Ce 2014
Ce 2014
Ce 2014
CE – 2014
1. A 16 x 20 in. column is reinforced with 6 – No.9 bars. Determine (a) The axial load that
will stress the concrete to 1200 psi; (b) the ultimate strength; (c) the share of the total load
carried by the reinforcement at these two stages of loading; (d) the share of the total load
carried by the concrete. Use n = 8, fc’ = 4000 psi, fy = 40000 psi. ( 20 – marks )
(a) At fc = 1200 psi, P = ?
fc = 1200 psi < fc’/ 2=2000 psi ,
Thus, elastic range;
As = 6 – No.9 bars = 6 in2 ( from table A.2)
P = fc [ Ac + nAs ]
= 1200 [(320 − 6) + (8 x6)]
= 376800 + 57600 = 434400 lbs
(b) At ultimate strength,
fc = 0.85 fc’ , fs = fy = 40000 psi
P = 0.85 fc’Ac + fyAs
= (0.85 x 4000 x 314 ) + ( 40000 x 6 ) = 1067600 + 240000 = 1307600 lbs
(c) At fc = 1200 psi, Ps% = x 100 = 13.26 %
At fc, ultimate strength, Ps% = x 100 = 18.35 %
(d) At fc = 1200 psi, P c% = x 100 = 86.65 %
At fc, ultimate strength, Pc% = x 100 = 81.65%
2. A 20 x 20 in. column is reinforced with 8- No.10 bars arranged uniformly around the
column parameter. Materials strengths are fc’ = 4000 psi, fy = 60000 psi. Determine (a) the
axial load that will stress the concrete to 1400 psi; (b) the load at which steel yield and fc =
3200 psi; (c) the ultimate strength; (d) the share of the total load carried by the reinforcement
at these three stages; (e) the share of the total load carried by the concrete. Use Es = 29 x 10
psi ( 20 – marks )
As = 8-No.10 bars = 10.12 in ( from table A.2)
Es = 29 x 10 psi
Ec = 57000 fc' = 57000 4000 = 3.605 x 10 psi
6 6
n = Es / Ec = 29 x 10 / 3.605 x 10 = 8.04 , Take » n = 8
(a) At fc = 1400 psi, P = ?
fc = 1400 psi < fc’/ 2=2000 psi ,
Thus, elastic range;
P = fc [ Ac + nAs ]
= 1200 [(320 − 6) + (8 x6)]
= 376800 + 57600 = 434400 lbs
(b)At yield strength,
fs = fy = 60000 psi and fc = 3200 psi,
P = fcAc + fyAs
= [3200 (400-10.12)] + [60000 x 10.12] = 1247616 + 607200 = 1854816 lbs
(b) At ultimate strength,
fc = 0.85 fc’ , fs = fy = 60000 psi
P = 0.85 fc’Ac + fyAs
= [3400 (400-10.12)] + [60000 x 10.12] = 1325592 + 607200 = 1932792lbs
(d) At fc = 1200 psi Ps % = x 100 = 17.19 %
At fc = 3200 psi Ps % = x 100 = 32.74 %
At fc = 3400 psi Ps % = x 100 = 31.42 %
(d) At fc = 1200 psi Ps % = x 100 = 82.28 %
At fc = 3200 psi Ps % = x 100 = 67.26 %
At fc = 3400 psi Ps % = x 100 = 68.58 %
Solution: The various components of a mix are proportioned so that the resulting concrete
has adequate strength, proper workability for placing, and low cost. In addition to the water
required for hydration, water is needed for wetting the surface of the aggregate. As water is
needed, the plasticity and fluidity of the mix increases ( i.e., its workability improves ), but
the strength decreases because of the larger volume of voids created by the free water. To
reduce the free water while retaining the workability, cement must be added. Therefore, as
for the cement paste,the water-cement ratio is the chief factor that controls the strength of the
The decisive influence of the water-cement ratio on the tensile strength, as
measured by the nominal flexural strength or modulus of rupture, is seen to be pronounced
but much smaller than its effect on the compression strength.
It has been customary to define the proportions of a concrete mix by the ratio, by
volume or weight, of cement to sand to gravel, for example, 1:2:4. For a complete definition
of proportions it is now customary to specify, per 94 lb bag of cement, the weight of water,
sand, and coarse aggregate. Thus, a mix may be defined as containing ( per 94 lb bag of
cement ) 45 lb of water, 230 lb of sand, and 380 lb of coarse aggregate. Alternatively, batch
quantities are often defined in terms of the total weight of each component needed to make up
1 yd of wet concrete, such as 517 lb of cement, 300 lb of water, 1270 lb of dry sand, and
1940 lb of dry coarse aggregate.
Concrete consistency is most frequently measured by the slump test. The slump
is good measure of the total water content in the mix and should be kept as low as is
compatible with workability. Slumps for concretes in building construction generally range
from 2 to 6 in.
The principal purpose of mixing is to produce an intimate mixture of cement,
water, fine and coarse aggregate, and possible admixtures of uniform consistency throughout
each batch. This is achieved in machine mixers of the revolving- drum type. Minimum
mixing time is 1 min for mixers of not more than 1 yd capacity, with an additional 15 sec for
each additional ½ yd . Mixing can be continued for a considerable time without adverse
effect. This fact is particularly important in connection with ready –mixed concrete.
On large projects, particularly in the open country where ample space is
available, movable plants are installed and operated at the site. In construction under
congested conditions, on smaller jobs, and frequently in highway construction, ready-mixed
concrete is used. Such concrete is batched in a stationary plant and then hauled to the site in
trucks in one of three ways: (1) mixed completely at the stationary plant and hauled in a truck
agitator, (2) transit-mixed, i.e., batched at the plant but in a truck mixer, or (3) partially mixed
at the plant with mixing completed in a truck mixer. Concrete should be discharged from the
mixer or agitator within 1½ hours after the water is added to the batch.
4. Discuss about the conveying, placing, compacting and curing of concrete. (20- marks)
Solution: Conveying of most building concrete from the mixer or truck to the form is done
in bottom-dump buckets or by pumping through steel pipelines. The chief danger during
conveying is that of segregation. In overly wet concrete standing in containers or forms, the
heavier gravel components tend to settle, and the lighter materials, particularly water, tend to
rise. Lateral movement, such as flow within the forms, tends to separate the coarse gravel
from the finer components of the mix.
Placing is the process of transferring the fresh concrete from the conveying
device to its final place in the forms. Prior to placing, loose rust must be removed from
reinforcement, forms must be cleaned, and hardened surfaces previous concrete lifts must be
cleaned and treated appropriately. Placing and compacting are critical in their effect on the
final quality of the concrete. Proper placement must avoid segregation, displacement of forms
or of reinforcement in the forms, and poor bond between successive layers of concrete.
Immediately upon placing, the concrete should be compacted, usually by means of vibrators.
Such compacting prevents honey combing, ensures close contact with forms and
reinforcement, and serves as a partial remedy to possible prior segregation. Compacting is
achieved by high-frequency, power-driven vibrators. These are of the internal type, immersed
in the concrete, or of the external type, attached to the forms.
Fresh concrete gains strength most rapidly during the first few days and weeks.
Structural design is generally based on the 28-day strength, about 70 percent which is
reached at the end of the first week after placing. The final concrete strength depends greatly
on the conditions of moisture and temperature during this initial period. The maintenance of
proper conditions during this time is known as curing. Thirty percent of the strength or more
can be lost by premature drying out of the concrete; similar amounts may be lost by
permitting the concrete temperature to drop to 40˚ F or lower during the first few days unless
the concrete is kept continuously moist for a long time thereafter. Freezing of fresh concrete
may reduce its strength by as much as 50 percent.
