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Theme 1: Living and Non-Living things

The objective of this theme is to help children identify living and non-living things in
the surroundings and also develop an understanding of the concepts related to living and
non–living things based on observable features. The emphasis is more on development of
various processes/ skills such as observation, discrimination, and classification, etc.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
enlist living and non-living things seen in the surroundings;
identify characteristics of living and non-living based on observable features and their
cite examples of living/non-living based on observation;
draw pictures of living/non-living and name them;
describe features of living/non-living in their own words;
develop sensitivity towards plants, animals and the environment.

Living and Non-Living things

Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Living and Non–living  Revisiting Class II concepts.  Pictures / photos of living
things in the  Building on previous learning. and non-living.
surroundings:  Providing opportunities to children to  Boards to display pictures
 Examples of living and share personal experiences. of living and living/non-
non-living.  Organizing visits to the school living things.
 Features of living and garden/nearby areas to observe some  Drawings made by the
non-living. living and non-living things. children and the teacher.
 Difference between  Organizing activities related to  Worksheets on new
living and non-living identifying objects and things and concepts.
classifying them according to
 Encouraging children to describe
observable features of living beings in
their own words.
 Conducting group work (on chart to
differentiate between living (visuals)
and non-living things.
 Drawing pictures of objects/living
beings and naming them.

Life skills: Inculcation of culture for working together, Care and compassion towards animals,
sensitivity towards plants, animals and the environment.

Theme 2: Human Body

The prime focus of this theme is to acquaint children with the location, structure, and
function of the different internal organs in the human body. Emphasis has been laid on
understanding the process of respiration through a working model (in non-technical
language). The underlying idea is to inculcate healthy habits related to the breathing
process and develop core skills of science learning i.e. observation, explanation,
discussion, etc.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
indicate and identify various internal organs of the human body in the picture/diagram/model;
locate the position of internal organs on the cut out/model of human body;
draw pictures of major internal organs and label them;
draw and label the parts of respiratory system (organs);
discuss the need for breathing process for human beings;
explain (in their own words) the process of breathing;
discuss causes and problems of air pollution for living beings in daily life;
suggest ways to reduce air pollution in the surroundings.

Human Body
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Internal organs of the  Revisiting previous concepts learnt in  Charts/pictures of various
Human body: general Class II. Building on previous learning internal organs of human
structure, location and by initiating discussion on the learning body.
functions of the different of Class II concepts.  Picture cards of different
internal organs.  Providing opportunities to children to internal organs.
 Respiratory system: Parts share their personal experiences.  Cut outs of the human body
/organs of the respiratory  Drawing pictures of internal organs on depicting position of
system, (nose, windpipe, charts and labelling them with the internal organs.
lungs) and their functions, support of teacher/ elders / peer  Working model of the
process (inhale & exhale) group. respiratory system.
of breathing.  Explaining the process of breathing by  Improvisation of model of
 Diagram and labelling of using a model. respiratory system (with
organs of the respiratory  Demonstrating the process of the support of elders).
system inhalation/exhalation in class. Asking  Worksheets/ assignments.
 Simple process of deep children to follow.
breathing.  Initiating a discussion (in small
 Working model of the groups) on the need for proper
respiratory system. breathing process.
 Air Pollution - Causes and  Developing models of the respiratory
problems *. system in groups.
 Discussing in small group problems
and causes of air pollution and sharing
the information in the Class (only
awareness level).
 Conducting activities with cards.
Integration: Languages, Health and Physical Education, Social Studies (The Environment)
Note: *Air Pollution - Causes, effects and ways to prevent air pollution have been discussed in
Classes IV in Social Studies.

Theme 3: Animals: Birds

This theme is aimed at providing information and developing awareness regarding birds
seen in the surroundings/ environment. It is also expected to develop an understanding
of the specific features of birds (which make them fly), body parts, food habits and
where they live. Development of core skills such as, observation, discrimination,
identification, by using content identified under the theme is also an inherent part of
this theme.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
recognize and name common birds seen in the surroundings;
draw pictures of common birds and label their body parts;
discuss and describe food habits of some common birds (in their own words);
recognize nests/ pictures of some birds;
identify nests of interesting birds and draw them;
make model of nests using locally available material;
develop care and compassion/empathy towards animals / birds.

