Prof - Ed 8 (LP-2)
Prof - Ed 8 (LP-2)
Prof - Ed 8 (LP-2)
1. knows the curriculum - teacher has to master what are included in the curriculum
- it is acquiring academic knowledge both formal
(disciplines, logic) or informal (derived from experiences,
vicarious, and unintended)
- it is the mastery of the subject matter (KNOWER)
2. writes the curriculum – takes record of knowledge concepts, subject matter or
content. The teacher writes books, modules, laboratory manuals,
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Activity 1. Identify which role of the curricularist is presented in the case below.
Write your reflection on the case presented.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Pawilen (2019) in his book “The Teacher and the School Curriculum A Guide to
Curriculum Development Practice”, mentioned that teachers play an important role
in almost all activities related to curriculum processes:
They are the chief implementers of the curriculum as they are directly
involved in the teaching and learning process.
They are catalyst of the development of individuals and societies.
They have a strong passion for mission to make a positive difference in the
lives of students.
They see themselves as key sources of knowledge and developments of skills
and values that are imperative for human life.
Teachers are curriculum leaders in the education system.
In the book of Pawilen (2019) “The Teacher and the School Curriculum”, the author
stresses that in curriculum leadership, teachers are considered curriculum leaders and are
expected to:
innovate and develop curriculum that are relevant and responsive to the
needs and context of the learners.
they serve as education ambassadors to different stakeholders
they are advocates of various curricular reform
teachers as curriculum leaders share the vision and mission of the whole
country on education.
they are shapers of positive educational environment
they are guardians of education values.
they are visionaries and effective problem-solvers. They develop visions of a
great society and use education as a tool for accomplishing this vision.
they study social issues, needs, and demands;
they respond carefully to the needs and interest of the students; and
they creatively solve problems related to teaching and learning
they are professionals working with different social agencies and various
stakeholders to improve quality of education and to make the curriculum
more relevant and responsive and to ensure effective and efficient
implementation of curriculum, curriculum reforms, and curriculum policies
teachers as curriculum leaders ensure that the rights of every leader in
education are
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Aside from being a curriculum leader, teachers also are considered as instructional
leaders. Let us not forget that teachers are implementers of the curriculum and the final
destination of implementation is in the classroom. For all we know, instruction is included
in curriculum, this is what most teachers do to conduct classes and assume instructional
leadership in the classroom particularly in the subject they teach. Pawilen (2019) identifies
some of the specific roles of teacher as instructional leaders in the local school context:
1. Designing instructional plans
2. Selecting and developing instructional materials
3. Assessing and reporting student’s progress
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Activity 2:
Think about your favourite teacher/s in your elementary grades, identify roles of
teachers as curriculum leaders that you observed from them. Discuss these roles.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Revise Instruction
In Reiser and Dick's model, as cited by Pawilen (2019), the teachers, as curriculum
leaders, need to ensure that the curriculum standards and competencies as reflected in the
instructional goals are implemented carefully. This model emphasizes the importance of
analyzing the content and the learners' characteristics while teachers select the lesson
objectives. The model also puts emphasis on the development of assessment tools after
identifying the objectives of the lesson. This will ensure that proper assessment tools,
aligned with the objectives of the lesson, will be utilized to assess students' learning,
Planning instruction in Reiser and Dick's model includes the following instructional
1. Motivation
2. Presentation of objectives
3. Recalling prerequisite skills and knowledge
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Activity 3:
In instructional leadership, the teachers play a big role in planning instruction.
Describe the roles of the teachers as well as the important things to consider to be an
effective leader.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
b. Sources of information
c. Methods for collecting the needed information
d. Methods for analyzing the data gathered
e. Timeline for conducting evaluation
4. Collect data – the teachers will collect or gather necessary data needed for the
instructional evaluation.
a. Focus group discussion
b. Interview with the students and teachers
c. Actual class observation
d. Examining samples of students’ output
e. Examining assessment tools used in the classes
f. Checking the facilities and other instructional materials
g. Checking of lesson plans
h. Interview with principals and supervisors
5. Analyze data — the teachers will analyze the data gathered and interpret results.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Activity 4:
Why is instructional evaluation important?
Teacher empowerment is at the heart of K-12 Education. With all the reforms and
innovations in the K-12 Education Program, teachers need to view themselves as
curriculum leaders performing the following functions (Pawilen; 2019):
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Since the K-12 Curriculum is a standards-based curriculum reform, all teachers are
compelled to focus their attention on the following:
1. Clarity of the standards — teachers should know the essential standards that every
student should learn in the curriculum. These standards are contents, skills, and
values or attitudes that students need to learn and master.
2. Visibility of performance measure — teachers need to ensure that each curriculum
standard shows visible outcome or performance.
3. Consistency of communication — teachers should effectively communicate the
standards to all students.
Elementary The elementary curriculum To develop the basic - Teachers need to mold the minds
is essential in helping every skills, literacies, and life and character of the future leaders
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Grades learner learn how to learn, skills that all learners and citizens of the world.
become creative and need to be prepared for - It requires teachers to develop
laboratory critical thinkers, and to life. The subjects are curriculum that will facilitate the
of life become builders of the designed to provide development of the mind, body, and
society. necessary information to character of the students.
help learners understand - Teachers as curriculum leaders are
the world and their roles, researchers.
