads. threat of ninja or other huge attacks has led to some
Tragedy: Tormented Mind, Affliction: Paranoid issues with paranoia.
èè Gift: Everyone is truly out to get him. +2 Intuition to detect an He serves the Lotus Coalition directly by continu-
ambush. ing his life as a Kuge, fighting the Ninja Crusade from
èè Trigger: Gain 2 Karma if his paranoia leads the group into danger. the inside. His meetings with other ninja are usually in
secret, but his influence can get his allies into places
Wartime Role: Villager, Title: Shepard they’d never think possible. His status within the Hid-
èè Gift: Helps get people out of dangers situations. +1 Perception
den Strands has earned his master’s attention, and Ryo-
to spot hidden items or the enemy.
ta is being asked to do more and more, putting his cover
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if he ever forgets an important name
or face.
in jeopardy. He is not a young man, but is quite patient…
always waiting for the right time to strike.
Clan: Hidden Strands of Fate
èè Clan Gift - Orchestrated Life: They understand their tribula-
tions. Tragedy Gift and Trigger doubled.
èè Clan Trigger - Giving More to the Clan: Gain 1 Karma if fol-
lowing a secret, secondary objective causes problems.
èè Ally: Asaito Yukio (Travel): A talented wagoner, she is able to
get clients any number of places or make it harder to get from
one city to the next.
èè Ally: Network of Spies (Gatherers)
èè Rival: Kakuta Soseki (Fighting): A mercenary for hire, he is a
coin away from being at someone’s throat.
Martial Training
èè Master of Spies 1 (Gatherers): Gains information Gatherers
as an Ally.
èè Patience As Reward 1 (Crane Style): With no attacking, gains
+1 to all Defense checks for the Round.
Way of Spun Threads
Training: Automatic use of Attached jutsu on a Boost.
Backfire: -1 penalty to Spun Threads activations from being tan-
èè Invisible Threads (Basic, Yin + Stealth): Their threads are in-
visible. Targets suffer -1 Defense.
èè Spider’s Scry (Basic, Yin + Perception): Listen in on conver-
sations around strings.
èè Thread Web (Basic, Yang + Crafts): Creates web to stop fall or
seal opening. Health = Successes.
èè Skilled Strands (Basic, Yang + Intuition): Use skills at a Near
Range (no modifier) or Far Range (-2 penalty). Boost = -1 pen-
alty instead.
Way of the Metal
Training: +1 bonus with Metal tools/weapons.
Backfire: -1 penalty to use metal tools/weapons, and -1 to Block or
Brace against them.
èè Iron Mind (Med, Yin + Discipline): Steels the mind. +2 bonus
against mental attacks. Skills
Stats of Note Athletics 0, Crafts 0, Deception 3 (Misdirection), Discipline 2, Em-
Health: 6, Psyche: 7, Yang: 0, Yin: 3, Rank: 1, Initiative: 9, Dy- pathy 2, Fighting 2, Fortitude 1, Holistics 0, Intimidation 3, Intuition
namic Actions: 1, Dynamic Dice: 3, Strength: 1, Movement: 7, 3, Knowledge 2, Marksman 0, Might 1, Perception 2, Perform 1, Per-
Weapon: Nunchaku (Chain, Blunt) suade 3 (Oratory), Speed 2, Stealth 1, Survival 1, Travel 1
Kumori Kunio
Element: Water, Temperament: Devious Kunio survived the difficult training the Shadows pro-
èè Gift: He has an underhanded streak. +1 Fighting if attacking in vide. He graduated at the top of his class, and his cool
unsportsmanlike ways. demeanor gives him a certain amount of attitude. On his
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when cheating the wrong person comes final exam, he even assassinated a high-profile aristocrat
back to hurt him. surrounded by dozens of Izou soldiers. This has earned
Profession: Artisan, Focus: Smith him respect among his fellow ninja, as well as a warrant
èè Gift: Has expertise in crafting materials, especially arrows. +1 that no bounty hunter could pass up. His stealth and mar-
Marksman to hit small targets. tial arts training has kept him from capture so far.
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when he chooses brute strength and it Kunio is a loner by nature, but he’ll work with oth-
turns out horrible. ers who have proven themselves and accept him to lead
Tragedy: Civil Discord, Affliction: Wanted any missions against the Izou Army. He has even taken to
èè Gift: The empire has his number, so he’s always looking over training other, younger ninja how to operate in rough ter-
his shoulder. +1 Athletics to evade the law. rain. The Lotus Coalition gives him missions, but he is a bit
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if he gets recognized and things go badly. of a rebel and handles them “his” way. The job gets done,
Wartime Role: Commander, Title: Trainer so the Lotus Coalition shouldn’t complain, right? Ignoring
èè Gift: Trains others in terrain expertise. +1 Athletics in Forests. orders doesn’t win Kunio any friends, but neither does be-
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if the fear of failure gets the better of him. ing an elitist.