Animals: Birds
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Animals: Birds Common  Organizing visits to the park or garden  Pictures of various birds.
birds*, local / Indian. to observe birds and identify them.  Nests of some birds.
 Body parts – beaks, feet,  Organizing activities with children  Scrap book on pictures of
feathers. individually and in groups: birds.
 How birds fly.  To group bird’s cards based on their  Documentary films.
 Food habits. beaks, feathers, claws.  e-material on birds’ life.
 Nests of some interesting  Making diagrams of some common  Children’s drawings and
birds (weaver, tailor, birds and labelling their parts. paintings.
woodpecker birds).  Providing opportunities and
 Some other interesting facts encouraging children to find additional
about birds (eggs, sounds, facts on birds (internet) and share the
habitat). same in the class.
 Bird bath and care for  Group discussion on how and why
animals. birds fly.
 Sharing experiences narratives/ stories
to inculcate values for care and
compassion towards animals,
 Creating situations and providing live
 Providing opportunities to children to
develop/solve puzzles, riddles, poems
on birds, to develop creative

Integration: Languages
Life skills: Sensitivity towards environment and birds
Note: The idea of including common birds under this theme is to provide teachers with the
flexibility to select them as per the children’s contexts.

Theme 4: Animals: Common Insects

This theme aims at providing interesting facts related to some common insects observed
in the surroundings in order to develop an understanding and also sensitivity in children
towards animals and the environment. The theme is also expected to develop the skills
of observation, discussion, care and concern for other living beings and the environment.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
name some common insects seen in the surroundings;
identify some insects seen at home;
draw pictures and label main parts of insects;
discuss harmful effects of some insects (termites, mosquitoes, housefly, etc.) on humans;
suggest remedies to prevent harmful effects of insects on human beings;
discuss some social insects (butterfly, honeybee) which are useful for human beings;
explain the life cycle of honey bee in their own words;
develop compassion for animals;
develop a sensitivity towards the environment and living beings.

Animals: Common Insects

Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Common Insects*: ants,  Organizing group discussions to share  Photos/ charts/cards on
beetles, bees, flies, children’s personal experiences. different kinds of insects.
mosquitoes, butterfly.  Providing material, visual, e-content/  Picture of different parts of
 Body parts of an insect: film to children and sharing the same common insects
head, thorax, abdomen, to construct new knowledge and know (mosquito, house fly).
legs, wings. more facts about insects.  Scrap book on insects.
 Life cycle of a butterfly.  Assigning project work both  e-material.
 Some social insects (ants, individually and in groups on this  Picture / charts on the life
bees), at home and in the theme. cycle of honey bee,
environment.  Providing opportunities to find out butterfly.
 Harmful effects of insects. (internet) the life cycle of ants, bees  Children’s drawings
(mosquitoes, termites, lice, and discuss the same in class.  Development of
cockroaches, houseflies,  Collecting information/ stories/ scrapbook.
bedbugs). poems on the life of ants/ bees as
 Remedies. social animals.
 Narrating/ sharing experiences of
harmful effects of some insects
experienced at home.
 Encouraging children to suggest
remedies to overcome harmful effects
at home/ in the surroundings.
 Discussing interesting facts regarding
 Developing a scrapbook

Integration: Languages
Life Skill: Sensitivity towards animals and the environment.
*Note: The idea of putting common insects under the theme is to provide freedom to the teacher
to select them as per the children’s contexts.

Theme 5: Plants in the Surroundings

The theme ‘Plants in the Surroundings’ is aimed at developing an awareness and

understanding in children about various parts of plants including seeds. In addition, it
aims to develop sensitivity towards plants and environment and other skills such as,
observation, experimentation and discussion.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
appreciate the beauty of plants (flowers, leaves);
identify different parts and sub-parts of a plant and label them;
explain functions of each part of a plant in their own words;
demonstrate creative expression (leaf, floral design);
locate position of the seed in the plant;
draw picture of a seed and label the main parts;
distinguish different kinds of seeds (gram, green pea) seen at home/in the kitchen;
develop sensitivity towards plants and the environment;
perform simple experiments to demonstrate the process of germination (with the help of