To prevent such damage, concrete should be protected from loss
of moisture for at least 7 days and, in more sensitive work, up to 14 days. When high early
strength cements are used, curing period can be cut in half. Curing can be achieved by
keeping exposed surfaces continually wet through sprinkling, ponding, or covering with
plastic film or by the use of sealing compounds, which, when properly used, form
evaporation retarding membranes. In addition to improving strength, proper moist-curing
provides better shrinkage control. To protect the concrete against low temperatures during
cold weather, the mixing water, and occasionally the aggregates, are heated, temperature
insulation is used where possible, and special admixtures are employed. When air
temperatures are very low, external heat may have to be supplied in addition to insulation.
5. Discuss about the admixtures to improve concrete performance. (20- marks)
Solution: In addition to the main components of concretes, admixtures are often used to
improve concrete performance. There are admixtures to accelerate or retard setting and
hardening, to improve workability, to increase strength, to improve durability, to decrease
permeability, and to impart other properties.
Air-entraining agents cause the entrainment of air in the form of small dispersed
bubbles in the concrete. These improve workability and durability, ( chiefly resistance to
freezing and thawing ), and reduce segregation during placing. They decrease concrete
density because of the increased void ratio and thereby decrease strength; however, this
decrease can be partially offset by a reduction of mixing water without loss of workability.
The chief use of air-entrained concretes is in pavements, but they are also used for structures,
particularly for exposed elements.
Accelerating admixtures are used to reduce setting time and accelerate early
strength development. Calcium chloride is the most widely used accelerator because of its
cost effectiveness, but it should be used with caution in prestressed concrete or in reinforced
concrete in a moist environment, because of its tendency to promote corrosion of steel.
Set-retarding admixtures are used primarily to offset the accelerating effect of
high ambient temperature and to keep the concrete workable during the entire placing period.
This help to eliminate cracking due to the form deflection and also keeps concrete workable
long enough that succeeding lifts can be placed without the development of “cold” joint.
Certain organic and inorganic compounds are used to reduce the water
requirement of a concrete mix for a given slump. Such compounds are terms plasticizer.
Reduction in water demand may result in either a reduction in the water-cement ratio for a
given slump and cement content, or an increase in slump for the same water-cement ratio and
cement content. High-range water-reducing admixtures, or superplasticizers, are used to
produce high-strength concrete with a very low water-cement ratio while maintaining the
higher slumps needed for proper placement and compaction of the concrete. Superplasticizers
differ from conventional water-reducing admixtures in that they do not affect the surface
tension of the water significantly; therefore, they can be used at higher dosages without
excessive air entrainment.
Fly ash and silica fume are not concrete additives, but rather are used in
substitution for a part of Portland cement in concrete mixes. Fly ash is precipitated
electrostatically as a by-product of the exhaust fumes of coal-fired power stations. It is very
finely divided and reacts with calcium hydroxide in the presence of moisture to form a
cementitious material. It tends to increase the strength of concrete at ages over 28 days. Silica
fume is a by-product resulting from the manufacture, in electric-arc furnaces, of ferro-silicon
alloys and silicon metal. It is extremely finely divided and is highly cementitious. It
contributes mainly to strength gain at early ages, from 3 to 28 days. Both fly ash and silica
fume have been important in the production of high-strength concrete.
Solution: Any workable concrete mix contains more water than is needed for hydration.
If the concrete is exposed to air, the larger part of this free water evaporates in time, the rate
and completeness of drying depending on ambient temperature and humidity conditions. As
the concrete dries, it shrinks in volume, probably due to the capillary tension that develops in
the water remaining in the concrete. If dry concrete is immersed in water, it expands,
regaining much of the volume loss from prior shrinkage, Shrinkage, which continues at a
decreasing rate for several months, depending on the configuration of the member, is a
detrimental property of concrete in several respects. When not adequately controlled, it will
cause unsightly and often deleterious cracks, as in slabs, walls, etc. In structures that are
indeterminate (and most concrete structures are), it can cause large and harmful stresses. In
prestressed concrete it leads to partial loss of initial prestress. For these reasons it is essential
that shrinkage be minimized and controlled.
As is clear from the nature of the process, the chief factor that determines the
amount of final shrinkage is the unit water content of the fresh concrete. The same aggregates
were used for all tests, but in addition to and independently of water content, the amount of
cement was also varied, from 4 to 11 sacks per cubic yard of concrete. This very large
variation of cement content had only very minor effects on the amount of shrinkage,
compared with the effect of water content. It is evident from this that an effective means of
reducing shrinkage is to reduce the water content of the fresh concrete to the minimum
compatible with the required workability. In addition, prolonged and careful curing is
beneficial for shrinkage control.
Values of final shrinkage for ordinary concretes are generally of the order of 400
x 10 to 800 x 10-6 in./in., depending on the initial water content, ambient temperature and
humidity conditions, and the nature of the aggregate. Highly absorptive aggregates result in
shrinkage values 2 and more times those obtained with less absorptive materials.
For structures in which a reduction in cracking is of particular importance, such
as bridge decks, pavement slabs, and liquid storage tanks, the use of expansive cement
concrete is appropriate. Shrinkage-compensating cement is constituted and proportioned such
that the concrete will increase in volume after setting and during hardening. When the
concrete is restrained by reinforcement or other means, the tendency to expand will result in
compression. With subsequent drying, the shrinkage so produced, instead of causing a
tension stress in the concrete that would result in cracking, merely reduces or relieves the
expansive strains caused by the initial expansion.
E 29 x10 6
n= s = = 8,
E c 3.6 x10 6
( n – 1 ) As = 7 x 2.35 = 16.45 in to obtain the uncracked, transformed section.
ΣAy 10 x 25 x12.5 + 16.45 x 23
y = = = 13.2 in. from the top of the section.
ΣA 10 x 25 + 16.45
bh 3 2 10 x 25 3
I= + Σ AK = + 250 ( 13.2- 12.5 ) 2 + 16.45 ( 23 – 13.2 ) 2 = 14720 in4
12 12
The concrete tension stress at the bottom is
My 45 x12 x1000 x(25 − 13.2)
fct = = = 433 psi < fr = 475 ksi
I 14720
45 x12 x1000 x(23 − 13.2 )
fs = nfct = 8 x = 2876 psi
(fct is at the level of the steel)
The concrete compression stress at the top is
My 45 x12 x1000 x13.2
fc = = = 484 psi
I 14720
23” 25”
( n – 1) As/2
As = 2.35 in
E 29 x10 6
n= s = = 8,
E c 3.6 x10 6
( n – 1 ) As = 7 x 2.35 = 16.45 in to obtain the uncracked, transformed section.
ΣAy 10 x 25 x12.5 + 16.45 x 23
y = = = 13.2 in. from the top of the section.
ΣA 10 x 25 + 16.45
bh 3 2 10 x 25 3
I= + Σ AK = + 250 ( 13.2- 12.5 ) 2 + 16.45 ( 23 – 13.2 ) 2 = 14720 in4
12 12
The concrete tension stress at the bottom is
90 x12 x1000 x(25 − 13.2 )
fct = = 866 psi > fr = 475 ksi
Therefore, tension cracks will form.
(kd ) 2
b - nAs ( d – kd ) = 0
10 x(kd ) 2
- 8 x 2.35 ( 23 – kd ) = 0
kd = 7.6 in; k = 0.33
j = 1 - = 0.89
90 x12 x1000
fs = M / Asjd = = 22,451 psi
2.35 x0.89 x 23
2M 2 x90 x12000
fc = 2
= = 1390 psi ( 35 % of fc' ) Within proportional limit.
kjbd 0.33x0.89 x10 x 23 2
( Figure – As per No.7 )
As = 3 – No. 10 bars = 3.79 in , ( From table A.2 )
( a ) If using Ig and fct = fr ,
Ec = 57000 fc' = 57000 4000 = 3.6 x 10 psi .