Clan: Grasping Shadows
èè Clan Gift - Darkness Comes to Life: +1 Stealth in Shadows and
Intimidation bonus when hiding = difference in successes.
èè Clan Trigger - Ninja Pride: Gain 1 Karma when his belief that
Shadows are better than other ninja get in the way.
èè Ally: Akiyama Shigematsu (Discipline): This monk has taken a
vow of silence, but is one of the most connected men in the Empire.
èè Rival: Kumori Takashi (Marksman): This thief has been a
thorn in the side of the Izou for years, hiding in one of his many
Martial Training
èè Raptor Needs to Feed 1 (Eagle Style): May spend 2 Dynamic
Actions for Extra damage.
èè Armor of Blades 1 (Sharp Style): Close and Near attackers
suffer -1 penalty to his him from constantly spinning blades.
Defense Boost = +1 Fighting to next attack.
Way of Ebony Clutches
Training: Shadows surround him. +2 Stealth on a Boost
Backfire: -1 cumulative penalty to Stealth.
èè Dark Eyes (Basic, Yin + Perception): See in any darkness.
èè Puppetry (Basic, Yang + Perform): +2 to impress audience or
distract for -1 Initiative.
èè Shadow Tentacles (Med, Yang + Crafts): Creates (Yang) ten-
tacles. Attack with half dice pool and deal 1 damage. Can carry
Way of the Unseen
Training: He becomes less visible. -2 Perception to those trying to
see him.
Backfire: Suffer a -2 Stealth penalty.
èè Unnoticed (Basic, Yin + Stealth): +2 Stealth at slow pace.
Boost = Can move faster.
èè Unheard (Basic, Yin + Stealth): Cancels sound in (Yin x10ft)
radius. Boost = target (Yin) others.
Stats of Note Skills
Athletics 2, Crafts 1, Deception 2, Discipline 4, Empathy 1, Fight-
Health: 5, Psyche: 9, Yang: 0, Yin: 3, Rank: 1, Initiative: 5, Dy-
ing 3, Fortitude 0, Holistics 0, Intimidation 2 (Stare down), Intuition
namic Actions: 1, Dynamic Dice: 3, Strength: 2, Movement: 9,
0, Knowledge 2, Marksman 3, Might 0, Perception 1, Perform 2, Per-
Weapon: Katana (Quick, Sharp)
suade 0, Speed 2, Stealth 3 (Concealment), Survival 0, Travel 2
Odoriko Minori
Element: Fire, Temperament: Expressionist Considered one of the best students of Dancer teach-
èè Gift: Loves to create art. +1 Crafts when doing so. ings and a rising star of the Wu Ji Theater, Minori has
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when he becomes enthralled with art to become a stalwart member of the Lotus Coalition. He
the point of inaction. grew up very poor, so he is incredibly excited about life
Profession: Entertainer, Focus: Tumbler in general, since everything seems to be going his way.
èè Gift: Knows how to flip and tumble around. +1Athletics for such He’s a member of a clan that supports his artistic pur-
things. suits, he travels around the Empire meeting with oth-
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if he fails in front of a crowd, to his em- er diplomats and he puts on the greatest shows of all
barrassment. time, having picked up the skills needed to execute the
Tragedy: Unending Stigma, Destroyer’s Dance quicker than previous students ever
Affliction: Singing for Supper have.
èè Gift: Grew up poor. +1 Perform to beg or ask humbly for things. Minori has earned a small following of fans, and is an
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if he hordes something important away expert warrior in both ranged and close combat. He’s
from the group. also a bit of a womanizer, which can be a blessing and
Wartime Role: Communications, Title: Diplomat curse at times. He’s a great performer, but is somewhat
èè Gift: Often the face of the party. +1 Perception to spot someone closed off behind doors, letting only his closest friends
in a crowd. in to meet the real Minori.
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if their need to be charming hurts the
Clan: Blazing Dancers
èè Clan Gift - Performance Mastery (Tumbling): +1 bonus to any
check that can use their specialty. +2 if used with Perform.
èè Clan Trigger - Disrespected: Gain 1 Karma when the clan’s
bad reputation puts them in a bad situation.