This knowledge contains: and develop necessary - Teachers as curriculum leaders are
- history of people and skills that they need in empowered to design a new learning
society, everyday life. environment that celebrates diverse
- culture and values, ideas and learning styles.
- life-skills, - They utilize technology effectively in
- communication through teaching, and they make decisions on
language and other forms, curriculum content
- thinking skills,
- quantitative reasoning,
- basic understanding of
the natural and physical
Junior - follows the spiral It is the entry point of - teachers will assume leadership
curriculum design students to the rigors of roles by sharing their disciplinary
High enabling the learners to various disciplines in the expertise to the students.
School see the seamless areas of science, social - They are content experts and
connection of one topic sciences, mathematics, effective facilitators of teaching and
includes Grade to another at the humanities, and applied learning process.
VII to Grade X horizontal and vertical disciplines, such as Home - They plan effective lessons, select
of the levels. This means that Economics and Vocational contents, and identify strategies that
secondary spiral progression of Technology. are relevant to their students.
level content is observed in - They understand the complexity of
the scope-and sequence learners' behavior in this stage of life.
of the curriculum. - They serve as behavior compass for
students to emulate.
- This is their first
encounter to study the
disciplines as disciplines
and not as subjects,
such as:
- algebra,
- trigonometry,
- calculus,
- geometry,
- Asian history
- world history,
- economics,
- Philippine history
- world and Philippine
- natural sciences are
also presented in a
spiral curriculum
integrating physics,
chemistry, biology,
earth science, and
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
general sciences.
Senior students will choose The Senior High School - The teachers are experts in their
their own track from program is a two-year own field.
- academic track, education program added - They will teach courses that will
School - Tech & vocational track, to the 10 years of basic prepare the students for the
- arts and sports track. education in the profession they will choose and
Philippines. provide them necessary skills that
The academic track has they need to become entrepreneurs
four specializations: It was added basically to and productive everyday life.
- Humanities & Social prepare the Filipino for - Teachers play crucial role in
Sciences, global demands. It is part developing the professional skills and
- Business, of the commitment of the attitudes of their students.
- STEM, and country to make its - Teachers as curriculum leaders will
- General Academic educational system at par plan, design, develop, and implement
with global standards. curriculum appropriate for the
These tracks aim to students and aligned to the K-12
develop the following: Education Program.
- Life and Career Skills - They are expected to innovate and
- Learning & Innovation take the lead in ensuring that
Skills students will master the core
- Information & Media standards and competencies
Skills prescribed by the Department of
- Communication Skills Education for the Senior High School
To develop & implement
lessons that are:
- Learner-centered,
inclusive, and
- Relevant, responsive,
and research-based;
- Culture-sensitive,
contextualized, and
- Global Pedagogical
approaches that are
constructivist, inquiry-
based, reflective,
collaborative, and
Activity 5:
Identify and write down at least two challenges that K-12 teachers are
currently facing in their schools or in their practice of profession. Discuss how teachers as
curriculum leaders overcome such challenges.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
As mentioned by Pawilen (2019) in his book “The Teacher and the School
Curriculum A Guide to Curriculum Development Practice” teachers as curriculum leaders
play an important role in these challenges. Teachers need to…
- develop new curriculum, new curriculum materials, and new instructional designs
that will prepare the learners to meet the needs and demands of 21st century learning;
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
- have professional and personal updating, learning in the 21st century will need
teachers who possess a high degree— if technological-pedagogical-content knowledge
Middlewood and Burton (2001) as cited by Pawilen (2019), noted that the 21st century
teaching and learning would need a completely new paradigm of learning, This new
paradigm of learning focuses on developing:
1. Critical thinking
2. Creativity
3. Communication skills
4. Collaboration
Law and Glover (2000) as cited by Pawilen (2019), also identified new features of education
focusing on:
One of the challenges of the 21st century learning to curriculum leaders is to develop
habits of mind among the learners. Costa and Kallick (2009) as cited by Pawilen (2019),
identified the following habits of mind:
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Pawilen (2019) identified few important factors that need to be considered in the
development of teachers as curriculum leaders:
Make a group composed of 5, choose the members of the group you created. By
means of role playing, expert interview, panel discussion or video documentary portray the
C. M. D. Hamo-ay
2 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum
important key roles of teachers as curriculum leaders. Select only one mode of presentation
and send it on line.
1.3 References
Pawilen, G. (2019). The Teacher and the School Curriculum A Guide to Curriculum
Development Practice. REX Book Store.
Pawilen, G. (2015). Curriculum Development A Guide for Teachers and Students. Rex
Book Store.
Bilbao, P., (2015). Curriculum Development for Teachers. Lorimar Publishing
Reyes, E., (2015). Curriculum Development. Adriana Publishing Co., Inc.
Bilbao, P., (2008). Curriculum Development. Lorimar Publishing Inc.
1.4 Acknowledgment
The images, tables, figures and information contained in this module were
taken from the references cited above.
C. M. D. Hamo-ay