Es 29 x10 6
n= = = 8,
E c 3.6 x10 6
y= = 12 in. ( using Ig )
bh 3 12 x 24 3 4
Ig = = = 13824 in
12 12
fr = 7.5 f c′ = 7.5 4000 = 475 psi
fct =
475 x13824
M = fct Ig / y = = 547200 in–lb = 547.2 in- kips
24 − 12
( a ) If using Iut and fct = fr ,
ΣAy 12 x 24 x12 + (8 − 1)3.79 x 21
y = = = 12.76 in. from top surface (or) compression surface
ΣA 12 x 24 + 7 x3.79
bh 3 2 12 x 24 3
Iut = + Σ AK = + (12 x 24) (12.76 – 12) 2 + (8-1) x 3.79 x (21 – 12.76)2
12 12
= 15791.87 in
475 x15791.87
M = fct Iut / (h-y) = = 667352.6 in-lb = 667.352 in-kips
24 − 12.76
(c) fc = 0.47 fc' = 0.47 x 4000 = 1880 psi
fs = 0.40 fy = 0.4 x 60000 = 24000 psi
As 3.79
ρ= = = 0.015 k = 0.384, j = 0.872 ( From table A.7)
bd 12 x 21
10. A rectangular beam has width 12 in. and effective depth 17.5 in. It is reinforced with
four N0.9 – bars in one row. If fy = 60 ksi and fc' = 4 ksi, what is the nominal flexural
strength, and what is the maximum moment that can be utilized in design, according to ACI
Code? (20- marks)
As = 4– No. 9 bars = 4.00in , ( From table A.2 )
As 4
ρact = = = 0.019
bd 12 x17.5
f′ 87000 4 87
ρb = 0.85 β1 c = 0.85 x 0.85 = 0.0285
f y 87000 + f y 60 87 + 60
ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.0214
ρact < ρmax , Thus, underreinforced case.
As f y 4 x60
a= = = 5.89 in.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x 4 x12
a 5.89
Mn = As fy ( d - ) = 4 x 60 ( 17.5 - ) = 3490 in-kips
2 2
Ø = 0.9
Md = Ø Mn = 3140 in-kips
3 f c′ 200 3 4000 200
ρmin = ≥ = ≥ = 0.0033
fy fy 60000 60000
ρmin < ρact < ρmax are satisfied for this beam.
11. Find the cross section of concrete and area of steel required for a simply supported
rectangular beam with a span of 15 ft that is to carry a computed dead load of 1.27 kip/ft and
a service live load of 2.44 kips/ft. Material strengths are fc' = 4000 psi and fy = 60,000 psi.
(20- marks)
ωu = 1.4 D + 1.7 L = 1.4 x 1.27 + 1.7 x 2.44 = 5.92 kips/ft
ωl 2 5.92 x15 2 x12
Mu = = = 2000 in-kips
8 8
ρb = 0.0285 ( From table A.5 )
ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.0214
2 fy
Mu = Ø Mn = Ø ρfybd ( 1- 0.59ρ )
f c′
2 60
2000 = 0.9 x 0.0214 x 60 bd ( 1 – 0.59 x 0.0214 )
2 2
bd = 2130 in
b = 10 in, d = 14.6 in.
h = d + 2.5 = 17.1 in.≈18 in.
Thus, d = 15.5 in
assume, a = 5 in.
Mu 2000
As = = = 2.85 in2
⎛ a⎞ ⎛ 5⎞
φf y ⎜ d − ⎟ 0.9 x60⎜15.5 − ⎟
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2⎠
check , “a”
As f y 2.85 x60
a= = = 5.03 ≈ aassume = 5 in.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x 4 x10
Use 3 - No.9 bar ( 3 in ) in one layer.
12. Find the cross section of concrete and area of steel required for a simply supported
rectangular beam with a span of 15 ft that is to carry a computed dead load of 1.27 kip/ft and
a service live load of 2.44 kips/ft. Material strengths are fc' = 4000 psi and fy = 60,000 psi.
Use a steel ratio of 0.5 ρb. (20- marks)
ωu = 1.4 D + 1.7 L = 1.4 x 1.27 + 1.7 x 2.44 = 5.92 kips/ft
ωl 2 5.92 x15 2 x12
Mu = = = 2000 in-kips
8 8
ρb = 0.0285 ( From table A.5 )
ρ = 0.5 ρb = 0.0143
2 fy
Mu ≤ Ø Mn = Ø ρfybd ( 1- 0.59ρ )
f c′
2 60
2000 = 0.9 x 0.0143 x 60 bd ( 1 – 0.59 x 0.0143 )
2 2
bd = 2960 in
b = 10 in, d = 17.2 in.
h = d + 2.5 = 19.7 in.≈20 in.
Thus, d = 17.5 in
assume, a = 4 in.
Mu 2000
As = = = 2.384 in2
⎛ a⎞ ⎛ 4⎞
φf y ⎜ d − ⎟ 0.9 x60⎜17.5 − ⎟
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2⎠
check , “a”
As f y 2.384 x60
a= = = 4.21 in ≈ aassume = 4 in.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x 4 x10
13. A rectangular, tension-reinforced beam is to be designed for dead load of 500 lb/ft plus
self weight and service live load of 1200 lb/ft with a 22 ft simple span. Material strengths will
be fy = 60 ksi and f c′ = 3 ksi for steel and concrete respectively. The total beam depth must
not exceed 16 in. Calculate the required beam width and tensile steel requirement, using a
steel ratio of 0.5 ρb. Use ACI load factors and strength reduction factors. The effective depth
may be assumed at 2.5 in. less than the total depth. (20- marks)
h = 16 in., d = 16- 2.5 = 13.5 in.
ρb = 0.0214 ( From table A.5 )
ρ = 0.5 ρb = 0.0107
assume own wt. = 170 lb/ft
ωu = 1.4 D + 1.7 L = 1.4 (170 + 500) + 1.7 x 1200 = 2978 lb/ft
ωl 2 2978 x 22 2
Mu = = x 12 = 2162028 in-lb
8 8
2 fy
Mu ≤ Ø Mn = Ø ρfybd ( 1- 0.59ρ )
f c′
⎛ 60000 ⎞ 2
2162028 = 0.9 x 0.0107 x 60000 x ⎜1 − 0.59 x0.0107 ⎟ x bd
⎝ 3000 ⎠
bd = 4282.54
b = 23.49 in.≈ 24 in.
Take, b = 24 in., h = 16 in.
check own wt.
Own wt. = x 150 = 400 lb/ft > 170 lb/ft
It is not o.k.
[ Difference within 10% accept own wt.]
In this case, difference > 10%
So, reassume own wt. = 400 lb/ft
ωu = 1.4 D + 1.7 L = 1.4 (400 + 500) + 1.7 x 1200 = 3300 lb/ft
ωl 2 3300 x 22 2
Mu = = x 12 = 2395800 in-lb
8 8
2 fy
Mu ≤ Ø Mn = Ø ρfybd ( 1- 0.59ρ )
f c′
⎛ 60000 ⎞ 2
2395800 = 0.9 x 0.0107 x 60000 x ⎜1 − 0.59 x0.0107 ⎟ x bd
⎝ 3000 ⎠
bd = 4745.6
b = 26.03 in.≈ 26 in.
Take, b = 26 in., h = 16 in.
check own wt.
26 x16
Own wt. = x 150 = 433.33 lb/ft > 400 lb/ft
433.33 − 400
Difference = x 100 = 8.33% ≤ 10%
It is o.k.
Thus, b = 26 in., h = 16 in.
As = ρbd = 0.0107 x 26 x 13.5 = 3.76 in
Use 9 - No.6 bar ( 3.98 in ) in one layer.