èè Ally: Suzuki Hidetoshi (Intuition): One of the oldest members
of the Odoriko Clan, he is always there to dispense wisdom or
cast doubt.
èè Rival: Masumi Ichiro (Speed): When messages need deliver-
ing, he is the one to call.
Martial Training
èè Blackout the Sun 1 (Ranged Style): After a Boost on a ranged
attack, he may attack again for free.
èè Beating My Wings 1 (Eagle Style): Suffers -2 penalty, but may
throw 2 ranged weapons at once.
Way of the Immaculate Show
Training: Illusions of the story they are trying to tell come to life.
Backfire: -2 Initiative and audience displeasure.
èè Beautiful Dance (Med, Yang + Speed): +1 Dynamic Action per
(Successes) Rounds.
èè Destroyer’s Dance (Adv, Yang + Perform): Swirls fire and in-
creased movement. +2 Armor, +2 damage and +2 to attack and
defense checks. Last (successes) Rounds.
Way of Movement
Training: Enhanced movement. +2 Movement and +1 Initiative.
Backfire: Slowed. -2 Movement and -1 Initiative.
èè Tiger’s Leap (Basic, Yang + Might): Enhanced jump. Multiply
distance by (Yang +1)
Stats of Note
Health: 7, Psyche: 6, Yang: 3, Yin: 0, Rank: 1, Initiative: 8, Dy-
namic Actions: 1, Dynamic Dice: 3, Strength: 3, Movement: 10, Skills
Weapon: Kunai (Range, Sharp) Athletics 2, Crafts 0, Deception 2, Discipline 1, Empathy 1, Fight-
ing 3, Fortitude 2, Holistics 1, Intimidation 1, Intuition 2, Knowledge
1, Marksman 3 (Kunai), Might 1, Perception 1, Perform 2 (Singing),
Persuade 2, Speed 3, Stealth 1, Survival 0, Travel 0
Sakamoto Tadao
Element: Earth, Temperament: Indulgent Tadao is the son of one of the Lotus Coalition’s found-
èè Gift: Loves his drugs. +1 Holistics for potions for his own con- ers, and has had a hand in directing the organization
sumption. since its inception. He was inducted for his knowledge,
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if he takes too much and isn’t any use substantial independent wealth and lust for medical po-
to anyone. tions, which he knows a lot about as he frequents many
Profession: Merchant, Focus: Moneylender an opium den. Tadao’s made a name for himself in the
èè Gift: Has money and loves to make deals. +1 Persuade if bribes sale and trade of medicinal ingredients and services,
are a factor. but has built up a hefty debt of favors along the way.
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if he just can’t resist making a deal, even Since he’s struck it big, people are always looking for
if it’s bad for him.
their cut now.
Tragedy: Civil Discord, Affliction: Favors Owed Even though he’s not the best medic, he knows many
èè Gift: People are always looking to collect. +1 Deception to get of the Empire’s best. Tadao also works with a number
out of uncomfortable situations. of suppliers to ensure the Lotus Coalition gets their fair
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if a debtor catches up and causes trouble. share of elixirs to serve the front line warriors. He is
Wartime Role: Supplier, Title: Hoarder a humble man, and knows how to get what he wants
èè Gift: He has an eye for finding treasure in the trash. +1 Survival without violence, instead preferring to use his words as
to find supplies in an area. weapons.
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if he leaves something important be-
hind for safe hoarding.
Clan: Wardens of Equilibrium
èè Clan Gift - Balancing Act: Ki balance gives different bonus.
More Yang = +1 Health. More Yin = +1 Psyche. Balanced = +1
both and +1 bonus to jutsu activation checks.
èè Clan Trigger - Unpredictable History: Gain 1 Karma when he
needs to break a promise or contract and it causes trouble.
èè Ally: Sawai Yuuki (Persuade): A toymaker and seller of can-
dies, she is an expert at learning rumors through the aid of her
èè Ally: Network of Spies (Thieves).
èè Rival: Chuushin Taro (Crafts): A master counterfeiter, his
ability to reproduce priceless works of art has made him infa-
mous among the art merchants in the region.
Martial Training
èè Thick Skin 1 (Bear Style): Tougher than he looks. +1 physical Armor.
èè Master of Spies 1: Gains Thieves as an Ally.
Way of Balancing Scales
Training: On a Boost, they may convert 1 ki to another type for free.
Backfire: Lose ki until they have equal values. If already equal, take
1 damage.
èè Penetrating Senses (Basic, Yin + Perception): X-ray visions
through (Yin) ft. thickness.