Plants in the Surroundings

Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Parts of Plants.  Providing opportunities to children to  Different types of plants
 Structure and function of observe parts and sub-parts of plants  Children’s drawings.
each part of the plant and draw them.  Narratives related to care
(root, stem, leaf, flower  Discussing functions of different parts of plants and environment.
and fruit). of plants.  Various kinds of seeds
 Structure of a seed.  Providing opportunities to children to observation of (soaked/
 Kinds of seeds. share their personal experiences unsoaked).
 Process of germination, related to seed germination/  Simple experiment to
need of water, air, warmth formation of sprouts in different demonstrate seed
for germination. seasons. germination.
 Care of plants.  Setting up experiments on seed  Pictures/charts showing
germination with the involvement of various kinds of plants.
the teacher/elders.
 Providing hands on experiences
(different types of seeds) to children
to do activities on seed germination
individually and in groups and
recording their observations and
inferences in their own words in a
 Collecting poems/ stories related to
care of plants.
 Doing activities related to creative
expression by using leaves and

Integration: Languages
Life skills: Care and sensitivity towards plants and environment.

Theme 6: Food we get from Plants

The theme ‘Food we get from Plants’ is aimed at familiarising children with the various
uses of different parts of plants as an environmental resource. The theme will also help
develop the skills of observation, experimentation, care and sensitivity towards plants,
and also healthy habits related to food.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify plants as herbs, shrubs, trees and climbers and give examples of each;
draw pictures of each kind of plant (herbs, shrubs, climbers, trees);
draw pictures of some fruits and colour them;
enlist leaves, seeds, fruits, flowers and roots of plants used in and as food items;
name plants used for medicinal purposes (oil, spices);
enlist some medicinal seeds, leaves, buds etc., and name the plants;
develop sensitivity towards plants;
show respect and value for food and avoid wastage of food.

Food We get from Plants

Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Plants as herbs, shrubs,  Citing sharing and discussing with  Pictures/ photos of
trees and climbers and children examples of different kinds different kinds of fruits/
their examples. of plants. flowers.
 Parts of plants used as  Encouraging children to draw pictures  Actual flowers and fruits of
food items: leaves, roots of flowers, fruits and other parts of various kind.
fruits, seeds, flowers. plants used as food.  A herbarium.
 Plant products such as oil,  Organising small group discussions  Pictures of herbs, shrubs,
spices, pulses and other on uses of parts of plants. trees, climbers.
edible things (medicinal  Providing materials to observe kinds  Plant products as edible
leaves, seeds). of plants (herbs, shrubs, climbers) and non-edible parts.
and drawing them.  Narratives on care of
 Enlisting various parts of plants used plants.
for medicinal purposes.
 Organising group activities to classify
plant products as pulses, grains,
leaves, fruits, seeds, roots and identify
the plants.
 Organising activities by involving
children to develop creative
expression e.g. thumb, finger
impression to create flowers, leaves,
making designs using colours.
 Visiting to an open area (garden) to
observe various kinds of plants

Integration: Languages, Social Studies (The Environment)

Theme 7: Forms of Matter: Solids, Liquids and Gases

The theme ‘Forms of Matter’ is expected to develop an understanding of

different forms of matter found in day to day life along with their examples.
The theme would also provide an awareness about observable properties of
different forms of matter. The focus of the theme is to develop concept
formation related to different forms of matter, to enable children link the
forms with their daily life. It also aims at developing skills of observation,
classification and experimentation.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify natural and man-made things in the surroundings;
distinguish and classify solids, liquids and gases based on their observable properties;
cite an example of each form based on observation in the surroundings;
draw pictures of experiments that show the properties of each form;
explain uses of solids/ liquids/ gases in daily life.