14. A rectangular, tension-reinforced beam is to be designed for dead load of 300 lb/ft plus
self weight and service live load of 800 lb/ft with a 20 ft simple span. Material strengths will
be fy = 40 ksi and f c′ = 3 ksi for steel and concrete respectively. The total beam depth must
not exceed 16 in. Calculate the required beam width and tensile steel requirement, using a
steel ratio of 0.5 ρb. Use ACI load factors and strength reduction factors. The effective depth
may be assumed at 2.5 in. less than the total depth. (20- marks)
h = 16 in., d = 16- 2.5 = 13.5 in.
ρb = 0.0371 ( From table A.5 )
ρ = 0.5 ρb = 0.01855
assume own wt. = 170 lb/ft
ωu = 1.4 D + 1.7 L = 1.4 (170 + 300) + 1.7 x 800 = 2018 lb/ft
ωl 2 2018 x 20 2
Mu = = x 12 = 1210800 in-lb
8 8
2 fy
Mu ≤ Ø Mn = Ø ρfybd ( 1- 0.59ρ )
f c′
⎛ 40000 ⎞ 2
1210800 = 0.9 x 0.01855 x 40000 x ⎜1 − 0.59 x0.01855 x ⎟ x bd
⎝ 3000 ⎠
bd = 2124.2
b = 11.65 in.≈ 12 in.
Take, b = 12 in., h = 16 in.
check own wt.
12 x16
Own wt. = x 150 = 200 lb/ft > 170 lb/ft
It is not o.k.
[ Difference within 10% accept own wt.]
In this case, difference > 10%
So, reassume own wt. = 200 lb/ft
ωu = 1.4 D + 1.7 L = 1.4 (200 + 300) + 1.7 x 800 = 2060 lb/ft
ωl 2 2060 x 20 2
Mu = = x 12 = 1236000 in-lb
8 8
2 fy
Mu ≤ Ø Mn = Ø ρfybd ( 1- 0.59ρ )
f c′
⎛ 40000 ⎞ 2
1236000 = 0.9 x 0.01855 x 40000 x ⎜1 − 0.59 x0.01855 ⎟ x bd
⎝ 3000 ⎠
bd = 2168.42
Take, b = 12 in., h = 16 in
check own wt.
16 x12
Own wt. = x 150 = 200 lb/ft
No difference in weight estimation.
As = ρbd = 0.01855 x 12 x 13.5 = 3.0 in
Use 3 - No.9 bar ( 3 in ) in one layer.
15. A rectangular beam has a width of 12 in. and an effective depth to the centroid of the
tension reinforcement of 18 in. The tension reinforcement consists of six No-10 bar in two
rows. Compression reinforcement consisting of two No-9 bar is placed 2.5 in. from the
compression face of the beam. If fy = 50000 psi and f c′ = 5000 psi, what is the design
moment capacity of the beam? (20- marks)
2 As 7.59
As = 7.59 in , ρ= = = 0.0357
bd 12 x18
2 A′ 2.00
As′ = 2.00 in , ρ ′ = s = = 0.0093
bd 12 x18
check a singly (or) doubly reinforced beam,
ρb = 0.0432 ( From table A.5 )
5 2.5 87
ρ cy = 0.85 x 0.80 x x x + 0.0093 = 0.0315
50 18 87 − 50
ρ = 0.0357 > ρ cy = 0.0315 , so the compression bar will yield when the beam fails.
ρ b = ρ b + ρ ′ = 0.0432 + 0.0093 = 0.0525
ρ max = (0.75 ρ b ) + ρ ′ = (0.75 x0.0432 ) + 0.0093 = 0.0417
ρ max = 0.0417 > ρ = 0.0357, tension failure.
( As − As′ ) f y (7.59 − 2)50
a= = = 5.48in
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x5 x12
⎛ a⎞
Mn = As' fy (d − d ′) + ( As − As′ ) fy ⎜ d − ⎟
⎝ 2⎠
⎡ ⎛ 5.48 ⎞⎤
Mn = 2 x50(18 − 2.5) + ⎢(7.59 − 2)50⎜18 − ⎟ = 5820 in- kips
⎣ ⎝ 2 ⎠⎥⎦
Ø Mn = 0.9 x 5820 = 5240 in-kips
16. A rectangular beam that must carry a service live load of 2.47 kips/ft and a calculated
dead of 1.05 kips/ft on an 18 ft simply span is limited in cross section for architectural
reasons to 10 in. width and 20 in. total depth. If fy = 40000 psi and f c′ = 3000 psi, what steel
area (s) must be provided? (20- marks)
ωu = 1.4 D + 1.7 L = 1.4 x 1.05+ 1.7 x 2.47 = 5.66 kips/ft
ωl 2 5.66 x18 2
Mu = = x 12 = 2750 in-kips
8 8
h = 20 in. d = 20-4 = 16 in. d ′ = 2.5 in.
ρmax = 0.0278 ( From table A.5 )
As = ρbd = 0.0278x 10 x 16 = 4.44 in
As f y 4.44 x 40
a= = = 6.96 in
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x3x10
⎛ a⎞ 6.96
Ø Mn= φ As fy ⎜ d − ⎟ = 0.9x 4.44 x 40 (16 - ) = 2000 in-kips
⎝ 2⎠ 2
Ø Mn = 2000 in-kips < Mu = 2750 in-kips
so, the beam must be analyzed as doubly reinforced beam.
Assume, f s′ = f y at failure
Mn2 = = 2220 in-kips
M 2750
Mn1 = u − M n 2 = − 2220 = 836 in-kips
φ 0.9
M n1 836 2
As′ = = = 1.54 in
f y (d − d ′) 40(16 − 2.5)
A′ 1.54
ρ′ = s = = 0.0096
bd 10 x16
f c′ d ′ 87000
ρ cy = 0.85 β1 + ρ′
f y d 87000 − f y
3 2.5 87
ρ cy = 0.85 x 0.85 x x x + 0.0096 = 0.0253
40 16 87 − 40
As = 4.44 + 1.54 = 5.98 in
As 5.98
ρ= = = 0.0374
bd 10 x16
ρ = 0.0374 > ρ cy = 0.0253, so the compression bar will yield when the beam fails.
Use 6 - No.9 bar ( 6 in ) in two rows.
17. A rectangular concrete beam measures 12 in. wide and has an effective depth of 18 in.
Compression steel consisting of two No.8 bars is located 2.5 in. from the compression face of
the beam. Tensile reinforcement consists of 4-No.10 bar in two rows. If fy = 60000 psi and
f c′ = 4000 psi, what is the design moment capacity of the beam, according to the ACI Code.
(20- marks)
2 As 5.06
As = 5.06 in , ρ= = = 0.0234
bd 12 x18
2 A′ 1.57
As′ = 1.57 in , ρ ′ = s = = 0.0073
bd 12 x18
check a singly (or) doubly reinforced beam,
ρmax = 0.0214 ( From table A.5 )
ρ = 0.0234 > ρmax = 0.0214
so, the beam must be analyzed as doubly reinforced beam.
f ′ d ′ 87000
ρ cy = 0.85 β1 c + ρ′
f y d 87000 − f y
4 2.5 87
ρ cy = 0.85 x 0.85 x x x + 0.0073 = 0.0289
60 18 87 − 60
ρ = 0.0234 < ρ cy = 0.0289
so, compression steel does not yield.
f s′ = E s ⎢ε u − (ε u + ε y )⎥ and ≤ fy
⎡ ⎤
⎣ d ⎦
3 ⎡ 2.5 ⎛ 60 ⎞⎤
f s′ = 29 x 10 ⎢0.003 − ⎜ 0.003 + ⎟ = 66.58 ksi > fy = 60 ksi.