èè See Price (Med, Yin + Intuition): Instantly know what it’ll take
to bribe someone and gaing +2 Persuasion.
Way of Earth
Training: Boost gains +1 Armor vs. either physical or mental damage.
Backfire: -1 cumulative penalty to Defense and Resistance checks.
èè Muddied Steps (Basic, Yang + Deception): Makes a (Yang
x10ft.) area slick. Mod (2) check to keep from falling. If they
fail, they also suffer a Slow 1 Condition.
èè Spitting Earth (Med, Yang + Marksman): Roll with +1 Marks-
man to deal 1 damage. Boost = half damage to up to (Yang) tar- Skills
gets instead. Athletics 0, Crafts 3 (Appraisal), Deception 2, Discipline 3, Empa-
thy 2, Fighting 2, Fortitude 2, Holistics 1, Intimidation 1, Intuition 2,
Stats of Note Knowledge 2 (Economics), Marksman 1, Might 0, Perception 2, Per-
Health: 7, Psyche: 8, Yang: 2, Yin: 1, Rank: 1, Initiative: 6, Dy-
form 2, Persuade 1, Speed 1, Stealth 0, Survival 0, Travel 3
namic Actions: 1, Dynamic Dice: 3, Strength: 0, Movement: 6,
Weapon: Tessen (Sharp, Concealable)
Sumi Rika
Element: Fire, Temperament: Hot Headed Looking for a no-nonsense, take-no prisoners type of
èè Gift: Gets mad easily. +1 Might when she is flying off the handle. gal? Rika is a monster on the battlefield, able to take
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if she just can’t stop herself. out soldier after soldier without hesitation, especially
Profession: Dedicant, Focus: Revolutionary if they’ve done something to make her mad. When the
èè Gift: +1 Fighting when battling for her cause. Inks joined the Lotus Coalition, she jumped aboard and
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when she chooses her cause over the often fights on the front lines even when not asked to,
goals of the group. often taking on five, ten or even twenty soldiers alone.
Tragedy: Ravaged Body, Affliction: Scarred She believes in the fight against the Empire, more so
èè Gift: Ritualistic scarring and tattoos. +1 Fortitude vs. Pain. than she does her safety or even the Lotus Coalition it-
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if she frightens people when she doesn’t self. Bringing them down is often all she cares about.
mean to. Rika does have a tendency to get drunk on occasion,
Wartime Role: Mercenary, Title: Assailant but even that doesn’t make her any less deadly. She has
èè Gift: She’s used to fighting a lot of enemies at once. +1 Fighting the scars to prove her survivability under pressure. Her
if outnumbered. family is long-dead at the hands of the Izou Army, yet
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when she loses something important to another reason for her zealous fight against them. Her
her (as often happens to a warrior) blades have a single focus now.
Clan: Virtuous body Gardeners
èè Clan Gift - Flowing Ink: Expert artists. Gain +2 Crafts to pro-
duce art of tattoos. Pain penalties reduced by 2.
èè Clan Trigger - Prove Yourself: Gain 1 Karma when she feels
forced to act against her better judgement in order to prove
èè Ally: Yasutake Hizuru (Intuition): A matronly midwife who
claims to have helped more babies enter this world than the
lives the Ninja Crusade has taken.
èè Rival: Sumi Chimaki (Speed): A stunning beauty but deadly
with blades, Chimaki is always the center of attention.
Martial Training
èè Never Forget a Taste 1 (Tiger Style): After damaging an en-
emy, gain +1 Survival (Tracking), +1 Initiative and +1 Fighting
against them.
èè Taste Your Own Blood 1 (Tiger Style): On a Boost, she may
reduce a Pain Condition by 1. Once per Battle, she gains +1 Ini-
tiative and +1 Fighting from this act.
Way of the Inked Skin
Training: May use Withdraw Weapon for free (no check) with a Boost.
Backfire: -1 cumulative Speed penalty
èè Artful Defense (Basic, Yin + Speed): Absorbs incoming weap-
on as a tattoo.
èè Tiger Claws (Basic, Yang + Fortitude): Grows claws that deal
+1 damage and Pain 1 for (successes) attacks.
èè Withdraw Weapon (Basic, Yang + Fighting): Draws weapon
from a tattoo.
èè Shuriken Explosion (Med, Yang + Marksman): Sprays a
(Yang x10ft) radius for 2 damage.
Way of the Warrior
Training: Steels their warrior spirit. Dynamic Actions give +2 dam-
age for next attack.
Backfire: Their body breaks, suffering a Broken 1 Condition.
