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Assessment of BIM for Managing Scheduling

Risks in Construction Project Management

Conference Paper · October 2015


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3 authors, including:

Henry Abanda Akponanabofa Henry Oti

Oxford Brookes University Oxford Brookes University


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Assessment of BIM for Managing Scheduling Risks in
Construction Project Management

Musa Adamu Musa, 14100644@brookes.ac.uk

Department of Real Estate and Construction, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, OX3 0BP, UK
Henry Abanda, fabanda@brookes.ac.uk
Department of Real Estate and Construction, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, OX3 0BP, UK
Henry Oti, aoti@brookes.ac.uk
Department of Real Estate and Construction, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, OX3 0BP, UK

Poor risk management is among major challenges facing the construction industry on issues of
timely project completion. Although risk factors are numerous, the nature of construction projects
being prone to changes during execution makes it difficult to adequately capture risk aspects related
to scheduling and timely project completion. Traditional 2D computer-based tools do not
adequately utilize digitised computable information, thus limited in capturing construction risk.
Hence, the exploitation of emerging BIM to bridge this gap is now being noted in construction
project management. This study investigates the application of BIM in managing scheduling risk of
construction projects. Being the preliminary part of an ongoing research, the investigation is carried
out through a desk-top study. We argue that in order to properly minimize the risk of schedule
delay in projects; construction sequencing activities need to be adequately digitised and BIM offers
the opportunity to integrate vital aspects of project management that considerably improve
scheduling risk management.

Keywords: BIM, construction, risk, scheduling, project management

1 Background to the Construction Industry

In the UK, the construction industry is significant to the economic and social development, having
an annual turnover of more than £100 billion and accounts for almost 10% of its GDP (EISC, 2012). It
comprises over 280,000 businesses covering some 2.93 million jobs, which is equivalent to about 10%
of the entire UK employment (BIS, 2013). Despite this, it is known for inefficiencies. The UK
government, together with the industry has set out some strategic objectives to curtail these
inefficiencies which have led to the publishing of a report of the Government Construction Strategy
by the Cabinet Office (2011). This report sets out the government’s ambition of collaborative 3D BIM
(with all project and asset information, documentation and data being electronic) on its projects by
2016 (Cabinet Office, 2011). This is geared towards a sector where parties involved in projects will
be working on a shared platform with reduced transaction costs and less margin for errors.
Furthermore, Sawhney et al. (2014) discussed based on other literature reports that the sector is
confronted by many inefficiencies like time and cost overruns, irregularities in procurement and
below par performance on development projects amongst its peers. Proverbs et al. (2000) reviewed
that the industry has given rise to dissatisfaction due to the level of service it provides as well as the
quality of the end product. On the whole, a note of the most frequent problems facing the industry
clearly identified some issues which include: fragmentation, poor workmanship and supervision,
low productivity, changes of design during construction, over-specification, over reliance on
traditional procurement, absenteeism of labour, inexperienced management and so many more.

The problems stated above can be attributed to a number of causes. Proverbs et al. (2000) mentioned
that some causes include the labour intensive nature of the processes associated with the industry,

Musa et al. 2015 A Template for the CIB W78 Conference 2015

its casualness in adopting new technologies, e.g. information technology (IT) as well as the lack of
collaborative nature of the industry. Also, poor risk management is an aspect that gives rise to
many problems in construction. Typically, the projects change over time during execution due
unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances. The industry is still improvising the best means to
adequately manage effects of uncertainties in projects (Taxen and Lillieskold, 2008; Li et al, 2009).

The advent of BIM seems to provide some succor of promise to enhance risk management in
projects. Like many other aspects of construction, BIM has been suggested to provide opportunities
to manage the different aspects of risk in construction (Matějka and Tomek, 2014). Yet, perhaps
partly because of the emerging nature of BIM, literature about how BIM can be used in managing
construction risk is sketchy. Although risk factors numerously include adverse weather conditions,
natural disaster, site accidents, poor supervision and management, cash flow difficulties etc. the
scope of this study is limited to schedule-related risks. This aspect of risk is especially important
because it can trigger other types of risks such as cost, quality risks, etc. if not properly managed.
Also, there appears to be growing research efforts on incorporating aspects of scheduling in the
digitization of the construction project otherwise known as BIM.