⎣ 18 ⎝ 29 x10 3 ⎠⎥⎦
Thus, f s′ = 60 ksi
Upper limit,
f s′ ⎛ 60 ⎞
ρb = ρb + ρ ′ = 0.0285 + ⎜ 0.0073x ⎟ = 0.0358
fy ⎝ 60 ⎠
fs = f y
According to ACI Code,
ρ max = ρ max + ρ ′ s
= 0.02140 + 0.0073 x = 0.0287
ρ = 0.0234 < ρ max = 0.0287 , tension failure case.
From force equilibrium,
As f y = 0.85 f c′β 1cb + As′ f s′
c − d′
= 0.85 f c′β 1cb + As′ E s ε u
c − 2.5
5.06 x 60 = 0.85 x 4 x 0.85 x c x 12 + 1.57 x 29 x 10 3 x 0.003 x
c= 6.36 in. a = β1 c = 0.85 x 6.36 = 5.41 in.
c − d′ 6.36 − 2.5
f s′ = ε u E s = 0.003 x 29 x 10 3 x = 52.80 ksi. < f y = 60 ksi. It is o.k.
c 6.36
⎡ ⎛ a ⎞⎤
φM n = φ ⎢ As′ f s′(d − d ′) + 0.85 f c′ab⎜ d − ⎟⎥
⎣ ⎝ 2 ⎠⎦
⎡ ⎛ 5.41 ⎞⎤
φM n = 0.9 ⎢1.57 x52.8 x(18 − 2.5) + 0.85 x 4 x5.41x12 x⎜18 − ⎟
⎣ ⎝ 2 ⎠⎥⎦
φM n = 4038.89 in-kips = 336.57 ft-kips
18. A rectangular concrete beam measures 12 in. wide and has an effective depth of 18 in.
Compression steel consisting of two No.8 bars is located 2.5 in. from the compression face of
the beam. Tensile reinforcement consists of 6-No.10 bar in two rows. If fy = 60000 psi and
f c′ = 4000 psi, what is the design moment capacity of the beam, according to the ACI Code.
(20- marks)
2 A 7.59
As = 7.59 in , ρ = s = = 0.0351
bd 12 x18
2 A′ 1.57
As′ = 1.57 in , ρ ′ = s = = 0.0073
bd 12 x18
check a singly (or) doubly reinforced beam,
ρmax = 0.0214 ( From table A.5 )
ρ = 0.0351 > ρmax = 0.0214
so, the beam must be analyzed as doubly reinforced beam.
f ′ d ′ 87000
ρ cy = 0.85 β1 c + ρ′
f y d 87000 − f y
4 2.5 87
ρ cy = 0.85 x 0.85 x x x + 0.0073 = 0.0289
60 18 87 − 60
ρ = 0.0351 > ρ cy = 0.0289
so, compression steel will yield.
f s′ = f y
Upper limit,
ρ b = ρ b + ρ ′ = 0.0285 + 0.0073 = 0.0358
ρ = 0.0351 ≈ ρ b = 0.0358, tension steel yields, theoretically.
fs = f y
( As − As′ ) f y (7.59 − 1.57 )x60
a= = = 8.85 in.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x 4 x12
⎡ ⎛ a ⎞⎤
φM n = φ ⎢ As ′ f s′(d − d ′) + ( As − As′ ) f y ⎜ d − ⎟⎥
⎣ ⎝ 2⎠⎦
⎡ ⎛ 8.85 ⎞⎤
φM n = 0.9 ⎢1.57 x60 x(18 − 2.5) + (7.59 − 1.57 )x60 x⎜18 − ⎟
⎣ ⎝ 2 ⎠⎥⎦
φM n = 5727.051 in-kips = 477.25 ft-kips
19. A isolated T beam is composed of a flange 28 in. wide and 6 in. deep poured
monolithically with a web of 10 in. width which extends 24 in. below the bottom surface of
the flange to produce a beam of 30 in. total depth. Tensile reinforcement consists of six
No.10 bars placed in two horizontal rows. The centriod of the bar group is 26 in. from the top
of the beam. It has been determined that the concrete has a strength of 3000 psi and that the
yield stress of the steel is 60000 psi. What is the useful moment capacity? (20- marks)
2 As 7.59
As = 7.59 in , ρ= = = 0.0104
bd 28 x 26
check the location of N.A
As f y d 0.0104 x60 x 26
a= = = 6.37 in.
0.85 f c′ 0.85 x3
h f = 6 in. < a = 6.37 in.
a 7.07
M n 2 = ( As − Asf ) f y (d − ) = 3 x 60 x (26 - ) = 4050 in- kips
2 2
φM n = φ (M n1 + M n 2 ) = 0.9 x ( 6330 + 4050 ) = 9350 in-kips
20. A floor system consists of a 3 in. concrete slab supported by continuous T beam of 24
ft. span, 47 in. centers. Web dimension, as determined by negative moment requirements at
the support, are bω = 11 in. and d = 20 in. What tensile steel area is provided at mid span to
resist a moment of 6400 in-lb if fy = 60000 psi and f c′ = 3000 psi ? (20- marks)
16 h f + bω = 16 x 3 + 11 = 59 in.
span /4 = x 12 = 72 in.
c/c spacing = 47 in.
As 6.46
ρω = = = 0.0294
bω d 11x 20
Asf 4.58
ρf = = = 0.0208
bω d 11x 20
ρ b = 0.0214 ( from table A.5 )
ρ ω ,max = 0.75(ρ b + ρ f ) = 0.75 ( 0.0214 + 0.0208 ) = 0.0316 > ρ ω = 0.0294
Tension failure case.
ρ min = 0.0033 ( from table A.5 )
ρ min = 0.0033 < ρ ω = 0.0294
It is o.k.
2 2 2
Choose – 2-No.10 bars ( 2.53 in ) + 4-No.9 bars ( 4 in ) in ‘2’ rows. ( 6.53 in )
check, ρ = = 0.0297 < ρ ω ,max = 0.0316 , tension failure.
11x 20
21. A floor system consists of a 3 in. concrete slab supported by continuous T beam of 24
ft. span, 47 in. centers. Web dimension, as determined by negative moment requirements at
the support, are bω = 11 in. and d = 23 in. What tensile steel area is provided at mid span to
resist a moment of 7400 in-lb if fy = 60000 psi and f c′ = 3000 psi ? (20- marks)
16 h f + bω = 16 x 3 + 11 = 59 in.
span /4 = x 12 = 72 in.
c/c spacing = 47 in.
it is o.k.
As = Asf + (As − Asf ) = 4.58 + 1.84= 6.42 in
As 6.42
ρω = = = 0.0254
bω d 11x 23
Asf 4.58
ρf = = = 0.0181
bω d 11x 23
ρ b = 0.0214 ( from table A.5 )
ρ ω ,max = 0.75(ρ b + ρ f ) = 0.75 ( 0.0214 + 0.0181) = 0.0296 > ρ ω = 0.0254
Tension failure case.
ρ min = 0.0033 ( from table A.5 )
ρ min = 0.0033 < ρ ω = 0.0294
It is o.k.
2 2 2
Choose – 2-No.10 bars ( 2.53 in ) + 4-No.9 bars ( 4 in ) in ‘2’ rows. ( 6.53 in )
check, ρ = = 0.0297 ≈ ρ ω ,max = 0.0296 tension failure.
11x 23
Assume own wt = 300 lb/ft
⎡1.4ω D l 2 1.4ω D l 1.7ω L l 2 ⎤
Mu = ⎢ + + ⎥
⎣ 8 4 8 ⎦
⎡1.4 x0.3 x 20 2 1.4 x15 x 20 1.7 x0.8 x 20 2 ⎤
Mu = ⎢ + + ⎥ = 194 k – ft = 2328 k - in
⎣ 8 4 8 ⎦
2 fy
Mu ≤ Ø Mn = Ø ρfybd ( 1- 0.59ρ )
f c′
f c′ ⎛ ′ f ⎞
2328 = 0.9 x 0.18 x x fy x bd2 ⎜1 − 0.59 x0.18 x f c x y ⎟
fy ⎜ f y f c′ ⎟⎠
b d 2 = 3211 in
b (1.5b ) = 3211 , b = 11.26 in.