èè Sturdy Fist (Basic, Yang + Fighting): Immediately make an
attack with a +2 Fighting. Skills
Athletics 2, Crafts 2, Deception 0, Discipline 1, Empathy 0, Fight-
Stats of Note ing 4, Fortitude 3 (Drinking), Holistics 0, Intimidation 3, Intuition 2
Health: 8, Psyche: 6, Yang: 2, Yin: 1, Rank: 1, Initiative: 9, Dy- (Gambling), Knowledge 0, Marksman 1, Might 1, Perception 1, Per-
namic Actions: 1, Dynamic Dice: 3, Strength: 3, Movement: 11, form 1, Persuade 2, Speed 4, Stealth 1, Survival 2, Travel 0
Weapon: None.
Tsuki Kurayami
Element: Earth, Temperament: Responsible After the Recoiling Serpents killed his wife and daugh-
èè Gift: He helps others to live a good life. +1 Persuade to get oth- ter and their unsuccessful attempt to kill him as well, Ku-
ers to do the right thing. rayami burned with righteous fury and wished nothing
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if he pays for someone else’s mistake. more than to mete out vengeance on the Serpents. With
Profession: Outsider, Focus: Hermit the ongoing war with the Empire, however, and the need
èè Gift: Knows how to live off the land. +1 Survival to forage/hunt to strengthen and support the Lotus Coalition, the elders
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma when overwhelmed by busy locales. convinced him to set aside his need to spill Serpent blood
Tragedy: Ravaged Body, Affliction: Scarred in favor of peacefully supporting the Pack’s endeavors in
èè Gift: Ritualistic scarring and tattoos. +1 Fortitude vs. Pain. Danketsu. When faced with the feigned atmosphere of co-
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if he frightens people when he doesn’t operation, Kurayami’s vengeance overtook him and he re-
mean to. moved himself completely so as not to act against his clan.
Wartime Role: Scout, Title: Pathfinder He lives now as a hermit in the mountains with his dog
èè Gift: Is sent into the field and is always first on the scene. +1 Keiko, big and grizzled like him. Young pups frequently
Crafts for trap-making. make the pilgrimage to find him, and learn from him as his
èè Trigger: Gain 1 Karma if he mistakes an innocent/friendly as field craft skills are peerless despite the horrible scarring
an enemy. at the hands of the Serpents. Few leave without an intense
Clan: Pack of the Black Moon hatred of Serpents.
èè Clan Gift - Entwined Souls: Their ninja dog helps out. Gain +1
bonus when they do.
èè Clan Trigger - Primal View: Gain 1 Karma when they forgo
etiquette to the group’s detriment.
èè Ally: Tsuki Mei (Survival): Known for being able to tame any
animal, she often takes excursions into lost lands to find any
exotic animal for clients.
èè Rival: Sanada Mako (Deception): A trickster playing upon
folktales and legends to scare Imperial soldiers away from her
forests, she is a skilled illusionist and inventor.
Martial Training
èè Splitting Arrows 1 (Sharp Style): Can Block ranged attacks
normally with no penalty.
èè Trap Master 1: -1 Difficulty for making Attack or Knockdown
Way of Twin Beasts
Training: On a Boost, any jutsu also affects their dog.
Backfire: Wild mind, -1 cumulative penalty Initiative and jutsu ac-
èè The Hunt Begins (Basic, Yang + Perception): Raises their
hunting ability. +3 Survival (Tracking).
èè Canine Form (Med, Yang + Might): Turns into a dog. +2 Ath-
letics in this form.
èè Linked Souls (Med, Yin + Empathy): Can share senses with
their dog up to (Yin) miles.
Way of Wood
Training: A Boost gives a +2 bonus to using wooden tools or weapons.
Backfire: Cumulative -1 penalty to Might and Athletics checks.
èè Tree Hopping (Basic, Yang + Athletics): 3x Movements in for-
ests and jungles.
Stats of Note
Health: 8, Psyche: 5, Yang: 2, Yin: 1, Rank: 1, Initiative: 7, Dy-
namic Actions: 1, Dynamic Dice: 3, Strength: 7, Movement: 11,
Weapon: Ono (Heavy, Sharp, Brutal, Slow)
Athletics 4, Crafts 1, Deception 1, Discipline 0, Empathy 2, Fight-
ing 4, Fortitude 3, Holistics 0, Intimidation 1, Intuition 2, Knowledge
0, Marksman 0, Might 3 (Grappling), Perception 1, Perform 1, Per-
suade 0, Speed 2, Stealth 2, Survival 2, Travel 1
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