As such, the aim of this study is to investigate the application of BIM in the area of risk associated
with the scheduling and planning of construction projects. This study is still in its preliminary
stages, so only findings from desk-top study have been discussed. To facilitate understanding, a
signpost of the paper will be discussed. Firstly, the domain of project planning is reviewed in
section 2. This will facilitate the understanding of the domain and challenges encountered with
scheduling. Secondly, an overview of scheduling risk in construction is provided in section 3.
Thirdly, section 4 delves into common scheduling software and challenges associated with their
uses. Fourthly, in section 5, BIM and 4D modelling applications are examined revealing how
challenges associated to scheduling risk can be overcome. Fifthly, the key findings of this review are
presented in section 6. The paper concludes with a summary in section 7.

2 Project Planning in Construction

Planning a construction project consists of defining activities and precedence relationships.
Scheduling involves determining resources and activity durations, then applying Critical Path
Method (CPM) to calculate early and late activity start and finish times as well as floats (Dzeng and
Tommelein, 2004). As claimed by Taxen and Lillieskold (2008), the traditional methods for planning
projects were developed in the late 1950’s and these methods show graphically the sequence of and
the relationships between the individual work tasks or activities required for the completion of a
project. They include: Gantt, Work Breakdown structure (WBS), Program Evaluation and Review
Technique (PERT) and the Critical Path Method and have always played an important role in
project management. Nevertheless, Alzraiee et al. (2015) reviewed that although these methods have
been useful in the field of project management, the models developed by them often fail to deliver
realistic estimates of project duration, cost and productivity. The failure can be attributed to the
industry’s dealing with accelerating dynamism as well as complexities of construction works which
makes construction difficult to manage (Taxen and Lillieskold, 2008; Li et al, 2009;). Also, Alzraiee et
al. (2015) depicted that the traditional methods have failed to provide a concise depiction of the
project structure and its real behaviour. Additionally, the changing behaviour of a project over time
possibly due to uncontrollable situations and organisational policies on productivity affects the
project and these are very much neglected by the traditional methods. There is always high
uncertainty and requires continuous revisions during project execution. Summing it all up,
traditional methods result in models that are discrete in nature and not representative of the system.
They can rarely help with decision-making based on analysis of real data (Chen et al, 2012).

3 Scheduling Risk in construction

Serpella et al. (2014) discussed based on the findings of other researchers that risk as a concept has
many aspects and is defined as the probability of a damaging event occurring in a project, affecting
its objectives. Irimia-Dieguez et al. (2014) defined risk management as the systematic process of
identifying, analysing and responding to project risk. Tohidi (2011) defined risk management as the
process of identifying and assessing risk, and applying methods to reduce it to an acceptable extent.

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Lee et al. (2009) noted that the main purpose of risk management is to identify, evaluate, and control
the risk for project success). Simply, risk management involves the process of determining the likely
risk to occur, taking necessary steps to examine its effects and fashioning out ways to prevent or
lessen the effects, in the event that it ensues. In planning project scheduling, Aziz (2014) suggested
that PERT predicts future project performance and problems with regards to time by taking into
account three possible assumptions which include: optimistic, pessimistic and most likely (realistic)
time estimates. Risks involved in construction projects amongst many, consists of schedule delay (or
time overrun) as investigated by Banaitiene and Banaitis (2012). Time overrun is one of the most
significant issues being faced by the construction industry today and there are various factors
responsible for this which needs attention to understand and address in order to achieve successful
completion of projects on time (Memon et al., 2011). Hossen et al. (2015) argued that success in any
project is measured by time, cost and quality which show the performance of the construction
parties involved and there is built-in uncertainty in the schedule of the construction phase for
different projects. Schedule delay can be defined as the time overrun either beyond the completion
date specified in a contract or beyond the date that the parties involved agree upon for delivery of a
project. Schedule delay can lead to many undesirable effects on the project such as loss of revenue,
higher costs due to longer work period, additional material cost and extra labour cost (Hossen et al,

However, in order to check schedule risk, Aziz (2014) discussed that planning time schedule for
project completion should consider: (1) Optimistic time: This the minimum possible time required to
accomplish a task, assuming everything proceeds better than what is normally accepted. There is
the assumption that there will be less amount of difficulties; (2) Pessimistic time: This is maximum
possible time required to accomplish a task, assuming everything goes wrong but excluding major
catastrophes. This time assumes maximum potential for difficulties where everything will not go as
planned. (3) Most likely time: This is the best estimate of time required to complete a task, assuming
everything proceeds as normal. This is the time dimension that will most often transpire in projects.