Forms of Matter: Solids, Liquids and Gases

Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Forms of Matter: solids  Providing opportunities to children to  Pictures, charts and
liquids and gases. share their personal experiences by materials on solids, liquids
 Examples of solids and asking them to enlist solids, liquids and gases.
their properties. and gases seen at home.  Experiments that depict
 Examples of liquids and  Demonstrating the properties simple properties and
their properties. (through simple experiments) of forms of matter
 Examples of gases and solid, liquid and gases (with the  Project work.
their properties. support of teachers).  E- material / visuals on
 Uses of matter.  Conducting activities/ experiments to the concerned theme.
observe forms of matter (e.g. ice.
water and vapour)
 Conducting discussion about the
distinction between solids, liquids and
gases based on their observable
physical properties.
 Sharing narratives, materials/ e-
material on different forms of water.
 Assigning individual and/or group
projects on how to save water (making
slogans, writing success stories, etc.).
 Discussing various kinds of materials
in different forms (solid, liquid, gas)
available in school/ home/

Note: Focus of the theme should be on observation and simple experimentation.

Theme 8: Some Properties of Water

The theme ‘Properties of Water’ is aimed at providing an understanding of some

properties of water which can be easily observed by children through activities. Children
would also get an understanding of the conditions that affect making of a solution. The
theme further aims to discuss ‘what floats and what sinks’ in water, in a fun and
interesting manner.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify different properties of water (based on observations);
classify materials based on solubility in water (soluble and not soluble in water);
demonstrate (through experiments) properties of some materials that dissolve in water and
some that do not;
classify objects that float/sink in water (experimentally);
conduct simple experiments on their own to make simple solutions using common substances
(salt, sugar).

Some Properties of Water

Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
Revision of Class II learning  Revisiting concepts learnt in Class II.  Solution of water (salt,
 Physical Properties of  Conducting activities/ experiments sugar).
water (occupy space, take (in group) to demonstrate some  Collection of soluble and
shape of the container) physical properties of water (occupy non-soluble substances.
 Water and water solutions. space, take shape of the container).  Water, objects that sink
 Conditions that affect  Conducting activities to demonstrate and float.
making of a solution objects that sink/float.  Containers of different
(stirring, warm water).  Demonstrating: sizes.
 Common soluble and  how to make solution of common
insoluble substances in substances.
water (simple  soluble and insoluble substances in
experiments). water and with examples.
 Objects that float, sink in  various conditions that affect
water (through simple making solution of water (warm /
activities). cold water, stirring / not stirring)

Note: This theme should be covered in class as a fun and play activity. The focus is not on
drawing inferences.

Theme 9: Water as a Resource

This theme is aimed at creating awareness regarding different forms of water and their
applications in day-to-day life. The theme is also expected to throw some light on the
process of evaporation and condensation in simple terms. Causes of water impurities and
ways to purify water, along with uses of water harvesting as a way to protect and
conserve the water resources in the environment will form a part of the theme. Children
will also develop skills of discussion, explanation and experimentation through this

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
discuss properties of different forms of water (solid, liquid, gas);
explain the water cycle (as seen in daily life) in their own words;
draw a picture of the water cycle and label different forms of water in the water cycle;
discuss reasons for water impurities in the environment;
explain ways of water purification used at home/school;
appreciate the use of rainwater harvesting in daily life;
suggest ways to conserve water.

Water as a Resource
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
Revisit learning of Class II  Revisiting concepts/learning in Class  Picture/film
 Change of state of water: II.  Children’s drawings on
evaporation, condensation  Building on previous learning. water cycle, ways of
through simple activities  Demonstrating pictures/ films/ chart purification.
(using non-technical of water cycle and the process of  A chart/pictures on the
terms). formation of different forms of water. process of rain water
 Water impurities: types  Drawing a picture of water cycle. harvesting.
and causes.  Demonstrating different ways of  Model of rainwater
 Purification of water: purification of water (at home/ harvesting.
various ways and school) followed by group activity by
processes (layers cloth, children.
boiling, chlorine.)  Organising visits to show / ways/
 Rainwater harvesting: process of rain water harvesting; and
need and ways of doing it. making models.
 Discussing various ways to purify
water at home and drawing pictures
of demonstrations.
 Providing opportunities to discuss
/share, ask questions from teacher,
elders regarding water impurities,
causes, and types of impurities seen in
daily life
 Encouraging children to write ways
and slogans to save water.
Integration: Languages, Health and Physical Education, Social Studies (The Environment)
Life Skills: Sensitivity towards environment (saving water)

