Annual Statement 24-DEC-18 AC 53237052
Annual Statement 24-DEC-18 AC 53237052
Annual Statement 24-DEC-18 AC 53237052
Do I need to do anything?
The information you see here has already been
shown on your statements in the past year, so
please check them if you're unsure of anything.
If you have questions about your Annual
Summary, or want to talk about how you could
manage your account differently to minimise
any future charges, call us on 0345 7 345 345 or
come into a branch. We'll be happy to help.
Barclays Bank UK PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the
Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register 759676). Registered in England. Registered No. 9740322. Registered
Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. page 1 of 4
About your account About your account continued
Our fees if you exceed your limits Your charges for the past year
If you try to make a payment from your current account These are not new fees and have all been shown, or will be
that would cause you to exceed any arranged borrowing shown, on your regular statements. There's nothing more to
limits (including any overdraft and/or Emergency pay. Any interest, fees or charges we have refunded to you
Borrowing facilities on your account) then, unless it is a have also been shown, or will be shown, on your regular
transaction which we must honour, it will be returned statements.
without being paid.
– When we have to return a payment unpaid, an Unpaid Fees incurred and applied
Transaction Fee of £8 will apply (unless you have the
Description no of fees £ per fee Total £
Control Feature & pay a monthly fee to avoid paying
Unpaid Transaction Fees). You will not incur more than Unpaid Transaction Fee 1 8.00 8.00
one Unpaid Transaction Fee on any working day. This is for returning attempted payments that
you did not have enough money to cover
– We can vary our fees from time to time in line with our (including any arranged borrowing)
Retail Customer Agreement. If we do this, we will write to Total 8.00
let you know.
If you'd like to minimise your fees in future and see where
– For more about our fees, please read the 'Our Bank Charges you could save, we'd be happy to talk to you about how you could
Explained' leaflet which you can find at or at manage your account differently to reduce or even avoid them.
any branch. For more information, please call us or come and see us at
a branch.
Summary of Emergency Borrowing and Unpaid
Transaction Fees Summary of charges
Barclays Current Barclays Current Unless stated otherwise, this is a summary of all fees and charges you
Account Account with have paid on your account over the past year.
Emergency Description Total £
Fees incurred and applied 8.00
Unpaid Transaction Fees £8 per day £8 per day Total 8.00
Maximum No. of Unpaid Fees 4 (£32) 4 (£32) If your account is overdrawn and you don't pay off the full
per charging Period amount you owe, any credits paid into your account go first to pay
off any fees. Once these are paid, your payments go towards
Emergency Borrowing Daily n/a £5 per day repayment of your borrowing over agreed limits, your Emergency
Fee Borrowing facility (if you have this facility & have used it) and
finally towards repayment of your overdraft facility
Maximum No. of Emergency n/a 7 (£35)
Borrowing Fees per charging
Credit interest
Monthly Maximum Charge £32 £67
Barclays Bank UK PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential
Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register 759676). Registered in England. Registered No. 9740322. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place,
page 2 of 4 London E14 5HP.
A reminder of your benefits Benefits and their key exclusions and
To help you make the most of your account,
here's a list of your account features and how Barclays Personalised Card
to access them, correct at the time we
You can now personalise your debit card with a photo or
produced this summary. gallery image (image guidelines apply) free of charge
What you need to do More details can be found at
You may need to register for benefits
While some of the benefits are available to you automatically, Other things you need to know Your card number will
you may need to register for others - you'll see how below. change - if you have registered your card on any internet
shopping sites or have any recurring payments set up on your
You'll find more about your benefits, details of all exclusions card, you may need to update the details.
and limitations, and your account terms and conditions at
Barclays Blue Rewards
Do you need to check, update or register Earn rewards :
for anything? A Loyalty Reward every month for banking with us
When you've had a look at the list below, you may want to A Home Insurance Loyalty Reward for taking out or renewing
get in touch for more information, to register for benefits or your personal home insurance with us
to let us know if anything has changed. You can call A Mortgage Loyalty Reward for taking out a new residential
0345 7 345 345, click, or visit any branch. mortgage or remortgaging with us
Enhanced cashback when you shop with our SmartSpend
partners, including Expedia
Benefits and their key exclusions and Save money :
limitations Get money off your everyday spending - and great prices on
quality brands
Online Statements
Secure, paper saving, easy to access
Print or save a statement from your account
Build up a record of statements from when you register
What you need to do As long as you're registered for Online
Banking, choose Manage Statements from the At A Glance
screen. Or register at a branch or by calling Telephone Banking,
if you have a Telephone Banking passcode.
Barclays Bank UK PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the
Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register 759676). Registered in England. Registered No. 9740322. Registered Office: 1
Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. page 3 of 4
Help is at hand
Get in touch
If you would like to talk to us about your account or about
any of the information here, please get in touch. We'll be
happy to help.
Our main number 0345 7 345 345 Talk to an adviser 24/7
Dispute resolution
If you have a problem with your account, please let us try to
solve it for you first. Then, if you are not happy with how we
handled the problem, you may be able to complain to the
Financial Ombudsman Service. If you do not take up your
problem with us first, however, the Ombudsman will not
look into it until you have. We can provide details of how to
contact the Ombudsman, should you need to.
Barclays Bank UK PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential
Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register 759676). Registered in England. Registered No. 9740322. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place,
page 4 of 4 London E14 5HP.