As earlier discussed, in the last few decades, numerous project control methods (PERT, Gantt Bar
Chart and CPM) have been developed. Alzraiee et al. (2015) reported that in the afore-mentioned
methods, interrelationships among the project variables and surrounding factors are in reality
complex and are not linear as portrayed by the traditional methods since interactions amongst
project elements as well as with the environment result in challenges that can hinder developing
realistic and representative planning models. Further discussion by the authors aimed at the fact
that the CPM based schedule baselines always experience high uncertainty in execution and require
continuous revisions and enhancements to capture the dynamics generated during the project’s
execution where in reality, the project is a system of interrelated elements in which each element is
unique in nature and interacts with other elements to generate behaviour. Chen et al. (2012) argued
that for the PERT method, the approaches do not consider the correlations that exist in the activity
durations, activity cost, resources and spaces in a schedule network because the probabilistic models
have the duration of each activity entered or evaluated independently of the durations of other
activities in the network, and activity cost is calculated accordingly. Chua et al. (2013) reviewed that
CPM models do not capture complex temporal constraints containing conjunction and disjunction
conditions and dictate only one predefined sequence and therefore, cannot represent complex
temporal constraints and all possible sequences resulting from complex functional requirements.
Further addition is that the approaches cannot infer temporal constraints from functional
requirements. Taxen and Lillieskold (2008) claimed that the traditional methods have drawbacks of
the network plan looking intricate and perplexing to first-time users and that even though they
have a strong temporal character, most network diagrams do not have a time scale and appear
timeless to the untrained eye. Also, there is the underlying assumption of a given functionality of
the finished product which may give a delusive impression that only time and resources need to be
controlled. For very dynamic projects, updating and maintaining Gantt charts can be cumbersome
and if the diagrams are larger than one page, they are not useful for communication or discussions
hence, the diagrams are good for static environments, but less useful during continuously changing
circumstances (Taxen and Lillieskold 2008). It can be seen that the traditional methods are less
effective from different literatures especially for complex projects and can even prove to be

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worrisome as a result of the dynamism and intricacies associated with constructions both in terms
of factors that can be controlled as well as those that cannot be controlled.

Technologies are increasingly being used to support the execution of various aspects of the
construction (Ibem and Laryea, 2014), a variety of software packages have become available which
are needed to support the application of the traditional methods being used which include Microsoft
Project, Asta Power Project, Primvera etc. (Olawale and Sun, 2010). Liu et al (2015) reviewed that
with the advances in 3D computer aided design (CAD) and information technology, researchers and
construction practitioners have been seeking to develop computer-assisted scheduling tools in order
to boost scheduling efficiency and relevance. This is because the traditional construction scheduling
is formulated manually in the form of 2D bar charts which has proved to be a laborious and highly
error-prone process that challenges construction practitioners. Project management software
packages generally facilitate the integration of project data, the interaction with enterprise systems,
the interoperability with new Information Technology (IT), optimization of teams’ productivity by
allowing better decisions to be made in order to maintain a competitive advantage and
implementation of an effective project management (Pellerin et al, 2013). The mechanisms of
software packages aid operation simulations that are able to consider uncertain durations of work
tasks as well as to evaluate various resource allocation strategies in order to create a suitable
construction plan (Wang et al, 2014). This facilitates construction management by discovering
inappropriate schedule sequences, evaluating issues of constructability and identifying potential
time-space conflicts (Wang et al, 2014). Jugdev et al. (2013) reviewed that one of the major tools
extensively used amongst others with high intrinsic value to improve project success are software
packages for task scheduling such as Microsoft Project. Hence, there is a high correlation between
project success and task scheduling. Visualization is enhanced by software packages because they
provide graphical views for scheduling activities forwards or backwards temporally during any
period of time thereby supporting the project participants in more effectively understanding the
sequences of construction work (Wang et al, 2014). Thus, it can be seen that scheduling software
packages help in providing information about how construction activities will be carried out
sequentially prior to its actual construction on site.