Reassume own wt. = 230 lb / ft
⎡1.4 x0.23 x 20 2 1.4 x15 x 20 1.7 x0.8 x 20 2 ⎤
Mu = ⎢ + + ⎥ = 189.1 k – ft = 2269.2 k - in
⎣ 8 4 8 ⎦
b d 2 = 3130 in
b (1.5b ) = 3130 , , b = 11.16 in.
ρ b = 0.0495 ( from table A.5 )
ρ = 0.4 ρb = 0.0198
assume own wt. = 170 lb/ft
ωu = 1.4 D + 1.7 L = (1.4 x170) +(1.7 x 1500) = 2788 lb/ft
ωl 2 2788 x 24 2
Mu = = x 12 = 2408832 in-lb
8 8
2 fy
Mu ≤ Ø Mn = Ø ρfybd ( 1- 0.59ρ )
f c′
⎡ 40 ⎤ 2
2408832 = 0.9 x 0.0198 x 40000 x ⎢1 − 0.59 x0.0198 ⎥ x bd
⎣ 4⎦
bd = 3826.39
b (1.5b) = 3826.39
b = 11.94 in.
d = 1.5 x 11.94 = 17.91 in.
h = 17.91 + 2.5 = 20.41 in.
take, h = 21 in. , d = 18.5 in. , b = 12 in.
check own wt.
12x 21
Own wt. = x 150 = 262.5 lb/ft > 170 lb/ft
It is not o.k.
[ Difference within 10% accept own wt.]
In this case, difference > 10%
So, reassume own wt. = 262 lb/ft
ωu = 1.4 D + 1.7 L = (1.4 x 200) + (1.7 x 1500) = 2916.8 lb/ft
ωl 2 2916.8 x 24 2
Mu = = x 12 = 2520115 in-lb
8 8
2 fy
Mu ≤ Ø Mn = Ø ρfybd ( 1- 0.59ρ )
f c′
⎡ 40 ⎤ 2
2520115 = 0.9 x 0.0198 x 40000 x ⎢1 − 0.59 x0.0198 ⎥ x bd
⎣ 4⎦
b = 12.12 in.
d = 1.5 x 12.12 = 18.18 in.
h = 18.18 + 2.5 = 20.68 in.
take, h = 21 in. , d = 18.5 in. , b = 13 in.
check own wt.
13x 21
Own wt. = x 150 = 284.38 lb/ft > 262 lb/ft
284.38 − 262
Difference = x 100 = 8.59 % ≤ 10%
It is o.k.
As = ρbd = 0.0198 x 13 x 18.5 = 4.76 in
Choose , 4 – No. 10 bars (As = 5.06 in ) in one row.
24. A four-span continuous beam having constant rectangular section throughout the length
is as shown. Total factored moments ( i.e., Total moments due to all factored loads ) resulting
from analysis are:
M A = -92 k-ft M F = 105 k-ft
M B = -147 k-ft M G = 92 k-ft
M C = -127 k-ft M H = 92 k-ft
M D = -147 k-ft M I = 105 k-ft
M E = -92 k-ft
Using fy = 60000 psi , f c′ = 5000 psi, and ρ = 0.50 ρb , determine the required concrete
dimensions by rounding up “ b “ to next higher quarter-value and take d = 1.75b. Also
determine the required reinforcements at point B and F only and choose No.6, No.7 and No.
10 bar to meet the requirements. Do not use graphs. Assume rectangular stress distribution.
Make a sketch for each of the two sections ( at B and F ) , showing the reinforcements
arranged in single row ( take concrete cover from steel centroid = 2.5 in. ) and two rows (take
concrete cover from steel centroid = 4 in. ). Use ACI code. (20- marks)
To determine the section, take the max; ( negative ) moment M B = 147 ft-kips.
Use ρ = 0.50 ρb = 0.5 x 0.0335 = 0.0168
2 fy
Mu ≤ Ø Mn = Ø ρfybd ( 1- 0.59ρ )
f c′
⎡ 60 ⎤ 2
147 x 12 x 1000 = 0.9 x 0.0168 x 60000 x ⎢1 − 0.59 x0.0168 x ⎥ x bd
⎣ 5⎦
bd = 2207
b x ( 1.75b ) = 2207
b = 8.96 in. Take, b = 9 in.
d = 1.75 x 9 = 15.75 in.
To determine the reinforcement at section “ B “take ( negative ) moment M B = 147 ft-kips.
assume, a = 3.5 in.
Mu 147 x12
As = = = 2.33 in2
⎛ a⎞ 0.9 x60 x(15.75 − 1.75)
φf y ⎜ d − ⎟
⎝ 2⎠
check , “a”
As f y 2.33 x60
a= = = 3.65 in ≈ aassume = 3.5 in. not ok.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x5 x9
reassume, a = 3.7 in.
Mu 147 x12
As = = = 2.35 in2
⎛ a⎞ ⎛ 3 .7 ⎞
φf y ⎜ d − ⎟ 0.9 x60 x⎜15.75 − ⎟
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
check , “a”
As f y 2.35 x60
a= = = 3.69 in ≈ aassume = 3.7 in.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x5 x9
It is o.k.
2 2
Use 2 - No.10bar ( 2.53 in ) in one layer. > 2.35 in
2 2
Use 4 - No.7 bar ( 2.41 in ) in two layer. > 2.35 in
To determine the reinforcement at section “ F “take ( positive ) moment M F = 105 ft-kips.
assume, a = 2.5 in.
Mu 147 x12
As = = = 1.61 in2
⎛ a⎞ ⎛ 2 .5 ⎞
φf y ⎜ d − ⎟ 0.9 x60 x⎜15.75 − ⎟
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
check , “a”
As f y 1.61x60
a= = = 2.53 in ≈ aassume = 2.5 in.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x5 x9
It is o.k.
2 2
Use 3 - No.7 bar ( 1.8 in ) in one layer. > 1.61 in
2 2
Use 4 - No.6 bar ( 1.77 in ) in two layer. > 1.61 in
4” 2.5”
At B At F At B At F
Double Sin
15.75” 15.75"
At “ B “ At “ F “ At “ F “ At “ B “
Double row arrangement Single row arrangement
25. For architectural reasons, a certain rectangular beam of 16 ft. simple span is limited in
cross-section to a width of 8 in. and total depth of 16 in. ( effect depth = 12” ). It must carry a
total service live load of 1.4 k/ft and a total dead load ( including own weight ) of 1.1 k/ft.
Material strengths are f c′ = 4000 psi, and f y = 40000 psi. Determine the reinforcement
required compression bars, if any, shall be placed 2.5” below the top surface. ( No. 6 bar,
No.9 and No. 10 bar are available. ) (20- marks )
ωu = 1.4 D + 1.7 L = (1.4 x 1.4) +(1.7 x 1.1) = 3.92 k/ft
ωl 2 3.92 x16 2
Mu = = = 1505.3 in-kips
8 8
check the capacity of the section as singly reinforced beam, using ρ act = ρ max
ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.0371 ( From table A.5 )
As = ρbd = 0.0371 x 8 x 12 = 3.56 in
As f y 3.56 x 40
a= = = 5.24 in.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x 4 x8
⎛ a⎞ ⎛ 5.24 ⎞
Mmax = φ As fy ⎜ d − ⎟ = 0.9 x 3.56 x 40 x ⎜12 − ⎟ = 1202 in – kips < 1505.3 in – kips
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
so, the beam must be analyzed as doubly reinforced beam.