Theme 10: Sun as a Natural Resource

The theme ‘Sun as a Natural Resource’ is expected to develop an understanding of the

the importance of the sun, its various uses in daily life and how the sun can be used as
a renewable resource of energy. The theme would also expect to develop an
understanding of energy, both renewable and non-renewable.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
explain the concept of energy in their own words.
enlist what activities can be done in the sun in different seasons;
appreciate the use of solar energy in daily life (solar cooker, solar cell, solar heater, solar panels
on crossings of roads, on roof tops);
discuss ways to save energy at home/school;
explain that the sun is needed for the process of photosynthesis in plants;
give reasons why the sun is necessary for living organisms;
enlist uses of solar cell, solar cooker, etc. to save electricity/energy;
discuss other sources of energy (renewable & non-renewable).

Sun as a Natural Resource

Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
Revisit learning of class II  Revisiting concepts learnt in Class II.  Discussion on children’s
 Sun as a natural source of  Building on previous learning. personal experiences.
energy.  Providing opportunities to children to  Children’s drawings.
 Sun for growth, share personal experiences related to  Pictures and Scenes of
photosynthesis, in plants. sun (in different seasons) different seasons and sun.
 Use of sun for solar  Demonstrating how the solar cooker  Written description about
cooker/ cooking, drying. and solar cell work and discussing sun.
 Solar cells as a source of their uses in daily life.  Pictures of the Solar
electricity.  Discussing how use of solar cooker, cooker and its uses.
 Renewable & non- solar cell, solar panel etc. can save  Pictures of the Solar cell,
renewable sources of electricity and save the environment. solar panel and its uses.
energy (meaning in non-  Showing pictures of different seasons,
technical terms with to show the effect of sun on human
examples). activities.
 Conservation of energy.  Assigning projects (individual/ group)
 Ways to save energy.
 Use of Sun in daily life
 Diagram to show conservation of
solar energy

Integration: Languages
Life Skills: Sensitivity towards environment (saving energy)

Theme 11: Cleanliness, Health and Hygiene

The theme aims to inculcate in children healthy habits related to oneself and the
surroundings, by using their personal experiences and narratives as learning resources.
The theme is also expected to develop sensitivity towards environment by using various
action-oriented activities. Skills such as observation, discussing, appreciation will also
be developed.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
demonstrate personal cleanliness of body parts;
identify causes of unclean surroundings;
enlist ‘do’s and ‘don’ts’ to keep the surroundings clean;
suggest ways to keep the public places clean;
discuss what makes the body healthy;
follow/appreciate need for healthy living;
appreciate the need of exercise / yoga / recreational activities for healthy living.

Cleanliness, Health and Hygiene

Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested Transactional Processes
 Personal cleanliness:  Discussing and sharing the personal  Personal experiences of
Hand washing, nails, hair, experiences of children. children.
clothes, other body parts.  Organizing small survey  Pictures depicting healthy
 Looking after your body in (group/work) involving visiting some habits (yoga, exercise
terms of food, rest, places near the school and sharing the personal cleanliness).
exercise, recreational status of cleanliness. This will be  Talk by a doctor/ teacher.
activities. followed by a discussion.  Steps taken by parents for
 Cleanliness in the  Assigning individual/group projects a clean home.
surroundings; causes of to children to meet 5 families &
unhealthy surroundings suggest ways to reduce garbage on the
(use of polythene, spitting, roads/surroundings.
garbage).  Making slogans / posters on personal
 Ways to improve the hygiene and on keeping the
surroundings. surroundings clean.
 Knowledge about the  Organizing survey of some places in
Swachchh Bharat Abhiyan: the school (tap, toilets, garden,
activities for clean playground, dustbins, etc.) and
surroundings. discussing in class their state of
 Discussing “Swachchh Bharat
Abhiyan Mission” in the class and
suggesting how to make it successful
by their contributing to it through
small actions.
 Organising visit to public places
(Railway station, bus stop, open

Integration: Languages, Health and Physical Education, Social Studies (The Environment)
Life Skills: Cleanliness, health and hygiene for healthy living, environmental sensitivity


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