4 An overview project scheduling software systems

Wang et al. (2014) discussed that project scheduling software systems are used to create project
schedules from which BIM compliments by using them to create schedule simulations. A variety of
software systems can be used to create project schedules which can then be used for this purpose.
Table 1 provides an overview of some project scheduling software systems and their relationships
with BIM.

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Table 1 An overview of project scheduling software

Software Features BIM integration Risk integration

Asta It links project plans to 3D models within a single application, easily integrates Schedules created can It enables project risk to be
powerproject with other scheduling software systems like MS project, Primavera, and Sure be exported to BIM quantified and allows project
track, can protect against litigation caused by delay, It ensures unparalleled software for 4D managers to proactively
control over the presentation of plans, schedules correctly with mixed modelling. Asta identify problems that may
calendars, it gives logical differentiation between different types of links, user powerproject BIM affect the project.
friendly, accurate progress reporting and can be used for small and large uses BIM models to
projects. create 4D schedules
within the same
Primavera It enhances flexible, web-based, user interfaces that give project team members Primavera integrates Primavera P6 reduces the risk
access anywhere, anytime. With Primavera P6, there is team-based with BIM by using of project slippage and cost
collaboration to improve decision making, streamline co-ordination and data within 3D model overruns by conducting what-
improve efficiency due to process automation capabilities. It allows quick and to produce if analysis and alternative
easy forecasting of WBS’s activities or projects. It can be used for large and construction project plans. Its risk analysis
complex projects and can assist in cost and schedule forecast. schedules and cost provides a comprehensive
estimates. It enables means of determining
3D model to become a confidence levels for project
virtual search engine success.
for building parts and
materials that can be
accessed after the
facility is built.
MS Project This software is part of the Microsoft Office suite and so it integrates cleanly This software MS Project coupled with
with the various Microsoft applications. integrates with 3D @Risk software performs risk
It does have advanced features like resource levelling, Critical Path BIM software by analysis using Monte Carlo
Management and PERT Charting. Although the file format itself is binary, linking planned simulation which is a
there is a way to do XML export for using the data in other capacities. It helps schedules with a 3D technique used to know risk
to work more efficiently with the simple and intuitive Microsoft fluent user model which enables impact in project management
interface. One can be able to simplify planning with inactive and active tasks to 4D planning and forecasting models. It gives
perform what-if analysis. Allows for identifying unassigned or unscheduled constructability many possible outcomes and
tasks to proactively solve problems. By using the Microsoft Office Backstage analysis. the probability of occurrence.
view, there is enhanced team collaboration by sharing information more