Assume, f s′ = f y at failure
M d 1 = M d - M d 2 = 1505.3 – 1202 = 303.3 in – kips
M d1 303.3 2
As′ = = = 0.89 in
φf y (d − d ′) 0.9 x 40 x(12 − 2.5)
As = 3.56 + 0.89 = 4.45 in
A 4.45
ρ= s = = 0.0464
bd 8 x12
A′ 0.89
ρ′ = s = = 0.009271
bd 8 x12
f ′ d ′ 87000
ρ cy = 0.85 β1 c + ρ′
f y d 87000 − f y
4 2.5 87
ρ cy = 0.85 x 0.85 x x x + 0.009271 = 0.0371
40 12 87 − 40
ρ = 0.0464 > ρ cy = 0.0371, so the compression bar will yield when the beam fails.
2 2 2 2
Choose – 2-No.10 bars ( 2.53 in ) + 2-No.9 bars ( 2 in ) in ‘2’ rows. (4.53 in ) > 4.45 in
Provided as tension steel.
2 2
Choose – 2-No.6 bars ( 0.88 in ) ≈ 0.89 in . in one row. Provided as compression steel.
Check using actual steel;
A′ 0.88
ρ′ = s = = 0.009167
bd 8 x12
f ′ d ′ 87000
ρ cy = 0.85 β1 c + ρ′
f y d 87000 − f y
4 2.5 87
ρ cy = 0.85 x 0.85 x x x + 0.009167 = 0.037
40 12 87 − 40
A 4.53
ρ= s = = 0.0472
bd 8 x12
ρ = 0.0472 > ρ cy = 0.037, so the compression bar will yield when the beam fails.
26. For the two span continuous beam total factored moments under estimated loadings are
as shown. The concrete section is rectangular, having the all dimensions 10” x 14.5”, which
can not be changed due to some reasons. The steel required for flexure at B and D are to be
determined. The concrete cover from steel centroid will be 2.5 in. all cases. Material strengths
are f c′ = 4000 psi, and f y = 40000 psi. Sketch the sections with reinforcement also shown.
Use ACI code. No. 14, No.9 and No.7 bars are available. Mixed sizes may be chosen to meet
steel requirements. (20- marks)
M UB = - 1850 in-kips
At “B” M UB = - 1850 in-kips
check the capacity of the section as singly reinforced beam, using ρ act = ρ max
ρmax = 0.75 ρb = 0.0371 ( From table A.5 )
As = ρbd = 0.0371 x 10 x 12 = 4.452 in
As f y 4.452 x 40
a= = = 5.238 in.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x 4 x10
⎛ a⎞ ⎡ 5.238 ⎤
Mmax = φ As fy ⎜ d − ⎟ = 0.9 x 4.452 x 40 x ⎢12 − = 1503.51in–kips<1850 in – kips
⎝ 2⎠ ⎣ 2 ⎥⎦
so, the beam must be analyzed as doubly reinforced beam.
Assume, f s′ = f y at failure
M d 1 = M d - M d 2 = 1850 – 1503.51 = 346.5 in – kips
M d1 346.5 2
As′ = = = 1.01 in
φf y (d − d ′) 0.9 x 40 x(12 − 2.5)
As = 4.452 + 1.01 = 5.46 in
2 2 2 2
Choose – 2-No.14 bars ( 4.5 in ) + 1-No.9 bars ( 1 in ) (5.5 in ) > 5.46 in
Provided as tension steel.
2 2
Choose – 2-No.7 bars ( 1.20 in ) >1.01 in . Provided as compression steel. 10”
A 5.5
ρ= s = = 0.0453
bd 10 x12
A′ 1.2
ρ′ = s = = 0.01
bd 10 x12
f ′ d ′ 87000
ρ cy = 0.85 β1 c + ρ′
f y d 87000 − f y
4 2.5 87
ρ cy = 0.85 x 0.85 x x x + 0.01 = 0.0379
40 12 87 − 40
ρ = 0.0453 > ρ cy = 0.0379, so the compression bar will yield when the beam fails.
At “D” M UD = 1100 in-kips
Mmax = 1503.51in–kips > 1100 in – kips
assume, a = 3.5 in.
Mu 1100
As = = = 2.98 in2
⎛ a⎞ ⎛ 3 .5 ⎞
φf y ⎜ d − ⎟ 0.9 x 40 x⎜12 − ⎟
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
check , “a”
As f y 2.98 x 40
a= = = 3.51 in ≈ aassume = 3.5 in.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x 4 x10
It is o.k.
2 2
Use 3 - No.9 bar ( 3 in ) in one layer. > 2.98 in
10” 10”
2.5” 2.5”
At “B” At “D”
27. The reinforced concrete beam shown is to carry a dead load ( including own weight ) of 1
k/ft and a service live load of 1.5 k/ft. The overall dimensions of the section are 10” x 14.5”
with the concrete cover of 2.5 in. from the steel centriod in all cases. Material strengths are
f c′ = 4000 psi, and f y = 40000 psi. Using the ACI 318-77 Code, provide suitable
reinforcement for flexure at mid-span and over the support, respectively and show the
placement of reinforcement in section for each case. No.14., No.11., No.8 and No.6 bars are
available. Mixed bar sizes can be used to make the area of steel nearest to that required.
(20- marks)
A 5’ B 20’ D 5’ E
Assume, f s′ = f y at failure
M d 1 = M d - M d 2 = 1777.5 – 1503.51 = 274 in – kips
M d1 274 2
As′ = = = 0.801 in
φf y (d − d ′) 0.9 x 40 x(12 − 2.5)
As = 4.452 + 0.801 = 5.253 in
2 2 2 2
Choose – 2-No.11bars ( 3.12 in ) + 1-No.14 bars ( 2.25 in ) (5.37 in ) > 5.253 in
Provided as tension steel.
2 2
Choose – 2-No.6 bars ( 0.88 in ) > 0.0801 in . Provided as compression steel.
A 5.37
ρ= s = = 0.0448
bd 10 x12
A′ 0.88
ρ′ = s = = 0. 00733
bd 10 x12
f ′ d ′ 87000
ρ cy = 0.85 β1 c + ρ′
f y d 87000 − f y
4 2.5 87
ρ cy = 0.85 x 0.85 x x x + 0.00733 = 0.0352
40 12 87 − 40
ρ = 0.0448 > ρ cy = 0.0352, so the compression bar will yield when the beam fails.
At “B” or “D” ( over the support )
3.95 x5 2 x12
MB = MD = = 592.5 in-kips
Mmax = 1503.51in–kips > 592.5 in – kips
assume, a = 2 in.
Mu 592.5
As = = = 1.496 in2
⎛ a⎞ ⎛ 2⎞
φf y ⎜ d − ⎟ 0.9 x 40 x⎜12 − ⎟
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2⎠
check , “a”
As f y 1.496 x 40
a= = = 1.76in ≠ aassume = 2 in.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x 4 x10
reassume, a = 1.7 in.
Mu 592.5
As = = = 1.476 in2
⎛ a⎞ ⎛ 1 .7 ⎞
φf y ⎜ d − ⎟ 0.9 x 40 x⎜12 − ⎟
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
check , “a”
As f y 1.476 x 40
a= = = 1.74 in ≈ aassume = 1.7 in.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x 4 x10
It is o.k.
2 2
Use 2 - No.8 bar ( 1.57 in ) > 1.476 in
ρ min = 0.005 ( From table A.5 )
A 1.57
ρ= s = = 0.0131 > 0.005
bd 10 x12
It is o.k.
28. A beam of 20 ft simple span has cross-section dimensions b = 10 in., d = 23 in., and h
= 25 in. It carries a uniform service load of 2450 lb/ft in addition to its own weight,
(a) Check whether this beam, if reinforced with three No. 8 bars, is adequate to carry
this load with a minimum factor of safety against failure of 1.85. If this requirement is not
met, select a three-bar reinforcement of diameter or diameters adequate to provide this safety.