Musa et al. 2015 A Template for the CIB W78 Conference 2015

Synchro This software system lets the Synchro CPM engine to calculate start, finish Synchro Scheduler is Through its calculation of
Scheduler dates and the Critical Path after adding descriptions, durations and logic. Can fully compatible with Critical Path, it helps in
be imported, exported and synchronized to-and-from other software systems Synchro PRO which managing risk associated to
like Primavera, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel, PMA Netpoint and Asta provides real-time, 4D projects. Also, the 4D
Powerproject. During construction, tracking of actual and remaining quantities functionality to teams functionality of Synchro Pro
can be done and the remaining duration can be updated accordingly. The enhancing the ability helps in risk mitigation.
resource utilization graph can be used to determine where a resource may be to plan, communicate
over or under used and updating the schedule in real time. and manage projects
more efficiently and
ProjectLibre This software supports social media-like collaboration platform, forums, web This software does not It analyzes risk by determining
software conferences, code integration and multiple workflows that can be used for integrate with BIM. confidence levels of project
issue tracking. Critical Path is calculated and displayed by default. It has the success
ability to be exported to PDF. It enables prediction of resources needed to
complete a project. It has a feature of allocating resources by skill sets i.e.
employees to different tasks based on their skills. Its cycle time analytics help
in viewing the completion rate of projects. Its project portfolio management
features help in managing several projects at the same time by categorizing
them on numerous key characteristics after which results of the whole
portfolio can be analyzed.
Fast track This software ensures that profit improves by staying on schedule and shows This software does not This software does not
schedule the impact of scheduling changes on costs and deadlines. There is ease of integrate with BIM. integrate risk analysis and as
software exchange of data with spreadsheets, MS Project, iCal, Mindjet, MindManager such doesn’t integrate risk
and other databases. It can also import Microsoft Project MPP and MPT files. management.
There is the possibility for network administrators to establish a global default
schedule and templates by capturing preferred settings for dates, data columns,
layouts, filters and sorts as well as bar styles and milestones. It can identify and
avoid scheduling conflicts. It has integrated cash flow tracking for up-to-date
financial reporting. Tracks change orders, punch lists and key milestones.
Project This software allows history of completed tasks to be saved as remaining jobs This software does not Risk duration allowances can
Commander are prioritised and rescheduled and new tasks incorporated into future plans. It integrate with BIM. be incorporated into overall
software provides reports as jobs are resourced by providing easily understandable task durations. Allied with risk
graphics. It can show how individuals or groups have been allocated or which log, the risk time can be linked
ones show availability to handle new working coming in on changing to particular risks in the log.
priorities. There is integration with Microsoft Project, Microsoft Access and

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Excel and other databases. It can open MPP and MPX files from some versions
of Microsoft Project. This software has the ability of calculating the Critical
Path of a project. It allows for the copy of records across files by opening up
more than one session of the software. This software can be used by non-
planners and administrative staff to create short-term plans or update contract
Deltek Open This software can be used for small, medium and large projects. It consists of This software does not It carries out Monte Carlo
Plan software multi-project analysis, critical path planning, resource management which integrate with BIM. simulation of project schedules
caters for the needs of business, resource and project managers. Its tools for risk analysis.
enhances decision making and optimize program management. It prevents
scheduling problems before they occur by defining business rules like every
activity with work must have a WBS and any activity in progress must have a
valid Actual start. Data can be shared with desktop planning tools like MS
project. Some of its features allows for integration of data from systems such as
Deltek Costpoint or Oracle Projects. It accommodates cost and earned value
management. It also supports Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQLServer and
Oracle databases. An application of it enhances team members’ collaboration. It
facilitates fast and realistic planning through rapid data entry and analysis and
powerful reporting on project status and progress.

Proc. of the 32nd CIB W78 Conference 2015, 27th-29th 2015, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
In the UK, BIM is defined by the Construction Project Information Commitee, supported by the
Royal Institute of British Architects as ‘the digital representation of physical and functional
characteristics of a facility creating a shared knowledge resource for information about it forming a
reliable basis for decisions during its life cycle, from earliest conception to demolition’. Rather than
a software, it is a systems approach to the design, construction, ownership, management, operation,
maintenance, use and demolition or reuse of buildings (Smith and Tardif, 2009 cited in Hammad et
al, 2012). As noted (Mills, 2001; Ramkumar and Gopalakrishnan, 2014), the industry is unique in its
services and products and as a result, it is dynamic and characterized by countless varying risks.
Brydeet al. (2013) indicated that BIM is an appropriate tool for managing projects and should be
considered by project managers. BIM can be used to update schedule and costs and this can go a
long way in managing risks associated to construction projects.