(b) Determine the maximum stress in the steel and in the concrete under service load,
i.e., when the beam carries its own weight and specified uniform load.
(c) Will the beam show hairline cracks on the tension side under service load?
Material strengths are f c′ = 4000 psi, and f y = 60000 psi. Assume a weight of 150 pcf for
reinforced concrete. (20- marks)
10x 25
Beam’s own weight = x 150 = 261 lb/ft
Total uniform service load = 2450 + 261 = 2711 lb/ft
ωl 2 2.711x 20 x 20
(a) M = = x 12 = 162606 in-kips
8 8
As f y 2.35 x60
a= = = 4.15 in.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x 4 x10
⎛ a⎞ 4.15
Ø Mn = φ As fy ⎜ d − ⎟ =0.9 x 2.35 x 60 ( 23 - ) = 2655.38 in-kips
⎝ 2⎠ 2
Factor of safety = = 1.63 < 1.85
it is not o.k.
M d = 1.85M = 1.85 x 1626.6 in – kips
assume, a = 4.5 in.
Mu 1.85 x1626.6
As = = = 2.69 in2
⎛ a ⎞ ⎛ 4 . 5 ⎞
φf y ⎜ d − ⎟ 0.9 x60⎜ 23 − ⎟
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
check , “a”
As f y 2.69 x60
a= = = 4.75 in ≈ aassume = 4.5 in.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x 4 x10
reassume, a = 4.75 in.
Mu 1.85 x1626.6
As = = = 2.70 in2
⎛ a⎞ ⎛ 4.75 ⎞
φf y ⎜ d − ⎟ 0.9 x60⎜ 23 − ⎟
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
check , “a”
As f y 2.7 x60
a= = = 4.76 in ≈ aassume = 4.75 in.
0.85 f c′b 0.85 x 4 x10
It is o.k.
2 2
Use 3 - No.9 bar ( 3 in ) > 2.7 in
(b) Es = 29 x 10 psi
Ec = 57000 fc' = 57000 4000 = 3.605 x 10 psi
6 6
n = Es / Ec = 29 x 10 / 3.605 x 10 = 8.04 , Take » n = 8
A 3
ρ= s = = 0.013
bd 10 x 23
k = 0.364, j = 0.8785 ( from table A.7 )
M 1626.6
fs = = = 26.834 ksi = 26834 psi
A s jd 3x0.8785 x 23
2M 2 x1626.6
fc = 2
= = 1.923 ksi = 1923 psi
kjbd 0.364 x0.8785 x10 x 23x 23
A1 y 1 + A2 y 2
(10 x 25) 25 + (8 − 1)x3x 23
(c) y = = 2 = 13.31 in.
A1 + A2 (10 x25) + (8 − 1)x3
bh 3 2 10 x 25 3
I= + Σ AK = + 250 ( 13.31 - 12.5 ) 2 + 21 ( 23 – 13.31 ) 2 = 15156.68 in4
12 12
My 1626.6 x(25 − 13.31)
fct = = = 1.255 ksi = 1255 psi
I 15156.68
f r = 7.5 f c = 7.5 4000 = 474.34 psi < fct = 1255 psi
Thus, Tension crack will form.
( Figure – as per No.6, As = 3 in )
29. A simply supported rectangular beam 16 in. wide having an effective depth of 22 in.
carries a total factored load of 7.9 kips/ft on a 20 ft. clear span. It is reinforced with 9.86 in2
of tensile steel, which continues uninterrupted into the supports. If f c = 3000 psi. throughout
what part of the beam is web reinforcement required? Design the shear reinforcement, using
No.3 vertical U stirrups with f y = 40000 psi. (20- marks)
Vu,max = 7.9 x = 79 kips
⎛ 22 ⎞
Vu,d = 79 - ⎜ 7.9 x ⎟ = 64.5 kips
⎝ 12 ⎠
Vc = 2 f c bd = 2 x 3000 x 16 x 22 = 38600 lbs
φVc = 0.85 x 38.6 = 32.8 kips < 64.5 kips. Thus, Web reinforcement is required.
Vu,max = 79 kips
X = 5.86’
Y = 7.92’ C.L
“S .F” diagram
X 79 − 32.8 Y 79 − 16.4
= =
10 79 10 79
X = 5.86 ft. from the support face. Y = 7.92 ft. from the support face.
φVs = Vu,d - φVc = 31.7 kips
4φ f c bω d = 4 x 0.85 3000 x 16 x 22 = 65600 lbs = 65.6 kips > φVs = 31.7 kips
Use No.3 strriups.
s max = = 11 in.
s max = 24 in.
Av f y 2 x0.11x 40000
s max = = = 11 in.
50bω 50 x16
Take, s max = 11 in.
φAv f y d 0.85 x0.22 x 40000 x 22
s= = = 5.2 in.
Vu − φVc 31700
φAv f y d 0.85 x0.22 x 40000 x 22
Vu − φVc = = = 14960 lb
s 11
X1 5.86
= = 1.89 ft. from the point of zero excess shear.
14960 79000 − 32800
( OR )
5.86 – 1.89 = 3.97 ft from the support face.
The first strriup is placed at a distance = 2.6 ≈ 3 in. from the support.
Spacing pattern,
. 3” 6 @ 5” 2 @ 7” 4@ 11”
30. A rectangular beam having b = 16 in., d = 22 in. and h = 25 in. spans 20 ft. face-to-face
of simple supports. It is reinforced with 9.86 in2 of tensile steel, which continues
uninterrupted into the supports. It is to carry service dead load 1.0 kip/ft in addition to its
own weight and service live load 3.48 kips/ft, both uniformly distributed along the span.
Design the shear reinforcement, using No. 3 vertical U stirrups. Material strengths are f c′ =
3000 psi, and f y = 40000 psi. Assume a weight of 150 pcf for reinforced concrete.
(20- marks)
16 x 25
Beam’s own weight = x150 = 417 lb/ft = 0.417 kip/ft
ωu = 1.4 D + 1.7 L = 1.4 ( 1 +0.417) +( 1.7 x 3.48 ) = 7.9 kips/ft
Vu,max = 7.9 x = 79 kips
⎛ 22 ⎞
Vu,d = 79 - ⎜ 7.9 x ⎟ = 64.5 kips
⎝ 12 ⎠
Vc = 2 f c bd = 2 x 3000 x 16 x 22 = 38600 lbs
φVc = 0.85 x 38.6 = 32.8 kips < 64.5 kips. Thus, Web reinforcement is required.
Vu,max = 79 kips
X = 5.86’
Y = 7.92’ C.L
“S .F” diagram
X 79 − 32.8 Y 79 − 16.4
= =
10 79 10 79
X = 5.86 ft. from the support face. Y = 7.92 ft. from the support face.
φVs = Vu,d - φVc = 31.7 kips
4φ f c bω d = 4 x 0.85 3000 x 16 x 22 = 65600 lbs = 65.6 kips > φVs = 31.7 kips
Use No.3 strriups.
s max = = 11 in.
s max = 24 in.
Av f y 2 x0.11x 40000
s max = = = 11 in.
50bω 50 x16
Take, s max = 11 in.
φAv f y d 0.85 x0.22 x 40000 x 22
s= = = 5.2 in.
Vu − φVc 31700
φAv f y d 0.85 x0.22 x 40000 x 22
Vu − φVc = = = 14960 lb
s 11
X1 5.86
= = 1.89 ft. from the point of zero excess shear.
14960 79000 − 32800
( OR )
5.86 – 1.89 = 3.97 ft from the support face.
The first strriup is placed at a distance = 2.6 ≈ 3 in. from the support.
Spacing pattern,
. 3” 6 @ 5” 2 @ 7” 4@ 11”