5 4D Building Information Modelling

Many studies have evaluated the effectiveness of BIM, have acknowledged the potential benefits of
this new technology and has been accepted as a process and corresponding technology to improve
the efficiency and effectiveness of delivering a project from inception to operation/maintenance
(Ding et al., 2014). Project planners face many uncertain and complex tasks during construction due
to design errors and mismatch of what is planned and actually needed and these errors and
mistakes in the construction planning schedule occur frequently. Due to the complexity and the
large number of factors involved, computers can be an efficient tool to help project planners. A type
of digital model for construction is a detailed building component model, which is related directly to
construction activities. This can check design and is closely associated with the construction
planning schedule (Li et al, 2009). BIM application can be classified into 4D based applications which
is the integration of 3D models with schedule (Ding et al., 2014). Wang et al. (2014) reviewed that
combining a BIM-based 3D model and a project schedule represents the fourth dimension which has
been highlighted as a great merit of using BIM and by so doing, further facilitates construction
management by discovering inappropriate schedule sequences, issues of constructability and
potential time-space conflicts. In doing this, a 3D model using Autodesk-for example- and a project
schedule using MS Poject, Asta Powerproject or Primavera software are developed separately, after
which a schedule simulator such as Navisworks or Synchro software is utilized to link the 3D
components with the related scheduling activities. This results into the 4D model which displays
construction sequence by showing consecutive 3D components as a progression over the time-span
of the project. Li et al. (2009) claimed that construction simulation assists project planners to better
understand construction process, predict possible mistakes, validate proposed construction planning
schedule as well as analysing resource allocation thereby preventing allocating problems.

Mahalingam et al. (2010) indicated that 4D CAD models integrate 3D elements with time as the
fourth dimension and this time attribute indicates the start and finish time of the construction.
Hence a 4D model of a structure can therefore be used to graphically simulate the sequence of
construction operations, therefore providing the operator with virtual, visual understanding of the
construction process. It has been noted to add value to the process and saves time as well as money
(Allen and Smallwood, 2008). According to the study of Song et al. (2012), 4D simulation depicts the
dynamic status of the building under construction over the course of time. The simulation is based
on schedule data where 3D geometry appears at the start time, and is highlighted in colour during
the work time until the end of the simulation. In this manner, the progress of construction is
simulated. Through 4D simulation, the user can view the construction process in a dynamic
visualization and confirm that there are no problems with the construction process.
Notwithstanding, Mahalingam et al. (2010) further reviewed based on other findings that there are
benefits but 4D technology has not been widely embraced by the construction industry worldwide
because it is a complicated process when used on an actual process that requires coordinated effort.
Also, another issue is the fragmented nature of the industry which makes it difficult for new
technologies to be widely accepted. But overall, 4D models have been shown to enable a diverse
team of participants to collectively make decisions on a project and improve the constructability
and execution strategies, so as to realize gains in site productivity. A problem worth noting is that
building up full details of a 3D model needs a lot of resources such as time and labour. Case studies
have indicated that 4D models help identify design conflicts prior to construction, help bridge gaps

Musa et al. 2015 A Template for the CIB W78 Conference 2015

in skill and knowledge among workers, increase cost control, detect time-space conflicts and ensure
lower rework rates and requests for information during the course of the project (Allen and
Smallwood, 2008; Mahalingam et al, 2009; Li et al, 2009; Wang et al., 2014).

6 Key literature findings, discussions

Traditional methods of scheduling such as the CPM, PERT and Gantt charts are great; however due
to the dynamism and complex nature construction activities, these methods have proved inadequate
to be able to manage the risk associated to project scheduling. This is because they are not flexible
enough to tune to the changing nature of projects resulting in uncertainties, giving rise to the need
for continuous adjustments thereby failing to show how a project really behaves. This consequently
results in schedule delay and as such putting the project at risk. Scheduling risk results in project
beyond completion date which can in turn lead to higher materials and labour cost which are
undesirable. Based on Table 1, software packages for scheduling needed to support the traditional
methods can be classified into two categories-one that is BIM compliant and the other is not. It is
important to understand the connection between BIM compliant and non-BIM compliant scheduling
software systems.

7 Conclusions
The construction industry has been known for its poor project delivery by exceeding completion
time. This can be attributed to so many reasons one of which is poor project planning or scheduling.
In order to properly minimize the risk of schedule delay, proper project management is required.
BIM, which is an emerging tool in the industry, can offer the opportunity to properly manage the
risk of schedule delay. In this manuscript, challenges associated with scheduling have been
reviewed. This led to the identification of common scheduling tools and whether they contain risk
management components as well as whether they can be incorporated into BIM. As part of future
study, the connection between risk, scheduling and BIM will be investigated through practical case

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Proc. of the 32nd CIB W78 Conference 2015, 27th-29th 2015, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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